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Super Kids 2故事内容

Unit 1第一单元

The Super Kids are at Peter and Toni’s house. Toni is in bed. She’s sick. Her mother is angry. The dog ate the newspaper. The dog is sad. There’s Peter and his friend Beth. Peter is happy. Beth is hot. Donny and Chip are on the sofa. They see something strange in the yard. What is it? Look at Mojo the mouse. He’s sleepy. Joey and Lisa are in the bedroom. Joey has a toy alligator. Lisa is looking out the door. What do they see? It’s a spaceship. Donny is scared.

这些小灵童们在Peter和Toni家。Toni躺在床上,她病了。她妈妈很生气,因为小狗把报纸吃了,小狗很伤心。这是Peter和他的朋友Beth。Peter很开心,Beth觉得很热。Donny和Chip在沙发上,他们看到院子里有奇怪的东西。它是什么?看小老鼠Mojo,它困了。Joey和Lisa 在卧室里,Joey有一只美洲鳄鱼的玩具。Lisa正在看门外。他们看到了什么?那是一艘宇宙飞船,Donny觉得很害怕。

Look. Beth and Donny are in the yard. Beth is talking to Pluto. Donny is talking to Jupiter. Pluto and Jupiter are aliens. They have a blue spaceship. Point to the living room. Who’s in the living room? Mojo the mouse. Hello, Mojo. Lisa is in the hall. Lisa’s father is in the bedroom. Point to the closet. Joey’s in the bathroom. He’s brushing his teeth. Who’s in the dining room? Peter and his mother. Look at the kitchen. What color is the kitchen? It’s green.


Jupiter is meeting Lisa. Where’s Chip? He’s by the window. I t’s windy outside. Pluto is in the spaceship. She’s talking to her friends. One is in a rainy and foggy place. One is in a sunny and warm place. One is in a cloudy and windy place. One is in a snowy and cool place. He’s not happy. He’s cold. Point to the cat. It’s in the chair. What color is the cat? It’s purple. Point to Donny and Mojo. Donny has a kite. Donny, Mojo and Pluto are going to the park. It’s a windy day.

Jupiter正在和Lisa见面呢。Chip在哪儿?他靠着窗户呢。今天外边有风。Pluto在宇宙飞船里,她正在和她的朋友们聊天。她的一个朋友在多雨,多雾的地方;一个在阳光明媚,很暖和的地方;一个在多云,多风的地方;一个在多雪,很冷的地方,他不开心,他很冷。指向那只猫,它在椅子上。那只猫是什么颜色?是紫色的。指向Donny 和Mojo,Donny有一只风筝,Donny,Mojo和Pluto要去公园,今天是一个有风的天气。

The Super Kids are having fun in a park. What’s the weather like? It’s windy and cloudy. There’s Pluto. She’s on the swing. She has a watch. Look at Donny. He has a kite. Chip and Toni are running. Toni is happy now. She’s not sick. Point to Beth and Mojo. They’re playing on the jungle gym. Look at the slide. It looks fun. Peter and Jupiter like the slide. What’s that under the slide? That’s Peter’s hat. Point to the clock. What color is it? It’s green. It’s 12 o’clock. Are you hungry?

这些小灵童们在公园玩的很开心。今天天气怎么样?今天是一个有风,多云的天气。Pluto在这,她在荡秋千,她有块手表。看Donny,他有只风筝。Chip和Toni正在跑着玩,Toni现在很开心,她的病好了。指向Beth和Mojo,他们在玩立体方格铁架。看滑梯,看起来很好玩。Peter和Jupiter喜欢玩滑梯。滑梯下面是什么啊?那是Peter 的帽子。指向钟表,是什么颜色的?它是绿色的,现在是12点了,你饿吗?
