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大庆市第三十五中学 高一英语组 苏雪飞
1. Mr.Smiths __ga_v_e_ (give) his wife twenty pounds for her birthday. 2.He __w_a_s_fi_re_d_ (fire 解雇) by his boss , because of his carelessness. 3.Tom usually __g_oe_s_ (go) to school by bus. 4.Look! She _is_d_a_n_ci_ng(dance) in the water.
Test points
有提示词的考点为: 1. 动词的时态语态,非谓 语动词,主谓一致。
无提示词的考点 为: 1.连词
2.引导词(从句) 3.代词
given wo3rd. s of verbs4.o介n词ly 5.冠词
4. 形容词和副词的比较级
在句一中,我们把动词转 换成___形_容_词__;在句二中, 我们把动词 转换成____副_词__; 在句三 中,我们 把动词转换成__名_词____.
summary: 在语法填空题中,如果给出的提示词是动词... ... 1. 如果句子缺谓语,则考虑___时_态____、_语__态_____。 也要注意主谓的
Traditionally , in the Spring Festival , children will receive lucky money(压岁钱) __w_ra_p_p_e_d_(wrap 包裹 V.) in red packets.
My _s_u_gg_e_s_tio(nsuggest) is that we should have a note book.
Don't wait any more, and he will be less likely __to_c_o_m_e _.(come)
A study __m_a_de___(make) by the website names (命名,指定) China as one of the top
10 countries which are worth visiting.
A 90-year-old has been awarded "Woman Of The Year" for b6e1in(gbe)Britain's oldest full-time employee — still working 40
hours a week. Now Irene Astbury works from 9am to 5pm
I feel so __re_la_xe_d__(relax) when I
listen to the classical music(古典音乐).
My teacher told me that the earth __tra_v_el_s _(travel) around the sun.
The College Entrance Examination isn't a nightmare,while it is a way for you to realize your dreams. So, let's come on.
——谓—语——— (成分)
1._T_o_c_o_m_p_le_te__ (complete) the project as planned ,we'll have to work two more hours a day. 2.The little boy enjoys _r_ea_d_in_g(read) books in the park. 3.The headmaster went into the lab, _f_ol_lo_w_e_d_(follow) by the foreign guests.
daily at the pet shop in Macclesfield, 62which she opened
We usually celebrate the Spring
Festival by putting red couplets(对联) on gates. This custom(风俗)__ha_s_b_ee_n_p_assed (pass) down since ancient times.(古代)
2017 2018
全国二卷 语法填空题 动词
4 lay use manage introduce 5 grow improve pollute start feed
4 be declare make say
------with given words of verbs
以上句子中括号内所给的动词均不是谓语动词, 我们把不做谓语的动词叫做_非__谓__语__动__词.其包括三种 的形式即:___d_o__in_g___to__d_o__d_o_n_e________.
1. She was a very __c_ar_e_fu_l _ (care) mother. 2. A_m_a_z_in_g_ly_ (amaze), all the students passed the exam at last. 3.All the judges(评委) liked her p_e_rf_o_rm_a_n_c.e(perform)
___一_致____.(也要适当考虑动词的语气即是否是虚拟 语气。--- 另做专题讲解) 2. 若句中已经有谓语动词,也不是并列谓语则要考 虑填__非_谓__语_动_词__. 3. 既不是谓语动词,也不是非谓语动词,则可以考 虑把动词转换为其他词性的词。
My duty will include __in_tr_od_u_ci_ng(introduce) British visitors to the manager.