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Dr Jerry and Mr. Mouse(化身老鼠)
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The other novels
Stevenson is well known for his novels of historical adventure. • Treasure Island(1883)
• Kidnapped(1886)
• Catriona(1893)
• Weir of Hermiston (unfinished masterpiece)
The Author
• Robert Louis Stevenson was born in Edinburgh in 1850
• allowed to study law at Edinburgh University • In his early twenties he became afflicted with a
• an opeΒιβλιοθήκη Baidu letter to the Reverend Hyde of Honolulu (1890)
The strange of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
British lawyer Mr. Utterson had proof. Hyde was a foul, twisted, shrunken creature who had brutally stomped a little girl and beaten an old man to death--for no reason. Hyde left a trail of evil across London; the mere sight of him made stranger violent with fear and disgust...
He also wrote works of non-fiction, notably his descriptive and historical books on the South Seas area. • A Footnote to History (1892)
• In the South Seas (1896)
severe respiratory illness • he effects of the often harsh Scottish climate on
his poor health forced him to spend long periods abroad. After a great deal of travelling he eventually settled in Samoa, where he died on 3 December 1894.
Dr.Jekyll & Mr.Hyde
• A person with two-sided character ,one side good and gentle (Dr. Jekyll), the other side evil and ruthless (Mr. Hyde)originated from Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
But Hyde was Dr. Jekyll‘s sole heir.
And that made no sense at all. Henry Jekyll was the kindest, most civil, most respected man in England. What power could a monster like Hyde hold over Jekyll’s soul? Utterson vowed to solve the mystery, and free his friend from Hyde‘s clutches...until his hunt led to a horror beyond blackmail, beyond extortion; to a secret so shocking, so sickening, so personal--That the sheer terror of the truth could drive men mad...
The strange of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
• 1 The mysterious door • 2 In search of Mr. Hyde • 3 The Carew murder • 4 Doctor Jekyll receives a letter • 5 The death of a friend • 6 The face at the window • 7 The last night • 8 Doctor Lanyon's letter • 9 Doctor Jekyll's confession
The strange of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Stevenson's Calvinistic upbringing gave him a preoccupation with pre-destination and a fascination with the presence of evil. In Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde he explores the darker side of the human psyche.
The strange of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
《化身博士》,出自英国著名作家史帝文生笔下,书中讲 述杰克喝了一种试验用的药剂,在晚上化身成邪恶的海德 先生四处作恶,他终日徘徊在善恶之间,其内心属灵的内 疚和犯罪的快感不断冲突,令他饱受折磨。这种貌似荒诞 无稽的故事,其实蕴含了最深刻的人性命题:人,到底是 黑白分明,一成不变的非善即恶,还是既善亦恶,时善时 恶?《化身博士》是史帝文生得意的代表作之一,因为书 中人物杰奇和海德善恶截然不同的性格让人印象深刻,後 来“Jekyll and Hyde”一词竟成为心理学「双重人格」的 代称。另外有同名音乐剧、电影。