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1. see to /attend to = deal with/ cope with 2. turn to a. ~sb. for help b. My hobby ~ collecting stamps. 3. cater to The film ~ sb’s taste. 4. appeal to a. The film ~/ attract sb. b. ~/call on the public to plant trees. c. ~the law(诉诸于法律) 5. lead to / contribute to / result in / bring about/ give rise to 6. stick to The theory he stuck to turned out right. 7. adapt to / adjust to ~the new environment an adapted novel/ adjust the chair to one’s height 8. submit to / yield to / resign oneself to /give in to submit the application form to the boss 9. correspond to/with = be consistent with/ agree with 10. reply to 11. respond to 12. react to
16. take tห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 17. due to
~ cooking/ taking drugs. His being late for school is due to being ill.(由于) The bill is due to be paid next week.(预期) Due to the storm, the flight due to take off at 9 has been cancelled. 18. object to = be opposed to 19.add to difficulties 20.subscribe to a. =approve of b. ~ Teens 订阅 c. ~ money to the charity 21. Contribute to 造成 / 有助于/ 做贡献/ 捐赠 /投稿
13. apply to This rule applies to everyone. apply /devote /dedicate /commit oneself to apply the theory to practice apply for the job to the company 14. come to a. A good idea struck/ hit/came to/ occurred to me./ I came up with a good idea. b. All the expenses came to / added up to 100 yuan. c. When it comes to maths, I’m at a loss. d. come to (oneself)= come around/round (苏醒) 15. refer to / turn to /consult the dictionary The professor referred to at the meeting is…. When I said someone was stupid, I wasn’t referring to you.