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look / look after / look like after for 引导的时间状语从句 look up / look out / look round look as if 似乎 / look back 回顾 look forward to 期望 / look into 观察 look on 旁观 / look down upon 轻视 look on …as 把…看作 / look through 检查
Lesson 60
The future
Does what Madam Bellinsky said come true?
• Yes, she does.
1. Madam Bellinsky could only tell the writer's future when ______. A. he asked her B. he paid her C. she looked into the crystal ball D. he showed her his palm
2. 表示根据目前某种迹象判断,某事非常有可能发生 Look! There come the dark clouds. It is going to rain. 瞧!乌云密 集,天要下雨.
(二) will主要用于以下几个方面:
1. 表示单纯的未来"将要",通用各个人称. They will go to visit the factory tomorrow. 明天他们将去工厂参观.
have a great future 前途远大 have no future 没有前途
Scarborough Fair
temple fair 庙会
a book fair 书展
international fair 国际博览会
It is not fair to kick another player in football.
(1)be going to + do (2)will/shall + do
主观be going to do, 客观 will be, 第一人称只能shall
(3)am/is/are (be) + doing现在进行时表将来
I’m coming.
(4)be to do.表示按计划要发生的事或征求对方意见。
The boy called(=named) Jeff is my son.
I received tha birthday present sent by him.
n. 水晶 adj. 水晶(制)的
1周年--纸婚 5周年--木婚 10周年--铝婚 / 锡婚 15周年--水晶婚 20周年--瓷婚 25周年--银婚 30周年--珍珠婚 35周年--珊瑚婚 40周年一红宝石婚 45周年一蓝宝石婚 50周年一金婚 60周年一钻石婚 70周年—白金婚。
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
引导时间状语: after, as,as soon as, the moment / time, when,while
表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态。 结构: be going to / will + do(动词原形) shall + do(动词原形)
(一)be going to主要用于:
1. 表示事先经过考虑,安排好打算要做的事情
2. 表示不以人的意志为转移的自然发展的未来的事. He will be thirty years old this time next year. 明年这个时候他就(将)三十岁. 3. 问对方是否愿意做某事或表示客气地邀请或命令. Will you please turn on the radio? 请打开收音机好吗?
The moment you leave this tent, you will get a big surprise.
= the time as soon as
The moment he opened the door, he saw his daughter.
get a big surprise = be greatly surprised
As soon as I went outside, I forgot all about Madam Bellinsky because my wife hurried towards me. As she walked away, I followed her out of the fair.
after (8) Sorry I can’t go with you, I must stay at home to look _________ my brother. looked down upon (9) The workers were _________________ in the old society. on as (10) He looks ________ me _____ his sister. (11) If you don’t understand the meaning of the word, you can look it ______ up in the dictionary. ______ looked round but I could see nothing. (12) I ___________ looking into (13) They traveled from place , ___________ matters of all kinds. (14) As we __________ over the month we spent there, our hearts look back are filled with gratitude(感激).
She left after thay arrived.
I found his pen after he left.
(1) I spent two hours____________ looking through the students’ papers. looks as if (2) Let’s hurry, it ___________ it’s going to rain. looking forward to (3) I am _______________seeing you again some day next month in Shanghai. Look out (4) ________!There is a big hole in front. looked on (5) Xiao Li took part in the games; the rest of us just __________ carefully. (6) Many people ____________ monkeys, they do things quickly look like without thinking. (7) The man you are _____________ has come. looking for
Are we to go on with this work?
this morning this afternoon this evening
tomorrow tomorrow morning tomorrow afternoon tomorrow evening the day after tomorrow
relative n.亲人,亲戚;家人 relationship n. 亲戚;亲戚关系
have relations with 和…有(某种)关系
adv. 无耐心地
impatient adj. 不耐烦的 an impatient answer be impatient to start a journey 急于动身去旅行 patient adj. 忍耐的;容忍的 Be patient!耐心点儿!
English people usually have fair skin. adj. ① 公平的,合理的
② 白皙的,浅 色的
n. 集市
At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky.
2. Madam Bellinsky ______. A. foretold the future correctly B. told him a lot of nonsense C. was a bad fortune-teller D.was a liar
future adj. 未来的
No one knows what will happen in the future. So, be careful in future.
一 般 将 来 时 的 时 间 状 语
next Monday… next week next month next year
• 1. 一般将来时的结构 (4种) • 2. 结构之间的区别 • 3. 一般将来时的标志
1. What____ you_____this time tomorrow? A will…do B will…have done C will…be done D will…be doing 2. The street lights____on when night falls. A will have gone B will have been going C will be going D will be gone 3. Joe____the piano in a few minutes. A will be played B will have been playing C will be playing D will have played
crystal wedding 晶婚(15周年) (as) clear as crystal
After I had given her some money, she looked into a crystal ball and said: …
= I had given her some money before she looked into a crystal ball and said: …
① 家人,亲人 ② 关系,交往
Some of my relations, my mother's aunt and uncle, live in America.
friendly relations
They have business relations with our firm.