






Synopsys解决方案包括:System Creation(系统生成)System Verification and Analysis(系统验证与分析)Design Planning(设计规划)Physical Synthesis(物理综合)Design for Manufacturing(可制造设计)Design for Verification(可验证设计)Test Automation(自动化测试)Deep Submicron, Signal and Layout Integrity(深亚微米技术、信号与规划完整性技术)Intellectual Property and Design Reuse Technology(IP 核与设计重用技术)Standard and Custom Block Design(标准和定制模块设计)Chip Assembly(芯片集成)Final Verification(最终验证)Fabrication and Packaging(制造与封装设计工具)Technology CAD(TCAD)(工艺计算机辅助设计技术)主要包括以下工具:1.VCS (Verilog Compiled Simulator)2.DC (Design Compiler)3.ICC (IC Compiler)4.PT (PrimeTime)5.Hercules (Hercules Physical Verification)6.Star-RCXT (parasitic extraction tool)7.LEDA (LEDA Checker and LEDA Specifier)8.Formality (RTL to gate-level equivalence checking of cell-based designs)9.TetraMAX ATPG (Provides manufacturing test patterns for scan designs)1.VCS (Verilog Compiled Simulator)VCS是编译型Verilog模拟器,它完全支持OVI标准的Verilog HDL语言、PLI和SDF。







目前EDA 技术已在各大公司、企事业单位和科研教学部门广泛使用。



EDA 设计可分为系统级、电路级和物理实现级。



下面按主要功能或主要应用场合,分为电路设计与仿真工具、PCB设计软件、IC 设计软件、PLD设计工具及其它EDA软件,进行简单介绍。

1、电子电路设计与仿真工具电子电路设计与仿真工具包括SPICE/PSPICE;EWB;Matlab;SystemView;MMICAD 等。


(1)SPICE(Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis)是由美国加州大学推出的电路分析仿真软件,是20世纪80年代世界上应用最广的电路设计软件,1998年被定为美国国家标准。



发信人: donnie (QQ糖∈IMECAS2004), 信区: IME标题:EDA软件列表发信站: BBS 科苑星空站(Fri Oct 1 22:53:40 2004), 站内★数字电路设计工具★分类产品名制造商逻辑综合器、静态时序分析Blast RTL 美国MAGMA公司VHDL/Verilog-HDL Simulator(仿真工具) Active-HDL 美国Aldec公司混合语言仿真NC-sim 美国Cadence Design Systems公司Verilog仿真器Verilog-XL 同上System C 仿真器NC- System C 同上VHDL仿真器NC- VHDL 同上物理综合工具PKS 同上超级综合工具(带有最优化配置功能)BuildGates Extreme 同上Verilog仿真/VHDL编译器VCS/Scirocco 美国Synopsys公司RTL级逻辑综合工具DC expert 美国Synopsys公司Vhdl/Verilog混合语法和设计规范检查器LEDA 美国Synopsys公司FPGA综合器Synplify PRO 美国Synplicity公司物理综合Amplify 美国Synplicity公司测试与原型验证Certify SC 美国Synplicity公司VHDL/Verilog-HDL 仿真工具ModelSim 美国Mentor Graphics公司Verilog-HDL仿真工具TauSim 美国Tau Simulation公司Hardware Accelerator ARES 美国IKOS Systems公司Static Timming 解析工具EinsTimer 美国IBM公司逻辑Simulator(仿真) Explore 美国Aptix公司Xcite 美国Axis Systems公司VirtuaLogic 美国IKOS Systems公司VIVACE 美国Mentor Graphics公司功耗解析/最优化工具(RTL)WattSmith 美国Sente公司逻辑验证工具(测试向量生成)Specman Elite 美国Verisity Design公司CODE・COVERAGE工具,状態COVERAGE工具Verification 美国TransEDA公司Navigator/State 美国TransEDA公司Navigator 美国TransEDA公司Formal・Verifier(等价性评价)BoolesEye 美国IBM公司Tuxedo 美国V erplex Systems公司HDL调试工具Debussy 美国Novas Software公司电路合成工具,行为级合成工具(VHDL编程)BooleDozer 美国IBM 公司High Level电路合成工具eXplorations Tools 美国Explorations公司RTL设计TeraForm 美国Tera Systems公司——————————————————————————————————————★模拟/数.模混合信号电路设计工具★分类产品名制造商模拟电路Simulator(仿真工具)T-Spice Pro 美国Tanner Research公司SmartSpice 美国Silvaco International公司Eldo 美国Mentor Graphics公司电路图仿真/物理设计环境COSMOS SE/LE 美国Synopsys公司数字/模拟混合信号仿真HSPICE/NanoSim 美国Synopsys公司混合信号・Simulator(仿真工具)ICAP/4 美国intusoft 公司混合信号・Simulator(仿真工具)美国Mentor Graphics公司RF电路Simulator(仿真工具)ADVance,CommLib 美国Mentor Graphics公司Analog Macro Library 美国Mentor Graphics公司Static Noise 解析工具(混合信号)SeismIC 美国CadMOS Design Technology公司Model Generator(模拟)NeoCell 美国Neolinear公司模拟电路设计工具MyAnalog Station 美国MyCAD公司电路仿真工具Star-Hspice 美国Avanti公司Star-Sim 美国Avanti公司Star-Time 美国Avanti公司电路图编辑器Scholar 美国Silvaco International公司S-edit 美国TANNER公司模拟、射频及混合信号仿真Cadence Analog Design Environment 美国Cadence公司层次化原理图输入工具Virtuoso Composer 美国Cadence公司原理图输入Orcad Capture CIS, 美国Cadence公司Concept HDL Capture CIS, 美国Cadence公司原理图仿真Pspice NC Desktop 美国Cadence公司————————————————————————————————————————★Hard/Soft协调设计工具★分类产品名制造商Hard/Soft协调设计工具Cierto VCC Environment 美国Cadence公司ArchGen 美国CAE Plus公司eArchitect 美国Viewlogic Systems公司Hard/Soft协调验证工具SeamlessCVE 美国Mentor Graphics公司————————————————————————————————————————★LSI Layout设计工具★分类产品名制造商寄生电容/阻抗提取工具DISCOVERY 美国Silvaco International公司IC 版图设计MyChip StationTM V6.4 美国MyCAD公司寄生电容/寄生阻抗提取工具,延迟计算工具SWIM/InterCal 美国Aspec Technology公司寄生电容/阻抗提取工具,回路Simulator(仿真工具),Layout变换工具Spicelink,Ansoftlinks 美国Ansoft公司物理版图编辑器Virtuoso-XL Layout Editor 美国Cadence公司交互式物理版图验证工具Diva 美国Cadence公司信号完整性时序分析工具SignalStorm 美国Cadence公司Model Generator CLASSIC-SC 美国Cadabra Design Automation公司Layout设计工具(带有电路合成功能)Blast Fusion 美国Magma公司Layout设计工具DOLPHIN 美国Monterey Design Systems公司L-Edit Pro 美国Tanner Research公司MyChip Station 美国MyCAD公司CELEBRITY,Expert 美国Silvaco International公司相位Shift Mask设计工具,OPC设计工具,Mask 测试工具iN-Phase/TROPiC/CheckIt 美国Numerical Tecnologies公司版图寄生参数提取工具Star-RC 美国Avanti公司逻辑仿真与版图设计熊猫系统2000 中国华大————————————————————————————————————————★测试工具★分类产品名制造商Test - Pattern 变换工具TDS iBlidge/SimValidator 美国Fluence Technology公司Test 设计工具TestBench 美国IBM公司TDX 美国Fluence Technology公司————————————————————————————————————————★印刷电路版设计工具★分类产品名制造商高速PCB设计与验证SPECCTRAQuest 美国Cadence Design Systems 公司PCB设计用自动配置,配线工具AllegroSPECCTRA 美国Cadence Design Systems 公司PCB设计Orcad Layout 美国Cadence Design Systems公司PCB用温度解析工具PCB Thermal 美国Ansoft公司面向焊接的PCB用温度解析工具PCB SolderSim 美国Ansoft公司PCB用振动・疲劳解析工具PCB Vibration Plus/PCB Fatigue 美国Ansoft公司PCB/MCM用寄生电容/阻抗提取工具,回路Simulator(仿真工具)PCB/MCM Signal Integrity 美国Ansoft公司封装(Package)设计工具Advanced Packaging Designer/Ensemble 美国Cadence公司封装(Package)用温度解析工具Hybrid Thermal 美国Ansoft公司封装(Package)用寄生电容/寄生阻抗提取工具Turbo Package Analyzer 美国Ansoft公司PCB设计工具ePlanner 美国Viewlogic Systems公司PCB设计Protel DXP ALTIUM公司————————————————————————————————————————★其他的工具★分类产品名制造商AC/DC设计・解析工具MotorExpert 韓国jasontech公司工艺・Simulator(仿真工具)ATHENA 美国Silvaco International公司器件・Simulator(仿真工具)ATLAS 美国Silvaco International公司器件模拟工具工艺模拟工具Medici,Davinci,TSUPREM 美国Avanti公司射频与微波设计ADS 美国Agilent公司信号处理系统级设计工具SPW4.8 美国Cadence Design Systems公司数字信号处理和通信产品的系统级设计工具Matlab/Simulink 美国Mathworks公司————————————————————————————————————————★PLD开发系统★分类产品名制造商可编程逻辑电路开发工具MAXPLUS Ⅱ美国ALTERA公司可编程逻辑电路(含SOPC)开发工具QUARTUS 美国ALTERA公司可编程逻辑电路开发工具ISP expert/ispLEVER v3.0 美国Lattice公司可编程逻辑电路开发工具ISE 6.2i Foundation 美国Xinlinx公司可编程逻辑电路开发工具Actel Designer R1-2003 美国ACTEL公司。



光学设计软件介绍1. Zemax:Zemax是当今最为流行和广泛应用的光学设计软件之一、它提供了强大的功能和易于使用的界面,可以用于设计和优化各种类型的光学系统,如透镜、反射器、光栅等。


2. Code V:Code V是由Synopsys公司开发的一款全面的光学设计和分析软件。


Code V支持各种非球面和广角光学元件,具有高度的灵活性和可扩展性。

3. TracePro:TracePro是一款用于进行光学和照明系统设计的综合仿真软件。



4. LightTools:LightTools是一款由Synopsys公司开发的全面的光学设计和分析软件。



5. OpticStudio:OpticStudio是一款由Zemax公司开发的全面的光学设计软件。








Synopsys 综合工具Design Compiler(DC)

Synopsys 综合工具Design Compiler(DC)

Synopsys 综合工具Design Compiler(DC)简介一.约束的基本概念:约束就是对用户的设计中可度量的电路参数(如时序、面积以及电容等)进行声明。


当DC对设计进行优化时,使用了两类约束:1)设计规则约束(Design Rule Constraints,DRC):此类约束是工具固有的,由工艺库(technology library)来定义。



2)优化约束(Optimization Constraints):它们是由用户定义的,前提是可实现的。


下图给出DC 主要的DRC及优化约束,以及相关的DC命令(dc_shell接口命令)。

DRC:最大转换时间(Max Transition Time):对于一条连线(net)来说,是其驱动pin逻辑值转化的最长时间。

最大扇出(Max Fanout):对于驱动pin来讲。

最大/最小电容(Max/Min Capacitance):用来控制连线的电容值。

器件退化(Cell Degradation):某些工艺库包括器件退化表,它列举了某一器件可驱动的最大电容,是该器件输入pin最大转换时间的函数。

优化约束:时序约束:包括输入/输出延迟(Input/Output Delay):同步路径最大/最小延迟(Minimum/Maximum Delay):异步路径最大面积(门数):最小孔隙度(Min porosity):可布线性二.约束报告约束报告提供了设计规则和优化约束的信息。




GUIDEBetter. Faster. Stronger. Complementing Static Analysis With Software Composition Analysis for Open Source ManagementTable of contentsIntroduction (2)Looking at unmanaged open source risk (2)License risk of unmanaged open source (2)Quality and maintenance risks of unmanaged open source (2)Security risk of unmanaged open source (3)Managing your open source use: The DIY approach (3)Step 1: Inventory your open source (3)Step 2: Control your open source (4)Step 3: Ensure license compliance (4)Step 4: Ensure code quality (4)Step 5: Map open source to known vulnerabilities (5)Step 6: Manage risk and monitor for new threats (5)SCA: A better, faster, stronger path to open source management (6)Better: Get a complete view of the open source in your codebase (6)Better: Eliminate open source license noncompliance (6)Faster: Continuously monitor the quality and security of the open source you use (7)Stronger: Combine Black Duck SCA with Coverity SAST (7)Over 60% of the code in an average application is composed of open source components.Do you know whether the open source components in your applications use permissive or viral licenses?IntroductionStatic application security testing (SAST) tools, such as Coverity® , are critical for uncovering and eliminating issues in proprietary code early in the software development life cycle (SDLC) by scanning code for flaws while that code is in a nonrunning (i.e., static) state. However, SAST isn’t effective in finding third-party open source software vulnerabilities (CVEs) or identifying open source license types or versions. Open source is an essential component of application development today, with over 60% of the code in an average application composed of open source components.1 Adding a software composition analysis (SCA) tool, such as Black Duck® SCA, is as imperative to your software development strategy as using SAST to test the code your developers write.This guide looks at some processes you can put in place to manage your open source use and strategies to manage open source risk. It also highlights the challenges you’ll face along the way and recommends an SCA approach to address or avoid those issues. Looking at unmanaged open source riskLicense risk of unmanaged open sourceAn open source license is a type of license that allows the source code to be used, modified, or shared under defined terms and conditions. Black Duck SCA scans indicate that the20 most popular licenses cover approximately 98% of the open source in use. Whether a particular license is one of these popular licenses, a variant license, or one of the thousands of less commonly seen licenses, it almost always has specific restrictions and obligations that users must comply with. For example, a “permissive” license—the most basic type of open source license—allows you to do whatever you want with the code as long as you acknowledge the authors of the code and follow other obligations such as redistribution and documentation requirements. A viral or “copyleft” license adds further requirements to the permissive license. For example, if you distribute binaries, you must make the source code for those binaries available. The source code must be available under the same copyleft terms under which you originally got the code; in other words, you must give it away for free. You can’t place additional restrictions on the licensee’s exercise of the license.Failure to comply with open source licenses can put you at significant risk of litigation and compromise of intellectual property (IP). In their experience performing code audits for M&A due diligence, Synopsys’ Black Duck Audit Services team has found that 95% of the scans they conduct reveal open source that the target didn’t even know was there, and 85% of the codebases examined contain license issues.Security risk of unmanaged open sourceReports show that, on average, 67% of commercial applications contain open source security vulnerabilities.2 The NVD reported over 17,000 vulnerabilities in 2019 alone; that’s more than 45 vulnerabilities every day! Because of the ubiquity of open source use, attackers see popular open source components as a target-rich environment. Only a handful of open source vulnerabilities—such as the Heartbleed vulnerability affecting OpenSSL—are ever likely to be widely exploited. But when such an exploit occurs, the need for open source security becomes front-page news—as it did with the Equifax data security breach of 2017, in which attackers exploited a vulnerability in the open source framework Apache Struts. A contributing factor to Equifax’s breach was the company’s lack of a comprehensive IT asset inventory. “This made it difficult, if not impossible, for Equifax to know if vulnerabilities existed on its networks,” a report on the incident concluded. “If a vulnerability cannot be found, it cannot be patched.”3Managing your open source use: The DIY approach If you use any open source at all, you need processes to manage your developers’ use ofopen source components, evaluate your quality, security, and license risks, and track futuredevelopments. Below we outline six steps to create a manual system that can help youcontrol your open source use and monitor your risk.Step 1: Inventory your open sourceYou can’t manage what you’re not tracking. So the first step is to create a software bill ofmaterials (BOM), or an inventory of all open source components your teams use to developsoftware.A complete and useful open source inventory must include all open source components, theversions in use, and download locations for each project in use or in development. It alsoneeds to include all dependencies, or the libraries your code is calling to, as well the librariesthose dependencies are linked to.Consider the size of your development teams. You have a better chance to accurately trackopen source use if your development team is small and in one location. If you’re using third-party developers, you’ll need to be confident that they’ll be as diligent about code inventoryas your internal team is (or should be). Having a larger team or more teams can quicklymake the inventory process unwieldy and more prone to errors and omissions.Can you assure developer compliance? While your development team may agree todocument their open source use as it happens, they are more likely to record it after thefact, with inaccuracies, partial listings of components, missing information on versions ordownload locations, unlisted components that entered via dependencies, and so on.Do you know whether the open source components in your applications are up to date, with all crucial patches applied? Will you know tomorrow?It’s impossible to patch software you don’t know you’re using. You need full, accurate, and current inventory of the open source in your applications.Step 2: Control your open sourceOnce you inventory all open source in use in your applications, you’ll want to ensure you can control the use of additional open source components down the line. By having clear policies and procedures in place around the introduction and documentation of new open source components, you’ll ensure you’re controlling what enters the codebase and that it complies with company policies. But creating these policies, maintaining them, trainingdevelopers, and staying on top of requests to approve new open source components for useis time consuming and difficult to implement.Even if your organization feels confident that you’re effectively tracking the open source youhave in use, you may still be worried about how to govern its continued use and whetherthe written policies are enough. If you’re using a manual process, you’ll need to be sure yourdevelopers are following the policies you’ve set. You’ll also need to evaluate whether thosepolicies are efficient or are instead hampering your agile DevOps SDLC .Step 3: Ensure license complianceIf you build packaged, embedded, or commercial SaaS software, open source licensecompliance is a key concern. You’ll need to determine the license types and terms for theopen source components you use and ensure they’re compatible with the packaging anddistribution of your software.Using your BOM of open source components, you’ll want to compile detailed license textsassociated with those components so that you can flag any components not compatiblewith your software’s distribution and license requirements and generate a license noticesreport to include with your shipped software. Unfortunately, there’s no uniform approach tocomponent license documentation. You’ll need to research the licenses for each componentyou’re using.You may also want to involve your organization’s general counsel—or seek outside legaladvice—as understanding licensing terms and conditions and identifying conflicts amongvarious licenses can be challenging for those not familiar with legal terminology. You’ll want toget this right the first time, especially if you build packaged or embedded software, as licenseterms are often more explicit for shipped software and harder to mitigate after the fact.Step 4: Ensure code qualitySecurity and licensing concerns aside, how do you know whether you’re using high-quality open source components? Are you using a current version of the software? Is it the most stable? Is the component actively maintained by a robust community?If you’re taking a DIY approach, you’ll need to go to GitHub or the distribution source foreach component to research project activity and potential alternatives. However, there’sno universal scoring mechanism to aid in comparing different components or versions. Soresearch can be both time consuming and subjective, a reason why many organizationsstruggle with effective open source governance.Do you know whether you’re using high-quality open source components?Can you reliably block unwanted components from your code?Step 5: Map open source to known vulnerabilitiesYour next step is to compile a list of known vulnerabilities that have been reported againstthe open source components you’ve inventoried.Most DIYers will use the U.S. government vulnerability disclosure database, theNational Vulnerability Database (NVD), as their primary source. But be aware that not allvulnerabilities are reported to the NVD. Also, the format of NVD records often makes itdifficult to determine which versions of a given open source component are affected by avulnerability.Other useful sources of information include project distribution sites, such as thosemaintained by the Debian and Python projects. Security blogs and message boards, suchas the US-CERT alerts page and Google’s security blog , should also be part of your dailyvulnerability research.“Daily” is the key word here. New vulnerabilities are uncovered literally every day. As statedpreviously, the NVD reported over 17,000 vulnerabilities in 2019, over 45 per day. Mappingyour open source against known vulnerabilities must be a continuous process to beeffective.One challenge you’ll face is the sheer volume of data that you’ll need to sift through. Othersinclude prioritizing which vulnerabilities you should address immediately, and which you cansafely ignore, and then mapping vulnerabilities back to their specific locations in your code.Step 6: Manage risk and monitor for new threats Once you’ve identified licensing, component quality, and vulnerability risks in your open source, it’s time to prioritize those risks and address them. You’ll need to determine what remediation needs to be done, assign the remediation work to the appropriate people, and track the remediation process: what’s being reviewed, what’s been reviewed, what’s beenfixed, what fixes have been deferred, and what’s been patched.Challenges you can expect to face include time and cost issues. Manual review tendsto result in remediation late in the development cycle, when the cost to fix is high andrelease deadlines need to be met. Manual review processes are also incompatible with therapid pace and automation at the core of modern agile build and continuous integrationenvironments.Agile requires that you perform all the discovery processes described above continuouslyand integrate review and approval mechanisms into your SDLC. Without the assistance oftools to automate these processes, many organizations struggle to implement efficientmechanisms.The job of open source management doesn’t stop when the application ships. You’llneed to continue to monitor for vulnerabilities as long as the application is in use. Mostvulnerabilities aren’t reported for months or even years after they are introduced into a component.Manual review tends to result in remediation late in the development cycle.SCA: A better, faster, stronger path to open source managementYou probably have concerns about the amount of work open source management seems to entail. A manual approach to open source management has many drawbacks. It not only requires a significant investment of time, often for dubious results, but also affects developer productivity and leads to higher development costs.But there’s a better alternative. Smart organizations in the business of building software know they need to simplify their open source management, not further complicate their developers’ lives. The key is software composition analysis to automate open source management. Managing open source with an SCA tool enables you to generate complete, accurate open source inventories, protect against open source risks, and enforce open source use policies.Black Duck SCA is a comprehensive solution for managing license compliance, code quality, and security risks that come from the use of open source in applications and containers. It enables organizations to control open source across the software supply chain and throughout the application life cycle, set and enforce open source use and security policies, automate policy enforcement with DevOps integrations, prioritize and track open source remediation activities, and continuously monitor for new issues and alert teams if they arise. With Black Duck SCA, it’s simple to:• Quickly build an accurate inventory of the open source your applications include.• Deter the risk of open source license compliance.• Safeguard your intellectual property.• Protect code quality.• Find, prioritize, and fix security vulnerabilities.• Set and enforce open source use policies.• Automate policy enforcement with IDE and DevOps integrations.• Prioritize and track remediation activities.• Continuously monitor for new threats.• Configure your open source use policies based on a comprehensive array of criteria, including license type, vulnerability severity, open source component version, and more.Better: Get a complete view of the open source in your codebaseBlack Duck SCA provides a complete, accurate view of all open source in your applications and containers by combining four methods of open source scan technology:• Dependency analysis• File system scanning• Snippet matching• Binary analysisWith Black Duck, you can build an open source inventory that is always up to date and accurate.Better: Eliminate open source license noncomplianceBlack Duck SCA uses the industry’s largest open source KnowledgeBase™ to identify which licenses are relevant to the open sourcein your applications. The Black Duck license compliance module enables you to set policies, whitelist and blacklist, enable approval workflows, automatically generate notices reports, and automate open source management in the SDLC.With Black Duck, you can identify all potential license obligations for the open source in use, down to the snippet and dependency level, to ensure open source license compliance for your applications.Faster: Continuously monitor the quality and security of the open source you useBlack Duck SCA can help your development teams avoid delays and cost overruns with risk metrics laser-focused on open source code quality and security.Black Duck quickly identifies known security vulnerabilities, associated licenses, and code quality risks. Black Duck operational risk information uncovers a component’s level of risk on the initial scan and continuously monitors the component to ensure it remains up to date and active.• Identify component quality risks.• Monitor for new issues in development and production.Black Duck analyzes both source and binary code, so it can scan virtually any software, including desktop and mobile applications, embedded system firmware, and more. And with Black Duck Security Advisories, advanced proprietary research on open source vulnerabilities, you gain a complete picture of the security risk of the open source in your software.• Map components to known vulnerabilities.• Monitor for new vulnerabilities in development and production.• Prioritize and track remediation activities.• Scan virtually any software, with or without access to source code.Integrations for each stage of the SDLC ensure that different scanning methods are run at the right time to provide maximum accuracy without slowing down development.• Rapid Scan can be used by developers in the IDE to instantly identify policy violations before building or merging into release branches. • CI/CD tool integrations run dependency, snippet, and codeprint analysis at build time.• Binary analysis works to scan build artifacts and dependencies entering and leaving binary repositories.With Black Duck SCA, you can configure your open source security and use policies based on a comprehensive array of criteria, including license type, vulnerability severity, open source component version, and more. You can also enforce development policies with automatic workflow triggers, notifications, and bidirectional Jira integration for accelerated remediation initiation and reporting. Stronger: Combine Black Duck SCA with Coverity SASTCoverity SAST is a critical part of any application testing toolbox, but organizations need to further strengthen their software development strategy with a robust SCA solution.Boost your software development process by adding in Black Duck SCA, a comprehensive solution for managing open source security, license compliance, and code quality in applications and containers.ResourcesSynopsys helps development teams build secure, high-quality software, minimizing risks while maximizing speed and productivity. Synopsys, a recognized leader in application security, provides static analysis, software composition analysis, and dynamic analysis solutions that enable teams to quickly find and fix vulnerabilities and defects in proprietary code, open source components, and application behavior. With a combination of industry-leading tools, services, and expertise, only Synopsys helps organizations optimize security and quality in DevSecOps and throughout the software development life cycle.For more information, go to /software.Synopsys, Inc.185 Berry Street, Suite 6500San Francisco, CA 94107 USAContact us:U.S. Sales: 800.873.8193International Sales: +1 415.321.5237Email: *********************。








加载运行虚拟机,在file选项下选择new下的virtual mashine在左下角虚拟光驱中加载接下来按照提示加载在提示加载其他的光盘时,disc1.这。


3.安装VMware Tools开始启动系统,然后用安装完系统后,点击start this virtual machine账号登陆,密码就是在安装系统时自己设置的密码。

在上面的工具栏菜单root界面外,不LINUX选择VM\install VMware Tools(目的是鼠标可以直接移动到共享文件windowsLINUX界面的大小,同时也可以实现和再需要Ctrl+Alt;设置拷贝到任何目VMwareTools-6.0.0-45731.tar.gz夹),生成VmWare Tools后将zxvf录下,然后在终端中的该目录下用tar –命令进行解压,然后进入解压后得到的VMwareTools-7.8.4-126130.tar.gz一切选择./ vmware-install.pl进行安装(vmware-tools-distrib的目录,执行默认就行)。


把它拷贝到VMwareTools-8.1.3-203739.tar.gz就是VMwarexvzfVMwareTools-8.1.3-203739.tar.gz 解压缩文件,文件夹下,然后用tar – ./ 进行安装。


图 (二)
图 (三)
图 (四)
图 (五)
点击“OPEN”选择Synopsys.lpd文件,“打开”。回到图(五)所示界面。勾选上Custon、Use Daemon及最后一个Custon,在两个“Custon”后输入Linux系统的MAC。填好以上内容后点击“Generade”出现license内容界面,取名ynopsys.dat保存(例:保存到D:/Synopsys SSS FeatureKeygen)。



Synopsys 推荐设计流程
Source Code Verilog/VHDL 源代码
IP 库
仿真 IP
仿真验证 仿真 测试平台、向量自 动生成 4. VERA
25. DesignWare :与工艺无 关的可综合 库,和仿真 IP 库
2. VCS、3. Scirocco
0.18 0.25 0.35 标准单元库 RAM ROM 工艺文件 IO
全定制设计环境 版图物理 验证 LVS, LVS,DRC 20. Hercules 逻辑图 18. CosmosSE 版图 19. CosmosLE 互连线参 数提取 规模 21. NanoSim(S T-SimXT) 高精度 22. STHspice
测试向量 24. TetraMAX ATPG
Test Vector
静态验证 静态时序 分析 形式验 证
布局布线 ≤ 0.18um 14. Astro 0.18-0.35um 15. Apollo 功耗、电漂移、 串扰分析优化 16. Mars-Rail 17. Mars-Xtalk 12. PrimeTime 13. Formality
可实现 IP
设计综合 ≤0.18um 5.Physical Compiler 6.ClockTree Compiler
0.18-0.35um 7.DC-Expert 8. DC-Ultra
可测性设计 9. DFT Compiler
低功耗设计 10. Power Compiler
FPGA 综合 11. FPGA Compiler II







2.安装REDHAT4.2运行虚拟机,在file选项下选择new下的virtual mashine。

加载REDHAT disc1.在提示加载其他的光盘时,在左下角虚拟光驱中加载接下来按照提示加载剩下的光盘镜像,加载之后记得connect(安装前提是硬盘空间最小要15G)。


3.安装VMware Tools安装完系统后,点击start this virtual machine开始启动系统,然后用root账号登陆,密码就是在安装系统时自己设置的密码。

在上面的工具栏菜单选择VM\install VMware Tools(目的是鼠标可以直接移动到LINUX界面外,不再需要Ctrl+Alt;设置LINUX界面的大小,同时也可以实现和windows共享文件夹),生成VmWare Tools后将VMwareTools-6.0.0-45731.tar.gz拷贝到任何目录下,然后在终端中的该目录下用tar –zxvfVMwareTools-7.8.4-126130.tar.gz命令进行解压,然后进入解压后得到的vmware-tools-distrib的目录,执行./ vmware-install.pl进行安装(一切选择默认就行)。

另一种方法:如果第一种方法不行,出现错误,就加载VM安装目录下的一个linux.iso镜像,在系统中打开cd-rom里面有个文件VMwareTools-8.1.3-203739.tar.gz就是VMware Tools压缩包。

把它拷贝到home 文件夹下,然后用tar –xvzfVMwareTools-8.1.3-203739.tar.gz 解压缩文件,然后执行在解压好的文件路径下输入命令执行./ 进行安装。



前言:这是本人经过两个星期的奋斗,从对linux命令的生涩到熟练,对后端工具的陌生到熟悉的一段战斗史!!!下面我把我的操作过程详细写下,供大家学习参考!!一:准备工作所需平台1、vmware92、RHEL(红帽企业版)6.3Synopsys 工具1、installer_v3.0(安装synopsys EDA tools 的图形界面的安装工具)2、scl_10.9.3(synopsys license 管理工具,用于启动tools 的features)3、dc_2009.06(逻辑综合工具)4、icc_2009.06(布局布线工具)5、pt_2012.12(时序分析工具)License生成工具1、EFA LicGen 0.4b2、Synopsys SSS Feature Keygen3、Synposys.src(最新的据我所知是40kb大小,有比较全的features)二:搭建RHEL1、安装vmware:本章节详见另一个文档。





Ps:有一个页面会让你选择安装的软件包,这个时候人工勾上所有的软件包,不然启eda 工具的时候会发现很多系统库找不到。

三:vmware tools安装1、以root用户进入linux,找到左上角的VM选项,下拉之后选择安装wmwaretools。

过一会儿会弹出来一个框框,显示vmwaretools-9.2.2-893683.tar.gz然后新开一个终端,输入cd /media 你会看到vmwaretools-9.2.2-893683.tar.gz就在那里。








电路设计EDA软件的比较电子设计自动化(Electronic Design Automation,EDA)软件是用于电路设计的计算机辅助工具。















它的主要产品是Altium Designer,是一款综合性的电路设计和PCB设计软件。

Altium Designer具有易于使用的界面和强大的功能,可同时满足小型和中型项目的需求。

Altium Designer还提供了丰富的设计资源库和在线社区,使工程师能够方便地获取和分享设计资源和经验。





软件平台:RedHat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server 5.2安装操作系统时,选择自定义主机名,定义计算机名为:RHEL安装好系统后,在/etc/X11/xorg.conf中的末尾加入如下语句并保存:Section "Extensions"Option "Composite" "Disable"EndSection一、Mentor Graphics:(一)Modelsim1、Modesim 6.5的安装:终端中输入:>./install.linux2、出现图形化安装界面,依次选择 Agree -> 选择要安装的软件-> 选择安装目标文件夹-> 安装3、配置license,在windows下用modelsim6.5的破解器:双击MentorKG.exe,在同目录下产生LICENSE.TXT4、配置启动脚本,在用户主目录下,用gvim打开 .bashrc文件,加入如下两行:export LM_LICENSE_FILE=/home/mentor/modelsim/modeltech/LICENSE.TXT export PATH=$PATH:/home/mentor/modelsim/modeltech/linux5、把windows下的LICENSE.TXT拷贝到linux下的/home/mentor/modelsim/modeltech目录中6、编辑/home/mentor/modelsim/modeltech目录下的modelsim.ini,找到VoptFlow = 1这一行,并将1改为07、启动modelsim:>vsimmodelsim启动成功,破解成功!!!!!!!!!附件Screenshot1.png (372.01 KB)2009-4-30 13:22Screenshot2.png (502.01 KB)(二)Calibre1、Calibre 2008.01.20的安装:终端中输入:>install.linux2、出现图形化安装界面,依次选择Install Products → Agree → 选择安装文件→ 选择目标文件夹→ 选择组件→ next → install 开始安装,大约3分钟完成。



精品文档你我共享Synopsys产品线介绍目录DC Ultra (1)DesignWare Library (DesignWare 库) (2)DFT Compiler (2)TetraMAX ATPG (3)Apollo-II (3)Star-RCXT (4)Hercules (4)PrimeTime (5)VCS (5)Vera (6)LEDA (6)Cosmos-Scope ............................................................................................................ .7 DC UltraDesign Compiler的最高版本在Synopsys软件中完整的综合方案的核心是DC UltraTM,对所有设计而言它也是最好级别的综合平台。

DC Ultra添加了全面的数据通路和时序优化技术,并通过工业界的反复证明。

DC Ultra具有独特的优化技术,能满足今天设计的各种挑战。

DC Ultra提供快速的具有先进水平的数据通路优化技术,能建立快速关键路径时序。

另外,DC Ultra采用后布局和优化布线技术,易于较快达到时序收敛。

DC Ultra已在工业界确立了领先地位,DC Ultra综合引擎能提供DC Expert 所有的功能,以及它的独特的优点。

能与DC Ultra共同工作的软件有路径综合、测试综合和功耗优化、静态时序和功耗分析,以及经验证的、高性能Design Ware库。


•对数据通路设计的面积和时序方面,提交最好质量的设计结果•对时序要求很高的设计,提供最好的电路性能•与测试和功耗综合紧密结合,以提供最高的设计效率,并致力于实现所有综合的目标•对那些需要多次反复设计流程才能达到时序收敛的设计,通过提供和布局布线环境的紧密衔接,有助于快速实现设计的多时序收敛•来自于超过50个硅片和库的供应商可应用的大于500个综合库精品文档你我共享DesignWare Library (DesignWare 库)DesignWare Library包含了最常用的结构以外的IP,这对于设计开发ASIC和SOC来讲是必要的。



LEDA Specifier
LEDA Checker
4643-0 4644-0 4645-0 4646-0 4647-0 4648-0 4649-0 4650-0 4651-0 4652-0 4654-0 4660-0 4662-0 4942-0 4943-0 4944-0 4945-0 5005-0 5093-0 5094-0 5096-0 5099-0 5337-0 5344-0 6745-0 6746-0
IC Validator/Hercules DRC
Custom Designer SDL
Astro, Express Tim. Closure Op. Astro 时序收敛 - 选项 Astro, MR 8:8 Node Dist Rt. Op. 基于Astro标准布线器分布式插件 StarRC 3维全芯片参数提取 StarRC Inductance Add-on StarRC电感提前插件 IC Validator/Hercules DP 一层次式物理验证 分布处理/多线程 IC Validator/Hercules
SX-DATA options
IC Compiler Design Planning ICC设计布局 Custom Designer SE
Custom Designer LE
Material Description Asia Pac BackEnd University Bundle 亚太区前端大学软件包 Library Compiler





物料清单(B i l l o f Materials,简称BOM)是描述企业产品组成的技术文件。


经过类比,我们可以更直观地理解软件物料清单(Software Bill of Materials,简称SBOM)。




该命令要求美及对我国的启示文 王林软件物料清单不仅可以提供软件项目所用组件和依赖项的详细清单,还可列出软件使用的所有库、框架及相应版本。


国商务部以及国家电信和信息管理局(National T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s a n d I n f o r m a t i o n Administration,简称NTIA)发布确保软件供应链安全的最低SBOM要求。

2022年7月,微软将其用于公司内部的SBOM 生成工具开源,以帮助技好地了解其工具的安全性赖关系。




Synopsys最新TCAD工具Sentaurus Synopsys最新TCAD工具Sentaurus vD-2010.03需要工具: EFA 0.4b, synopsys sss feature keygen,scl10.9.1d, synopsys install2.0,sentaurus-tcad安装程序包(common和platform)(大多数可以用emule,各类论坛ftp也有)操作系统: RHEL AS 4 + vmware 7.1过程:1.解压安装scl10.9.1d,在对应平台目录下找到bin/lmhostid运行,得到hostid,记下.*****************************************************是安装,不是仅仅要hostid*****************************************************2.解压缩sentaurus 的安装包(common 包和platform包),得到tgz文件放同一目录。

*****************************************************2010版本不用解压缩*****************************************************3.解压缩installer2.0,运行setup.sh图形安装sentaurus*****************************************************(我没用图形模式,直接用的installer安装的,据说更好用)*****************************************************4.生成自己的lica.打开efa licgen0.4b目录下packs 目录中sysnopsys.src文件,清空文件内容然后加上后面附录的内容.**********************************************************(注意pdf拷贝出来的格式都不对,最好拷贝完后,对着原来的src文件格式,整理一遍)*****************************************************b.运行licgen.exe 选择 sysnopsys.lpd,选中custom选项,填入上面得到的hostid,gengerate数据文件synopsys.datc.在控制台下运行进入synopsys sss feature keygen目录,运行sssverify synopsys.dat得到secret data(记下),这一步需要在windows下进行。

RISCO 系统综合管理软件(Synopsys)

RISCO 系统综合管理软件(Synopsys)
一个真正的 系统集成平台
SynopSYS™ 解决方案
仅从一个操作界面实现综合安防 & 楼宇管理 带有拖拽工具栏,使用操作简便
SynopSYS 拓扑图
硬盘录像机 暖通空调
SynopSYS 工作站
SynopSYS 服务器 防火墙 局域网
• 安防系统:视频监控,门禁,防 盗报警,火警等 • 暖通空调,电梯,照明等 • IT 安全整合 • 协议不兼容的多个系统 • 多用户界面 • 信息安全策略 • 应急事件管理 & 报告
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能够提供: 集成商 - SynopSYS 能够提供:
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能够提供: 管理员 - SynopSYS 能够提供:
• 仅从一个操作平台即可实现高效的 综合安防 & 楼宇管理 • 降低成本
对所有安防系统均具有很强的兼容性,如:防盗报警 系统、视频监控系统、门禁系统、火警系统等
• 一些仅生产门禁或视频监控系统的厂商,在其它安防系统上 相对薄弱 • 另一些软件厂商,对控制器硬件技术不够了解
SynopSYS 主要性能
• 完整齐全、灵活的系统集成工具栏 • 对于每个系统的所有事件逻辑关系和执 行动作,管理和定义非常简便
- 入侵报警 入侵报警: - 图标闪烁 & 声音警告 - 弹出关联视频
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