20 微米
55 微米
100 微米
5-8 BAR
4-8 BAR
控制压缩空气:比反冲洗水压力大 0.5BAR,无油无水 工作温度:<70℃
pH:4—13 材质: 过滤头本体:316 SS., 特种复合材料
可选过滤叠片:聚丙烯/NYLON 塑料 可选管架:碳钢喷涂聚酯,不锈钢,全塑
E. 反洗不彻底
5 反洗不彻底
A. 反洗水压太低
B. 排污管或排污阀门压阻太大
C. 杂质太粘
6 没有反洗
A. 反洗控制气源没有或压力低
B. 进气管堵塞
C. 控制器设置错误或电器故障
7 电磁阀漏气不停 A. 电磁阀泄露
ARKAL SPIN KLIN 过滤系统 4 英寸外源清洗模式 操作说明书
以色列阿科过滤器有限公司 2004-7
一、 设备工作原理 二、 过滤设备运行模式 三、 设备基本参数 四、 设备安装 五、 调试前准备 六、 启动运行 七、 过滤系统停止运行 八、 系统日常维护 九、 故障检查与排除 十、 零件
手动启动反冲洗,打开过滤过滤单元,检查叠片的清洁状态,如有污垢,按照 ARKAL 公司 建议清洗方法清洗。
若 SPIN KLIN 在水质恶劣的地方运行时,其叠片会受到微生物,水垢等污染,污染后可以 通过有效的清洗保证叠片长时间运行。 (1) 拧开过滤芯上蝴蝶盘 (2) 拆去芯上压盖 (3) 撤去叠片组,放在清洗液中清洗,建议用绳子把每组叠片栓起来,防止混乱。有关清洗 液的资料和具体清洗方法请咨询当地代理。 (4)清水冲洗叠片,然后重新装在过滤芯支架上
FILTRON 控制器操作说明书
(TALGIL-3.6 过滤控制器)
TALGIL ver3.6
SEC.4 (压差延时4秒)
FALSE FLUSHES 4(压差启动连续反洗限定次数4次)
B. 系统中是否含有延时阀;
A. 若要使用一个水表,工作周期的水量是多少?(以m3表示)
B. 若要使用一个水表,水量与脉冲的比是多少?(体积/脉冲)
C. 工作周期的时间是多少?(以分钟表示)
FILTRON 1-10 (DC/AC)操作手册2011FILTRON 1-10 控制器(直流/交流)概述“FILTRON 1-10”控制器是专门为自动过滤器设计的模块化反清洗控制器,可以控制1到10台设备。
1. 反洗时间设定每台设备的反洗时间,以下档可选5-20 秒 每按一下调整 1 秒 20-55 秒 每按一下调整 5 秒 1-6 分 每按一下调整 0.5 分2. 压差设定在这个区域,用户可以设定出口和入口的压差,当压差达到设定值时,一次反清洗就会启动。
当压力单位是BAR 时,范围从0.1–2.0 BAR. 当压力单位是PSI 时,范围从1–30 PSI.当系统中没有电子压差感应器,而是使用了外部压差感应器,反洗请求信号会到达位于输入终端上的关闭干式接点。
神华集团神华煤直接液化项目(先期工程)第一、第二、第三循环水场过滤器技术协议买方:中国天辰化学工程公司卖方:上海乐泽环境工程日期:2005年12月15日目录1 前言.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2 总那么........................................ 错误!未定义书签。
3 标准标准...................................... 错误!未定义书签。
4 工作范围...................................... 错误!未定义书签。
5 供货范围...................................... 错误!未定义书签。
6 备品备件...................................... 错误!未定义书签。
7 交货条件...................................... 错误!未定义书签。
8 性能保证...................................... 错误!未定义书签。
9 质量保证...................................... 错误!未定义书签。
10 技术效劳..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
11 现场效劳..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
12 附图1 前言中国天辰化学工程公司总承包建设的神华煤直接液化项目第一、第二、第三循环水场工程需配套设置循环水系统过滤器完成系统的旁滤任务(第一循环水场:过滤水量600m3/h,15个标准48英寸过滤单元系统;第二循环水场:先期过滤水量600m3/h,15个标准48英寸过滤单元系统,按最终过滤水量800m3/h,20个标准48英寸过滤单元系统完成整体设计,以知足扩建的需要;第三循环水场:过滤水量800m3/h,20个标准48英寸过滤单元系统)。
但是由于种种原因,洁明与ARKAL 的代理关系最后被终止了,北京洁明自己开发了与ARKAL非常类似的盘式过滤器,以其自有的“亚高“品牌在国内进行销售。
ARKAL 过滤系统有限公司 2003-12
一. 打开 AGF
1. 打开AGF的包装带 2. 将上面的3个腿拿到旁边,将泡沫塑料
拿下来,放在AGF旁边 3. 将AGF侧放在泡沫塑料的上面 4. 将三个腿插入AGF底部 5. 将AGF站立起来,注意要首先让两个腿
4 反洗不停
按图 2 方法查找原因
按图 2 方法解决
5 反洗过于频繁 A. 系统流量太大
(一般反冲周期 B.压差或时间设置值太小
大于一小时) C.沙子黏结
D. 原水太脏
E. 反洗不彻底
详见 5
6 反洗不彻底
A. 反洗水压太低
联系 ARKAL 代理
图 2 连续反洗不停的解决方案
无 有
没有控 制气体
用万用表测试 电磁阀的电压
打开阀门盖,观察有 无异物卡住阀门
无 更换电磁阀
有 问题出在控制器
无 修理或更换阀门
有 清除异物
联系 ARKAL 代理
联系 ARKAL 代理
1. 选择沙子:根据过滤的要求充填不同粗细的沙子,对于较粗精度的过
滤 ARKAL 建议采用 2 号粗沙,沙的大小约为 1.2—2mm, 对于精细
的过滤分别充填 2 号和 0 号沙子,0 号沙子的大小为 0.5-0.7mm. 也
2. 检查过滤单元和过滤系统的密封情况:打开
B. 排污管或阀门压阻太大
C. 杂质太粘
第35卷第6期2019年6月实用枝术清洗世界Cleaning World文章编号:1671-8909 ( 2019 ) 6-0020-003超滤系统产水量降低原因分析及对策黄河清,陆海伟,杨亚军(长安益阳发电有限公司,湖南益阳4 13000 )摘要:超滤系统自清洗过滤器污堵和超滤膜污染是超滤系统产水量下降的重要因素。
随着水处理技术的不断发展,超滤技术被广泛应用于饮用水处理、废水处理、E 矢疗医药、食品加工。
1补给水处理系统概况某电厂补给水处理采用超滤+ -级除盐+混床的运行方式,四套超滤系统并联布置,串联安装在一级除 盐设备前。
超滤系统设备参数如下:(I )自清洗过滤器为以色列ARKAL 叠片式过滤器, 过滤叠片精度100 um,运行压力:0.08〜0.5 MPa ;反 洗压力:0.3-0.5 MPa ;工作周期:60-120 min ;每个3" 过滤单元反洗历时:15s ;每个3"过滤单元运行流量:30 m'/h (最大值);每个3”过滤单元反洗流量:20 mVh o(2)超滤膜采用荷兰NOR1T 内压式中空纤维膜,超滤进水浊度W 5 NTU ,运行压力:0.08〜0.4 MPa ; 运行透膜压差(TMP) : 0.05-0.1 MPa ;反洗透膜压差(TMP) : 0.3 MPa (最大值);反洗通量:200-250 L/ m' • h ;工作周期:30-45 min 。
Alfa Laval W-SIL自动清洗过滤器说明说明书
•A variety of perforated and slotted filter baskets available•All parts in contact with the product are made of stainless steel•Compact designDesignThe strainer casing and all product-wetted parts are made of stainless steel in a grade equivalent to AISI 316L (SIS 2343).The standard W-SIL strainer model is equipped with a gear motor, a central shaft with inclined stainless steel brushes, a perforated filter basket, a set of tools and standard spare parts.The strainer is delivered ready to be mounted vertically using three 16 mm diameter bolts.Options•Filter baskets perforated: 1.5 mm (0.06 inch), 2 mm (0.08 inch), 3 mm (0.12 inch)•Filter baskets slotted: 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400 microns •Special motor voltages•Complete module including control cabinet•Teflon scrapers instead of stainless steel brushes (special driveshaft required)Working principleThe strainer has a stainless steel casing surrounding a filter basket through which the liquid passes.Any coarse particles suspended in the liquid are held back in the filter basket, and then forced downwards by rotating brushes mounted on a central shaft. This shaft is driven by an electrical gear motor mounted on top of the unit.The collected particles are removed from the cone at the lower end. This cone is easy to open for inspection and access to the shaft and brushes.Pipe connections for flushing the strainer are available on the bottom cone. Connections for instrumentation are located on the top of the unit. For high viscosity products or for improved CIP ability, the strainer can be equipped with teflon scrapers.Technical dataTotal volume 70 l Cone volume 8.5 lStraining surface 0.55 m2 (5.9 sq foot)Throughputup to 60 000 l/h (265 gpm)Working pressure up to 600 kPa / 6 bar (87 PSI)Working temperature up to 100ºC (212ºF)1Test pressure 900 kPa / 9bar (130 PSI)Standard motor 0.25 kW 3 ph, 750 rpm Shaft speed 8.3 rpmWeight95 kg (209 lbs) approximately1 giving max 0.5 bar (7.2 PSI) vapour pressurePerforated on request 1.5 (0.06), 2 (0.08), 3 (0.012)Slotted on request 50, 100, 200 and 400 micronsProduct inlet/outlet (inch)Pipe 2.5 x 0.06, weld endSludge outlet Threaded pipe 2 1/2-inch SWGInstrument 3/4-inch SWG on liquid inlet and top Flushing3/8-inch SWG on bottom coneVolume0.6 m3 (22 cubic foot)CapacityThe maximum working pressure is 600kPa (87 PSI).Throughput specifications depend on the particularapplication, the configuration of the cylinder perforations, the viscosity of the liquid being processed and the feed pressure.Dimensional drawing60 (2.This document and its contents is owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB and protected by laws governing intellectual property and thereto related rights. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to comply with all applicable intellectual property laws. Without limiting any rights related to this document, no part of this document may be copied, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the expressed permission or authorized by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. Alfa Laval Corporate AB will enforce its rights related to this document to the fullest extent of the law, including the seeking of criminal prosecution.200000198-4-EN-GB© Alfa Laval Corporate ABHow to contact Alfa LavalUp-to-date Alfa Laval contact details for all countries are always available on our website at 。
全自动反冲洗过滤器说明书新HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】全自动反冲洗过滤器说明书北京筑恒科技有限公司目录1.概述2.应用条件3.外形结构4.安装步骤及要求5.运行操作6.设备特点7.产品使用领域8.注意事项9.保修说明一、设备概述全自动反冲洗过滤器采用机电一体化的设计、物理场处理的方式、阻力小、流量大、运行管理、费用极底、操作简单、维护方便。
二、应用条件1、系统水质酸碱性PH>总碱度<700mg/l (CaCO计)3计)总硬度+总碱度<800mg/l (CaCO32水温:<0-90℃(流经水处理器的水温)3水压< (特殊可制造<)4浓缩倍率<(指循环冷却水系统)5环境条件温度5℃-45℃湿度<90%(20℃以下)三、外形结构四、安装步骤及要求:1.打开包装箱,检查装箱设备型号与购物合同设备型号是否相符,装箱附件于清单是否一致,检查设备外观是否有损坏,如检查无异常,在进行安装。
5.设备主机安装完毕后,连接380 V,50HZ供电电源即可,用户电源插座控制器应小于米。
2.8 240 160 80 1290 1640 1125
2.8 360 240 120 1290 2105 1125
2.8 350 300 150 1760 2105 1970
2.8 540 360 180 1760 2170 1970
4 英寸标准过滤单元(每个单元含五个 SPINE)
2.8 300 200
1450 1480 830
2.8 400 267
1950 1520 900
2.8 500 333 167 2450 1520 900
2.8 600 400 200 2950 1560 970
重量 kg 标准 全塑
79 70 100 90 121 110
160 150 185 170 223 203 500 420 610 510 750 630 900 720
描叙 空调冷却水 设备和仪器冷却水 产品冷却水
清洗,冲洗水回用 造纸用水回用 工艺水回用 储水池清洁 总进水 喷洗水,清洗水 工艺水,饮用水
保护沙滤器,树脂 保护滤芯,滤袋
微滤膜,超滤膜,R/O 膜,离子交换膜 海水淡化预过滤 海水养殖 废水直接过滤排放 生物处理前过滤 中水回用前过滤 溶剂型 乳化液
SPIN KLIN 自动反冲洗过滤器是叠片式过滤器的优点的进一步发挥,SPIN KLIN 过滤器和一般叠片式过滤器的不同之出是在于它的专利设计的内撑-SPINE, SPINE 上有一组弹簧,一个活塞,和三组反冲喷嘴,他们配合其他控制系统共同 作用达到高效过滤和完全反冲的功效
Spin Klin 过滤器的过滤头和身是由增强聚酰胺塑料成形制造,防腐耐磨,可承 受工作压力 1 Mpa。过滤叠片材质为聚丙烯塑料,密封为 EPDM,进出水及排 水管路为碳钢喷涂环氧树脂,不锈钢材质等,这一切使得整套过滤器系统能抵挡 恶劣的工作环境。
打开过滤过滤单元,检查叠片的清洁状态,如有污垢,在酸液中浸泡清 洗后重新装好。
4. 过冬准备:若系统不运行则排空过滤器和系统内积水 5.叠片拆装和清洗步骤
(1) 拧开过滤芯上蝴蝶母 (2) 拆去芯上压盖 (3) 撤去叠片组,放在酸液中浸泡清洗,建议三通阀改变方向,切断进水管,导通排污管,此时出水 在背压作用下进入第一过滤单元并反冲洗第一过单元后由排污口排除。反洗过程一般 15 秒左右(根据设置)。此时其他过滤单元依然在过滤。 (3) 第一个过滤单元的反洗结束时间到达时, 控制器终止加给该电磁阀的反洗信号,反 洗阀切换回到过滤状态,过滤芯压盖靠弹 簧力重新压紧叠片,第一个反洗的过滤单 元又回到过滤状态。第二个反洗过滤头及 该系统其后的过滤头都经过同样的运行程 序,顺次完成反洗,每两个过滤头的反洗 间隔数秒钟(根据设置),用于维持系统压力。在所有过滤器完成反洗后,系统又回到 初始过滤状态。
当叠片之间的沟纹累积大量杂质后,过滤器装置通过改变进出水流方向,自动打开压紧 的叠片,并喷射压力水驱动叠片高速旋转,通过压力水的冲刷和旋转的离心力使叠片得到清 洗。然后再改变进出水流向,恢复初始的过滤状态。
2. 过滤过程
(1) 叠片被弹簧力和压盖内外压差形成的压紧力而紧 紧地压在一起,形成一个紧密的过滤元件,防止水 中杂质穿透;
的反洗间隔 10-30 秒钟(根据设置),
Arkal BMF过滤系统日期:二OO七年一月上海乐泽环境工程有限公司目录公司简介 (3)1. BMF结构和组成 (4)2.设备的运行说明 (5)3. 系统性能及参数描述 (6)4. BMF与无阀滤池的比较 (8)5. 系统的安装、运行和维护费用 (9)6. 应用案例: (11)公司简介上海乐泽环境工程有限公司是以色列ARKAL过滤系统公司授权中国华东地区总代理。
1. BMF结构和组成1.1 外壳: BMF外壳采用碳钢内外防腐1.2布水装置:三个上开口布水,简单、均匀、可靠;1.3集水装置:采用精加工开缝的不锈钢集水器,均匀,强度高,精加工的楔缝最小可为0.15毫米。
1.4 滤料:匀质海砂,过滤器无衬托层,采用单一滤料。
1.5 控制器:Arkal BMF专用控制器1.6 阀门:系统采用Arkal配套的电动或气动阀门,阀门控制系统稳定,维护少。
由于出水有压力,而排污管没有压力,所以高压的水将对第一个过滤单元进行反冲洗,反洗在设定的时间完成后,进水电动阀门打开,排污电动蝶阀关闭,第一个单元重新进入过滤状态,然后第2,3,4……单元依次反洗, 反冲洗全部完成后,出口电动阀门重新打开,系统再回到过滤状态。
技术支持指南型号 2596 自动自清洗过滤器永久介质系统说明书
Technical Support Guide Permanent Media SystemsE aton’s filtration business is a global leader in manufacturing filtrationproducts that include automatic self-cleaning and fabricatedpipeline strainers, mechanically cleaned filters and strainers, bag, cartridge and depth sheet filtration systems, hydraulic and lubrication oil filtration and gas/liquid separators for industrial customers worldwide. Eaton has engineering and research and development centers in the USA, Belgium, Germany and China. Sales and service centers are located in 11 countries.Eaton supplies high-quality systems, parts and services to markets that include automotive, food and beverage, ethanol and biofuels, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, power generation, pulp and paper, chemical, paints and coatings, electronics, iron and steel manufacturing, marine and municipal and industrial water. Eaton is well positioned in key markets and is expanding its global footprint with initiatives in the Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific.Eaton’s filtration business has led the way with technologythat meets the growing and rigorous demands of vital industrial sectors. Utilizing a variety of filtration technologies, Eaton has consistently implemented the best solutions available while continually striving to make a difference for customers andthe environment. Eaton filtration services• State-of-the-art water testing lab facility• Long-term or short-term equipment rental• Field service-inspections, start-up, maintenance, repair and replacement• Field trials• Extensive network of manufacturer representatives and distributors worldwide• Worldwide technical support in international markets• Team of product specialists dedicated to providingapplication engineeringEaton technologies• Customized and modular solutions provide a full range of retention capabilities and construction materials in manualand automated designs• ISO 9001:2015 quality management• Standard ASME “U”, “UM” Code and CRN Stamp• “N” stamp available• European standards - DIN/PED• EPA compliant solutions• Properly sized components to meet any specified flow rate and retention requirement• NSF approved coatings• Ultra low discharge strainer technology that offers reduced purge volumesEaton sustainability commitmentEaton is unwavering in our commitment to being sustainableby design—in the way we operate, through the design of our products and through the energy and climate saving benefits our products deliver. Eaton issues a sustainability report aspart of its annual report, available on .Industrial andmunicipal waterEaton strainers remove debris from lakes, streams andwells that can damage or clog equipment. They also remove leaves, insects, feathers, etc. From cooling tower water where the system is opento the atmosphere. For desalinization equipment, they take out unwanted matter from the water before it is treatedfor salt removal. Spent waste- water often passes througha basket strainer to take out material that should not go into a sewer or a waterway. Process equipmentBy installing an automaticself-cleaning strainer ahead of expensive process equipment, the strainers protect against damage from scale, dirt orby-products, preventing costly shutdowns. Heat exchangers, condensers and pumps use strainers on their intake sides. Automatic self-cleaning strainers keep flow meters andspray nozzles from clogging.Marine industry Automatic self-cleaning strainers are vital in handling seawater, which can contain a good deal of undesirable matter. Cooling lines, fire control lines, sanitary lines and general cleaning lines use strainers. Strainers also clean fuel, hydraulic and lubrication systems. Commercial buildings, hospitals and schools Cooling towers and boilers use automatic self-cleaning strainers to protect them from damage due to scaling. Power generationT he electric power industry uses strainers to clean water for cooling and to protect equipment. They also strain transformer oil to avoid clogging of the circulating lines.More informationFor specific, detailed application information, consult eaton.Content and Product OverviewPermanent Media SystemsModel 2596 Automatic Self-Cleaning StrainersTechnical Support Guide• Introduction, features and benefits • Technical information• How it works – Backwash arm • Flow rate comparison• Control systems and elements•Basic sizing guidlines and design parametersProduct Overview:• Model 2596 2"–8" Cast iron or stainless steel • Model 2596 10"–16" Cast ductile iron• Model 2596 2"–36" Fabricated carbon steel and stainless steelAutomatic Self-Cleaning StrainersContinuous flow, simplified maintenance Model 2596The Eaton Model 2596 Automatic Self-Cleaning strainer is amotorized strainer designed for the continuous removal of entrained solids from liquid in pipeline systems. This strainer is ideal for applications that demand uninterrupted flow, a majorconsideration in plant operations. Eaton automatic self-cleaning strainers are available in thefollowing pipe sizes, 2" to 8" cast iron or stainless steel, 10" to 16" cast ductile iron only, 2" to 36" and special or bigger sizes upon request, fabricated carbon steel and stainless steel. Customdesigns and exotic materials are available upon request. A wide range of screen designs are offered from 1⁄8" perforation to 200 mesh.They are used for strainingcooling water from ponds, lakes or rivers, cooling towers, plant service water, boiler feed water, secondary effluent, irrigation and municipal water intake for equipment protection.The determining factors are the level of solids contentand the ability to handle the backwash discharge flow. Theyare a worthwhile investment when loading is high or upset conditions occur.These strainers also provideworry-free operation. Continuous flow is assured, even while the system is being backwashed, providing uninterrupted protection fornozzles, pumps, valves, heat exchangers and other process equipment.Frequent cleaning and servicing of manual strainers is costly, and if not properly done, serious disruptions to the entire piping system can occur. Eatonautomatic self-cleaning strainers will significantly reduce these maintenance costs. They are ideal replacements for either simplex or duplex manual strainers.Model 2596 - T • Automatic self-cleaning strainers are used to strain fresh, brackish or salt intake water for plant services such ascooling, process and fire protection. The strainers allow water to be recycled within the plant, reducing costs.• Process Industry—Protect heat exchangers, pumps, valves and spray nozzles. • Power Industry—Pump seal protection and cooling water. • Pulp and Paper Industry—Remove and separate bark and chips for recycling and prevent clogging of nozzles. • Sewage and Water Treatment Plants—Strain secondary effluent prior to discharge and provide clean plant service water. • Primary Metal Industry—Provide clean water for quenching, descaling and blast furnace cooling.Cenpeller™ technologyA common problem in many automatic self-cleaning strainers is inefficient backwashing due to debris lodged in the strainer element.The Model 2596 2" to 8" strainer features a vane plate positioned at the inlet of the strainer element where it contacts the process media before it enters the element. The vane plate causes the incoming liquid to move in a circular motion forcing the debris to lay up against the surface of the strainer element rather than lodging in the element’s openings. Lodged debris can negatively impact the differential pressure across the strainer, resulting in a shut down of the strainer and manual cleaning of the element. Cenpeller T echnology helps prevent this situation and delivers easier and more efficient backwashing.• Quality construction: Eaton Automatic Self-Cleaning Strainers are designed and constructed in accordance with”AD 2000-Merkblätter“, DIN EN 13445 or ASME Code. ASME code stamp and approval according to PED 97/23/EU (modules H, H1 orG) are available. Seismic qualification is also available.• Idl TM seal:The unique eaton idl Shaft Seal prevents troublesome leakage. This special quad seal means that the strainer always stays dry and clean in service with no process media leaking down the sides of the strainer.• Ease of maintenance: Unitized modular assembly—the motor, gear reducer, cover and complete internal operating mechanism lift off as a unit, making all components easily accessible. This greatly simplifies maintenance and reduces costs.• Low backwash fluid requirements: Only a small portion of system flow is used during backwash due tothe efficient hydraulic design.• Choice of screen elements: DuraWedge perforated or mesh elements.• Minimal power consumption:1�4HP drive motor in 2" through 16", 1�3HP in 18" through 24", ½ HP in 30", 1 HP in 36" through 42"and 2 HP in 48" strainers.• No bypass of contaminants: 2" to 8" element caps are epoxy sealed to screen media. O-ring seals on body cover prevent bypass around element. 10" to 36" (special and bigger sizes upon request) element caps are epoxy sealed to screen media. A machined cover and body provide metal-to-metal sealing and prevents bypassaround the element. For those elements whose retention is below 300 micron (60 mesh) an elastomer seal is provided on top andbottom of the element.• Cover seat design: O-ring permits resealing without time-consuming gasket replacements and adjustment.• Manual operation if required: utilizing extended shaft.For coarse straining applications, such as raw water intakes from lakes, ponds and streams, the convoluted perforated elements will perform well and offer the most economical unit pricing.On applications in which pre-screening of the fluid has been performed, but finer filtering of the fluids is desired, thesinter-bonded mesh element may be selected.On applications in which the fluid being strained encounters fibrous materials, the DuraWedge element will minimize the impact of the fibers stapling to the screen.Debris: Cleaning the straining element is accomplished by usingthe pressure differential between line pressure and atmosphere. During the cleaning cycle, when the backwash valve is opened to atmosphere, a portion of the strained fluid reverses flow back across the isolated section of element, lifts off the debris and ejects it out of the strainer.Sticky or greasy debris are more difficult to backwash and may require longer backwash cycle durations. Sand, dirt and pipe scale should backwash easily. The quantity of debris coming into the strainer also can be a problem. Ensure that the volume of the suspended solids does not exceed 200 ppm or 0.02%. If the application requires heavier loading consult Eaton.Backwash requirements:The quantity of fluid requiredto clean a straining element is dependent upon the type and quantity of debris. Under normal conditions, approximately 5% of the line flow will be used for cleaning of the straining element during the cleaning cycle. To minimize the loss of fluid through the backwash, Eaton recommends to add a manual throttling valve downstream of the automated valve.Pressure and temperature• Cast Iron is rated at 13.8 bar @ 65°C.• Ductile Iron is rated at 10.3 bar @ 65°C.• Cast Stainless Steel is rated at 18.9 bar @ 37°C• Fabricated units are rated at 10 bar @ 65°C.However, other ratings are available, consult Eaton.• The minimum operating pressure is 1.4 bar.Inlet of screenelementTop ViewStraining cycleModel 2596 Strainer: How it worksThe debris-laden fluid enters thestrainer’s bottom chamber (1) where the line velocity isreduced. Flow continues upward,passing radially through thesealed screen element (2), which traps debris on the inside of the screen. The flow is uninterrupted and the strained fluid flows to the outer annulus (3) and exits through the outlet nozzle (4).Backwash cleaning isaccomplished by utilizing thepressure differential between line pressure and atmosphere. A high-efficiency, full flow backwash arm (5) extending the entire length of the screen element, rotatesslowly inside of the screen and is piped to atmosphere. The port shoe (6) is in proximity to the screen and its opening is equivalent to the “debriscollector” sections created by the convolutions and/or vertical collector bars in the element.When cleaning is required the automatic backwash valve opens the system to atmosphere, causing a high velocity reverse flow across the isolated section of the screen. Dirt and debris are dislodged from this segment of the screen into the backwash arm and out the strainer through the backwash piping (7). During the backwashing cycle the main flow is uninterrupted andcontinues to be strained in the normal manner.Designed to monitor and operate the backwash cleaning system, Eaton automatic control systems are simple to operate, reliable andBackwashing cycleDuring backwashing, only a small portion of the screen is cleaned at any given time. The majority of the screen continues to screen as normal.Mechanically Cleaned Filters & Strainer TECHNICAL INFORMATIONModel 2596 Automatic Self-Cleaning StrainersBackwash Armeasily maintained. They are set to clean on differential pressure with a timed backup. The design allows field adjustments to suit the demands of the serviceconditions, ensuring effective cleaning with a minimum use of backwash fluid. Systems areavailable in automatic, intermittent or continuous backwashing modes.Top ViewV-Shaped Profile WireStrained Clean Continuous FlowDuraWedge Screen Element Reinforcing Bands Debris-Laden Flow from InletBackwash Arm Opened to AtmosphereStrained Clean Continuous FlowReverse FlowReverse FlowDirty Fluid Discharged through Backwash PipingStrained Continuous FlowCollector BarsPort shoe on backwash arm matches “debris collector section” on screen.Backwash Arm Rotates around the Screen to Clean every Section over Time.BackwashArm Closed to AtmosphereStrainedContinuous FlowDebris-Laden Flow from InletDebris-Laden Flow from Inlet1234567Model 2596 flow ratecomparison chartI/OFlow rate**Size & construction* m 3/h 2" cast 11.4–27.33" cast 22.7–59.1 4"/4L" cast 38.6–102.2 6" cast 84–227.1 8" cast 113.6–408.8 10" cast 204.4–635.9 12" cast 272.5–908.5 14" cast 363.4–1,135.6 16" cast 454.2–1,476.3 2" fabricated 11.4–27.3 3" fabricated 22.7–59.1 4"/4L" fabricated 38.6–102.2 6" fabricated 84–227.1 8" fabricated 113.6–408.810" fabricated 204.4–635.9 12" fabricated 272.5–908.5 16" fabricated 454.2–1,476.3 18" fabricated 567.8–1,930.6 20" fabricated 658.7–2,316.7 24" fabricated 726.8–3,406.9 30" fabricated 1,135.6–5,45136" fabricated1,771.6–7,949.4* Special and bigger sizes upon request.** P ressure drop data is approximate and indicates results to be expected with clean water, under normal flows with standard screens and in clean strainer. For DuraWedge and sinter bonded elements, consult Eaton.Sizes 2" to 8"Cast Construction Model 2596 Automatic Self-Cleaning PipelineStrainers are available for six different pipeline sizes. The 4L" size is designed for applications where the combination of flow rate and open area requirements may be too great for astandard 4" size. Flow rates up to 409 m³/h.Model 2596 10" to 16" Cast Metal models provide flow rates up to 1,476 m³/h.Model 2596 Fabricated models are available in 13 different sizes from 2" to 36" (special and bigger sizes can be fabricated upon request). Custom designs and exotic materials are also available upon request, consult Eaton.The Eaton Easy 719 Control Unit is housed in a Rittal control box with IP65 protection. The control supply voltage is 400 V 3 Ph50 Hz, meaning the motor can be supplied with the same ing transformers, the control system can supply three different output voltages for the backwash valve. The available options are 24 V , 110 V and 230 V .In addition to the standardsystem described above, other models can be supplied to meet special requirements relating to wiring, control boxes (door locking system) or ATEX, for example.Eaton’s Automatic Control Systems are specifically designed to monitor and control the backwash system of automatic self-cleaning strainers. They are both reliable and easy to use. They make it possible to make adjustments that take operating conditions into account and guarantee effective cleaning with minimal use of backwashing fluid.Standard Control System FeaturesModes of OperationComponentsThe Eaton Easy 719 control relayenables fully-automatic operation. In the automatic intermittent mode, rinse intervals and cycle length can be configured via an external display. The backwash valve can also be controlled manually using a push button.In both automatic mode and manual backwash mode, the backwash arm continuously rotates at a low 2–4 RPM.The automatic intermittent mode can be configured using the Eaton Easy 719 display panel. Adjustable timers control the frequency and duration of backwashing. On-siteadjustments are necessary in order to configure this mode to precise usage requirements.Furthermore, differential pressure switches in the inlet and outlet can be configured so thatbackwashing will be initiated if differential pressure rises above the chosen setting.MotorsAn electric motor and gear box are supplied with the strainer. The standard motor is a three-phase 400 V/50 Hz motor.Additional motors are available upon request.Differential pressure switch The control system can optionally be fitted with pressure switches in the filter inlet and outlet. The additionally activated differential pressure mode compensates for sudden high dirt loading byoverriding the time cycle initially set and initiating backwashing before the end of the cycle. This secondary protective function prevents element damage.Backwash valveThe strainers can be equipped with electrically actuated ball valves (24 VAC, 110 VAC or 230 VAC). The construction materials used are suitable for water applications. Other materials, valve types and pneumatic actuation are optional.Backwash valve sizes Valve size2", 3", 4" 1"6", 8"1 ½" 10", 12", 14", 16" 2" 18", 20", 24", 30" 3" 36"6"Special and bigger sizes upon requestControl Systems & ElementsDuraWedge® ElementThe nonclogging and rugged DuraWedge element is made ofstainless steel, formed with precision V-shaped profile wire. Available only from Eaton.• T wo point contact straining from the “smooth” side prevents plugging or packing of debris and particles.• E ffective dislodging of dirt, debris and fibers from the element during backwash. This is accomplished by the increased velocity of the reverse flow (during backwash) from the “open side”.• F iber stapling is reduced because of smooth surfaces and the design contour of the profile wire.• V ertical collector bars form spaces to accumulate debris and dirt, preventing snow plowing of materials by the rotating backwash arm and port shoe.• No bypass. Elements are sealed.• F ully-welded design with circumferential reinforcing bands provides structural integrity. DuraWedge Element Selection2", 3", 4", 6", 8" 1⁄16", 1⁄32", 0.015"10", 12", 14", 16" 1⁄8", 1⁄16", 1⁄32", 0.015", 0.009" 18", 20", 24"3⁄16", 1⁄8", 1⁄16", 1⁄32", 0.015", 0.009"Eaton offers a full range of element choices for automatic strainers. All are manufactured to the toughest industry standards and are designed for long term use in even the most demanding applications.Convoluted ElementThis is a sturdy, economical stainless steel element for general service use. It is ideal in applications where leaves, twigs and large amounts of miscellaneous debris are encountered. The generous spaces created by the convolutions provide an area for the debris to collect. “Packing” does not occur due to the gradual contoured shape of the convolutions. During backwashing the debris is easily dislodged and carried away through the backwash arm and out of the strainer.Features• C ircumferential reinforcing bands for added resistance to pressure and flexing ensures long service life.• Cartridge design for easy removal and cleaning.• C onvoluted sections are individually isolated by the port shoe during backwash for increased cleaning efficiency.• N o snow plowing. Convoluted profile provides collection spaces for debris.• Extended area design offered only by Eaton.• No bypass.• Sinter bonded mesh available - An Eaton exclusive. Convoluted Element SelectionStrainer SizeStandard OpeningsConvoluted perforated element 2", 3", 4", 6", 8" 1⁄8", 1⁄16", 1⁄32" 10", 12", 14", 16" 1⁄8", 1⁄16", 1⁄32" 18", 20", 24"5⁄32", 1⁄8", 1⁄16"Convoluted mesh element All sizes20 mesh (0.015") to 200 mesh (0.003")Basic Sizing Guidelines1. E nsure that the pipeline flow velocity falls within thestandard design range of the strainer.2. S elect the correct screen and opening size, do not make smaller than necessary.3. T he quantity, type and nature of debris to be removed are considered.4. T he strainer meets the design pressure and temperature requirements of the pipeline.5. B ackwash line should discharge to atmosphere in close proximity to the strainer.Standard Design Parameters1. S elf-cleaning strainers have a design flow range where the unit will best perform its two main functions, straining and self-cleaning.2. I nlet flow velocity to the strainer should be in the 1.83 to3.05 m/s range. There may be applications where the operating flow will fall outside the normal design range. When this occurs, please contact Eaton for recommendations.3. M inimum operating pressure is 1.38 bar for standard units. Consult Eaton for equipment options when the system pressure is less than 1.38 bar.4. S uspended solids should not exceed 200 ppm or 0.02% of volume (see below). For heavier loadings consult Eaton.Strainer sizing chart **Special and bigger sizes upon requestPPM %1,000 GALSuspended solids sizing chart and conversion table3STANDARD DESIGN RANGEVelocity [m/s] [ft/s]F l o w r a t e (w a t e r ) [G P M ]22,50013,5009,0004,5002,2501,8001,3509004502251801359045231813.594.520406080101002006008001,0002,0004,0006,0008,00010,00020,00040,00060,00080,000100,000400F l o w r a t e (w a t e r ) [m ³/h ]For more information, please email us at ********************or visit /filtration© 2022 Eaton. All rights reserved. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All information and recommenda-tions appearing in this brochure concerning the use of products described herein are based on tests believed to be reliable. However, it is the user’s responsibility to determine the suitability for his own use of such products. Since the actual use by others is beyond our control, no guarantee, expressed or implied, is made by Eaton as to the effects of such use or the results to be obtained. Eaton assumes no liability arising out of the use by others of such products. Nor is the infor-mation herein to be construed as absolutely complete, since additional information may be necessary or desirable when particular or exceptional conditions or circumstances exist or because of applicable laws or government regulations.North America 44 Apple StreetTinton Falls, NJ 07724Toll Free: 800 656-3344 (North America only)Tel: +1 732 212-4700Europe/Africa/Middle East Auf der Heide 253947 Nettersheim, Germany Tel: +49 2486 809-0Friedensstraße 4168804 Altlußheim, Germany Tel: +49 6205 2094-0An den Nahewiesen 2455450 Langenlonsheim, Germany Tel: +49 6704 204-0Greater China No. 7, Lane 280, Linhong RoadChangning District, 200335 Shanghai, P .R. China Tel: +86 21 5200-0099Asia-Pacific100G Pasir Panjang Road #07-08 Interlocal Centre Singapore 118523Tel: +65 6825-1668Volume conversion factorsPressure Conversion FactorFlow velocity conversion factorsVelocity = GPM X 0.4085 in ft/s ____________ID 2in inchesStrainer Basket Opening EquivalentsTighter retentions available, consult Eaton.Strainer Basket Opening EquivalentsEN 05-2022。
目录1. 总则 (2)2. 标准 (2)3. 现场条件 (3)4. 公用工程条件 (5)5. 产品技术参数 (6)6、检验、监造和性能验收试验 (9)7.性能保证 (10)8. 工作及供货范围 (11)9. 乙方提交的技术文件 (12)10. 备品备件、消耗品和特殊工具 (13)11 技术服务及人员培训 (14)12. 设备包装要求 (14)13.质量保证期限、交货期及交货地点 (14)1. 总则1.1项目简介业主:中海石油天野化工股份有限公司项目地址:内蒙古呼和浩特市内蒙天野公司装置区内设计单位:中国成达工程公司项目名称:中海石油天野化工6 万吨/年聚甲醛项目分项名称:公用工程辅助生产装置1.2总体要求1.2.1本规定包含对循环水过滤器设备的最低限度的技术要求。
2. 标准2.1乙方对提供的设备负责,对产品的设计、制造、检验、试验等应符合下列标准和规范以及有关的法规要求。
2.1.1设计标准GB/T50102-2003 工业循环水冷却设计规范GB50050-95 工业循环冷却水处理设计规范JB2932-1999 水处理设备制造技术条件GB50017-2003 钢结构设计规范GB50009-2001 建筑结构荷载规范GB50011-2001 建筑抗震设计规范JB/ZQ4000.2-86 切削加工件通用技术条件JB/ZQ4000.3-86 焊接通用技术条件JB/ZQ4000.5-86 铸件通用技术条件JB/ZQ4000.9-86 装配技术条件JB/ZQ4000.10-86 涂装通用技术条件JB/ZQ4286-86 包装技术通用技术条件JB/ZQ4000.1-86 产品检验通用技术要求GB8923-85 涂装前钢材表面锈蚀等级和防腐等级制造厂商的相关有效制造标准安装主要执行标准为国家现行标准和企业标准GB50243-20022.1.2检验、验收标准GB50205-1995 钢结构施工及验收规范2.1.3试验标准2.2如果乙方提供的产品暂无法定标准规定,则乙方在合同签订前,应向甲方提供下述文件供甲方确认(但甲方确认并不意味解除卖方对产品应承担的所有责任)。
FILTRON 1-10 (DC/AC)操作手册2011FILTRON 1-10 控制器(直流/交流)概述“FILTRON 1-10”控制器是专门为自动过滤器设计的模块化反清洗控制器,可以控制1到10台设备。
1. 反洗时间设定每台设备的反洗时间,以下档可选5-20 秒 每按一下调整 1 秒 20-55 秒 每按一下调整 5 秒 1-6 分 每按一下调整 0.5 分2. 压差设定在这个区域,用户可以设定出口和入口的压差,当压差达到设定值时,一次反清洗就会启动。
当压力单位是BAR 时,范围从0.1–2.0 BAR. 当压力单位是PSI 时,范围从1–30 PSI.当系统中没有电子压差感应器,而是使用了外部压差感应器,反洗请求信号会到达位于输入终端上的关闭干式接点。
ARKAL过滤 器 在 化 学 制水 装 置 上 的应 用
董 钧
( 国 石 油 吉林 石化 公 司 高 碳 醇厂 ,吉林 吉林 1 2 2 ) 中 3 0 2
摘 要 :全 自动 ARKAL过 滤 器主要 用于过 滤 水 中的 微 粒 、 体 及 大分 子有 机 物 , 一 种 新 型 水 过 胶 是
A b t a t An i n v tv t r flr t n e u p e ta t ma i ARKAL flr t n i n r d c d sr c : n o a i e wa e i a i q i m n — u o tc t o i a i s ito u e . t o
第 4 O卷 增 刊 1 21 O 1年 8月
V o . Supp e e t l 1 40 l m n Aug 01 .2 1
文 章 编 号 :10 —4 6 2 1 ) 刊 10 6—2 0 07 6 (0 1 增 0 30
少、 占地 小 、 可实 现 全 面 自动 化 的 特 点 , 石 化 企业 在
化 学 制水 装置 上广 泛使 用 。 ]
图 1 AR KAL过 滤 器 内 部 结 构 示 图
收 稿 日期 :2 1 40 0 10 — 1
作 者 简 介 :董
钧 ( 9 9) 男 , 1 6 , 吉林 省 吉林 市 人 , 程 师 , 学 学 士 , 事 石 油 化 工 设 备 的技 术 管 理 工 作 。 工 工 从
新 鲜 工业 水过 滤是 热 电厂化 学水 处理 的重 要环
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经 20 多年工业实用验证,过滤和反洗效果不会随使用时间而变
强大技术支持 ARKAL 经验丰富的工程师和代理可提供全球的售前和售后技术
SPIN KLIN 过滤系统的应用
应用点 循环冷却水
一般水处理单元 保护 薄膜保护过滤 海水过滤 废水处理 其它化工单 元数
2 3 4
3 4 5 8 12 15 18
3 4 5 6
耐压 反冲 最大流量 ton/hr. 外型尺寸 mm
压力 100- 55u 20u 长 高 宽
bar Bar 400u
2 英寸标准过滤单元 (每个单元含一个 SPINE)
2.8 <40 <26 <15 <545 815 720
在过滤时,过滤叠片通过弹簧和流体 压压紧,压差越大,压紧力越强。保 证了自锁性高效过滤。液体由外缘通 过沟槽流向叠片内缘,经过 18-32 个 过滤点,从而形成独特的深层过滤。 过滤结束后通过手工或液压使叠片 之间松开进行手工清洗或自动反冲 洗。
SPIN KLIN® 自动反清洗过滤系统
以色列 Arkal 过滤系统有限公司 成立于 1974 年,自成立以来一直 致力于自动反冲洗过滤系统的研 究与生产。核心产品 Spin Klin 在 过滤界更具盛名,其过滤精度稳 定(绝对 5-400 微米可选),反冲 再生性好,占地面积小,连续工 作等优点都是其他自动反冲洗过 滤器制造商所梦寐追求的。
单个 SPINE 基本参数
10 公斤
2.8 公斤
0.08-0.8 公斤
每 SPINE 单 元 设 计 流 量 5 (20 微米), 10(55 微米), 15(大于 100 微
反冲洗时每 SPIN 单元流速 8-10 立方米/小时
反冲洗时每 SPIN 单元耗液量 17-33 升
SPIN KLIN 自动反冲洗过滤器是叠片式过滤器的优点的进一步发挥,SPIN KLIN 过滤器和一般叠片式过滤器的不同之出是在于它的专利设计的内撑-SPINE, SPINE 上有一组弹簧,一个活塞,和三组反冲喷嘴,他们配合其他控制系统共同 作用达到高效过滤和完全反冲的功效
Spin Klin 过滤器的过滤头和身是由增强聚酰胺塑料成形制造,防腐耐磨,可承 受工作压力 1 Mpa。过滤叠片材质为聚丙烯塑料,密封为 EPDM,进出水及排 水管路为碳钢喷涂环氧树脂,不锈钢材质等,这一切使得整套过滤器系统能抵挡 恶劣的工作环境。
2.8 240 160 80 1290 1640 1125
2.8 360 240 120 1290 2105 1125
2.8 350 300 150 1760 2105 1970
2.8 540 360 180 1760 2170 1970
4 英寸标准过滤单元(每个单元含五个 SPINE)
335 290 435 370 565 485 705 610
*. 对于更大的流量可以模块式增加单元。进出口可由客户指定。 标准反冲方式为过滤流体压力,也可用外压,例如空气等 反冲控制可时间/压差形式 对于杂质含量很高的液体,流速适当减低
2.8 <60 <40 <23 <845 815 720
2.8 <80 <53 <32 1145 815 720
3 英寸标准过滤单元(每个单元含两个 SPINE)
2.8 90 60 30 900 1365 865
2.8 120 80 40 1200 1365 865
2.8 150 100 50 1500 1365 865
去除水中杂质,延长被保护 所 有 行
水处理单元的再生时间或 业
去除水中大的杂质,有效保 水处理
全塑系统,除杂质和海水微 水处理
降 低 水 中 颗 粒 性 BOD , 所 有 行
COD,降低水中杂质和有机 业
达到生产要求,保护设备 所 有 行
高效反冲洗, 专利设计第二代 SPIN KLIN 反冲单元,只需 7-20 秒左右即可完
反冲洗时节能 成,一般情况下反洗耗水量低于过滤水量的 0.5%,对于粘性杂
全自动控制, 在过滤器模块组套内,反洗过程轮流交替进行,各单元工作、
2.8 300 200
1450 1480 830
2.8 400 267
1950 1520 900
2.8 500 333 167 2450 1520 900
2.8 600 400 200 2950 1560 970
重量 kg 标准 全塑
79 70 100 90 121 110
160 150 185 170 223 203 500 420 610 510 750 630 900 720
防止热交换器,管道,喷嘴, 钢铁,塑
产品的堵塞和污染,保证热 料,化工
交换效率,节水节能,提高 等
去除水中杂质,使水达到回 电力,造
用要求,保护设备,管道, 纸 , 钢
去除水中杂质,使水达到应 电力,化
用要求,保护设备,管道, 工 , 汽
适合高腐蚀流 系统材料选择广,其中全塑系统拥有优秀的抗化学腐蚀性,耐
系统操作成本 ISO 9001 质量体系,所有材料和配件都和供应商一起优化,系
低,运行可靠, 统出厂前经 100%整体测试运转。几乎不需日常维护,安装操作
描叙 空调冷却水 设备和仪器冷却水 产品冷却水
清洗,冲洗水回用 造纸用水回用 工艺水回用 储水池清洁 总进水 喷洗水,清洗水 工艺水,饮用水
保护沙滤器,树脂 保护滤芯,滤袋
微滤膜,超滤膜,R/O 膜,离子交换膜 海水淡化预过滤 海水养殖 废水直接过滤排放 生物处理前过滤 中水回用前过滤 溶剂型 乳化液
*对于 20 微米以下的精度请咨询当地代理商
独特叠片设计,微米级精确过滤 创新的深层过滤设计可捕获大量杂质
高级工程塑料,可适合复杂流体过滤 长时间工作,仅需少量的维修和清晰
2. SPIN KLIN 自动反清洗过滤系统的结构及工作原理
ARKAL 公司是叠片过滤技术的创始 者,薄薄的特定颜色的塑料叠片两边 刻有大量一定微米尺寸的沟槽。一串 同种模式的叠片叠压在特别设计的 内撑上。通过弹簧和液体压力压紧 时,叠片之间的沟槽交叉,从而制造 出拥有一系列独特过滤通道的深层 过滤单元,这个过滤单元装在一个耐 压耐腐蚀的滤筒中形成过滤器。
70 度
*对于超出此参数的过滤系统请咨询当地 ARKAL 公司代理
SPIN KLIN 叠片式自动反冲洗过滤器的优点
稳定的过滤效 独特设计精确制造的 ARKAL 叠片,拥有,10μ,20μ、55μ、
100μ、130μ、200μ、400 μ等多种规格,不同的过滤精度精
过滤器共有两种运行状态:过滤状态和 反洗状态。在过滤状态下,原水从外面 通过叠片,过滤叠片在弹簧力和水力的 作用下被紧紧地压在一起,杂质颗粒被 截留在叠片交叉点,经过过滤的水从过 滤器中流出。
当到达一定压差时,系统自动进入反 洗状态,控制器控制阀门改变水流方 向,反冲水压使叠片被松开,位于叠 中央的喷嘴沿切线喷射,使叠片旋 转,将截留在叠片上的杂质冲洗甩 出。当反冲结束时,水流方向再次改 变,叠片再次被压紧,系统重新进入 过滤状态。