
第十四届国际汉语教学学术研讨会论文体例一、文档:请提供使用Word 编辑的电子文件。
)四、字体和字号:论文题目用小二号(18 pts)宋体,英文用Times New Roman 18;作者、单位、内容提要及关键词用五号(10.5 pts)仿宋字体,“内容提要”和“关键词”几个字加粗,英文用Times New Roman;中文正文用五号(10.5 pts)宋体,英文正文用Times New Roman 10.5 pts;一级标题用小四号(12 pts)仿宋体,英文用Times New Roman 12 pts;二级标题用五号(10.5 pts)黑体,英文用Arial 10.5 pts;三级标题用五号(10.5 pts)楷体,英文用Calibri 10.5 pts;注释和参考文献用小五号(9 pts)宋体; 英文用Times New Roman 9 pts;作者简介用小五号(9 pts)仿宋体, 英文用New Courier 9 pts。
ieee transaction 的文献格式

二、参考文献的撰写规范1. 期刊论文的格式:[序号] 作者尊称, “文章标题,” 期刊名称, vol.卷号, no.期号, 页码, 月份年份.例如:[1] A. Smith and B. Johnson, “A novel ap proach to data analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 871-884, Jul. 2003.2. 会议论文的格式:[序号] 作者尊称, “文章标题,” 会议名称, 会议日期, 页码, 月份年份.例如:[2] C. Wang and D. Li, “A new algorithm for image recognition,” Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 20-24, 2019, pp. 355-360.3. 书籍的格式:[序号] 作者尊称, 书名, 出版地: 出版社, 年份, 页码.例如:[3] E. Brown, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, New York: Wiley, 2010, pp. 112-115.4. 网络文献的格式:[序号] 作者尊称, “文章标题,” 全球信息站名称, 发表日期. [Online]. Av本人lable: 全球信息站. Accessed on: 访问日期.例如:[4] P. Zhang, “Advances in machine learning,” IEEE Xplore, June 15, 2020. [Online]. Av本人lable: xxx Accessed on: June 25, 2020.三、其他注意事项1. 参考文献的排列顺序应按照引用顺序进行排列。

国际会议论文格式要求:Author Guidelines for 8.5 x 11-inch Proceedings ManuscriptsAuthor(s) Name(s)Author Affiliation(s)E-mailAbstractThe abstract is to be in fully-justified italicized text, at the top of the left-hand column as it is here, below the auth or information. Use the word “Abstract” as the title, in 12-point Times, boldface type, centered relative to the column, initially capitalized. The abstract is to be in 10-point, single-spaced type, and up to 150 words in length. Leave two blank lines after the abstract, then begin the main text.1. IntroductionAll manuscripts must be in English. These guidelines include complete descriptions of the fonts, spacing, and related information for producing your proceedings manuscripts. Please follow them and if you have any questions, direct them to the production editor in charge of your proceedings at the IEEE Computer Society Press: Phone (714) 821-8380 or Fax (714) 761-1784.2. Formatting your paperAll printed material, including text, illustrations, and charts, must be kept within a print area of 6-1/2 inches (16.51 cm) wide by 8-7/8 inches (22.51 cm) high. Do not write or print anything outside the print area. All text must be in a two-column format. Columns are to be 3-1/16 inches (7.85 cm) wide, with a 3/8 inch (0.81 cm) space between them. Text must be fully justified.A format sheet with the margins and placement guides is available as both Word and PDF files as <format.doc> and <format.pdf>. It contains lines and boxes showing the margins and print areas. If you hold it and your printed page up to the light, you can easily check your margins to see if your print area fits within the space allowed. 3. Main titleThe main title (on the first page) should begin 1-3/8 inches (3.49 cm) from the top edge of the page, centered, and in Times 14-point, boldface type. Capitalize the first letter of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs; do not capitalize articles, coordinate conjunctions, or prepositions (unless the title begins with such a word). Leave two 12-point blank lines after the title.4. Author name(s) and affiliation(s)Author names and affiliations are to be centered beneath the title and printed in Times 12-point, non-boldface type. Multiple authors may be shown in a two- or three-column format, with their affiliations italicized and centered below their respective names. Include e-mail addresses if possible. Author information should be followed by two 12-point blank lines.5. Second and following pagesThe second and following pages should begin 1.0 inch (2.54 cm) from the top edge. On all pages, the bottom margin should be 1-1/8 inches (2.86 cm) from the bottom edge of the page for 8.5 x 11-inch paper; for A4 paper, approximately 1-5/8 inches (4.13 cm) from the bottom edge of the page.6. Type-style and fontsWherever Times is specified, Times Roman or Times New Roman may be used. If neither is available on your word processor, please use the font closest inappearance to Times. Avoid using bit-mapped fonts if possible. True-Type 1 fonts are preferred.7. Main textType your main text in 10-point Times, single-spaced. Do not use double-spacing. All paragraphs should be indented 1/4 inch (approximately 0.5 cm). Be sure your text is fully justified—that is, flush left and flush right. Please do not place any additional blank lines between paragraphs.Figure and table captions should be 10-point boldface Helvetica (or a similar sans-serif font). Callouts should be 9-point non-boldface Helvetica. Initially capitalize only the first word of each figure caption and table title. Figures and tables must be numbered separately. For example: “Figure 1. Database contexts”, “Table 1. Input data”. Figure captions are to be centered below the figures. Table titles are to be centered above the tables.8. First-order headingsFor example, “1. Introduction”, should be Times 12-point boldface, initially capitalized, flush left, with one blank line before, and one blank line after. Use a period (“.”) after the heading number, not a colon.8.1. Second-order headingsAs in this heading, they should be Times 11-point boldface, initially capitalized, flush left, with one blank line before, and one after.8.1.1. Third-order headings. Third-order headings, as in this paragraph, are discouraged. However, if you must use them, use 10-point Times, boldface, initially capitalized, flush left, preceded by one blank line, followed by a period and your text on the same line. 9. FootnotesUse footnotes sparingly (or not at all) and place them at the bottom of the column on the page on which they are referenced. Use Times 8-point type, single-spaced. To help your readers, avoid using footnotes altogether and include necessary peripheral observations in the text (within parentheses, if you prefer, as in this sentence).10. ReferencesList and number all bibliographical references in 9-point Times, single-spaced, at the end of your paper. When referenced in the text, enclose the citation number in square brackets, for example [1]. Where appropriate, include the name(s) of editors of referenced books.[1] A.B. Smith, C.D. Jones, and E.F. Roberts, “Article Title”, Journal, Publisher, Location, Date, pp. 1-10.[2] Jones, C.D., A.B. Smith, and E.F. Roberts, Book Title, Publisher, Location, Date.11. Copyright forms and reprint ordersYou must include your fully-completed, signed IEEE copyright release form when you submit your paper. We must have this form before your paper can be published in the proceedings. The copyright form is available as a Word file, <copyright.doc>, as a PDF version, <copyright.pdf>, and as a text file in <authguid.txt>.Reprints may be ordered using the form provided as <reprint.doc> or <reprint.pdf>.。

(摘要)关键词–组成;格式;字体,式样,插入图(关键词)I.绪论(一级标题)这个模板是在计算机上用Word2003编辑并以“Word 97-2003 & 6.0/95 –RTF”保存的,为作者提供了准备电子版论文所需要的格式规范。
II.常用的选择一个模板(二级标题)首先,保证论文选用了正确的模板,这个模板是在A4纸上编辑的,如果你用的是美信版式,请下载“MSW USltr format”格式的文件。

文章指出(Tan, 2018),或(约翰逊,2006;马丁,2009)
APA格式一般按照作者、出版年份、文献标题、出版地点和出版商等进行排版,例如:郑宇, 2014. 科技论文写作. 北京: 高等教育出版社.


Your Paper's Title Starts Here: Please Centeruse Helvetica (Arial) 14FULL First Author1, a *, FULL Second Author2,b and FULL Last Author3,c1Full address of first author, including country2Full address of second author, including country3List all distinct addresses in the same waya email,b email,c email* please mark the corresponding author with an asteriskKeywords:List the keywords covered in your paper. These keywords will also be used by the publisher to produce a keyword index.For the rest of the paper, please use Times Roman (Times New Roman) 12Abstract.This template explains and demonstrates how to prepare your camera-ready paper for Trans Tech Publications. The best is to read these instructions and follow the outline of this text. Please make the page settings of your word processor to A4 format (21 x 29,7 cm or 8 x 11 inches); with the margins: bottom 1.5 cm (0.59 in) and top 2.5 cm (0.98 in), right/left margins must be 2 cm (0.78 in).We shall be able to publish your paper in electronic form on our web page , if the paper format and the margins are correct.Your manuscript will be reduced by approximately 20% by the publisher. Please keep this in mind when designing your figures and tables etc.IntroductionAll manuscripts must be in English, also the table and figure texts, otherwise we cannot publish your paper.Please keep a second copy of your manuscript in your office. When receiving the paper, we assume that the corresponding authors grant us the copyright to use the paper for the book or journal in question. Should authors use tables or figures from other Publications, they must ask the corresponding publishers to grant them the right to publish this material in their paper.Use italic for emphasizing a word or phrase. Do not use boldface typing or capital letters except for section headings (cf. remarks on section headings, below).Organization of the TextSection Headings. The section headings are in boldface capital and lowercase letters. Second level headings are typed as part of the succeeding paragraph (like the subsection heading of this paragraph).Page Numbers. Do not number your paper:Tables. Tables (refer with: Table 1, Table 2, ...) should be presented as part of the text, but in such a way as to avoid confusion with the text. A descriptive title should be placed above each table. Units in tables should be given in square brackets [meV]. If square brackets are not available, use curly {meV} or standard brackets (meV).Special Signs. for example , αγμΩ () ≥ ± ● Γ {1120}should always be written in with the fonts Times New Roman or Arial, especially also in the figures and tables.Macros. Do not use any macros for the figures and tables. (We will not be able to convert such papers into our system)Language. All text, figures and tables must be in English.Figures. Figures (refer with: Fig. 1, Fig. 2, ...) also should be presented as part of the text, leaving enough space so that the caption will not be confused with the text. The caption should be self-contained and placed below or beside the figure. Generally, only original drawings or photographic reproductions are acceptable. Only very good photocopies are acceptable. Utmost care must be taken to insert the figures in correct alignment with the text. Half-tone pictures should be in the form of glossy prints. If possible, please include your figures as graphic images in the electronic version. For best quality the pictures should have a resolution of 300 dpi(dots per inch).Color figures are welcome for the online version of the journal. Generally, these figures will be reduced to black and white for the print version. The author should indicate on the checklist if he wishes to have them printed in full color and make the necessary payments in advance.Equations. Equations (refer with: Eq. 1, Eq. 2, ...) should be indented 5 mm (0.2"). There should be one line of space above the equation and one line of space below it before the text continues. The equations have to be numbered sequentially, and the number put in parentheses at the right-hand edge of the text. Equations should be punctuated as if they were an ordinary part of the text. Punctuation appears after the equation but before the equation number. The use of Microsoft Equation is allowed.c2 = a2 + b2. (1)Literature ReferencesReferences are cited in the text just by square brackets [1]. (If square brackets are not available, slashes may be used instead, e.g. /2/.) Two or more references at a time may be put in one set of brackets [3,4]. The references are to be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text and are to be listed at the end of the contribution under a heading References, see our example below. SummaryIf you follow the “checklist” your paper will conform to the requirements of the publisher and facilitate a problem-free publication process.References[1] J. van der Geer, J.A.J. Hanraads, R.A. Lupton, The art of writing a scientific article, J. Sci. Commun. 163 (2000) 51-59.Reference to a book:[2] W. Strunk Jr., E.B. White, The Elements of Style, third ed., Macmillan, New York, 1979. Reference to a chapter in an edited book:[3] G.R. Mettam, L.B. Adams, How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in: B.S. Jones, R.Z. Smith (Eds.), Introduction to the Electronic Age, E-Publishing Inc., New York, 1999, pp. 281-304.[4] R.J. Ong, J.T. Dawley and P.G. Clem: submitted to Journal of Materials Research (2003)[5] P.G. Clem, M. Rodriguez, J.A. Voigt and C.S. Ashley, U.S. Patent 6,231,666. (2001)[6] Information on 。


CPCI,全称为Conference Proceedings Citation Index,被誉为全球三大核实索引CPCI,全称为Conference Proceedings Citation Index,被誉为全球三大核实索引之一,是Web of Science核心合集的一部分,专门用于索引科技以及社会科学领域的国际会议论文。

[1] 页边距:LNAI, LNBI, LNCS and CCIS的页边距为上下5.2厘米,内外(左右4.4厘米)[2] 论文标题使用Times 字体(或者Times-Roman ),四号字。
[3] 字体,10号字。
Mou Jia, 两个作者的名字用逗号隔开,最后两个作者之间不用逗号,用and。
比如作者有三个则论文中名字排列如下:Mou Jia, MouYi and Mou Bing注意:名和姓的第一个字母都要大写[4] Times 字体,小五号字。
[5] E-mail使用Courier字体,小五号字。
譬如:************************[6] 摘要使用Times 字体,小五号字。
间距:段前30磅,段后0 磅。
关键词使用Times 字体,小五号字。
注意,Abstract 和Keywords这两个单词需要加粗,Abstract后面用点号,Keywords后面用冒号,如下:Abstract.Keywords:几个关键词用逗号隔开,并且不用加粗。
如Keywords: image recognition, fingerprint, filters, SVM[7] 一级标题使用Times 字体,小四号字,间距:段前18磅,段后12磅。
例如1Introduction2Genetic Algorithms Based Fuzzy Logic Controller[8]正文使用Times 字体,10号字,行距为最小值12磅。

关于ieee的论文范文浅析IEEE 802.1x及其客户端软件【摘要】针对无线局域网有多种认证方法可以应用,IEEE 802.1x标准就是其中的一种,它是一种基于端口的访问控制协议,包括三部分:客户端、访问点和认证服务器。
本文侧重于客户端,对现有的IEEE 802.1x的客户端软件进行了描述、比较和分析。
【关键词】IEEE 802.1x;客户端;认证1. IEEE 802.1x随着IEEE 802.11无线局域网的迅速发展,通过应用无线通讯技术,公司和个人都获益匪浅。

国际会议论文排版及格式要求论文构成及顺序:Title(题目)→Authors(作者)→Affiliations(单位)→Abstract(摘要)→Keywords(关键词)→Text(正文)→Acknowledgement (致谢)→References(参考文献)排版软件:Word 2000以上版本纸型:A4 方向:纵向页面设置:页边距:上2厘米,下2厘米,左2厘米,右2厘米,页眉1.5厘米,页脚1.75厘米文档网格:选中“只指定行网格”,每页46行,跨度15.6磅,栏数:1,应用于:整篇文档整篇文档段落设置:间距:段前0行,段后0行行距:固定值,12磅选中“如果定义了文档网格,则自动调整右缩进”和“如果定义了文档网格,则与网格对齐”字符间距设置:缩放:100%间距:标准位置:标准选中“调整字体的字间距”:1 选中“如果定义了文档网格,则对齐网格”字体和字号:题目:Times New Roman,四号,居中,加粗,所有实词首字母大写作者:Times New Roman,五号,居中,姓所有字母大写,名首字母大写作者单位:Times New Roman,小五号,不同单位间用分号分隔,居中,要标明二级单位(大学:院系;研究院所:处、室等),居中,多单位在作者右上角标阿拉伯数字区分摘要和关键词:Times New Roman,六号;关键词间用分号分隔;关键词首字母小写,关键词3~8个一级标题:五号,Times New Roman字体,加粗,所有实词首字母大写;靠左顶格二级标题:小五号,Times New Roman字体,加粗,所有实词首字母大写;靠左顶格三级标题:小五号,Times New Roman字体,第一个词首字母大写;靠左顶格正文部分:小五号,Times New Roman字体;希腊字母用Symbol字体图题、表题:小五号,加粗,Times New Roman字体;第一个词首字母大写;图序、表序用Fig.1、Table 1图、表中文字用小五号Times New Roman字体,量与单位之间用“/”间隔图注与说明、表注与说明:小五号Times New Roman字体参考文献:Times New Roman字体,六号图格式:1)图序与图题间空2格,其间不用任何点号。

如:[1]Patricia Jackson .Risk Measurement and Capital Requirements for Banks. Bandof England Quarterly Bulletin ,1995,28(3):177~183[2]Booth R. Konsynski,Andrew Whinson,et al .Managing Interest Rate Risk inBankingInstitution .Eur.J. Opl Res,1989:302~313[3]Maurice D.Levi.International Finance.(2nd.ed)McGRAW-Hill Inc,1990:76~95[4]Cai Zixing,Xu Guangyou. Artificial Intelligence :Principles andApplications.(2nd ed)Beijing :Tsing Hua University Press,1996:63~65(in Chinese)关于字体:5.字体:全篇全部选用Times New Roman字体.6.字号:论文题目用14号字加黑居中;一级标题用12号字加黑;二级标题用10号字加黑;三级标题和正文用10号; 表、图名用9号加黑居中;表、图中标注的文字用9号。

英文题名可以省去定冠词和不定冠词如the、a、an 等。
2、作者姓名的汉语拼音应按GB/T 16159-1996《汉语拼音正词法基本规则》拼写。
如:华南理工大学化学工程研究所,广东广州510640(Institute of Chemical Engineering,South China University of Technology Guangzhou 510640, China)4、多作者、多工作单位,应写成LI Zhi-gang1, CHEN Xiang-dong1, WANG Ping 2, ZHANG YU-shun3 (1. State Key Lab. of Struct. Anal. of Ind. Equip., Dalian Univ. of Technol. ,Dalian 116024, China;2.Inst. of Eng. Mech. of State Earthq. Bureau, Harbin 150080, China; 3. Inst. of Earthq. of Guangdong Prov., Guangzhou 510070,China)5、英文摘要国际重要检索系统通常采用英语。

Guideline for ICCREM 2014 PapersGivenname FAMILYNAME1 and Givenname FAMILYNAME21Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Construction and Real Estate, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 150001, PH (86) 451-87654321, FAX (86) 451-87654321, Email: name@2Professor, Department of Construction and Real Estate, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, 150001, PH (86) 451-87654321, FAX (86) 451-87654321, Email: name@ABSTRACTThese instructions are formatted to resemble a final paper. Your abstract should be about 150 words long; it must never exceed the first page or contain artwork or references. The abstract should present a concise statement of the scope, principal findings, and conclusions of the paper.Formatting of technical papers is important especially for those interested in seeing conference proceedings that have a consistent appearance. This paper presents the guidelines for authors wishing to submit a paper for ICCREM 2014. The guidelines presented here have also been adopted while formatting the present paper. Styles have been defined. After you have formatted your paper according to this guideline, your submission should have the same …look‟ as the paper presented here.INTRODUCTIONTechnical papers submitted for inclusion in conference proceedings should not only present interesting technical material and be well written, they also must be formatted properly. Formatting of technical papers is important to those interested in seeing conference proceedings that have a consistent appearance, which in turn makes it easier for readers to skim through all texts. This paper presents the guidelines for authors wishing to submit a paper for ICCREM 2014.AUTHOR CONTACT INFORMATIONA sample of author contact information is shown on the first page of these instructions. The following information may be provided for each author on the proceedings (* is required): all authors‟ full name*; Suffix, e.g. Sr, Jr...; Profession title, e.g. P.E., Ph.D. ...; Job title, e.g. Profession, director ... *; Name of organization/employer*; Address of organization/employer including zip code of USA address and country name and postal code if not USA*; Telephone and fax numbers; Email address*.FORMATTING REQUIREMENTSLength.Paper length as determined by your conference technical chair includes all text, graphics, and appendices. Please limit abstract to first page of paper.Point size and e 12 point type for text, captions, and author contact information. For type within figures or tables, the 12 point size is preferred. We recommend selecting a serif text font such as “Times”. Italics, bold, and bold italics may be used; we recommend sticking to one “family” of typefaces. Try to avoid the use of Arial fonts as these can be distorted in the conversion to pdf.Layout.All text must be single-spaced. Page design should be consistent throughout the paper.Margin settings (see below) must contain all elements of the paper that will be reproduced (text, figures, tables, captions). Short pages are unsightly and waste space; try to fill the imaginary box on each page. Leave at least 1" (3 cm) top and bottom margins. The first page of the paper should be an additional .5" below the top margin.Table 1.Margin Settings.Margins 8.5 x 11 (letter) A4Top 1" 3.5 cmBottom 1" 3.5 cmLeft 1.38" 3.25 cmRight 1.38" 3.25 cmStyle.The paper must be written in the best possible technical and grammatical English. Titles should be concise and should describe the content of the paper. If you have a long title, please consider a Title: Subtitle format.(1) Mathematics. All mathematics must be embedded in the text. Equations need to be numbered only if they are referred to more than once.(2) System of units. For more information about SI units, go to the U.S. Metric Association (USMA), Inc. site (/%7Ehillger/) or the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) site (/cuu/Units/index.html).Figures and tables.All graphics (photos, line art, and tables) must fit within the above margin settings. All graphics should be understandable when printed in black and white. Do not use only color as a distinguishing feature. Use symbols or patterns on line and bar graphs to identify lines and columns. Landscape orientation is acceptable. Use 12 point type “Times” for text and captions in figures and tables.Illustrations should be numbered consecutively as they are presented (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc., and Table 1, Table 2, etc.). Each figure should be mentioned or called out before it appears. More than one figure may appear on a page.Captions and legends. A descriptive caption, including figure number, should be placed directly below the illustration (see Figure 1). A descriptive legend, including table number, should be placed immediately above the table (see Table 1).Figure 1.Sample line art illustration.References.All references should appear together at the end of the paper (see below). List all authors in the order given in the source document, then sort references in alphabetical order by authors. References are listed alphabetically by last name of the first author. When two or more references by the same author are listed, year of publication is taken into account, and the earliest work is listed first. Wherever reference is made in the text to an author‟s work, the author‟s name and year of publication should appear in parentheses. We strongly recommend that superscripts not be used to denote references, as these numbers often appear too small to be read easily. All listed references must be cited in text. See samples below.Example references are provided in the References section of this paper and they are cited in the next text. The proceedings of the first three IGLC conferences were compiled into a book, edited by Burka (1993). Valuable knowledge can also be found in other books (ICBO1997), doctoral dissertations (Kurtz 1991), technical reports (Fisher and Struik 1974), proceedings (Mossberg 1993; Pennoni 1992), and, of course, journal papers (Tommelein et al. 1999).COPYRIGHT TRANSFERNo paper can be included in an ASCE publication unless the author has agreed to the terms in the ASCE Authorship, Originality, and Copyright Transfer Agreement. A faxed signed CTA is OK. For more information see /Content.aspx?id=29630.PERMISSIONSIf a figure, photograph, or table has been published previously, the author must obtain written approval from the original publisher.Photos, figures, or other graphic elements and especially material taken from the internet is often copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without permission. For more information on Permissions see /Content.aspx?id=29631.CONCLUSIONIt is the author‟s responsibility to obtain necessary approv als from the author‟s employer prior to submission of paper s. Once a paper has been uploaded, reviewed by author, and officially submitted, it is not possible to edit the document.With thanks for your efforts, we look forward to providing a record of this conference that will be useful to you and your colleagues for many years to come. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSKindly thank Prof. Yong BAI providing a formatting template. We are also glad to have completed this set of formatting instructions and hope they are clear. If not, please let us know. We would like to thank in advance all authors who follow these guidelines diligently.REFERENCESBurka, L.P. (1993). “A hypertext history of multi-user dimensions.”</home/lpb/mud-history.html>(Dec. 5, 1994). Fisher, J.W., and Struik, J.H.A. (1974) Guide to design criteria for bolted and riveted joints, Wiley, New York.International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO). (1997). Uniform building code, Whittier, Calif.Kurtz, M. (1991). “Section 7: Transformation of space in computer graphics.”Handbook of applied mathematics for engineers and scientists, McGraw-Hill, New York, 7.1-7.42.Mossberg, W.S. (1993). “Word isn’t perfect but new WordPerfect is too much for words.” Wall Street J., Dec. 2, B1Pen noni, C.R. (1992). “Visioning: The future of civil engineering.” J. Profl. Issues in Engrg. Educ. AndPract., ASCE, 118(3), 221-233.Tommelein, I.D., Riley, D. and Howell, G.A. (1999). “Parade game: impact of work flow variability on trade performance.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 125(5), 304-310.ICCREM 2014论文编排格式说明一、页面设置:(注:一定使用MS Office Word 2003 or 2007版本!)1、页边距:上3.5cm,下3.5,左3.25cm,右3.25cm。

下面是会议论文在参考文献中的具体格式示例:[1] 作者. “论文名称,” 会议名称, 会议地点, 会议日期, pp. 起始页码-终止页码, 年份.以下是具体的解释和示例:1. 作者:列出所有作者的姓名,可以是个人作者或团队作者。
当作者超过三人时,可以只列出前三位作者,后加“et al.”。
例如:张三,李四,王五2. “论文名称”:用引号将会议论文的题目括起来。
例如:“新技术在智能物流中的应用研究”3. 会议名称:写下完整的会议名称,一般以斜体字体表示。
例如:第十届国际智能物流会议(ICIL)4. 会议地点:写出会议举办的地点。
例如:北京,中国5. 会议日期:写出会议举办的日期。
例如:2020年9月1日或 2020年9月6. 起始页码-终止页码:写出会议论文在会议论文集中的起始页码和终止页码。
例如:pp. 23-287. 年份:写出会议论文发表的年份。

国际会议论文格式要求【篇一:2014国际会议论文排版格式要求及样张】2014管理科学与工程国际会议论文排版要求及格式样张lan hua1,zhao shu-rong21 school of management, harbin institute of technology,p.r.china, 1500012 school of humanities and science of uestc, p.r.china, 610054摘要:这份说明给出了2014管理科学与工程国际会议论文投稿的基本要求。
关键词:字体,字号,格式,页边距1 引言请将您的论文用纸设置为210mm?297mm的a4纸,全篇论文请在“段落”选项中将“行距”设置为“单倍行距”,每段首行缩进4字符。
2 方法论2.1 格式在“页面设置”的“页边距”选项中:“上”页边距设置为25mm,“下”页边距为31mm,“左右”页边距都为20mm,“距边界”中“页眉”设置13mm,“页脚”设置为20mm。
2.2 字号大小和字体样式请按照tab.1中所注明的字体和字号大小进行排版,全篇论文选用times new roman字体,正文部分tab.1 论文排版字体与字号大小一览表字号字体样式大小(磅) times new roman times new roman加粗 9图、表格图题、表题10 正文、公式、参考文献二级标题 12 作者姓名一级标题 14论文题目选用10磅字。
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国际会议论文格式要求【篇一:2014国际会议论文排版格式要求及样张】2014管理科学与工程国际会议论文排版要求及格式样张lan hua1,zhao shu-rong21 school of management, harbin institute of technology,p.r.china, 1500012 school of humanities and science of uestc, p.r.china, 610054摘要:这份说明给出了2014管理科学与工程国际会议论文投稿的基本要求。
关键词:字体,字号,格式,页边距1 引言请将您的论文用纸设置为210mm?297mm的a4纸,全篇论文请在“段落”选项中将“行距”设置为“单倍行距”,每段首行缩进4字符。
2 方法论2.1 格式在“页面设置”的“页边距”选项中:“上”页边距设置为25mm,“下”页边距为31mm,“左右”页边距都为20mm,“距边界”中“页眉”设置13mm,“页脚”设置为20mm。
2.2 字号大小和字体样式请按照tab.1中所注明的字体和字号大小进行排版,全篇论文选用times new roman字体,正文部分tab.1 论文排版字体与字号大小一览表字号字体样式大小(磅) times new roman times new roman加粗 9图、表格图题、表题10 正文、公式、参考文献二级标题 12 作者姓名一级标题 14论文题目选用10磅字。
论文题目字体选times new roman加粗,字号为14磅,其中每个实词的首字母大写;作者姓名选12磅字,姓大写,名字的第一个单词首字母大写,名字之间用短线连接,作者之间用逗号隔开,需作者序号时请用数字以上角标形式标注在右上角;作者单位选10磅字,单位前面加序号,后面请写“p.r.china, 邮政编码”;一级标题和二级标题中第一个单词的首字母大写,其余小写,字体选times new roman加粗,一级标题选12磅字,二级标题选10磅字。
3 结果3.1表格和图将图和表格放在每栏的顶部和底部,避免放在每栏的中间,大的图和表格可以横跨两栏。
timefig.1 reviews-sales impact coefficient differencefor the same type products at fixed time t3.2 参考文献参考文献不得少于20个。
除非作者人数在6人或6人以上,否则您应该列出所有作者的名字,而不能用“et al”代替。
3.3 缩写即使在摘要里已经进行了定义,当缩写词第一次在论文中出现时,应对其进行定义,但像ieee、si、mks、cgs、ac、dc和rms之类的缩写就无需定义。
由几个首字母合并起来并含有句点的缩写无需在句点和字母中间加空格,如:“c.n.r.s.”就不应写成“c. n. r. s.”。
3.4 公式公式排版请用公式编辑器编排,公式需要用圆括号加数字进行连续编号,并使编号与每栏的右边线对齐,参见(1),如a+b=c (1) 注意公式中的符号要事先定义或紧接在公式下给出定义。
3.5 其他一级标题前请用数字进行标号,引言和参考文献的字体和字号等同于一级标题,引言需要标上标号,参考文献不需标号并居中,一、二级标题应顶格。
当小数点前的数字为零时,不要写“.25”而要写成“0.25”,“cm3”不要写成“cc”,表示样本面积时应使用“0.1 cm ? 0.2 cm”,不要写成“0.1 ? 0.2 cm2”。
4 结论最后,您应该对您的语言负责,因为审稿专家和编辑们不会再对文章中的语言作核对和改动。
参考文献[1]d. j. beebe. signal conversion [c]//w. j. tompkins, ed. biomedical digital signal processing. englewood cliffs, nj: prentice-hall, 1993:61-74.[2]m. akay. time frequency and wavelets in biomedical signal processing[m]. piscataway, nj: ieee press, 1998:123-135.[3]g. b. gentili, v. tesi, m. linari, m. marsili. a versatile microwave plethysmograph for the monitoring of physiological parameters[j]. ieee trans. biomed. eng., 2002, 49(10):1204-1210.[4]v. medina, r. valdes, j. azpiroz, e. sacristan. title of paper if known[j].management science, 2007,25(4): 240-254.[5]e. h. miller. a note on reflector arrays [m]. ieee trans. antennas propagat., in press, 2006.[6]t. menendez, s. achenbach, w. moshage, m. flug, e. beinder,a. kollert, a. bittel, k. bachmann. prenatal recordingoffetalheartactionwith[7]j. e. monzon. the cultural approach to telemedicine in latin american homes[c]//proc. 3rd conf. information technology applications in biomedicine, itab′00, arlington, va, 2002:50-53.[8]f. a. saunders. electrotactile sensory aids for the handicapped[r]. presented at the 4th annu. meeting biomedical engineering society, los angeles, ca, 1973.[9]j. r. boheki. adaptive ar model spectral parameters for monitoring neonatal eeg [d]. biomed. eng. program, univ. fed. rio de janeiro, rio de janeiro, brazil, 2000. [10]j. p. wilkinson. nonlinear resonant circuit devices. u.s. patent 3 624 12[p], 1990-07-16.[11]r. e. haskell, c. t. case. transient signal propagation in lossless isotropic plasmas[r]. usaf cambridgeres.lab.,cambridge,marep.arcrl-66-234 (ii), 1994.paper format for the proceedings of the international conference onmanagement science and engineering 2014lan hua1,zhao shu-rong 21 school of management, harbin institute of technology,p.r.china, 1500012 school of humanities and science of uestc, p.r.china, 610054 abstract: these instructions give you basic guidelines for preparing papers for the icmse 2014 proceedings. submitted papers should be at least 6 pages. papers must be submitted using this format. this document is a template for microsoft word. if you are reading a paper version of this document, please download the electronic file from the conference website manuscript. abstract should be more than 120 english words. there should be at least 4 keywords and should in alphabetical order of the first letter of the beginning word, separated by commas.keywords: font, type sizes, format, marginsthe first letter of each substantive in the title. author names should use 12 pts characters and separated by commas. capitalize the surnames and the first letters of the first names. use a hyphen between first names. use superscript on the right if authors’ sequence numbers are necessary. use 10 pts characters for the main text and author’s affiliations, please be sure that there are sequence numbers in front of them and add “p.r.china, zip code” at the end. capitalize the first letter of the beginning word for each section title and subheading. use 12 pts bold roman characters for section titles and 10 pts bold roman characters for subheadings.tab.1 type size and typeface for paperstype size (pts) 9 10 12 14appearance times new romantimes new roman boldfigure captions, table names figures, tablesmain text, equations, subheadings referencessection titles authors’ namespaper title1 introductionplease prepare your paper using a a4 page size of210mm ? 297mm. set the row spacing in paragraph menu as single row spacing. indent paragraphs by 6 characters. there should be 6 blank line above the paper title (each line with 12pt type sizes), and one blank line above and below each section title, while only one blank line above the subheading. allfigures, tables, and equations must be included in-line with the text. do not use links to external files.3 results3.1 figures and tablesposition figures and tables should be at the tops and bottoms of columns. avoid placing them in the middle of columns. large figures and tables may span across both columns.use 9 point characters for figures and tables, bold characters for figure captions and table names. capitalize the first letter of the beginning word of each figure caption and table name.leave one blank line between the table name and above main text. place the table name above the table, using the abbreviation “tab”, such as “tab.1”. use the abbreviation “tab.1” if you want to refer the table in the text.try to use the drawing tool provided by microsoft word. for those which cannot be done by word, please2 methodology2.1 formatin formatting your page, set top margin to 25mm and bottom margin to 31mm. left and right margins should be 20mm. page header should be 13mm and page footer should be 20mm. in document gridding menu, choose no gridding. use a two-column format where each column is 21.95 characters wideand spacing 2 characters.2.2 type sizes and typefacestry to follow the type sizes and typefaces specified in tab. 1 as best as your can. the whole paper should use times new roman font with 10 pts in the main text. use 14 pts bold characters for the paper title, and capitalizedo not include the figure name. the figure name should betyped in word alone. in order to be sure of the legibleness ofthe paper, please do not use color and gray scale image to express different meanings, as we adapt concolorous printing. impact curvesttimefig.1 reviews-sales impact coefficient difference for the same type products at fixed time tfigure caption should be below the figures. use theabbr eviation “fig”, even at the beginning of a sentence, suchas “fig.1”. leave one blank line between figure caption and the text below.3.2 referencesthere should be no less than 20 references. number citations consecutively in square brackets. and number them in superscripts. the sentence punctuation follows the bracket. references at the end of the paper should be follow the order of the citations appeared in the paper.please note that the references at the end of this documentare in the preferred referencing style.give all authors’ names; do not use “et al.” unless there aresix authors or more. use a space after authors initials. capitalize only the first word in a paper title, except for proper nouns and element symbols. for papers published intranslation journals, please give the english citation first, followed by the classification of the original foreign-languagein parentheses at the end of the reference.3.3 abbreviation and acronymsdefine abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text, even after they have already been defined in the abstract. abbreviations such as ieee, si, mks, cgs, ac, dc, and rms do not have to be defined. abbreviations that incorporate periods should not have spaces: write “c.n.r.s.,” not “c. n. r. s.” do not use abbreviations in the title unless they are unavoidable.3.4 equationsplease use equation tools provided by microsoft word to edit your equations. number equations consecutively with equation numbers in parentheses flush with the right margin, as in (1).a +b =c (1) be sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before the equation appears or immediately following. italicize variables.3.5 other recommendationsnumber the section titles using roman numerals. the type size and typeface of introduction and references are the same as section titles. number introduction, but not references. references should be placed in the middle of column. the section titles and subheadings should be at the margin. type a space after a period or a colon.use a zero 3before decimal points: “0.25,” not “.25.” use “cm,” not “cc.” indicate sample dimensions as “0.1 cm ? 0.2 cm,” not “0.1 ? 0.2 cm2.”4 conclusionfinally, you are responsible for language as experts or editors will not check it. do a spell and grammar check. this is available in word. if english is not your native language, get a professional proof-reader to help if possible.prefixes such as “non,” “sub,” “micro,” “multi,” and “ultra” are not independent words; they should be joined to the words they modify, usually without a hyphen.sponsor and financial support acknowledgments are placed in the unnumbered footnote on the first page.references[1]d. j. beebe. signal conversion [c]//w. j. tompkins, ed. biomedical digital signal processing. englewood cliffs, nj: prentice-hall, 1993:61-74.[2]m. akay. time frequency and wavelets in biomedical signal processing[m]. piscataway, nj: ieee press, 1998:123-135.[3]g. b. gentili, v. tesi, m. linari, m. marsili. a versatile microwave plethysmograph for the monitoring of physiological parameters[j]. ieee trans. biomed. eng., 2002, 49(10):1204-1210.[4]v. medina, r. valdes, j. azpiroz, e. sacristan. title of paper if known[j].management science, 2007,25(4): 240-254.[5]e. h. miller. a note on reflector arrays [m]. ieee trans. antennas propagat., in press, 2006.[7]j. e. monzon. the cultural approach to telemedicine in latin american homes[c]//proc. 3rd conf. information technology applications in biomedicine, itab′00, arlington, va, 2002:50-53.[8]f. a. saunders. electrotactile sensory aids for the handicapped[r]. presented at the 4th annu. meeting biomedical engineering society, los angeles, ca, 1973.[9]j. r. boheki. adaptive ar model spectral parameters for monitoring neonatal eeg [d]. biomed. eng. program, univ. fed. rio de janeiro, rio de janeiro, brazil, 2000.【篇二:国际会议论文格式(中文)】论文题目(格式:论文题目格式)副标题(如果有的话用“副标题”格式)第一作者姓名第二作者姓名第一行:部门名称第一行部门名称第二行:组织名称,缩写词第二行:组织名称,缩写词第三行:城市,国家第三行:城市,国家第四行:电子邮件(若有要求的话)摘要—本电子文档是一个“活”的模板,论文的各个组成部分(题目,正文,标题等)已经在样式表中定义,在本文档也给出了阐明。