
A Special Bridge or Subway Committee was formed in 1877, chaired by Sir Albert Joseph Altman, to find a solution to the river crossing problem. It opened the design of the crossing to public competition. Over 50 designs were submitted, including one from civil engineer Sir Joseph Bazalgette. The evaluation of the designs was surrounded by controversy, and it was not until 1884 that a design submitted by Sir Horace Jones, the City Architect (who was also one of the judges),[3] was approved.
塔桥(内置1886–1894)是伦敦的一个组合式 结构,悬索桥,英格兰横跨泰晤士河。它靠近 伦敦塔而得名,并已成为伦敦的一个标志性的 符号。
In the second half of the 19th century, increased commercial development in the East End of London led to a requirement for a new river crossing downstream of London Bridge. A traditional fixed bridge could not be built because it would cut off access by tall-masted ships to the port facilities in the Pool of London, between London Bridge and the Tower of London.
The landmarks of UK

建造在威斯敏斯特城内,位于伦敦詹姆士公园(St. James’Park)的西边,从1837年起,英国历代国王都居住在这里Buckingham PalaceBuckingham Palace, the palace of the king. Built in the city of Westminster, is located in London James Park (St. James' Park) on the west side of since 1837, British Kings lived here伦敦塔桥伦敦塔桥,是从英国伦敦泰晤士河口算起的第一座桥,也是伦敦的象征,有“伦敦正门”之称。
该桥始建于1886年,1894年6 月30日对公众开放.London tower bridgeLondon tower bridge, it is the symbol of London, it is called "London main gate," . The bridge was built in 1886, 30 June 1894 open to the public.威斯敏斯特教堂威斯敏斯特教堂,就是著名的西敏寺。
Westminster AbbeyWestminster, is the famous Westminster. Westminster Abbey is crowned king, and he reigned in wedding celebration place, also be the British royal tomb is located.圣保罗大教堂圣保罗大教堂,位于伦敦泰晤士河北岸纽盖特街与纽钱吉街交角处,巴洛克风格建筑的代表,以其壮观的圆形屋顶而闻名,是世界第二大圆顶教堂,St Paul's cathedralSt Paul's cathedral, the representative of the baroque architecture, it is famous for its spectacular round roof,and it is the world's second big dome church大本钟大本钟(Big Ben),或称大笨钟,即威斯敏斯特宫(Palace of Westminster)钟塔,英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼(Clock Tower) 的大报时钟的昵称, ,被视为伦敦的象征、英国的标志,至今BBC 仍每天播出其钟声报时。

伦敦塔桥英语介绍London Tower Bridge is one of the most iconic landmarks in the United Kingdom and a popular tourist attraction. It is located in the heart of London, spanning across the River Thames. The bridge was opened in 1894 and since then, it has become an important part of the city's landscape.The construction of the Tower Bridge was an ambitious project that took eight years to complete. It was designed by Sir Horace Jones, the City Architect of London, and Sir John Wolfe Barry, a prominent civil engineer. The aim was to create a bridge that could accommodate both pedestrian and vehicular traffic, while also allowing large ships to pass underneath.The bridge is made of two towers, connected by two walkways at the upper level. The walkways were originally designed for pedestrians to cross the river, but they were closed in 1910 due to lack of use. Today, the walkways have been converted into a museum and a viewing gallery,offering visitors stunning views of the city.One of the most impressive features of the Tower Bridge is its hydraulic system. The system was installed to raise and lower the bridge when ships needed to pass through. The system was powered by steam engines in the past, but it has been modernized over the years and is now operated by electricity.The Tower Bridge is also famous for its Victorian Gothic architecture. The bridge is adorned with ornate details and intricate carvings, which are a testament to the craftsmanship of the era. The bridge's color is also an important part of its identity. It is painted in a distinctive blue-green color, known as "Tower Bridge Blue."Over the years, the Tower Bridge has become a symbol of London's rich history and cultural heritage. It has been featured in countless films, TV shows, and books, cementing its place as an important icon of the city. The bridge has also become a popular spot for events, including fireworks displays and the annual New Year's Eve celebrations.Visitors to the Tower Bridge can enjoy a variety of activities, including a guided tour of the bridge and its history, a visit to the museum and viewing gallery, andeven a chance to see the bridge raise and lower. The bridge is open to the public every day, and there is no charge to cross the bridge on foot.In conclusion, the Tower Bridge is an iconic landmark in London and a testament to the city's rich history and culture. Its impressive architecture, hydraulic system, and stunning views make it a must-visit destination fortourists and locals alike. Whether you're interested in history, architecture, or simply want to enjoy the sights and sounds of London, the Tower Bridge is an essential stop on your itinerary.。

A Special Bridge or Subway Committee was formed in 1877, chaired by Sir Albert Joseph Altman, to find a solution to the river crossing problem. It opened the design of the crossing to public competition. Over 50 designs were submitted, including one from civil engineer Sir Joseph Bazalgette. The evaluation of the designs was surrounded by controversy, and it was not until 1884
塔桥(内置1886–1894)是伦敦的一个组合式 结构,悬索桥,英格兰横跨泰晤士河。它靠近 伦敦塔而得名,并已成为伦敦的一个标志性的
In the second half of the 19th century, increased commercial development in the East End of London led to a requirement for a new river crossing downstream of London Bridge. A traditional fixed bridge could not be built because it would cut off access by tall-masted ships to the port

Tower Bridge (built 1886–1894) is a combined bascule and suspension bridge in London, England which crosses the River Thames. It is close to the Tower of London, from which it takes its name, and has become an iconic symbol of London.
Construction started in 1887 and took eight years with five major contractors and employed 432 construction workers. E W Crutwell was the resident engineer for the construction.
两座坚固的桥墩共使用了70,000吨水泥,桥塔 和桥身共用了1.1万吨钢铁。桥塔和桥身的钢铁 骨架外铺设花岗岩和波特兰石来保护骨架和增 加美观
Now visitors can walk through in the tower bridge, not be charged.
Visit the tower bridge from the north side of the bridge take the elevator up, watching the bridge for structural engineering, and then from the bridge at high channel across the Thames, river Thames and enjoy on both sides of the beautiful scenery

• 长城[the Great Wall]是中华文明的瑰宝,是世 界文化遗产之一,也是与我国的“国山”泰山、 埃及金字塔齐名的建筑,还是人类的奇迹。在遥 远的两千多年前,是劳动人民以血肉之躯修筑了 万里长城。长城是中国古代人民智慧的结晶,更 是中华民族的象征。
• 加拿大国家电视塔(英文:Canada'sNationalTower, CNTower)高553.33米,造型优美,是世界上最高的自立构造。 位于加拿大安大略省的多伦多市,是该市的标志性建筑,每年有 超过200万人次参观。加拿大国家电视塔由加拿大国家铁路公司 建造于1976年,目的是显示加拿大强大的工业。最初只是被设 计为传送广播电视信号的天线,305米高度处有用于传送预告信 号的微波接收器。而广播天线位于塔的最顶端。电视塔内建有高 447米的金属阶梯,有1,776级,是世界上最高的金属阶梯。这 些阶梯用于紧急用途。
• 目前世界上最高的电视塔,是中国 的广州新电视塔,排名第二的是加 拿大的多伦多电视塔,而第三名就 是俄罗斯莫斯科的奥斯坦金电视塔, 排名第四的是中国的上海东方明珠 广播电视塔,第五位的就是中国天 津的天津广播电视塔。
liberty全名为自由女神铜像国家纪念碑Байду номын сангаас式名称是照耀世界的自由女神位于美国纽约海港内自由岛的哈德逊河口附近
• 伦敦塔桥(英文名:Tower Bridge),伦敦塔桥是 从英国伦敦泰晤士河口算起的第一座桥(泰晤士 河上共建桥15座),也是伦敦的象征,有"伦敦正 门"之称。该桥始建于1886年,1894年6月30日 对公众开放,将伦敦南北区连接成整体。
• • •
自由女神像(英文:Statue Of Liberty),全名为"自由女神铜像国家纪念碑",正式名称 是"照耀世界的自由女神",位于美国纽约海港内自由岛的哈德逊河口附近。是法国于 1876年为纪念美国独立战争期间的美法联盟赠送给美国的礼物,1886年10月28日铜 像落成。 自由女神穿着古希腊风格服装,头戴光芒四射冠冕,七道尖芒象征七大洲。右手高举 象征自由的火炬,左手捧着《独立宣言》;脚下是打碎的手铐、脚镣和锁链,象征着挣 脱暴政的约束和自由。 自由女神像是美国的象征,美利坚民族和美法人民友谊象征,表达美国人民争取民主、 自由的崇高理想。对成千上万个来美移民来说,自由女神是摆脱旧世界的贫困和压迫 的保证,自由女神像成了美国的象征。 1984年,美国自由女神铜像国家纪念碑列入世界遗产名录,其内涵被广泛用于各种领 域。

伦敦塔桥介绍英文Nestled in the heart of London, the Tower Bridge stands as a symbol of the city's rich history and engineering prowess. Spanning the River Thames, this iconic structure offers a fascinating glimpse into the past, while also embodying the spirit of innovation and modernity.Opened in 1894, the Tower Bridge is a testament to the engineering genius of the Victorian era. Designed by Sir Horace Jones and Sir John Wolfe Barry, it was built to replace an older bridge that had become outdated and inadequate for the growing city. The bridge's unique design, with two bascule sections that can be raised to allow ships to pass, was a revolutionary concept at the time.The Tower Bridge's bascule sections, which can beraised in approximately two minutes, are a remarkable featof engineering. Each section weighs approximately 1,000tons and is raised using a hydraulic system powered bywater stored in tanks beneath the bridge. This system,which was cutting-edge technology in its day, stilloperates efficiently today.The bridge's Victorian Gothic architecture is as much a part of its charm as its engineering achievements. The intricate latticework of the towers and the elegant stone arches that span the river give the bridge a timeless elegance that has stood the test of time. At night, the bridge is illuminated by beautiful lights that highlightits architectural details and create a magical atmosphere. In addition to its practical and aesthetic value, the Tower Bridge has also become a symbol of London'sresilience and spirit. During the Blitz of World War II, the bridge was damaged by bombs, but it was quickly repaired and reopened, a testament to the city's resilience and spirit.Today, the Tower Bridge is not only a vital part of London's transport infrastructure, but also a popular tourist attraction. Visitors can take a guided tour of the bridge to learn about its history and engineering, or simply enjoy the views from the bridge's walkways.The Tower Bridge is a remarkable testament to the engineering genius of the Victorian era and the resilience of the city of London. Its unique design, beautifularchitecture, and storied history make it a must-see destination for anyone visiting the city.**伦敦塔桥的传奇与魅力**伦敦市中心,矗立着一座象征着这座城市丰富历史和工程实力的标志性建筑——伦敦塔桥。

A Special Bridge or Subway Committee was formed in 1877, chaired by Sir Albert Joseph Altman, to find a solution to the river crossing problem. It opened the design of the crossing to public competition. Over 50 designs were submitted, including one from civil engineer Sir Joseph Bazalgette. The evaluation of the designs was surrounded by controversy, and it was not until 1884 that a design submitted by Sir Horace Jones, the City Architect (who was also one of the judges),[3] was approved.
Tower Bridge (built 1886–1894) is a combined bascule and suspension bridge in London, England which crosses the River Thames. It is close to the Tower of London, from which it takes its name, and has become an iconic symbol of London.

伦敦塔桥的英语介绍London Tower Bridge is one of the most iconic landmarks in London, England. It is a combined bascule and suspension bridge that crosses the River Thames, connecting the City of London with Southwark. The bridge was opened in 1894 and has since become a symbol of the city.The Tower Bridge is a marvel of Victorian engineering, with its distinctive twin towers and intricate detailing. Visitors can walk across the high-level walkways, which offer panoramic views of the River Thames and the city skyline. The bridge is also famous for its bascules, which can be raised to allow tall ships to pass through.In addition to its architectural significance, the Tower Bridge is also home to the Tower Bridge Exhibition, where visitors can learn about the history and construction of the bridge through interactive displays and exhibits.中文翻译:伦敦塔桥是英格兰伦敦最具标志性的地标之一。

介绍伦敦塔桥的英语小作文英文作文:Title: The Tower Bridge of LondonThe Tower Bridge is an iconic landmark in London, England. It is located near the Tower of London and spans across the River Thames. This magnificent structure was designed by Horace Jones and John Wolfe Barry andpleted in 1894.The Tower Bridge is abined bascule and suspension bridge. Its most striking feature is its two towers that are connected by two walkways at high level. These towers stand tall at 65 meters and are built with Cornish granite and Portland stone. They house the machinery that allows the central section of the bridge to be raised, providing clearance for large vessels passing through.The bridge's Victorian Gothic style makes it unique among London's many bridges. At night, the bridge is beautifully lit up, adding a touch of magic to the cityscape.One can visit the Tower Bridge Exhibition where one can learn about the history of the bridge and experience stunning views of the city from the high-level walkways and glass floor.In summary, the Tower Bridge is not only a functional piece of infrastructure but also a symbol of London's rich history and architectural prowess.中文作文:题目:伦敦塔桥伦敦塔桥是英国伦敦的一个标志性建筑,它位于伦敦塔附近,横跨泰晤士河。
伦敦塔桥中英文简介 (课堂PPT)

1876年一个特别委员会成立来讨论这个过河问题的解 决方案。它开始了一个方案设计竞赛,一共收到了50 个不同的方案。但此后的讨论却拖延了许多时间和导 致了很多激烈的辩论,最后这个委员会于1884年决定 采用霍拉斯·琼斯的方案。霍拉斯·琼斯本人也是评审委 员会的一员
1886年伦敦塔桥开建,建造共历时8年,5 个主要建筑公司和共432建筑工人参与工 程
Two massive piers, containing over 70,000 tons of concrete, were sunk into the riverbed to support the construction. Over 11,000 tons of steel provided the framework for the towers and walkways. This was then clad in Cornish granite and Portland stone, both to protect the underlying steelwork and to give the bridge a pleasing appearance
塔桥(内置1886–1894)是伦敦的一个组合式 结构,悬索桥,英格兰横跨泰晤士河。它靠近 伦敦塔而得名,并已成为伦敦的一个标志性的 符号。
In the second half of the 19th century, increased commercial development in the East End of London led to a requirement for a new river crossing downstream of London Bridge. A traditional fixed bridge could not be built because it would cut off access by tall-masted ships to the port facilities in the Pool of London, between London Bridge and the Tower of London.
Tower Bridge 伦敦塔桥

Tower Bridge 伦敦塔桥You can see the Tower of London from the top of Tower Bridge Finn: Quick Lily, come and see - the bridge is opening! Lily:Oh yes Finn - that's cool! Down there you can see the boat going through.Finn:Today in On the Town from BBC Learning English, we've come to the famous Tower Bridge in London.Lily:Tower Bridge。
Finn: And right now we're standing on the high walkway between the two towers.Lily: The walkway。
Finn: Here's Jess, who works for Tower Bridge, to tell us more.InsertWe're actually standing on the high level walkways of Tower Bridge. From here we can see St. Paul's Cathedral and the London Eye and lots of very famous sights of London, so the view from up here is absolutely fantastic.Lily:是啊,这里的风景真是太漂亮了!Finn: Fantastic!Lily: Jess给我们介绍说,从这里我们可以看到伦敦的圣保罗大教堂St. Paul's,还有伦敦巨眼摩天轮 London Eye,以及其它一些著名的伦敦景,sights。

伦敦塔中英文介绍The Tower of London: A Captivating Journey Through HistoryThe Tower of London stands as a testament to the rich and complex history of England, serving as a fortress, a palace, and a prison over the centuries. This iconic structure, located on the north bank of the River Thames, has witnessed countless pivotal events that have shaped the nation's past. From its strategic role in military conflicts to its role as a royal residence and a site of political intrigue, the Tower of London has earned its place as one of the most famous and captivating landmarks in the world.The origins of the Tower of London can be traced back to the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. William the Conqueror, the first Norman king of England, ordered the construction of the White Tower, the central keep of the fortress, as a symbol of his power and a means of controlling the city of London. Over the centuries, the Tower has undergone numerous expansions and renovations, with each successive monarch adding their own unique architectural touches and fortifications.One of the most significant features of the Tower of London is itsrole as a royal residence. Throughout its history, the Tower has served as a palace for many English monarchs, including William the Conqueror, Richard the Lionheart, and Henry VIII. These rulers used the Tower as a safe haven, a place to host lavish banquets and ceremonies, and a location from which to exercise their political power. The Tower's Royal Armories, which house an impressive collection of historical weapons and armor, offer visitors a glimpse into the military might and pageantry of the English monarchy.However, the Tower of London is perhaps best known for its dark and ominous past as a prison and place of execution. Over the centuries, the Tower has held countless political prisoners, including members of the royal family, nobles, and religious dissenters. Some of the most famous prisoners include Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard, and Lady Jane Grey, all of whom were executed within the Tower's walls. The Bloody Tower, where the young Princes in the Tower are believed to have been murdered, is particularly infamous and has become a symbol of the Tower's grim history.Despite its grim past, the Tower of London has also played a crucial role in the defense of the realm. During times of war and political upheaval, the Tower has served as a formidable fortress, protecting the city of London from invaders and rebels. Its impressive walls, towers, and moat have withstood numerous sieges and attacks, testament to the skill and ingenuity of its military architects anddefenders.Today, the Tower of London is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most popular tourist attractions in the United Kingdom. Visitors can explore the various buildings and towers, including the Crown Jewels, the Yeoman Warders (also known as "Beefeaters"), and the legendary ravens that reside within the Tower's walls. The Tower's rich history is brought to life through guided tours, interactive exhibits, and the storytelling of the Yeoman Warders, who regale visitors with tales of intrigue, betrayal, and triumph.As one walks through the Tower's winding passages and examines its imposing architecture, it is impossible not to be captivated by the sheer weight of history that permeates every inch of the site. The Tower of London stands as a testament to the resilience and endurance of the English nation, a living museum that invites visitors to step back in time and explore the complex and fascinating story of this iconic landmark.。

London's Iconic Tower BridgeNestled in the heart of London, Tower Bridge stands as a timeless testament to the city's rich history and engineering prowess. Spanning the River Thames, it is not just a bridge that connects the City of London with Southwark, but also a symbol of London's resilience and adaptability.Built between 1886 and 1894, Tower Bridge was designed by Sir Horace Jones and Sir John Wolfe Barry and is a prime example of Victorian engineering excellence. The bridge's distinctive design features two towers connected by a horizontal walkway, which give it its namesake. These towers, each adorned with crenellated parapets and arrowslits, pay homage to the medieval towers that once guarded the entrance to London.One of the most remarkable features of Tower Bridge is its bascules, or moveable sections, which can be raised to allow ships to pass through. This mechanism, operated by steam engines until 1976, is still a sight to behold when in action, drawing crowds of tourists and locals alike. Theraised bascules create a gap of over 65 feet, allowing even the largest ships to navigate the river unobstructed.Tower Bridge's historical significance is further enhanced by its association with numerous famous events and figures. It has witnessed the processions of royalty, including Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee in 1897, and has been a backdrop for numerous films and television programs, including the iconic chase scene in the movie "The Italian Job".Today, Tower Bridge is not just a functional thoroughfare but also a major tourist attraction. Visitors can take a guided tour of the bridge, learn about its engineering marvels, and enjoy panoramic views of the River Thames and the cityscape from the walkways. The bridge's towers are also open to the public, offering a unique perspective of London's skyline.In conclusion, Tower Bridge is much more than just a bridge; it is a symbol of London's rich history, engineering prowess, and cultural identity. Its beauty, functionality, and historical significance continue tocaptivate visitors from around the world, making it one of the most visited landmarks in the city.**伦敦的标志性建筑——塔桥**伦敦市中心的塔桥,不仅是一座连接伦敦市与南岸的桥梁,更是这座城市丰富历史和卓越工程技术的永恒见证。
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• Two massive piersof concrete, were sunk into the riverbed to support the construction. Over 11,000 tons of steel provided the framework for the towers and walkways. This was then clad in Cornish granite and Portland stone, both to 两 和pthr座桥oet坚身berc固 共itdtg的 用hee桥 了au墩1pn.lde共1万ea使srl吨iyn用ig钢n了ga铁ps7pt0。ee,e桥0al0rwa塔0on吨和rck水e桥a泥n身d,的t桥o钢g塔铁ive
Tower Bridge
• Tower Bridge (built 1886–1894) is a combined bascule and suspension bridge in London, England which crosses the River Thames. It is close to the Tower of London, from which it takes its name, and has become an iconic symbol of London.
• 琼斯的设计是一座244米长的开启桥,桥有 两个桥塔,每个塔高65米。桥的中部长61 米,分为上下2层。上层高而窄,可作为人 行道。下层是主通道,分为两扇桥段,每 扇可以竖起到83度来让河流交通通过。这 两扇桥段各重上千吨,它们的轴位于它们
它们可以在一分钟内升起。一开始这个升 降装置是液压的,为此它有六个水库来产
• Construction started in 1887 and took eight years with five major contractors and employed 432 construction workers. E W Crutwell was the resident engineer for the construction. 1886年伦敦塔桥开建,建造共历时8年,5 个主要建筑公司和共432建筑工人参与工程
• 1876年一个特别委员会成立来讨论这个过
河问题的解决方案。它开始了一个方案设 计竞赛,一共收到了50个不同的方案。但
此后的讨论却拖延了许多时间和导致了很 多激烈的辩论,最后这个委员会于1884年 决定采用霍拉斯·琼斯的方案。霍拉斯·琼斯 本人也是评审委员会的一员
• Jones' engineer, Sir John Wolfe Barry, devised the idea of a bascule bridge with two bridge towers built on piers. The central span was split into two equal bascules or leaves, which could be raised to allow river traffic to pass. The two side-spans were suspension bridges, with the suspension rods anchored both at the abutments and through rods contained within the bridge's upper walkways
• A Special Bridge or Subway Committee was formed in 1877, chaired by Sir Albert Joseph Altman, to find a solution to the river crossing problem. It opened the design of the crossing to public competition. Over 50 designs were submitted, including one from civil engineer Sir Joseph Bazalgette. The evaluation of the designs was surrounded by controversy, and it was not until 1884 that a design submitted by Sir Horace Jones, the City Architect (who was
19世Lo纪n下d半o叶n,, b随e着tw伦敦ee经n济L的o发n展d城on市东B部rid越g来e越a紧n要d地t需he要一座横跨 泰和晤伦To士敦w河塔e的之r桥间o梁,f 。假Lo但如n这新d座 桥o桥 太n不 低. 能 的是 话传 船统 就的 无桥 法, 开因 到为 码当 头时了的。码头位于伦敦桥
塔桥(内置1886–1894)是伦敦的一个组合式 结构,悬索桥,英格兰横跨泰晤士河。它靠近 伦敦塔而得名,并已成为伦敦的一个标志性的 符号。
• In the second half of the 19th century, increased commercial development in the East End of London led to a requirement for a new river crossing downstream of London Bridge. A traditional fixed bridge could not be built because it would cut off access by tall-masted ships to the port facilities in the Pool of