



其以科学为基础的事实可以用如下文字描述 ,木糖醇 口香糖降低儿童致龋风险” “ 。
20 06年欧洲食 品安全局 ( F A) E S 提议 , 在整个 欧洲建立 一个协调 营养 和健康声称 的新法 规 ( eu t n( C)N 9 4 R gli E ao o12 / 20 ) 06 。为 了能将产品/ 配料包含在此法规 的框架 中, 针对于该 产品/ 配料 的科学论证是极为重要的。食 品配料 和食 品生产商 都纷纷递交 了拟加入新法规 的声称和相应的数据。这些数据通过专家委员会的评估作出评价 , 然后存档和发表 。 ( 杨海燕 )
月 桂 酰 肌 氨 酸钠
{ 8 、\{ 虿 0 2 5

、 \
— 、

— — —

3 2 急性 皮肤 刺激性试验 ( 3 . 图 )
5 0 7 5 lO O
() %
图 5 发泡 剂 复 配 的眼 刺 激 值 和质 量 分 数的 关 系
图 5中显 示采 用 十二 醇硫 酸 钠/ 油酰 甘氨 酸 椰
的 、 有 力 度 的声 称 。 更
其科学评价基于如下几点 :
膳食产 品、 营养 和过敏症专 家委员会是根据详实的木糖醇可 以降低致 龋风险的科学论证来发表对 于其健康声称 的观点
的, 而且该观点基于非常严格的论证标准。 专家委员会认为 ,食用 10 “ 0 %木糖醇为甜味剂的 口香糖与降低儿童的致龋风险之间存 在因果关系” 。 科学论证是指餐后食用 2— 3克 10 木糖醇为甜味剂的 口香糖 , 0% 每天至少 3次并在餐后食用。
小 属 急 性 经 口毒 性 ( D L ∞) L 卯( / g D mgk )




















国际标准化组织(ISO)制定了一系列的食品安全相关标准,如ISO 22000食品安全管理体系标准和ISO 22004食品安全管理体系指导标准等,各国可以根据这些国际标准自行制定适合本国国情的食品安全标准,并根据实际情况对其进行执行和监督。



efsa认证申请-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述:EFSA认证申请是指向欧洲食品安全局(European Food Safety Authority,简称EFSA)提交的一项申请,旨在获得EFSA的认可和审核。




















构,理顺食品安 全管理和评估机构之间的关系,为食品安全管理提供科技支撑和咨询意见具有重要 的参考价值。
关键词 :食品安 全;风险分析 ;风险评 估 ;风 险管理 ;E S FA 欧 盟 食 品 安 全 局 ( u o e n FO d S f t E r P a O aey Auh r y F A)是在欧洲发生 了疯牛病 ( E)、 toi ,E S t BS
3 %。 9
与欧盟成 员国进 行紧密合 作 ,与欧盟 委员会 、欧洲议
会和成员 国分 享该领域 的风险交 流 ,提 供食 品安全意
2 欧盟食 品安全局的结构
欧盟食 品安全局 由执行局 长领 导 ,管理 部 门有 局 长及管理 委员会办 公室、特别顾 问 、战略规划 、质量 管理 /审计部 门,还设 有学术委 员会 ,主要领 导和保

障风险评估 、科研合作 和支撑两个 业务部 门的工作 。 2 0 年计划编 制人 员4 0 。 08 2名
 ̄X ( ix n — I p S 英 d o i )和其它食 品危机 的背景下 ,于2 0 02 年成立 的 ,总部 设 在意 大利 帕尔 玛 ( ama 。在 当 Pr )
2 1 风险评估理事会 .

要 :欧盟食品安 全局是欧盟委 员会设立的、独立的从 事食品安 全风 险评估的科 学机构 ,为欧盟委 员会和成 员
国提供食品安全风险管理所需的科 学支撑。本文根据现场考察、双边交流和相 关资料 ,介绍 了该机构的组织结构、主
要任务、优 先领域 、合作机制和具体工作 。 了解和分析该机构的性质和工作特点,对建 设中国的食品安 全风险评估机
S ft, 0 ) ;2 0 年通过 了执行法律( lme t g aey 0 0 2 02 I e ni mp n















例如,根据《食品安全国家标准餐桌盐中激素限量》(GB 5009.65-2010)的规定,食用盐中的激素总量限制为每公斤5毫克。

此外,根据《食品安全国家标准牛肉中瘦肉精的限量》(GB 2760-2014)的规定,在牛肉中瘦肉精的残留限量为每公斤2毫克。







1. 联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)和世界卫生组织(WHO)制定的《食品法典》:这是一个国际参考标准,涵盖了食品的生产、加工、储存、运输和销售等各个环节。

2. 国际食品法典委员会(CAC)制定的标准:CAC 是由 FAO 和 WHO 共同成立的机构,负责制定和协调全球食品安全标准。

3. 美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)制定的标准:FDA 是美国负责监管食品安全的机构,其标准在全球范围内具有很高的影响力。

4. 欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)制定的标准:EFSA 是欧盟负责食品安全的机构,其标准在欧洲和其他地区也有广泛的应用。

5. 中国国家食品药品监督管理总局(CFDA)制定的标准:CFDA 是中国负责监管食品安全的机构,其标准在中国和其他地区也有一定的影响力。






1. 欧洲食品安全局(EFSA):EFSA负责对食品安全进行评


2. 残留物限制:欧盟对茶叶中残留农药和其他化学物质的数量设有严格的限制。


3. 农药残留最大限量值:欧洲对不同农药在茶叶中的最大限量值有具体规定。


4. 标签要求:欧洲要求进口茶叶的包装上必须标明茶叶的产地、成分、保质期等信息。


5. 有害物质限制:欧洲规定茶叶中的重金属、农药和其他有害物质的含量必须低于一定的限量值。


6. 原产地证书:进口商必须提供茶叶的原产地证书,证明茶叶确实来自标注的原产地。













以下是一些国际上常见的食品添加剂的安全法规:1. 欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)欧洲食品安全局是欧洲联盟负责食品安全的机构,制定了一系列的食品添加剂的安全标准与法规。



2. 美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)美国FDA对食品添加剂的安全使用制定了一系列的规章和指南。


3. 中国国家食品药品监督管理局(CFDA)中国国家食品药品监督管理局负责对食品添加剂的管理和监督。




以下是几个常见的监管措施:1. 颁发许可证各国针对使用食品添加剂的企业进行许可管理,要求企业必须符合一定的条件和标准,才能获得食品添加剂的使用许可证。

2. 制定标准各国制定了一系列食品添加剂的标准,明确了使用范围、用量限制、生产或进口要求等,以确保食品添加剂的使用符合安全规定。



作者: 无
出版物刊名: 中国标准化
主题词: NULL
摘要:一、欧洲食品安全局的任务为《食品法》规定基本原则和要求及成立欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)的法规于 2 0 0 2年 1月 2 8日正式采用。

法规中确定的食品安全局的主要任务是 ,为成员国类似的机构提供独立的科学建议和支持 ,并建立一个紧密的合作网络。

此外 ,食品安全局应对与食品链相关的危害进行评估 ,并将有关食品危害的信息告知广大公众。

食品安全局的主要任务有六项 :(1 )按照欧洲委员会、欧洲议会 (EP)和成员国的要求 ,对食品安全问题和其他相关事宜 ,如动物健康/福利、植物健康、GMO(转基因 )和营养等方面提供独立的科学建议 ,并将此建议作为风险管理决策的基础 ;(2 )对食品问题提出技术建议 ,以促进与食品链相关的政策和法规的制定;(3)为监测欧盟内整个食品链的安全性 ,对有关食品的数据及其与任何潜在危害相关的必要信息进行收集和分析 ;(4)对紧急危害进行识别和早期报警 ;(5)在关键时刻支持欧洲委员会的工作 ;(6)对其权限范围内的所有事宜向公众征求意见。

法规的采用为 2 0 0 2年欧洲食品安全局的成立和运行铺平了道路。

二、食品安全局的法律地位和工作范围食品安全局是一个独立的法人实体 ,与...。








南方周末记者郭丝露发自意大利帕尔马市编辑|蒋昕捷在帕尔马这座以火腿闻名的小城里,隐藏着欧洲食品安全体系的“两座大山”之一——欧洲食品安全局(European Food Safety Authority,以下简称ESFA)。




如何保持ESFA的“独立性”,排除行政管理者的牵制,这也是2014年7月上任的欧洲食品安全局局长伯恩哈特.乌尔(Bernhard Url)所面临的难题。

乌尔来自奥地利,在欧洲食品安全体系中工作十余年,历任ESFA科研小组科学家、ESFA 管委会成员。



















FDA 列出的食品添加剂包括增味剂、香料、颜料、脱脂乳、结构类成分、膳食辅助剂等。

与此同时,FDA 每年都有关于警告、产品召回、以及批准新药的报告和发布。



美国国家标准促进组织协助FDA 管理和颁布相关的标准。




日本基本法食品卫生法(Food Sanitation Law)作为主要立法,确保了食品的安全性,并由卫生省监管。


JFCA 颁布了最严格的国家标准,确保每个厨师的手的干净程度、产生食物的健康性和每天开放到自制和称呼的食物标准。





图 6阳离子对 S P 膜水蒸气透过系数的影响 I
F g6Efe t f a i n o h W VPv l eo S If m i . f c o c t s nt e o au f P i l
F o E gn ei g 2 0 , 0 2 521 od n ie r , 0 5 7 : 0 - n 0
sypo i i le [ .oma f i eh o g, 05 10 o r n s a s J Ju l o Bo cn l y2 0 ,2 : e t o t 】 t o
26 37 9 - 0
[] 熊犍, 4 冯凌凌, 叶君, S C溶解性 的研究[ . 等. P J食品工业科技, 】
a d O 0 r p ris f M o i e S y r oen Io ae n C lr P o e t o e df d o P ti s lt i
V m [ .o ra o r u ua F o hmir, 00 4 : a s ] Junl f i l r o dC e sy 20 , 8 J Ag c t l t
空 白
氯化 钠 氯化锌 氯化铁 阳离子
4 3 -9 1 9 74 4
[ O . WagY, agS .e a R l o f acai i 2 ] uSY, n Tn . ,t . oe f e l dn Z 1 ni c
pe rr  ̄ geilfmsf m ypo i i l [ .oma o be l r s rtn s a J Ju l f d i o o e ot ] e
增加 3.%,MC增加 7 %;对 E 22 . 4 B影 响较 小 ; ( ) n+JS I 的 影 响较 小 , B降低 3 . 4 Z 2) P 膜  ̄ - E O 4


动 。[ 2 1 “ 红 色2 G” 事 件是 欧盟风 险评 估 、 风险交 流和 风 险管理三 方面 密切协 作 快速行 动 的成功 案例之 一 。

欧洲 食 品安全 局 的设 立 2 0 0 0 年1 月, 欧 盟 发布食 品安 全 白皮 书 , 提 出成立 欧 洲食 品 安全 局( E F S A )
注 。2 0 世 纪9 0 年 代 后期 , 欧洲 发 生 了一 连 串的食 品 安 全 事件 , 使 欧 洲 的食 品 安 全 亮 起 了红 灯 , 如
比利 时戴 奥 辛 污染 食 用 油事 件 , 英 国疯 牛 病 和 口
饲 料 的方 面 的信 息 给欧盟 及成 员 国的相关单 位 。 欧盟 食 品安 全 风 险 交 流 的 参 与 者 包 括 欧 盟
食品是人 类赖 以生存 的物 质基础 , 食 品安全 不仅关 系到人类 的身体健康 和 生命安 全 , 也关 系到 国家及社会 的稳定 与发展 。食 品安全风 险交流是 指在食 品 安全风 险分析 的过程 中 , 社会各 方对危 害 、 风险, 以及 风险相关 因素 和风险认 知 信息看 法 的互动 与交 流 。… 食 品安全 风险交 流是 培养 公众 风险感 知 、 衔 接 风险 评估与形成食 品政策 的关键 因素 , 正成为各 国政府和 学者关注 的重要 议题 。 依 托 欧 洲 食 品 安全 局( E u r o p e a n F o o d S a f e t y A u t h o r i t y , 简称 E F S A 1 , 欧 盟 已经 形 成 了高效 、 科学 、 灵 活 的食 品安 全 监督 管理 体 系 , 其风 险 交流 机 制有 效
国 际视 野
随 着E F S A的成 立 , 欧 盟基 本 形 成 以欧洲 议 会 , 欧






一、食品安全监管机构1. 国家食品药品监督管理总局(FDA)国家食品药品监督管理总局(以下简称FDA)是美国负责食品和药品监管的最高机构。



2. 欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)欧洲食品安全局(以下简称EFSA)是欧盟负责食品安全评估和风险管理的机构。



3. 国家食品药品监督管理局(CFDA)国家食品药品监督管理局(以下简称CFDA)是中国负责食品和药品监管的官方机构。



二、食品安全法规体系1. 食品安全法食品安全法是各国制定的基本法律,目的是确保食品安全、保护公众健康。



2. 食品安全标准食品安全标准是针对不同食品类别和成分制定的指导性文件,用于规范食品的质量和安全要求。





efsa认证申请全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:EFSA(European Food Safety Authority)是欧洲食品安全局的缩写,成立于2002年,是欧洲联盟的一个独立机构,负责对食品、饮料、饲料及动植物保健产品进行风险评估,并向欧盟委员会和成员国提供建议。




























1. 立法欧盟食品安全管理体系的基础是其严格的法律法规。



2. 监管机构欧盟设立了专门的食品安全监管机构,如欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)。



3. 风险评估风险评估是欧盟食品安全管理体系的重要环节。



4. 风险管理风险管理是指根据风险评估的结果,制定并实施相应的食品安全管理措施。




1. 风险评估风险评估的过程主要包括以下几个步骤:•收集和分析相关数据和信息;•评估食品中可能存在的危险物质和微生物的风险;•判断危险物质和微生物对人体健康的潜在危害;•计算风险的可能性和程度;•根据风险评估的结果,提出相应的管理建议。







英国政府机构Food Standards Agency(FSA)负责制定食品政策,该机构除了关注食品质量和卫生,还负责监管动物饲养、宰杀和屠宰。






纽约市的公共卫生部门颁布了医院和餐厅规定(HHC Rules and Regulations)和城市卫生代码(New York City Health Code),监督食品企业的卫生条件,要求对于食品加工、储存和销售过程进行全程追溯。











以下是常见的食品安全管理组织机构:1. 国家食品药品监督管理总局国家食品药品监督管理总局是中国负责食品和药品监管的部门,其职责包括制定相关法规、监督食品安全工作、处理食品安全事故等。

2. 美国食品药品监督管理局美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)负责监督美国的食品安全工作,确保食品的质量和安全性,并管理食品添加剂、食品标签等事宜。

3. 欧洲食品安全局欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)是欧盟的食品安全管理机构,负责评估食品安全风险和提供相关的科学意见,以确保欧洲消费者的食品安全。


以下是食品安全管理制度的重要性以及相关措施:1. 食品安全法律法规的制定和完善各国制定了一系列食品安全法律法规,明确了食品安全的基本要求和标准。


2. 食品安全标准的制定和执行食品安全标准是保障食品质量和安全的重要依据。


3. 食品安全检测和监测食品安全检测和监测是食品安全管理的重要环节。


4. 食品安全风险评估和预警食品安全风险评估和预警是保障食品安全的重要手段。


5. 食品安全教育和宣传加强食品安全教育和宣传是提高公众食品安全意识的重要途径。



1、EFSA:欧盟食品安全委员会在欧盟食品安全管理体系中,风险评估独立于风险管理之外,欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)则是提供风险评估的机构,EFSA 是欧盟的独立性科学机构,它独立于欧盟委员会、欧洲议会和欧盟各成员国,为欧盟委员会、欧洲议会和欧盟各成员国的决策提供科学建议和技术依据。










2、SCF:Scientific Committee on Food(欧盟食品科学委员会)3、CAC: Codex Alimentarius Commission(国际食品法典委员会)是联合国粮农组织、世界卫生组织于1962年共同创建的协调各成员国食品法规、技术标准的唯一政府间国际机构。







1. 食品药品管理局食品药品管理局(FDA)是美国国家级机构,主要负责管理和监督相关食品和药品的审批和监管工作。


2. 国际标准化组织国际标准化组织(ISO)是一个泛国际性组织,致力于制定各种标准并推广其普及,旨在提高产品、服务和系统的质量和效率。


3. 环境保护署环境保护署(EPA)是美国联邦政府机构,主要负责监管和管理国家水环境、空气和土壤的质量和污染物排放控制。


4. 国际食品法典委员会国际食品法典委员会(Codex Alimentarius Commission,CAC)是联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)和世界卫生组织(WHO)下属的附属机构,主要负责编制和制定全球食品标准、准则和指南。


5. 欧洲食品安全局欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)是一个欧盟机构,主要负责确保欧盟市场内食品的安全和营养品质。


6. 中国食品安全法食品安全法是2009年5月1日颁布实施的全国性法律,用于保障公众健康和食品安全。


7. 食品添加剂食品添加剂是指向食品添加的物质,包括了增艳剂、防腐剂、稳定剂等。

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The EFSA Journal (2009) 1089, 1-15SCIENTIFIC OPINIONCopper(II) oxide as a source of copper added for nutritional purposesto food supplements1Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Food Additives and NutrientSources added to Food(Questions No EFSA-Q-2005-156, EFSA-Q-2006-219, EFSA-Q-2006-286,EFSA-Q-2006-287)Adopted on 14 May 2009P ANEL M EMBERSF. Aguilar, U.R Charrondiere, B. Dusemund, P. Galtier, J. Gilbert, D.M. Gott, S. Grilli, R. Guertler,G.E.N. Kass, J. Koenig, C. Lambré, J-C. Larsen, J-C. Leblanc, A. Mortensen, D. Parent-Massin, I. Pratt, I.M.C.M. Rietjens, I. Stankovic, P. Tobback, T. Verguieva, R.A. Woutersen.S UMMARYFollowing a request from the European Commission to the European Food Safety Authority, the Scientific Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS) was asked to provide a scientific opinion on the safety of copper oxide added for nutritional purposes as a source of copper in food supplements and on the bioavailability of copper from this source. The Panel notes, that even under the assumption that copper exposure from drinking water is unlikely to occur at the levels of the permitted maximum water copper concentration, exposure from foods at the 97.5th percentile is in the range of 1.2-4.2 mg copper/day, and that the exposure to copper from copper(II) oxide at the use levels proposed by the petitioners would lead to an additional copper exposure of 2-2.5 mg/day, resulting in total mean copper exposure of 3.6-4.7 mg/day for adults and 3.7-6.7 mg/day at the 97.5th percentile. For children the mean copper exposure is estimated to be at 3.4-3.6 mg/day and 4.1-4.9 mg/day at the 97.5th percentile assuming that children take the adult dose of the supplement. At the higher 1For citation purposes: Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food on copper(II) oxide as a source of copper added for nutritional purposes to food supplements following a request from the European Commission. The EFSA Journal (2009) 1089, 1-15.end this exposure may in some cases exceed the Tolerable Upper Intake Level of 5 mg/day established by the SCF. An additional exposure from water could increase the total exposure significantly.Copper salts have moderate acute toxicity, with soluble salts being more toxic than insoluble ones. In short-term (2 weeks) repeated dose toxicity tests in rats and mice, copper salts are associated with adverse effects such as gastro-intestinal irritation and liver and kidney toxicity. Reported No-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Levels are in the range of 23-104 mg/kg bw/day copper, but kidney effects have been shown in male rats at levels as low as 10 mg/kg bw/day.In a human study twenty subjects presented gastrointestinal disturbances at least once during the study, suffering diarrhoea (with or without abdominal pain and vomiting), and the other eleven subjects reported abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting.Copper(II) oxide shows lower bioavailability compared to other inorganic sources of copper(II), due to its low solubility. The Panel notes that copper from copper(II) oxide is expected to be bioavailable to some extent.The Panel concludes that, provided that the Tolerable Upper Intake Level is not exceeded, the use of copper(II) oxide as a source of copper at the proposed use levels is not of safety concern.Key words:Food supplements, copper oxide, CAS Registry Number 1317-38-0T ABLE OF C ONTENTSPanel Members (1)Summary (1)Table of Contents (3)Background as provided by the European Commission (4)Terms of reference as provided by the European Commission (4)Acknowledgements (4)Assessment (5)1.Introduction (5)2.Technical data (5)2.1.Chemistry (5)2.2.Specifications (5)2.3.Manufacturing process (6)2.4.Methods of analysis in food (6)2.5.Reaction and fate in foods to which the source is added (6)2.6.Case of need and proposed uses (6)rmation on existing authorisations and evaluations (7)2.8.Exposure (7)3.Biological and toxicological data (9)3.1.Bioavailability (9)3.2.Toxicological data (9)3.2.1.Animal toxicity data (10)3.2.2.Human toxicity data (10)4.Discussion (10)Conclusions (11)Documentation provided to EFSA (12)References (12)B ACKGROUND AS PROVIDED BY THE E UROPEANC OMMISSIONThe European Community legislation lists nutritional substances that may be used for nutritional purposes in certain categories of foods as sources of certain nutrients.The Commission has received a request for the evaluation of copper oxide added for nutritional purposes to food supplements. The relevant Community legislative measure is: •Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food supplements2.T ERMS OF REFERENCE AS PROVIDED BY THE E UROPEAN C OMMISSIONIn accordance with Article 29 (1) (a) of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002, the European Commission asks the European Food Safety Authority to provide a scientific opinion, based on its consideration of the safety and bioavailability of copper oxide added for nutritional purposes in food supplements.A CKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe European Food Safety Authority wishes to thank the members of the Working Group B on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food for the preparation of this opinion: D. Boskou, U.R. Charrondiere, B. Dusemund, D. Gott, T. Hallas-Møller, K.F.A.M. Hulshof, J. König, C. Le Donne, D. Parent-Massin, I.M.C.M. Rietjens, G.J.A. Speijers, P. Tobback, T. Verguieva, R.A. Woutersen.2 OJ L 183, 12.7.2002, p.51.A SSESSMENT1. IntroductionThe present opinion deals only with the safety of copper(II) oxide as a particular source of copper and with the bioavailability of copper from copper(II) oxide. The safety of copper itself, in terms of amounts that may be consumed, is outside the remit of this Panel.2. Technical data2.1. ChemistryCopper(II) oxide is a dark grey to black odourless amorphous powder, practically insoluble inethanol and water, but soluble in weak and strong acids and slowly soluble in ammonia. Its chemical formula is CuO having a molecular weight of 79.54 g/mol and the CAS Registry Number is 1317-38-0.Synonyms of copper oxide are copper(II) oxide, cupric oxide and black copper oxide.2.2. SpecificationsThe chemical and microbial specifications of copper(II) oxide as proposed by the petitioners are listed in Table 1.Table 1. Chemical and microbial specifications for copper(II) oxide as proposed by thepetitioners Technical Dossier 2005a Technical Dossier 2005b Technical Dossier 2005c TechnicalDossier 2005dChemicalPurity > 99.9% 99.0-101% 99% > 99%Arsenic < 3 mg/kg < 3 mg/kgHeavy metals (as Pb) 10 mg/kg*Lead < 5 mg/kg < 50 mg/kg 100 mg/kg < 50 mg/kgCadmium < 20 mg/kg Mercury < 1 mg/kg < 1 mg/kgIron < 50 mg/kg 500 mg/kgChloride < 50 mg/kg 50 mg/kgTotal sulphur (as sulphate) < 100 mg/kg 200 mg/kgTotal nitrogen < 20 mg/kg 20 mg/kgCarbon < 1000 mg/kg 100 mg/kgPotassium 200 mg/kg Sodium 500 mg/kg MicrobialTotal plate count 1000 cfu/gYeast and mold 100 cfu/gE. coli negative Salmonella negative * The petitioner indicates a heavy metal concentration (as Pb) of 0.001 without any unit for this value; all other values provided in the chemical specification table of the dossiers are given in %, hence it was assumed that this is also true forheavy metals.The Panel notes that according to Commission Regulation (EC) No 629/2008 the maximum levels of lead, mercury and cadmium in food supplements as sold should be 3.0 mg/kg, 0.1 mg/kg and 1 mg/kg, respectively (EC, 2008).2.3.Manufacturing processThe manufacturing process as described by one of the petitioners indicates the preparation by pyrolysis of copper(II) nitrate or copper(II) carbonate providing copper(II) oxide and either NO2 (in case of copper(II) nitrate) or CO2 (in case of copper(II) carbonate).The preparation of copper(II) oxide by the addition of alkali hydroxide to a copper(II) salt solution and dehydration of the bulky blue slurry of copper(II) hydroxide to give copper(II) oxide is also mentioned.2.4.Methods of analysis in foodTypical methods for the analysis of copper in food are Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma spectrometry (ICP) following appropriate extraction and preparation of the samples. There is no specific method for copper(II) oxide as such, as indicated by the petitioner.2.5.Reaction and fate in foods to which the source is addedAs there is no specific method for copper(II) oxide as such, the reaction and fate of copper(II) oxide in foods to which the source is added is monitored by the copper content of the product. The petitioners indicated that a change of the copper content cannot be expected and results are provided by one petitioner on the long-term stability of copper in a typical multi-vitamin and multi-mineral product (chewable tablet). In three different batches the copper content did not change after 36 months.2.6.Case of need and proposed usesCopper(II) oxide is to be used by food supplement manufacturers as an ingredient to tablets, caplets, capsules, chewable tablets, effervescent powders and liquids. The method of incorporation is determined by the different petitioners as appropriate for the particular type of finished product.Copper(II) oxide is to be included in food supplements as a source of copper providing a maximum of 2 mg copper/day for adults, which is equivalent to 2.5 mg of copper(II) oxide. One petitioner indicated that a content of 2.5 mg copper, corresponding to 3 mg copper(II) oxide is also present on the market.rmation on existing authorisations and evaluationsIn an earlier evaluation the Joint FAO/WHO Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) reaffirmed a previous tentative evaluation of a maximum daily load of 0.5 mg/kg body weight as a Provisional Maximal Tolerable Intake (PMTDI) for man from all sources, which amounts to 30 mg/day for a 60 kg person (JECFA, 1982). The Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) has established a Population Reference Intake (PRI) of 1.1 mg copper/day (SCF, 1993). The Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for copper set by the SCF is 5 mg/day for adults (SCF, 2003), which would correspond to 6.34 mg/day of copper(II) oxide and 1-4 mg/day for children, depending on age. The UL takes into account copper intake from all food sources including supplements. Copper(II) oxide has not been evaluated for food use by either the SCF or JECFA, whereas copper as cupric sulphate has been evaluated several times by JECFA. Cupric sulphate was also evaluated by the SCF for food additive use as a colour stabilizer of canned green beans and cucumber salad (SCF, 1991). The SCF considered the possible intake from this use to be unlikely to contribute significantly to the total dietary intake of copper and would lie well below the PMTDI of 0.5 mg/kg bw calculated as Cu from all sources, established by JECFA. Therefore, the SCF considered the continued use of cupric sulphate for this purpose as toxicologically acceptable. Copper complexes of chlorophyll (E141i) and chlorophyllin (E141ii) are permitted food colours.The International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) has issued an extensive evaluation of copper and its salts (WHO, 1998).2.8.ExposureFood is the major source of copper intake; in particular, shellfish and organ meats (e.g. liver) provide rich sources of copper, but drinking water can make an important contribution in some circumstances. Copper concentrations in foods may vary widely between countries due to growing conditions, e.g. copper containing fertilizers and fungicides, and type of processing (WHO, 1998).The SCF reported copper intakes from foods on average in the range from 1.1-2.2 mg/day and in the range from 1.2-4.2 mg/day at the 97.5th percentile (SCF, 2003) as shown in Table 2. Table 2.Summary information on copper intake and anticipated exposure to copper from copper(II) oxideNutrient: Copper Intake (mg/day) ReferencesRecommended intake/ adults 1.1 SCF, 1993 Recommended intake/ children 0.4-0.7 (up to 7 years)0.8-1.0 (children older than 7 yearsand adolescents)SCF, 1993Tolerable Upper Intake Level/ adults (excluding pregnant and lactating women) 5 SCF,2003Tolerable Upper Intake Level/ children 1 (1-3 years),2 (4-6 years),3 (7-10 years),4 (11-17 years)SCF, 2003Average intake (mg/day) High intake (97.5th) (mg/day)Intake range from food in Europe for adults 1.1-2.2 1.2-4.2 SCF, 2003Intake range from food in Europe for children (3-17 years) 0.9-1.1 1.6-2.4 Leblancet al.,2005Amount of copper added as copper(II) oxide as indicated by the petitioner 2.5 TechnicaldossierTotal anticipated exposure to copper from supplement and food intake1 for adults. 3.6-4.7 3.7-6.7 CalculationbyPanelTotal anticipated exposure to copper from supplement and food intake2 for children (3-17 years). 3.4-3.6 4.1-4.9 CalculationbyPanel1 Calculation based on the proposed use level of 2.5 mg/day plus average dietary intake of 1.1-2.2 mg/day and high dietary intake of 1.2-4.2 mg/day for adults.2 Calculation based on the proposed use level of 2.5 mg/day plus average dietary intake of 0.9-1.1 mg/day and high dietary intake of 1.6-2.4 mg/day for children.Other sources of copper exposure are emissions from mines, smelters and foundries, from the burning of coal for power generation and from municipal water incinerators. The contribution of airborne copper to total daily intake is considered as negligible. However, copper exposure can also result from copper plumbing, depending on the hardness, pH and quality of the water. Dissolved copper levels are higher in acidic waters, especially where pipe runs are long and water can stagnate. Thus, drinking water can make an important contribution to copper exposure in some circumstances. The Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals (EVM) estimated the maximum copper exposure to be 11 mg/day with intake levels of 3 mg/day at the 97.5th percentile coming from foods, up to 2 mg/day from food supplements and up to 6 mg/day from drinking water (assuming 2 L/day consumption and the maximum permitted water copper concentration of 3 mg/L) (EVM, 2003). However EVM stated that there is no evidence that copper intakes from water (in the UK) present any risk to health, since in practice copper levels in UK drinking water are much lower and this level of exposure is unlikely to occur.The Panel notes, that even under the assumption that copper exposure from drinking water is unlikely to occur at the levels of the permitted maximum water copper concentration, exposure from foods at the 97.5th percentile is in the range of 1.2-4.2 mg/day. Moreover, the exposure to copper from copper(II) oxide at the use levels proposed by the petitioners would lead to an additional copper exposure of 2-2.5 mg/day, resulting in total mean copper exposure of 3.6-4.7 mg/day for adults and 3.7-6.7 mg/day at the 97.5th percentile. For children the mean copper exposure is estimated to be at 3.4-3.6 mg/day and 4.1-4.9 mg/day at the 97.5th percentile assuming that children take the adult dose of the supplement. An additional exposure from water could increase the total exposure significantly.3.Biological and toxicological data3.1.BioavailabilityThe bioavailability of copper from copper(II) oxide is mainly dependent on the solubilisation of the oxide in the gastrointestinal system. Copper(II) oxide dissolves in acids such as hydrochloric acid forming copper(II) chloride:CuO + 2 HCl → CuCl2 + H2OCopper(II) chloride is soluble in water (75.7 g/100 mL at 25° C) (Lide, 2009).No specific data on the bioavailability of copper from copper(II) oxide were provided by the petitioners. One petitioner indicated, that it can be expected that, due to the acidic conditions in the stomach, copper(II) oxide will dissociate generating copper(II) ions and hydroxyl ions or water (depending on pH), rendering copper bioavailable from the source. However, the petitioner also stated that copper absorption is generally affected by a number of factors including the chemical form. Absorption of copper from various sources, mostly soluble salts such as copper sulphate, has been found to vary between 25-60% (JECFA, 1982), and the petitioner mentioned that it can be anticipated that the less soluble copper(II) salts will be in the lower end of that range.In a series of human studies it has been convincingly demonstrated that the rate of copper absorption varies inversely with copper intake and can be as low as 12% with very high copper intakes. A theoretical maximum absorptive capacity of 63-67% has been estimated (Turnlund et al., 1989).The ingestion of copper as a mineral salt is relevant in humans only when taken as a nutritional supplement (Wapnir, 1998); in this situation, the potential of interactions with other mineral elements may have nutritional significance. The bioavailability of copper ranges between approximately 35% from normal diets and 60% from low copper diets (Winge and Mehra, 1990). Animal protein and fructose enhance copper absorption whilst vegetable protein, zinc, iron and calcium impede it (Hughes and Buttriss, 2000).3.2.Toxicological dataThe petitioner did not provide any specific data on the toxicity of copper(II) oxide but there are a lot of data on the toxicity of copper (ATDSR, 1990; EVM, 2003). Copper salts have moderate acute toxicity, with soluble salts being more toxic than insoluble ones. Consequently, the acute toxicity of copper(II) oxide is assumed to be rather low. Although the data are limited, rats appear to be more tolerant to acute copper toxicity than other species. In short- term (2 weeks) repeated dose toxicity tests in rats and mice, copper salts are associated with adverse effects such as gastro-intestinal irritation and liver and kidney toxicity. Reported No-Observed-Adverse-Effect-Levels (NOAELs) are in the range of 23-104 mg/kg bw/day copper, but kidney effects have been shown in male rats at levels as low as 10 mg/kg bw/day (ATSDR, 1990).3.2.1.Animal toxicity dataThere is a wide range of LD50 values for different copper salts, and the more soluble copper salts tend to be more acutely toxic than those with lower solubility. In addition, although data are limited, rats appear to be less susceptible to the acute effects of copper than other animals (EVM, 2002).3.2.2.Human toxicity dataAcute toxicity of copper in humans is rare. Copper ions (originated from any copper salts or oxide) have an irritant effect on mucosal membranes and daily intakes ranging from 2 to 32 mg in drinking water have been reported to cause symptoms of general gastric irritation (EPA, 1987). A study in Wisconsin also suggested that high levels of copper in the water supply may increase the rate of gastrointestinal upsets (Knobeloch et al., 1998). A study on the acute gastrointestinal effects of drinking water containing graded levels of added copper (Pizarro et al., 1999) showed that an average daily consumption of 1.64 litres of drinking water containing 3 mg/L ionised copper(II) was associated with nausea, abdominal pain or vomiting. A study to determine the tolerance of chronic exposure to copper in drinking water in infants aged 3-12 months (Olivares et al., 1998) concluded that no acute or chronic adverse consequences were detected in the first year of life in infants by consuming water with a copper content of 2 mg/L.In a human study both copper sulphate (a soluble compound) and copper(II) oxide (an insoluble compound) showed comparable effects, implying that the ionic copper present in the stomach is responsible for the induction of gastrointestinal manifestations. People with the condition of achlorhydria or elderly may be at increased risk for copper deficiency, as is the case for subjects consuming antacids, because copper absorption requires that the metal is in the ionized form.Twenty subjects presented gastrointestinal disturbances at least once during the study, suffering diarrhoea (with or without abdominal pain and vomiting), and the other eleven subjects reported abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting. No differences were found in incidence of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea at different ratios of copper sulphate to copper(II) oxide. Both copper sulphate (a soluble compound) and copper(II) oxide (an insoluble compound) have comparable effects on the induction of gastrointestinal manifestations, implying similar levels of ionic copper were present in the stomach. Dose levels of copper(II) salts in this study were 5 mg/L drinking water and an average water consumption of 1.5/day (Pizarro, 2001).4.DiscussionThe Panel notes that the bioavailability of copper from copper(II) oxide is mainly dependent on the solubilisation of the oxide in the gastrointestinal system. It can be therefore expected that, due to the acidic conditions in the stomach, copper(II) oxide will dissociate into copper(II) ions and hydroxyl ions or water (depending on pH), rendering copper absorbable from the source in the lower end of the range that has been found for other inorganic sources of copper(II) of 25-60%.The Panel notes, that even under the assumption that copper exposure from drinking water is unlikely to occur at the levels of the permitted maximum water copper concentration, exposure from foods at the 97.5th percentile is in the range of 1.2-4.2 mg copper/day, and that the exposure to copper from copper(II) oxide at the use levels proposed by the petitioners would lead to an additional copper exposure of 2-2.5 mg/day resulting in a worst case calculation for total copper exposure of 3.2-6.7 mg/day and that at the higher end this exposure may in some cases exceed the Tolerable Upper Intake Level of 5 mg/day established by the SCF.Copper salts have moderate acute toxicity, with soluble salts being more toxic than insoluble ones. In short- term (2 weeks) repeated dose toxicity tests in rats and mice, copper salts are associated with adverse effects such as gastro-intestinal irritation and liver and kidney toxicity. Reported NOAELs are in the range of 23-104 mg/kg bw/day copper, but kidney effects have been shown in male rats at levels as low as 10 copper mg/kg bw/day.Acute toxicity of copper in humans is rare. An average daily consumption of 1.64 litres of drinking water containing 3 mg/L ionised copper(II) was associated with nausea, abdominal pain or vomiting.In a human study both copper sulphate (a soluble compound) and copper(II) oxide (an insoluble compound) showed comparable effects, implying that the ionic copper present in the stomach is responsible for the induction of gastrointestinal manifestations. Twenty subjects presented gastrointestinal disturbances at least once during the study, suffering diarrhoea (with or without abdominal pain and vomiting), and the other eleven subjects reported abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting.C ONCLUSIONSThe present opinion deals with the safety of copper(II) oxide as a source for copper added for nutritional purposes to food supplements and with the bioavailability of copper from this source. The safety of copper itself, in term of amounts that may be consumed, is outside the remit of this Panel.Copper(II) oxide shows lower bioavailability compared to other inorganic sources of copper(II) due to its low solubility. However, the Panel notes that copper from copper(II) oxide is expected to be bioavailable to some extent.The Panel concludes that, provided that the Tolerable Upper Intake Level is not exceeded, the use of copper(II) oxide as a source of copper at the proposed use levels is not of safety concern.D OCUMENTATION PROVIDED TO EFSA1.Technical dossier, 2005a. Dossier on Copper Oxide Proposed for the Addition to Annex IIof Directive 2002/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council Relating to Food Supplements. May 2005. Submitted by Heath Food Manufacturers Association.2.Technical dossier, 2005b. Dossier for Safety Evaluation of Copper (II) Oxide. April 2005.Submitted by Béres Pharmaceuticals Ltd.3.Technical dossier, 2005c. Dossier on Copper Oxide. Submitted by Kabco PharmaceuticalLtd.4.Technical dossier, 2005d. Dossier on Copper Oxide. July 2005. Submitted by the DanishFood and Veterinary Administration.R EFERENCESATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry), 1990. Toxicological profile for copper. Atlanta, December.EC, 2008. Commission Regulation (EC) No 629/2008 of 2 July 2008 amending Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs.EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), 1987. Drinking water criteria document for copper.Cincinnati, Ohio.EVM, 2002. Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals. Review of copper. London.EVM, 2003. Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals. Report on safe upper levels for vitamins and minerals. London. May 2003.Hughes J, Buttriss J, 2000. An update on copper: contribution of MAFF-funded research.Nutrition Bulletin 25, 271-280.JECFA (Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee of Food Additives), 1982. Copper. In: Evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants. WHO Food Additives Series No.17. Twenty-sixth Report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee of Food Additives.World Health Organisation. Geneva.Knobeloch L, Schubert C, Hayes J, Clark J, Fitzgerald C, Fraundorff A, 1998.Gastrointestinal upsets and new copper plumbing - Is there a connection? Wisconsin Medical Journal 44-48.Leblanc JC, Guerin T, Noel L, Calamassi-Tran G, Volatier JL, Verger P, 2005. Dietary exposure estimates of 18 elements from the 1st French Total Diet Study. Food Additives and Contaminants 22, 624-641.Lide DR (ed), 2009. Properties of the Elements and Inorganic Compounds. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 89th Edition, CRC Press/Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, FL, (Internet Version).Olivares M, Pizarro F, Speisky H, Lönnerdal B, Uauy R, 1998. Copper in Infant Nutrition.Safety of World Health Organisation Provisional Guideline Value for copper content of drinking water. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 26, 251-257.Pizarro F, Olivares M, Uauy R, Contreras P, Rebelo A, Gidi V, 1999. Acute Gastrointestinal Effects of Graded Levels of Copper in Drinking Water. Environmental Health Perspectives 107, 117-121.Pizarro F, Olivares M, Araya M, Gidi V, Uauy R, 2001. Gastrointestinal Effects Associated with Soluble and Insoluble Copper in Drinking Water. Environmental Health Perspectives 109, 949-952.SCF (Scientific Committee for Food), 1991. Reports of the Scientific Committee for Food of the European Community. Twenty-fifth series. First series of food additives of various technological functions. Commission of the European Countries. Luxembourg. May 1991.SCF (Scientific Committee for Food), 1993. Reports of the Scientific Committee for Food of the European Community. Thirty-first series. Nutrient and energy intakes for the European Community. Commission of the European Countries. Luxembourg.SCF (Scientific Committee for Food), 2003. Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food on the Tolerable Upper Intake Level of Copper. Commission of the European Countries.http://ec.europa.eu/food/fs/sc/scf/out176_en.pdf.Turnlund JR, Keyes WR, Anderson HL, Acord LL, 1989. Copper absorption and retention in young men at three levels of dietary copper by use of the stable isotope 65Cu. Am J Clin Nutr 49, 870–878.Wapnir RA, 1998. Copper absorption and bioavailability. Am J Clin Nutr 67, 1054S-1060S.WHO, 1998. Copper. Environmental Health Criteria 200. International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS). World Health Organisation. Geneva.。
