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大连市第六中学初一英语备课组 2009. 6



1.I went to California__________ Thursday morning.

A. at

B. on

C. in



2. They went to the ___________ to have a big dinner.

A. shop

B. theatre

C. beach

D. restaurant

3. ---Was there _________ rain tomorrow?

---Yes, we were wet all over.

A. heavy

B. strong

C. strongly

D. heavily

4. The Smith don’t live here any longer. They ________ to another city ten years ago.

A. hurried

B. got

C. moved

D. returned

5. ---___________ did your journey last?

---Five days.

A. How far

B. How much

C. How long

D. When

6. Please knock on the door before you __________ the room.

A. entered

B. pushed

C. noticed

D. counted

7. I’m hungry___________ I’m going to buy some food.

A. however

B. because

C. but

D. so

8. ---I’ll go to Hong Kong to do some sightseeing.


A. No, I won’t.

B. No problem.

C. Have a good time.

D. It’s kind of you.

9. In 2012, ___________ people will go to London to see the exciting Olympic Games.

A. ten millions

B. millions of

C. ten millions of

D. million of

10. The days get ________________ in summer.

A. long and long

B. longer and longer

C. the longest

D. longest

11. I don’t like fall behind __________ students.

A. the other

B. the others

C. others

D. another

12. When he was young, he ___________ a hospital to help the sick people.

A. opens

B. opened

C. will open

D. is opening

13. ---What is your teacher like?


A. He likes teaching.

B. He is like a friend.

C. He is strict but nice.

D. Vegetables and fruit.

14. Tom has the longest journey because he lives __________from the school.

A. far

B. farther

C. farthest

D. closest

15. People say “____________” to family and friends on Christmas Day.

A. Happy Christmas

B. You too

C. The same to you

D. You’re welcome



A: Look. I’ve got a book about Shakespeare’s life. (16)________________He was born on 23 April, 1564 and he died on 23 April, 1616.

B: So he died at the age of 52. (17)________________

A: No, he didn’t. He finished school at the age of 14.

B: Did he marry when he was young?

A: Yes, he did. (18)________________

B: Were there any children?

A: (19)________________And this is interesting about vocabulary, too.

(20)________________And Hamlet was the longest and most popular of all his plays.

A. He married a woman called Anne at the age of 18.

B. There are 29066 different words in Shakespeare’s plays.

C. Shakespeare was born and died on the same day.

D. He has three children.

E. He was born and died on different days.

F. Did he finish school at the age of 12?

G. Yes, there were three children.


21. Are Tony and Daming going to have a party? (做否定回答) No, ________


22. He visited his aunt last weekend.(改为否定句)He _________ _______ his

aunt last weekend.

23.We clean the classroom every day. (用at the moment改写句子) We _______

_________ the classroom at the moment.
