

六年级下册英语精品ppt-Unit 3 Where did you go?PB人教PEP (31张)

六年级下册英语精品ppt-Unit 3 Where did you go?PB人教PEP (31张)
六年级下册英语精品课件-Unit 3 Where did you go?PB人教PEP (31张)(优秀课件)
六年级下册英语精品课件-Unit 3 Where did you go?PB人教PEP (31张)(优秀课件)
Story time
Zoom: Am I now on the moon? I can’t believe it! She must be Change's. Oh, there is her rabbit.
六年级下册英语精品课件-Unit 3 Where did you go?PB人教PEP (31张)(优秀课件)
六年级下册英语精品课件-Unit 3 Where did you go?PB人教PEP (31张)(优秀课件)
Story time
Zip: How was your holiday? Zoom : It was fun.
Look and say
Last summer holiday, Andy ate ____________ He took pictures of _______________
Look and say
He went _________
Look and say
He bought _________
六年级下册英语精品课件-Unit 3 Where did you go?PB人教PEP (31张)(优秀课件)
六年级下册英语精品课件-Unit 3 Where did you go?PB人教PEP (31张)(优秀课件)
Let’s check
Listen again ,and answer the questions.
六年级下册英语精品课件-Unit 3 Where did you go?PB人教PEP (31张)(优秀课件)



人民教育出版社小学英语PEP教材六年级下册Unit 1 My day (the 5th period)【教学简案】第5课时【教学详案】课前预习:1.预习听读教材P 8 Let's learn。

2.预习已学有关活动的词组,如:play sports, play basketball, play ping-pong, sing English song等。

教学内容:Unit 1 My day B Let's learn & Do a survey教学目标:1. 能够能听、说、读、写四个有关日常活动的词组:clean my room, go for a walk, go shopping, take a dancing class。

2. 能够在语境中正确运用以上四个词组描述日常活动。

3. 能够完成调查及填表活动并根据结果展开问答。

教学重点:掌握并运用Let’s learn部分四会短语,并运用What do you do on the weekend?句型进行问答。

教学难点:掌握always, often, sometimes, usually频率副词的用法。

教学用具:1.多媒体课件 2. 板书贴条教学过程:一、Warming up1. Sing a song:My weekend2. Let’s say:根据歌曲视频,引出Mike’s weekend和Pedro’s weekend,让学生看图片谈一谈。

T: In the video, we sang about Pedro and Mike’s weekend. Look at this picture. If you are Mike, can you talk about his weekend?S: I often clean my room on the weekend. (板书often)S: I sometimes go shopping on the weekend. (板书sometimes)T: What about Pedro’s weekend?(指着Pedro的图片提问)S: I usually play football and play basketball on the weekend.(板书usually)T: Right. We can also say Pedro usually plays sports on the weekend.设计意图:歌曲活跃课堂气氛,营造轻松学习氛围,吸引学生的注意力,为学生学习课文词组和语言表达做铺垫;以歌曲中人物活动作为引子,帮助学生回顾所唱的内容,为后面学习相关周末活动做铺垫;其次,运用图片中的星级标注引出3个频率副词,将抽象内容具体化,有助于学生对虚词的理解。


时候会谈到第 人称 , 时可利用 B部分的插 图进行重 这
组 制成 幻灯 片 ,与学 生 谈论 Wht a h/ / e d? a cnseh t y o eh
SeH / e a h/e hvcn…并利用插 图引导学生进行小组交 流 , t
如何说, 说什么。 牛津小学英语》 、 部分一般是本单 如《 Bc 元的重点句型,且配有插图。教师可先出示其 中一幅插
图,示范与学生共 同展开情景对话 ,在学生明白如何说
{著d t a 堡—a iu—I堕ede r ̄ ! — i 生c sc 一 鱼o taReh 一c盏P i 窒 — E an rcn — " a ,
后, 可放手让学生分小组看图进行角色对话, 再请几组学
生分角色交流。 这样的交流更有情景性, 学生说得更有语 感 。另外 , 在学习语篇后 , 了训练学生 自我语 言的运用 为
能力, 教师可 以利用插图 , 让学生看 图用 自己的话复述课
部分句型是 I a n…, acryud?I a c Whta o o n…. l c 如果只
— — — —

a i h a rs n . sabr d yp e e t t
— —
o e a da n n
地利用不同版本的教材的插图, 帮助学生更好地理解掌握 新知。 ( 要灵活有效运用插 图 三) 应该说 ,每个教学内容一般都有相应的教学插图, 但 并不等于在教学这部分 内容时必须使用这些插图。 笔者认
生 的思 维 。如 在 教 学 5 n A U i l中 H w m n t 0 av… a r e
组整合使用。 牛津小学英语》 部分的单同都有插图, 如《 B 但如果都利用这些插图引出新单词 ,就会使学生觉得单

六年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How tall are you?Lesson 1 你的身高是多少?(上) 人教(PEP)(共18张PPT)

六年级下册英语课件-Unit 1 How tall are you?Lesson 1 你的身高是多少?(上) 人教(PEP)(共18张PPT)

免费课件公开课免费课件下载免费ppt 下载优 质课件 优秀课 件六年 级下册 英语课 件-Uni t 1 How tall are you?Lesson 1 你的身高是多少?(上) 人教(PEP)(共18张PPT)
What does he look like?
He is quite short.
How tall are you? 你的身高是多少? I'm 1.6 metres tall. 我的身高是1.6米。 =I'm 1 metre 60 centimetres.
millimetre(mm) centimetre(cm)
metre(m) kilometre(km)
免费课件公开课免费课件下载免费ppt 下载优 质课件 优秀课 件六年 级下册 英语课 件-Uni t 1 How tall are you?Lesson 1 你的身高是多少?(上) 人教(PEP)(共18张PPT) 免费课件公开课免费课件下载免费ppt 下载优 质课件 优秀课 件六年 级下册 英语课 件-Uni t 1 How tall are you?Lesson 1 你的身高是多少?(上) 人教(PEP)(共18张PPT)
How heavy are you? 你的体重是多少? I'm 48 kilograms. 我有48千克重。
Wilograms 1 kilogram = 1000 grams
1 gram = 1000 milligrams kg
免费课件公开课免费课件下载免费ppt 下载优 质课件 优秀课 件六年 级下册 英语课 件-Uni t 1 How tall are you?Lesson 1 你的身高是多少?(上) 人教(PEP)(共18张PPT) 免费课件公开课免费课件下载免费ppt 下载优 质课件 优秀课 件六年 级下册 英语课 件-Uni t 1 How tall are you?Lesson 1 你的身高是多少?(上) 人教(PEP)(共18张PPT)



(三年级起点)六年级下册六年级下册(三年级起点)人民教育出版社 课程教材研究所英语课程教材研究开发中心灵通教育有限公司编著(中 国)(加拿大)·北 京·义务教育教科书(PEP)英语主 编:吴欣 Larry Swartz Beth Levy副主编:曹洁主要编写人员:马剑辉 周佳 刘荔芳 Fraser Bewick 责任编辑:马剑辉 周佳美术编辑:郑文娟封面设计:吕 郑文娟版式设计:刘欣 焦洁插 图:焦洁(含封面) 葛南 陈露茜 刘欣Copyright © 2013 by People’s Education Press Ltd. and Lingo Learning Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.版权共有,未经出版社书面同意,任何人不得以任何形式或方式复制或转换本作品的任何部分。

义务教育教科书 英语(三年级起点) 六年级 下册(中 国) 人民教育出版社 课程教材研究所  英语课程教材研究开发中心 编著(加拿大) 灵通教育有限公司 出 版  (北京市海淀区中关村南大街17号院1号楼 邮编:100081)网 址 经 销 全国新华书店印 刷 大厂益利印刷有限公司版 次 2014年10月第1版 印 次 2017年11月第4次印刷开 本 787毫米×1092毫米 1/16印 张 4.75 字 数 95千字书 号 ISBN 978-7-107-29071-8定 价 5.00元价格依据文件号:京发改规[2016] 13号版权所有·未经许可不得采用任何方式擅自复制或使用本产品任何部分·违者必究如发现内容质量问题,请登录中小学教材意见反馈平台:如发现印、装质量问题,影响阅读,请与本社联系。
















2.本套教材的编写特点是:*强调语言运用(如let’s do、let’s sing等)*注重能力培养(Group work、Let’s check等)*突出兴趣出发(卡通插图、图文并茂)*重视双向交流(融合中西方文化知识)*融合学科内容(贯穿自然科学、社会文化、语言艺术领域)*重视灵活扩展(选学C部分)*实现整体设计(三至六年级系统编排)3.在编写上,本套教材是这样安排的:(1)、全册共有4个单元,两个recycle是针对小学所有教学内容的总体复习单元。

(2)、新的教学内容较少,12周的时间完成新授单元的教学,2周的时间对这四个单元进行复习巩固,阶段复习;(3)、语言点较为集中,Unit One 是比较级,Unit 3 , Unit 4 是过去时,是本册的难点。

















人教版六年级英语下册《How tall are you》ppt教学课件

人教版六年级英语下册《How tall are you》ppt教学课件

Role play in pairs
II. Presentation
Little Duck: Old Tree, the sun gets lower and lower, but my shadow gets longer and longer. Why?
Old Tree: That’s easy. Your shadow gets longer because you are getting older and growing taller every day.
Listen and circle
II. Presentation
Little Duck is watching the sun go down. It is getting lower and lower, but his shadow is getting longer and longer.
“Why is that?” Little Duck asks his friend Old Tree. “You are older and smarter than me. Tell me — why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower?”
Old Tree says “That’s easy, Little Duck. The sun goes down every day, and we grow older every day. Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller. You are becoming a big beautiful bird!”
快来说说这节课你有 什么收获?



CONTENTSUnit 1 HOW TaIl Are You? (2)Unit 2 Whafs the Matter l Mike?——14Unit 3 LaSt WeekenCl (26)Unit 4 My HOliday (38)ReCyCIe 1 Let,s Take a Trip! --------------------------------- 50 ReCyCle 2 A FareWell Party ---------------------------------WOrdS in EaCh Unit ------------------------------------------- VOCabUlary ..................................................................................... APPe ndix 1 ---------------------------------------------------- APPendix 262 74 78 82 90WU卫f即Mr BlaCk > ang PengJ MIKe J∖s j∕∩enj∣ej HoWtelI areyou? ∣HOWheaVyafGyou? WhOttaler thanyou?(忒SChaML• ( MIkelStaIle^han Lee.Lee IS taller than SueΛ〉*SUe is taller than Aιηy. 常阳恻?R「二^AfflyfeemaIIerthanSUe ts SmaIler φanLee. ' ;∣Lee IS Smaller than Mike.Are you SmaIIer than ⅛?StrOngertallerOlderyoungerShOrterYOU l re taller than yourbrother! Γm 160 Cm tall.'s 159 Cm tall.金太阳教育社区金太阳教育社区LiSten and CirCIe eΓm51kg.l ,m 11 years OId 1. SUrVey your classmates.CJ2n 〔64Crnr>John : HOW tall are you? Wu ∖ l ,m 164 Crn tall. YOIrre ShOrter than me. JOhn : Yes. Γm 160 cm. You ,re 4 Crn taller than me. Γm 12. I'm one year Older than you : I'm 50 kg. You ,re bigger and StrOnger than me.HOW O d/ HOW tall ∖are you?Name Age HeightWU Yifan12164 Cm• ∙ ∙Γm 12 years Old2. Make a report.WU Yifan IS taller than JOhn. Amy IS Olderthan Sarah....Dad∖ WhiCh monkey do you like?Be∩∖ IliketheyeIIOW one. It is taller than the brown One・Dad∖ WhiCh monkey IS StrOn ger?Ben∖ The yellowmonkey is taller The brown monkey isStrOnger. Dad∖ I Iike the little monkey. IrS younger ItS tail is 38 Crn long.Ben∖ I think the Iittle monkey is Only 40 Cnl tai Dad∖ I think the yellow monkey is 150 Crn IallBΘ∩∖ It is ShOrtel than me.Dad∖ The monkey is Shorlnr but your∙κe funnierFiniSh the sentences.(1)The yellow monkey is. , than the brown One(2)The brown monkey isthan the yellow one.(3)Tħe Iittle monkey is Onlytall.(4)The Iittle monkey isIhan BenIOngerheavierthinnerSmallerΓm taller and heavier thanyou丿My hands are bigger thanyours:Λ(HiS tail is longer.)My arms areHiS head is SmallenIonger than yours.金太阳教育社区Listen, Write and circle.1 ・ My PenCil is ____________________ c m. It,s 5 Crn _______________________ than yours.2. Yes. It,s than yours, too.Mike: HOW heavy are you? Zhang∖Γm 48kg.Mike∖Γm thinner than you, and shorter.Zhang ∖ Yes.bigger and StrOnger than you.• HOW big areHOW IOng areyour legs? ∙∙Wear SlZe 17your feet?76 cm.V I Wear SiZe 16)1. MeaSUre your friends and yourself.HOW tall are you?HOW IOng are your legs?... Let me see....YOUr Friend YOUHair (Cm)Feet (Cm)LegS (Cm)I Weight ( kg ) -J2. Make a report.Γm taller. Mike,s feet are 'bigger. My IegS are IOnger than MikeS、一 Mike is heavier than me. -----金太阳教育社区Length: 15 meters.Weight: 35 tons.Ieeth: 50, each UP to 20 Crn long. Tail: 8 meterslong.FOOeI: SqUicl l IObSterS and Small Sharks.Skill: Can dive into the deep COld water.Weight: 3t600 kg.Teeth: 40l each UP to 20 Crn long. Tail: 6 meterslong.FoOd: FiSh f birds, SeaIS and even WhaIeSeSkiIl: GOOd swimmer; Can jump OUt Of water. FiII in the blanks.(1) A SPerm Whale is _________________________ than a killer Whale in its length.(2) A killer Whale is _______________________ than a SPerm WhaIe in its size.(3) A SPerm Whale has 50 teeth. It has ________________________________________ more teeth than aSPerm Whale KiIler Whalekiller whale.(4) The Iength Of a sperm whale,s tooth is _________________________________________ cm.金木阳教育社区HOW Iarge is your room?HOW Iong is your bed? HOW big is your table? Z My room is ... SqUare meters・My bed is ... Cm long.' table is ... Cm IOng XZ金太阳教育社区fM⅛∏gtW ≡Read and match.1/P a,r9 f tail①②11金太阳教育社区UnitS Of Iength UnitS Of WeightMillimeterS (mm)CentimeterS (Cm)KilogramS (kg)GramS (g)TbnS (t ∕tn)1 foot = 0.3048 metersA quizIf a boy is five feet tall, how tall is he in meters?l*E孑My PetSthan3 3 3 3 I 3 ■ 3 ______ 3 I 3 34 3 IMy SmaII dog is aISmaII-er. SmaIl∙er2 - I 2 2 2 2 I 2 Idog.IIS your dogIsmaller.I2 23 2 ∣ I- ∣ 3 3 3 = 3 ∣ 'SmaIl-er than mine? MyβIShOrt3・ 3 3 ∣ 3 3 4 3 I 2 ICat is a ShOrt-er, ShOrt-erIcat.IShOrt-erShOrter l2_2 IS yourmine?12金太阳釵育社区金太阳数育社区ZOOm : Oh! He ,s almost bigger than^ the gate! ZW 4 Q ZiP : Yes! He⅛ an excellent £ IO goalkeeper!Zoom : HOW tall are you?Deer ∖ l*m 180 Cm tall.ZiP : HoW heavy are you? DeQr : Γm 8β kg.Zebra : They need a new goalkeeper. Deer : I t d Iike to have a try. Giraffe : Me gDOg : I con*t wait.ZiP : He ,s 10 Cm taller than Mr Deer. ZOom : Yes. And he's Stronger.BUt he can t CatCh the ball!Giraffe : l ,m the tallest one.ZiP : Sorry. YOUr neck is too long. TheOtherS Can t reach you. FootbaII is teamwork.HiPPO : Whal S happening there?ZiP : Oh! Here's the One We Wantl ZOOm : Why? He S too heavy?ZiP : Sure! We need a big guy!te<s S tar t A hard trip in the dosert.KoW are you feeling?Rne. HOW are you?I MVe a headache.I have the flu.HOW are you reding? Fine. HOW are you? Γm feeling better.Γm as good as new.金太阳数育社区金太阳数育社区LiSten and number.∞ld. fever, headache, toothache. SOre throat, broken leg, earache, StOmaChaChe t SOre noseDOCtOr ∖ HOW do yuu (eel?Amy ∖ I feel SiCk ・ DoCtOr∖ What S the matter?Amy ∖ My throat is SOre ・ My nose hurts.1.Make n 泊e cards.2. PUt them On the desk With3. LiSten and turn OVer the cards.SOme PeOPIe feel SiCk in the winter. Many PeOPIe get the flu. HOW do you know When you have the flu? DO you have a SOre throat? DOeS your nose hurt? DO you have a headache? If you have a fever, you might have the flu.Don't worry! If you are sick, See the d∞tor. Take SOme medicine and drink hot drinks. Stay in bed for a few days・ YOU WilI feel better soon.AnSWer the questions・1 ・ HOW do you feel if you have the flu?2. What do you do if you have the flu?金太阳数育社区Ibm19No, sorry. She ,sSadHOW does LiSa feelζ) ***"**fc ^*"β—-*—■She ,s happy.金太阳扶育社区20金太阳数育社区/[took at the PiCtUrAJ HOW do I feel?^HOW do fee ? Sarah ∖ HOW are you 9 LiU Yun? YOU IOOk SO happy.Liu ∖ YeS ・ I am excited ・ I am going On a big trip. HOW are you, Sarah?YOU IOOk Sad today.Sarah : I failed the math test. LiU : Γm SOrry to hear that. 嘴'¾ELOOk at the picture. YeS l because I failed my math test.Yes, because I got a new PlCtUre-book.It's SatUrday morning. The Weather is fine. There is a football match between CIaSS 1 and CIaSS3. Many StUdents are WatChing. They are excited.NOW JOhn has the ball. He PaSSeS it to Mike. Mike kicks the ball. IfS a goal! ,二WNOW Zhang Peng has the ball. He kicks it. The ball flies to John's face! JOhn is a IittIe angry. BUt the ball bounces Olf his head. It flies into the gate. AnOther goal! How,s JOhn feeling now? Guess! He,s SO happy!Hooray! CIaSS 1 WOn the game. BUt CIaSS 3 is not sad. They are IaUghing at JOhrfs funny goal! AnSWer the questions・∖t⅛ _1 ・ HOW do the StUdentS feel before the f∞tball game starts?2. HOW does JOhn feel When the ball hits his head?3. HOW does CIaSS 3 feel at the end Of the game?Z My mom is going ∖ On a trip WithOUt me.) Very sad—ZZWe are going to /e a footballmatch. I,m -^Very happy—y mother IS going to buy me a new Skirt・I'm Very happy. I failed my ChineSe lest. I feelVery Sad<21金太阳扶育社区金太阳釵育社区C力卿阿/ DOn t WOrry K SleeP With y1. ReteIlthe story. (^nrSeXCiiinQTfeel boredN ' A ghost StOry I顷石匚赢〉WiIl be fun..a®/z Whafs thJ‰ matter,Zip7√∣^2. ACt OUt your story.hank you, Mom. Γm SO happy. /金太阳数育社区Read and match.z/^roSe^)COUnt Sarah is sick. What two things ShOUId Sarah NOT do? 1 ・ HaVe SOme rest. 2. Take SOme medicine. 3. See a doctor. 4. GO SWimming. 5. Ddnk SOme water. V 6. Rsad many books ・n h se ∣ d S tharo½~rr J√ /S3<>p/Amy is Very Sad ・ U ∖ΛHer dog SPot has run away. HOW Can you make her feel better?1 ・ HelP Amy to IOOk for SPOt ・ 2. Take her to See a Sad movie 3. TeIl her SPOt is a SiIIy dog.4. Tell her your hair is IOnger than hers ・5. TeIePhOne your trie nds and ask them tohelp l∞k for SPOt ・23Read and match.If you are healthy, you are in the PINK.If you are Sad l you are feeling BLUE・If you are angry, you are seeing RED・If you are Very Very sad, you are in a BLACK m∞d.6feel.kinc Of2∣l ・ 5 I 5 5 5 6 I 1 3 4 I 5 4 3•Vmad. SOme-times I feel bad. ThiS is the Way Iι∙ ±r,∙2 15∙丄I i・∖ 61 ∖feel. Ihe Way I feel. the Way I5 ・ 3 I 4 4 2 2 I I 3 4 5 I 2 4 .3feel, the Way I ・OJlI feel, the Way I feel, the Way IΓm hap-py and Γm sad. SOme ・IimeS Γm24金太阳釵育社区金太阳釵育社区Mother'. BUt you IOOk unhappy. Zoom : l ,m just bored.Zoom ; I don't know.Mother-. AnSWer the door; Z∞m Zoom.OK. Mom.Zoom. ZiP I IefS go Skating this Weekend ・Zoom; Γm bored.Mother. PIay With your CofnPUter Zoom. ZOom ∖ My COmPUter is broken.Mother '. Whynotgo sta6ng? Thatllbe fun. ZOOm ∙ SkAtBng7 IfR too Cold outside.(Ring!)Mother . Who ,s there?ZiP : Sorry. I am going on a big trip Wrth myParentS ・ l ,m SO happy.ZOOm∖ Oħ-oh. EnjOy your trip, Zip.Mother'. WhafS wrong. Zoom? DO you feel sick? Zoom: No, Mom. I ,m fine.ZOom ∖ Ohl Zip! You,re back! Why?Zip: Ifa snowing heavily at IhO airport. They CanCeIIed the flight. SO We Can goskating. Zoom.ZOOm ∖ ThafS great! Mother'.Where are you going, 2∞m? Zocm ∖l,m going Skating With Zip I'm SO exdted!Mother . Skating??? Zoom∖ Bye. Mom.金太阳釵育社区∣≡j?两眸(3}] ∙⅛¾s St a r tWhIt do you USUally do on the weekend?—OohomewortcCα∙*ι∙>∙roomw∙lcħTV PttyIOCftU@ ;3:轧C hantDMyoUgOtOM p∙r⅛? Y M. I went to thePanL MyOU 90 ∙t nλ9ht7 Y∙∙. I Rnt ・ n*gM.DMyMMettWfUn moon? Y*∙. IMW th∙ hιU moo<v 2-, OWy<*∙9θlwln⅛M?Λ 於MOjRHtlnJUnrViSited grandparentsPlayed footballWhat did ZOOrn do IaSt weekend? What did you do?金太阳釵育社区John. What did you do IaSt weekend?Wu∖ I PIayed football. HOW about you? Johm I ViSited mygrandparents.Wυ∖ Did you help them CIean their room?WatChed TVIiStened tomusic PIayed SPOnSWaShedCIOlheSCleaned myroom Zhang Peng √金太阳釵育社区< 31金太阳数育社区WU Yifan WaS busy IaSt Weekend. He ViSited his grandmother SatUrday morning. It WaS his grandma ,s birthday. They COoked noOdleS together. In the evening, they WatChed TV. SUnday morning, WU Yifan PIayed f∞tball With his trie nds. In the after noon, he WaShed ClOtheS and Cleaned his room.1. FiniSh the sentences.2. ASk and answer.I CIeaned my r∞mand PIayed footballmy room..JI CIeaned my room, Played footballand 、WatChed TV.丿I CIeaned (1) WU Yifan _____________________ his grandmaSatUrday morning.⑵ SUnday morning, he___________ With his friends ・(3) He ______________________________ and ______________________ S Unday aftem OOn.1 ・ LOOk at the table below for a few SeCOndS・2.COVer it. ----------- ---3.ASk and answer. What did Mike doWent to a Park JOh nWent hiking AfnyWenl Swimming Mikeread a book Chen JieWent fishing WU YifanWaShed CiOtheS LIU YUn金太阳釵育社区•卑⅛ETeacher. What did you do yesterday^Mike∖ I Went fishing・Teacher.Did you readbooks?Mike∖ YeSJ did.Teacher. Did you CIean your roomMike∖No, I didn t.< 31金太阳数育社区Then I Went to a Park by bike. I flew kites ・ It WaS a Windy day. SUCdenly my kite flew into the Iak€.TOday WaS a fun day. I WaIked to Mike's home in the morning. I StUdied EngliSh With him. We read funny tongue twisters together.A dog SaW the kite. He jumped into the Iake and SWam to it. FiVe minutes later, he returned the kite to me. I WaS Very grateful to him.1. FiniSh the sentences.(1)I ___________ t o Mike's home.(2)∣ __________ _________________________by bike.(3)i WaS Very grateful to the)I Went to a Park・)I flew kites.)I Went to Mike J S home.)The dog jumped into the lake. )He SWam to the kite.)The kite flew into the IakeHe returned the kite to me33 2・ NUmber the sentences.金太阳釵育社区金太阳数育社区1. ASk and answer.What did you doIaSt weekend?2. Write down the information. MeMy Part ner1234567I Wenthiking : — 一- 一7IdkL)IIe Did you CIimb'、mountain?金太阳数育社区What do the SignS mean? Where do you See them?J I l did you didyou2'] ^ ∙⅛lICrOCOdies.night. AndQ¾⅛⅛r≤At the ZOOU-4 I to thezoo. SatUrday?Ifed thebeiars andWhat youIrootoo.金太阳数育社区ZiP: What did you do SatUrday rromi∩g?Zoom∖ I WaShed my clothes. I Went to a park. * V e gS5⅛fi a<tWMt do you usually do On your holiday?OOyOUgo on trt>∙? Whefe Mv∙ yoυ b∙∙n?Wha< do you USUalIy do dιri∩g your trips?Zip '. VVhat did you do SatUrday afternoon?Zbom: I did my homework. I Went fishing.2⅝?: What did you do SUnday morning?Zoom: I Cleaned my room. I ViSited my grandparenls.ZiP: What didyoudo SUndaV afternoon? Zoom : Iplayed f∞lball. I WatChed TV.Zip '. That WaS a busy WeekendZoom ;Yes. it v∕as. NOW I need a∞ther Weekend・ΛZip ∖HOW WaS your weekend?Zoom: It WaS a busy one.⅛於⅛ bv> preWmtBtot* PIcfuM Mf Qood fondIearned ChineSeSang and danced金太阳釵育社区41金太阳数育社区LiSten and circle.Where did you go On your holiday? We Went to Canada On OUr holiday. HOW did you go On your holiday?We Went by airplane On OUr holiday What did you do On your holiday?We Skied and made a SnOWman On holida y. Did you have a good time On your holiday? We had a IOt Of fun On OUr holiday ・2 施® %≡ -Mike∖ Where did you go On your holiday? Joh∩∖ Mike∖ JOhn∖I Went to Xinjiang ・ What did you do there?I Sang and danCed With my new friends ・42金太阳数育tt 区Dear mom,HOW are you? EVery day I had fun With my COUSins. On Monday We Went to a restaura nt. We ate good food ・ On TUeSday We Went to a Park. We Sang and danced. On Wednesday We PIayed Ping-POng. On ThUrSday We Climbed a mountain. We took many PiCtUreS ・ TOmOrrOW Γll be back home! MiSS you and dad ・ Love. JOh n(3)______________________________________ OnWedneSday he ___________________________________________(4)____________________________________ O n ThUrSday he _________________________________________a(5) On Friday he _________________________________________________FiIl in the form and tell your partner.FiniSh the sentences.(1) On MOnday John ___________________ (2) On TUeSday he _____________________1 ・ Write in the WOrdS and PhraSeS・2.LiSten to your teacher.3.Il you have three in a row, Say t M Bingo!”Went Skii ngWent ice-skati ngSaW elepha ntsrowed a boatIearned Englisht∞k PiCtUreSate good foodbought PreSe ntsClimbecI a mountain< 43金太阳釵育社区Think Of four PIaCeS you have been to・ TeIl how you went.Where Zhejia ng HOW By trainIt WaS a IOng holiday・ We Ieft Beijing On FebrUary I Sl and got to Harbin On the 2nd. On the first day, I Went to a Park With my parents. On the 3,d. I Went skiing. On the 4t,f I did my homework. On the 5m, I Went ice-skating. On the 6w∖ I bought PreSents for my friends. We got back to Beijing by PlaneOn the 7m. FOr the IaSt day Of the holiday, We relaxed and PrePared to go back to WOrk Or sch∞l.Fill in the blanks.HOW did PeOPIe travel years ago? WhafS WrOng With金太阳釵育社区IVlake a POStCard.□□□□DO46<WOrdS in a dictιonary are in the alphabetical Order FOr example, the WOrd“apple” is before the WOrd■M banana”・ The WOrd M Car is before the WOrd M COat,∖LOOk UP the WOrdS below and Order金太阳数育社区金太阳数育社区HOW to Take a PiCtUre On YOUr HOIiday1. PUt in the film.2. PUt 泊 the battery.3. OPen the shutter.4. LOOk at the VieW finder.5. POint at objects Or PeOPIe ・6. Tell everyone to say. M CheeSe!w7. PreSS the button.8. CIOSe the ShUtter and PUt the Camera away.567156?,2_32 I 2 IMy trie nd Came backfrom Beijing tfrom Bei- jing. My trie nd CamebaCk from HangZh(XJ t from Hang- Zh(Xj. My friend CamebaCkfrom Urumqi, fromUrU- mqi.? ? ? , I5 6J I2 472 I l -IlHe brought With him. an OId jade ring, an OId jade ring. He brought With him, a green Silk tie, a greenSiIk tie. He brought With him,a ColoUr∙ful cap, a ∞lour∙fulCcap.O l =c ÷A TriP to China金太阳数育社区Zφ: What did you soo? Zoom: IsawChangetherabbrtandthetree. Zip; Did you take any pictures?ZOom: Yies. I cM. Ooops. Where did I PUt the pictures?ZOOnι∖ I am now On the moon.I Carn believe it! She must be Chang ,e. Oh. here is the rabbit. Zoom; It a S time to go. Good! He eCOmeS a SPaCeShip.Zip∖ HOW WaS your holiday? ZOOm ∖ ItWaSfUn ・Zip∖ Where d∙d you go? ZOom∖ I Went to the moon.Zip∖ HOW did you go there? ZoOm∖I Went by a SPaCeShip.Zoom: Oh. it's a dream.ReCyCIeZhang: Where are you going On your holiday?Mike : I am going to ViSit Kunming.Zhang: Oh. WhO are you going with?Mike : Γm going With my mom, my dad, and my SiSter Kathy. Zhang: What are you going to do there? Mike : Γm going to See folk danCeS・ l,m going to ViSit Stone FOreSt to o.Zhang: Thafs great! HOW is your family going to get there?Mike : We are going by Plane・Zhang: When are you going?Mike : We,re going this Weekend・Zhang: HaVe a good time!金太阳釵育社区。

巧用课本插图优化Story time板块教学——以译林新版《英语》为例

巧用课本插图优化Story time板块教学——以译林新版《英语》为例

1972020年29期总第521期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS巧用课本插图优化Story time 板块教学——以译林新版《英语》为例文/印丹萍和语言结构来设计的,利用该板块辅助教学,有助于学生巩固单元基础知识。







Story time板块是英语实用性的体现,包含很多英语交际习惯用语,对西方国家的民风民俗和文化背景都有涉及,合理地运用Story time板块,能帮助学生收获良好的英语学习效果。

二、Story time 板块在实际英语教学中存在的主要问题Story time是译林新编版英语教材各单元的核心内容,它通常与形象生动的插画和各种妙趣横生的故事一起出现,将各种英语词汇和句型以短文或对话的形式呈现给学生,简单理解就是将教学内容以语言功能的形式表现出来,为学生渲染学习氛围,降低学习难度。

然而在实际教学中,很多教师对Story time的把握还欠火候,缺少多元化的教学方法,局限了Story time板块教学作用的发挥。

1. 问题设计不合理,影响了story 的完整性。





第 5 卷 总第 124期 123编辑出版收稿日期:2021-1-15作者简介:袁艺(1995—),山东德州人,湖州师范学院小学教育专业教育硕士在读。

现行PEP 版的小学英语教材是由人民教育出版社与加拿大 Lingo Media 国际集团联合编写的,几乎每个单元都设计了各种互相配合的文本内容所呈现的插图,其表现形式色彩鲜明、生动形象,不仅大大增强了教材的趣味性,还为学生提供了与教材内容环环相扣的丰富资料,以教学视觉画面补充了原本课文中单纯文字表达描述的缺陷,迎合了我们中小学各个年龄段孩子们的心理特征以及儿童学习语言的原则。

一、PEP小学英语教材的插图设计原则PEP 小学英语教材的插图设计作为英语教材的重要内容之一,与不断提高的学生的英语学习质量息息相关,既要充分考虑到英语学习的实际需要,又要符合小学生的生理和精神发展的基本特征。













因此PEP 教材中的插图要求它具有很强的趣味性,既迎合学生的兴趣和好奇心,又能够尽可能多地增加学生自主参与学习的积极性。


The tiger is thin. The dog is thinner.
Thin, thinner, the dog is thinner.
The donkey is big. The horse is bigger.
Let’s play a game.
Line up from shorter to taller. 请男生和女生分开,按从矮到高排成两 队,大家看看谁高?
tall-----taller long----longer young----younger
short----shorter 24
tall-----taller 更高的 short----shorter 更矮的 old----older更年长的 young----younger更年轻的 long----longer 更长的
How heavy are you / is he/she? I’m/He/She is 48kg.
Work in pairs.
What size are Wu Yifan’s shoes? What size are your shoes? Whose shoes are bigger?
Work in groups
How heavy are you? I’m___kilograms. You’re heavier than me.



听说读写: Learn Chinese sing and eat good take climb have buy present row boat see go skiing go iceskating how get last 四会句 Where did you go on
your holiday?
1、全册共有4个新单元,两个recycle是针 对小学所有教学内容的总体复习单元。
2、新的教学内容较少,12周的时间完成新 授单元的教学,2周的时间对这四个单元进 行复习巩固,阶段复习;
3、语言点较为集中,Unit One 是比较级, Unit 3 , Unit 4 是过去时,是本册的难点。
I went to Xinjiang. How did you go there?
1.Where did go on the holiday? I went by train..
2.How did you go there?


Let’s take a trip!

Recycle 1
教 How tall/heavy are you? 材 问身高体重等 内 I’m thinner than you.比较 容 整 合
六年级下 册教材 内容
What’s the matter, Mike? 询问身体状况
How do you feel?表达情感
What did you do last Weekend/on the

复习八册学生用书主要 语言和词汇 结合旅行中的场景复习 be going to句型和一般 过去式及相关词汇短语



祝大家工作开心快乐,事事顺心! Happy a day!
AIEIN 质量 更多文档关注“aiein 质量”公众号了
The People‘s Republic of China, or China, is located in the east of Asia and on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. The land area is about 9.6 million square kilometers, the coastline of the eastern and southern continents is more than 18,000 kilometers, and the water area of the inland sea and the border sea is about 4.7 million square kilometers. There are more than 7,600 large and small islands in the sea area, among which Taiwan Province Island is the largest with an area of 35,798 square kilometers. China is bordered by 14 countries and adjacent to 8 countries at sea.
A分析 I提升 E积累 I创新
电子Байду номын сангаас本课件
为了更方便有效的学习,特收集电子课件资料,以便学习和工作中更好更 方便的使用! 电子课件的优势: 1、可以对部分内容进行截取,以便进行课件的准备; 2、可对电子课件内容或知识点进行重点标注或备注,形成可视直观的图文 效果,同时方便理解和掌握电子课件标注内容; 3、方便随时查看电子课件,对知识点进行再学习和巩固,提高效率;



人教版pep英语六年级下册《全册完整课件》一、教学内容二、教学目标1. 让学生掌握本册书的重点词汇和句型,能熟练运用所学知识进行日常交流。

2. 培养学生的听、说、读、写四项基本技能,提高他们的英语综合运用能力。

3. 增强学生的团队合作意识,培养他们的自主学习能力。

三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:时态的运用,尤其是过去时态;比较级、最高级的用法。

2. 教学重点:本册书重点词汇和句型的掌握,以及日常交际用语的熟练运用。

四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT课件、实物、图片、录音机、磁带等。

2. 学具:课本、练习册、字典、笔记本等。

五、教学过程1. 导入:通过展示与单元话题相关的实物或图片,引发学生的兴趣,导入新课。

2. 新课内容呈现:结合PPT课件,讲解重点词汇和句型,让学生跟读、模仿。

3. 实践情景引入:设置真实的语言环境,让学生进行角色扮演,练习所学知识。

4. 例题讲解:针对重难点,设计典型例题,引导学生分析和解答。

5. 随堂练习:布置与新课内容相关的练习题,让学生及时巩固所学知识。

六、板书设计1. 重点词汇和句型。

3. 本节课的学习目标。

七、作业设计1. 作业题目:(1)抄写本节课的重点词汇和句型,每个写5遍。



2. 答案:见附件。

八、课后反思及拓展延伸2. 拓展延伸:鼓励学生课后进行自主学习,如观看英语动画片、阅读英语故事等,提高英语素养。


重点和难点解析1. 教学难点与重点的确定。

2. 实践情景引入的设计。

3. 例题讲解的针对性。

4. 作业设计的有效性。

5. 课后反思及拓展延伸的实践。

一、教学难点与重点的确定1. 时态:通过对比现在时态和过去时态,让学生了解它们的用法和区别。


2. 比较级、最高级:通过实例展示,让学生理解比较级、最高级的概念和用法。



人教版pep六年级英语下册【全册全套】课件一、教学内容1. Unit 1 How tall are you?知识点:询问身高、体重,描述外貌特征。

2. Unit 2 Last weekend知识点:过去式动词,描述过去发生的事情。

3. Unit 3 Where did you go?知识点:过去式动词,询问旅游地点及活动。

4. Unit 4 Then and now知识点:过去式与现在式的对比,描述成长变化。

二、教学目标1. 掌握并运用本册书中的重点词汇和句型,进行日常交流。

2. 能够用过去式描述过去发生的事情,了解并运用一般过去时态。

三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:一般过去时态的运用,描述外貌特征。

2. 教学重点:重点词汇、短语和句型的掌握,提高听说读写能力。

四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT课件、实物、图片、录音机、磁带。

2. 学具:英语课本、练习册、文具、卡片。

五、教学过程1. 导入:通过图片、歌曲或小故事引入实践情景,激发学生兴趣。

2. 新课内容展示:讲解重点词汇、短语和句型,结合实际案例进行教学。

3. 例题讲解:针对难点,设计典型例题,详细讲解。

4. 随堂练习:让学生进行小组讨论、角色扮演等,巩固所学内容。

六、板书设计1. 人教版PEP六年级英语下册全套课件2. 内容:各单元重点词汇、短语、句型,用不同颜色粉笔进行区分。

七、作业设计1. 作业题目:写一篇关于自己的身高、体重和外貌的短文。





八、课后反思及拓展延伸2. 拓展延伸:鼓励学生进行课外阅读,观看英语动画片,提高英语实际运用能力。


重点和难点解析1. 教学内容的章节和详细内容2. 教学目标的具体化3. 教学难点与重点的区分4. 教学过程中的实践情景引入、例题讲解和随堂练习5. 板书设计的逻辑性和直观性6. 作业设计的针对性和答案的详细性7. 课后反思及拓展延伸的实际操作一、教学内容的章节和详细内容重点关注各单元的知识点,确保每个知识点都有明确的讲解和练习。



小学英语课本中插图的作用发布时间:2021-05-31T03:39:05.846Z 来源:《学习与科普》2021年3期作者:蒋晓雪[导读] 插图是指在教材中,与教材内容有关的图片,在许多类型的图书中都有所应用。











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