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编剧:Lucy LU

A导游- B译员–C&D游客–


B. Good morning. I am interpreter B. and this is our tour guide A. welcome to our 广之旅。Today we are going to visit the Great wall. If you have any need during the trip, me and A is at your service.

C : I have heard so much about the Great Wall, and today I am very happy that I can visit this marvelous piece in person.

B: 我听说过很多关于长城的故事,今天我很高兴能亲自来此地参观这伟大的杰作。

D:So do I. i did a lot of research before I came to China. And the Great Wall is one of the most popular tourist attractions in China . and I can not wait to visit..

B: 我也是。在我来中国之前,我做了很多调查。长城是中国最有名的名胜古迹之一。我已经等不及要参观了。


B:I am gladly that you all are interested in the Great Wall. At first, here are your tickets. Please put your tickets away. When we leave, you can go to the customers service center near the exit to get a souvenir by the ticket.

C&D : ok . thank u .

B: 好的,谢谢。


B:The Great Wall of China is also known in China as the Great Wall of 10,000 Li. The first major wall was built during Qin dynasty. This wall was not constructed as a single endeavor, but rather was created by combining several regional walls built by the Warring States.

A: 不过,秦朝修建的长城现在几乎不复存在了。如今仍能清晰可见的长城建于明朝(14世纪末到17世纪初)。

B: However,the walls built in Qin Dynasty are no longer in existence . The Great Wall that can still be seen today was built during the Ming Dynasty, which was from late 14th century to 17th century.

A: 这次修建规模比以往任何一次都要大,所用材料也更加坚固。

B:It was built on a much larger scale and with longer-lasting materials than any wall that bad been built before.

C: Oh. It is very impressive. I have a question that the Great Wall is built for protect the another country to attack or for other reason?

B: 噢。这真的令我留下很深的印象。我有一个问题,修建长城主要是为了防止他国入侵还是有其他其他原因。


B:During he Qin dynasty, the wall was built to protect the Kingdom from reids by the Mongolian nomadic tribes. The primary purpose of the wall in Ming dynasty was to easure that semi-nomadic people outside of the wall could not across with their horses or return easily with the stolen properties.

D: I read a story about the Meng Jiangnu, Is it a true story?

B: 我听说过有一个孟姜女的故事。这是一个真实故事吗?

A:这是一个民间传说。主要是反映了古代中国人民付出了沉重的血汗和残酷的古制度。B:this is a folklore. This story tells the hard work of Chinese commoners as well as expose the cruel system.

A: 中国有一句俗语,不到长城非好汉。

B:He who has never been to the Great Wall is hardly a real man .

C&D:hahaha… really?


A: 这是真的。接下是自由游动时间,你们可以到处去拍照留念。一个小时后在出口处集合。B:yes。And next we will have one hour for free activities, you can go anywhere to have some photographs as memory. We will need to gather in the exit one hour later..

(At last)

A: 再次感谢你们参加我们广之旅的旅行团。希望你们今天都玩得开心。下次再见。

B: thanks again for joining our 广之旅tour group . I hope all of you had a good time today. See you next time .



