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赫胥黎独处一室之中,在英伦之南,北山而面 野。槛外诸境,历历如在几下。乃悬想二千年前, 当罗马大将凯彻未来之时,此间有何景物?计惟有 天造草昧,人功未施,其借征入境者,不过几处荒 坟,散见坡陀起伏间。而灌木丛林,蒙茸山麓,未 经删治如今日者,则无疑也。
Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave Americans waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan to risk their lives for us. There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after the children fall asleep and wonder how they’ll make the mortgage or pay their doctors’ bills or save enough for their child’s college education. There’s new energy to harness, new jobs to be created, new schools to build, and threats to meet, alliances to repair.
A man touched down on the moon, a wall came down in Berlin, a world was connected by our own science and imagination. And this year, in this election, she touched her finger to a screen,
• 分析型思维与综合型思维 • 汉语:意合,天人合一、中庸、对仗、重复、四字成 语……
划然长啸,法草木震动。山鸣谷应,风起水涌。予 亦悄然而悲,肃然而恐,凛乎其不可留也。反而登舟, 放乎中流,听其所止而休焉。
句子短小,流泻自如,疏放铺排,不拘一格, 句内虽偶有衔接,各句及小句之间则不见任何形合 手段,但尽管如此,种种关系却历历在目,读来概 不至于产生任何误解。
• 访
季孙谷以田赋,使冉有访诸仲尼。 (《左传·哀公十一年》) 王访于箕子。 (《尚书·洪范》) 穆公访诸蹇叔。 (《左传·僖公三十二年Байду номын сангаас)
洛阳访才子,江岭作流人。 (孟浩然《访袁拾遗不遇》) 访风景于崇阿。(王勃:《滕王阁序》) 至唐李渤始访其遗踪。( 苏轼:《石钟山记》 )
• visit
She went to visit relatives in Wales. The Prime Minister is visiting Japan at the moment. You should visit your dentist at least twice a year. This is an area rarely visited by Europeans.
是夜, 饮宴笙歌之声不绝于耳, 而异邦大漠群山 中, 吾国大好青年, 兀自苦戍边塞, 惝恍竟夜, 性命尚 未得安。吾国千万庶民, 为人父母者, 兀自惴惴难眠, 所忧者, 乃房宅所贷、病患之费、抚育之资也。至若 吾国能源之耗, 百业之兴, 痒序之教, 攻伐之术, 怀远 之道, 亦皆吾等忡忡挂怀者也。
I got some secretary who referred to me to sales who referred me to accounting who referred me to data processing who referred me to public relations who referred me back to accounting. 有位秘书把我引荐到销售部,销售部又把我引 荐到会计部,会计部把我引荐到资料部,资料部把 我引荐到公关部,公关部又把我引荐到会计部。
If they could not see the Winter Palace with their own eyes, they could dream about it—as if in the gloaming they saw a breath-taking masterpiece of art as they had never known before—as if above the horizon of European civilization was towering the silhouette of Asian Civilization.
and cast her vote, because after 106 years in
America, through the best of times and the darkest of hours, she knows how America can change. Yes we can.
The water was so low and clear after drought that the fish could be seen in great dark shoals, sunning themselves, shy, impossible to catch. Only in the evenings, as the air cooled and the water darkened, and the surface was broken with the silver dances of the rising shoals, would you perhaps get a bite or two. All the time, on bright hot mornings especially, great pike would lie out in the middle of the lake in shoals of ten or even twenty, like black torpedoes, transfixed, never moving except in sudden immense rise that rocked the water-surface with rings.
Suddenly a sharp cry was head which seemed to make the plains tremble. The mountains and valleys echoed it, the wind arose and the water rushed on. I was so saddened and frightened that I could no longer remain ashore. So as I went back to the boat, which was sent drifting to the middle of the stream, I let it drift till it stopped of its own accord.
On one of those sober and rather melancholy days in the latter part of autumn, when the shadows of morning and evening almost mingle together, and throw a gloom over the decline of the year, I passed several hours in rambling about Westminster Abbey. There was something congenial to the season in the mournful magnificence of the old pile; and, as I passed its threshold, it seemed like stepping back into the regions of antiquity, and losing myself among the shades of former ages
语言与文化的关系 语言习得与语言比较 语言中的美感
文化是包括各种外显或内隐的行为模式。( 克 罗伯和克拉克:《文化:概念和定义的批判回顾》)
所谓“外显”,即指客体文化的文化形态, 主要包括文字、历史典籍、文物古迹、文艺作品 等客观外化的文化形态;“内隐”则指主体化的 文化形态,主要包括思维方式、文化心理、传统 观念、审美情趣等主体内化的文化形态。
周监于二代,郁郁乎文哉! 行有余力则以学文。 言以足志,文以足言;言之不文行之不远。 (孔丘:《论语》) 文之为德也大矣! (刘勰:《文心雕龙》) 文志乎古之道也。 (韩愈)
• 化:交易、生成、造化。引申为改造、教化、培育 等。
万物化生。(《易·系辞下》) 观乎天文、以察时变;观乎人文,以化成天下。 (《周易·负势》) 圣人之治天下也,先文德而后武力。凡武之兴, 为不服也,文化不改,然后加诛。 (刘向:《说苑·指武》)
如果他们不能目睹圆明园的丰姿,那么他们也能在 梦幻中身临其境:他们仿佛在冥冥之中见到一件未尝见 闻过的、令人叹为观止的艺术杰作,宛若在欧洲文明的 大地上巍然展现出一幅亚洲文明的剪影。
not see the Winter Palace with their own eyes 不 能目睹圆明园的丰姿 could dream about it 能在梦幻中身临其境 in the gloaming 在冥冥之中 a breath-taking masterpiece 令人叹为观止的艺 术杰作
A man touched down on the moon, a wall came down in Berlin, a world was connected by our own science and imagination. 俟科学昌明于世, 创想通贯一时, 既登广寒之阙, 又溃柏林之墙。
It may be safely assumed that, two thousand years ago, before Caesar set foot in southern Britain, the whole country-side visible from the windows of the room in which I write, was in what is called “the state of nature.” Except, it may be , by raising a few sepulchral mounds, such as those which still, here and there, break the flowing contours of the downs, man’s hands had made no mark upon it; and the thin veil of vegetation which overspread the broad-backed heights and the shelving sides of the coombs was unaffected by his industry.
The absence of intelligence is an indication of satisfactory developments. 没有消息就是好消息。 far sightedness careful consideration perfect harmony feed on fancies with great eagerness 远见卓识 深思熟虑 水乳交融 画饼充饥 如饥似渴
时方晚秋,气象肃穆,略带忧悒,朝翳和暮色 几乎相接。一年将息,终日阴暗。此时的我,到西 敏寺去独步半日。古寺巍峨,森森然似有鬼气,和 阴沉沉的季候正好相吻;踏入门槛,仿佛我已经置 身远古,想忘于旧时的冥府之中。
• 高考满分作文:赤兔之死(节选)
赤兔马泣曰:“吾尝慕不食周粟之伯夷、叔齐之 高义。玉可碎而不可损其白,竹可破而不可毁其节, 士为知己而死,人因诚信而存,吾安肯食吴粟而苟 活于世间?”言罢,伏地而亡。