6 .7 5 —6 08 %, 1 5岁 8例 、 1 . % 。 占 73 9
2 诊断标准【 2 】
21 以咳嗽 、 . 咯痰为 主要症 状或伴 喘息胸 闷 、 肺部 哮鸣音 ,
每 年 发 病 持 续 2月 , 史 连 续 2年 以上 。 病
22 排 除 肺 结 核 、 肺 、 脓 肿 、 气 管 哮 喘 、 气 管 扩 . 尘 肺 支 支 张 、心 脏 病 、心 功 能 不 全 、 慢 性 鼻 咽 疾 病 等 具 有 咳 嗽 、 咯 痰 、 息症 状 的其 他 疾 病 。 喘
不 良反 应 ,然 后 针 对 性 地 给 予 服 用 雅 罕 唉 喃 ( 台 叶 合 灯 剂 ) 火 解 毒 , 痰 止 咳 而 获 效 较 高 。 由此 , 刻 体 会 到 傣 清 化 深 医药 完 整 解 药 理 论 的 突 出 特 色 : 药 具 有 调 节 人 体 生 理 功 解 能 、 除人体各 种毒 素 、 持 体 内“ 解 保 四塔 ” 风 、 、 、 ) ( 火 水 土 , “ 蕴 ”色 、 、 、 、 ) 能的平衡协 调 。 医学认 为 , 五 ( 识 受 想 行 功 傣 健 康是 人体 “ 四塔 ” “ 蕴 ” 能 处 于 动 态 的 平 衡 与 协 调 , 、五 功 发 病 则 是 因 为 体 内 外 各 种 “ 雅 ” 病 毒 邪 气 )、 烟 酒 糖 茶 瓜果 、 菜 , 些食 物 虽为 人 体 蔬 这
所 需 的 营 养 物 质 , 含 有 一 定 的 毒 素 , 医 称 为 “ 毒 ” 但 傣 小 , 在 正 常 情 况 下 , 毒 可 通 过 机 体 的 正 常 代 射 功 能 将 其 分 解 小
5 治 疗 效 果
2 1 年 9月 8日收稿 00
方法采用Celigo Cytomter全视野细胞扫描分析仪,对健康生长条件下空白组及药物干预的小鼠巨噬细胞进行分析,通过对细胞增值数的观察分析,筛选出可抑制小鼠巨噬细胞增值的药材。
关键词:傣医;解药;巨噬细胞;抗炎;筛选中图分类号:R285.5 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-2349(2022)03-0078-03炎症反应存在与机体的诸多生理病理过程中,是最基础的保护性反应之一。
第 62 卷 第 3 期2023 年 5 月Vol.62 No.3May 2023中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYATSENI Biological activities and detoxification mechanisms ofClerodendrum chinense var . simplex, Marsdenia tenacissimaand Arundina graminifolia : The Dai antidotes *ZHANG Xuefei 1,2, ZHAO Junke 2, HAO Suqi 2, DING Qing 3, YU Shihui 2, MOHAMMAD Imran shair 2, WANG Jun 2, HU Haiyan21. School of Traditional Dai -Thai Medicine , West Yunnan University of Applied Sciences , Jinghong 666100, China2. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences , Sun Yat -sen University , Guangzhou 510006, China3. Yunnan Dai Medicine Co ., Ltd ., Ruili 678699, ChinaAbstract : Dai antidotes are the most distinctive medicine and treatment in traditional Dai medicine. Bin Hao (Clerodendrum chinense var. simplex ), Dai Bai Jie (Marsdenia tenacissima ) and Zhu Ye Lan (Arun ‐dina graminifolia ) are three Dai antidotes widely used for their "detoxifying effects", and their use is rooted in a theoretical system significantly different and much less understood than Western or tradi ‐tional Chinese medicines. Here, we successively extracted the three Dai antidotes using petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, n -butanol, or water, and then prepared their decoctions. The content of total flavo ‐noids in three Dai antidotes ranged from 22.41 to 586.39 mg/g, which is higher than the content of total polyphenols (2.76 to 28.66 mg/g). The various extracts were found to scavenge radicals of DPPH, ·OH and ABTS. They scavenged ABTS radicals much more efficiently than other radicals (IC 50 > 380 μg/mL). They weakly inhibited the growth of E. coli, P. aeruginosa and S. aureus. Notably, even at low concentra ‐tion 60 μg/mL, the extracts can significantly down-regulate the production of NO, TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 by macrophages stimulated with LPS. In conclusion, our results provide the first mechanistic insights into the detoxifying effects of three Dai antidotes, providing a foundation for their optimization and for future research to strengthen Dai medicine through modern scientific practices.Key words : Dai antidote; Clerodendrum chinense var. simplex ; Marsdenia tenacissima ; Arundina graminifolia ; detoxificationCLC number : R29 Document code: A Article ID : 2097 - 0137(2023)03 - 0089 - 11As one of the four major ethnomedicines in China (Wang et al., 2017 ), Dai medicine dates back more than 2 500 years (Li et al., 2019) and continues to play an important role in health care in China and many other countries of southeast Asia, especially inthe Mekong River valley. "Yajie", is also known as Dai antidotes, refers to the medicine that can regulate the function of four cosmic elements in the body and is widely used among Dai medical practitioners to de ‐toxify body toxins obtained from food, drug or animalDOI :10.13471/ki.acta.snus.2022E027* Received : 2022 − 09 − 13 Accepted : 2022 − 11 − 04 Published online : 2023 − 01 − 30Supported by Yunnan Provincial Department of Education Science Research Fund Project(2018JS709); National Natural Science Foundation of China (81973264); Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (2019A1515011954, 2020A1515010593)Corresponding author : HU Haiyan (**************** )ZHANG Xuefei (******************** ),ZHAO Junke (*****************),HAO Suqi (*****************),DING Qing (*****************),YU Shihui (****************),MOHAMMAD Imran shair (*************** ), WANG Jun(************** )第 62 卷中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)bites, etc. It is the most distinctive medicine and treat ‐ment method in Dai medicine.(Zhang et al., 2012). Bin Hao (Clerodendrum chinense var. simplex ), Dai Bai Jie (Marsdenia tenacissima ) and Zhu Ye Lan (Arundina graminifolia ) (Fig.1), are widely used Dai antidotes. Mainly, Bin Hao is used to treat cough, sore throat, rheumatic arthralgia and jaundice (Li et al.,2018), Dai Bai Jie, to treat cough, swelling and throat pain(Li et al.,2014), and Zhu Ye Lan, to treat all kinds of poisoning caused by food and medicine, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness and other diseases (Qu et al., 2011).There are few studies, using modern biomedical techniques to analyze the clinical benefits of Dai anti ‐dotes limiting the use of Dai medicine. In fact, the Dai theoretical system remains completely outside from modern medical science and research. Com ‐pared with other types of traditional Chinese medi ‐cine, which already have a large number of literatures and clinical practice integrated with western medi ‐cine, we are unaware the overlap and complementarity between the Dai theoretical system and traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine.Dai medical theory holds that disease is related to imbalance among the four cosmic elements in the body, and that such imbalance can arise due to the presence of toxins (Zhang et al.,2012). This im ‐balance may be attributed to imbalance between free radicals and anti-oxidant defenses ( Oszmianski et al., 2020) or imbalance between pro- and anti-inflammatory factors, such as in excessive inflamma ‐tion or infection with pathogens. All these im ‐balances can lead to a disease initiation and progres ‐sion. Therefore, the present study used standard and well-established laboratory methods to assess the in vitro antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of the three Dai antidotes. In addition, the ma ‐terial basis of three Dai antidotes were explored by de ‐termining their contents of total polyphenols and fla ‐vonoids, as described in Fig.1. The results may help explain the clinical efficacy of these traditional medi ‐cines, providing a modern scientific foundation for un ‐derstanding and developing Dai medicine for the treat ‐ment of various diseases as well as expanding their use in other regions of the world.1 Methods1.1 Plant material, reagents and cellsThe Bin Hao, Dai Bai Jie and Zhu Ye Lan were purchased from the Institute of Ethnic Medicine (Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province) and identified by Mrs. Lin Yanfang, chief expert of Dai Medicine. They were washed and dried for two weeks in the shade. Before extraction, the plants were cut into small pieces and crushed using a floor-standing con ‐tinuous feed grinder (DF-35, Wenling Linda Machinery, Zhejiang, China).DPPH, ABTS, hydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2), rutin, gallic acid and potassium persulfate were purchased from Aladdin (Shanghai, China); Vitamin C was ob ‐tained from Solarbio Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (Beijing, China). Ethylparaben was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (USA). Luria-Bertani (LB) broth was purchased from Hopebio (Qingdao, China); E. coli (ATCC 25922), P. aeruginosa (ATCC 27853), and S. aureus (ATCC 25923), were obtained from Huankai Guangzhou Microbial. RAW 264.7 macrophage cells were purchased from the Labora ‐tory Animal Center of Sun Yat-sen University (Guang ‐zhou, China).Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) and fetal bovine serum (FBS) were obtained from Gibco-Thermo Fisher Scientific (Grand Island,NY,Fig.1 Schematic representation of research contents ofBin Hao , Dai Bai Jie and Zhu Ye Lan90第 3 期ZHANG Xuefei, et al: Biological activities and detoxification mechanisms of Clerodendrum chinensevar . simplex, Marsdenia tenacissima and Arundina graminifolia : The Dai antidotesUSA). LPS was purchased from Sigma Chemical (St. Louis, USA). NO Griess reagent was acquired from Beyotime Institute of Biotechnology (Shanghai, China). IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α ELISA kits were pur ‐chased from Boster Biological Technology (Wuhan, China). All other reagents were purchased as analyti ‐cal reagent grade and used without further purifica ‐tion.1.2 Extraction of Dai antidotesCrushed Bin Hao , Zhu Ye Lan and Dai Bai Jie were extracted three times with 95% ethanol at a mass-to-volume ratio of 1:10 for 2 h at 98 ℃. The ex ‐tracts were filtered, combined, and evaporated under reduced pressure to obtain crude ethanol extract. The polar extracts were obtained from the corresponding crude extract by successive extraction with the same volume of solvents of increasing polarity: petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, n -butanol and distilled water. Then, we obtained the petroleum ether extract (PE), ethyl acetate extract (EE), n -butanol extract (BE) and water extract (WE), respectively.Aqueous decoctions (DE) of the three Dai anti ‐dotes were prepared by mixing 100 g dried Bin Hao , Zhu Ye Lan or Dai Bai Jie with 1 000 mL of distilled water and boiling for 0.5 h and repeat three times. The decoctions were filtered with gauze, combined and concentrated to 50 mL, giving crude Dai anti ‐dotes 2 g/mL.1.3 Determination of total flavonoids contentThe total flavonoids content of the samples was determined as described by Hossain et al.(2011). Briefly, 200 μL of samples, 200 μL of ethanol and 40 μL of w =10% NaNO 2 was mixed and allowed to stand for 7 min. Then, 40 μL of w =5% Al(NO 3)3 solu ‐tion was added. After 7 min, 400 μL of 1 mol/L NaOH and 120 μL ethanol was added to the solution. The absorbance of obtained mixture was measured at 510 nm. In the same way, the standard solution was prepared with rutin in a series of concentration gradi ‐ents, and the standard curve was drawn to calculate the flavonoids content. The total flavonoids content of different extracts was expressed as mg of rutin equivalents per g of dry weight of plant material (mg/g).The linear equation was y = 0.001 69x - 0.011 21 ,and the correlation coefficient R 2 = 0.996.1.4 Determination of total polyphenols contentThe total polyphenols content of Dai antidotes was determined by using Folin-Ciocalteu reagent as described by Hossain et al.(2014). Briefly, 0.2 mL of samples, 6 mL of ethanol and 0.5 mL of Folin reagent were mixed to the 10 mL volumetric flask. After 5 min, 1.5 mL of 20% (w ) Na ₂CO ₃ was added,dilute with water to volume and incubated at room temperature for 60 min, then absorbance was mea ‐sured at 765 nm. In the same way, the standard solu ‐tion was prepared with gallic acid in a series of con ‐centration gradients, and the standard curve was drawn to calculate the polyphenols content, the total polyphenols content of different extracts was expressed as mg of gallic acid equivalents per g of dry weight of plant material (mg/g).The linear equation was y = 0.037 4x - 0.026 02,and the correlation coefficient R 2 = 0.999 5.1.5 In vitro anti-oxidant activityThe in vitro anti-oxidant activities of different polar extracts and decoctions of the three Dai anti ‐dotes were evaluated based on ability to scavenge DPPH free radicals, ·OH radicals and ABTS radicals, and vitamin C was used as positive control. Absor ‐bance was determined on an ultraviolet spectropho ‐tometer (UV-2600, Techcomp, Shanghai, China).The scavenging effects on DPPH free radical was determined by the method as described by Dong et al (2017) with modifications, 3.0 mL of DPPH(0.1 mmol/L)was intermingled with 1 mL of each sample and allowed to stand at 37 ℃ for 30 min. The absor ‐bance was then measured at 517 nm.The scavenging effects on ·OH was determined based on Fenton's reaction as described by Aquino-Martins et al(de Queiroz et al., 2019) with modifica ‐tions. 1 mL of samples with different concentrations was mixed with 1 mL 9 mmol/L FeSO 4 solution, 9 mmol/L salicylic acid ethanol solution, and 8.8 mmol/L H 2O 2 solution, respectively, and incubated at 37 ℃ for 30 min, then absorbance was measured at 510 nm.The protocol of scavenging effects on ABTS free radical was adapted from Re et al. (1999), ABTS reagent (7.0 mmol/L) was mixed with 2.45 mmol/L potassium persulfate in a volume ratio of 1:1, and al ‐91第 62 卷中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)lowing the mixture to stand in the dark at room tem ‐perature overnight to obtain an ABTS stock solution. Then the ABTS stock solution was diluted with deionized water to obtain ABTS working solution with an absorbance value of 0.70 ± 0.05 at 734 nm. 4.0 mL of ABTS working solution was intermingled with 1 mL of each sample, and incubated at 37 ℃ in dark for 30 min. The absorbance was then measured at 734 nm.The scavenging DPPH, ·OH and ABTS free-radical effect according to the following equationsScavenging effect =(1-A 1-A 2A 0)× 100% ,where A 0 is the absorbance of the control, A 1 is the ab ‐sorbance of the samples, A 2 is the absorbance of the sample background.1.6 In vitro anti-bacterial activityThe anti-bacterial activity of three Dai antidotes were evaluated by determining the MICs, MBCs and ZOI against E. coli , P. aeruginosa and S. aureus , and ethylparaben was used as positive control.The MICs was determined by microtiter broth di ‐lution method. In brief, 100 μL of bacteria suspen ‐sion with the dilution of 1∶10 was inoculated in the 96-well plates, the extracts were diluted serially, then 100 μL of the diluted extracts solutions were added subsequently. The inoculated microplates were incu ‐bated under microaerobic conditions at 37 ℃ for 24 h with shaking (100 r/min). The lowest concentration resulting in no visible growth of tested organisms was recognized as MICs.For determination of MBCs, 10 µL of the bacte ‐rial suspension and sample (which shown no visible growth) inoculated onto the appropriated agar and in ‐cubated at 37 ℃ for 24 h. The lowest concentration that completely prevented microbial growth in LB broth agar was recognized as MBCs.To assess ZOI in an agar diffusion model, 50 μL of bacterial lawns were prepared on a nutrient agar plate using the spread plate method. After soaking the sterile double-layer circular filter paper (diameter 6 mm) in each sample solution for 2 h, the filter paper was removed, dried, and gently put it on the corre ‐sponding position of the plate. Then, these petri dishes were incubated at 37 ℃ for 24 h. Negative controls were DMSO and H 2O. Then, the ZOIdiameter was measured by digital calipers, and was recorded in cm.1.7 In vitro anti-inflammatory activity1.7.1 Cell culture The RAW 264.7 cells were cultured in DMEM supplemented with φ=10% FBS and antibiotics (streptomycin 100 U/mL and penicillin 100 U/mL) in a humidified atmosphere of φ=5% CO 2 at 37 °C.1.7.2 Determination of NO , IL-1β,IL-6, TNF-α production According to the literature (Yan et al., 2021), RAW 264.7 cells, were seeded in 96 well plates at a density of 1 × 104 cells/mL and incubated for 24 h. Then, the cells were incubated with respec ‐tive extracts of three Dai antidotes and exposed to LPS (1 μg/mL) for 24 h. The blank control cells were treated with DMEM only. LPS-induced NO pro ‐duction was determined by using Griess reagent, and the absorbance at 540 nm was measured using a micro ‐plate reader (Molecular Devices, Flex Station 3). The generation of IL-1β,IL-6, TNF-α was determined by using ELISA Kit, and the absorbance at 450 nm was measured.1.8 Statistical analysisStatistical analysis were performed using SPSS Statistics for Windows, software version 25.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). A one-way analysis of vari ‐ance (ANOVA) and the least significant difference test were employed to analyze the data.2 Results2.1 The contents of total flavonoids and polyphe ‐nolsAs shown in Fig.2, the contents of total flavo ‐noids in three Dai antidotes (22.41 to 586.40 mg/g) were much higher than that of total polyphenols (2.76 to 28.66 mg/g), and Zhu Ye Lan was higher than Bin Hao and Dai Bai Jie . In general, with the increase polarity of solvents, the total polyphenols and flavonoids content decreased and the contents in decoctions was higher than that of water extracts.2.2 Antioxidant activity2.2.1 Ability to scavenge DPPH radicals All extracts showed dose-dependent DPPH scavenging activity (Fig.3). In the case of Bin Hao , as the con ‐centration increases, extracts with lower polarity showed greater scavenging activity than that higher92第 3 期ZHANG Xuefei, et al: Biological activities and detoxification mechanisms of Clerodendrum chinensevar . simplex, Marsdenia tenacissima and Arundina graminifolia : The Dai antidotespolarity. While, the DE showed the weakest scavenging at every tested concentration (Fig.3a).In the case of Dai Bai Jie , more polar extracts showed less scavenging activity (Fig.3b). The DE showed greater scavenging ability than WE, but lessthan that of EE or BE.In case of Zhu Ye Lan , more polar extracts also showed less scavenging activity (Fig.3c). The DE showed greater scavenging activity than any of the polar extracts.Furthermore, the activity was quantified in terms of the half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC 50), the results showed that the scavenging DPPH radicals' ability of Bin Hao alcohol extracts was better than that of the other two Dai antidotes (Table 1). How ‐ever, the scavenging DPPH radicals' ability of Zhu Ye Lan decoction was better than that of Bin Hao or DaiBai Jie . The scavenging DPPH radicals' activity of three Dai antidotes were weaker than vitamin C (IC 50 0.09 mg/mL).2.2.2 Ability to scavenge ·OH radicals Extracts from the three Dai antidotes showed a weak, dose-de ‐pendent scavenging activity of ·OH radicals (Fig.4). In case of Bin Hao , polar extracts anddecoctionFig.2 Contents of total flavonoids and polyphenols in three Dai antidotesFig.3 Ability of various extracts of the Dai antidotes to scavenge DPPH radicals93第 62 卷中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)showed similar scavenging activity (Fig.4a). In the case of Dai Bai Jie , as the polarity increased, the scav ‐enging activity of extracts was decreased (Fig.4b). The scavenging activities of DE and EE were similar. Similarly, in the case of Zhu Ye Lan , greater polarity was associated with weaker scavenging (Fig.4c), and the scavenging activities of DE were also like EE.Comparison of IC 50 values showed that polar ex ‐tracts of the three Dai antidotes scavenged ·OH with similar efficacy (Table 2), which were weaker than vi ‐tamin C (IC 50 0.42 mg/mL). While for WEs and DEs IC 50 values ranged from 0.71 mg/mL for Dai Bai Jie DE to >2 mg/mL for WEs of Zhu Ye Lan and Dai Bai Jie .2.2.3 Ability to scavenge ABTS free radicals All extracts and decoctions of the three Dai anti ‐dotes strongly scavenged ABTS radicals (Fig.5). Scavenging activity differed substantially between extracts of different polarity from the same Dai anti ‐dote, while activity was similar between extracts of similar polarity from different Dai antidotes.Comparison of IC 50 values showed that in general, scavenging strength was greater for Zhu Ye Lan than for the other two Dai antidotes. All the BEs showed the strongest scavenging ability (IC 50<35 μg/mL, Table 3), among which Bin Hao and Zhu Ye Lan showed greater scavenging activity than vitamin C (IC 50 18.18 μg/mL). DEs scavenged more weakly than polar extracts (IC 50>400 μg/mL).2.3 Anti-bacterial activity2.3.1 MICs and MBCs As shown in Table 4, ethylparaben showed good bactericidal effects againstTable 1 Quantitation of DPPH radical scavenging activityby three Dai antidotesmg/mLDai antidote Bin Hao Zhu Ye Lan Dai Bai Jie IC 50PE 0.530.88ND 1)EE 0.480.830.75BE 0.531.011.34WE 0.671.172.55DE 0.860.382.181)Not done.Fig.4 Ability of Dai antidotes to scavenge ·OHTable 2 Quantitation of ·OH scavengingactivity by three Dai antidotesmg/mLDai antidote Bin Hao Zhu Ye Lan Dai Bai Jie IC 50PE 1.010.92ND 1)EE 1.321.221.09WE 1.402.272.15DE done.94第 3 期ZHANG Xuefei, et al: Biological activities and detoxification mechanisms of Clerodendrum chinensevar . simplex, Marsdenia tenacissima and Arundina graminifolia : The Dai antidotesthree bacteria, among which the anti-bacterial activity against E. coli was stronger than P. aeruginosa and S. aureus . All polar extracts of Bin Hao showed bac ‐tericidal effects against the three strains, with activityweakening with greater polarity. They were most effective against E. coli , DE showed bactericidal activity only against E. coli , while WE showed anti-bacterial activity, but no bactericidal effects.All polar extracts of Dai Bai Jie except BE showed bactericidal effect against only E. coli (Table 5). BE had the strongest anti-bacterial effects against all three bacteria, while DE showed no bactericidaleffect against any of them.Zhu Ye Lan extracts also showed stronger effects against E. coli than the other two bacteria (Table 6). All polar extracts showed bactericidal effect against E.Fig.5 Ability of Dai antidotes to scavenge ABTS radicalsTable 3 Quantitation of ABTS radical scavenging activity by three Dai antidotesμg/mLDai antidote Bin Hao Zhu Ye Lan Dai Bai JieIC 50PE 45.9545.57ND 1)EE 38.2870.60126.9BE 9.53917.4533.15WE 108.465.46143.3DE 1523445.6174 81)Not done.Table 4 MICs and MBCs of ethylparaben and Bin Hao extracts against three bacteria 1)mg/mL 1) "-":Not detected.95第 62 卷中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)coli, while PE also showed bactericidal effect against P.aeruginosa, and EE and BE also showed bacteri‐cidal effect against S. aureus. DE did not show bacte‐ricidal effect against any of the bacteria.The inhibitory effect of all three Dai antidotes to E. coli was better than that of the other two strains. Bin Hao and Zhu Ye Lan had similarly effective, while Dai Bai Jie was less effective.WEs and DEs showed the weakest anti-bacterial activity.All the three Dai antidotes showed weaker anti-bacterial activity than that of the positive control.2.3.2 Zones of inhibitions The ZOIs for different Dai antidotes and extracts generally mirrored the trends observed with MICs and MBCs (Fig.6). Anti-bacterial effect was stronger against E.coli than the other two bacteria, and DEs showed negligible anti-bacterial effect.2.4 Anti-inflammatory activityAll the three Dai antidotes inhibited NO,TNF-α, IL-1β or IL-6 production in at low extract concentra‐tion of 60 μg/mL(Fig.7) .The inhibition effect of Bin Hao on NO production was stronger than Dai Bai Jie and Zhu Ye Lan.The greater polarity of Dai Bai Jie and Zhu Ye Lan was associated with weaker inhibi‐tion of NO production, EE of Dai Bai Jie and PE/EE of Zhu Ye Lan significantly inhibited the production of NO((Fig.7a).As shown in Fig.7b, greater polarity of Bin Hao extracts was associated with stronger inhibition: WE and DE suppressed production by nearly 70%, whereas BE caused negligible inhibition. As for Dai Bai Jie, all extracts significantly inhibited the produc‐tion of TNF-α.While DE of Zhu Ye Lan negligibly inhibited TNF-α production.As displayed in Fig 7c, EE, BE and DE from Bin Hao inhibited IL-1β production by nearly 80%, while PE and WE inhibited it by approximately 70%. Extracts of Dai Bai Jie showed weaker inhibition: DE, BE, EE and WE inhibited production by 60% -80%. In contrast, extracts of Zhu Ye Lan reduced IL-1β production to nearly undetectable levels.All extracts and decoctions of all three Dai anti‐dotes strongly inhibited IL-6 production (Fig.7d). In the case of Bin Hao,inhibition increased with polar‐ity, with inhibition ranging from 60% to 100%. Simi‐larly, inhibition by extracts from Dai Bai Jie or Zhu Ye Lan was greater with greater polarity, with inhibi‐tion ranging from 80% to 100%.3 DiscussionOxidative stress has been associated with various diseases(de Queiroz et al., 2019), and many drugs ex‐ert therapeutic effects by scavenging free radicals. DPPH, ·OH and ABTS free radical scavenging assay are commonly used to evaluate antioxidant activity. Among them, DPPH and ABTS assay are simple, but the chemical properties of DPPH and ABTS free radi‐cal are quite different from the biological environ‐Table 5 MICs and MBCs of Dai Bai Jie extracts against three bacteria 1)mg/mL 1) "-":Not detected.Table 6 MICs and MBCs of Zhu Ye Lan extracts against three bacteria 1)mg/mL 1) "-":Not detected.96第 3 期ZHANG Xuefei, et al: Biological activities and detoxification mechanisms of Clerodendrum chinensevar . simplex, Marsdenia tenacissima and Arundina graminifolia : The Dai antidotesment. ·OH as a common free radical in organism me ‐tabolism, which is more close to physiological charac ‐teristics (Dong et al., 2017). Therefore, we compre ‐hensively evaluated the antioxidant activity of three Dai antidotes by investigating their scavenging ability on DPPH, ·OH and ABTS free radicals. The results suggested that the three Dai antidotes showed dose-dependent ability to scavenge DPPH, ·OH and ABTS radicals. They scavenged ABTS radicals most effec ‐tively. These results suggested that anti-oxidation may help explain the clinical benefits of Dai antidotes.Infections, such as those involving the bacteria E. coli , P. aeruginosa and S. aureus , can cause a range of health problems ( Wang et al., 2021). Many medicines can inhibit bacterial growth. Here we showed that the three Dai antidotes, at least at higher extract concentrations, showed some anti-bacterial ac ‐tivity against the three pathogenic strains. This ac ‐tivity was stronger when extracts were less polar. Most WEs and DEs did not show bactericidal effects. The relative inefficacy of the Dai antidotes may reflect low intrinsic bactericidal activity, as well as the presence of sugars in the extracts, which may aid bacterial growth. We conclude that the observed detoxifying effects of the Dai antidotes are not due primarily to anti-bacterial effects.The signaling molecule NO mediates and regu ‐lates inflammatory responses (Yin et al., 2019), while the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 can lead to tissue damage when their levels become excessive or remain chronically high. Using bacterial LPS to stimulate the production of NO and these cyto ‐kines (Gao et al., 2020), we found that all three Dai antidotes inhibited their production. NO production was inhibited most strongly by Bin Hao , while IL-1β production was inhibited most strongly by Zhu Ye Lan . The inhibition of three Dai antidotes against IL-6 production were similar. These results mayimplyFig.6 Inhibition zone assay to assess anti-bacterial activity of various Dai antidotes97第 62 卷中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)that the detoxifying effects of Dai antidotes is related to their anti-inflammatory activity.As polyphenols and flavonoids have significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. The re ‐sults showed that with the increase of polarity the con ‐tents decreased, which was correlated with the antioxi ‐dant and anti-inflammatory activities of three Dai anti ‐dotes. These results suggested that Dai antidotes may have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities by containing more polyphenols and flavonoids.4 ConclusionsOur analysis of the commonly used Dai antidotes showed that all three were effective at scavenging radi ‐cals of DPPH,·OH and ABTS, as well as inhibiting the production of NO, TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 by macrophages in response to LPS trigger. However, the Dai antidotes showed weak bactericidal activity against Gram-positive or -negative bacteria. We found that the anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory activities of the Dai antidotes depended on the polarity of the solvent used to extract them. In addition, the contents of total flavonoids and total poly ‐phenols in three Dai antidotes were correlated with the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. These re ‐sults may also pave the way for the study of compo ‐nents in Dai antidotes and related in-depth research. Our results begin to provide a modern scientific per ‐spective on the clinical efficacy of Dai medicines, and they provide a guide for future studies to optimize the extraction of active compounds from Dai antidotes and other medicines. Ultimately, these studies should ex ‐amine the safety, efficacy and mechanisms of action of Dai medicines in preclinical models.AcknowledgementsWe thanks to Mrs. Yanfang Lin, Chief Expert of Dai Medicine and Mrs. Xiaohua Li from School of Tradi ‐tional Dai-Thai Medicine, West Yunnan University of Applied Sciences for identification of plant material.References:de QUEIROZ AQUINO -MARTINS V G , MOURA de MELOL F , PEREIRA SILVA L M , et al , 2019. In vitro antioxi ‐dant , anti -biofilm , and solar protection activities ofMelocactus zehntneri (Britton & Rose ) Pulp extract [J ]. Antioxidants , 8(10):439.DONG Y R , CHENG S J , QI G H , et al , 2017. Antimicro‐***P <0.001 vs . cultures treated only with LPS.Fig.7 Ability of Dai antidotes to inhibit the production of NO, TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-698。
(2)用腹腔注射蛋黄乳的方法建立高脂血症小鼠模型,用尾静脉注入四氧嘧啶的方法复制小鼠糖耐量异常模型,用卵蛋白复制小鼠过敏模型,考察“雅解沙把”对相应模型小鼠血脂、血糖、小鼠同种被动皮肤过敏反应强度及血清Ig E水平的影响。
(2)“雅解沙把”可降低高脂血症小鼠模型的血清TC和TG值,对正常小鼠葡萄糖的耐受量无明显影响,对糖耐量异常小鼠血糖值仅有降低的趋势,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),可降低OVA所致的小鼠同种被动皮肤过敏反应的强度和血清Ig E含量。
(3)“雅解沙把”(3.51g/㎏)能降低卵蛋白诱导的小鼠同种被动皮肤过敏血清的OD值和Ig E。
造模第2周开始,“雅解沙把”低、高剂量组分别给予“雅解沙把”水提液灌胃(含“雅解沙把”生药分别为0.27、2.43 g/kg),空白对照组及模型对照组等量蒸馏水灌胃,每日1次。
末次灌胃2 h,采用毛细管眶内取血,检测血清巨噬细胞趋化蛋白1(MCP-1)。
模型对照组血清MCP-1水平明显高于其余三组(P均<0.01),“雅解沙把”低、高剂量组及空白对照组两两比较差异均无统计学意义( P均>0.05)。
2.体外细胞实验人肝脏细胞系包括L02和HepG2,利用实时荧光法和Western blot技术,分析“雅解沙把”对细胞中CYP450酶活性和蛋白表达的影响,以及通过细胞信号转导分析技术(Western blot和实时荧光)探讨其作用机制。
对 于 解药 的研 究 目前 尚 无更 多 的 报 道 , 解 药 的 应 用 但 越 来 越 广 泛 , 古 至 今 , 傣 族 民 间 家 家 都 备 有 不 同 的 解 从 在 药 , 解 食 物 毒 、 果 蔬 菜 毒 、 毒 、 毒 、 毒 、 毒 、 蚣 有 水 菌 酒 烟 蛇 蜈 毒 、 虫 毒 、 物 毒 , 有 解热 毒 、 火 烫 伤 毒 、 疠 之 毒 以 毒 动 也 水 疫
参 考 文 献
Maei dc: o . ( 华 本 草 纲 要 : tr aMei V 1 2 新 a 第二 册 ) M 】 [ .
S a g a : h n h iS in e a d Te h oo y Prs , 9 1 h n h iS a g a ce c n c n lg e s 1 9 :
受各 种 病 邪 而 致 。 因此 应 先 服 “ 解 匹 勒 ” 月 子 病 解 药 ) 雅 ( 后才 服其 他 治 疗 药 。 充分 体 现 了 傣 医 “ 解 后 治 ” 治 疗 特 先 的
4 雅解今 匹( 解食毒磨药方J
功 能 主 治 : 用 于 解 除 误 食 有 毒 之 物 后 引 起 的 中 毒 反 是 应 , 进 食 蔬 菜 、 果 及 其 他 食 物 后 引 起 的 头 昏 、 心 呕 如 瓜 恶 吐、 心慌 心 悸 、 汗 、 肢 厥 冷 等 轻 度 中毒 反 应 。 大 四
[] Y NG h 3 A S u—mi, I X — kf QI G hn e a. n LU i t, N C e , t 1 i
Ch mia c n t u n sfo t er o so mo o arp r e c l o si e t m h o t f t r Ho n i i a i a
浓度/(mg•mL )
IC50 =0.05 mg· mL-1
对· OH引发DNA损伤的抑制作用
80 60 40 20 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 浓度/(mg•mL-1 )
IC50 =0.07 mg· mL-1
苦冬瓜抗氧化作用研究 苦冬瓜(Chinese Waxgourd Semen )为双子叶植 物药葫芦科植物冬瓜的种子。在傣族传统特色 “雅解”药中,冬瓜籽称为苦冬瓜,是多种单方 或复方解药的重要药物之一。用于痰热咳嗽,肺 痈,肠痈,淋病,水肿,脚气,痔疮,鼻面酒皶。 苦冬瓜提取物有效成分的初步鉴定,含有的酚类、 皂苷、有机酸等成分。
[2] 王雪梅,张建胜,戴云等. 旱莲草总黄酮的提取及其体外抗氧化活 性研究[J].时珍国医国药(已录用).
[3] 王雪梅,张建胜,高云涛等.姜黄素体外清除活性氧自由基及抗氧 化作用研究[J].食品工业科技(已录用) [4] 王雪梅,张建胜,高云涛等.灯盏花素体外清除活性氧自由基及抗 氧化作用研究[J].中国民族医药杂志(已录用) [5] 王雪梅,张建胜,高云涛等.中学化学合作学习按例[J]云南教育 (中学教师),2007(35)12:28-29. [6] 张建胜,王雪梅,高云涛等.伸筋草提取物体外清除活性氧自由基 及抗氧化作用研究[J].云南中医中药杂志,2008,29,(3):39-40.
60 30 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1
浓度/(mg•mL )
IC50 = 0.015 mg· mL-1
80 60 40 20 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
解药在临床上应用广泛,玉波罕“珂指出“雅解”的作用具有分解、中和体内的毒素,排毒解 毒、解除食物中毒和药物中毒及其它物质所致的各种不良反应,提高人体免疫力,以达调节四塔 功能平衡,防御、解除疾病之目的。 3.4。雅解”理论临床应用的研究 根据“未病先解,先解后治”的治疗原则,解药被广泛的应用于各种疾病中,目前对其主要
包括两方面的含义:一是指由于精神因素所导致体内“四塔、五蕴”功能失调而发生的各种疾病, 而这类疾病的发生则应予心理调治为主。二是指精神因素所致的疾病以外的各种疾病。脚“雅解” 理论以四塔、五蕴理论为指导,以解除体内毒素、调节四塔功能为主要目的,其核心内容包括“未 病先解,先解后治”和“雅解”方药的应用。在疾病尚未发生之前,通过解药的预防和干预,解
有类似中医的清热解毒及解热等作用。 3.2“雅解”解毒途径的研究
“毒”,傣医认为是指饮食不洁,服药不当或各种原因引起的轻度或中度中毒症状,如汗出 乏力,头昏眼花,心烦欲呕,腹部不适,腹痛腹泻等。川傣医的“‘毒’害人体论”认为人食五 谷杂粮、瓜果、蔬菜、烟酒,这些饮食物除了滋养初体的成份外,过食过量也是一种毒素;另外, 环境污染、药物的不良反应、动物叮咬、食用有毒物质或各种原因过敏都可使毒素进入人体体内。 在健康情况下,这些毒素可通过机体的正常代谢功能将其分解排除,也可以通过机体内五脏六腑 时时排除小毒,但过多则会留滞于体内而致病。名老傣医波温囡(已故)认为,人体发生疾病是因 为自然界的外毒或内毒素而致“三盘”不通(f也把人体划分为三个部分,称为“三盘”即上盘:心
为了排除这些毒邪,傣医创立了“解药”。隅 解药有热解、温解、凉解、平解之分,按方剂分可分为单方和复方,按剂型分可分为水磨剂、 散、片、煎、擦、胶囊、洗剂等。“01明全忠等嘲按解药的药物分为5类:①解除食物毒性类药物; ②解除毒动物叮咬中毒类药物;③解除药物毒性及药物作用类药物;④解热类药物;⑤其他类药
傣药雅解沙把解药物毒作用的研究段小花;郑进;王辉;李秀芳;代蓉;淤泽溥【期刊名称】《云南中医中药杂志》【年(卷),期】2013(034)010【摘要】目的选用主要在肝脏代谢灭活的洋地黄毒苷,观察"雅解沙把"对小鼠洋地黄毒苷半数致死量(LD50)的影响.方法以主要在肝脏代谢灭活的洋地黄毒苷为研究对象,观察预先给予"雅解沙把"(3.51g/kg)后,小鼠洋地黄毒苷LD50的变化,以了解"雅解沙把"是否能够加速洋地黄毒苷的肝脏代谢而降低洋地黄毒苷的毒性.结果洋地黄毒苷小鼠24 h内1次性灌胃给药,LD50为28.8718 mg/kg;雅解沙把按3.51g 生药/kg/天连续灌胃给予7 d,第8 d时洋地黄毒苷小鼠24 h内1次性灌胃给药,LD50为34.9523 mg/kg.结论给"雅解沙把"(3.51g/kg)后,小鼠洋地黄毒苷LD50增大,提示"雅解沙把"有一定的解药物毒作用.【总页数】3页(P56-58)【作者】段小花;郑进;王辉;李秀芳;代蓉;淤泽溥【作者单位】云南中医学院,云南,昆明,650500;云南中医学院,云南,昆明,650500;云南中医学院,云南,昆明,650500;云南中医学院,云南,昆明,650500;云南中医学院,云南,昆明,650500;云南中医学院,云南,昆明,650500【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R285.5【相关文献】1.傣药雅解沙把对高脂血症小鼠降脂作用研究2.傣药雅解沙把(百解胶囊)的研究概况3.傣药雅解沙把、雅罕唉喃合用治疗唉贺皇(慢性支气管炎)疗效观察4.傣药雅解沙把(百解胶囊)治疗尿崩证1例5.傣药“雅解沙把”对大鼠慢性酒精性胃黏膜损伤的保护作用因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
1.2疾病诊断依据1.2.1 患者胃部出现隐痛或胀痛,饭后或空腹或遇寒(热)发作或加剧,伴有厌食或饮食不佳,呃逆频频或嗳气,恶心呕吐。
1.2.2 有习哈双龙(急性胃肠炎)病史,因平时饮食不规律。
1.2.3 胃液分析:B型胃炎胃酸分泌一般正常,A型胃炎胃酸分必降低。
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给予洋地黄毒苷 , 给药体积均 为 0 . 2 mL / 1 0 g体 重 , 密 切观察
1 2 h 。以后每天上 、 下午各观察 一次 , 连续观察 1 4 d , 每天观察 各组小 鼠的 外 观、 行为和毒性反应, 并 记 录 各 组 小 鼠 的死 亡数 。 2 . 3 预先给予“ 雅解沙把” 后洋地 黄毒苷 L D s o 测 定 雅解沙 把按 3 . 5 1 g 生药/ k g / d连续灌 胃给予 7 d , 第 8 d再给予洋地
傣医认为“ 雅解 ( 解药 ) ” 具 有调 节人体 生理 功能 、 解除 人
取合格昆明种小 鼠 9 6只, 雌 雄各 半 , 按 体重 随机 分 为 8 组, 每组 1 2只。试 验前禁食 不禁水 1 2 h , 8试验组小 鼠分别按 4 O 、 3 2 、 2 5 . 6 、 2 0 . 5 、 1 6 . 4 、 1 3 . 1 、 1 0 . 5 、 8 . 4 mg / k g体重 1次灌 胃
黄毒苷引起 1 0 0 动物死亡 的剂量为 5 0 m g / k g , O 动物死 亡 的剂 量 为 7 . 5 mg / k g 。得 出 8 O 小 鼠死 亡 率 的致 死量 为
4 0 mg / k g , 按1 : 0 . 8的 比例 设 置 8个 剂 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 组 。
观察“ 雅 解沙把 ” 对 小鼠 洋地黄 毒苷 半数 致 死量 ( L D 5 o ) 的影 响 。方 法 以主要在 肝脏 代谢 灭 活的 洋地黄 毒苷 为研 究对 象, 观 察预 先给予“ 雅解 沙把” ( 3 . 5 1 g / k g ) 后, 小鼠洋地 黄毒苷 L D 5 。 的变化, 以了解“ 雅 解 沙把 ” 是 否能够加 速 洋地 黄毒 苷的
体的各种毒素 , 保 持体 内功 能的平衡 和协 调 。在长期 医疗 实
践经验的积累过程 中, 傣 族人 民发现 上百种解 除各种 毒物 及 有害物质的药物 及方 剂 , 统 称为 “ 雅解 ” 。“ 雅解 ” 方药 在 临床 应用十分广泛l 1 ] 。通过实地调研 、 收集 、 整理 及西双版纳 州傣 医院等单位进行 的初 步临床研 究结 果表 明 , “ 雅 解沙把 ” 有 解
2 方 法
2 . 1 “ 雅解沙把” 最大给药量 的测定
参照 文献[ 2 ] , 取小 鼠
4只 , 雌雄各半 , 按最大浓 度( 2 . 2 2 g生药 / mL ) 、 最 大灌 胃体积 ( 4 0 mL / k g . b w) 给予小 鼠单次 灌 胃“ 雅解 沙把 ” 水煎液, 未见
异常。预实验结果表 明, “ 雅解沙把” 因浓度 和容量 的原 因, 无
肝脏代谢 而降低 洋地黄毒苷 的毒性 。结果 洋地黄毒 苷小 鼠 2 4 h内 1次性灌 胃给 药, L D 5 0 为2 8 . 8 7 1 8 mg / k g ; 雅 解沙把按
3 . 5 1 g生 药/ k g /  ̄ V v 连续灌 胃给予 7 d , 第8 d时洋地黄毒 苷 小
给“ 雅解沙把” ( 3 . 5 1 g / k g ) 后, 小鼠洋地黄毒苷 L I ) 5 o 增大 , 提 示 “ 雅解 沙把” 有一定的解药物毒作 用。 关键 词 :雅解沙把 ; 洋地黄毒苷 ; 半数 致死 量
中图分类号 : R 2 8 5 . 5 文 献标 志码 : A 文章编号 : 1 O 0 7 —2 3 4 9 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 O —O 0 5 6 —0 3
1 材料
参 照文献 [ - 2  ̄6 7 , 经 预试 验 , 洋地黄 毒苷引起 1 0 0 动物 死 亡 的剂量 为 7 1 . 5 mg / k g ,O 动 物 死 亡 的 剂 量 为
1 . 1 动物
昆明种小 鼠, 清洁级 , 体重 1 8  ̄2 2 g , 购 自四川省
1 2 . 9 ag r / k g 。得 出 8 0 小 鼠死亡率 的致死量为 5 7 . 2 mg / k g ,
鼠2 4 h内 1次 性 灌 胃给 药 , L D 5 o 为3 4 . 9 5 2 3 mg / k g 。 结 论
法测 出 L D 5 。 , 故采用最大给药量试验 以反映其急性毒性情况 。
小鼠按体重与性别 随机分为溶媒对 照组与“ 雅解沙把 ” 给 药组 , 每组 2 O只 , 雌 雄 各 半 。实 验前 禁 食 不 禁 水 1 2 h , 按 4 0 m L / k g . b w的容 积灌 胃给予最 大浓度 ( 2 . 2 2 g生药/ mL ) 的 “ 雅解沙把” , 对照组灌 胃等量蒸 馏水 。给 药后 连续观察 4 h , 此后每 日上 、 下午各观察 1 次, 连续 1 4 d 。 2 . 2 洋地黄毒苷 L D 5 。 测定 参 照文献 _ 2 ] , 经 预试验 , 洋 地
黄 毒苷 , 检测洋地黄毒苷 L D 5 。 。
食物毒 、 药 物毒 、 酒毒 、 烟毒 、 毒虫 毒、 热毒 等作用 。本 实验 以 主要在肝脏代谢灭活 的洋地黄毒苷为研究 对象 , 拟探讨“ 雅解 沙把” 对洋 地黄毒苷 所致 的药物毒是否有解 毒作用 , 为其解毒
机制 的研 究 奠定基 础 , 以期 为 临床安 全 、 合理 用药 提供 理论 依据 。
5 6
云 南 中 医 中 药 杂 志
2 0 1 3 年第 3 4 卷第 1 O 期
实 验研 究 ・
傣药雅解 沙把解药物毒作用 的研究
段 小花 ,郑 进 ,王 辉 ,李 秀芳 ,代 蓉 ,淤 泽溥△
( 云 南 中医学 院 ,云 南 昆明 6 5 0 5 0 0 )
摘 要 :目的 选 用主要在肝 脏代谢 灭活的 洋地 黄毒 苷,