
学术英语学院名称:材料科学与工程学院学生姓名:***学号:**********专业班级:新能源材料与器件1312015年 6月16 日The current development of genetically modified crops ofChina and its safety issuesZhang Qingfei(College of materials science and engineering, Nanchang University, 10001) Abstracts:GM technology as a new, highly efficient genetically modified technology, already widely used in the cultivation of new varieties of field crops. China's transgenic technology started earlier, China's current GM technology level in the forefront of the world, especially made great achievements in the cultivation of new varieties of crops. In this paper, the status quo using gene transfer on Chinese agriculture and safety of transgenic technology are introduced, and the resolve of GM safety issues some thought. On this basis, I made some new ideas of transgenic technology and application of transgenic technology development prospects were discussed.Keywords: GM technology; GM crops; GM safety issues; ChinaIntroduction:As the core of the biotechnology giant leap .Transgenic technology is known as the second "green revolution." In 1983, the world's first strain of transgenic tobacco plants marks the arrival of the era of gene transfer plants. In the ensuing decades, genetically modified crops developed rapidly. In 2014, there are 28 countries in the world planted GM crops, the planting area has reached more than 180 million hectares, Chinese genetically modified crops planting area is 3.6 million hectares. With the widespread planting of genetically modified crops, the impact of transgenic technology in agriculture is growing. As the research of GM crops, China has made great achievements in the research of rice and cotton.The development of anything will not be smooth. With the development of GM technology, its security deposit issues also be exposed. The safety of genetically modified crops has been disputed by people, opponents argue that GM crops have great potential risk, it should be resisted. What is more, some people exaggerate the risk of genetically modified crops. Aroused people's fear of genetically modified. In this paper, the people of GM crops concerns, the status of the development of GM crops were elaborated. Besides, security problems of genetically modified crops and their solutions will be discussed.The current development of genetically modified crops in chinaGM refers to the Technology that use molecular biology method to transfer the artificial separation and some modified biological gene to other species and change the genetic characteristics of the species .Plant transgenic technology is the genetic transformation of plants, making plants to meet human needs in aspects of shape, nutrition and consumer quality.China's biotech crop improvement research began in the 1980s, during the past 30 years, Chinese agricultural and biological high-tech has been developing rapidly. At present, China's hybrid rice, cotton and other advanced in the world. GM technology Applied on cotton, rice and other crops on behalf of China's development status of GM crops.As a cotton producing countries, the industrialization of Chinese insect-resistant cotton has brought huge economic and ecological benefits to Chinesesociety. Since the 1990 s, China's major cotton producing areas often suffered insect outbreaks and the effect conventional control is poor. In 1994, under the impetus of the country, Bt gene was successfully imported into The main plant cotton species .China has become the second country with the independent development of insect-resistant cotton.In 1999, China began to commercial cultivation of cotton. In 2010, gm cotton planting and product in China reached 3.45 million hectares, accounting for 69% of the total cotton planting and product. The planting of insect-resistant cotton have effectively controlled the damage caused by the cotton bollworm .The insect-resistant cotton also reduced pesticide use, protect the farmland ecological environment.Cotton yield and growth of calendar year in China:China's research on genetically modified (gm) rice have got rich achievements. In August 17, 2009, the Ministry of Agriculture promulgated transgenic rice security certificate for the two anti-lepidopteran pests transgenic rice -----"Hua Hui 1" and "Bt Shan You 63" .In addition, China has produced the anti-amino phosphonic herbicide Bar gene rice lines, the new salt tolerance strains which represented by T22-77. Compared with ordinary rice, these transgenic rice has unmatched superior properties .It will bring huge economic benefits to Chinese farmers if these rice be planted on large-scale .For example, each 667m2 planting salt-tolerant transgenic rice can increase the income of 100 yuan. Transgenic rice can reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers, which is benefical to the environment.GM soy is the world's first commercialization, promotion and application of the fastest growing GM crops .Dates from Agropages shows that show in 2012 , global soybean acreage reached 107 million hectares, of which GM soybeans accounted for 79 percent (84.5 million hectares). As the world's first four major soybean producing countries, China is planting soybeans which are non-GMO soybeans. The transgenic soybean was still in the research stage, failed to achieve commercial GM soy production and large-scale demonstration.Analysis about safety issuesGM technology could efficiently improve crop yield, quality and resistance to meet growing human material needs. Transgenic technology is a double-edged sword, both its positive and beneficial side, also has its negative, the negative side, The biggest potential hazards of transgenic technology is the escape of target gene and gene pollution. With the genetically modified plants wide spread around the world ,the gene of interest may vary pollen spread to other species, or spread into the environment, which may causing unpredictable results. Canada's "superweeds" event and Mexican’s “corn genetic pollution” incident has sounded the alarm for us. Besides, certain genetic traits like instability of some transgenic plants are instability, transge nic plants’ good traits will become weaken over time. Another possibility is that some transgenic plants will produce some harmful variations which will endanger human health.Effects of transgenic expression products on humans is a problem that people are most concerned about. Some of the transgene expression product will make people allergic to. But for the most expression product we are lack of direct evidence to affirm their effects on human health and the environment.In order to verify the impact of Bt proteins on animal health. Since 1999, scientists feed white mouse with genetically modified food which containing the Bt protein for many years, the results showed that mice genetically modified agricultural products containing Bt protein is safe to the mouse. However, in the short-term animal feeding trials data can not prove the Bt protein is safe to us.Because human is the long-term consumer of rice. Recently, Canadian scientists discovered, Bt proteins can enter any place of the body. Even the in baby's umbilical cord blood were also found the Bt proteins. Therefore, this discovery had to let the people worried about the safety of transgenic Bt crops.Since the transgenic technology used gene beyond the conventional sexual hybridization gene scope, and for the problem that whether transgenic plants will affect human health and the environment or not we are also lack of systematic knowledge and experience .By the current level of science ,we can not be completely accurate prediction of the results of an outer genes in the new genetic background would cause.Currently, the safety evaluation of transgenic plants primarily relates to environmental safety and food safety aspects. The core issue of environmental safety assessment is after transgenic plants released into the field, whether it will evolve into weed, whether the genes will transfer to wild plants drift or not ; whether it will destroy the natural environment and break the original biological populations homeostasis ; whether it will destroy biodiversity, and so on. Ecological effects of GM crops may arise mainly in the gene flow, non-target effects, the target pest resistance evolution, etc.ConlusionFor security issues, by taking the right measures and scientific management system is able to solve these problems. We can improve the safety of transgenic plants from the following aspects:(1) Carrying out propagandas about genetically modified technical and transgenic plants.Cultivating people’s objectivity awareness of security issues to genetically modified(2) Improving the legal system transfer plant genes and their products;(3) The establishment of transgenic crop management technology system and risk assessment system; and(4) Using food processing technology to process raw materials of transgenic food, remove the transgene expression product that exist in the raw materials of transgenic food.In addition to cultivation of crops, we can also use transgenic technology to cultivate some asexual reproduction and non-food plants. This concept have two advantages .On the one hand, it is a good solution to the genes escape and genes pollution problems. Because the escape and contamination of genes mainly through plants’ pollen s, and asexual reproduction plants will not produce pollen. On the other hand, people do not worry about the transgene expression products will affect human health, because these transgenic plants is not food crops. Transgene expression products don’t enters the body. For example, we can cultivate forestry trees which with high resistance; foliage plants which can glowing; Aquatics which can absorb the harmful heavy metals in water and so on. These plants will bring great benefits to humanity. Prospects of transgenic technology is unlimited, as long as strengthen supervision and follow scientific methods, can be avoided completely turn the negative effects of human gene technology may bring.Reference:[1] Deng Xu, Wei Bin, Hu Zhang Li. Transgenic Chlamydomonas resistance to heavy metals and enrichment of cadmium ions. Biotechnology, 2007 ,17(6):66-68[2] Li Ligong ,Ye Weijun, Guo Longbiao. The research progress and commercialization of transgenic rice prospect analysis. Chinese Rice., 2012, 18(6):1-4[3] Wangren Xiang. The development and application of gm cotton in China. Crop Research , 2001 , Cotton Album:6-9[4] Yu Yongliang, Liang Huizhen, Wang Shufeng, Lian Yun, Wei Yanli, Wang Tingfeng. The research progress of transgenic soybeans and its industrialization in China. Soybean Science, 2010, 29, (1):143-148[5] Zhuyan Tao, Xu Hong, Guo Aiguang, Li Dianrong. Plant transgenic technology and contemporary social development. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2008, 24(4):509-522。

Finding, formulating and exploring your topic.Different topic creationsMany students have in mind something that they want to work on; others want to work with a particular scholar or research centre. In the first case, students search for a compatible supervisor. In the second, for a topic. Regardless of these preliminary circumstances, the topic is very likely only roughly formulated at this stage. This is usually enough to have your enrolment accepted. Reading the literatureOnce you have a general idea, you could start by talking to your supervisor and other scholars. But, most importantly, you have to think why you would like to work on it, or why anyone would want to do so. Ask yourself, "Why is it important? What is interesting about this? Suppose I solve it, or find it, or pull it all together, what use is it? What is its significance?" Then, with some questions such as these in mind, go and read more about it to see what is there and find out what aspects of it have been exhausted, what neglected, what the main ideas, issues and controversies are in the area. It is regarded as your supervisor's role to direct you to the most fruitful starting point in reading and surveying the literature.Cycle of literature reviewAll of this is not a once only activity, but is a cycle you go through again and again. So you read, think, and discuss it with your supervisor and then, as a result, come closer to the formulation of the topic. And then with each cycle of reading, thinking and discussing your topic becomes more specific and focused.This is not the final formulation and the last time you will focus your topic. But you could probably let go of this round of general exploration and embark on the next stage. Your supervisor by this time should have enough of an idea of your topic to judge whether or not what you propose to do is feasible within the time available and has the potential to meet the required standards for a PhD. To see the full potential of your topic or, to the contrary, see that it is not going to deliver what you wanted, you do need to begin doing your research. This, of course, is why pilot studies are often undertaken.Making sense of the literatureWe do truly wish we could tell you about a reliable or simple way to make sense of the literature. We can say, however, that you need to attend to things attwo levels:∙One is establishing a system that will allow you to organise the hard copies of the articles etc., and develop a data base for references, soyou have easy access under relevant categories and don't chase the samereferences repeatedly.∙The other is the more demanding task of understanding and using the literature for your purposes.Without attending to the first task, you could easily become inefficient and frustrated. However, although it is necessary to have some way of keeping track, don't spend all your energies on perfecting your system. It may be a good idea to attend a course for researchers on handling information. Check whether your university's library or computer centre offers such a course.The other task ahead of you - of understanding, reviewing and using theliterature for your purposes - goes to the heart of your thesis. We considerthis in three stages.Making sense of the literature - first passWhen you first come to an area of research, you are filling in the backgroundin a general way, getting a feel for the whole area, an idea of its scope,starting to appreciate the controversies, to see the high points, and to become more familiar with the major players. You need a starting point. This may come out of previous work you've done. If you're new to the area, your supervisor could suggest fruitful starting points. Or you could pursue some recent review articles to begin.Too much to handleAt this stage there seems to be masses of literature relevant to your research. Or you may worry that there seems to be hardly anything. As you read, think about and discuss articles and isolate the issues you're more interested in. In this way, you focus your topic more and more. The more you can close in on what your research question actually is, the more you will be able to have a basisfor selecting the relevant areas of the literature. This is the only way to bring it down to a manageable size.Very little thereIf initially you can't seem to find much at all on your research area - and you are sure that you've exploited all avenues for searching that the library can present you with - then there are a few possibilities:∙You could be right at the cutting edge of something new and it's not surprising there's little around.∙You could be limiting yourself to too narrow an area and not appreciating that relevant material could be just around the corner in a closely related field.∙Unfortunately there's another possibility and this is that there's nothing in the literature because it is not a worthwhile area ofresearch. In this case, you need to look closely with your supervisor at what it is you plan to do.Quality of the LiteratureThis begins your first step in making sense of the literature. You are not necessarily closely evaluating it now; you are mostly learning through it. But, sometimes at this stage students do ask us how they can judge the quality ofthe literature they're reading, as they're not experts.You learn to judge, evaluate, and look critically at the literature by judging, evaluating and looking critically at it. That is, you learn to do so by practising. There is no quick recipe for doing this but there are somequestions you could find useful and, with practice, you will develop many others:∙Is the problem clearly spelled out?∙Are the results presented new?∙Was the research influential in that others picked up the threads and pursued them?∙How large a sample was used?∙How convincing is the argument made?∙How were the results analysed?∙What perspective are they coming from?∙Are the generalisations justified by the evidence on which they are made?∙What is the significance of this research?∙What are the assumptions behind the research?∙Is the methodology well justified as the most appropriate to study the problem?∙Is the theoretical basis transparent?In critically evaluating, you are looking for the strengths of certain studies and the significance and contributions made by researchers. You are also looking for limitations, flaws and weaknesses of particular studies, or of whole lines of enquiry.Indeed, if you take this critical approach to looking at previous research in your field, your final literature review will not be a compilation of summaries but an evaluation. It will then reflect your capacity for critical analysis.Making sense of the literature - second passYou continue the process of making sense of the literature by gaining more expertise which allows you to become more confident, and by being much more focused on your specific research.You're still reading and perhaps needing to re-read some of the literature.You're thinking about it as you are doing your experiments, conducting your studies, analysing texts or other data. You are able to talk about it easily and discuss it. In other words, it's becoming part of you.At a deeper level than before,∙you are now not only looking at findings but are looking at how others have arrived at their findings;∙you're looking at what assumptions are leading to the way something is investigated;∙you're looking for genuine differences in theories as opposed to semantic differences;∙you also are gaining an understanding of why the field developed in the way it did;∙you have a sense for where it might be going.First of all you probably thought something like, "I just have to get a handle on this". But now you see that this 'handle' which you discovered for yourself turns out to be the key to what is important. You are very likely getting to this level of understanding by taking things to pieces and putting them back together.For example, you may need to set up alongside one another four or five different definitions of the same concept, versions of the same theory, or different theories proposed to account for the same phenomenon. You may need to unpack them thoroughly, even at the very basic level of what is the implied understanding of key words (for example 'concept', 'model', 'principles' etc.), before you can confidently compare them, which you need to do before synthesis is possible.Or, for example, you may be trying to sort through specific discoveries which have been variously and concurrently described by different researchers in different countries. You need to ask questions such as whether they are the same discoveries being given different names or, if they are not the same,whether they are related. In other words, you may need to embark on very detailed analyses of parts of the literature while maintaining the general picture.Making sense of the literature - final passYou make sense of the literature finally when you are looking back to place your own research within the field. At the final pass, you really see how your research has grown out of previous work. So now you may be able to identify points or issues that lead directly to your research. You may see points whose significance didn't strike you at first but which now you can highlight. Or you may realise that some aspect of your research has incidentally provided evidence to lend weight to one view of a controversy. Having finished your own research, you are now much better equipped to evaluate previous research in your field.From this point when you have finished your own research and you look back and fill in the picture, it is not only that you understand the literature and can handle it better, but you could also see how it motivates your own research. When you conceptualise the literature in this way, it becomes an integral part of your research.Writing the literature reviewWhat we are talking about here is the writing of the review. We assume that you have made sense of the literature, and that you know the role of the literature and its place in your thesis. Below are links to other sections covering these aspects.You will doubtless write your literature review several times. Since each version will serve a different purpose, you should not think you are writing the same thing over and over and getting nowhere. Where you may strike trouble is if you just try to take whole sections out of an earlier version and paste them into the final version which, by now, has to be differently conceived.In practical terms, it is necessary to have an overall picture of how the thread runs through your analysis of the literature before you can get down to actually writing a particular section. The strategy which writers use as a way to begin the literature review is to proceed from the general, wider view of the research you are reviewing to the specific problem. This is not a formula but is a common pattern and may be worth trying.Let's look at an example taken from the first pages of a literature review. This shows us the progression from general to specific and the beginning of that thread which then continues through the text leading to the aims.[This is basically an introductory section, which starts with astatement of the problem in very broad terms, alerting us to the factthat not everything is rosy, and proceeds to sketch in specific aspects.][The text moves on to specify issues at various levels. Although the[Thus the text has set up the situation where all aspects of theproblem--theoretical, practical, etc.--are brought together.]Whatever the pattern which fits your work best, you need to keep in mind that what you are doing is writing about what was done before. But, you are not simply reporting on previous research. You have to write about it in terms of how well it was done and what it achieved. This has to be organised and presented in such a way that it inevitably leads to what you want to do and shows it is worth doing. You are setting up the stage for your work.demonstrates neither your understanding of the literature nor your ability to evaluate other people's work.Maybe at an earlier stage, or in your first version of your literature review, you needed a summary of who did what. But in your final version, you have to show that you've thought about it, can synthesise the work and can succinctly pass judgement on the relative merits of research conducted in your field. So,Approaching it in this way forces you to make judgements and, furthermore, to distinguish your thoughts from assessments made by others. It is this whole process of revealing limitations or recognising the possibility of taking research further which allows you to formulate and justify your aims.Keep your research focusedIt is always important to keep your research focused, but this is especially so at two points. First when you have settled into the topic and the time forwider exploration has to end. And then again at a later stage when you may have gathered lots of data and are starting to wonder how you are going to deal with it all.Focus after literature reviewFirst, it is a common temptation to prolong the exploration phase by finding more and more interesting things and straying away from what was once regarded as the possible focus. Either you or your supervisor could be guilty of this.In some cases, it might be you who is putting off having to make a commitmentto one line of enquiry because exploration and realising possibilities is enjoyable and you're always learning more. In other cases, it could be your supervisor who, at every meeting, becomes enthusiastic about otherpossibilities and keeps on suggesting alternatives. You might not be sure ifthis is just sharing excitement with you or if you are supposed to follow them all up.Either way you need to stop the proliferation of lines of enquiry, sift through what you have, settle on one area, and keep that focus before you. It could even be a good idea to write it up on a poster in front of your desk. Unlessyou have this really specified in the first place, with the major question and its sub-questions, and you know exactly what you have to find out to answer these, you will never be focused and everything you find will seem to be 'sort of' relevant.You have to close off some lines of enquiry and you can do so only once you decide they are not relevant to your question. We continually meet students who, when we ask, "So what is the question you're researching?", will answer, "My topic is such and such and I'm going to look at x, y and z". Sometimes further probing from us will reveal that they do indeed have a focus, but many timesthis is not so. Thinking in terms of your topic is too broad. You need to think,Focus after data collectionThen, at a later stage, you could find yourself surrounded by lots of datawhich you know are somewhat relevant to your project, but finding the ways of showing this relevance and using the data to answer your question could be a difficult task. Now you have to re-find your focus to bring it all together.Again, it is your research question and sub-questions which will help youto do this because your whole thesis is basically the answer to these questions, that is, the solution to the problem you presented at the beginning. This may strike you as a very simplistic way to view it. However, approaching it in this way does help to bring the parts together as a whole and get the whole to work. We even recommend that, to relate the parts to each other and keep yourself focussed , you could tell yourself the story of the thesis.Making a deliberate attempt to keep focused will help you to shape your research and keep you motivated.Apparently I have to write a research proposal. What do I need to do? The main purpose of a research proposal is to show that the problem you propose to investigate is significant enough to warrant the investigation, the method you plan to use is suitable and feasible, and the results are likely to prove fruitful and will make an original contribution. In short, what you are answering is 'will it work?'The level of sophistication or amount of detail included in your proposal will depend on the stage you are at with your PhD and the requirements of your department and University.∙In initial stages, the document you need to write will probably be three to five pages long. It will give a general idea of what you areproposing to do but it isn't a binding contract. Often it serves as astarting point for discussions with your supervisor to firm up the topic, methodology and mechanics of your research.∙Some of you will be required to write a proposal at the time of confirming your candidature (usually at the end of the first year). Insome instances, this is a document of four to five pages and may beviewed as a mere formality. In other cases a much more substantialdocument of 30 - 40 pages is expected. Therefore it is essential for you to check the requirements with your department.Regardless of the above distinctions you should never see writing a proposal as a worthless chore. Indeed, if it isn't formally required, it is a very good idea to write one anyway. You can use it to your advantage. It always forces you to think about your topic, to see the scope of your research, and to review the suitability of your methodology. Having something in writing also gives an opportunity to your supervisor to judge the feasibility of the project (whether it is possible to finish in time, costs, the equipment needed and other practicalities, time needed for supervision), to assess its likelihood of success, and its ability to meet the academic standard required of a PhD thesis.While there are no hard and fast rules governing the structure of a proposal, a typical one would include: aims and objectives, significance, review of previous research in the area showing the need for conducting the proposed research, proposed methods, expected outcomes and their importance. In experimentally based research it often includes detailed requirements for equipment, materials, field trips, technical assistance and an estimation of the costs. It could also include an approximate time by which each stage is to be completed.write a abstract. Indeed, the final version of the abstract will need to be written after you have finished reading your thesis for the last time.However, if you think about what it has to contain, you realise that the abstract is really a mini thesis. Both have to answer the following specific questions:Therefore, an abstract written at different stages of your work will help you to carry a short version of your thesis in your head. This will focus your thinking on what it is you are really doing , help you to see the relevance of what you are currently working on within the bigger picture, and help to keep the links which will eventually unify your thesis.ProcessThe actual process of writing an abstract will force you to justify and clearly state your aims, to show how your methodology fits the aims, to highlight the major findings and to determine the significance of what you have done. The beauty of it is that you can talk about this in very short paragraphs and seeif the whole works. But when you do all of these things in separate chapters you can easily lose the thread or not make it explicit enough.If you have trouble writing an abstract at these different stages, then this could show that the parts with which you are having a problem are not well conceptualised yet.We often hear that writing an abstract can't be done until the results are known and analysed. But the point we are stressing is that it is a working tool that will help to get you there.Before you know what you've found, you have to have some expectation of what you are going to find as this expectation is part of what is leading you to investigate the problem. In writing your abstract at different stages, any part you haven't done you could word as a prediction. For example, at one stage you could write, "The analysis is expected to show that …". Then, at the next stage, you would be able to write "The analysis showed that …." or "Contrary to expectation, the analysis showed that …..".The final, finished abstract has to be as good as you can make it. It is the first thing your reader will turn to and therefore controls what the first impression of your work will be. The abstract has∙to be short-no more than about 700 words;∙to say what was done and why, how it was done, the major things that were found, and what is the significance of the findings (rememberingthat the thesis could have contributed to methodology and theory aswell).In short, the abstract has to be able to stand alone and be understood separately from the thesis itself.Is there a particular thesis structure I have to follow? There are certain conventions specific to certain disciplines. However, these structures are not imposed on a piece of work. There are logical reasons why there is a conventional way of structuring the thesis, which is after all the account of what you've achieved through your research. Research is of course not conducted in the step-by-step way this structure suggests, but it gives the reader the most accessible way of seeing why this research was done, how it was done and, most importantly, what has been achieved. If you put side by side all the questions you had to answer to finish your research and what is often proposed as a typical structure of a thesis, then you see the logic of the arrangement. That does not mean, however, that you have to name your chaptersin this way. In some disciplines, it very often is like this; in others, this structure is implied. For example, in many science theses, the following basically is the structure; in many humanities theses, the final structure looks very different, although all of these questions are answered one way or another.Occasionally a thesis is written which does not in any way comply with this structure. Generally the reasons you want to have a recognised, transparent structure are that, to some extent, it is expected and the conventional structure allows readers ready access to the information. If, however, you wantto publish a book based on the thesis, it is likely the structure would need to be altered for the different genre and audience.。

以下是英文文献综述的标准范文:Title: Literature Review on [Topic]Introduction:In this literature review, we will explore the existing research and literature on [topic]. The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of research in this area and to identify gaps and areas for further study. Through this review, we hope to gain a deeper insight into [topic] and contribute to the development of knowledge in this field.Methodology:A systematic search was conducted using a range of databases including [list databases used] to identify relevant studies and literature on [topic]. The search terms used included [list search terms]. The inclusion criteria for studies were [list inclusion criteria]. The exclusion criteria were [list exclusion criteria]. The search was limited to studies published in English between [start date] and [end date].Results:A total of [number] studies were identified through the search. [Briefly summarize the studies, highlighting the main findings and key themes]. The studies were categorized into [list categories]. [Provide a table or figure summarizing the studies].Discussion:The literature review revealed [list key findings and themes]. These findings suggest [list implications and conclusions drawn from the studies]. However, the review also identified gaps in the literature, including [list gaps and areas for further research]. Future studies could [list potential research directions].Conclusion:In conclusion, this literature review provides a comprehensive understanding of the current state of research on [topic]. The review highlights the importance of [topic] and the need for further research in this area. The findings of this review can inform future research and contribute to the development of knowledge in this field.Reference:[Provide a list of references cited in the literature review].。
英文文献综述review article

New Breakthrough of Tribology
The combination of the remarkable mechanical, thermal, chemical and electrical properties of graphene sheets and their relatively low production cost distinguish them from other materials used for nano-electromechanical applications. Thus, graphene is considered as a promising material for future applications in nanoelectronic and miniaturized devices.
Scientific Literature Readings
1. The key factors that were found to influence the friction and wear behaviors of graphene were number of layers, deposition method, and substrate material. 2. Despite the ultra-thin nature of graphene sheets, they were effective in reducing the friction and wear not only under micro-scale contact loads but also in relatively high loads. 3. Furthermore, the type of substrate needed to produce the tribological advantages of graphene was not limited to extremely flat and smooth surfaces. Graphene was found to be effective even on metallic substrates with typical surface topography.

literaturereview⽂献综述的写法(英⽂版)Literature ReviewThis packet details the steps necessary to produce a literature review that may be required for work in various disciplines, including English, history and psychology. This packet is not intended to replace instructor guidelines and should not be used in that manner. The packet’s intended use is as a supplement to classroom instruction on assembling a literature review. Therefore, it contains only general information that must be tailored to fit specific guidelines as required by your discipline and by your instructor.This packet is subdivided into six sections:I. General InformationStates what a literature review is and what purpose it serves.II. ProcessGives step-by-step instructions on how to get started on your literature review.III. OrganizationExplains the two most common ways of arranging information in a literature review.IV. FormatProvides descriptions for two of the most common formats used in a literature review, the item to item comparison and contrast (Format A) and the criteria to criteria comparison and contrast (Format B).V. ChecklistAllows appraisal of your completed literature review to assure that it follows all necessary guidelines.VI. ResourcesLists helpful resources used to compile this packet so that you may obtain further information.M General Information MDefinitionLiterature reviews can have two roles: In their first role, they function as a stand-alone paper. At other times they will actually be part of a larger research thesis. In this handout, literature reviews will be referred to in the stand-alone sense. As a stand-alone paper, literature reviews are multi-layered and are more formal and detailed than book reviews. As the author of a literature review, you must become familiar with a large amount of research on a specific topic. You will then develop your own thesis about the topic related to this research. After this, you will classify and critically analyze research on the topic by making a comparison between several different studies and by emphasizing how these studies and their comparison relate to your own thesis.In effect, a literature review is a paper that compiles, outlines and evaluates previously established research and relates it to your own thesis. It provides a context for readers as if theywere researching the topic on their own. Just from reading your paper, readers should be able to gain insight into the amountand quality of research on the topic. Your thesis and the literature reviewed serve several important functions within the paper:Your thesis creates a foundation for the literature review because it helps narrow the topic by providing a sense of direction; however, you will have to conduct some initial research and reading before deciding on an appropriate thesis. Your personal thesis may be a statement addressing some of the following situations: “why your research needs to be carried out, how you came to choose certain methodologies or theories to work with, how your work adds to the research already carried out”(Brightwell, G. and Shaw, J., 1997-98), or it may present some other logical perspective.Reviewed literature is organized in a logical manner that best suits the topic of the review and the hypothesis of the literature (see Organization and Format). The selected method of organization and style of format should draw attention to similarities and differences among the reviewed literature; these similarities and differences are based on specific criteria you revealed in the literature review’s introduction. According to Brightwell and Shaw (1997-98), your goal in the body of the review “. . . should be to evaluate and show relationships between the work already done (Is Researcher Y’s theory more convincing than Researcher X’s? Did Researcher X build on the work of Researcher Y?) and between this work and your own [thesis].” Additional information on these topics can be found in the Organization and Format sections of this packet. Therefore, carefully planned organization is an essential part of any literature review.PurposeAlthough literature reviews may vary according to discipline, their overall goal is similar. A literature review serves as a compilation of the most significant sources on a subject and relates the findings of each of these sources in a rational manner while supporting the literature review author’s own thesis. A literature review establishes which sources are most relevant to its author’s point and which sources are most credible to the discipline at hand.In a literature review, the results of previous research are summarized, organized and evaluated. Discipline-SpecificityA literature review’s organization, format, level of detail and citation style may vary according to discipline because different disciplines have different audiences. Examples here pertain to the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities.Natural and social sciences The author of a literature review in the natural or social sciences must pay close attention to measurements, study populations and technical aspects of experimental findings. Typically, a portion of the natural or social sciences literature review is set aside for reviewing sources on the primary topic. Then, a comparative analysis or discussion section is used to analyze the similarities and differences among the sources, tying them in with the literature review author’s original thesis.Humanities The author of a literature review in the humanities usually does not set aside a special section for reviewing the sources; instead, citations may be found randomly throughout the paper. The literature being reviewed is arranged according to paragraphs based on the author’s points, which in turn, support the author’s thesis. The paper itself may not be called a literature review at all. It is more likely to be called a critical analysis.Remember that the best bet for determining what type of literature review is appropriate for your course is checking with the instructor prior to beginning research.REVIEW1. What is the purpose of a literature review? What is the connection between theauthor’s thesis and the literature being reviewed?2. What discipline will your literature review be classified in?M Process M1. Find several articles that deal with your research topic. Sometimes it is helpful to review the bibliography of one of the first scholarly sources that you encounter and compare it to the bibliographies of other sources on the topic. If the same source is listed within several of these bibliographies, it is probably a fundamental, credible source that will aid you in your review.2. Before you begin reviewing literature, realize that you are looking to accomplish two things:A. Defining your research problem/thesis (examples: finding a flaw inresearch, continuing previous research, etc . . .)B. Reading and evaluating significant works that are relevant to yourresearch problem.You will be conducting Steps A and B simultaneously because the two form a circular pattern. As you read related sources (Step B), you define your problem, and as you define your problem (Step A) you will more easily be able to decide what material is relevant enough to be worthy of reading (Step B).3. Once you begin reviewing, make an entry with complete bibliographical information and comments for each work that you are going to include in the review.4. Compare the articles by evaluating the similarities and differences among them. This will be the initial stage in the formulation of your thesis.5. Form a thesis that is clearly written and can be logically supported by the literature you will include in your review.6. View the articles briefly again and jot down any notes that seem to relateto your thesis.7. Decide which organizational pattern and format are best for the topic of your review.8. Construct an appropriate outline for the literature review.9. Write an introduction that introduces the topic, reveals your thesis statement, and arranges key issues.10. Organize and write the body of your paper according to the appropriate format: topical or chronological.11. Write a conclusion that reconciles similarities and differences on the topic and reemphasizes the criteria used to arrive at this conclusion./doc/8b508cc25fbfc77da269b1c1.html plete the final draft of the literature review.13. Check over the final draft for grammar and punctuation errors.14. Use the checklist provided here to make sure that all parts of the literature review are addressed and focused. REVIEW1. What do you consider to be the most crucial step(s) in the process of your literature review ? Why? Justify your response(s).A literature review can be arranged either topically or chronologically.Topical organization occurs in reviews where previous research being evaluated is divided into segments with each one representing a part of some larger issue. In a topical review, the author begins by describing the characteristics of research shared by several studies and then moves on to analyze their similarities and differences. For more information, see the example below.ExampleThe organization of a literature review begins in the introduction. For example, in the introduction of a literature review about the effect of seating arrangements on peer tutoringcommunication, you would first introduce the topic and what your literature review will attempt to assess:…Writing centers can set the table for collaborative tutoring sessions through a careful consideration of spatial arrangement . . .Then state what angle is going to be explored:…These studies will be used to support the author’s claims that spatial arrangement is instrumental in encouraging collaborative environments in the writing center…Then, arrange key issues that will be addressed in this review by answering questions that you have personally developedand are tailored to fit your topic. In the introduction, give the audience a clear picture of how you will organize your paper: Establishing a Critical Response for a Literature ReviewYou may find this section helpful at Steps 3, 4 and 5 of the process. When reviewing your sources, explore the following areas to help develop your critical response:What is the purpose of the research or work?What research or literary methods are used?How do the major concepts operate?In a research study, how accurate are the measurements?In a literary work, is the author’s position objective or biased? What are the different interpretations of the results of the study or of the literary work itself?M Organization MIn the following, I1 first review some relevant research concerning spatial arrangement and then discuss some recommended and alternate seating arrangements to encourage a collaborative environment in the writing center. Finally, I include some other considerations.In the body of this literature review, you would organize the information topically around each point (or question) that you asked yourself:-Research Review-Recommended Spatial Arrangement-Alternative Spatial Arrangement-Other ConsiderationsThen, write a conclusion that explains the significance of your findings:…While the seating arrangements outlined above are generally a good ‘setting’ for peer tutoring sessions, we should remember that each tutoring session is unique. Not all students will be comfortable with a side-by-side spatial arrangement at a round table. Tutors should be perceptive of and receptive to students who may have other spatial needs…Chronological organization occurs when a review is organized in time order and is most often used when a historical context is needed for discussing a topic from its beginning to its current state; chronological organization is especially helpful when discussing inactive periods and shifts in perspective on a given topic.ExampleThe organization of a literature review begins in the introduction. For example, in the introduction of a literature review entitled Development of Social Science Research on Attitudes Towards Gender in America, you would first introduce the topic and what your review hopes to assess:…This literature review will assess the development of research designed to uncover gender attitudes in America during the latter part of the 20th Century…Then state what angle is going to be explored:..As research progressed throughout the 20th century, the methods that social scientists use for measuring these attitudes developed and changed as well…Then, chronologically arrange issues that will be addressed in this review:Gender stereotypes still exist today, and varying attitudes can be traced over the past fifty years. Survey instruments used to gather data on these varying attitudes have also changed drastically over the course of time.In the body of this literature review, you would organize the information chronologically, adressing each point (or question)that is being asked for a particular time period:-Stereotypes and Survey Instruments of the 1950’s-Stereotypes and Survey Instruments of the 1960’s-Stereotypes and Survey Instruments of the 1970’s-Stereotypes and Survey Instruments of the 1980’s-Stereotypes and Survey Instruments of the 1990’s-Current Advancements1 Always clear the use of I with your instructor. An alternative to this would be the use of third person wording, such as “This paper reviews some relevant research concerning spatial arrangement and then discusses some recommended and alternate seating arrangements to encourage a collaborative environment in the writing center.”Then, write a conclusion that explains the significance of your findings:Although the survey instruments used in the 1950’s and 1960’s developed an obvious bias when surveying Americans regarding gender attitudes, the 1970’s brought about great change. Today social scientists are more careful than ever about testing the quality of a survey instrument before using it on the general public.M Format MThere are also two suggested formats for composing your literature review. Format A is used when comparing several studies that have similar hypothesis but different findings. Each piece of research is summarized individually. Format A is good for reviews with a small number of entries; however, this format may confuse the audience when used with a large number of reviews because descriptions of so many studies may get in the way of the analysis. Keep in mind that each piece of research usually will not receive equal attention in the review.Format A OutlineI. Introduction consists of four parts that are usually discussed in one paragraph.a. Identify the general topic being discussed.b. Mention trends published about the topic.c. State thesis establishing the reason for writing the literaturereview.d. Explain criteria by giving a description of each of the criteria used in evaluating theliterature review and rationalizing its organizationII. Literature reviewed section is divided up according to study.a.First study is summarized and discussed.b.Second study is summarized and discussed.c. Third study is summarized and discussed.III. Comparative analysis acknowledges the similarities and differences between studies.a. Similarities (if any) among the studies are evaluated and discussed.b. Differences (if any) among the studies are evaluated and discussed.IV. Conclusion/Summary effectively wraps up the review.a.Summarize points of comparison or contrast among the works based on Section IIIof your review.b.Provide insight of relationship between the topic of the review and a larger area ofstudy such as a specific discipline or professionFormat B organizes the literature review according to similarities and differences among research rather than by literature studied. In a review organized according to Format B, little background information on the literature being reviewed is given outright. Instead, it is worked into the body paragraphs of the sections on similarities and differences. The conclusion then uses these two sections (similarities and differences) to tie in points of comparison and contrast between the works. Format B better suits papers that are topically organized. Format B is outlined below.Format B OutlineI. Introduction consists of four parts usually discussed in one paragraph.a. Identify the general topic being discussed.b. Mention trends published about the topic.c. State thesis establishing the reason for writing the literaturereview.d. Explain criteria by giving a description of each of the criteria used in evaluating theliterature review and rationalizing its organizationII.Similiarities within the research are discussed.a. First similarity among research is discussed.b. Second similarity among research is discussed.c. Third similiarity among research is discussed.III. Differences in the research are discussed.a.First difference between research is discussedb.Second difference between research is discussedc.Third difference between research is discussedIV. Conclusion/Summarya. Summarize points of comparison or contrast between the works.b. Provide insight into relationship between the topic of the literature and a largerarea of study such as a specific discipline or profession.The most important thing to remember when organizing a literature review is that it is not a list summarizing one work after another. The review should be organized into sections according to theme that are set apart by subject-related headings. REVIEW1.Which format have you chosen for your literature review? Why?M A Literature Review Checklist: MDid I . . . . . . ?□ Establish a valid thesis based on the examined research□ State this thesis clearly in my introduction□ Define unfamiliar terms□ Incorporate background information to define the problem□ Begin each entry in the review with a complete bibliographical reference□ List and describe the hypothesis/thesis in each work reviewed□ Describe the outcome of the work or the research□ Develop and incorporate my own comments, including response to the research, similarities and differences among literature reviewed, and reservations regarding author’s methods or conclusions□ Avoid overquoting□ Check for grammar and punctuation errors□ Correctly cite all references in uniform documentation styleM Resources MBrightwell, G. and Shaw, J. (1997-98). Writing up research. RetrievedAugust 20, 2002 from Languages and Educational Development at theAsian Institute of Technology’s Web page at/doc/8b508cc25fbfc77da269b1c1.html nguages.ait.ac.th/EL21OPEN.HTMCentral Queensland University Library. (2000). The literature review. RetrievedJuly 22, 2003 from /doc/8b508cc25fbfc77da269b1c1.html .au/litreviewpages/Cuba, L. (2002). A short guide to writing about social science. New York:Addison-Wesley Publishers.Leibensperger, S. (2003). Setting the table: Encouraging collaborative environments with spatial arrangement in the writing center. Unpublished literature review.Northern Arizona University. (1999). Electronic textbook - A blast from thepast: Your literature review. Retrieved May 30, 2002 from/doc/8b508cc25fbfc77da269b1c1.html /~mid/edr720/class/literature/blast/reading2-1-1.htmlTaylor, D., & Procter, M. (2001). The literature review: A few tips onconducting it. Retrieved June 17, 2002 fromhttp://www.utoronto.ca/writing/litrev.htmlTrinder, L. (2002). Appendix. The literature review. Retrieved August 27, 2003/doc/8b508cc25fbfc77da269b1c1.html /~w071/teaching/ppf/Appendix%20Lit%20Review.pdfThe University of Wisconsin-Madison Writing Center. (2001). Academicwriting: Reviews of literature. Retrieved May 30, 2002 from/doc/8b508cc25fbfc77da269b1c1.html /writing/Handbook/ReviewofLiterature.html*In traditional APA style, this section would be entitled “References” and would be listed on a separate page double-spaced. Due to space constraints in this packet, it has been formatted differently.Copyright 2003 by the Academic Center and the University of Houston-Victoria.Created 2003 by Candice Chovanec-Melzow.。

英文文献综述万能模板范文Title: A Critical Review of [Research Area]Abstract:This review article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of [Research Area]. It critically analyzes key studies, identifies gaps in research, and highlights potential areas for future exploration. The review covers a wide range of topics, including [specific topics related to the research area], with a focus on their theoretical and empirical implications.Introduction:The field of [Research Area] has attracted significant attention in recent years due to its growing relevance in various industries and disciplines. [Research Area] encompasses a diverse range of topics, from [specifictopics] to [other related topics]. Despite its breadth, however, there is a paucity of literature that offers a holistic view of the field's progress and challenges. This review aims to bridge this gap by synthesizing the key findings and contributions of previous studies, while also highlighting areas that require further investigation.Methodology:To ensure a comprehensive and rigorous review, we searched for relevant articles published in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, and book chapters. We focused on articles published within the last five years, as this period represents the most recent advancements in the field. We also included articles that were highly cited or had a significant impact on the field.Key Findings and Discussion:1. [Topic 1]: [Research Area] has seen significant progress in [Topic 1], with numerous studies exploring various aspects of it. [Provide a brief overview of the keyfindings and studies in this area, discussing their theoretical and empirical contributions.]2. [Topic 2]: While [Topic 2] has received some attention, there remain several unresolved questions and challenges. [Discuss the current understanding of Topic 2, identify research gaps, and suggest potential directionsfor future research.]3. [Topic 3]: Recent studies have begun to explore the intersection of [Research Area] and [Topic 3], offering new insights and perspectives. [Describe the emerging trends and potential implications of this intersection.]Conclusion:This review article has provided a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of [Research Area], focusing on key topics such as [specific topics]. While the field has made significant progress, there are still numerous challenges and unresolved questions that require further investigation. Future research should focuson addressing these gaps, while also exploring new directions and applications of [Research Area] in various contexts.References:[List of references, including journal articles, books, and other relevant sources.]Please note that this is a template and you would need to replace the placeholders (e.g., [Research Area], [specific topics]) with relevant information specific to your research area and topic. You can also expand upon each section, adding more details and citations as needed to reach the desired word count.。

文献综述英文模板撰写文献综述英文模板的步骤如下:1. Title: Use a clear and concise title that reflects the focus of your literature review.2. Abstract: Provide a brief overview of your literature review, including the research question, methods, key findings, and conclusions.3. Introduction: Explain the background and importance of your topic, introduce the research question, and outline the aims and objectives of your literature review.4. Literature Search Methodology: Describe the search strategy you used to identify relevant studies, including databases, keywords, and inclusion/exclusion criteria.5. Summary of Literature Reviewed: Highlight the key findings and themes from the studies you have included in your literature review, paying attention to their relevance to your research question.6. Analysis and Discussion: Analyze and compare the findings from the selected studies, exploring patterns, trends, and gaps in the literature. Discuss how these findings contribute to ourunderstanding of the topic and identify any limitations or biases in the research.7. Conclusion: Summarize the main points of your literature review and highlight its significance. Draw conclusions about the state of research on your topic and identify any gaps or future research directions.8. References: Cite all the studies included in your literature review using the appropriate referencing style (, APA, MLA).这是一个基本的文献综述英文模板,具体内容可能需要根据研究领域和主题进行调整。

Literature review of garbage collection——李薇,李灿,唐兰心,猫然IntroductionPurpose :For garbage recycling, the status quo at home and abroad, due to different start, the maturity of garbage disposal capacity and system is also different. Overseas countries have accumulated rich experience, while China's recycling technology is currently only piloted in a few cities, with few application examples. The author summarized and sorted out the references at home and abroad, analyzed the representative articles at home and abroad respectively, and elaborated the viewpoint and development trend of garbage recycling in this kind of articles, and then found the way to realize garbage recycling in our country.Measure:Using SCI and CNKI databases, our team searched relevant journals with garbage recycling as the key word, classified and summarized the relevant journals, and carried out a literature survey on the topic of garbage recycling under the reasonable division of labor and coordination, and summarized the literature survey.Domestic garbage collection status1. At present, the old ways of municipal solid waste treatment in China are mainly landfill, compost and incineration.2. Residents' individual factors, including the lack of knowledge of garbage classification, lack of corresponding knowledge of garbage classification. At present, the knowledge of garbage classification of most residents in China isrelatively simple or even one-sided. Few people can consciously and actively classify garbage.3. Garbage collection facilities classification confusion4. There are also problems in the implementation of garbage classification system. Although the garbage classification Department has made the garbage bin classification system in the district beforehand, the municipal sanitation department will merge the garbage in order to save labor during the recycling process. This "even pot end" method has seriously affected residents' confidence in independent garbage classification, but also greatly offset the effect ofpre-resident garbage classification, resulting in a certain malignant effect.4.Some matching systems of garbage classification are not perfect. Such as rewards and punishment mechanism, propaganda and education system and other defects.5. The cost of garbage collection is higher.6. The results are not obvious: since the original Ministry of Construction announced the list of the first pilot cities for sorting and collecting domestic waste in 2000, nearly 20 years have passed. Although cities have been exploring new models for garbage control, it is undeniable that the results are not obvious. The average annual garbage output per city is 440 kilograms. 600 cities in the country generate 80 million tons of garbage.参考文献1.城市生活垃圾焚烧社会成本评估方法与应用——以北京市为例宋国君、孙月阳、赵畅、刘帅、王颖著Author's Institutions: School of Environment, Renmin University of China; School of Management Cadres, Ministry of Agriculture; Hebei Dezheng Law Firm2.中国实施垃圾分类为何这么难?——刘庆健著2. 垃圾分类与垃圾治理研究, Zhejiang Gongshang University press, 2018.01, second ------方建移著3.广东省农村垃圾产生特征及处理方式的调查分析Writers:高海硕;陈桂葵;黎华寿等Journal of Rural Environmental Science Volume: 31 issue: 7 pages: 1445-1452 Document No. 1672-2043 (2012)4.基于RBF网络的城市垃圾产量预测及可视化秦绪佳、彭洁、徐菲、郑红波、张美玉著Necessity of garbage collection1.Harmfulness of the old methods of Disposing Municipal Solid waste: At present, the old methods of landfill, composting and incineration are still the main ways of Disposing Municipal Solid Waste in China. Most of these traditional methods have some disadvantages, such as waste of land resources, high technical requirements of composting, secondary pollution caused by incineration, etc.2.High proportion of recyclable resources: Due to the characteristics of campus environment, waste generated by college students ' life mainly includes:Paper products, plastic products, a small amount of metal products and kitchen waste. Covered in teaching, living, dormitory, outdoorSite area. There are 2763 institutions of higher learning in China and about thirty million of college students.Nearly 20,000 tons, of which the proportion of recoverable resources is very high, should be well classified recovery.3. garbage accumulation seriously affects urban development.4. human happiness index and national significance5. The significance of garbage classification and garbage treatment lies not only in solving the dilemma of garbage siege, but also in solving it.It lies in the environmental protection itself, and its significance also includesadvocating and forming a healthy lifestyle and promoting the livelihood of the people.Quality of Life and Subjective Well-being, Promoting Governing Ability and Public Credit of the Government, Improving National Quality and Public MoralityRecognize and improve China's international image in order to realize the "strive to build a beautiful China and realize it" put forward by the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of ChinaThe goal of sustainable development of the Chinese nation.参考文献1.垃圾分类与垃圾治理研究Zhejiang Gongshang University press, 2018.01, second pages. ------方建移著,2.生活垃圾分类制度设计研究:以杭州市为例------颜安庆,蒋晓琦,朱诗雨,丁丁,张鸿昌,李冰洁著,The methods of Garbage collectionTechnical means1.Intelligent System for Garbage collection: IOT technology with Ultrasonic sensor and Arduino Mega . To avoid the piles of rubbish , a project called IOT Based Smart Garbage System I will be implemented, which can be generate warning message to the municipality via SMS when the garbage bin is full or almost full, so the garbage can be collected immediately.2. Fully implementing the dichotomy of dry and wet3. Smart garbage monitoring system for waste management 。

浙江财经学院毕业论文(或毕业设计)文献综述文献综述题目(中文小二号黑体居中或英文Times New Roman小二号加粗居中或日文明朝体小二号加粗)学生姓名指导教师二级学院专业名称班级学号年月日(标题Times New Roman三号加粗)The Literature ReviewofThe M ystery of Antonio’s Sadness in The Merchant of Venice (正文用Times New Roman小四,1.5倍行距,各段首行空4个字符,书名用斜体加粗)Written sometime between 1596 and 1598, The Merchant of Venice is classified as both an early Shakespearean comedy (more specifically, as a "Christian comedy") and as one of the Bard's problem plays; it is a work in which good triumphs over evil, but serious themes are examined and some issues remain unresolved.In The Merchant of Venice , Shakespeare wove together two ancient folk tales, one involving a vengeful, greedy creditor trying to exact a pound of flesh, the other involving a marriage suitor's choice among three chests and thereby winning his (or her) mate. Shakespeare's treatment of the first standard plot scheme centers around the villain of Merchant, the Jewish moneylender Shylock, who seeks a literal pound of flesh from his Christian opposite, the generous, faithful Antonio. Shakespeare's version of the chest-choosing device revolves around the play's Christian heroine Portia, who steers her lover Bassanio toward the correct humble casket and then successfully defends his bosom friend Antonio from Shylock's horrid legal suit. Antonio, as the title character, is sad from the beginning to the end of the play but never names the cause of his melancholy even when his friends ask him. Antonio plays the role as an outcast in the play. Shakespeare uses Antonio’s sadness simply as the device to set the tragic tone in the comedy or make Antonio be one of his melancholic characters in his works? Or Antonio is the representative of the complicated human nature? Antonio's unexplained melancholy is a significant element in understanding the play.1. Studies on The Merchant of V enice(Times New Roman + 四号+首缩进4字符,下同)Karl Marx once cited that Shakespeare is the greatest playwright in the world.Shakespeare’s comedy The Merchant of Venice is one of the most influential comedies in his works. Shylock has mostly been the center of the research on the play.The Merchant of Venice was first printed in 1600 in quarto, of which nineteen copies survive. This was followed by a 1619 printing, and later an inclusion in the First Folio in 1623. The play was written shortly after Christopher Marlowe’s immensely popular Jew of Malta (1589), a play wherein a Jew named Barabas plays a greatly exaggerated villain. The portrayal of Shakespeare's Jew was and remained comic until the late 1700s at which time he was first played as a true villain. In 1814 Shylock’s role was depicted as a character to be pitied, and in 1879 he was first portrayed as a tragic character. Subsequent interpretations have varied greatly over the years, but since World War II he has most often been conceived of as tragic. The Merchant of Venice has been described as a great commentary on the nature of racial and religious interactions.2. Deficiencies of Previous Studies on the Mystery of Antonio’s Sadness in The Merchant of V eniceThe title character, Antonio, begins the play intriguingly: "In sooth, I know not why I am so sad; / It wearies me" (I.i.1-2). Much ink has been spilled with conjectures about Antonio's melancholy: that he's simply melancholic of temperament, that his devotion to Bassanio is homoerotic and the news that this friend seeks to marry has depressed him (Antonio is a name Shakespeare uses also in Twelfth Night for a character with an intense devotion to another male), or that he has an "ominous foreboding" about the events that will transpire in the course of this play. Although those pioneers aroused people to think much of The Merchant of Venice and left us invaluable and systematic reference, and made many achievements in description and explanation of the cause of Antonio’s sadness, there remain many deficiencies.First, The Merchant of Venice, which is considered to be one of Shakespeare’s four great comedies, actually functions as Shakespeare's farewell to comedy. Antonio is one of Shakespeare’s melancholic characters. Shakespeare in The Merchant of Venice is undermining all that passes for comic entertainment. Shakespeare uses Antonio’ssadness as a device to set the tragic tone in the comic atmosphere.Second, a lot of issues that are argued about regarding The Merchant of Venice can be considerably clarified if we know something about the audience it was written for. In the modern, post-Holocaust readings of the play, the problem of anti-Semitism in the play has been discussed a lot. Given that Antonio decides not to seize Shylock’s goods as punishment, we might consider Antonio to be merciful. But we may also question whether it is merciful to return to Shylock half of his goods, only to take away his religion and his profession. Antonio’s compassion seems to stem as much from self-interest as from concern for his fellow man. Shakespeare thus shows a balance of prejudice on both sides. The question whether Antonio is a homosexual in love with Bassanio can also interpreted differently.5. ConclusionDespite the researches already done and achievements already made on the subject, many frontiers are still waiting to be explored. On the basis of the previous researches by forerunners and adopting new approaches we are to make a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of this subject. We don't mean to suggest that other ways of looking at the play are "wrong." In fact, one of the things that is so great about Shakespeare is that there are so many different ways of interpreting his plays that all work.References (Times New Roman四号加粗)参考文献不应少于10条,参考文献应按英文26个字母的顺序排列,先列外文文献后列中文文献,中文用宋体小四,外文用Times New Roman小四。

Author:yuDepartment of Materials"Magnetic motor shell stamping process and die design" literature review Abstract摘要By read these references and documents, in-depth understanding of the contemporary mold of advanced manufacturing technology and metal forming technology, a number of instances of mold design and the understanding and learning, to further study the method of stamping die design, die design and thus have a used in this design and drawing die punching die and so on, through the design of the book related to mold in-depth study, this drawing die and the punching die and so the design methods have references and documents, the design of low-cost high-accuracy die with directional guidance.Keywords:Mold advanced manufacturing technology Mold Manufacturing Trends Drawing Punching CAE Die Materials PricesPreface前言As China's economic integration with the world economy, the rapid development of basic industries, mold manufacturing industry is also developing the current economic situation, people pay more attention to efficiency, product quality, cost, and new product development innovation and development of mold manufacturing concern.The history of the development of moldArchaeological discoveries in China, as early as 2,000 years ago, China has been used to make bronze stamping dies to prove that in ancient China stamping die stamping and achievements to the world's 1953, the Changchun First Automobile Works in China for the first time established a stamping plants, the plant began manufacturing cars in 1958, cover years of the 20th century began producing fine blanking walked a long path of development temperature, the present, China has formed more than 300 billion yuan (not including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan statistics) the production capacity of various types of stamping dies.Development Status and Trends DieSince reform and opening, with the rapid development of the national economy, the market demand of mold recent years, the mold industry has been the growth rate of about 15% of the rapid development of industrial enterprises in the ownership of the mold components also changed dramatically, in addition to professional mold factory outside of state-owned, collective, joint ventures, wholly-owned and private has been a rapid development.As with the accelerating pace of international standards, increasing competition in the market, it has been increasingly recognized productquality, cost, and new product development enterprises have increased in recent years, the mold for investment in technological progress, technological progress will be seen as an important driving force for enterprise domestic enterprises have popularized the two-dimensional mold CAD, and are starting to use UG, Pro / Engineer, I-DEAS, Euclid-IS and other international common software, individual manufacturers have also introduced Moldflow, C-Flow, DYNAFORM, Optris and MAGMASOFT software, and successfully applied to stamping die design.trend(1) a comprehensive promotion of CAD / CAM / CAE technology die CAD / CAM / CAE technology is the development direction of mold design and manufacturing(2) high-speed milling process of foreign high-speed milling process developed in recent years, significantly improve the processing efficiency, and to get a high surface finish.(3) die scanning and digitizing system and mold high-speed scanner provides scanning system to scan from a model or physical model of processing required for the desired number of functions, greatly reducing the manufacturing cycle in the development of mold.(4) milling EDM EDM EDM Milling Technology, also known as invasive as processing technology, which is an alternative to the traditional processing of the cavity by forming a new electrode technology(5) to improve the die mold standardization of standardization is increasing, estimates that the current use of standard mold coverage has reached about 30%.Developed countries is generally about 80%.(6) high-quality materials and advanced surface treatment technology and application of high quality steel, the corresponding surface treatment technology to improve the life of the mold it is very necessary.New Technology Application in the metal formingNew Technology mold stamping applicationDie mold manufacturing technology modernization is the basis for industrial the development of science and technology, computer technology, information technology, automation technology and other advanced technologies are continuing to penetrate the traditional manufacturing technology, cross, integration, implementation of its transformation, the formation of advanced manufacturing technologies. Today, CNC wire cut has a very high level of technological development, function quite well, the degree of automation has reached the degree of unattended by Japan Sodick Corporation A500W-E Sodick EDM wire EDM cutting speed has reached the maximum 300mm/min, machining precision can reach ± μm, surface roughness ~ μ ~ in diameter fine thread cutting technology development, can be cut to achieve a complete convex mold, and the radius of and narrow groove cutting cutting technology has been able to taper to 30 ° above the precision machining.The application of advanced manufacturing technology, the mold has changed the traditional tooling mold quality depends on human factors and difficult to control the situation, making the mold quality depends on the physical and chemical factors, the overall level of easy to control, mold reproduction ability.Summar结论yAfter the analysis of the parts and see the large amount of data, and finally select the desired mold, mold design be simple, economical, practical, difficult to produce low, high efficiency, where workers learn a lot of mold the development of domestic mold industry, the rapid development of China's mold industry rejoiced, but to see the advanced molding process with a huge gap, as a material people also feel a long rapid development of today's industry, mold development of new technologies with the invention of new technology constantly updated, constantly requires that we always pay attention to the mold industry, and even the industrial development process.。

英文文献综述万能模板范文英文回答:Introduction.A literature review is a comprehensive survey of the existing research on a particular topic. It provides a critical analysis of the literature, identifying the key themes, gaps, and areas for future research. A well-written literature review can help readers quickly and easily understand the current state of knowledge on a topic.Steps to Writing a Literature Review.1. Define your topic. The first step is to define the scope of your literature review. This includes identifying the key concepts, variables, and research questions that you will be addressing.2. Search for relevant literature. Once you havedefined your topic, you need to search for relevant literature. This can be done through a variety of sources, including academic databases, Google Scholar, and library catalogs.3. Evaluate the literature. Once you have found a bodyof literature, you need to evaluate it to determine its relevance, quality, and credibility. This involves reading the abstracts and full text of the articles and assessing their strengths and weaknesses.4. Organize your review. Once you have evaluated the literature, you need to organize it into a logical structure. This may involve grouping the articles by theme, methodology, or research question.5. Write your review. The final step is to write your literature review. This should include a clear introduction, a body that discusses the key findings of the literature, and a conclusion that summarizes your findings andidentifies areas for future research.Tips for Writing a Literature Review.Be comprehensive. Include all of the relevant literature on your topic, even if it is not supportive of your hypothesis.Be critical. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the literature, and identify any gaps in the research.Be clear and concise. Write in a clear and concise style, and avoid using jargon or technical language.Proofread carefully. Make sure to proofread your literature review carefully before submitting it.中文回答:文献综述的撰写步骤。

英文文献综述标准范文述评(review)结论(conclusion)B: Primary sourcesThose providing direct evidence, such as works of scholars of the field,biographies or autobiographies, memoirs, speeches, lectures, diaries, collection of letters, interviews, case studies, approaches, etc. Primary sources come in various shapes and sizes, and often you have to do a little bit of research about the source to make sure you have correctly identified it. When a first search yields too few results, try searching by broader topic; when a search yields toomany results, refine your search by narrowing down your search.C: Secondary sourcesThose providing indirect evidence, such as research articles or papers, bookreviews, assays, journal articles by experts in a given field, studies on authors orwriters and their works, etc. Secondary sources will inform most of your writingin college. You will often be asked to research your topic using primary sources,but secondary sources will tell you which primary sources you should use andwill help you interpret those primary sources. To use theme well, however, youneed to think critically them. There are two parts of a source thatyou need toanalyze: the text itself and the argument within the text.D: Web sourcesThe sources or information from websites. Web serves as an excellentresource for your materials. However, you need to select and evaluate Websources with special care for very often Web sources lack quality control. Youmay start with search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Ask, Excite, etc. It’s agood idea to try more than one search engine, since each locates sources in itsown way. When using websites for information, be sure to take care for theauthorship and sponsorship. If they are both unclear, be critical when you useinformation. The currency of website information should also be taken intoaccount. Don’t use too out information dated for your purpose.IV. Major strategies of Selecting Materials for literature reviewA. Choosing primary sources rather than secondary sourcesIf you have two sources, one of them summarizing or explaining a work andthe other the work itself, choose the work itself. Never attempt to write a paperon a topic without reading the original source.B. Choosing sources that give a variety of viewpoints on your thesisRemember that good argument essays take into account counter arguments.Do not reject a source because it makes an argument against you thesis.C. Choosing sources that cover the topic in depthProbably most books on Communicative Language Teaching mention WilliamLittlewood, but if this your topic, you will find that few sources cover the topicin depth. Choose those.D. Choosing sources written by acknowledged expertsIf you have a choice between an article written by a freelance journalist onTask-based Teaching and one written by a recognized expert like David Nunan,Choose the article by the expert.E. Choosing the most current sourcesIf your topic involves a current issue or social problem or development in ascientific field, it is essential to find the latest possible information. If all thebooks on these topics are rather old, you probably need to look for information inperiodicals.V. Writing a literature ReviewA. When you review related literature, the major review focuses should be:1. The prevailing and current theories which underlie the research problem.2. The main controversies about the issue, and about the problem.范围;(2)使用一般现在时介绍背景知识,使用现在完成时叙述他人成果,使用一般将来时或一般现在时简介本文内容;(3)结构力求简洁明了,多用简单句,并列成份较为常见;作者要对大量有关文献进行系统的整理、归纳、对比和分析,在此基础上列出与主题有关的所有重要学术观点,然后分别加以论述,以便读者获得全面的了解。

经典英文文献综述范文English:A classic English literature review typically provides an overview and analysis of key works in a particular field or topic. It often begins with an introduction that outlines the scope and purpose of the review, followed by a discussion of the historical context and the evolutionof the topic. The literature review then delves into a detailed examination of the most influential and significant texts, identifying key themes, arguments, and methodologies employed by the authors. The review also seeks to identify gaps or unresolved issuesin the existing research, and may propose avenues for future exploration in the field. This type of literature review is valuable for scholars and researchers seeking to gain a comprehensive understanding of the state of knowledge in their area of study, and often serves as a foundation for new research projects and critical debates within the academic community.中文翻译:经典的英文文献综述通常提供了一个特定领域或主题关键作品的概述和分析。
德伯家的苔丝文献综述 英文

德伯家的苔丝文献综述英文Title: A Literary Review of "Tess of the d'Urbervilles""Tess of the d'Urbervilles" is a timeless novel that has captivated readers across the globe since its publication in 1891. Set in the Victorian era, Thomas Hardy's masterpiece tells the tragic tale of Tess Durbeyfield, a young woman whose life is marked by misfortune and social injustice. This literary review aims to explore the themes, characters, and literary devices employed by Hardy in his portrayal of Tess's tragic fate.The novel opens with the revelation that Tess's family claims descent from the once-illustrious d'Urberville family. This revelation sets the stage for Tess's life of struggle and disappointment. Hardy cleverly crafts a narrative that weaves together themes of social class, morality, and female empowerment, all of which are explored through Tess's tragic journey.Tess's character is multi-faceted and complex, making her a sympathetic and enduring figure. She is kind-hearted and pure, yet her life is a constant series of disasters. Her innocence and naivety are her undoing, as she naively trusts those who abuse and exploit her. Hardy's portrayal of Tess as a victim of social circumstances and moral hypocrisy is both heartbreaking and thought-provoking.The novel's narrative structure is also noteworthy. Hardy employs a variety of literary devices, such as flashbacks and internal monologues, to delve into Tess's thoughts and feelings. This allows readers to experience her emotional journey and understand her actions and decisions. The use of these devices also adds depth and richness to the narrative, making it both engaging and thought-provoking."Tess of the d'Urbervilles" also comments on the social and moral issues of its time. The novel criticizes the hypocrisy and cruelty of the upper classes, particularly through the figure of Alec d'Urberville. Alec's actions towards Tess are both immoral and illegal, yet he remainsunrepentant and unpunished. This contrasts sharply with Tess's own morality and innocence, highlighting the injustice of the social system.The novel also explores the role of women in Victorian society. Tess's tragic fate is partly a result of thesocial expectations and constraints placed on women at that time. She is expected to be obedient and submissive, yet her actions and decisions are constantly judged and criticized. This adds to her already沉重burdens and contributes to her ultimate downfall.In conclusion, "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" is a timeless novel that continues to resonate with readers today. Hardy's masterful portrayal of Tess's tragic fate, coupled with his commentary on social and moral issues, makes this novel both an engaging read and an important work of literature. The themes and characters explored in the novel are both timeless and universal, making it a must-read for anyone interested in literature or social history.。

Literature Retrieval
✓Any research was based on a previous one.
✓Any high-quality research was based on the quantity and quality of literature one examinated.
Get needed resources. But how?
How to get?
3 questions you should keep focusing on: What to get? Where to get? By what means?
Four Criteria:
What is literature review?
through critical reading revealing the research progress putting forth the questions
Study Aims:
• Learn to retrieve required literature. • Learn to write a literature review.
Tasks after Class:
Based on the literature you’ve retrieved, write a literature review about 3,000 words.

关于科技的英文文献综述范文Here is a 1000-word essay on the topic of "A Literature Review on Technology":Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, transforming the way we live, work, and communicate. From the invention of the printing press to the development of artificial intelligence, the influence of technology on human civilization is undeniable. This literature review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the various aspects of technology and its impact on society.One of the most significant advancements in technology is the rapid development of digital technologies. The internet has revolutionized the way we access information, communicate with others, and conduct business. The rise of social media platforms has transformed the way we interact with our friends, family, and the world around us. Similarly, the growing popularity of e-commerce has changed the way we shop, with online retailers offering a vast array of products and services at our fingertips.Another important aspect of technology is the field of automationand robotics. Automated systems are now being used in a wide range of industries, from manufacturing to healthcare, to improve efficiency and reduce human error. The development of sophisticated robots has also led to significant advancements in fields such as exploration, disaster relief, and medical procedures. However, the increasing reliance on automation has also raised concerns about job displacement and the impact on the workforce.The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is perhaps one of the most significant technological advancements of our time. AI systems are capable of performing tasks traditionally reserved for humans, such as decision-making, problem-solving, and language processing. The potential applications of AI are vast, ranging from personalized recommendations on e-commerce platforms to the development of self-driving cars. At the same time, the ethical implications of AI, such as the potential for bias and the impact on privacy, are the subject of ongoing debates and research.Another area of technology that has seen significant advancements is the field of renewable energy. As the world grapples with the challenge of climate change, the development of sustainable energy sources has become a pressing concern. Solar, wind, and hydroelectric power are just a few examples of the renewable energy technologies that are being explored and implemented on a global scale. These technologies not only help to reduce our carbonfootprint but also have the potential to provide affordable and accessible energy to communities around the world.The impact of technology on healthcare is another area that deserves attention. Advancements in medical technology, such as diagnostic imaging, telemedicine, and personalized medicine, have revolutionized the way we approach healthcare. These technologies have the potential to improve patient outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, and increase access to quality care, particularly in remote or underserved areas.However, the rapid pace of technological change has also raised concerns about the potential negative impacts of technology on our lives. The increased reliance on digital devices and the constant connectivity of the internet can lead to issues such as screen addiction, sleep deprivation, and social isolation. Additionally, the collection and use of personal data by tech companies and governments have raised concerns about privacy and data security.In conclusion, this literature review has explored the various aspects of technology and its impact on society. From the transformative power of digital technologies to the advancements in renewable energy and healthcare, the role of technology in shaping our world is undeniable. However, as we continue to embrace technological progress, it is crucial that we carefully consider the ethical andsocietal implications of these advancements. By doing so, we can ensure that technology is used to enhance and improve the lives of people around the world, rather than contributing to societal problems.。

文献综述例文英文翻译Literature Review ExampleIntroduction:This literature review explores the concept of mindfulness and its relationship with mental health. Mindfulness is commonly defined as the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, to the present moment, without judgment. In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in mindfulness as a tool for improving mental health. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of the current literature on mindfulness and mental health, and to highlight some of the key findings from this research.Method:To conduct this literature review, a comprehensive search of electronic databases including PubMed, CINAHL, and PsycINFO was undertaken. The search terms included “mindfulness”, “mental health”, “anxiety”, “depression”, “stress”, “psychological distress” and “well-being”. The articles included in this review were limited to those published in peer-reviewed journals between the years 2000 and 2020, in English.Results:The results of this literature review indicate that mindfulness-based interventions are effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and psychological distress. Studies have found that mindfulness training can lead to significant improvements in individual well-being, reduced stress, and increased positive affect. One study found that mindfulness meditation was more effective than cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety in individuals with major depressive disorder. Other studies have found that mindfulness-based interventions can improve cognitive functioning, attention, and emotion regulation.Discussion:The findings of this literature review suggest that mindfulness-based interventions hold promise as effective tools for improving mental health. The results indicate that mindfulness training can provide individuals with the tools they need to manage symptoms of anxiety, depression, and psychological distress. Given the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions, it appears that these practices have the potential to become an important addition to conventional treatments for mental health disorders.Conclusion:In conclusion, this literature review highlights the importance of mindfulness-based interventions in improving mental health. The results of this review suggest that mindfulness training canlead to significant improvements in individual well-being, reduced stress, and increased positive affect. Further research is needed to elucidate the underlying mechanisms by which mindfulness-based interventions work. Nonetheless, the practical applications of mindfulness practices in treating anxiety, depression, and psychological distress suggest that these interventions have the potential to become an important component of mental health treatments.。