If you ask me1If you ask me, real life is not all it's cracke d up to be. Twelve yearsat school and threeyearsat univer sity, teache rs bangin g on aboutopport uniti es in the big wide worldbeyond our shelte red life as studen ts, and what do I find?2 Try as I mightto stay cheerf ul, all I ever get is hassle, someti mes with people (especi allyboys, god, when will they grow up?), but mostly with money. It's just so expens ive out here! Everyo ne wantsa sliceoff you. The Inland Revenu e wantsto deduct income tax, the bank manage r wantsrepaym entson my studen t loan, the landlo rd wantsthe rent, gas, water, electr icity and my mobile billskeep coming in, and all that's before I've had anythi ng to eat. And then some bright sparkcallsme out of the blue, asking if I'm intere stedin buying a pensio n. At this rate, I won't even last till the end of the year, let alonetill I'm 60.3 I didn't really want to go out to work just yet. I mean, I wasn't a dropou t and I knew I'd have to some day. Accord ing to any number of people "life's not a picnic", "there's no such thingas a free lunch". But giventhat I'd got a good degree, I though t I'd like to go on to get my master's. Actual ly, I had my eye on the course at the London School of Econom ics (LSE) . Top school, very good for my CV. But I talked to my mum aboutit, and she said she couldn't afford to suppor t me any more. I kind of unders tandit, and not just becaus e my degree is in econom ics. She'd worked hard for 15 yearsto give me an educat ion. My dad wasn't around most of the time, and when he was, he didn't have any money. He'd spentit gambli ng on the dogs or down the pub. So it came to the pointwhenI just agreed with Mum, and bowedmyself toward s the inevit able.4 If you ask me, and despit e everyt hingyou hear, fortun ately thereare some really nice people out there. Take Mike, for exampl e. When I left univer sity, what I though t was that my mum wouldfeel oblige d to look afterme if I return ed home. So I packed up my belong ingsand went to London to get a job. I wanted someth ing in financ e and invest ments, becaus e you know, maybewith a job like that, I coulduse my degree. But by that time, therewere no jobs left, and I didn't really want to end up in some boring office, doingphotoc opies and making the tea.5 Go anywhe re you like in London and there's usuall y a good pub. The day I realiz ed no one in the city was goingto offerme a job, I went into The Salisb ury on Leaden hallStreet for a drinkand someth ing to eat. Mike the landlo rd was at the bar, pourin g pintswith one hand, making sandwi cheswith the other, and washin g the glasse s all at the same time—it's true, he really did seem to have threehands. He also seemed to know everyo ne, and greete d the regula rs by name, gettin g theirdrinks readywith the questi on, "The usualtoday, is it?" I though t he looked kind of cool, he was doingwhat he did best, servin g thirst y client s, and no one did it better. So I went up to him and askedhim whethe r therewas a job for me.6 Well, to cut a long storyshort, I starte d work in the pub one Friday lunchtime. It was quitedemand ing work, but I likedit. People seemed to find me amusin g and it made me feel better too. Therewas one middle-aged regula r in a suit who always had a half of bitter and a ham and pickle sandwi ch, with the crusts cut off. When I saw Tony coming, I triedto have his lunchreadyfor him even before he asked. He was anothe r one of thosereally nice people.7 If you ask me, spendi ng moneywhen you don't have any is dead easy. I beganto thinkabouthow I'd spendmy firstmonth's wages. The flat whereI was stayin g was expens ive, and I just abouthad enough to coverthe firstmonth's substa ntial bills. But I calcul atedthat there'd be just enough moneyover to treatmyself to someth ing. Why not get a CD or maybea plantto cheerup the flat? I though t.8 It was my birthd ay on pay day. Apartfrom Mike and Tony, I didn't have any friend s in London. Seeing that I didn't have a boyfri end either, you can unders tandwhy I beganto feel sorryfor myself. So I ordere d myself some flower s, and askedthem to be sent with a little card, saying "With all my love Anon." The highli ght of my birthd ay wouldbe the confus ed look on the floris t's eyes when he delive red them.9 Laterthat week, Tony came in as usualand sat down at the bar. "What's wrongwith you? Where's that smilegone today?" I talked to him about... well, aboutpretty well everyt hing, money, the master's, my birthd ay, the lot. He sympat hized with me.10 Tony got up from his stool, and went over to talk to some of the others. Rememb er: The Salisb ury is rightin the heartof the city, so all the custom ers were in bankin g or insura nce or the stockmarket. Next day he turned up with cheque s to the valueof £20,000. "This is a loan for you to set up your busine ss. The only collat eralyou have is my trustin you that one day, you'll pay us back—if you can. And if you can't, too bad, that's the financ e busine ss for you. But I thinkyou will."11 I didn't say anythi ng for fear that I was goingto cry. What were the odds on anyone beingso nice?12 And the flower s? I redire ctedthem to my mum, and they arrive d for her on my birthd ay. She deserv ed them, don't you think?13 If you ask me, lookin g back afterall theseyears, you only need one or two breaks in your life to succee d. The fact that the rest is hard work doesn't matter, it's stillworthit.14 Aftera year workin g at The Salisb ury, I got a placeat the LSE, did my master's and founda job in an invest mentbank. I invest ed the £20,000, and sold out before the 2008 crash. I paid back Tony and the otherinvest ors, with ten per cent annual intere st, and set up my own firm. It exceed ed all my expect ation s and is stilla thrivi ng busine ss.15 Tony wroteme a thank-you note. He'd been in a car accide nt, and couldn't walk. The moneyI paid back wouldallowhim to adapthis houseso he couldmove around it in his wheelc hair. This is what he wrote:16 "Thirty-five yearsin bankin g, and I've nevermade a better invest mentthan the loan to you. You've repaid the moneywith intere st, and my trustin you and your honest y 100-fold. If you ask me, invest ing in people givesthe best return you can ever hope for."17 If you ask me, he's right. What do you think?依我看依我看,现实生活并没有人们想象的那么好。
UNIT 1大一新生日记星期日从家里出发后,我们开车开了很长一段时间才到达我住的宿舍楼。
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Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3
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Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 4
Key to Exercises NSCE Book 1Unit FiveActive reading (1)Reading and understanding4 Answer the questions.1 Why does Cathy ask if Nelly is alone?Because Cathy wants to talk to Nelly in private about a secret (Edgar’s proposal of marriage).2 Why does Cathy want to know where Heathcliff is?Because Cathy wants to make sure that she is alone with Nelly. She wants to talk about Edgar and Heathcliff, so she wouldn’t want either of them to hear the conversation.3 What news does Cathy give Nelly?Cathy tells Nelly that Edgar has proposed to her and she has accepted him.4 What does she want Nelly to tell her?She wants Nelly to say whether she should have accepted or refused Edgar’s proposal.5 What does Nelly think is the most important thing in a marriage?Love, so she asks whether Cathy loves Edgar as the first consideration.6 What happens in Cathy’s dream?She goes to heaven, but is broken-hearted to be away from home. The angels send her back home where she sobs for joy. It seems for Cathy this means she will be unhappy with Edgar. She has “no more business” to marry him than to be in heaven, where, in the dream, she is unhappy.7 What does Cathy say about Heathcliff?She loves him and feels that they have the same soul, but it would degrade her to marry him. (He was found homeless on the street, so he had a poor social background.)6 How does Cathy feel about Edgar?Cathy thinks she and Edgar have different souls, “as different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire”.Dealing with unfamiliar words5 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 to say something very quietly (whisper)2 to say something suddenly and loudly (exclaim)3 to cry because you feel strong emotion (weep)4 to cry noisily, taking short breaths (sob)5 to promise to do something (pledge)6 to say that you did not do something (deny)7 to stop someone from doing something, like speaking (interrupt)8 to start something again, like speaking (resume)9 to breathe out slowly, especially because you are sad (sigh)10 to say the opposite of what someone has said is true (contradict)Now check (¸) the reporting verbs which give most information about emotions. exclaim, weep, sob, pledge, sigh, contradict6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.1 He was resting with his knees on the ground beside her when he asked her to marry him. (kneeling)2 It was traditional to ask for the father’s permission to marry the daughter. (consent)3 Her feelings towards him became different as she got to know him better. (altered)4 He continued with his argument, even though she didn’t agree with him. (pursued)5 Her refusal to admit what had happened made him get angry. (denial)6 He came home in a terrible mood and threw his bag onto the floor. (temper; flung)7 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 When you rock a baby, do you move it backwards and forwards (a) gently, or (b) violently?2 If you are having a doze, are you (a) asleep, or (b) working?3 If someone’s behaviour is shameful, should they (a) be proud of what they have done, or (b) feel very sorry about what they have done?4 If you aren’t worried about anything, save your own concerns, does this mean (a) you don’t have to be worried, or (b) you’re only worried about your own business?5 If you do something sulkily, will people notice that you are in (a) a good mood, or (b)a bad mood?6 Is a look which turns off someone’s bad temper likely to be (a) gentle, or (b) angry?7 If you come to the point, do you (a) come to the end of something, or (b) say what is important?8 If something is no business of yours, should you (a) be interested in it, or (b) not be interested in it?9 If something degrades someone, does it make people respect them (a) less, or (b) more?10 Does “What good is it doing something?” mean (a) “Why do it?”, or (b) “Is it a good thing to do?”Active reading (2)Dealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 a strong feeling of sadness (grief)2 a round shape or curve (loop)3 an image that you see when you look in a mirror (reflection)4 to let something fall off as part of a natural process (shed)5 a smooth and beautiful way of moving (grace)6 attractive (cute)7 continuing to support someone or be their friend (faithful)8 to cover something by putting something such as paper or cloth around it (wrap)9 not bright (dim)5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.1 I’ve been faithful to my husband all my life.2 I’d like to give this as a present. Could you wrap it for me in silver paper, please?3 The public expression of grief after the death of the princess lasted for several days.4 She dances with such grace! I think she could become a professional dancer.5 I can’t see very well in here. The light’s rather dim.6 When I saw my reflection in the mirror this morning I got a shock.6 Answer the questions about the words.1 Does a bill refer to (a) a bird’s mouth, or (b) a request for money in the poem?2 Is satin (a) a soft delicate material, or (b) a hard rough material?3 If something is wobbling, is it (a) not moving, or (b) moving unsteadily?4 Does platinum refer to (a) a colour like silver, or (b) a colour like gold?5 Is something that is lethal (a) very friendly, or (b) extremely dangerous?6 If a cloth has been embroidered, is it likely to be (a) multi-coloured, or (b) uncoloured?Language in Usewhatever, whoever etc1 Rewrite the sentences with the word in brackets.1 I don’t know who wrote this poem, but he was very romantic. (whoever) Whoever wrote this poem was very romantic.2 Heathcliff may be anywhere, but he isn’t in the house. (wherever)Wherever Heathcliff may be, he isn’t in the house.3 I don’t know what to say, because she doesn’t listen to me any more. (whatever) Whatever I say, she doesn’t listen to me anymore.4 Every time I told him a secret, he told his friends. (whenever)Whenever I told him a secret, he told his friends.5 Anything may happen, but I will always be faithful. (whatever)Whatever happens, I will always be faithful.6 I don’t know who sent me this parcel, but they know I like chocolates. (whoever) Whoever sent me this parcel knows I like chocolates.7 I’m not exactly sure what I’m eating, but it’s very nice. (whatever)Whatever I’m eating, it’s ve ry nice.8 You may end up anywhere in the world, but I will never forget you. (wherever)Wherever you end up in the world, I will never forget you.present participles2 Rewrite the sentences.1 Since I felt concerned, I asked her to phone me the next day.I, feeling concerned, asked her to phone me the next day.2 When Judith fell asleep she was clinging to her teddy bear.Judith fell asleep, clinging to her teddy bear.3 Sarah dried her eyes and tried to smile.Sarah, drying her eyes, tried to smile.4 H e took out the card and said, “This valentine’s for me.”“This valentine’s for me,” he said, taking out the card.5 I was waiting for the train when I read that poem.I waited for the train, reading that poem.6 Since I didn’t have much money with me, I couldn’t pay for the meal.I, not having much money with me, couldn’t pay for the meal.no more … than3 Look at the sentence and answer the question.I’ve no more business to marry Edgar Linton than I have to be in heaven.Cathy means that (c) .(a) if she marries Edgar Linton she will feel as if she’s in heaven(b) she won’t go to heaven if she married Edgar Linton(c) she doesn’t want to marry Edgar Linton and doesn’t feel she should be in heaven4 Rewrite the sentences using no more … than .1 I have no reason to get married, and I’ve got no reason to change my job.I have no more reason to get married than (I have) to change my job.2 She’s got no reason to feel unhappy, and no reason to celebrate.She’s got no more reason to feel unhappy than (she has) to celebrate.3 There’s no point in waiting here, and no point in calling a taxi.There’s no more point in waiting here than (there is) in calling a taxi.4 We have no interest in starting this task, or in finishing the first one.We have no more interest in starting this task than (we have) in finishing the first one.5 I’ve got no business to advise her about her private life, nor should she advise me about mine.I’ve got no more business to advise her about her private life than she has to advise me about mine.6 I have no wish to start a new relationship, or to write another book.I have no more wish to start a new relationship than (I have) to write another book. collocations5 Read the explanation of the words. Answer the questions.1 pursue To pursue means to follow a course of activity.(a) If you pursue the matter, you are likely to try to reach a decision (you don’t abandon it).(b) When you pursue your career, you have the career you want and you want to get ahead in it.(c) If the police are pursuing their inquiries, they haven’t solved the crime, and are still investigating it.2 denial A denial is a statement that something did not happen or isn’t true.(a) If you’re in denial about your age, you don’t admit how old you are.(b) If a company issues a strong denial of responsibility, they don’t admit to having done anything wrong.3 temper If you have a temper, you tend to get angry very quickly.(a) When tempers flare, people get angry.(b) If someone tells you to keep your temper during a discussion, they are likely to be telling you to calm down, and you shouldn’t lose your temper.(c) If people fly into a temper, they lose their temper very quickly and get really angry.4 wrap To wrap something is to cover something in cloth or paper.(a) If you wrap up a meeting, you finish it (because wrapping up a package is the last stage of preparing a gift or buying something).(b) If you’re wrapped up in your work, it interests you very much, and you spend a lot of time doing it or thinking about it, s o you don’t notice anything else.(c) If you keep something under wraps, you keep it secret (as if it is a package wrapped up so other people can’t see what it is).6 Translate the sentences into Chinese.1 Her lips were half asunder as if she meant to speak; and she drew a deep breath, but it escaped in a sigh, instead of a sentence.她半张着嘴,似乎想说什么;她深深地吸了一口气,可随之而来的却是一声无语的叹息。
外研社新标准大学英语综合教程1(完整课后翻译答案)包含1-10单元每一单元的英译汉、汉译英行走的小鱼,2013年12月29日整理、排版,欢迎使用!Unit 1●英译汉1. Finally, with my mother red in the face and short of breath, we find Room 8, I unlock the door, and we all walk in.(?介词 with 表示状态,不必直译。
2. She impresses me, and I feel so ignorant that I shouldn’t even breathe the same air as her.她给我留下了深刻的印象,我觉得自己太无知了,甚至不配跟她呼吸同样的空气。
3. I don’t know why I have to be introduced to literature but the woman in the admissions o ffice says it’s a requirement even thoughI’ve read Dostoyevsky and Melville and that’s admirable for someone without a high school education.(?翻译时将 be introduced to literature 变成主动语态更通顺。
4. I’m in heaven and the first thing to do is buy the required textbooks, cover them with the purple and white NYU book jackets so that people in the subway will look at me admiringly.(I am in heaven 不能直译成“我上了天堂”,这句话应意译。
Unit 1 Job SeekingChinese Version求职1.求职过程中,你应该想一想往后十五至二十年将干什么。
Key to Language Points1. Translate the following sentences into English.1) 求职前,考虑一下你能做什么,不能做什么。
Give thought to what you can do and what you can’t do before seeking a job.2) 我们作决定时,要考虑它们是否符合实际,能够实施。
与此同时,奥巴马总统竞选支持者、商人安东尼·“托尼”·雷兹科(Antoin Tony Rezko)及妻子芮塔(Rita)以全价62.5万美元购买了紧邻奥巴马别墅的一块空地。
乔治·沃克·布什乔治·沃克·布什和劳拉·布什从白宫卸任后,这对夫妇回到了普雷斯顿霍洛(Preston Hollow)社区,当布什还是德克萨斯州州长的时候他们一家就住在这里。
现在,布什一家的单层住宅位于达瑞亚(Daria Place)街10141号,面积为8501平方英尺,掩映在绿树丛中,外有大门守卫。
背朝布什官邸的是一处规模庞大的房产,该房产在《达拉斯月刊》的“达拉斯100处最贵房产”名单中名列榜首,估价为3914万美元,所有者是汤姆·希克斯(Tom Hicks')控股公司。
该公司还拥有德克萨斯游骑兵棒球队(Texas Rangers)、达拉斯星辰冰球队(Dallas Stars)以及利物浦足球俱乐部(Liverpool Football Club)的股权。
Unit 1Useful ExpressionsText BKeys to ExercisesText A3. 34. b, c, c, d, c, a5. productive, attendance, resistance, ambitious, acceptance, script, impressive6. attendance, ambitious, productive, impressive, resistance, script, acceptance7. mortgage, deck, surf, coastal, defy, lengthy8. b, a, b, b, a, a, b, bText B2. c, d, b3. 34. triple, cemetery, rear, biography, cram, budding, finite, elapse5. elapsed, cemetery, rear, crammed, triple, budding, biography, finite6. a, b, a, a, b, b, a, a7. a, b, b, a, a, b, b, b, aLanguage in use1. • I’ve double- and triple-checked it. (compound verb)• budding crypt-kickers (compound noun)• a rear-view mirror (compound adjective)• the once-a-year holiday to Florida or Spain (compound adjective)• back-burner stuff (compound adjective)• standing at the corner of the Co-op (compound noun)• a sepia-coloured relative that no one can put a name to (compound adjective)2. a late-night party, a well-stocked library, a world-famous professor, some well-timedadvice, a rapidly-growing population, a free-market economy, a half-hour boat trip3. It’s how we behave that determines what other people think of us.It’s what our character is that usually determines what sort of job we are going to end up doing. It isn’t always what ma rks we get at university that determines what we do as a career.It is often what we experienced in our childhood that determines how we react to life’s problems.It’s what our genetic clock is and what changes we make to it that determine when we die.4. It wasn’t just that the shops were all closed for Thanksgiving, but there was no one in thestreets.It wasn’t just that she spent all her time at college going to pa rties, but she took the time togaina first class degree.It wasn’t just that they weren’t listening to what he said, but it seemed as if they weren’t at all interested.It wasn’t just that I was upset, but I felt as if I was going to burst out crying.It wasn’t just that the Grim Reaper was intended to frighten people, but it was also a figure of fun.6. 我们都觉得在校时间不多了,以后再也不会有这样的学习机会了,所以都下定决心不再虚度光阴。
80% ! ..
Reading in detail: VoCabUlary exercises TaSk 4
LangUage in USe TaSk 1
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ACtiVe reading 1 FirSt reading TaSk 1
Unitl Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8
FirSt reading TaSk 2
Reading in detail: VoCabUIary exercises TaSk 1 Reading in detail: VoeabUlary
Reading in detail: VOCabUlary exercises TaSk 1
Reading in detail: VOCabUlary exercises TaSk 2
Unit one 绿化,永无止境【1】环保主义思想已经深深的扎根于校园。
康奈尔大学的校长David Skorton说得好:“可持续发展势在必行。
”【2】想要寻找环保运动已经广泛开展的证据,只要关注全国各大学都热衷参与RecycleMania 竞赛就能找到答案。
【3】环保建筑也如春笋般突然出现在校园中,从杜克大学里带有环保屋顶的“智慧屋” (一间同时可作为绿色生活实验室的宿舍)到加州大学在默赛德新校区,那里的所有建筑都达到了美国绿色建筑委员会制定的标准。
新标准大学英语综合教程1课文翻译Unit 1 Friendship。
Part I Pre-reading Task。
1.1 Lead-in。
Friendship is an essential part of our lives. It brings us joy, support, and companionship. Through friendship, we learn about trust, loyalty, and mutual respect. In this unit, we will explore the theme of friendship and its importance in our lives.1.2 Background Information。
Friendship is a universal concept that transcends cultural and geographical boundaries. People from all walks of life seek and cherish friendships. It is a fundamental human need that enriches our lives and provides us with a sense of belonging.Part II Text A。
2.1 Text。
Friendship is one of the most valuable things in life. It is a bond that is built on trust, understanding, and mutual support. True friends are there for each other through thick and thin, offering a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear. They share our joys and sorrows, and their presence makes our lives richer and more meaningful.2.2 Vocabulary。
Unit11. Finally, with my mother red in the face and short of breath, we find Room 8, I unlockthe door, and we all walk in.(☞介词with 表示状态,不必直译。
2. She impresses me, and I feel so ignorant that I shouldn’t even breathe the same airas her.她给我留下了深刻的印象,我觉得自己太无知了,甚至不配跟她呼吸同样的空气。
3. I don’t know why I have to be introduced to literature but the woman in the admissionsoffice says it’s a requirement even though I’ve read Dostoyevsky and Melville and that’s admi rable for someone without a high school education.(☞翻译时将be introduced to literature 变成主动语态更通顺。
4. I’m in heaven and the first thing to do is buy the required tex tbooks, cover them withthe purple and white NYU book jackets so that people in the subway will look at me admiringly.(☞ I am in heaven 不能直译成“我上了天堂”,这句话应意译。
新标准大学英语综合教程1原文Unit 1。
Part I Pre-reading Task。
1. The text is a conversation between two people, so it is a dialogue.2. The conversation takes place in a restaurant.3. The man is a foreigner, so he speaks English.4. The woman is a Chinese, so she speaks Chinese.5. The foreigner is learning Chinese, so he is interested in learning a few Chinese words.6. The foreigner is friendly and polite, so he tries to speak Chinese to the woman.Part II Text A。
1. The foreigner says "Nihao" to the woman.2. The woman is surprised and pleased to hear the foreigner speak Chinese.3. The foreigner tells the woman that he is learning Chinese.4. The woman is impressed by the foreigner's Chinese.5. The woman teaches the foreigner how to say "hello" in Chinese.6. The foreigner repeats after the woman.7. The woman is happy to see the foreigner making an effort to learn Chinese.Part III Language Points。
Unit 1 Growing Up为自己而写——拉塞尔·贝克从孩提时代,我还住在贝尔维尔时,我的脑子里就断断续续地转着当作家的念头,但直等到我高中三年级,这一想法才有了实现的可能。
新标准大学英语第一册Unit6译文Active reading (1)梦想成真当夜幕降临悉尼时,雨也开始悄悄地从夜空中飘落。
新标准大学英语综合教程(一)教学素材翻译及课后练习答案Unit 6
Shop till you drop! 6Unit 6 Shop till you drop!Teaching suggestions and answer keysStarting pointMatch the questions with the answers.1 How often do you go shopping?M ost days I buy food to prepare meals in the students’ home. I prefer to cook food myself ratherthan go to the canteen. Sylvia, Florence2 What do you spend most money on?I buy a lot of music. It’s a hobby of mine, and I like to keep up with the latest bands. Jo, San Diego3 How often do you buy clothes?I usually go clothes shopping at the weekend, although I don’t always buy anything. I probablybuy something once every two weeks. Nadia, Moscow4 Which items you buy are essentials?Cosmetics. If I don’t wear eye make-up and lip gloss, I look awful. Danielle, Paris5 How often do you buy presents for other people?I buy something for all my family and friends at Christmas, although obviously I get presentsthrough the whole year. Toby, London6 Which do you prefer to use, credit cards or cash?M y father doesn’t allow me to get into debt, so I only ever use the money I have in my wallet.Teresa, Buenos Aires7 Do you ever borrow money from friends or family, or from a bank?Sometimes my mother lends me some money if I’ve used up my allowance. Jaime, Lima8 Do you try to save money?Well, I try, but I’m not very successful! Judy, Sydney158Shop till you drop! Unit 6Active reading (1)1 Work in pairs. Discuss which kind of shopping you enjoy most.Examples:•going to the shopping mallI like going to the mall because it’s clean, modern and interesting, but sometimes things are moreexpensive.•home shopping on televisionI know the idea is that you see things on TV and then buy them by phone or email. It’s useful if whatyou see is exactly what you want, but remember those programmes are really just adverts.•online shoppingT his can be a good way to buy things at bargain prices. I know someone who actually makes money bybuying and selling on the Internet. However, you need to be careful with online transactions; sometimesthe goods never reach you.•mail order catalogue shoppingI’ve never done this myself, but I’ve heard that buying clothes and household items this way is reallyfast because a good mail order company sends things immediately. Sometimes what you get may notlook like the item in the catalogue photo, but it’s easy to return things you don’t like and get a refund.2 Read about the people below and decide if their behaviour shows retail therapy or shopaholism.1 S andra has an addictive desire to shop. Shopping gives her a sense of temporary satisfaction followedby a feeling of shame which can be relieved by going shopping again. She feels lonely and has low self-esteem, especially as she is spending too much money and is in debt.Sandra’s behaviour shows shopaholism. She seems to be a shopaholic.2 R ose goes shopping to make herself feel more cheerful, especially if she is feeling slightly depressed orunhappy. She has a pleasurable experience and feels better afterwards, and regards shopping as a bit likegoing to the doctor for some medicine.Rose treats shopping as retail therapy.159Unit 6 Shop till you drop!160Retail therapy or shopaholism?Background informationThis passage is a magazine or newspaper article for general readers. It focuses on shopping addiction – shopaholism – and its causes and effects. The term shopaholic is similar in word formation to the words workaholic and chocaholic, and shopaholism can be regarded as harmful. While many people like shopping and sometimes feel that shopping can be retail therapy when they are under stress, shopaholics can suffer severe financial and social-psychological consequences. The passage suggests some solutions and practical steps which shopaholics can take.Culture pointsYou get into debt by spending more money than you have; so you end up in debt and the debts may accumulate. You can get out of debt by paying off or repaying what you owe. If the creditors (the people or companies to whom you owe money) decide that you no longer need to pay, then the debt is written off, or cancelled. The 2008 “credit crunch”, in which American and European banks found they couldn’t pay their debts to other banks and had been over-lending by giving mortgages to people who did not have the means to pay, shows how heavily some Western societies have relied on systems of debt.Language points1 I get a real buzz when I hand over my credit card … (Para 3)The word buzz here means “a strong feeling of pleasure, excitement or achievement”, eg I get a real buzz out of travelling.2 ... but it’s not good when someone loves shopping so much that they go into debt or worse, bankrupt.(Para 4)G oing bankrupt means that someone – or a company – has officially admitted that they have no moneyand cannot pay what they owe. This is a serious situation in law. If they become solvent again, they can clear their debts. Notice some metaphoric uses: intellectually bankrupt (a person or group with poor ideas or lacking in real thought) and morally bankrupt(a person or society with very poor moral standards).3 Psychologists see shopaholism as an addiction which can benefit from treatment. (Para 5)Shopaholism refers to the general condition or “illness” of being a shopaholic – someone who enjoys going shopping even when they don’t need anything and cannot pay for what they buy. Sufferers may not recognize the effect of their shopping behaviour (they “avoid reality”), they cannot control their spending habits (“a loss of control”), but think they are free to spend the money they don’t have (“an illusion of freedom”). Shopaholism may bring a temporary feeling of well-being and distract the person from the worries or anxieties of everyday life, but sufferers often feel guilt or shame. Doctors and psychologists use the medical term oniomania to refer to shopaholism and they would advise the sufferers to be treated.4 … to shop till you drop … (Para 5)This means to keep on shopping until you are exhausted. Then you drop, or fall down.5 … they take it one day at a time. (Para 11)The expression take it one day at a time is used when you are in a difficult situation or have such severe problems that you can only plan and act for the present, and adopt the step-by-step approach.Shop till you drop! Unit 6Reading and understanding3 Answer the questions.1 What is unusual about Linda, Kate and Carina’s attitude to shopping?The scale of their shopping is unusual; they spend a lot on shopping.2 What are the dangers of shopaholism?The dangers are debts and eventual bankruptcy.3 Who does shopaholism affect?It can affect anyone, though it usually affects women.4 What are the causes for shopaholism?T he causes include the fact that shopping appears attractive and exciting, that many young people feelanxious and lonely, angry or lacking in love and in need of comfort. Also it’s easy to obtain credit.5 What should you do if you’re a shopaholic?F irst, you should admit that you have a problem and work out why you are shopping so much and whatis missing in your life to make you behave like this. Then you need to find an alternative activity whichgives you pleasure and take practical steps, like destroying your credit cards and only buying what’s onyour shopping list.6 Do Linda, Kate and Carina enjoy retail therapy or suffer from shopaholism?A ll the three of them enjoyed retail therapy at the beginning, but it has become a problem for them andhas developed into shopaholism.Dealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 equal to something else in quality or importance (comparable)2 having no money and unable to pay what is owed (bankrupt)3 a strong feeling of wanting to have or to do something, especially something that is bad for you(temptation)4 a short journey that you take for pleasure (excursion)5 someone or something that is different in some way from other people or things and so cannot beincluded in a general statement (exception)6 the process of becoming fit and healthy again after an illness or injury (recovery)5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.1 When you buy clothes, there are often two labels, one which shows the price and the other, the makeand other information.2 When researchers claim something a fact, it’s because it’s true.3 Someone who is fashion-conscious likes to wear clothes which are very up-to-date.4 To do something with ease means doing it without any difficulties.5 Something which is the norm is usual or expected.161Unit 6 Shop till you drop!6 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box. You may need to makeother changes.1 When the three main symptoms of shopaholism are put together, it becomes an addiction. (combined)2 A rough guess at the amount of what Victoria Beckham spends on clothes every year is £100,000.(estimation)3 You may have a false impression of freedom when you’re a shopaholic. (illusion)You may have an illusion of freedom when you’re a shopaholic.4 Most people today consider it normal being in debt. (accept)7 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If you smile broadly, is your smile (a) very happy and wide, or (b) very small and quick?2 Is buzz likely to be (a) a pleasant, or (b) an unpleasant feeling?3 Is a mall (a) a department store, or (b) a large building with a lot of shops and restaurants?4 If you’re addicted to something, is it likely to be (a) good for you, or (b) bad for you?5 Is a mail order catalogue (a) a magazine for women, or (b) a magazine with photographs of things youcan buy by mail?6 If you take it one day at a time, do you do something (a) step by step, or (b) in one go?7 If you look for all the world like someone else, is it likely that you look (a) a little bit, or (b) exactly likethem?Reading and interpreting8 Work in pairs. Look at the sentences from the passage and decide if they show facts or opinions.1 “There’s nothing comparable to the feeling of power and importance I get when I go shopping.”(opinion)2 Psychologists see shopaholism as an addiction which can benefit from treatment. (fact)3 Research suggests that shopaholism is a global problem, claiming that 90 per cent of shopaholics arewomen. (fact)4 ... Victoria Beckham spends £100,000 yearly on shopping. (fact)5 But today it’s the norm to have a credit card, and it’s acceptable to be in debt. (opinion)6 What’s more, using a credit card doesn’t feel like spending real money. (opinion)Developing critical thinking9 Work in pairs and discuss the questions.1 Do you enjoy retail therapy, or have you ever experienced shopaholism? Do you know anyone who has?I enjoy retail therapy after exams, but I would rather call it “a celebration” after working hard for solong. I don’t know any shopaholics, but I have read about some. It seems they have a quite normal lifeand then suddenly go mad about shopping. I suppose they have too much stress.162Shop till you drop! Unit 6 2 Do you agree that it’s easy to get credit or borrow money today?Well, banks like to encourage people to use credit cards and to borrow money, because they then canmake money by charging you interest on what you borrow. But I don’t agree that it’s easy to get credit,at least it isn’t for students. Even if you can get credit the bank will give you a low credit limit so thatyou can’t spend too much.3 Who should take the responsibility for an addiction to shopping, the individual, the shop or theconsumer society?This is a complex question. The individual shopper is responsible, really, but addicts will always find itdifficult to control themselves. Shops may have some responsibility, but it’s the job of shop assistantsto encourage everyone to buy, so that’s what they do. The consumer society gives constant messagesthrough advertising and the media that it is good to have plenty of things, so people are encouraged tobuy. Perhaps we should be careful about these messages.4 Do you think that well-known people who spend a lot of money on shopping are attractive role models?I think if well-known people spend their money unwisely in public, they are surely not attractive rolemodels. We should make judgment by ourselves, instead of just following the well-known people.Talking pointWork in pairs and discuss the questions.1 How has the experience of shopping changed for people over recent years?When I talked to my mother about this, I realized that the experience of shopping in China is generallydifferent now compared to 20 years ago. There are more goods available, and much more choice (egdifferent kinds of food), and many shops are bigger, better and cleaner. We are a lucky generationbecause our parents worked hard for these things.2 How do assistants serve customers in supermarkets compared with traditional shops, eg a grocery?In supermarkets, an assistant usually serves only one person at a time. But traditional shops, eg agrocery, normally have fewer assistants, so an assistant may serve several people at the same time.3 How are goods presented in shops and markets?In Chinese supermarkets and shops, goods are normally presented on open shelves with prices on thewrapped goods or on the boards. This is very much the same in Western supermarkets or shops. Oneobvious difference between a Chinese and Western supermarket or shop is that there are more assistantsin a Chinese supermarket, perhaps because there are more people and customers in China.4 Do people say “please” or “thank you” when they go shopping?In Chinese, saying “please” or “thank you” is perhaps less common than it is in English for day-to-day shopping – this may surprise English speakers (or speakers of many European languages) who areused to using these expressions every time they go shopping. But visitors to China should not assumethat using fewer of these expressions means that Chinese people aren’t polite! There are many ways ofshowing politeness, apart from using these social formulae.163Unit 6 Shop till you drop!164Active reading (2)1 Work in pairs and answer the questions.1 When you shop, do you prefer to go with someone or to go alone?If I am shopping for clothes, music or something like a camera or a mobile phone, then I would prefer to go with my friends, because they can help me to choose things. If I am shopping for food, then it doesn’t matter if I am alone, but still I usually go with friends.2 How often have you been shopping with a boyfriend or a girlfriend?Well, I don’t have a partner just at the moment. If I had, then I expect we would go shopping together quite a lot.3 Who likes shopping more, men or women?I think that generally women are more choosy and more patient than men, so women perhaps enjoyshopping more than men. On the other hand, I know some men who love shopping, so I suppose it may also depend on individual personality.4 What are the risks of shopping with someone who is not enjoying it as much as you are?The main risk is that they will become bored or impatient, so I would try to go to a shopping place where I know there will be something interesting to them.2 Read the passage and decide if:1 the writer is a man or a womanA woman, because the writer talks about women using “we”, but talks about men using “he” or “yourboyfriend”.2 the writer is addressing men or womenWomen, because the writer says “your boyfriend”, “You are the princess of High Street retail outlets, the Queen of the shopping mall!”, “trying on a new skirt” and “your poor, broken man”.How to shop with your boyfriendBackground informationThe style of the passage is that of a light-hearted magazine article for young women, which offers advice about shopping with men. The humour comes through the use of informal language, such as footie (football), telly (television), a chap (person / guy), yeah babe (yes, dear), and the exaggerated perception of shopping (for men) as an endurance test or a total waste of time, the far-fetched comparison between men and ancient hunter-gatherers, waiting outside the changing rooms as one of the most dangerous activities in the world, the colour which will provoke a citizen’s arrest, and chewing the carpet (this is not literal).The passage can be used for understanding the style of a magazine article and thus for learning different writing styles. This can be important for Ss in their future career if they need to write articles for different readers.Shop till you drop! Unit 6Culture pointsShopping is the general activity of going round different shops, looking at or looking for various things. This would normally include buying something, but not so if something is not available or you can’t find exactlywhat you want. So buying is usually, but not necessarily, part of shopping. Window shopping would normally mean just looking at items in the windows, even when the shops are closed. On the other hand, you can buy something without going shopping, eg through mail order, the Internet, or responding to a newspaper advert.In the passage, men prefer buying (they want a result), while women prefer shopping (the process of looking, searching, trying on and trying out).A league is a group of sports teams or players who regularly compete against one another, put in order according to how many points they have won. The Premier League in England is the group of the very best football teams (there are other groups in lower leagues). At the end of the football season, the team with the most points is at the top of the league and wins the Premiership Cup. Other European countries have similar systems, eg Series A in Italy.Language points1 … where we saw something fashionable or of incredibly good value … (Para 1)Something of incredibly good value refers to an unbelievable bargain.2 Men don’t get this. (Para 2)The word get here means “to understand something” in informal usage, eg Finally, I got the joke, I don’t get what you mean, or Oh, I see ... yes, I get it.3 It’s because he knows no one can shop single-handed. (Para 4)The expression to do something single-handed means that it is done by one person without help from anyone else. This joking comment implies that the boyfriend understands that women need someone to help them shop. They can’t go shopping alone because they need support.4 ... he’ll demonstrate his total conviction about your sense of fashion. (Para 5)The boyfriend will give favourable comments and support whatever his girlfriend likes or dislikes by talking about her sense of fashion. This will make her feel good, like the princess or the Queen.5 … the only answer is in the affirmative … (Para 6)The main idea of this paragraph is the humorous comment that the boyfriend will always agree with what his girlfriend likes, so ask him yes / no questions instead of either / or questions because he won’t want to risk disagreeing with his girlfriend by answering “No”.6 He won’t want you to be uncertain, because it will simply be confirmation of his expectations aboutwomen. (Para 8)He expects women to be uncertain – a stereotype – but he doesn’t want his girlfriend to be uncertain. He doesn’t want his girlfriend’s behaviour to confirm the stereotype.7 You see … (Para 9)This expression is used when you are explaining something.165Unit 6 Shop till you drop!166 8 Even you know the colour will provoke a citizen’s arrest or frighten the children when you walkdown the street wearing it. (Para 9)A citizen’s arrest is an arrest made by a member of the public, rather than by the police, who believessomeone has committed a crime and takes them to the police. This is humorous exaggeration: Wearing a bright colour is not actually a crime nor will it frighten children.9 … peer through the changing room curtains to try and spot him chewing the carpet ... (Para 10)The word chew means “to use your teeth to bite something into small pieces so that you can swallow it”.The exaggerated expression chewing the carpet gives an image of the boyfriend’s extreme boredom or frustration.10 … when he sees you, out of hearing, at the cash desk looking for all the world as if you’re about tobuy something. (Para 11)If you are out of hearing, you can be seen but not heard because you are too far away. The expression for all the world is used for emphasis, meaning “exactly as if”. The sentence means the girlfriend makes the boyfriend think she is buying the item of clothing, but actually she is just asking for a different size.11 … your man run the full range of human emotions from A to ... well, B. (Para 12)The expected expression here is “from A to Z”, meaning “through the entire range of emotions”. By saying from A to B, with the hesitation word well, the writer makes a joking critique of the range of emotions that men feel – very limited.12 “Oh, it’s just my luck.” (Para 13)This means “It’s bad luck”, which is said after something bad has happened because you think you are not a lucky person. This is similar to “It’s just my fate” or “It’s fate”, which is said as if you accept a difficult situation because you think you cannot change it. These expressions are not exactly the same as “Bad luck”, which is said to show sympathy if someone fails to do something.13 … you must reward your boyfriend with beer and the footie on the telly. (Para 14)Footie, or footy, is a short form for football. Like telly(television), it has the informal suffix -ie or -y.These forms are especially common in Australian English, where they are usually used to show affection or positive attitudes: kiddie (child or kid), brekkie (breakfast), veggies (vegetables), comfy (comfortable), undies (underwear), townie (a town person), greenie (a person who is concerned with the environment), smoothie (a smooth talker, or a cold drink made with blended fruit).Reading and understanding3 Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1 The difference between women and men when they shop is (a).(a) women enjoy the process whereas men need a result(b) women like hunting but men don’t(c) men think it’s a waste of time, but women like to waste time(d) men enjoy more dangerous activities than shopping2 In the past men used to go hunting only when they needed to, so today (c).(a) he goes shopping to show his affection(b) he only enjoys shopping reluctantly, in order to please his girlfriend(c) he shops when he needs to and is in a hurry to get home quickly(d) he goes shopping because he doesn’t want his girlfriend to spend too much money3 It’s important to ask for your boyfriend’s opinion (a).(a) because he’ll make you feel good about your fashion sense(b) even though he knows he might not give you the answer you want(c) as long as you ask him long, complicated questions(d) if you want him to take a genuine interest4 If you intend to buy something, (d).(a) try not to make your boyfriend bored(b) you’ll only confirm your boyfriend’s expectations about women(c) be careful because it’s one of the most dangerous activities in the world(d) make quite sure it suits you and fits you before you tell your boyfriend5 Make sure you’re kind to your boyfriend by (b).(a) watching his face when you buy something and taking him home to watch football(b) rewarding him with beer and football(c) asking if he has the clothes in a different size(d) making him wait a long time outside the changing roomDealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 very interesting (fascinating)2 the ability to continue doing something difficult or unpleasant (endurance)3 to take hold of something roughly (grab)4 an individual thing (item)5 the feeling of being very interested in something or excited by it (enthusiasm)6 a strong belief or opinion about something (conviction)7 the word “yes” or a sign that you agree with something (affirmative)8 the proof that something you believed is definitely true (confirmation)5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.1 I think you’re a very good chap to go shopping with your girlfriend.2 When a woman finds something which suits her, she’s not simply a woman, she becomes a princess.3 It’s important not to provoke your boyfriend by spending too long at the shops.4 Your boyfriend will not cooperate with you if you spend all day shopping and buy nothing.5 For some women, the sheer excitement of a day’s shopping is almost too much to bear.6 The football commentator screamed wildly when Italy scored.1676 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 incredibly good value Is it extremely good or not very good value?It is extremely good value, or an unbelievable bargain.2 Men don’t get this. What does get mean in this context?It means that men don’t understand this. The word get means “to understand” or “to appreciate” here.3 snack What kind of meal is a snack? A large meal or a quick meal?It’s a quick meal, something small and light to eat, or a small amount of food eaten between meals.4 checkout What do you do at the checkout?Checkout is the place where you pay for the goods before leaving a supermarket or a large shop. It isnormally near the door of a shop.7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.Many women like to wear clothes which are (1) popular at a particular time. The problem is their boyfriends (2) don’t often enjoy shopping. So before you leave home, it’s important to have specific(3) plans about what you hope to achieve. While you’re shopping, it’s (4) essential to get your boyfriendto show he’s (5) approving when you choose something new. You can visit as many (6) shops as you like, as long as you buy something. When you get back you should (7) show your kindness by allowing him to(8) drop into a comfortable chair, drink beer and watch television. But if it isn’t your (9) plan to spendmoney but only to window-shop, maybe you shouldn’t take your boyfriend along.Key: (1) fashionable(2) rarely(3) objectives(4) crucial(5) favourable(6) retail outlets (7) demonstrate(8) collapse(9) intentionReading and interpreting8 Work in pairs. Look at the sentences from the passage and answer the questions.1 You are the princess of High Street retail outlets, the Queen of the shopping mall! What does thissuggest about the self-confidence of the shopper?It suggests that the shopper is very confident indeed and is the centre of attention. She feels she is incomplete control and probably the boyfriend will respect and admire her like a princess or the Queen.2 Trying clothes on while your boyfriend is waiting outside the changing room is one of the mostdangerous activities in the world. Why is it so dangerous?Because there is a high risk that your boyfriend will get bored and frustrated. He thinks there shouldbe a result and you should buy something in the end. But you are simply trying clothes on for fun andprobably have no intention of buying anything.168。
新标准大学英语(第二版)综合教程 精读1 课后参考翻译
新标准大学英语综合教程1课后参考翻译Unit 1英译汉:T oday, a gap year refers mostly to a year taken before starting university or college. During their gap year, American students either engage in advanced academic courses or do some volunteer work to improve their knowledge, maturity, decision-making, leadership, independence, self-sufficiency and more, thus improving their résumés before going to college. British and European students, however, take a much more holiday-style approach to the gap year by generally working for 3–6 months and then travelling around the world before college begins. This is intended to expand their minds, personal confidence, experiences and interests prior to college. It is a much less structured approach than taken in the United States, and is generally viewed by parents as a formative year for young adults to become independent and learn a great deal of responsibility prior to engaging in university life.参考译文:如今,间隔年最为普遍的含义是指上大学前的一年。
新标准大学英语综合教程1Unit Text 1
新标准大学英语综合教程1Unit Text 1Unit testPart I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expressionfrom the box.ignorant barely musclecultural intelligent ballroomsign up for check ingap memoircultural1. Music and literature are important features of every society. Your answer Correct answercultural culturalsign up for2. Sally decided to the drama club. Your answer Correctanswersign up for sign up forignorant3. I felt embarrassingly when I couldn't answer the professor's question. Your answer Correct answerignorant ignorant barely4. Mario had finished talking before Luisachanged the subject.Your answer Correct answer barely barely5. I've been thinking about volunteering in South-east Asia during myyear. Your answer Correct answergap gapballroom6. The beautiful has been home to many lovely concerts and dances. Your answer Correct answerballroom ballroomcheck in7. After you to the hotel, call me and we can meet for dinner. gap Your answer Correct answer check in check in8. My roommate and I visit the gym every other day so we can buildmuscle.Your answer Correct answermuscle musclememoir9. Not everyone has had an interesting life worthy of a . Your answer Correct answermemoir memoirintelligent10. Her psychology thesis examines whether cats are more than dogs. Your answer Correct answerintelligent intelligentSection B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.11. Please send all correspondence to my new place of____. A. resident B. residents C. residence D. residue12. The professor tried to ____ us that there would be nosurprise test next week.A. assureB. sureC. ensureD. pressure13. My paper is about nature's ability to ____ potentialthreats.A. inspectB. infectC. deflectD. detect14. The student did an ____ thing when she returned themoney she found.A. admireB. admiringC. admirableD. admiringly15. We learned about the ____ people in that countryexperienced throughout history.A. persecuteB. persecutedC. persecutingD. persecution16. Would you like a small ____ of my coffee?A. sipB. nibbleC. swallowD. bite17. Be careful you don't ____ the paint!A. spellB. spillC. spoilD. sip18. Tom felt foolish and ____ when he showed up for thefinal exam without a pencil.A. adequateB. adequatelyC. inadequatelyD. inadequate19. Before class, I met my friends at the school ____ forlunch.A. libraryB. gymnasiumC. cafeteriaD. ballroom20. After graduation, Cindy framed her ____ and hung it onher bedroom wall.A. certificateB. diplomaC. qualificationD. recordSection C: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.into21. At the end of the day, Diane climbed bed for a good night's rest. Your answer Correct answerinto intosurely22. How could you sleep last night? You must have heard thethunderstorm! Your answer Correct answersurely surely23. She is American, so many people are surprised that she can speakChinese an accent. Your answer Correct answerres withoutinto24. The whole situation was so ridiculous that I simply burstlaughter. Your answer Correct answerinto intoadmiringly25. Pablo looked at the new camera ; he wanted it but could not resafford it.Your answer Correct answeradmiringly admiringly26. She explained that the class was about the so-called children ofthe Renaissance. Your answerofCorrect answer of27. If you learn the history of your country, it will provide you priceless insight into your culture. Your answer Correct answerwith withfor28. Did you sign up the biology class? withabarely29. Simon passed the course with a 70 per cent average. Your answer Correct answerbarely barely In30. the long run, university is well worth the expense.Your answer for Correct answer forYour answer In Correct answer InPart II: Banked ClozeQuestions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.Tanya wants to study abroad in Europe. To prepare herself, she readsonline about places she might like to go. She needs to do enough research to make an informed and (31) decision. One of the main reasons she wants to study abroad is because she doesn't want to graduate and be (32)ignorantintelligentof other countries and cultures. culturalShe is looking for a unique (33) at home.experience that she can't have What about Paris? The school and the city are both wonderful. However, prices for a decent (34) residenceadmiringlyin Paris are too high ― she can't afford it.at the beautiful campus in the picture Madrid? She looks (35) on the school's website. How she would love to be there! However, without speaking Spanish, Tanya decides she would feel sadly (36) studying in Madrid.Then Tanya thinks about London. They speak English there and the school pricesinadequate感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
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UNIT 1大一新生日记星期日从家里出发后,我们开车开了很长一段时间才到达我住的宿舍楼。
她告诉我在空档年( 高中毕业后等着上大学的一年) 里,她已经把这学期书单上的书都读完了。
长这么大第一次,我该自己打理自己的生活了……可我却不知道该怎么办!UNIT 2第一只牡蛎“来,尝尝这个,这个好吃,”我父亲一边说一边在我的鼻子前晃动着一只牡蛎。
” 他跟我论理,“把它放进嘴里,品尝一下大西洋的味道。
“好啦,别抱怨了,就给我尝一只牡蛎,然后你就可以吃些好吃的、顺口的东西,比如对虾加黄油面包,” 他提议说。
” 他的语气更亲切了些,因为他知道他赢了。
从亚洲的面条摊到遍布中东地区的路边香炸豆丸(falafel) 摊,每个大陆都有传统的街头小吃。
在东南亚地区,推车沿街叫卖加香烤肉(satay) 的人不仅吸引当地人,也吸引旅游者。
UNIT 3独立思考直到现在,独立思考仍然是一种激进的行为。
13 岁时,我上了一门高级代数课。
”全班35 个少男少女全都瞪大了眼睛看着她。