牛津译林7BUnit7 单元话题写作练习课件

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你们学校将要评选年度“最佳学生”。请你以校学生会主席马明的名义,根据下列提示, 用英文给学校牛校长写封推荐信,推荐李强为本年度的最佳学生。
能力 个性
聪明,学东西快,学习努力,擅长弹钢琴、打排球 考虑事情周全,把每件事情都计划的很好,乐于助人 1.经常参加一些活动,为贫困儿童募集衣服和书本等物品 2.非常勇敢,三个月前,他从大火里救出一位老人,受了重伤,住院 两个月 3.…… ……
Dear Mr Niu, I would like to recommend Li Qiang for this year’s Best Student Award. Li Qiang is my classmate. He is a clever boy. He learns things quickly. He works hard.
假如你是李红,你校正在选学生会主席。请代表全班同学写一封英文推荐信给你们 学校的李校长,推荐王芳担任学生会主席。
要点如下:1.喜爱音乐,是音乐俱乐部的成员; 2.钢琴弹得好,获得上一届钢琴比赛的一等奖; 3.性格开朗,广交朋友; 4.……
注意:1.词数70左右,书信格式已经给出,不计入总词数; 2.不能遗漏要点,可以根据要点适当发挥。
I think we should learn from Li Qiang and help people in need.We all think Li Qiang should get the award.
I’m looking forward to your reply. Yours faithfully, Ma Ming
He is good at playing the piano and volleyball. Li Qiang often takes part in some activities to collect clothes and books for children in
poor areas.Three months ago,he saved an old man from a fire. He was in hospital for two months because he was badly hurt. Last month,a 7-year-old boy lost his way and Li Qiang helped the boy find his home.
polite helpful
kind a member of
recommend...for... be good at
do well in take care of
be able to make friends with
get on well with at the age of...
牛津译林7BUnit7课件 第七课时
Baidu Nhomakorabea
本单元的话题是“个人能力”。每个人都有自己的独特之处,在学习和生活中学生们 应善于发现和展现自己的长处。本单元学习了如何写推荐信来推荐某人。在具体的 写作中,学生应做到以下几点:
1.能正确认识并描述自己和他人的能力; 2.能掌握书写推荐信的正确格式; 3.在书写推荐信时,应注意语言简洁得体,条理清晰。
look forward to
常用句型: Jim studies hard and he is good at writing. He thinks carefully and plans everything well. He began to learn to play the piano at the age of five. When he is free,he often visits old people’s home. We should study together and help each other. I think we should learn from... I’m looking forward to...
Dear Mr Li, It’s my pleasure to recommend Wang Fang for chairman of Students’ Union.Wang Fang
is fond of music and she is a member of the Music Club.She can play the piano well.She got the first prize in the last piano competition.She’s outgoing and has a lot of friends.She is the monitor of Class 1,Grade 7.She can organize school activities very well.I am looking forward to her success so that she can do more for our school. Yours, Li Hong
本单元围绕“个人能力”展开,涉及介绍自己或别人的能力,不仅包括学习上的能力,也 包括生活上的能力。另外,学生主要学习了通过这些能力如何去帮助别人,为学生树立 了为他人服务、为社会服务的意识。学生在写作过程中要正确运用情态动词 can,could,be able to等。在陈述过去发生的事件时,要正确运用一般过去时。