作文 Online Shopping (八篇范文 加 一个模板)

作文 Online Shopping (八篇范文 加 一个模板)
作文 Online Shopping (八篇范文 加 一个模板)

Online Shopping


With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computer,shopping online has become a commonplace in our life.Chinese people are buying things online and the shipping companies are busy to no end.Online shopping is very convenient.All you have to do is sit at home and wait for your package to come instead of hovering outside in the cold wind.We can buy almost everything without going out.

However,enjoyment of retail shopping lost.Many people enjoy shopping with others and it is often a good way to make social connections.When shopping online,the enjoyment is lost. Besides,you may lose your private information during online shopping.Although having access to a very large number of products is highly desirable,consumers have limited cognitive resources and may simply be unable to process the potentially vast amounts of information about these alternatives

It seems that the online business contains many commercial opportunities.Many people want to seek their fortune on it.However,I think this kind of business now is close to saturation. There are thousands of shops online,it’s a problem how to make your shop outstanding and attractive among the“shop sea".


Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasing popularity of the information technology,shopping on the internet has been a fashion especially among the youngsters.

Online shopping has made our daily life more convenient and comfortable.For example, shopping on the internet can save students a great deal of time on the way between home and store,so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work.The internet has shorten the distance between manufacturers and consumers and thus we can even buy goods in other countries.On the other hand,lack of the face to face deal makes online shopping less reliable and trustworthy.What’s more the delivery will increase the risk of items’damage.

In my opinion,shopping on the internet is a irreversible trend.More and more people will be accustomed to it.It will be much more popular in the near future.And at the same time we should take some measures to make it perfect.


Several decades ago,it should be a marvelous wonder to purchase our favorite gifts only by clicking the mouse and then just waiting for the door knock by a smiling expressive delivery courier with the exact package you ordered.While,today,it is no long a rare https://www.360docs.net/doc/66124314.html,bined with the fast food,the digital communication,online shopping has been a common part of our life。

Admittedly,on line shopping offers magical convenience.For example,it saves time and offers numerous choices since floods of information can be supplied on Internet.While,every coin has tow sides and online shopping is no different.Have you still remembered the annoying time when you found the commodities you buy on Internet was not the slightest(微博)as what you had

expected and longtime had to be taken for its replace and even compensation.Actually,just with the seemingly beautiful pictures of the products on Internet,it is hard for us to make rational choices.After all,seeing is believing.

Then,what should we do?The foremost is to enforce establish some relevant laws and regulations,with strong supervision over some shopping websites being reinforced as well.Then, the consumers also should be equipped with more alert in case of being trapped once again. Remember,any fastАand-easy things asks for big prices to be paid.


With the help of the ever rapid development of internet technology,online shopping is coming into fashion in most of cities.

Online shopping is welcomed by most people due to various reasons.From the perspective of consumer,it can save some time for people who don’t have much spare time.Just click the mouse, they can get whatever they want while staying at home.For the retailers,it can cut some costs for those who don’t have much circulating funds.They don’t have to rent a house and spend money on employees compared with the traditional trade mode.However,there are still some defects in online shopping.First,lace of face to face deal makes online shopping less reliable and trustworthy. Second,people will lose the fun of bargain.

It is undeniable that shopping on the internet has become an irresistible trend in modern society.It’s of great urgency that we need to regulate the relative laws accordance with the rapid growth of online shopping.Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping without the concern of being treated.


Nowadays,there are more and more people shopping online.If you ask ten people whether they shop online,nine people will tell you'yes'.Although online shopping is popular,there are still some different views.

On the one hand,online shopping has many advantages.The first one is that it's very convenient for you to buy things.That's to say,you just need to spend few minutes looking for your pre fence and clicking the buttons and then wait for its coming.All the process only needs a little time and you even don't need to move your legs!The second one is that you can compare the prices which are different in various shops so as to find out the most cheap as well as the best ones. Besides,last but not least,online shopping provides a way for those who live in remote places and have difficulty going to shopping.

On the other hand,online shopping also has some disadvantages.Firstly,there are many wrong advertisements on the Internet and clients are often cheated and lose lots of money.What's more,the Internet is visual and we can only see the goods rather than touching them,which lets us have false views and then make wrong decisions.Moreover,most goods that are shown on the Internet are different from the true things,which makes some customers unsatisfied when they receive the goods.

As far as I am concerned,whatever the thing is,we should see the Internet in different perspectives.Although there are many dangers on the Internet,online shopping has wide home markets.As long as we use it properly,it can benefit our lives!



With the rapid development of science and technology,living standards have been improved. For this,I believe most of people have a rather acute sense of the change of shopping style.In fact, many people have already bought something that they like by online shopping.

As a new shopping way,online shopping is not only convenient but also helpful for people. Why do I think so?On the one hand,online shopping does not need you to pour a lot of time and energy into buying things.If you go shopping in this way,you will spend a few minutes in choosing the things that you need online instead of going out.Nowadays,we are busy studying as well as working,so that we have less time to go out for shopping.Moreover,online shopping does not need us to get the things in person.On the other hand,online stores can provide various goods to satisfy our endless need.Besides,we can save much money by online shopping.

From above,we can know that online shopping has good effect on our life,but every coin has two sides.Online shopping also has shortcoming.For example,we maybe buy something wrong online because we don’t take much notice of the quality of the goods.And there are many swindlers who cheat us out of money by opening a fake online store.

In a word,although online shopping is a good way in shopping,we also need to reflect on when we buy things in this way.


With the development of Internet,more and more people tend to shop on the Internet.Online shopping has provided some benefits for us,but it also has some disadvantages at the same time.


For one thing,online shopping has brought some convenience for consumers.Instead of going one shop to another,people can choose and buy all kinds of commodities they like as long as they click the mouse gently.This is not only a better choice for the old who do not have enough energy to go outside but also a great convenience for those who have no time to go shopping in person.In addition, consumers have more choices and can do some comparison when they are shopping on the Internet. They can glance over various commodities in all shapes,sizes and colors and decided to buy or not. Furthermore,online shopping has made a great contribution to the development of express delivery industry.


However,for another,shopping on the Internet also has some shortcomings.Firstly,those who shop on the Internet can’t try the goods before they buy.Sometimes,the real goods are not the same as the goods they see on the Internet.Secondly,some shops on the Internet are dishonest and they would not deliver the goods after paying.And if this situation happens,the consumers would find nowhere to complain and never pull out the money any longer.


Therefore,we should pay more attention when shopping on the Internet.



With advent of the Internet,a brand-new shopping style gradually comes into people’s life. That is so-called on-line shopping,which has gained great popularity among more and more web users.Shopping on line does offer people great convenience,though there is still a great number of people who are filled with worries about on-line shopping.

Like many new things,online shopping has its advantages and disadvantages.The biggest advantage of shopping online is convenience.You order a commodity you want and it will be delivered to you at door next day.Another advantage is economic.You can gain access to bargains on the web shops and enjoy all sorts of discounts.

However,there are still risks in online shopping.Entering the card details on the Internet is not completely safe and some of the products you purchase online may fall short of your expectation.

Shopping on the internet has become an irresistible trend in modern society.With the rapid growth of online shopping,it is of great urgency that relative laws should be formulated to ensure the security of online shopping.Here are two pieces of advice for online buyers.When shopping online,be sure to choose secure and credible websites and read the privacy and security policies before making any purchases.When paying,use the third party services to so that personal details should not be revealed.Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping without the concern of being treated.



One of the controversial issues today is____________.According to a recent survey, ___________________________.In this essay,I will discuss the positive and negative effects of this issue and offer my own view on it。

On the positive aspect,one of the most significant advantages is that ____________________(优点一).Moreover,_________________________________(优点二). Perhaps the primary advantage is that___________________________。(优点三)On the negative aspect,for one thing,_________________________________。(缺点一)For another, ___________________________________。(缺点二)

As far as I’m concerned,the benefits of___________(主题)greatly outweigh its drawbacks. We should make better use of____________(主题)and bypass its negative effects。


第二段介绍网购的好坏,优点一是网购很方便,bring people convenience,在课堂及课后的作文训练中多次使用,优点二是消费者有很多选择,customers have a variety of choices。缺点是网购存在质量风险,质量是quality,课上作文训练讲过多次。

第三段只需把话题online shopping填进去。


★1.辞职信 *模板一 Dear_________, I am writing to inform you about my decision of resignation. I have enjoyed working with you and the staff in our company in the past few years. However, I find it is inappropriate for me to take the position as ____________(接职务,如an editor)for the following reasons. First and foremost, _____________________. (第一个原因) Besides, _____________________.(第二个原因) Most importantly, _____________________.(第三个原因) Thank you for your caring in these several years’ working. I am deeply sorry for any inconvenience my leaving may cause. Yours sincerely, Li Ming *模板二 Dear_________, This is to inform you that I intend to resign from my current position. I feel reluctant to give up my present job, but I find it is inappropriate for me to take the position as _______________(接职务,如an editor)for the following reasons.


Online shopping 关于网上购物(Shopping on the Internet) Directions: you are required to write a 150 word essay on the topic Shopping on the Internet on ANSWER SHEET. 1.近来社会上出现网上购物热 2.人们对此现象的不同反应 3.你对此现象的看法 范文一: With the popularity of the Internet, more and more people do shopping online. Without going out of their home, they may look for whatever items they want and pay online only by clicking the mouse. A couple of days later, the goods they buy online will be delivered at their front door. As for this new phenomenon, people have different ideas about it. Some think that doing shopping online is time- and energy-saving. People can buy anything at anytime they like without a computer hooked onto the Internet. They may say good-bye to the exhausting journey of searching. While others believe that they cannot touch, smell, or taste what they want. They don’t feel certain about their choice. Besides, they doubt whether the companies will deliver the right items at right time to a right place. In my opinion, shopping online is convenient indeed. But we should be very careful when we decide which item to buy and with company is trustworthy. Additionally, we should guard against the hackers who intend to steal our account passwords With the development of technology, online shopping has become popular in people’s daily life. As many of us might have witnessed, more people are buying products through the Internet. And to facilitate online purchase, stores provide pictures of their products together with other illustrations on the websites. Besides, online products range from small items such as clothes and books to large ones like computers. Undoubtedly, online shopping has brought us many conveniences. Yet its potential dangers to the consumer could not be ignored. One possible risk is that consumers might not get the exact product they want because the information provided might not be enough or reliable. For a simple example, a consumer who wants to buy a pair of shoes might end up getting a pair with desired style but unfit sizes. After all, people have to try themselves when buying clothes or shoes. Moreover, if consumers do not pay attention to the credibility of online stores, they might get cheated. Therefore, consumers should firstly be aware of the credibility of an online store. Secondly, people should not jump on the bandwagon because not all online shopping brings about convenience. Instead, they have to make their own judgment as to the kind of products that could be bought online. Thus, they could avoid possible trouble


专八英语写作作文万能句型:结尾句 1.至于我,在某种水准上我同意后面的观点,我认为 As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ____. 2.总来说之,整个社会应该密切注重这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来。 In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______.Only in this way can ______in the future. 3.但是,和都有它们各自的优势 ( 好处 ) 。例如,,而。不过,把这两者相比较,我更倾向于 ( 喜欢 ) But ______and ______have their own advantages. For example, _____, while_____. Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______. 4.就我个人来说,我相信,所以,我坚信美好的未来正等着我们。因为 Personally, I believe that_____. Consequently, I ’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because______. 5.随着社会的发展,。所以,迫切需要。如果每个人都愿为社会贡献自已的一份力量,这个社会将要变得越来越好。 With the development of society, ______.So it"s urgent and necessary to ____.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.


公文格式(函、请示、报告、通知、规定的公文格式)之一 函的写作格式 函适用于不相隶属机关之间相互商洽工作、询问和答复问题,向有关主管部门请求批准等。公函包括标题、主送机关、正文、发文机关、日期、函告的事项、结语等。 ①标题 一般由发文机关、事由、文种或者事由、文种组成。一般发函为《关于**(事由)的函》;复函为《关于**(答复事项)的复函》。 ②正文 一般包括三层:简要介绍背景情况;商洽、询问、答复的事项和问题;希望和要求,如:"务希研究承复",敬请大力支持为盼"等。 函的写作范例 公文格式(函、请示、报告、通知、规定的公文格式)之二 通知格式1:(指示性通知) 北京积水潭医院关于××××××的通知 各科室: ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 北京积水潭医院二○○五年三月十日 例文(指示性通知) 国务院关于调整证券交易印花税中央与地方分享比例的通知 国发(1996)×号 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构: 改革开放以来,我国证券交易市场有了很大发展,证券交易规模不断扩大,证券交易印花税也有了较大幅度的增长。为进一步规范证券交易市场,妥善处理中央与地方的合配比例,增强中央宏观调控能力,国务院决定,自1997年1日1日起,将证券交易印花税分享比例由现行的中央与地方各50%,调整为中央80%、地方20%。有关地区和部门要从全局出发,继续做好证券交易印花税的征收管理工作,进一步促进我国证券市场的健康发展。 中华人民共和国国务院 一九九六年十二月十六日 通知格式2:(会议性通知)[参考模板] 关于×××××××××××××××会议的通知 各职能处室: 定于×月×日召开××××会。现将有关事宜通知如下: 会议议题××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 参加人员××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 会议时间×月×——×日(会期×××,×××××报到。) 会议地点××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 有关事宜(一)××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 (二)××××××××××××××××××××××××××××。 (三)×××××××××××。 联系人:×××,电话:××××××××,传真:××××××××。 北京积水潭医院

英语作文网上购物 Online shopping

Online Shopping Alone with the advance of society more and more people tend to online shopping instead of going outside to shop.There is a certainty that online shopping will be gradually a common lifestyle as time rolls by.Surely ,just as every coin has two sides,online shopping comes with strengths and weaknesses. On one side,when customers are longing to get one thing which is hard to be discovered in reality but easy to be searched on the Internet only with a click,they may choose online shopping without hesitating.On the other side,for retailers,online shopping make their products to be known by some people lived in the remote places.In a word,to a large extent,online shopping has become a vital convenience in our daily life. However,we cannot ignore the weakness of online shopping.As you see,nowadays a lot of people are tempted by the fascinating appearance of products,which bring about damned unsatisfactory.Additionally,no one could insure a completely secure process of transport.And usually,conflict between retailers and customers occurs when products are damaged .What’s more,it’s highly risky to trade on the Internet especially when one’s computer is invaded by virus. From my point of view,online shopping should be accepted appropriately by people.For one thing,it is the product of social development,and as more and more people purchase in this way,those


三、说明文模板 模板一 【示例模板】 一、【开头】 1.叙述或描写 2.总说明;一般定义说明 二、【中间】 用各种说明方法如举例说明、分类说明或分析说明、比较说明等,说明事物性质、形状、特征、成因、功用。(复杂的事物要依次按性质、形状、特征、成因、功用来说明;简单的事物主要运用分类说明或者分析说明、比较说明等。) 三、【结尾】 重申事物突出的特征或作用,或引起反思。 【范文】 水 汹涌澎湃的是海水,碧波荡漾的是湖水,潺潺不绝的是泉水,清澈见底的是溪水…… 水,常温下不过是一种透明无味的液体,可是到了摄氏零度时就变成晶莹的冰花,摄氏百度时又会变成腾腾的“热雾”。不过可不能小瞧了它。水是生命摇篮。没有了水,就没有一切。 生产离不开它。工农业生产哪一顶不需要水黄河上游的发电站发出了百亿度的电,其源泉是水的动能;成顿的钢材,在水压机上揉面团似的锻压成各种形状,靠的还是水的动能;商店里一匹匹色彩斑斓的布料,纺织、印染时离不开水。还

有农田里飘着清香的蔬菜,诱人垂涎的瓜果需要水,一望无际的碧绿的庄稼不能没有水……整个绿色世界和人类赖以生存的食粮,都是水和光的结晶。 生活离不开它。人们日常生活中,又有哪一项不需要水呢做饭、饮用要水;洗衣、洗澡要用水;在国际上一举夺魁的作大名酒,原料也是水;奥运会上鏖战的健儿们的饮料也离不开水…… 地球素有“水的行星“之称,地表的百分之七十也被水覆盖,可别就以为它是“取之不尽,用之不竭”的。非洲缺水已造成空前的灾难,还有废水的污染,使许多江河湖海的水变色变质。解决用水困难,除了有待利用地下深层水、冰山的雪水外,目前只能有两种途径:一是节约用水,二是净化废水。后者则被科学家所重视。 当你漫步在被净化的溪水边,看着那又重新恢复清亮的水淙淙流过身边时,当你休憩在被净化的湖边的凉亭下,凝视着碧波荡漾的湖面上鸭鹅嬉戏时,你是否体会到水带给你的享受和乐趣


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 专八作文万能模板 篇一:20xx年英语专业八级写作模板 以下模板来源于华研外语《英语专业8级写作范文100篇》,感觉很好用,推荐给大家学习。 1表达看法型作文 模板一: 模板二: 2现象阐释型作文 模板三: 3支持与反对型作文 模板六: 篇二:专八作文模版合集 1.怎么审题 只要是议论文的题目,到最后,得把题目理解成:这道题目考的是:sth的优点Vs缺点。 2.如何构思优缺点:十大原则 思维过程: opinion----facts------result-----conclusion

中国人思维没有开门见山,是螺旋线上升,总是最快的fact,然后慢慢往下推,推出例子的影响/结果,得出最终的结论。这个结论就是opinion。所以要把这个opinion提到段首,作为主题句(topicsentence) 3.什么是主题句? 1)主题句是opinion,而不是fact。 2)主题句不能太泛,也不能太细。例如:womenarestrongerthanmen(inwhichfield.) ##关键步骤: 1)题目的主语抓出来,usu.nounphrase(名词性短语) 举例:现在有人说媒体不该大量报道犯罪事实,你怎么看? 主语(议论焦点):1)ing形式:reportingcrimedetailsbymassmedia 2)sb.’sdoingsth.:massmedia’sreportingcrimedetails 3)the…of(sb.)…/sb.’ssth:of短语:thereportofcrimedetailsbymassmedia/massmedia’scoverageofrimes 4)itisadj.forsb.todosth. 2)理出主语的有点Vs缺点 举例:政府是否该支持艺术家(step1:找到主语step2:


一般书写写作格式及范文 篇一:一般书信写作格式及范文 一般书信写作格式及范文书信一般由称谓、问候语、正文、结尾、署名、日期所构成. 1 .称谓 在首行顶格的位置写称谓,后加冒号。 为了表示尊敬、亲切,可在称谓前加上“尊敬的”或“亲爱的”等词。例如:亲爱的强强: 2 .问候语 第二行开头空两格写问候语。 运用礼貌语言,使收信人感到亲切,受到尊敬。 长者多问候身体,中年人多问候事业和家庭,青年人多问候爱情和学业,少年儿童多祝愿健康成长。 例如:你好!你在新学校的生活还习惯吧,别忘记了老同学哟3 .正文 另起一行空两格写,一般一件事一段,注意要分层次叙述清楚,简洁清晰 语言要求准确通俗,明白如话,不要作过多过深的修饰,已免造成对方难于理解。 例如:最近我们准备开一次同学聚会,不知你有时间回来参加没有。另外,请你帮我到新华书店买一本语文学习资料,阅读方面的。 4 .结尾

要根据收信人的身份,写表示祝愿的话,以示礼貌。 一般性的祝词“此致”“敬礼”,格式是另起一行空两格写“此致”, “敬礼”下一行顶格写。 给长者的信往往写“祝您健康长寿”,给朋友写“祝工作顺利”,给晚辈写“祝你学习进步”。 例如:祝 学习更上一层楼。 5 .署名和日期 最后两行靠右写写信人的姓名,姓名正下方落下写信日期。根据写信人与收信人的关系,在姓名前可表明身份,如“学生×××”、“儿××”等。 例如:好友:刘星 ××年×月×日 一般书信写作注意事项: 1 .内容要写得清楚明白,以免造成对方的误会或疑问,耽误事情。 2 .用词要热情、自然、贴切、有礼貌。 3 .要按照书信的格式写,信封写作更要规范,避免投递困难。 4 .字迹要清楚,不能潦草,以免造成误会和麻烦。 尊敬的XX: 您好! ??????????????????????????????????。


Online Shopping 一、 With the development of the Internet and the popularization of computer, shopping online is normal and even necessary in our life. As many of us might have witnessed, more individuals do the shopping on the Internet. Shopping on the Internet has been a fashion especially among the youngsters. Undoubtedly, online shopping has made our everyday life more convenient and comfortable. Firstly, the types of the commodities can bedazzle you. Online products range from small items such as garments and books to bulk merchandise, for instance, the computers. Therefore, individuals can buy almost everything on the Internet. Beyond that, With the online tools that facilitate products comparison. Consumers can contrast products prices and features to make a better decision and get the goods at a lower price. However, for another, its potential dangers to the consumers could not be ignored. First, the Internet is visual and we can only see the goods rather than touch them, which let us have false views and make wrong decisions. Moreover, if consumers do not pay attention to the confidence level of online stores, they might get cheated. Consumers may also lose their private information during online shopping. In my opinion, shopping on the internet is an irreversible tide. More and more consumers will be accustomed to it. In addition, it will be much more popular in the near future. So at the same time it is urgency to regulate the relevant laws according to the rapid growth of online shopping. Only in this way, can we enjoy the pleasure and convenience of online shopping without concern of being treated. 二、 With the development of technology, online shopping has become popular in people’s daily life. As many of us might have witnessed, more people are buying products through the Internet. And to facilitate online purchase, stores provide pictures of their products together with other illustrations on the websites. Besides, online products range from small items such as clothes and books to large ones like computers. Undoubtedly, online shopping has brought us many conveniences. Yet its potential dangers to the consumer could not be ignored. One possible risk is that consumers might not get the exact product they want because the information provided might not be enough or reliable. For a simple example, a consumer who wants to buy a pair of shoes might end up getting

优秀作文 语文作文万能模板-精品

语文作文万能模板 “万能作文模板” 记者采访中发现,我市中学语文界几乎流行着各种各样的万能作文模板。据称,这 种模板在语文考试中能给学生作文带来不错的分数。 以一份“万能作文模板”为例: 第1节150字左右:写出中心论点,首选单句形式,且是判断句或肯定句。绝对不用复句(复句容易走题,影响得分),点出写作的由头,作文题中含有的提示性文字材料,一 定要有所涉及。 第2节200字左右:段首讲述分论点一,如第一节的内容是几个分论点的简单组合,则“分论点一”适宜放在段尾。这样和分论点二、分论点三的位置区别开来,使行文有变化。“分论点一”论证不许举例,采用纯分析的说理论据展开。 第3节200字左右:段首讲述分论点二,采用举例论证,首选作文题提示中的例子来分析论证,同时也可辅助一个自己举的例子,自己举的例子要比前例文字少。如没有作 文题提示中的例子,则自己举个典型的例子来分析论证,同样要求叙写例子的文字一定 要比分析论证的文字少。否则对文体特征会产生重创,影响得分。 第4节200字左右:段首讲述分论点三。采用联系实际举例。这是写作本文的时代意义所在。联系的实际可以是学习、生活、社会任何一个方面,目的是或提高思想认识,或明确是非正邪,或提出解决的方法途径,或揭示某种疑难迷惑,总之要给人以启发。 第5节150字左右:要再现中心论点,扣住中心论点写出作用、意义、号召、展望等。 模板提醒:如果作文题目提供有多个材料,并要求在所给材料中任选一个角度作文,那么,选入作文中的例子只能是一个,且是从中提炼出中心论点的那个,其余材料不可涉及。作文开头和结尾一定要出现题目中的关键词(句)。 目前上高二的周星同学介绍说,他平时最头痛作文,为了应付考试和老师布置的作业,“我在网上买了一本作文模式的书,平时在网上找些素材,只要照着模式把素材加进去,改头换面之下一篇作文就完成了。我准备了几个模式,一到作文考试就套用,得个基本分肯定没问题,有时碰巧了还能得到高分。” “现在网络发达,学生‘拼、抄、套’的现象很普遍,难免出现千人一面的现象。 例如作文要求是以‘父亲’为话题写一篇文章,很多学生的作文里就会出现如下的情节:有父亲在田间辛勤劳作的情景,有《背影》中父亲送别的情景。当然少不了从小学写到中学的父亲雨夜送‘我’去看病,或者陪伴‘我’看书、写字的情景……”某中学初三语文老师告诉记者。


说明利弊型 3段式 第一段说明某现象或事物带来的好处、弊端 第二段说明某现象或事物可能会带来的问题、利益第三段阐述自己的看法或建议 模板1 作者支持弊端 Nowadays/Recently,___1___.By doing so, it/ they can help ___2___ and ______. However, some people believe/ view that ____3__.For one thing,___4___.For another,____5___.In addition, ___6___. As for me/ As far as I am concerned, ___7___.The reason lies in the fact that ___8____.Moreover/ What’s more,___9___.I hope/ expect to see ___10____. 1开门见山,引出事实或现象 2 带来的好处 3 可能带来的弊端 456 具体说各条弊端 7 作者的观点 89 具体说各条作者观点 10 提出希望,总结 模板2 作者支持好处 In recent years,___1___ has/ have become rather common. It has brought great benefits/ harm to ___2___.Firstly,__3____.Secondly,___4___.Furthermor e,___5_____. 6But every coin has two sides. The disadvantages/ advantages can not be ignored. For one thing, __7___.For another, ___8____. 9Through above analysis, I believe that the advantages/ positive aspects outweigh the disadvantages/ negative aspects. Therefore, we should ___10___. 1 开门见山,引出事实或现象 2 3 45 好处 6 注意对立面 78弊端 9 10 表明作者观点和建议,总结全文 My opinions of Students’ Owning a Cell Phone With the development of the information industry, cell phones play an important role in people’s life. However, I believe owing a cell phone is harmful to students. There are many bad effects of


On li ne Shopp ing (范文一) With the development of the Internet and the popularization (普及)of computer , shopping on li ne has become a com mon place (普通的)in our life. Chin ese people are buying thi ngs on li ne and the shipping companies(船务公司)are busy to no end. Online shopping is very convenient. All you have to do is sit at home and wait for your package to come in stead of hovering (徘徊)outside in the cold wind. We can buy almost everyth ing without going out. However, enjoyment of retail shopping lost. Many people enjoy shopping with others and it is ofte n a good way to make social connections. Whe n shopp ing on li ne, the enjo yme nt is lost. Besides, you may lose your private information during online shopping. Although having access to a very large number of products is highly desirable, consumers have limited cognitive resources and may simply be un able to process the pote ntially vast amounts of in formatio n about these alter natives It seems that the on li ne bus in ess contains many commercial opport un ities . Many people want to seek their fortune on it. However, I think this kind of bus in ess now is close to saturati on. There are thousands of shops online, it ' asproblem how to make your shop outstanding and attractive among the “ shop sea". (范文二) Nowadays with the ever rapid development and increasing popularity of the information tech no logy, shopp ing on the internet has bee n a fashi on especially among the youn gsters. Online shopping has made our daily life more convenient and comfortable. For example, shopp ing on the internet can save stude nts a great deal of time on the way betwee n home and store, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. The internet has shorte n the dista nee betwee n manu facturers and con sumers and thus we can eve n buy goods in other coun tries .On the other han d, lack of the face to face deal makes on li ne shopp ing less reliable and trustworthy. What ' s more the delivery will in crease the risk of items ' damage. In my opinion, shopping on the internet is a irreversible trend. More and more people will be accustomed to it. It will be much more popular in the near future. And at the same time we should take some measures to make it perfect. (范文三) Several decades ago, it should be a marvelous won der to purchase our favorite gifts only by click ing the mouse and the n just wait ing for the door knock by a smili ng expressive delivery courier with the exact package you ordered. While, today, it is no long a rare case. Combined with the fast food, the digital com muni cati on ,on li ne shopp ing has bee n a com mon part of our life Admittedly, on line shopp ing offers magical convenien ce. For example, it saves time and offers numerous choices since floods of information can be supplied on Internet. While, every coin has tow sides and online shopping is no different. Have you still remembered the annoying time when you found the commodities you buy on Internet was not the slightest微博) as what you had


最新2018河南省中考作文范文优秀模板 2018河南省中考作文篇一 青春年少,风华正茂。每个人都拥有自己渴望的青春梦。 青春的我们,希望可以如内心渴望一样,无忧无虑,活跃在校园的每个角落。青春的我们,渴望拥有一份骄傲的答卷,青春的我们,渴望进行一场属于我们少男少女的野外郊游,摆托那些闲言碎语。15岁的我们充满了希望。 多想,抛下书山题海,二胖可以清楚哪些唠叨的教诲,无忧无虑,插上翅膀,飞到校园,在校园里遗留属于我们三年快乐的时光:飞到桂林山水,欣赏秀丽的大好河山;飞到香格里拉,寻觅春天的足迹,享受田园风光,净化心灵。 多想,没有考试的学习。初二的我们,三天一小考,五天一大考。学习中等的我们经受不了此起彼伏的红叉叉,那鲜艳的分数。没有负担,自主学习,这亦是大多青春学子的梦吧?多想老师不要以成绩衡

量一个人的好坏,评价一个人啊! 多想进行一场活动,让我们少男少女彼此学习,消除隔膜,互相促进。十五岁的我,渴望被人理解,没有那些闲言碎语,没有性别之差,我们都是朋友。 多想,实施那种平等促进的师生民主关系,没有长辈之分,都是朋友课堂上你那抑扬顿挫讲诉的每句话一定会印在我们的脑海,多想我们师生关系就像张丽莉老师和她的学子一样啊。多想课堂上也可以彼此探讨解决问题,课后我们嬉戏玩耍。我想这样的学习一定深受青春大多学子的喜爱吧。 2018河南省中考作文篇二 我们的青春就像命运恩赐的一枚青涩的果子,我们迫不及待地塞进嘴里,却酸涩得流下泪来,无可救赎。青春,是一本太仓促的书。 常去的书城,一转角,遇上小学同学的几率是万分之一吧,就那么巧,我碰见了余珉瑶。 我们坐在茶吧里,点了两份奶昔,她放下书包,拿出一本辅导书在写。珉瑶说自己最近在学吉他,"呵,手指头有时都能被弦勒出痕


专八写作五十条万能句型 引出各方观点 There exists a philosophy that... 人们有这么一种想法…… While many advocate..., I believe it’s a better idea to... 虽然很多人提倡……,但我相信……是更好的主意。 A debate is therefore inevitably touched off. 一场辩论于是一触即发。 引用名人名言 As... rightly/aptly put it, “...”正如……恰当的说法一样:“……” There is a satirical saying in China which goes like this, ... 中国有这么一句充满讽刺的俗话:…… As... eloquently pronounced, ... 正如……有力地指出,…… 指出现象或争议话题 Recently, ... have caused much controversy. 最近,……引发了广泛的争议。It is now a common practice to... 现在……是个很普遍的做法。 With the increasing concerns about..., people are calling for... 随着人们日益关注……问题,人们疾呼…… 表示赞同 I think it is universally acknowledged that... 我认为……是被广泛承认的。 In brief, it is apparent that... is a more sensible choice to... 总之,很明显,对……来说,……是一个明智的选择。 As far as I see it, it is natural that..., and it is also understandable that... 就我个人看来,……很正常,而且……也可以理解。
