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Unit11 Letter to a B student

I. Lead-in (Group work):

1. What do you usually do on weekend (Shopping/ watching TV/ surfing the internet)

2. How many scores do you mostly get for the English courses you have been taking

If we use grade A, B, C and D to mark your scores, which grade do you get?

(A:≥70 B:≥60 C:≥50 D: ≥40 F:Failed)

3. Are you feel happy or are you disappointed when you get a B Why

(Disappointed—lose confidence—acquired knowledge—learn new ways of thinking—put in practice) 4. Imagine yourself to be a teacher and that you are to write a letter to a student who is disappointed with the grades he gets. What would you say to him in the letter?

(Judgment of knowledge –not represent qualities)

II. Cultural background

American Education System versus Asian Education System (ppt)

III. Structural analysis (Group work)

Key words Key sentences Main idea of the text (ppt)

IV. Text analysis

1).Part I: Paragraph 1--The 1st paragraph serves as an introduction.

Language work:

1. far superior to→better in quality than

e.g. The boy is far superior to that girl in study.

2. Gentleman’s C→ a decent grade.

The basic definition of the gentlemen's C is: a passing grade a teacher gives to a student who should n't be passing.

e.g. An empty A is equal to a gentlemen's C.

3. eligibility→the qualification or abilities required for doing sth.

eligible (adj).:to be able to do sth.

e.g. Citizens above the age of 18 are eligible to vote and be voted. [Problems] Questions: (Pair work)(ppt)

1. What change about grades has the writer mentioned briefly?

(The writer has mentioned briefly the change in the way grades are regarded, I .e the norm has shifted upward.)

2. What, according to the writer, has caused the change?

(The change has to do with the general social climate where grades determine eligibility for graduate school and special programs .This is why the writer says there is nothing he can do to remove the feeling of disappointment.)

Main idea: The 1st paragraph serves as an introduction.

2).Part II: Paragraphs 2-5constitute the first main part of the letter.

Language work:

1. off set→to counterbalance

2. You’ve grown up in a society where winning is not the most important thing ---- it’s the only thing.


3. “sins”…”salvation”→

According to the Bible, people are born with sins, if you want to get salvation / be rescued; you have to believe in God and obey it, and do many goods. But in modern society, being failure is a sin, and only success can rescue you. [Problems]

4 Where does the author state his purpose of writing the letter What is that purpose

(Para 3, to put your disappointment in perspective)

→put sth. in perspective→to judge the importance of something correctly. So what the author wants to do is to show the students how they should regard/view disappointment correctly.

5 Then how to put your disappoint in perspective?

→ By considering exactly what your grade means and doesn’t mean. Do people correctly consider this problem

→ No. People’s understanding of grade is misled.

6 Pay attention to the phrase “taken at face value”, →which means to accepts something for what it appears to be (no matter it is true or not). [Problems]

7 Then, in para4, the author states what a grade means. (1st sentence)

8 In what way is the level of proficiency determined?

9 Do you think these testing ways really correspond to the knowledge you have acquired and will retain? (No.)

10 How to interpret your B correctly

→(As a rather fuzzy symbol at best.)

On the most optimistic view充其量不过是

11 What does a grade not mean

(Not represent a judgment of your basic ability of your character.)
