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Unit 1重点句型

1. It’s _kine of you to __ (你真好) bring me the newspaper.

2. Y ou sh ouldn’t _worry about not having breakfast___ (担心没早饭吃) then.

3. A year __is divided into_ (分成) 12 different ___star signs_ (星座).

4. People born under the same star sign __share similar__ (共有相似特征).

5. Some people think you _are shellish_ (有时自私).

6. Don’t __give up esaily__ (轻言放弃).

7. Y ou like __saving moeny__________________(攒钱).

8. Y ou always ___pay attention to details_____________(注意细节).

9. Y ou love peace and don’t l ike to _________argue with others______(与人争吵).

10. Y ou are a powerful person and have ___lots of energy_____________(许多能量).

11. Y ou like telling jokes and __have_a good sense of humor_______(有幽默感).

12. He is __patient enougu to___________(足够耐心) wait _____without angry_________(不生气).

13. Y ou like to ___dream about_________(幻想) everything.

14. Mr Wu spends a lot of time ___explaining____(向我们解释事情).

15. Daniel is very rich, but he never ___shows of___________(炫耀).

16. If you want ___to learn more details___ (详情)__call Mr Zhang on 5560678_____(请拨打电话55560678找张先生).

17. Look after yourshef or (照顾好自己,否则的话),you will _have problems with haelth_ (身体上出问题).

18. Peter is imaginative enough _to give up_______(想出) new ideas.

19. Don’t be afra id of __make a speech_infront of people_________(在大众前发言).Y ou can speak _infront of all of people in school____________(在全校师生前).

20. We’d like to _recommend______ David __as_____(推荐做) the new chairperson because he has many __many good personal qulities___________(良好的个人品质).

21. He would not ___mind doing more extra_work______________(介意多干活) for __students Union_______________(学生会).

22. We hope that you __agree with us_opinions__________(同意我们的意见).

23. He wants to help himself __get moreorganized________(变得更有组织能力).

24. who__(还有谁) would be suitable? I think you are _the most suitable person____________ (最合适人选) to be the next chairperson.

Unit 2重点句型

1. I _would rather wear________ wear blue _than____ pink.(宁愿…而不愿)

2. There’s __nothing wrong with__________________ (没有毛病) my computer.

3. Blue _looks good on_____________(看上去很好看) you.

4. We live in a world _courful___________ (多彩的).

5. Did you know that colours can _affect our moods______(改变我们的情绪)?

6. Colours can make people _feel sad_______(感到无精打采).

7. Y ou should wear white if you are _feeling stressed____(感到有压力).

8. Orange can ____cheer you up____________(使你打起精神来) when you are feeling sad.

9. Y ellow can ___remind you of________________(使你想起) a warm, sunny day.

10. Red can help when you are ___having diffculuty making a decision____________________(很难做出决定).

11. If you are somebody who needs ___physical strength__________(体能力量), you should wear red clothes.

12. Wearing red __make it easily__________ (使…更容易) for you __to take action______________(采取行动).

13. Y ellow can bring you __wisdom and warm___________(智慧和温暖).

14. She _is worries to much_____(多虑) and often gets stressed.

15. There is someone _in the fitting room_________(在换衣间).

16. We met some friends and _gone to bug clthes_______(去购物买衣服) together.

17. Simon kept _kept making phone__calls to_____(打电话) somebody.

18. Everyone _seemed_______(似乎) have a secret.

19. I __colour it blue _______(把它们涂成蓝色) to bring you peace.

20. David was __in a bad mood______________(情绪不好).

21. We ___promise to help you successfully________________(保证有效), or you will ___get your money back__________(得到退款).

22. Could you __give me some advice _________(给我一些建议)?

23. Red and white are _good match________(一种好搭配), as the powerful red _balances_________(平衡) the calm


24. He _look really like___(看上去确实象) Mr Wu.

25. I want to use colour paper __decorate__ my task


26.Simon __ keeps making phone calls to_________________(不停地打电话) somebody.

27. I can’t _think of anyone to take__________(想到交谈的任何人).

28. She can __advice people what to wear________________(建议人们穿什么颜色).

29. Mrs Rainbow __rubs oil into ____________(把油擦进) people’s heads.

30 .people with pale skin________(白皮肤的人们) and _blonde hair_____(金发) look good in orange and green.

31. Discover_________(发现) how the power of colour___________(颜色的力量) can change your moods and _improve life___________(改善生活).

32. There’s __a bit strange_____________(有点奇怪) about the man.

33. That is why _______________(那就是…原因) he’s wearing red.

34. I found the photo a bit strange, but I __cant_say where strange______________(说不出哪里奇怪).
