新编计算机英语教程chapter 04
新编英语教程 unit 4
unit 4
Text I A Man from Stratford – William Shakespeare
Background Information
Text 1: A Man from Stratfor d – William Shakespe are
3 To plot Shakespeare's life is to become involved in a kind of detective story where there are plenty of clues but very little else. Nobody even knows the exact date of his birth, although the register of the Parish Church confirms that William Shakespeare was baptized there on April 26th, 1564. Nor can it be proved that he went to the excellent local grammar school, although he probably did as there was nowhere else for him to go. At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway, a woman eight years older than himself, and they had three children. Then in 1585 this young married man apparently left Stratford and his family, for there is absolutely no record of him for seven
新编英语教程4U n i t o n e⏹一.P r e-r e a d i n g Q u e s t i o n s⏹W h a t i s y o u r n e w y e a r’s r e s o l u t i o n?⏹T o d o a p a r t-t i m e j o b?⏹T o m e m o r i z e m o r e w o r d s?⏹T o h a v e a b o y/g i r l f r i e n d?⏹⏹W h e n a p e r s o n m a k e s N e w Y e a r’s r e s o l u t i o n s,h e m a k e s u p h i s m i n d t od o o r n o t t o d o ce r t a i n t h i n g s i n t h e c o m i n g y e a r.S o m e p e o p l e m a y b ea b l e t o c a r r y o u t t h e i r N e w Y e a r’s r e s o l u t i o n s,b u t s o m e m a y n o t.F o rm o s t P e o p l e,i t’s o f t e n e a s i e r t o m a k e N e w Y e a r’s r e s o l u t i o n s t h a n t oc a r r y t h e m o u t⏹W h a t a r e t h e p o s s i b l e o b s t a c l e s f o r y o u r m a k i n g t r u e t h e r e s o l u t i o n s?⏹二。
M a j o r l a n g u a g e p o i n t s⏹.⏹1.A b r i e f s u m m a r y o f t h e w a y s t o e x p r e s s f u t u r i t y⏹1)T h e n e u t r a l f u t u r e i s f o r m e d b y u s i n g t h e a u x i l i a r i e s w i l l/s h a l la n d i n f i n i t i v e.⏹E x a m p l e s:⏹T o m o r r o w w i l l b e h i s S u n d a y.⏹I s i t p o s s i b l e t o m a k e a n a t o m i c e n g i n e t h a t w i l l b e r e a l l y s a f e i n e v e r yc i r c u m s t a n c e?⏹2)T h e c o n s t r u c t i o n t o b e g o i n g t o i s u s e d t o e x p r e s s f u t u r e i n t e n t i o n.⏹E x a m p l e s:⏹T h i s y e a r i t i s g o i n g t o b e d i f f e r e n t.⏹I k n o w w h a t t h e k i d s a r e g o i n g t o d o.⏹N o t e:T h i s c o n s t r u c t i o n c a n n o t b e u s e d f o r n e u t r a l f u t u r i t y,w h i c h d o e s n o td e p e n d o n a n y p e r s o n’s w i l l o r i n t e n t i o n.F o r E x a m p l e,b o t h t h e f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e s a r e w r o n g.⏹*T o m o r r o w i s g o i n g t o b e h i s S u n d a y.⏹*I f y o u g o t o t h e U.S.A.,y o u a r e g o i n g t o c o m e a c r o s s t h e r e m a r k a b l e,a l m o s t l e g e n d a r y h o s p i t a l i t y o f t h e A m e r i c a n o f t h e W e s t.⏹3)T h e c o n s t r u c t i o n b e t o d o(s o m e t h i n g)i s u s e d t o e x p r e s s a r r a n g e m e n t o r c o m m a n d.⏹E x a m p l e s:⏹N o w l e t a l l m e n k n o w t h a t c r o p s a r e t o b e p l a n t e d a s u s u a l.(L e v e l3,U n i t11)⏹S h a k a o r d e r e d:―A l l w o m e n w h o a r e f o u n d w i t h c h i l d a r e t o b e p u t t od e a t h w i t h t h e i r h u s b a n d s.‖⏹4)T h e c o n s t r u c t i o n b e a b o u t t o i s u s e d t o e x p r e s s n e a r f u t u r e.⏹E x a m p l e s:⏹R o y a n d S a m m y w e r e a b o u t t o p e r f o r m o p e n-h e a r t s u r g e r y o n M r s.R o b i n s o n w i t h a s c o u t k n i f e.=R o y a n d S a m m y w e r e j u s t g o i n g t o d o a no p e n-h e a r t o p e r a t i o n o n M r s.R o b i n s o n w i t h a s c o u t k n i f e.⏹S h e w a s a b o u t t o t e l l u s t h e t r u t h w h e n y o u e n t e r e d t h e b u i l d i n g.⏹表示将来意图的,除了常见的将来时,w i l l,还有哪些常见形式呢?⏹⏹比如:t o⏹一种正式的方式表示将来必须要做什么。
Read the following quotes and tell your classmates which one is your favorite. State your reasons.
Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks. — Anonymous
Unit 4 Network Designer — Tim Berners-Lee
Lead-In Text Oral Work Guided Writing Comprehensive Exercises
unencumbered: a. something easy for people to do or for something to happen, not burdened, impeded, or hampered e.g.: Everyone would love to be a man unencumbered by material considerations. He died in 1874, unencumbered by any debt.
A New English Course (Third Edition)
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 9
Unit 10
Unit 11
Unit 12
Unit 4 Network Designer — Tim Berners-Lee
Computer Program-Program Development For this reason, compiled languages are more common and are almost always used in professional and scientific applications.
The advantage of interpreted languages is that they can begin executing the program immediately instead of having to wait for all of the source code to be compiled. Changes can also be made to the program fairly quickly without having to wait for it to be compiled again.
操作系统管理计算机以及与之相连的各种资源和设备,如随机 随机 存储器、硬盘驱动器、监视器、键盘、打印机和调制解调器, 存储器 以便其他程序可以使用它们。操作系统的例子包括:DOS、 Windows 95、OS/2和UNIX。
Computer Program-Program Development
程序分为两大类:应用程序和操作系统。应用程序直接为用 类 户执行某种功能,ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้处理文字或玩游戏.
Hard disks and SSDs are internal storage devices that are installed inside the computer case, while optical disks and removable storage media are external storage devices that can be inserted into the computer
Data storage and processing
Data type
Primitive Data Types
These are the basic data types that are built into the programming language They include integer, floating point, character, boolean, etc
Computer Professional English Chapter 4
• Fundamentals of Computer Hardware • Fundamentals of Computer Software • Data storage and processing • Network and Communication
Storage Devices
These are physical devices that are used for data storage They include hard drives, SSDs (Solid State Drivers), CD-ROM, USB drives, etc
It is a strategy that more and more companies are employing and one that experts around the country say we ought to be following with our children, both at home and at school. (Line 11)
句 nor is it… 为倒装句。
型 当表示否定意义的词或短语如 neither, nor 等位
应 用
In no case will he give up the experiment.
I am totally ignorant of the whole thing, nor is he.
At no time and under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.
be born with 意为“生来就有……”
我们与其整夜看星星,还不如去拜访一下星星也为 之感到逊色的美人。
Instead of developing children’s creativity in class, some teachers push children to memorize a lot of boring facts and figures.
An important strategy for parents and teachers to follow (Para. 2-3)
《计算机英语》Unit 4
1.1 Windows 7
• II. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. B – 3.Which of the following items is not emphasized about the advantages of Windows 7? – A.User-centric B.Performance improvements – C.Many new functions D.Good Compatibility
1.2 Linux
• II. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
1. Introduction
2. Development 3. Goals
1.1 Windows 7
• Complex Sentences
– Original: Windows 7 was intended to be a more focused, incremental upgrade to the Windows line, with the goal of being compatible with applications and hardware with which Windows Vista was already compatible.. – Translation:Windows 7 计划成为一个更加专注的Windows 产品 线升级,目标是兼容那些Windows Vista 已经兼容的应用程序和 硬件。
1.2 Linux
• Complex Sentences
– 2. Original: Today Linux is used in numerous domains, from embedded systems to supercomputers, and has secured a place in server installations with the popular LAMP application stack.
1---for those who are either just beginning programming or those interested in integrating a database into any form of application/web site.Either ---or : 连接两个名词(或代词)其谓语应该与毗邻的主语取得一致。
2 Thanks to the World Wide Web,----Thanks to:owing to .由于,因为Thanks to your help we were successful .3--- DBMS,along with Microsoft SQL Server,----along with: = in company with 意为“伴随着”why don`t you come along with us ?4or otherwise work with the database's data.Otherwise :通常置于从句的开头。
She was thankful that she`t had her baby in hospital; otherwise, she thought, she might have died. 注意:在otherwise 前不用or5 Another reason databases were infeasible was simply the lack of skilled administrators to install the lack of skilled: 用作名词:缺乏,不足,没有。
用作动词:缺乏,不足I hated the lack of privacy in the dormitory.6----, so did common standards.So : 开头的句子引起部分倒装。
人教版高中英语选修计算机英语课件 CHAPTER 4 The Components of the System 4. Memory 课件
Figure 5-4
Memory hierarchy
Speed Cost Space
Secondary Memory
Cache Memory
• Cache memory at any time contains a copy of a portion of main memory.
1. CPU checks the cache 2. If exist, copy the word, otherwise 1) access main memory and copy a block of memory starting with the desired word. 2) CPU accesses cache and copies the word.
• ROM (Read Only Memory)
• Nonvolatile • Written by manufacture • Hold the booting program • Categories:
• ROM • PROM(Programmable ROM)- Write once by
Table 5.1 Memory units
-----------KB-kilobyte MB-megabyte GB-gigabyte TB-terabyte PB-petabyte EB-exabyte
-----------------------210 bytes 220 bytes 230 bytes 240 bytes 250 bytes 260 bytes
Memory addresses are defined using unsigned binary integers.
我们还有隐私吗我们关于"Privacy, Circa 2025" 的鬼屋的恶梦可能聚焦于这些一直窥视我们的全视监视器,它们已经存在,能够在从很远的地方观察到你的草坪需要修剪、你的小狗需要洗澡。
Other Structure of Compound Nons
heartbeat headache
greenhouse shorthand
n.+gerund daydreaming sun-bathing
gerund +n. frying-pan
Word-building--Compound Words
Compound nons
Industrial-age(line 8)工业时代 structure: adj.+n. e.g. greenhouse,shorthand,long-jump,highway Web-content(line 48)网页内容 Cyberspace (line14) 网络空间 Hypertext (line 34) 超文本 structure: n.+ n. e.g. doorbell, seaside,pen friend, water-bottle
Cash in on ( line 79 )乘机利用; 靠......赚钱
Take advantage of or capitalize on
It helps that teachers can also cash in on their students' success.
这也同样帮助老师可以从他们学生的 成功中赚钱。
E.g. Basic event queue and one chronicle. 基本事件队列和一个历史记录。
5.irresistible (line 18) adj. 不可避免的
Computer Program-Introduction
An operating system is a program that manages the computer and the various resources and devices connected to it, such as RAM (random access memory) , hard drives, monitors, keyboards, printers, and modems, so that they may be used by other programs. Examples of operating systems are DOS, Windows 95, OS/2, and UNIX.
I. 引言 计算机程序是指挥计算机执行某种处理功能或功能 组合的一套指令。要使指令得到执行,计算机必须执行程序, 也就是说,计算机要读取程序,然后按准确的顺序实施程序中 编码的步骤,直至程序结束.
ComБайду номын сангаасuter Program-Introduction
A program can be executed many different times, with each execution yielding a potentially different result depending upon the options and data that the user gives the computer.Yield: vt. 生产,释放,让步
使用M文a本ke编u辑p器: 编,程制序;员弥创补建;一化个文妆本s文he件is,v这e个ry文本文 件是m一u个ch有m序a指d令e 表up,. 也称为程序源文件。构成程序源文 件的M单a个ke指u令p:被化称妆为品源;代码组。成成分,构成方式。
新编英语教程book 4unit 4
people ❖e.g. 'You're drunk,' she said bluntly. ❖ To put it bluntly , she's not up to the job. ❖ blunt ❖not sharp or pointed [opposite] sharp ❖e.g. a blunt pencil
The rescue team also had bad weather conditions to
contend with.
Company Logo
para 2— I contend quite bluntly, that marking up a book is not an act of mutilation but of love.
Company Logo
Analogy 类比
黛玉方进入房时,只见两个人搀着一位鬓发如银的老母迎上来,黛玉便知 是他外祖母。方欲拜见时,早被他外祖母一把搂入怀中,心肝儿肉叫着大 哭起来。【几千斤力量写此一笔。】当下地下侍立之人,无不掩面涕泣。 【旁写一笔,更妙!】众人见黛玉年貌虽小,其举止言谈不俗,身体面庞 虽怯弱不胜,【写美人是如此笔仗,看官怎得不叫绝称赏!】却有一段自 然的风流态度。【众人目中,只此一句足矣!】……宝玉早已看见多了一个 姊妹,便料定是林姑妈之女,忙来作揖。厮见毕归坐,细看形容,【又从 宝玉目中细写一黛玉,直画一美人图。】与众各别:两弯似蹙非蹙笼烟眉, 【奇眉妙眉,奇想妙想。】一双似喜非喜含露目。【奇目妙目,奇想妙 想。】态生两靥之愁,娇袭一身之病。泪光点点,娇喘微微。闲静时如姣 花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风。【至此八句是宝玉眼中。】心较比干多一窍, 【此一句是宝玉心中。多一窍固是好事,然未免偏僻了,所谓“过犹不及” 也。】病如西子胜三分。【此十句定评,直抵一赋。不写衣裙妆饰,正是 宝玉眼中不屑之物,故不曾看见。黛玉之举止容貌,亦是宝玉眼中看、心 中评。若不是宝玉,断不能知黛玉是何等品貌。】宝玉看罢,因笑【黛玉 见宝玉写一“惊”字,宝玉见黛玉写一“笑”字,一存于中,一发乎外, 可见文于下笔必推敲的准稳,方才用字。】道:【看他第一句是何话。】 “这个妹妹我曾见过的。”【疯话。与黛玉同心,却是两样笔墨。】
Unit Four/Section BI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. Information engineering emphasizes a modeling tool called entityrelationship diagrams.2. One of the disadvantages of model-driven development is the long durationof projects.3. Unlike structured analysis and design and information engineering,object-oriented analysis and design attempt to emerge the data and process concerns into singular constructs called objects.4. Unlike logical models, physical models show not only what a system is ordoes , but also how the system is physically and technically implemented.II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. check box 复选框.选择框.校验框2. structured design 结构化设计3. building block 积木块.构建模块.构件4. database schema 数据库模式5. radio button 单选(按)钮6. 系统建模技术 system modeling technique7. 模型驱动开发 model-driven development8. 数据流程图 data flow diagram9. 下拉式菜单 drop-down (或pull-down) menu10. 滚动条 scroll barUnit Five: Software ProcessUnit Five/Section AI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. New software may be developed from scratch or through the use of existingsystems and off-the-shelf software or system components.2. The three generic process models discussed in the text are often complementaryrather than mutually exclusive, especially for large system development.3. The waterfall model is so named because of the cascade from one phase to anotherin the software development process.4. The fundamental development activities of the waterfall model arerequirements analysis and definition, system and software design, implementation and unit testing, integration and system testing, and operation and maintenance.5. The two fundamental types of evolutionary development are exploratorydevelopment and throwaway prototyping.6. The evolutionary approach is often more effective than the waterfall approachin producing systems that meet the immediate needs of customers, but it is difficult to establish a(n) stable system architecture using this approach.7. CBSE is a(n) reuse-oriented approach to software development, which relieson a large base of reusable software components and an integrating framework for these components.8. While CBSE can reduce the amount of software to be developed and the associatedcost and risks, it cannot avoid requirements compromises which may lead to a system that does not meet the real needs of users.II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. system specification 系统规格说明2. unit testing 单位(或单元、部件)测试3. software life cycle 软件生命周期(或生存周期)4. system validation testing 系统验证测试5. evolutionary development process 演化开发过程6. linear model 线性模型7. program unit 程序单元8. throwaway prototype 抛弃式原型9. text formatting 正文格式编排.文本格式化10. system evolution 系统演变11. 系统设计范例 system design paradigm12. 需求分析与定义 requirements analysis and definition13. 探索式编程方法 exploratory programming approach14. 系统文件编制 system documentation15. 瀑布模型 waterfall model16. 系统集成 system integration17. 商用现成软件 commercial off-the-shelf (或COTS) software18. 基于组件的软件工程 component-based software engineering (CBSE)19. 软件维护工具 software maintenance tool20. 软件复用 software reuseIV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese:Software processes are complex and, like all intellectual and creative processes, rely on people making decisions and judgments. Because of the need for judgment and creativity, attempts to automate software processes have met with limited success. Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools can support some process activities. However, there is no possibility, at least in the next few years, of more extensive automation where software takes over creative design from the engineers involved in the software process.One reason the effectiveness of CASE tools is limited is because of the immense diversity of software processes. There is no ideal process, and many organization have developed their own approach to software development.Processes have evolved to exploit the capabilities of the people in an organization and the specific characteristics of the systems that are being developed. For some systems, a very structured development process is required while for others a flexible, agile process is likely to be more effective.软件过程比较复杂.而且像所有其他的智能和创造性过程一样.依靠人们作出决定和判断。
新编英语教程4 unit 4
(4) reading speed
• –textbooks: slow speed, less than 100 wpm for intensive reading , study and remember --fiction: fast speed, 200-250 wpm, reading for entertainment --non-fiction: average speed, 150-200 wpm, reading for special purpose --newspapers: fast speed, 200-250 wpm, reading for information --magazines: fast speed, 200-250 wpm, reading for information or entertainment
c. tips for reading
• (2) Skimming and scanning: • Skimming is a reading skill you use when you want to get the main idea of a book • --read the introduction, usually the opening paragraph of a chapter • --read the conclusion , usually the final paragraph of a chapter • --read very quickly, skip or leave out small portions of the material in order to get the main ideas • •
(3) Note-taking:
《新编英语教程》第四册unit 4 PPT
e.g., Glove is to hand as monitor is to computer. Furs were to north American aboriginals as credit is to a shopper. Notice how there are similarities in the terms used first and the ones that they are compared to. A glove has a similar relation to a hand just as a monitor has to a computer. Furs served a similar function in North American aboriginals cultures as credit provides in our shopping world of today.
Analogy and metaphor
• Despite certain similarities, an analogy is not the same as a metaphor. As Bradford Stull observes in The Elements of metaphor. Figurative Language (Longman, 2002), the analogy “is a “is figure of language that expresses a set of like relationships among two sets of terms. In essence, the analogy does not claim total identification, which is the property of the metaphor. It claims a similarity of relationships. • Unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses comparison on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblance.
新编计算机专业英语chap 4
Information security is defined as ―protecting information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction,‖ In essence, it means we want to protect our data and our systems from those who would seek to misuse it. In a general sense, security means protecting our assets. This may mean protecting them from attackers invading our networks, natural disasters, adverse environmental conditions, power failures, theft or vandalism, or other undesirable states. Ultimately, we will attempt to secure ourselves against the most likely forms of attack, to the best extent we reasonably can, given our environment.
The terms information security, computer security and information assurance are frequently incorrectly used interchangeably. These fields are interrelated often and share the common goals of protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information; however, there are some subtle differences between them. These differences lie primarily in the approach to the subject, the methodologies used, and the areas of concentration. Information security is concerned with the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data regardless of the form the data may take: electronic, print, or other forms. Computer security can focus on ensuring the availability and correct operation of a computer system without concern for the information stored or processed by the computer. Information assurance focuses on the reasons for assurance that information is protected, and is thus reasoning about information security.
新编计算机英语教程小编为大家整理了新编计算机英语教程,希望对你有帮助哦!一、基本信息书名新编计算机英语教程丛书名21世纪高等学校计算机规划教材——高校系列标准书号ISBN 978-7-115-22983-0编目分类H31作者李心广柯晓华姚敏锋王敏编著译者--责任编辑刘博开本16 开印张19.25字数465 千字页数296 页装帧平装版次第1版第1次初版时间2010年8月本印次2010年8月首印数-- 册定价34.00 元二、内容简介本书是按照最新《大学英语教学大纲》对专业英语的要求,参考借鉴国际先进教学理念,尤其是美国计算机协会(Association for Computing Machinery,ACM)推荐的课程体系和内容,面向国际化信息技术人才培养的要求编写的教材。
三、目录Chapter 1Information Technology and IT Outsourcing Human Resources Pool 1Introduction 1Section A Information Technology 21. Information Systems 22. Hardware 4Types of Computers 4Hardware of Microcomputers 63. Software 84. The Internet and Its Applications 85. Notes 96. Exercises 10Section B ITO Human Resources Pool 101. Terms About ITO 112.China's IT Outsourcing Industry 12International Conference of Outsourcing 13ITO Events in Various Areas of China 133. Key Drivers and Challenges 164. An Overview of Global ITO Market 175. Notes 186. Exercises 19Section C Review & Reading 191. Review 192. Supplementary Reading 21China's Software Outsourcing Industry in Comparison with India's 213. Computer Words and Expressions I 22词汇I 22Chapter 2 The System Unit 25 Introduction 25Section A 261. The System Unit 262. Electronic Data and Instructions 28 Analog and Digital Signals 28 Representing Text 283. The System Board 304. Microprocessors 31Control Units 32Arithmetic-logic Units 32 Microprocessor Chips 32 Specialty Processors 335. Memory 346. System Clocks 357. Notes 358. Exercises 35Section B 361. Expansion Slots and Cards 36 Graphics Cards 37Sound Cards 37Network Interface Cards 37TV Tuner Cards 37Plug and Play 37PC Cards 382. Bus Lines 38Bus Width 38Expansion Buses 393. Ports 39Standard Ports 40Serial Ports 40Parallel Ports 40Universal Serial Bus (USB) Ports 40FireWire Ports 40Specialized Ports 41Cables 414. Power Supply 42Power Supply Units of Desktops 42AC Adapters of Laptops 425. Notes 436. Exercises 43Section C Review & Reading 441. Review 442. Supplementary Reading 45I. Intel Pentium III Processor Serial Number 45II. China's IT Outsourcing: A Two-Minute Guide to Finding Your Partner 463. Computer Words and Expressions II 48词汇II 48Chapter 3 Input and Output 50Introduction 50Section A Input and Input Devices 511. What Are Input and Output? 512. Input Devices 52Keyboards 52Pointing Devices 54Scanning Devices 56Audio-input Devices 593. Notes 60Section B Output Devices and Combination Devices 63 1. Output Devices 63Monitors 64Printers 67Audio-output Devices 692. Combination Input and Output devices 71Touch Screens 71Fax Machines 72Multifunctional Devices (MFD) 74Internet Telephones 743. Notes 764. Exercises 78Section C Review & Reading 781. Review 782. Supplementary Reading 81Brain-computer Interface 813. Grammar 83Chapter 4 Storage 84Introduction 84Section A Primary Storage 851. What Is Primary Storage? 852. Primary Storage Devices 85RAM 85ROM 89CMOS 90CMOS battery 91Processor Registers 91Processor Caches 913. Notes 92Section B Secondary Storage 941. What Is Secondary Storage? 942. Secondary Storage Devices 95Hard Disk Drives 95Floppy Disks 97Optical Discs 97Flash Memory 101Other Storage Devices 1023. Notes 1044. Exercises 106Section C Review & Reading 1071. Review 1072. Supplementary Reading 109I.Storage Systems 109II.Connected Learning 111III. Reading Exercises 1123. Grammar 112Chapter 5 Operating Systems 114Introduction 114Section A Operating Systems 1141. The History of Operating Systems 115Terms About OS 116Interactive Processing and Real-time Processing 117 Time-sharing 118OS in Nowadays 1192. Operating System Architecture 120A Software Survey 120Components of an Operating System 122Getting It Started 1263. Notes 1274. Exercises 128Section B System Security 1301. Attacks from the Outside 1302. Attacks from Within 1323. Notes 1344. Exercises 135Section C Review & Reading 1361. Review 1362. Supplementary Reading 137I. Linux 137II. BPO-Business Process Outsourcing 1373. Grammar 141Chapter 6 Application Software-Databases & Multimedia 143Introduction 143Section A Databases 1441. About Databases and DBMS 1442. Features 1453. Database Models 1474. Applications of Databases 1485. Database Design 1496. Database Development Platforms 1507. Notes 1518. Exercises 152Section B Multimedia 1541. Introduction 1542. The Elements of Multimedia 155Text 155Still Images and Graphics 156Animation and Video 157Audio 1593. Interactive Multimedia Applications 1604. Multimedia Development Software 1615. Notes 1626. Exercises 163Section C Review & Reading 1651. Review 1652. Supplementary Reading 167I. User Interaction with a Database Program 167II. Motion Capture Software: Cortex 1693. Animation Production Videos: Live-to-Air Broadcast 1704. Grammar 171Chapter 7 Communication and the Internet 173 Introduction 173Section A The Internet 1741. What Is the Internet 1742. Web Basics 1753. Accessing the Internet 1774. Network-related Jobs 1785. Notes 1796. Exercises 180Section B Internet Applications 1811. Communication 1812. Web Search Engines 1843. Electronic Commerce 1854. File Transfer 1875. Netiquette 1876. Security 1897. Notes 1928. Exercises 194Section C Review & Reading 1951.Review 1952. Supplementary Reading 196I. Firewall 196II. Wireless Security 1973. Reading and Writing 1984. Grammar 200Chapter 8 Computer Networks 202 Introduction 202Section A Network Software 2031. Exemplary Networks 2032.Protocol Hierarchies 2063. Types of Networks 2084. Notes 2105. Exercises 211Section B Network Hardware 2121. Introduction 2122. Physical Communication Channels 2123. Basic Hardware Components 2144. Notes 2175. Exercises 218Section C Review & Reading 2201. Review 2202. Supplementary Reading 221Father of Fiber-Optics Wins Nobel Prize 221 3. Grammar 223Chapter 9 Data Structures 225 Introduction 225Section A Data Structures 2251. Data Structure Fundamentals 225Basic Data Structures 226Abstraction 228Pointers 2292. Implementing Data Structures 230Storing Arrays 230Homogeneous Arrays 230Heterogeneous Arrays 233Storing Lists 234Storing Stacks and Queues 236Storing Binary Trees 237Manipulating Data Structures 2393. Notes 2414. Exercises 241Section B Customized Data Types 2431. Customized Data Types 243User-Defined Data Types 243Abstract Data Types 2452. Classes and Objects 2473. Notes 2494. Exercises 250Section C Review & Reading 2501.Review 2502. Supplementary Reading 251I. A Problem with Pointers 251II. "Apparel Industry Amid Global Meltdown—Outsourcing Intelligence Report" 2523. Translation Issues in IT Fields I 253Chapter 10Programming and Programming Languages 255Introduction 255Section A Programming 2561. Programming Paradigms 256The Imperative Paradigm 256The Declarative Paradigm 2572.Functional Programming 2583.Object-oriented Programming 259Classes 260Objects 260Instances 260Methods 261Message Passing 261Inheritance 261Abstraction 262Encapsulation 262Polymorphism 2634. Algorithms 2645. Instruction Sets 2656. Notes 2657.Exercises 267Section B Programming Languages 2671. About Programming Languages 2672. Low-level Programming Languages 268The Machine Language 269The Assembly Language 2693. High-level Programming Languages 271C Programming Language 2714. Compiled Languages and Interpreted Languages 272 Compilers 272Interpreters 272Compiled Languages 273Interpreted Languages 2735. Markup Languages and Scripting Languages 2746. Notes 2757.Exercises 276Section C Review & Reading 2761.Supplementary Reading 276I.Object-oriented Programming 276II. China's Software and Service Outsourcing Industry Presents New Features 2772. Translation Issues in IT Fields II 282Appendix An Overview of Outsourcing 2841. Brief History of Outsourcing 284Initial Stages of Evolution 284Strategic Partnerships 2852. What is Outsourcing? 285Why Do Companies Outsource? 286How to Decide Whether to Outsource? 286ITO, BPO, KPO-What's the Difference? 287What about Bundling? 287What Is an SLA? 288What Do I Need to Know About the Transition Period? 288 Main Factors Influencing Successful Outsourcing 289How Important Is Ongoing Relationship Management to Outsourcing Success? 2893. Outsourcing Process 290Program Initiation 290Service Implementation 290Final Agreement 290Program Closure 2914. How Is Outsourcing Priced? 291What are the "Hidden Costs" of Outsourcing? 2925. Why Is Outsourcing So Hard? 292How Do I Decide What Vendor or Vendors to Work with? 293Do You Have Any Tips for Negotiations? 294Where's the Best Place in the World to Outsource IT? 294What if Outsourcing Doesn't Work Out? Can I Just Bring the Work Back In? 295Bibliography 296。
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Section B Secondary Storage
• • 1. What is secondary storage? Secondary storage, or storage in popular usage, differs from primary storage in that it is not directly accessible by the CPU. Secondary storage does not loose the data when device is powered down—it is nonvolatile.
2. Primary storage devices
• RAM There are several types of RAM: DRAM, SDRAM, DDR SDRAM, etc.. • ROM Read-only memory (usually known by its acronym, ROM) is a class of storage media used in computers and other electronic devices. Because data stored in ROM cannot be modified (at least not very quickly or easily), it is mainly used to distribute firmware (software that is very closely tied to specific hardware, and unlikely to require frequent updates).
Section A. Primary Storage
1. What is primary storage?
Primary storage, presently known as memory, is the only one directly accessible to the CPU. The large-capacity main memory include RAM, ROM and CMOS. Besides main memory, traditionally there are two more sub-layers: processor registers and processor cache.
– CD (Compact Disc) – DVD
– Blu-ray Disc
• Flash memory Flash memory is a kind of solid state, nonvolatile computer memory that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed.
3. Grammer:一般现在时
• 科技英语中多用动词的现在时,尤其一 般现在时来表示“无时间性”的一般叙 述。当叙述事实或真理,或者客观地表 述定义、定理、方程式、公式和图表等, 都可以运用这一语法特征。 例如:
• An optical disc is an electronic data storage medium that can be written to and read using a low-powered laser beam. 光盘是一种电子数据存储介质,可以使用低功率激光 束写入和读取数据。 • The CPU firstly sends a number called memory address, through an address bus, that indicates the desired location of data. CPU首先通过地址总线发送一个内存地址的编号,指 定所需数据的位置。
Chapter 4
• In this chapter, we present an overview of Storage hardware , The two main types of storage devices are the primary storage, also called memory, and the secondary storage . • After you have read this chapter, you should be able to distinguish between primary and secondary storage devices, describe the different types of memory, describe traditional and modern secondary storage devices. .
1. A. B. C. D. 2. A. B. C. D.
Review --Multiple Choice.
Which of the following provides flexibility and expandability for a computer system? ROM RAM CMOS Cache All of the following are commonly used units of measurement to describe memory capacity, except: Megabyte (MB). Gigabyte (GB). Terabyte (TB). Nanobyte (NB).
• Floppy disk
A floppy disk, or diskette can record data as magnetized spots on tracks on its surface
• Optical Discs
An optical disc is an electronic data storage medium that can be written to and read using a low-powered laser beam.
• Non-volatile BIOS memory • CMOS battery
• Processor registers Processor registers are located inside every processor. • Processor cache a cache is a temporary storage area where frequently accessed data can be stored for rapid access. Processor cache, or CPU cache is a cache used by the central processing unit of a computer to reduce the average time to access memory.
请把以下英文句子翻译成为中文。 (1)Computer hardware is the equipment involved in the function of a computer and consists of the components that can be physically handled. (2)In contemporary usage, memory usually refers to a form of semiconductor storage known as random access memory (RAM) and sometimes other forms of fast but temporary storage.
Secondary Storage devices
2. Secondary storage devices.
• Hard disk drive
A hard disk drive(HDD), commonly referred to as a hard drive, hard disk, or fixed disk drive, is a nonvolatile storage devicded data on rapidly rotating platters with magnetic surfaces.
D. reading.
7. A. B. C. D. 8. A. B. C. D. 9.
A. B. C. D. 10.
The ____ indicates how much data a particular storage medium can hold. access capacity memory storage The 2HD on a floopy diskette label means 2 MB storage capacity. two-sided, high density. 2 MB hard disk. two-sided hard disk. The hard disk's disk surface is scratched and some or all of the data is destroyed when there is a head crash. cylinder crash. track crash. sector crash.
• Processor cache, or CPU cache is a cache used by the central processing unit of a computer to reduce the average time to access memory. 处理器缓存,也称为CPU缓存,被运用于计算机的中 央处理单元,目的是缩短CPU访问内存的平均时间。
• Other Storage Devices