
【Accor is the European First Hotel group, Accor Hotels Group owns 4000 hotels and 170000 employees worldwide, 90 countries across five continents, about 500000 rooms.】雅高酒店集团旗下酒店品牌:Hotel F1, Etap'Hôtel, Suitehotel, Ibis (宜必思), Mercure(美居), Novotel(诺富特), Sofitel(索菲特), Motel6/Studio6, Red Roof Inns, Accor Thalassa, Pullman(铂尔曼), All Seasons该企业品牌在世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)编制的2006年度《世界品牌500强》排行榜中名列第二百五十九。
【Accor Group is headquartered in Paris, was founded in 1967, is Europe's largest hotel group】截至2004年底,法国雅高集团拥有15.8万个员工,饭店业务涉及140个国家,是欧洲饭店、餐饮行业的领导企业,也是世界大的饭店和服务集团之一。
【As of the end of 2004, the French Accor Group has 158000 employees, the hotel business involving 140 countries, is the European hotel, catering industry leading enterprises, is also one of the big hotels and services group. Accor has about 4000 restaurants in the world, from economy to luxury hotels, Accor provides a full range of different grades of hotel service, to meet the needs of different levels of customer demand.】法国雅高酒店集团在全世界拥有4000家酒店和17万员工,遍布五大洲的90个国家,约500,000个房间。
饭店英语 雅高

Network: 732 hotels, 89,273 rooms in 50 countries. Guests: 56% business – 44% leisure.
The brand covers two product ranges
trendy midscale aparthotels located in the heart of leading cities
Grand Mercure (Mei Jue)
designe Chinese Adoption of Grand Mercure
雅高集团的历史品牌 the Accor Group The historical brand of 开始于1967年,诺富特是一个四星级的 Born in 1967, Novotel is a 4-stars International 国际中级品牌分布于主要城市以及旅游 midscale brand for business & leisure travelers, 胜地,为商务散客和商务团体以及度假 with hotels located in the heart of major 客人提供达国际标准的住宿及服务,让客 international cities, business districts and 人充分体验物有所值。 tourist destinations. Suite Novotel所提供的中端酒店主要分布 Suite Novotel offers midscale hotels located 在市中心,其另类、前卫的精神,邀请 mainly in city centers,whose off-beat, avant住店客人享受一个完全不同的酒店生活 garde spirit invites medium-stay guests to 体验。 enjoy a totally different hotel living experience. 通过30平米的套房提供一系列的创新服 Guest needs are met around the clock with 务。满足客人的需求与模块化 modular 30 sq.m. Suites and a range of innovative services.

其主要酒店品牌包括:索菲特Sofitel (豪华型):具世界一流水准的酒店,追求完美的索菲特集商务与休闲为一体,为游客们提供一流水准,环境舒适,服务优良,气氛高雅的私人休闲场所。
诺富特Novotel (高级):诺富特为具有国际一流水准的现代化商务酒店。
美居酒店Mercure (多层中级市场品牌):包括三种标准的酒店,旅馆。
宜必思酒店Ibis (经济型):以其简朴,服务质量高,经济实惠而享誉欧洲,其声誉在正迅速发展的亚洲太平洋地区有极强的品牌效应,并拥有来自国内外,乃至整个区域的游客。

IV. The Development of Modern HotelsIn 1960s, the development of new locations fueled the expansion of the U.S. hotel industry. Prior to that time, hotels were built primarily in city centers and resort areas. As commerce and industry spread from urban centers to rural, suburban, and airport locations, hotel companies like Hilton, Sheraton, and Marriott recognized opportunities to develop their brands in these new locations.Although it is best known for the birth of disco, the early 1970s was also a boom time for hotel expansion. For example the completion of the U.S. interstate highway system, along with aggressive sales activity by the major brands, opened new markets in many previously inaccessible cities and towns. In response to this surge in hotel development, companies developed multiple brands aimed at different segments of the traveling public.Several new concepts or facilities were introduced into hotel industry during this period, such as minibar (a small refrigerator displaying products) in 1960, 21-story atrium(中庭)lobby first constructed in Atlanta Hyatt Regency in 1967 and 24-hour room service first implemented by Westin in 1969 Segmentation was heaviest in the lower-priced portions of the industry, as budget and economy chains attempted to distinguish themselves from their competitors.In the mid-1970s, the Arab oil embargo and the subsequent U.S. energy crisis, with its gas shortages, gas rationing(定量配给), and higher oil and gas prices, crippled the travel industry. Inflation also had a dramatic impact on the lodging industry during this period. As the cost of borrowing funds for new hotel development soared, development all ceased.Pampering the hotel guest was the strategy of the 1980s. Room and bathroom amenities——specialty soaps, sewing kits, mouthwash, shampoo, and a variety of other personal-care items——could be found in most hotels, whatever the rate category. Of course, the higher-rate hotels provided the most elaborate amenity packages. Some first-class and luxury hotels set aside one or more guest floors as "club" areas. For a higher rate, club guests could enjoy a number of special services, including an exclusive club desk for check-in and check-out, and complimentary breakfasts, afternoon teas, evening cocktails, and before-bed snacks served in the club's private lounge.In the early 1990s, the concept of quality service as differentiating factor came to the fore. Hotel companies implemented quality-assurance programs and referred to the quality of their service in their advertising. For the first time, a hotel company—The Ritz-Carlton—won the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. It received the award for the first time in 1992. In 1999 it won the award for the second time. This stood as recognition for its continuous improvement towards quality. Ritz-Carlton implemented total quality management (TMQ) as a means of winning the award and improving its service.Total quality management refers to managerial actions to meet customers need according to control to all the service procedures and consistent improvement of service quality among all departments, all staff and all the service programs.The concept of TQM rests largely on six principles:Produce quality work the first time..........Focus on the customer(internal and exter...customer).................nalL.eadership..................and strategyImprove continuously....................Encourage mutual respect and teamwork..........Empower....... the employees to do whatever to achieve hotel goals.Team’s homework: Make a research on the Ritz-Carlton hotel by internet and find out how it managed to accomplish the six principles. Systemize what you find and prepare a presentation for all the other students in the next class.At the end of the twentieth-century and the beginning of the twenty-first, mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and information technology changed lodging's competitive environment both here and abroad.The hospitality industry is currently one of the world’s largest employers, and the job outlook for the future is just as favorable. Hospitality is one of the few industries in which it is still possible to weather bad economic conditions, break ground in new markets, and lead their operations into the future.V. The Appendix:Twelve world famous hotel groups.1. 希尔顿酒店集团公司(Hilton Hotels Corporation):希尔顿国际酒店集团(HI),为总部设于英国的希尔顿集团公司旗下分支,拥有除美国外全球范围内“希尔顿”商标的使用权。

十大酒店集团简介NO.1.InterContinenTal洲际酒店集团(英)小注:IHG集团旗下有Inter Continental(洲际)、Crowne plaza(皇冠假日)、Holiday Inn(假日酒店)、Express By Holiday Inn(快捷假日)、Candlewood、Staybridge、Indigo 7个品牌,其中前4个是酒店品牌,后3个是公寓品牌。
2005年,高蓄来(Andrew Cosslett)甫一接手全球最大的酒店集团之一的洲际酒店集团。
重点品牌简介:名称:洲际档次:5星-白金5星中华区数量:5家香港洲际酒店海景嘉福酒店上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店北京金融街洲际酒店沈阳洲际酒店中华区旗舰店:香港洲际酒店(全港最贵酒店)即将开业:九寨天堂洲际酒店、深圳华侨城洲际酒店、北京北辰洲际酒店(奥运主会场酒店)品牌简介:Inter Continental是集团内的顶级品牌(曾经是全球酒店业顶级奢华品牌之一,与Ritz-Carlton、Four Seasons齐名,自从被六洲集团收购后,品质大不如从前,一个没落的一流品牌),近年来随着洲际集团的迅速扩张,Inter Continental这个牌子已陆续出现在国内一、二城市中。
Inter Continental和奥林匹克是全球合作伙伴,一般而言,举办过奥运会或是有奥林匹克中心的城市大都会在主会场附近有一座Inter Continental酒店。

雅高集团致力于成为行业内领先的品牌,为 客户提供高品质的产品和服务。
通过多种渠道和方式,积极传播企业品牌形 象,提高品牌知名度和美誉度。
雅高集团以专业、创新、可靠的形象展示给 客户,树立良好的品牌口碑。
与行业内优秀的合作伙伴建立长期合作关系 ,共同推动业务发展。
雅高集团提供金融服务, 包括酒店投资、资产管理 、保险等业务,为客户提 供一站式的解决方案。
雅高集团提供市场营销和 品牌推广服务,帮助客户 提升品牌知名度和市场占 有率。
雅高集团提供技术支持服 务,包括酒店管理系统、 预订系统、客户关系管理 系统等技术解决方案。
03 组织架构
雅高集团拥有多个在线旅 游平台,提供机票、酒店 、签证、旅游保险等全方 位的旅游服务。
雅高集团的旅游平台提供 定制服务,根据客户需求 量身定制旅游行程,提供 个性化的旅游体验。
雅高集团与全球众多旅游 供应商建立了合作关系, 为客户提供更丰富、更优 惠的旅游产品和服务。
04 企业文化
始终将客户的需求放在首位, 致力于提供超越客户期望的服
鼓励员工勇于创新,不断探索 新的业务模式和产品。
倡导团队协作,共同为实现企 业目标努力。

• 万达集团拥有中国唯一的专业酒店投资建设团 万达酒店建设有限公司, 队——万达酒店建设有限公司,能够独立完成五 万达酒店建设有限公司 星级酒店的投资、设计和建设,并与凯悦、 星级酒店的投资、设计和建设,并与凯悦、希尔 顿、雅高、喜达屋、洲际等一批世界顶级酒店管 喜达屋、 理集团建立合作关系。目前,该公司已开业运营7 理集团建立合作关系。目前,该公司已开业运营7 家五星级酒店,计划到2010 2010年运营的五星级或超 家五星级酒店,计划到2010年运营的五星级或超 五星级酒店达到14 14家 五星级酒店达到14家,成为中国领先的高级酒店 开发与运营企业。预计到2012 2012年 开发与运营企业。预计到2012年,该公司力争拥 45家已开业的五星级或超五星级酒店 家已开业的五星级或超五星级酒店, 有45家已开业的五星级或超五星级酒店,成为全 球领先的高级酒店开发与运营企业。 球领先的高级酒店开发与运营企业。
成都索菲特万达大饭店荣获 年度最佳国际商务休闲酒店” “2009年度最佳国际商务休闲酒店” 年度最佳国际商务休闲酒店 年度最佳婚宴主题酒店” “2009年度最佳婚宴主题酒店”奖 年度最佳婚宴主题酒店
• • • • • • • • • 首家索菲特酒店于法国斯特拉斯堡开业。 1964 : 首家索菲特酒店于法国斯特拉斯堡开业。 索菲特酒店在美国明尼阿波利斯及明尼苏达州隆重开业。 1974 : 索菲特酒店在美国明尼阿波利斯及明尼苏达州隆重开业。 雅高集团诞生。 1983 : 雅高集团诞生。 个国家/地区, 家酒店、 1995 : 索菲特酒店网络遍布全球 40 个国家/地区,拥有 100 家酒店、 12,500名员工 名员工。 18,472 间客房以及 12,500名员工。 索菲特加入雅高集团,成为其旗下众多品牌之一。 1997 : 索菲特加入雅高集团,成为其旗下众多品牌之一。 年迎来两大盛事: 2000 : 索菲特在 2000 年迎来两大盛事:继 10 年来未在美国开设新酒店 的平静之后,在费城市中心及纽约市时代广场的索菲特酒店相继开业。 的平静之后,在费城市中心及纽约市时代广场的索菲特酒店相继开业。 国际业务拓展主要成就: 索菲特在欧洲(伦敦、马赛、科隆)、 )、非 2002 : 国际业务拓展主要成就: 索菲特在欧洲(伦敦、马赛、科隆)、非 马拉喀什)、北美(芝加哥、华盛顿、蒙特利尔)、南美(基多) )、北美 )、南美 洲(马拉喀什)、北美(芝加哥、华盛顿、蒙特利尔)、南美(基多)及亚 上海、曼谷)等地开设新酒店。 洲(上海、曼谷)等地开设新酒店。 家酒店,其中包括在德国、荷兰、 2004 : 索菲特新开 31 家酒店,其中包括在德国、荷兰、奥地利及西班牙 酒店。 的 20 家 Dorint 酒店。 索菲特继续其业务拓展,并在亚洲、澳大利亚、新西兰、斐济群岛、 2005 : 索菲特继续其业务拓展,并在亚洲、澳大利亚、新西兰、斐济群岛、 突尼斯、英国及西班牙等地开设新酒店。 突尼斯、英国及西班牙等地开设新酒店。

Accor, the European leader in hotels and tourism, and a global leader in corporate services, operates in nearly 100 countries with 150,000 employ ees worldwide.With over 300 hotels and resorts in the Asia Pacific region, Accor's properties are based in 18 countries around Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, and this continues to grow.Accor offers to its individual and corporate clients 40 years of expertis e in its two core businesses of hotels and services to corporate clients a nd public institutions.• Hotels:4,000 hotels and 500,000 rooms in 90 countries. Accor hot el brands include Sofitel, Pullman, M Gallery, Novotel, Mercure, Ibi s, All Seasons, and Formule 1, as well as the Suitehotel, Etap Hote l and Motel 6brands operating outside the Asia Pacific region.• Services to corporate clients and public institutions: 30 millio n people in 40 countries benefit from Accor Services products, including people care, incentive and loyalty programs.Sofitel Hotels and ResortsAccor's 5-star luxury brand offers 165 prestigious hotels and resorts in the world's most desired business, cultural and resort destinations and s uccessfully blends its French origins with the authenticity of local cultures. Distinctive flair is complemented by the highest levels of service, the mo st up-to-date technological facilities, the finest cuisine and indulgent spas. Sofitel is your rendezvous with the exceptional.Pullman HotelsPullman redefines five-star hospitality and is designed for the tech-sav vy business traveller. Flowing spaces, warm staff and leading edge techn ology offer the optimal balance of calm, connectivity and conviviality. Boa sting superior meeting facilities, effortless connectivity and sophisticated di ning, Pullman hotels are more than places to relax. They are places of tr anquility for living, meeting and interacting - in short, spaces with doors open to the world and to others.M Gallery HotelsM Gallery is a selection of truly exceptional hotels, offering guests a wholly unique experience. Each M Gallery hotel boasts a strong, individual personality, complete with signature 'Unique Pleasures', and is distinctive in terms of its notable history, superb location, exceptional design or stri king vision.Grand MercureGrand Mercure is a distinctive collection of unique properties renowned for their individuality and the quality of the guest experience. From ski c halets and historic country manor houses to spacious apartments in outst anding locations, the Grand Mercure collection encompasses hotels and a partments in prime city and country locations. Each stands apart due to t he space, quality and comfort offered - and each one is original, expressi ng the spirit of their region.Novotel Hotels and ResortsNovotel Hotels and Resorts are designed for natural living with tranqui l, open spaces where roaming travellers feel at home. Business and leisur e guests can recharge their batteries and enjoy the rhythm of the city to its fullest with comfortable rooms, a full range of facilities and warm, fri endly service. With 80 hotels and resorts, Novotel has established a stron g presence in Asia Pacific, offering convenient, modern hotels in prime bu siness centres and some of the world's favourite holiday destinations such as Cairns, Coffs Harbour, Rotorua, Queenstown, Bali and Phuket.Mercure HotelsEach country, region and city is different, just as each Mercure hotel i s different. With almost 50 hotels in city centres, business or historic dist ricts and tourist destinations around Asia Pacific, the colourful and conte mporary world of Mercure embraces the flavours of the local region. A ra nge of initiatives, including delectable new food and beverage options, en sures everything remains in harmony with both the local environment and guests' needs.All Seasons Hotels and ResortsAll Seasons hotels understand your needs - offering all the best hotel basics at an affordable price. Located in terrific holiday and regional locat ions, All Seasons hotels provide guests with the distinctive character of th e hotel combined with a friendly welcome. Offering fantastic value, enhan ced technology, welcoming public areas, and a strong family focus, the Al l Seasons network currently offers close to 30 hotels in the Asia Pacific r egion and continues to grow.Ibis HotelsRecognised for their quality, simplicity and value for money, Ibis hotel s make business and holiday travel a breeze. Rooms are pleasantly furnis hed with contemporary decor, all featuring en suite bathrooms and televis ions with cable services. There are currently almost 50 Ibis hotels in Asia Pacific with convenient locations in city, regional and suburban areas, an d the brand continues to expand. With 24-hour food and beverage offeri ngs and a 15-minute service guarantee, Ibis are hotels the way you like them.Formule 1 HotelsFormule 1 hotels set the benchmark for budget accommodation, sleepi ng up to three or four people in comfortable, contemporary surroundings. One of the fastest-growing hotel brands in Australia, Formule 1 offers c onsistency and value with more than 20 hotels located in key city and re gional areas. Its room design, cleanliness and locations conveniently close to airports, transport and food outlets, make it the best value choice.。
介绍十大酒店集团 英文

ACCOR HOTELMain Hotel:Sofitel、Pullman、 Mgallery、Grand Mercure、Novotel、Mercure、IbisService People:Sofitel: Service for lovers.Pullman: Service for business man.Mgallery:Service for regal.Grand Mercure:Service for some people who have curiosity andlove China and French culture.Novotel:Service for business man and leisure travelers.Mercure:Service for traveling on business and leisure trip.Ibis:A economy hotelWyndham HotelMain Hotel:Days Inn、 Ramada 、Howard Johnson、Super 8、Wyndham、Wingate Inn、Travelodge、Baymont Inn、Knights Inn、AmeriHost InnService People:Days Inn:Service for rich man.Super:A economy hotel.Ramada:Service for traveling on business and leisure travelers.Howard Johnson:Service for business man.Wyndham:Service for business man.Travelodge:Service for General customers.Knights Inn:Service for business man.InterContinental HotelsMain Hotel: Crowne Plaza、Holiday Inn、InterContinental、Staybridge SuitesService People:Crowne Plaza:Service for business man.Holiday Inn:Service for traveling on business and leisure travelers.InterContinental:Service for International business travelers and leisure travelers.hilton hotelsMain Hotel:Hilton、DoubleTree by Hilton、Conrad、Hilton Garden Inn、Embassy Suite、 Hilton Grand Vacations、The Wardolf Astoria Collection、Hampton、Homewood SuitesService People:Hilton:Service for traveling on business and leisure travelers.DoubleTree by Hilto:A middle grade hotelConrad:A luxury brand ,it is service for International business travelers and leisure travelersHilton Garden Inn:Service for passenges who is looking for high quality and reasonable priceEmbassy Suite:The largest hotel suiteHilton Grand Vacations:Service for casual customersThe Wardolf Astoria Collection:A economy hotelHampton:Service for leisure travelers who want to enjoylifeHomewood Suites: Service for long-term guests,for example abig familyStarwood Hotels & Resorts WorldwideMain Hotel:St.Regis、 Four Points. Westin、 The Luxury Collection、W Hotels、 SheratonService People:St.Regis:The most exclusive hotels in the world,and it is service for travelers who want to own personal serviceFour Points:Service for business man and leisure travelers. Westin:Service for business manThe Luxury Collection:Service for upper man who want to Unique enjoymentW Hotels:Service for traveling on business and leisuretravelersSheraton:Service for customers who want to be a warm atmosphereHome Inns GroupMain Hotel: Home Inn、 Motel168 、 YitelService People:Home Inn: A economy hotelYitel: Service for traveling on business and leisure tripMotel168: Service for individualistic customers, its stylish designs would Provides differet accommodation erperienceHyattMain Hotel: Hyatt Regency、Grand Hyatt、Park Hyatt、Andaz、Hyatt Place、Hyatt HouseService People:Hyatt RegencyThe pursuit of personalized service and elegant European-style FITGrand Hyatt : Businessmen and leisure travelersPark Hyatt : Rich menAndaz:Leisure travelers and holiday travelersHyatt Place:BusinessmenHyatt House: leisure travelers and holiday travelersMarriott International, Inc. HotelsMain Hotel:Marriott Hotels & Resorts、JW Marriott Hotels & Resorts、Renaissance Hotels & Resorts、Courtyard、Residence Inn、Fairfield Inn、Spring Hill Suites、Marriott Vacation Club、Ramada Plaza、Ritz-CarltonService People:Marriott Hotels & Resorts:Administrative and BusinessmenJW Marriott Hotels & Resorts: Businessmen and leisure travelersRenaissance Hotels & Resorts: Rich men and holiday travelers Courtyard:Businessmen and leisure travelersResidence Inn: Long stay travelersFairfield Inn:Leisure travelersSpring Hill Suites:Businessmen and leisure travelersMarriott Vacation Club:Businessmen and holiday travelers Ramada Plaza:Businessmen and leisure travelersRitz-Carlton:Leisure travelers and holiday travelersShangri-laMain Hotel:Shangri-laService People:Shangri-la:Holiday travelersNEW CenturyMain Hotel:New Century Grand Hotel、New Century Resorts、New Century Hotels、Manju Hotels、Cultural Theme HotelService People:New Century Grand Hotel: The main target customers are the high-end customers, large and medium-sized enterprises, government communication meeting, protocols, meeting and incentive travel, leisure vacation soonNew Century Resorts: Main target customers are high-end leisure and tourism vacation individual team,incentive travel and meetings, BBS high-end association conference, and vacation property owners and timeshare vacation club ownersNew Century Hotels: Main target customers are business customers, large and medium-sized enterprises, government communication meeting, protocols, meeting and incentive travel, leisure vacation groups and individual clientsManju Hotels: The main target customers are focus on cost-effective business travelers,leisure travelers and individual clientsCultural Theme Hotel: The main target customers are business celebrity, literati, high-end customers' market ,high-end reception, such as urban elite market, small high-level team。

【Accor is the European First Hotel group, Accor Hotels Group owns 4000 hotels and 170000 employees worldwide, 90 countries across five continents, about 500000 rooms.】雅高酒店集团旗下酒店品牌:Hotel F1, Etap'Hôtel, Suitehotel, Ibis (宜必思), Mercure(美居), Novotel(诺富特), Sofitel(索菲特), Motel6/Studio6, Red Roof Inns, Accor Thalassa, Pullman(铂尔曼), All Seasons该企业品牌在世界品牌实验室(World Brand Lab)编制的2006年度《世界品牌500强》排行榜中名列第二百五十九。
【Accor Group is headquartered in Paris, was founded in 1967, is Europe's largest hotel group】截至2004年底,法国雅高集团拥有15.8万个员工,饭店业务涉及140个国家,是欧洲饭店、餐饮行业的领导企业,也是世界大的饭店和服务集团之一。
【As of the end of 2004, the French Accor Group has 158000 employees, the hotel business involving 140 countries, is the European hotel, catering industry leading enterprises, is also one of the big hotels and services group. Accor has about 4000 restaurants in the world, from economy to luxury hotels, Accor provides a full range of different grades of hotel service, to meet the needs of different levels of customer demand.】法国雅高酒店集团在全世界拥有4000家酒店和17万员工,遍布五大洲的90个国家,约500,000个房间。

源自:HOTELENGLISH酒店集团 国家 创建年份旗下酒店 Banyan TreeHoldings 悦榕酒店和度假村新加坡 1994Banyan Tree - 悦榕庄Angsana - 悦椿酒店 Cassia - 悦莲酒店 Dhawa - 达瓦酒店The Peninsula Hotels 半岛酒店 中国香港1953 The Peninsula 半岛酒店 China Lodging Group, Limited(Huazhu Hotels Group) 华住酒店集团中国 2007 JI Hotel - 全季酒店Starway Hotel - 星程酒店Joya Hotel - 禧玥酒店Manxin Hotels & Resorts - 漫心度假酒店Orange Selected - 桔子精选HanTing Hotel - 汉庭酒店 Hi Inn - 海友客栈Elan Hotel - 怡莱酒店Orange Hotel - 桔子酒店AccorHotels 雅高酒店集团 法国 1967 Sofitel Legend - 索菲特传奇酒店Sofitel - 索菲特酒店Fairmont - 费尔蒙Raffles - 莱佛士酒店Pullman - 铂尔曼酒店Swissôtel - 瑞士酒店MGallery - 美憬阁The Sebel - 赛贝尔顶级公寓式酒店Adagio Premium - 阿德吉奥特级公寓酒店Grand Mercure - 美爵酒店Suite Novotel - 诺富特套房酒店Adagio - 阿德吉奥酒店Mama Shelter - 妈妈庇护酒店Novotel - 诺富特酒店Mercure - 美居连锁酒店Ibis Budget - 宜必思快捷酒店Hotel Formule 1 - 一级方程式酒店Hotel Ibis - 宜必思酒店Ibis Styles Hotel - 宜必思尚品酒店Adagio Access - 阿德吉奥公寓式酒店Coralia - 克拉利亚Best WesternHotels 最佳西方酒店集团(也叫贝斯特韦斯特)美国 1946Best Western Premier 最佳西方精品酒店BW Premier Collection BW高级城市精品酒店Best Western Plus 贝斯特韦斯特PLUS酒店Executive Residency by BestWestern 贝斯特韦斯特行政公寓Best Western 最佳西方酒店Glō 格洛艺术酒店Vīb 时尚城市精品酒店Radisson Hotel Group 丽笙酒店集团 美国,比利时1938 Quorvus CollectionRadisson Blu 丽笙酒店Radisson 丽筠酒店Park Plaza 丽亭酒店 Radisson Red 丽芮酒店 Park Inn 丽柏酒店Country Inns & Suites 丽怡酒店PrizeotelChoice Hotels 精选国际酒店集团美国 1939 Ascend CollectionCambria SuitesClarion Hotel 凯隆酒店Comfort Suites 凯富全套房Clarion InnMainstay SuitesQuality Inn 凯亭酒店 Comfort Inn 凯富酒店Sleep InnEcono Lodge 伊康酒店Rodeway Inn 路德威酒店Suburban Extended Stay Hotel 郊区长住酒店Dusit ThaniGroup 曼谷都喜天丽酒店集团泰国 1948 Dusit Devarana 喜泰丽温泉度假酒店Dusit Thani 杜斯特塔尼酒店 Dusit Princess 杜斯特公主酒店Four SeasonsHotels and Resorts 四季酒店集团加拿大1960 Four Seasons Hotels 四季酒店 Hilton Worldwide 希尔顿酒店集团美国 1919 Waldorf Astoria 华尔道夫酒店Conrad Hotels 康莱德酒店Hilton 希尔顿酒店DoubleTree 希尔顿逸林酒店Canopy by HiltonCurio CollectionEmbassy Suites by Hilton 希尔顿尊盛酒店Hilton Garden Inn 希尔顿花园酒店 Homewood Suites by Hilton 希尔顿欣庭酒店Home2 Suites 希尔顿惠庭酒店Tru by HiltonHampton by Hilton 希尔顿欢朋酒店Motto by HiltonHilton Grand Vacations 希尔顿分时度假俱乐部Tapestry collection by HiltonHyatt HotelsCorporation 凯悦酒店集团美国 1957 Park Hyatt 柏悦酒店 Grand Hyatt 君悦酒店Andaz (hotel) 安达仕酒店Hyatt Regency 凯悦酒店Hyatt Hotels & Resorts 凯悦度假村Hyatt Centric 凯悦尚萃酒店Hyatt Place 凯悦嘉轩Hyatt House Hotels 凯悦嘉寓InterContinentalHotelsGroup(IHG) 洲际酒店集团英国 1777InterContinental 洲际酒店及度假村Regent Hotels & Resorts 丽晶酒店及度假村Crowne Plaza 皇冠假日酒店及度假村Kimpton Hotels & RestaurantsHotel Indigo 英迪格酒店EVEN Hotels 逸衡酒店Staybridge SuitesHUALUXE Hotels & Resorts 华邑酒店及度假村Holiday Inn 假日酒店Holiday Inn Express 智选假日酒店Holiday Inn Resort 假日度假酒店Candlewood SuitesAvidJumeirah 卓美亚酒店集团阿联酋1997 Jumeirah 卓美亚酒店Kempinski Hotels 凯宾斯基酒店集团德国,瑞士1897 Kempinski 凯宾斯基酒店LanghamHospitality Group 朗庭酒店集团 中国香港1865 Langham Hotels 朗廷酒店Langham Place Hotels 朗豪酒店 Cordis Hotels 康得思酒店 Eaton Hotels 逸东酒店Chelsea HotelsLotte Hotels &Resorts 乐天酒店及度假村韩国 1973 SignielLotte Hotels 乐天酒店L7 hotels L7酒店 Lotte City Hotels 乐天城市酒店Lotte Resorts 乐天度假村MandarinOriental Hotel Group 文华东方酒店集团中国香港1963 Mandarin Oriental MarriottInternational 万豪国际酒店集团美国 1927 Ritz-Carlton 丽思卡尔顿酒店Ritz-Carlton Reserve 丽思卡尔顿隐世精品度假酒店Bulgari Hotels 宝格丽酒店Edition Hotels 艾迪逊酒店JW Marriott Hotels JW 万豪酒店 St. Regis 瑞吉酒店 Luxury Collection 豪华精选酒店Renaissance Hotels 万丽酒店Marriott 万豪酒店Autograph Collection 傲途格精选酒店Marriott Executive Apartment 万豪行政公寓Gaylord Hotels 盖洛德酒店W Hotels W 酒店Design Hotels 设计酒店Westin Hotels & Resorts 威斯汀酒店Le Méridien艾美酒店Sheraton 喜来登酒店Tribute Portfolio 臻品之选酒店AC Hotels 万豪 AC 酒店Fairfield Inn by Marriott 万枫酒店Courtyard by Marriott 万怡酒店SpringHill SuitesResidence Inn by MarriottFour Points by Sheraton 福朋喜来登酒店Aloft Hotels 雅乐轩酒店Element Hotels 源宿酒店MOXY HotelsProtea HotelsTownePlace SuitesMeliá HotelsInternational, S.A. 美利亚酒店集团西班牙1956Gran Meliá盛美利亚酒店ME by MeliáMeliáInnsideTrypSolMillennium &Copthorne Hotels 千禧酒店及度假村集团 英国 1972 Grand Millenium Hotels 千禧大酒店Millennium Hotels 千禧酒店Grand Copthrone Hotels 国敦大酒店 Copthorne Hotels 国敦酒店 M Hotels M 酒店Kingsgate Hotels 君门酒店Leng's Collection 令酒店The Oberoi Group 印度贵族风酒店 印度 1934 Oberoi Hotels Trident HotelsOkura NikkoHotel 大仓日航酒店集团日本 1958 Okura Hotels & ResortsNikko Hotels 日航酒店 Hotel JAL City 日航城市酒店Rosewood Hotel Group 瑰丽酒店集团中国香港 1979 Rosewood Hotels & Resorts 瑰丽酒店New World Hotels 新世界酒店 Penta hotels 贝尔特酒店 KHOS 芊丽酒店Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts 香格里拉酒店集团中国香港 1971 Shangri-La Hotels 香格里拉大酒店Kerry Hotels 嘉里酒店 Traders Hotels Hotel Jen 今旅酒店Wyndham Hotels &Resorts 温德姆酒店集团美国 1963Dolce Hotels 道玺酒店Wyndham Grand 温德姆至尊酒店精选Viva WyndhamWyndham 温德姆酒店及度假酒店TRYP by Wyndham 爵怡温德姆酒店Esplendor Boutique HotelsDazzler HotelsWyndham GardenHawthorn Suites by Wyndham 灏沣温德姆酒店Wingate by Wyndham 蔚景温德姆酒店Ramada Worldwide 华美达酒店Ramada encore 华美达安可Trademark Hotel CollectionHoward Johnson 豪生酒店Baymont Inn & Suites 栢茂酒店Americ InnLa Quinta Inn & SuitesDays Inn 戴斯酒店Super 8 速8酒店TravelodgeMicrotel by Wyndham 迈达温德姆酒店。
旅游英语 介绍酒店

旅游英语介绍酒店英文回答:Hotel Introduction.A hotel is a building that provides lodging for travelers. Hotels can range in size from small, family-run establishments to large, international chains. They offer a variety of services, including accommodations, food and beverage, and recreational activities.Types of Hotels.There are many different types of hotels, each with its own unique set of features and amenities. Some of the most common types of hotels include:Budget hotels: These hotels offer basic accommodations at a low price. They typically have small rooms withlimited amenities.Mid-range hotels: These hotels offer a more comfortable stay than budget hotels, with larger rooms and more amenities. They may also offer features such as free Wi-Fi and breakfast.Luxury hotels: These hotels offer the highest level of comfort and service. They typically have large rooms with luxurious amenities, such as marble bathrooms and king-sized beds. They may also offer a variety of amenities, such as spas, swimming pools, and fine dining restaurants.Hotel Services.Hotels offer a variety of services to make your stay more comfortable and enjoyable. Some of the most common hotel services include:Accommodations: Hotels offer a variety of room types to choose from, including standard rooms, suites, and villas.Food and beverage: Hotels typically offer a variety of dining options, including restaurants, bars, and room service.Recreational activities: Many hotels offerrecreational activities, such as swimming pools, fitness centers, and spas.Business services: Some hotels offer business services, such as meeting rooms, business centers, and Wi-Fi.Choosing a Hotel.When choosing a hotel, there are a few things youshould consider:Location: The location of the hotel is important. You want to choose a hotel that is convenient to yourdestination and activities.Budget: The cost of the hotel is another important consideration. You need to choose a hotel that fits yourbudget.Amenities: The amenities offered by the hotel are also important. You should choose a hotel that offers the amenities that you want.Hotel Etiquette.There are a few things you should keep in mind when staying in a hotel:Be respectful of the staff: The hotel staff is there to help you have a comfortable stay. Be polite and respectful to them.Be quiet: Hotels are generally quiet places. Be respectful of other guests and keep your noise level down.Clean up after yourself: Leave your room clean when you check out. This will help the housekeeping staff do their job.中文回答:酒店介绍。

旗下酒店:Grand Arena Bansko凯宾斯基酒店(保加利亚)
Giardino di Costanza Sicily凯宾斯基酒店(意大利)
San Lawrenz Gozo凯宾斯基酒店(马耳他)
Bahía Estepona Costa del Sol凯宾斯基酒店 (西班牙)
Bahía Real Fuerteventura 凯宾斯基酒店(西班牙)
温德姆酒店集团是全球规模最大、业务最多元 化的酒店集团企业,总部设于美国新泽西州帕 西帕尼,目前在六大洲68个国家经营15个品牌, 近7,440家酒店,拥有638,300多间客房。温德 姆酒店集团旗下的经营品牌从高档豪华的获奖 品牌——与集团同名的温德姆酒店及度假酒店 (Wyndham Hotels and Resorts®),到家喻 户晓的舒适酒店品牌——华美达酒店 (Ramada®)、戴斯酒店(Days Inn®)、速8 酒店(Super 8®)以及豪生酒店(Howard Johnson®)等,一贯为不同消费群体提供多样 化的酒店选择和物超所值的优质服务。温德姆 酒店集团经营模式分自主管理和特许经营两种, 其中特许经营模式在温德姆酒店集团全球扩张 路上发挥着巨大作用。
旗下品牌:康莱德酒店 Conrad Hotels、华尔道夫酒店 Waldorf Astoria Hotels、 希尔顿逸林酒店 Double Tree Hotels、希尔顿
6.凯悦酒店集团( Hyatt Hotels and Resorts) 企业总部:美国 成立时间:1968年 管理集团简介: 凯悦酒店集团是世界知名的跨国酒店集团,在世界各国管理数百间酒店。现 时在全世界43个国家,共有213间凯悦酒店3及度假酒店,共提供超过9万房间, 另有29座凯悦酒店正在兴建,其中10座位于中国。集团总部设在美国芝加哥, 集团旗下君悦及柏悦全部属五星级酒店,以豪华驰名。

⒈ 随着全球经济的不断复苏与快速发展,酒店行业在全球与中国 地区的发展速度与就业率将远远超出传统型行业。 ⒉ 全球很多著名大学均开设酒店管理专业,在这些著名的大学旅 游与酒店管理课程设置之中均提供为期半年至一年不等的带薪 实习和理论课程与实际操作相结合的活动内容,其毕业生就业 率远远高于其它专业的学生。 ⒊ 酒店行业其薪金与社会福利收入远远高于其它传统行业,同时 随着工作经验的增加其工作地位会稳步上升。 ⒋ 2010年上海世博会将会大力促进中国酒店行业的蓬勃发展。 ⒌ 中国各地大中小城市均把旅游业作为其经济增涨的源动力,其 政府与社会投资将不断增加,将会是中国最具活力的行业。 由以上5点可以看出雅高集团在大中华地区以及全亚洲地区 都有着很大的发展空间,再加上雅高集团的高位酒店品质以及 全方位的服务已深得人心,可以知道雅高集团发展前景十分广 阔。
1)抓住一个战略机遇 从一个区域地区的某个行业发展的角度来 看,任何一个行业都会出现一个高速增长期,如何 在这个增长期获得快速的成长,不同的投资者具有 不同的看法和认识。 2)学习一个标杆企业 假日饭店在美国市场的成功,使得雅高有了一 个学习的标杆企业,成功地通过复制假日饭店的扩 张模式,在法国获得了成功。假日饭店也就失去了 在欧洲发展类似连锁饭店的最佳机会。
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• 1974年,雅高创造了宜必思经济型饭店品牌(ibis)。 • 1975年,收购美居(mercure),定位中低档。 • 1980年,引进索菲特品牌;在巴黎股票交易中心上市 融资。 • 1985年,进入中国。 • 1985年,雅高的一级方程式汽车旅馆开张后。 • 1985年,引进“佛缪勒第1”经济品牌。 • 1990年,购买美国“汽车旅馆第6”品牌。 • 1990年,诺富特品牌在欧洲进行了名为“放眼未来” 的革新项目。

标准化 奢华型 非标准化 长住
战略相关企业: Accor Thalassa Lenotre Compagnie des Wagons-Lits
高档型 中档型 经济型
1 在美国
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2 在法国
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2006 年,雅高为配合可持续发展计划启动了“地球客人”项 目。这些措施旨在将公司运营中的正面影响最大化,同时将 负面效应最小化。 这个项目包括两个计划,分别对应社会责任(EGO 计划)和 环保职责(ECO 计划)。
EGO 计划: 保护儿童 营养 共同发展 健康 ECO 计划: 能源 水 废物 生物多样性
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诺 富 特 酒 店 领 导 商 务 酒 店 住 宿 潮 流 -
9- 雅高集团简介—2010 年 10 月 30 日
10- 雅高集团简介—2010 年 10 月 30 日
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宜 必 思 酒 店 物 超 所 值 国 际 享 受 , :
促进当地的专有技术、文化与遗产的行动计划 支持并帮助贫困青少年 参与人道主义行动与紧急计划。
万雅高员工共同募 集。
要更多地了解我们,请登陆: 15-雅高集团简介—2010年 10 月 30 日
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随着 2009 年早期与万事达卡欧洲公司合作创造的预付方案,雅高服务将加速成 长,在欧洲预付卡市场提供独特的覆盖整个流程的端到端方案 - 从个性化的产品 与服务到广泛的支付网络。 礼品零售 公司福利 公司费用管理

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• In summary, Accor‘s expertise is in the management of hotels, from conception to technical advice in design and construction fitout, pre-opening planning and service and operation. • More than 25,000 people are currently employed in the hotels managed by Accor Asia Pacific and specifically 9,000 employees alone in China. • With 168,000 people in 140 countries, Accor is the European leader and one of the world‗s largest groups in travel, tourism and corporate services.
• In the hotel sector, Accor continues to grow rapidly through acquisition of hotel groups and the award of management contracts. The growth is based on Accor‘s unique international position in the marketplace, with its renowned brands serving all segments of the business and leisure hospitality markets, from budget to luxury.
Accor’s main hotel brands are:
• Sofitel (deluxe)
• The Sofitel network of world-class hotels primarily focuses on business and leisure travellers who are looking for first class quality, comfort and service, and a personal, refined atmosphere.
• With a presence in more than 140 countries, Accor employs a workforce of over 168,000 and generates annual revenue in excess of Euro € 7 billion. It is listed on the Paris stock exchange.
and Tangchengwu( 20112216011018)
• Accor (worldwide) group is the world‘s largest hotel and tourism company. Over the last three decades, Accor has built a network that comprises 4,000 hotels. It is also a leading player in travel agencies (alliance with Carlson Wagonlit Travel), and service vouchers with Accor Corporate Services. The company is also rapidly expanding in the catering, restaurant and casino sectors.
Accor is principally an owner of its hotel businesses, with over two-thirds of the company‘s hotel either owned or leased. The remainder are either managed or operated under franchises. The current strategy for China is to focus on managing hotels. In Asia Pacific, Accor has established itself as the largest and most dynamic hotel group in the region in a little over a decade. With a network of 235 properties and over 44,199 rooms throughout Asia and the Pacific, Accor hotels can now be found in 16 countries: Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Fiji, China, Hong Kong SAR, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Japan.
Formule 1 (budget) – Formule 1 motels are located in city and regional areas, close to transport, food outlets and ancillary services. An innovative brand that provides a consistent motel-style accommodation at budget rates.
பைடு நூலகம்
Accor was the first international hotel management company to enter China in 1985, with its first hotel opening in Guangzhou in 1988. Accor‘s intention at the time was to open a series of traditional midproduct, three-star Novotels similar to those in Europe with 180-200 rooms each. Only later did the second generation of Novotels evolve into the larger four-star properties.
• Novotel (first class) – Accor‘s ―business class‖ brand is renowned for its consistent international standards and good value. Modern, stylish hotels, Novotels are located in prime business centres and popular resort destinations.
All Accor hotels are situated in major metropolitan areas and gateway cities around the country. From the capital city of Beijing alone, major tourist attractions including the Forbidden City, Great Wall and the Ming Tombs can all be easily visited. Shanghai — China‘s second largest city — is one of the fastest growing commercial and financial centres in the world. This exciting and glamorous city is well positioned for excursions to the West Lake of Hangzhou or the famous Shaolin Temples. Jinan, the birthplace of Confucius and the ―City of Springs‖ is only slightly further afield. With numerous projects under negotiation in various key cities in China, Accor is well prepared and positioned to expand its China network.
• The company‘s Asia Pacific Head Office is based in Sydney with Asia regional Office in Bangkok, China Representative office is located in Shanghai. Major sales and operations offices in the region are also in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Jakarta, New Delhi, Singapore, Tokyo and Auckland. There are total 28 international sales offices covering all continents.
Ibis (economy class) – Ibis hotels are