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1. What does the woman feel?

A. Pleased.

B. Tired.

C. Fresh.

2. How old do you think Jennifer should learn to drive?

A. Above 18.

B. Under 18.

C. At the age of 16.

3. How long do you think the lady will have stayed here before she leaves?

A. For about one year and a half.

B. For about two years.

C. For about half a year.

4. What would the man do?

A. Open the window.

B. Open the door.

C. Close the window.

5. Where does this conversation take place?

A. In a garden.

B. At a market.

C. At a flower shop.




6. What did the man do yesterday?

A. He went to see his friends.

B. He visited his brother.

C. He watched a play.

7. Why was the man late?

A. He had to leave school.

B. He talked with his friend.

C. He had to finish his homework first.


8. How does frozen food taste?

A. Fine.

B. Terrible.

C. Better than fresh foods.

9. Why do we think frozen foods are convenient?

A. We can shop every day.

B. We can shop every two or three weeks.

C. We needn’t shop any more.

10. How long can frozen foods keep?

A. 7 months.

B. 8 months.

C. 9 months.


11. Where is the City Library?

A. On Princess East Road.

B. On Roosevelt Road.

C. On Oxford Road.

12. Which direction is Roosevelt Road on Princess East Road?

A. To the north.

B. To the west.

C. To the south.

13. What is the sign of Oxford Road?

A. A brown building.

B. A big crossing.

C. An overpass (立交桥).


14. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Colleagues.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Sister and brother.

15. Where did the woman first check the reading glasses?

A. In her pocket.

B. In a drawer.

C. Under the newspaper.



16.---- Do you consider Cai Yilin a good singer?

---- ______. She has a beautiful voice. I like her very much.

A. Of course

B. Of course not

C. I don’t think so

D. I agree

17. Karl Marx first developed _____ political theory known as ____ communism (共产主义).

A. a; a

B. the; the

C. the; /

D. a; /

18. _____ in the climate and soil depends in a way on the experiment _____ carried out by the


A. That grows best; has been

B. What grows best; being

C. How it grows best; is to be

D. What it grows best; was

19. He is always helping people without expecting anything _____.

A. in need

B. in turn

C. in fact

D. in return

20. ----- How about the book you are reading now?

----- Excellent indeed. You can find many problems we have come across _____ in it.

A. covered

B. covering

C. are referred

D. referred

21. ----- Did Alice win the 100-meter race?

----- No. She did _____ I.

A. no better than

B. no worse than

C. so well as

D. as well as

22. On my father's birthday, I gave him a special present, ____ I had spent my own money buying

for the first time.

A. it

B. the one

C. that

D. one

23. ----- Does you brother serve in the army?

----- No, not now, but he ___ in the army for 8 years.

A. has served

B. served

C. is serving

D. had served

24. In Disneyland, every year, some 800000 plants are replaced because Disney refused to _____

signs asking his “guests” not to step on them.

A. break up

B. call up

C. put up

D. build up

25. ------ Why do you drink so much tea?

------ Well, ____ it doesn’t keep me awake in the nights.

A. although

B. as long as

C. as soon as

D. while

26. He was educated at a local grammar school, _____ he went on to Cambridge.

A. from which

B. after that

C. after which

D. from this

27. There was a very interesting remark in a book by an Englishman that I read recently ______

he thought was the reason for this American characteristic.
