( 2 )仓泵子画面为单台仓泵画面,显示仓泵各阀门动作、运行状态、仓泵料位与灰斗料位及仓泵压力。画面设置有仓泵工作参数调节按键,如上上限压力值设定、上限压力值设定、下限压力值设定、进料时间设定、料位失灵监控次数,以上参数都可利用键盘或鼠标来设定,同时画面中还设有各报警显示(加压超时、输送超时、料位计失灵、输送超压)、仓泵就地箱手动/自动位置状态显示及显示仓泵运行的各项参数(输送总次数、当日输送次数、输送总时间、当日输送时间、输送压力、进料时间、料位监控计数),并设置了仓泵投入、退出按键,从子画面可回到单台炉画面及子画面之间的相互切换及退回主画面。
LD型浓相气力输送泵与同类产品及机械输送相比较,具有以下优点:1. 物料输送时灰气输送比(混合比)高、耗气量少。
2. 物料输送速度低,在提高输送效率的同时,有效减少了管道的磨损和压缩空气量。
3. 自动化程度高,操作简单灵活,利用微型计算机控制系统对整个输送过程进行自动化控制。
4. 其关键部件,如进料阀、泵体、控制元件等寿命长,且按通用规范设计, 互换性、通用性强。
5. 输送管路可灵活布置,能方便地实行集中、分散、大高度、长距离输送。
6. 由于在密封管道中输送物料, 可严格保证物料质量,使其不受潮、不污染、不受各种气候条件影响, 有利于生产和环境保护。
7. 每次输送完毕,泵内基本无残存物料。
二、主要技术参数及外形尺寸(一)、LD型浓相气力输送泵主要技术参数:参数型号LD-0.5 LD-1.0 LD-1.5 LD-2.0 LD-3.0 泵体内径(mm) 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 总容积(m3) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 配用输送管径(mm) DN65/DN80 DN80/DN100 DN100/DN125使用温度(℃) ≤120最大输送距离(m) 1000~2000最大设计压力(MPa) 0.78(二)、LD型浓相气力输送泵外形图(见图1)图11. 进料阀2. 排气阀3. 料位计4. 泵体5. 就地控制箱6. 支架7. 气化装置8. 压力表9. 球阀10.调压阀11.截至阀12.节流阀(三)、设备外形尺寸及接口尺寸表(mm)代号型号LD-0.5 LD-1.0 LD-1.5 LD-2.0 LD-3.0A Φ816 Φ1020 Φ1220 Φ1420 Φ1624B 875 905 965 1010 1028C Φ780 Φ1150 Φ1350 Φ1550 Φ1600H 1590 2250 2500 2560 3010H1 1750 2360 2640 2650 3150H2 1160 1570 1900 2002 2300H3 1200 1635 1720 1690 1865a DN200b DN65/DN80 DN100/DN125c DN25/DN40 DN40/DN50d DN25/DN40 DN40/DN50三、设备组成LD型浓相气力输送泵通常有下列几部分组成:1. 进料装置(其结构形式见图2)进料阀设置于仓泵顶部,用于对仓泵的进料进行控制。
浙江伟明环保股份有限公司仓式气力输送泵使用说明书销售计划部编制8月目录1、概述.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2、主要技术参数及外形尺寸................................ 错误!未定义书签。
3、设备组成.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
4、工作原理.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
5、输送机理.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
6、外形尺寸.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
7、安装与调试............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
8、操作使用说明.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
9、仓泵工作报警.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
10、报警故障处理方法..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
11、注意事项............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
12、系统控制流程......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
13、仓泵维护及保养....................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1. 系统介绍1.1系统工艺流程打开进料阀,物料进入发送器,当物料接触到料位计并预埋一定深度后(或进料保护时间到),料位计给出信号,关闭进料阀并对进料阀进行密封圈充压,密封压力开关给出信号后,先进行仓泵充压,打开输送进气阀、底部气化阀和仓顶加压阀,待充压到设计值后再打开出料阀和补气装置的进气阀。
本系统的除灰系统采用PLC 控制系统,运行人员在控制室内实现对整个输送系统的启/停监控,正常运行监视及异常工况处理。
本次沅江纸业所涉及的熟石灰输送系统安装主要分为三个部分: (1)仓泵间设备的安装;(2)输送管路的安装;(3)灰库设备的安装。
5.有明确安装地点的设备和阀门除外,其余阀门安装应遵循以下原则:5.1经常操作的阀门的安装位置在便于人员操作,最适宜的安装高度为距地面1.2m 左右。
FEATURES AND BENEFITSOPERATIONSDESCRIPTIONVery efficient, wet-armature solenoid core tube construction.All cartridge valves are 100% functionally tested.All external carbon steel parts are plated for longer life against the elements.direct acting, screw in type, solenoid operated, N.O. selector valve.This unit is a FOUR-WAY, TWO POSITION, cartridge type, spool type,plunger smaller then .188" dia.on top of the valve with a screw driver or a similar Manual Operator Standard: Push in and hold a small plunger is shifted and does not allow flow between ports 1 and 2When solenoid coil is energized, the spool in this valve flow between ports 1 and 2, ports 3 and 4.When solenoid coil is de-energized, this valve allows Hardened precision fitted spool & sleeve provides reliable, long life.Interchangeable solenoid coils & terminations options available.Continuous-duty, very low heat rise & waterproof solenoid coil.and ports 3 and 4.DIRECT ACTING, SPOOL TYPE (4/2)SPECIFICATIONSVALVE CAVITY: #C1240, See Page 0-043.0.WEIGHT: 2.13 lb [.97 kg] cartridge with coil only.INSTALLATION: No restrictions.SKV-1242 VitonSEAL KIT: SKN-1242 Buna "N"* Drop-Out: 50 ms * Pull-in: 50 ms voltage supplied @ 80% of nominal flow rating.RESPONSE TIME: First indication of change in pressure with 100%INTERNAL LEAKAGE: 5cu.in/min [82 cc/m] @ 5,000 PSI [350 Bar]FLOW:16.0 GPM [60 l/m] See performance chart.PROOF PRESSURE: 10,000 PSI [700 Bar]OPERATING PRESSURE: 5,000 PSI [350 Bar] DIRECT ACTING, SPOOL TYPE (4/2)MIL-H-5606, SAE-#10, SAE-#20, etc.OPERATING MEDIA: All general purpose hydraulic fluids such as 5000 PSI [350 Bar] = Steel - Unplated.VALVE HOUSINGS: 2500 PSI [175 Bar] = Aluminum - Anodized.AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: -40° to +122° F. [-40° to +50° C.]Please consult factory for continuously energized or high ambient temperature application (>122° F [50°C])OIL TEMPERATURE: -40° to +175° F. [-40° to +80° C.]****************************/commoncavity2015 by Bucher Hydraulics, Inc., 2545 Northwest Parkway, Elgin, Illinois 60124, USA All rights reserved.The technical information in this catalog, may contain calculated figures (for reference only) and not actual performance data for this product.Data is provided for the purpose of product description only, and must not be construed as warranted characteristics in the legal sense. The information does not relieve users from the duty of conducting their own evaluations and tests. Because the products are subject to continual improvement, we reserve the right to amend the product specifications contained in this catalogue.©。
2、安装前检查2.1 检查验收气力输送系统土建基础(包含仓泵基础、管支架基础)是否具备安装条件,预埋件是否符合图纸要求,标高等尺寸是否在公差范围内。
2.2 施工场地具备方便物料进出、堆放、通水通电条件满足。
2.3 各岗位工人证件齐全(包含起重工、焊工、安全员、电工、保险证明、健康证明),开工报告、安全交底、技术交底等开工前的手续应完整。
2.4 系统设备到货应齐全,完整。
3、安装工艺过程3.1 输送设备的安装3.1.1 在除尘器、省煤器和空气预热器、中间仓、灰库等施工完毕,并且清除除尘器、省煤器和空气预热器、中间仓内一切杂物后,才能安装气力输送设备。
3.1.2 仓泵安装前,检查清除仓泵内异物。
3.1.3 检查、校平、打磨气力输送系统设备安装接口法兰面、方圆节法兰面。
3.1.4 按安装图定位仓泵出灰口方向,仓泵筒体和支座垂直度应≤仓泵整体高度尺寸的1/1000。
3.1.5 安装顺序:先安装插板阀、伸缩节;然后校准仓泵的垂直度,并调整仓泵支座位置使其与仓泵支撑预埋件的位置对应;串联仓泵系统,头尾仓泵之间管道直线度偏差不超过1.5mm。
3.1.6 各法兰结合面应平整,安装前应检验;气、灰管口法兰垫用石棉橡胶板,插板阀、方圆节的连接处用石棉绳或盘根做密封垫,管螺纹连接处用麻绳或聚四氟乙烯生料带做填料。
L型气力输送泵与同类产品及机械输送相比较,具有独特的优点: 1( 设备紧凑,占地面积小,维修费用低。
2( 设置自动化操作系统,采用PLC可编程控制器或继电器控制,实行手动和自动控制,操作简单灵活,自动化程度高。
3( 流态化装置更具有独到之处,具有较大的调控手段,能使输送物料充分流态化,提高输送效率,保证输送质量。
4( 每次输送完毕,泵内基本无残存物料。
5( 输送管路可灵活布置,方便地实行集中、分散、大高度、长距离、适应各种地形,进行高效的输送。
6( 由于在密封管道中输送,可严格保证物料质量不受潮、不污染、不受各种气候条件影响,有利生产和环境保护。
7( 设备配套齐全,特殊规格,本厂可代为设计,专门制造。
2图1 进料装置1 进料斗2 气缸3 活塞杆压紧盖4 活塞杆压紧座5 接头6 检修孔盖7 拉杆8 进料斗下法兰9 中间法兰 10 压圈 11 密封圈 12 锥阀 13 泵盖法兰1(2进料装置也叫进料阀,设置在仓泵上部,用于控制仓泵进料。
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自动运行是仓泵输灰的主要控制运行方式。当就地控制箱投到自动操 作时才能操作程控柜。先按投入按钮,此时若控制气源和输送气源压力 正常,仓泵就地箱上的手动/自动旋钮在自动位,则仓泵便进行自动运 行;若气源低于设定压力,则等待, 直到气源压力达到设定值,仓泵才进行自动运行操作。
仓泵自动运行需退出时,按退出按钮,此时分为三种状况: (1) · 若此时仓泵正在输送,则仓泵待此泵送完就进入空送; (2) · 若仓泵正在进料,则延时停止进料,仓泵送完该次进料的
2.控制气源压力低于设定压力(一般为 0.5Mpa) 3.当其中有一项压力低于设定值时,禁止仓泵加压输送,但正在输送 的仓泵继续输送到结束,气源压力恢复后自动复位。 2.4.堵管报警 条件:1.仓泵输送压力高于设定的堵管压力。 2.出现故障后仓泵退出运行,使用同一条输灰管上的仓泵停止输送。 2.5.灰库料满 条件:1.灰库料位计发出料满信号(灰库料位计常开接点闭合). 报警时设置在模拟面板上相应的指示灯闪烁或亮。
粉料后进入空送; (3) · 若仓泵正在排气,则立即停止排气,仓泵就进入空送。
1.2.启动 1.2.1.确认气源系统和灰库灰位,切换阀位置,除尘器运行状况。 1.2.2.仓泵就地箱均处自动位置。 1.2.3.系统投入,确认辅助设备运行状况。(气源压力、灰库料位、切换阀 位置、脉冲除尘器等) 1.2.4.根据设备状况和运行要求,选择投入运行的仓泵。(一般情况下,应 全部投入运行。)此时系统已启动,各设备按设定的指令循环向灰库输灰。 1.3.停止 按要求退出需停止送灰的仓泵,仓泵按设置的指令送灰结束后,泵号显
影响仓泵正常运行。 2.1.2.料位失灵报警 条件: 输送结束料位计常开接点闭合,仓泵退出运行,但不影响同一条输灰
A L型浓相气力输送泵AL Type Concentration Phase Air Delivery Pump说明书无锡中冶环保科技有限公司Wuxi Zhongye Environmental Technology Co., Ltd一、概述GeneralAL型浓相气力输送泵系列引进瑞典先进技术,该设备适用于输送粉煤灰、水泥、水泥生料、矿粉、粮食等粉状物料。
AL type of concentration phase air delivery pump series products adopted the advanced technology introduced from Feida Company, Sweden and AB Company Australia. It is applicable to deliver powder and granule materials as fly- ash, boiler bottom cinder, limestone powder, cement raw meal, breeze and grain etc.AL型浓相气力输送泵与同类产品及机械输送相比较,具有以下优点:Comparing to the similar products and mechanical conveyors, the AL type concentration phase air delivery pump has following advantages:1. 灰气比(混合比)高,输灰管长度在200米内可达1:40~50以上。
Higher ratio of ash/air (Mix ratio), it reaches more than 1:40~50 with the ash delivery pipe length less than 200 meters.2. 工作压力低(一般在0.1~0.2MPa)、流速低。
示熄灭,仓泵已退出。 在投入和退出时仓泵都空送一次,以防仓泵工作报警
在工作中,对于各种不正常情况,控制系统均发出报警信号,报警采用声光 报警, 在报警时,相应的显示灯亮或闪烁,蜂鸣器发出报警声音,其中声音可以关 闭,但关闭后不影响第二次报警。
报警内容: 2.1.料位计报警 2.1.1.料位监控报警 条件: 仓泵利用时间进料超过所设定料位监控次数而料位计没有动作,但不
粉料后进入空送; (3) · 若仓泵正在排气,则立即停止排气,仓泵就进入空送。
1.2.启动 1.2.1.确认气源系统和灰库灰位,切换阀位置,除尘器运行状况。 1.2.2.仓泵就地箱均处自动位置。 1.2.3.系统投入,确认辅助设备运行状况。(气源压力、灰库料位、切换阀 位置、脉冲除尘器等) 1.2.4.根据设备状况和运行要求,选择投入运行的仓泵。(一般情况下,应 全部投入运行。)此时系统已启动,各设备按设定的指令循环向灰库输灰。 1.3.停止 按要求退出需停止送灰的仓泵,仓泵按设置的指令送灰结束后,泵号显
2.控制气源压力低于设定压力(一般为 0.5Mpa) 3.当其中有一项压力低于设定值时,禁止仓泵加压输送,但正在输送 的仓泵继续输送到结束,气源压力恢复后自动复位。 2.4.堵管报警 条件:1.仓泵输送压力高于设定的堵管压力。 2.出现故障后仓泵退出运行,使用同一条输灰管上的仓泵停止输送。 2.5.灰库料满 条件:1.灰库料位计发出料满信号(灰库料位计常开接点闭合). 报警时设置在模拟面板上相应的指示灯闪烁或亮。
气力除尘输灰 仓泵说明书
图3 排气装置1 气缸2 阀体3 密封圈4 锥阀5 压板3.流态化装置也叫气化室,它设置在仓泵的底部。
三、功能3.1 仪器键盘3.1.1 每一部分的名称和功能主开关排气阀左门右门LED排水池漏液传感器图3-1 前视图●主开关:开关电源●门:有两个门●排气阀:打开可以清洗系统●漏液传感器:检测液体的泄漏●UI-键盘:可独立操作泵的键盘(可供选择)●LED :共有4个指示灯,每个灯都有特定的颜色对于不同的检测指示配线盖板I/F板安装空间接地线配线盖板泵能用外部信号启动泵能用外部信号停止压力值被输出到外部(约49Mpa)/lv图3-2 后视图配线盖板:配线盖板:打开左侧盖板(见前视图),可以看到用于L-2000系列之间的e-line连接器,这些配线盖板也可以用作固定板,使L-2000仪器和仪器之间紧固一些。
表3-1 后面板上每个端子的名称和功能3.1.2 UI 键盘的名称和功能(选项)(1) 操作键以下是UI 键盘操作面板的每一个键的作用解释。
(2) 监控屏幕UI 键盘提供了一个液晶显示的监控屏幕,它可以指示仪器的运行状态,指示仪器状态的屏幕叫做监控屏幕,监控屏幕的操作方法和指示的例子如下所示。
(a) 第一监控屏幕主要指示泵的主结构信息当两种液体在进行低压梯度操作时,%C 和%D 总是0。
[GR]该梯度程序在执行中[I N] 等待分析的执行,A 液已被输送。
[ -- ] 等待分析的执行,泵已停止。
[MN] 手动程序被选择。
[PG] 清洗程序在执行中。
[LK] 操作盘的键盘被锁定。
1)第一监控屏幕2)第二监控屏幕3)第三监空屏幕4)第四监控屏幕3.2 操作状态表示被压下的键)<打开电源>MANUAL :操作在不使用程序的条件下进行。
仓式气力输送泵产品使用说明及操作规程The Product descriptionAnd operational proceduresFor Cone-type pneumatic conveying pump江苏文诺环保科技发展有限公司Jiangsu Wennuo Environmental Technology Development Co., Ltd一·概述I.Overview仓式气力输送泵分为L型系列和LD型系列,仓式气力输送泵是压送式气力输送粉末状物料的理想设备,适用于输送粉煤灰、水泥、水泥生料、碳粉、矿粉、粮食、化工原料等粉状物料。
Cone-type pneumatic conveying pump, divided into L type and LD type, is ideal for pressure-feed pneumatic conveying, and applies to conveying fly ash, cement, cement raw materials, carbon dust, mining powder, grain, chemicals and other powdery materials.仓式气力输送泵吸取了国内外同类产品的先进结构,在长期的使用中,又多次改进,其质量稳定,性能可靠,是气力输送的理想设备。
Cone-type pneumatic conveying pump adopts the advanced structure of domestic and foreign similar products, has been improved many times in the long-term use, and is ideal for pneumatic conveying equipment due to high quality and reliable performance. In addition, it has unique and excellent performance for conveying the materials with high specific gravity and large granule materials. Therefore, this kind of products has been sold throughout the country, and even exported to Southeast Asia.气力输送泵与同类产品及机械输送相比较,具有独特的优点:Compared with similar products and mechanical conveying equipment, the pneumatic conveying pump has the following unique advantages:1.设备紧凑,占地面积小,维修费用低。
Section:L and J FRAME PUMPSPage: 1Date: December 1, 1997 OPERATION – ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS AND PARTS LIST FOR“L2” DRIVE END(FRAME SIZES 1L2, 2L2, 3L2, 2M1, 3M1, 6M1)GENERALThe Moyno® Pump is one of the most versatile pumps available. It has been proven in thou-sands of applications over the past 50 years. It is backed by the experience gained over these years, both in application and manufacturing expertise.The Moyno progressing cavity pump is a single-screw rotary pump. The pumping action is created by the single helical rotor rolling eccentrically in the double threaded helix of the stator. In its revolution, the rotor forms in conjunction with the stator a series of sealed cavities 180 degrees apart. As the rotor turns, the cavities progress from the suction to the discharge. As one cavity diminishes, the opposing cavity is increasing at exactly the same rate. Thus, the sum of the two discharges is a constant volume. The result is a pulsation-less positive displacement flow with no valves.NAMEPLATE DATAThe Moyno Pump nameplate, located on the bearing housing, carries the serial number, frame size, and type designation. All are extremely important and must be used when ordering spare parts.Record the nameplate data of your pump in the spaces provided in the heading of Page 112.Moyno Pumps are identified by Frame and Type. Pump Frame is essentially an indication of size. It consists of a number, a letter, and a number (i.e. 2L2). The first number indicates the number of stages in the pumping elements. The letter indicates the model. The final number indicates the size of the rotor-stator pumping elements. A frame 2L2 pump, therefore, has two stages of size 2 pumping elements.The “L” in the frame size indicates a standard relationship between the housing, bearings, and drive shaft and the size of the pumping elements. Many variations may be made by adapting smaller element sizes to a larger drive end size. This may be necessary due to the severity of a specific pumping application. In cases where the drive end (housing, bearings, and drive shaft) is one size larger than the element size normally used, the pump is referred to as an “M” frame pump (i.e. 2M1). Thus, a frame 3L2 and 2M1 would use a common drive end.Type designation is a series of letters which identify the “Materials of Construction” in component groups of parts. The usual type designation will consist of three letters.The first letter identifies the material of the suction housing casting or the body casting where the bearing housing is a part of the suction housing.The second letter indicates the material used in the drive shaft, pins, connecting rod, rotor, and other minor metallic parts in contact with the material being pumped.The third letter determines the material of the stator. It identifies only the stator material and not that of the tube in which the stator is placed.A typical type designation such as CDQ would result in the following:C = Cast Iron Suction HousingD Hardened Steel Internals includingdrive shaft, pins, connecting rod,rotor, and other minor metallic parts incontact with the material beingpumpedQ = Nitrile Synthetic Rubber Stator (70 durometer)The following letters identify the actual materials that are used in standard construction:B - EPDM Q - Nitrile (70 durometer)C - Cast Iron R - Natural Rubber (55durometer)D - Hardened Steel S - Stainless Steel, typeF - Fluoroelastomer #316G - Stainless Steel, T - Teflon (glass impreg-#416 nated)Also included on the nameplate is the three-character trim code designation. This only appears on pumps which have semi-standard or special construction. The first letter identifies sealing variations, the second character identifies internal variations, and the third letter identifies rotor variations.On page 5 of this manual are variations avail-able for modifying pumps to meet specialized pumping conditions. If the trim code of your pump is other than “AAA”, contact your nearest Moyno representative for clarification. Do not use any variation unless you have determined that it iscompatible with your application.• 2* ADD THIRD LETTER OF TYPE DESIGNATION TO COMPLETE PART NUMBER. EX: TYPE CDQ PUMP – ADD Q TO BASIC NUMBER OF STATOR ** Bearing Kit includes Items A thru G *** Connecting Rod Kit includes items N thru S. + see pages 5 – 6 for variations“L2” DRIVE END PARTS TYPE DESIGNATIONSSelect type column corresponding to type designation at left.Order by part number Refer to frame size to select proper rotor and stator.REF. NO .DESCRIPTION CDQ CDR CDB CDF Part No. CDD CDG CDT Part No. CSQ CSR CSB CSF Part No. CSD CSG CST Part No. SSQ SSR SSB SSF Part No. SSD SSG SST Part No. A. Ball Bearing (Radial)A02291 A02291 A02291 A02291 A02291 A02291 B. Ball Bearing (Thrust)A02301 A02301 A02301 A02301 A02301 A02301 C. Bearing SpacerA02331 A02331 A02331 A02331 A02331 A02331 D. Bearing Lock NutA02581 A02581 A02581 A02581 A02581 A02581 E. Bearing Lock WasherA02591 A02591 A02591 A02591 A02591 A02591 F. Grease Seal (Radial)A02611 A02611 A02611 A02611 A02611 A02611 G. Grease Seal (Thrust) A02621 A02621 A02621 A02621 A02621 A02621 Bearing Kit** K02291 K02291 K02291 K02291 K02291K02291 H. Bearing Cover Plate A02341 A02341 A02341 A02341 A02341 A02341 I. Body Support A02371 A02371 A02371 A02371 A02371 A02371 J. Shaft Collar A02491 A02491 A02491 A02491 A02491 A02491 K. Pin Retainer A02501 A02501 A02501 A02501 A02501 A02501 L. Stator Support A02381 A02382 A02381 A02382 A02381 A02382 M. Lantern Ring A02571 A02571 A02571 A02571 A02571 A02571 N. Drive Pin Retaining Nut A02541 A02541 A02541 A02541A02541 A02541 O. Retaining Nut Washer A02731 A02731 A02731 A02731 A02731 A02731 P. Connection Rod Washer A02531 Not Rq. A02531 Not Rq.A02531 Not Rq. Q. Connecting Rod B0225D B0225D B0225S B0225SB0225S B0225S R. Rotor Pin B0245D B0245D B0245S B0245SB0245S B0245S S. Shaft Pin B0246S B0246S B0246S B0246S B0246S B0246S Connecting Rod Kit*** K0225D K0225D K0225S K0225S K0225SK0225S T. Bearing Housing A02051 A02051 A02051 A02051 A02051 A02051 TT. Suction Housing B02021 B02022 B02021 B02022 B02026 B02027 T. Pump Body B02011 B02012 B02011 B02012 B02016 B02017 U. Reducer B02091 B02092 B02091 B02092 B02096 B02097 V. Drive Shaft + B02261 B02261 B02266 B02266B02266 B02266 W. Packing Gland B0241D B0241D B0241S B0241SB0241S B0241S X. Packing + B02421 B02421 B02425 B02425 B02425 B02425 Y. Packing Washer B0265D B0265D B0265S B0265SB0265S B0265S Z. Stator Frame 2M1 C4201* C4201* C4201* C4201* C5201* C5201* Frame 3M1 C4301* C4301* C4301* C4301*C5301* C5301* Frame 6M1 C4601* C4601* C4601* C4601*C5601* C5601* Frame 1L2 C4102* C4102* C4102* C4102*C5102* C5102* Frame 2L2 C4202* C4202* C4202* C4202*C5202* C5202* Frame 3L2 C4302* C4302* C4302* C4302*C5302* C5302* AA. Rotors Frame 2M1 + C72011 C72011 C82011 C82011C82011 C82011 Frame 3M1 + C73011 C73011 C83011 C83011C83011 C83011 Frame 6M1 + C76011 C76011 C86011 C86011C86011 C86011 Frame 1L2 + C71021 C71021 C81021 C81021C81021 C81021 Frame 2L2 + C72021 C72021 C82021 C82021C82021 C82021 Frame 3L2 + C73021 C73021 C83021 C83021C83021 C830213INSTRUCTIONS FOR DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY Frames 1L2, 2L2, 3L2, 2M1, 3M1, 6M1 Disassembly Procedure1. Disconnect the power source.2. Close the suction and discharge valves to isolate thepump from the line.3. Turn off flush water to packing or rotary seal if used.4. Remove drain plug in pump body to drain away any fluidremaining in pump.5. Place a support block under pump body in area of drainplug. Wooden blocks are sufficient. The purpose is to prevent undue stress on pump support when pump is disassembled.6. Disconnect piping from stator end of pump.7. Stator Removal - With pipe wrench or strap wrenchremove discharge reducer (U). Remove cap of stator support and with strap wrench or pipe wrench, unscrew the stator (Z) from the suction housing. Pull Stator off the rotor.8. Rotor Removal . The rotor (AA) is removed with theconnecting rod (Q) and rotor pin (S) as a unit. Removal of the unit is accomplished by removing the two drive pin retaining nuts (N) located in the shaft collar (J). This step reveals the shaft drive pin (R) which is removed by driving the pin from the drive shaft (V) with a small punch or drift pin. Slide the shaft collar toward the packing gland (W) and remove the retaining screw washers (O) from each side of the drive shaft. The rotor and connecting rod can now be removed by pulling them from the pump. To disassemble, clamp the connecting rod (Q) by its mid-section in a vise and witha drift pin, drive the pin retainer (K) from the head of therotor. The rotor pin (S) can now be removed from the rotor freeing the connecting rod. Remove the connecting rod washers (P) if present.9. To remove packing (X), remove nuts holding packinggland (W). Slip packing gland from studs, remove packing rings, lantern ring (M), and remaining packing rings. Packing rings can be removed with a standard packing puller. Note: If step 10 is to be per formed, it should precede step 9 as packing can then be removed by freeing packing gland and driving packing, lantern ring, and packing washer (Y) from housing using a small rod. Rod should enter where stator screws into pump body. Place rod on packing washer and tap. Entire set should easily exit from opposite end of stuffing box.10. Drive Shaft & Bearing Removal - With rotor removed itis now possible to remove the drive shaft and bearings as a sub-assembly. Remove the four cap screws holding the bearing cover plate (H) and slip from shaft.Insert a bar or rod into the hollow end of drive shaft (V) where it enters the suction cavity. By tapping on the rod the entire assembly will be forced from the pump body.To disassemble, remove bearing lock nut (D) and bearing lock washer (E). Using an arbor press remove radial bearing (A), bearing spacer (C), and thrust bearing (B). Apply pressure to inner race only.When replacing drive shaft and/or bearings, it is recommended that both grease seals be replaced.Grease seals are pressed into the bearing housing and bearing cover plate.Assembly ProcedureMoyno pumps are reassembled in the reverse order of disassembly with special notes as outlined below:1. Always replace all old washers, and packing. We alsorecommend replacing grease seals when new bearings are installed.2. Bearing Shaft Assembly - When installing new bearings,make sure that they are seated against the shoulder on the shaft. Replace bearing lock washer and bearing lock nut. Tighten bearing lock nut securely.- Bend tab down onto lock nut to prevent loosening of nut.Make sure that the shaft collar, packing gland, and packing washer are installed on the drive shaft as the hollow end emerges in the bearing housing and approaches the stuffing box area.When replacing the bearing cover plate, tighten all cap screws evenly to prevent damage to the bearing cover plate and thrust grease seal.Do not over-lubricate bearings. (See Maintenance) 3. When installing the connecting rod, make sure that thehole in the rod is aligned with the holes in the drive shaft and shaft collar before inserting the pin. Always use retaining nut washers. Insert pin, slip one retaining nut washer over each end of pin, attach nuts. Tighten nuts and slide shaft collar in to position to prevent nuts from turning. Tighten set screw in collar to lock it in place.4. When replacing packing, insert one ring on the shaft,the lantern ring, and then three more rings. This will allow the lantern ring to line up with the grease fitting on the stuffing box. Make sure you stagger the ends of the packing rings.When installing the new packing, you may find that all but one ring will go on the drive shaft. When the pump has run for a short time and the new packing is compressed, this final ring can be installed.5. When installing the stator on the rotor, it is best tolubricate the rotor with water (or a lubricant compatible with the rubber in the stator) to allow the stator to slip on easier. (Grease or oil is not compatible with type “R” or “B" stators.)When replacing the stator, always tighten it with the pipe wrench on the end of the stator nearest the suction housing. This will prevent it from binding and damaging the threads.If your stator has a stainless steel sleeve, use a teflon tape or similar material on the threads before replacing -- on all stators with a carbon steel sleeve, use pipe dope.46. Caution: Dry operation is harmful to the pump. Always fill the pump with fluid to be handled prior to start up. Check any valves in discharge line todetermine that no restrictions exist.MAINTENANCEThe Moyno pump has been designed for a minimum ofmaintenance, the extent of which is routine lubrication and adjustment of packing and infrequent lubrication of the bearings. The pump is one of the easiest to work on in that the main elements are very accessible and require few tools to disassemble. PackingThe Moyno pump is normally furnished with die formedpacking. The packing may be either grease lubricated through a grease fitting in the stuffing box or have plumbing connected to the housing to allow a water flush. (See Water Flush of Packing)Packing gland adjusting nuts should be evenly adjustedso they are little more than finger tight. Over-tightening of the packing gland may result in premature packing failure and possible damage to the shaft and gland. When the packing is new, frequent minor adjustments are recommended for the first few hours of operation in order to compress and seat the packing. Greasing the packing often but with limited quantities of grease is the best practice. This can be done through a grease fitting which leads to a lantern ring in the mid-section of the packing. Do not use a one-piece spiralwrap of packing. Water Flush of PackingWhen the material being pumped is abrasive in nature, it may be advantageous to flush the packing to prevent leakage under packing and excessive shaft wear. Clean water can be injected through a 1/8” NPT tappedhole that normally houses the grease fitting for lubricating the packing. The water can be permitted to leak axially along the shaft in either direction or can be removed from the second tapped hole in the stuffing box. In both cases, the discharge from the stuffing box should be throttled slightly to maintain 10-15 PSI higher pressure in the stuffing box than is present in the suction housing. This is a basic arrangement, other variations can be used. (1) Throttling Valve (2) Pressure Guage (3) Pressure Regulating Valve Bearings The Moyno pump is equipped with ball bearings in the drive end size L2 through L10. The bearings are lubricated at the factory and do not need additional lubrication for at least 1500 hours of normal operation. When relubricating the bearings, the bearing-shaft assembly should be removed (See Disassembly instructions) and cleaned of old grease. Add only enough grease to fill the area between the bearings 1/3 full. Add a few drops of oil to bearing seals before reassembling. It is normal for bearings to run warm to the touch for the first few hours of operation. Any type of Ep Lithium soap base grease is satisfactory for bearing lubrication. The use of Sodium or Calcium base grease is not recommended. The following is a partial listing of approved bearing lubricants: Dow Corning DC 33 Keystone Lubricating Co. Keystone #89 Texaco Regal AFB2 Shell Oil Co. Cyprina #3 Humble Oil & Refining Co. Beacon 325 American Oil Co. Supermil Grease #A72832 Mobil EPI Shell Oil Co. Alvania #2 VARIATIONS OF STANDARD PARTS ROTORS identified on parts listing are standard size with hard-chrome plated surface. Other variations of rotor size and finish may be ordered by selecting the standard rotor part number and changing the last digit of the rotor number as follows: 2 = Standard size, non-plated 3 = Undersize, chrome-plated 4 = Undersize, non-plated5 = Oversize, chrome-platedDo not change rotor sizes without consulting your local Moyno Sales Office. These variations are used for certain specialized pumping conditions only.5PACKING VARIATIONS listed are common to most type designations. Others may be specified by changing the last digit to the following: 1 = Standard on all type CDQ pumps 3 = Standard on all type CDR & SSR pumps 5 = Standard on all type SSQ pumps 7 = Optional--Solid Braided Teflon 8 = Optional--Teflon impregnated white asbestos DRIVE SHAFTS shown have hard-chrome plating on the packing wear area. If non-plated drive shafts are required, select the standard part number and change the last digit to next higher number. Example: B02261 to 802262. L2 STANDARD HARDWARE ITEM SIZE # REQ . Bearing Cover Plate Screw 3/4L X 1 /4D-20 4 Lock Washer4 Stator & Pump Support Screw 1 3/4L X 3/8D-164 Set Screw on Shaft Collar 5/16L X 5/16D-18 1 Suction Housing Drain Plug 1/8D3 Drain Plug on Stuffing Box 1/8D1 Drain Plug at Bearing End 1/8D1 Hex Key 5/321 Packing Gland Stud 1 1/2L X 5/160-182 Nut 2 Suction Housing Bolt 3/4L X 1/4D-20 4 Lock Washer4 RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS The Moyno pump has been designed and built with all wearable parts replaceable. A recommended inventory of spare parts is dependent upon the application and importance of continued operation. For the shortest possible downtime, we recommend the following parts be stocked: 1 - Rotor 1 - Stator 1 - Connecting Rod Kit The above is only a suggested list. For further assistance in determining what you’ll need for your application, contact your Moyno representative. 6 © 1997 by Moyno, Inc.® Moyno is a registered trademark of Moyno, Inc.Moyno, Inc. is a Unit of Robbins & Myers, Inc.。
百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我使用说明书天洁集团浙江天洁环保工程有限公司目录目录 (1)一.仓泵结构 (2)1.仓泵本体结构 (2)2.仓泵外形尺寸与接口 (2)二. 仓泵的完整配置 (3)三.仓泵运行原理与流程 (4)1.仓泵输送过程原理 (4)2.仓泵输送工艺流程 (5)四.调试 (7)1.冷态调试 (7)2.热态调试 (8)五. 设备维护和故障处理 (9)1.设备维护〖定期维护〗 (9)(1).仓泵本体的维护 (9)(2).流化盘的维护 (9)(3).出料阀的维护(如用EL系列双蝶板出料阀免维护): (10)(4).进料阀的维护 (11)(5).进气管路的维护 (11)※(6).其它 (11)2.零部件故障及处理 (12)(1).进料阀的故障处理 (12)(2).出料阀的故障处理 (12)(3).进气阀的故障处理 (12)(4).流化盘的故障处理 (12)※(5).隔膜式双压力表的故障处理 (13)※(6).料位计的故障处理 (13)※(7).电磁阀、继电器的故障处理 (13)3. 系统故障及处理 (14)(1).欠压报警及处理 (14)(2).堵管报警及处理 (14)(3).总气源欠压报警 (15)(4).灰库料位报警 (16)一.仓泵结构1.仓泵本体结构Array如【附图仓泵本体】所示,采用上引式流态化仓泵结构,仓泵本体为一能承受一定压力和温度的压力容器,并具有抗内壁磨损和承受循环疲劳载荷的能力。
2.仓泵外形尺寸与接口仓泵管口表,参见【附图仓泵接口与尺寸】二. 仓泵的完整配置在实际应用中,仓泵须有完整的配置才能使用。
LD 型浓相气力输送系统操作使用东台市鸿运环保设备厂. LD 型仓泵组成的气力输送系统概述LD 型浓相气力输送系统根据国内外先进技术及经验,结合科学实验,并经过多年实际运行的考验,被确认是一种既经济又可靠的气力输送系统。
该系统主要由LD 型仓泵、压缩空气气源、控制系统、输送管、灰库等五大部分组成。
1.LD 型仓泵 :LD 型浓相仓泵具有较厚的壁厚,能承受粉煤灰的长期冲刷磨损,为一耐疲劳耐磨损的低压容器。
LD 型仓泵采用间断输送的方式,每进、出料一次为一个工作循环。
2.压缩空气气源 :由空气压缩机、除油器、干燥器、储气罐及供气管道等组成,主要为仓泵及气动控制部分提供高质量的压缩空气.。
3.控制系统:以PLC 可编程控制器(也可以采用工控机)作为控制系统的核心部件,对仓泵工作中的各种参数进行控制,并通过气动元件控制各种机械元件动作,通过模拟屏或CRT 显示器显示当前工作状态。
4.输送管道 :由于输送速度低,在一般情况下,可以不采用耐磨钢管而采用一般的无缝钢管即可。
5.灰库: 由灰库本体、布袋除尘器、真空释放阀、料位计、卸灰设备等组成。
LD 浓相气力输送系统的组成见下图(1)二•仓泵系统构成LD 浓相仓泵一般由进料阀、加压阀、吹堵阀、输送阀及泵体和管路等组成,它们 的在一起组成一个输送物料的发送部分。
被吸送液体的最高温度,不得超过80o C。
例:350 CSL - 25 X
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仓式气力输送泵产品使用说明及操作规程The Product descriptionAnd operational proceduresFor Cone-type pneumatic conveying pump江苏文诺环保科技发展有限公司Jiangsu Wennuo Environmental Technology Development Co., Ltd一·概述I.Overview仓式气力输送泵分为L型系列和LD型系列,仓式气力输送泵是压送式气力输送粉末状物料的理想设备,适用于输送粉煤灰、水泥、水泥生料、碳粉、矿粉、粮食、化工原料等粉状物料。
Cone-type pneumatic conveying pump, divided into L type and LD type, is ideal for pressure-feed pneumatic conveying, and applies to conveying fly ash, cement, cement raw materials, carbon dust, mining powder, grain, chemicals and other powdery materials.仓式气力输送泵吸取了国内外同类产品的先进结构,在长期的使用中,又多次改进,其质量稳定,性能可靠,是气力输送的理想设备。
Cone-type pneumatic conveying pump adopts the advanced structure of domestic and foreign similar products, has been improved many times in the long-term use, and is ideal for pneumatic conveying equipment due to high quality and reliable performance. In addition, it has unique and excellent performance for conveying the materials with high specific gravity and large granule materials. Therefore, this kind of products has been sold throughout the country, and even exported to Southeast Asia.气力输送泵与同类产品及机械输送相比较,具有独特的优点:Compared with similar products and mechanical conveying equipment, the pneumatic conveying pump has the following unique advantages:1.设备紧凑,占地面积小,维修费用低。
1. The equipment is featured by compactness, small footprint and low maintenance costs.2.设置自动化操作系统,采用PLC可编程控制器或继电器控制,实行手动和自动控制,操作简单灵活,自动化程度高。
2. It is installed with automation systems, PLC programmable controller or relay control, and adopts manual and automatic control, featured by simple and flexible operation and high degree of automation.3.流态化装置更具有独到之处,具有较大的调控手段,能使输送物料充分流态化,提高输送效率,保证输送质量。
Its fluidization device is apt to make materials sufficiently fluidized due to its great control means, which improves conveying efficiency and ensure stable delivery.4.每次输送完毕,泵内基本无残存物料。
4. No residual materials are left inside the pump after each circle of conveying.5.输送管路可灵活布置,方便地实行集中、分散、大高度、长距离、适应各种地形,进行高效的输送。
5. Transmission pipelines can be arranged flexibly, suitable for all the conditions, inclusive of centralization, decentralization, high altitude, long distance, various terrains, such making sure of efficient delivery.6.由于在密封管道中输送,可严格保证物料质量不受潮、不污染、不受各种气候条件影响,有利生产和环境保护。
6. Since conveying is conducted inside sealing pipelines, the materials can be free from the moisture, pollution and negative effects of various climates, which is favorable for production and environmental protection.7.设备配套齐全,特殊规格,本厂可代为设计,专门制造。
Various supporting equipment are available; our Company may, if necessary, design and manufacture devices in accordance with your special specifications.二、主要技术参数及外形尺寸II. The main technical parameters and dimensions(一)、L型气力输送泵主要技术参数:(i). the main technical parameters for L -type pneumatic pump:参数ParametersL-0.8 L-1.2 L-1.4 L-1.6 L-1.8 L-2.0 L-2.2 L-2.4 泵体内径mmPump diameter (mm)800 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 总容积m³Total volumes (m³)0.35 1.32 2.15 3.0 4.12 5.0 7.5 9.25使用温度°COperating temperature (° C)≤120最大设计压力Maximum design pressure0.78 MPa工作压力Working pressure0.2—0.5MPa(按输送距离和物料性质确定)0.2-0.5MPa (determined in accordance with transport distances and the nature of materials)泵体主要材质The main material of pumpbodyQ235-B最大输送距离Maximum transmissiondistance500~1500 m配用输送管径Supporting pipe diameter DN50 ⁄DN100DN125 DN125/DN15混合比Mixing ratio50 60 60 60 60 60 70 70输送能力t/hTransmission capacity (t / h)5 12 20 25 30 35 45 55耗气量m3/minAir consumption (m3/min)2 6 6~10 10~20 16~20说明:Descriptions:混合比、输送能力、耗气量均按输送管道的当量距离在200米时输送水泥的实测值或换算值。
All the mixing ratio, transmission capacity, and air consumption are the measured values or the equivalent values of conveying cement calculated on the basis of the 200-meter-equivalent distance.三、设备组成III. Equipment componentsL型系列仓式气力输送泵通常有下列部分组成L-type pneumatic conveying pump is usually composed of the following components1.1进料装置也叫进料阀,设置在仓泵上部,用于控制仓泵进料。
该进料阀吸取了英国CLYDE 公司的圆顶阀(DomeValve®)和国内长期使用的钟罩阀优点,并克服了圆顶阀结构复杂,钟罩阀使用维修调整麻烦的缺点。
1.1 A feeding device, also known as a feed valve, is installed on the upper of cone pump, is used to control feedstock. Its structure is shown in Figure 1. The up-and-down movement of cone valve is controlled through cylinder in order to open and close the inlet. Drawing the advantage of Dome Valve ®) of British CLYDE and of domestic bell valve, the inlet valve overcomes the shortcomings of complex structures of dome valve, and of difficult adjustment and maintenance of bell valve. The valveis cast in block, and embedded with high temperature resistant silicone rubber seals, which completely avoids touch with materials in the course of feedstock; and switches on or off the cone pump through rotary motion of conical dome valve like the performance of dome valve. Used in the thermal power plant for a long time, tested in the cone pump with multi-tube steel dust cleaners, it has proved good250接进料阀设置于仓泵顶部,用于对仓泵的进料进行控制。