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Module 3 随堂小测


( )1.You can find out in the past by reading the book.

A.what is life like

B.how life was like

C.what life was like

D.how was life

( )2. our country gets, the people will be, which is well known.

A.The stronger; the happier

B.The more strong; the more happy

C.The stronger; the happy

D.The strong; the happier

( )3.People today should try to do as much exercise as they .

A.are used to

ed to

C.are used

ed as ( )4.—Ma Ling′s Chinese isn′t so as Wang Ming′s.

—I know them very much. But now Ma Ling studies than Wang Ming does. A.good; harder B.good; hard

C.better; harder

D.better; better

( )5.—Many boy students think maths is English.

—I agree. I′m weak in English.

A.much difficult than

B.so difficult as

C.less difficult than

D.more difficult than

( )6.—Do you often go to concerts?

—No. I go there because the tickets are too expensive.





( )7.It′s quite noisy. Please , or I can′t hear you clearly.

A.stand up

B.speak up

C.look up

D.put up

( )8.He is busy at school, but he never forgets his mum a phone call every day.

A.working; giving

B.work; give

C.working; to give

D.work; to give

( )9.My father in a panda protection centre for 10 years, so he knows a lot about pandas.

A.was working

B.is working

C.has worked

D.will work ( )10.—Which is the safest, by bus, by train or by plane?

—, taking a train is the safest of the three ways.

A.In other words

B.At the same time

C.Generally speaking

D.In another way


One place that is very important in my life is my grandmother′s house.She 11 in a small village in the south of the country.I go there every summer, to visit my grandmother, 12 the city and relax.

The village is just a group of white houses on a hillside with some shops, and it′s 13 peaceful.

One reason why I like it is because it′s a beautiful place.My grandmother has a lovely garden and we always sit 14 the trees, drinking sweet tea and chatting. It′s so pleasant.But the main reason why this place is so important to me is 15 . She is so kind to me, and wonderful to talk to.Also, she′s a great cook and the meals she prepares are simple 16 so fresh and…rich? No, no, I mean tasty.And she′s always giving me eh…What do you call 17 ? —small plates of food during the day, so I always return home feeling calm and refreshed…and 18 !

I wouldn′t like 19 there, though.I prefer living in the city.I′m a city person.I 20 live in a small village where everybody knows each other.I′d rather live in a busy, exciting place.But I really love visiting the villages for holiday. ( )11.A.lived B.will live C.lives D.was living ( )12.A.get up B.get away from C.get to D.get ready for ( )13.A.really B.quietly C.only D.hardly ( )14.A.in B.over C.on D.under

( )15.A.local people B.my friend
