
One1 the [ðə, ði] art.这,那ad.[用于比较级;最高级前]2 be [bi,bi] aux. v.(am,is,are之原型) vi.是;在3 of [əv, ə, ɔv] prep.…的;由…制成的;关于;由于4 and [ənd, ænd] conj.和;那么;然后;而且5 a [ei, ə, æn, ən] art.一(个);任何一(个);每一(个)6 to [tu, tu, tə] prep.向;对;趋于;直到…为止;比;到7 in [in] prep.在…里;以;穿着;由于ad.进;到达8 he [hi, hi] pron.他;(不论性别的)一个人9 have [hæv,həv] aux. v.已经vt.有;进行;经受;吃;取得10 it [it] pron.它;这;那11 that [ðæt] a. pron.那,那个;ad.那样,那么12 for [fə, fɔ] prep.为;对,供,适合于;向conj.因为故13 they [ðei] pron.他(或她、它)们14 I [ai] pron.我15 with [wið, wiθ] prep.和,跟,同;具有;用;关于;随着16 as [æz, əz] ad.同样地prep.当作conj.随着;因为17 not [nɔt] ad.不,没,不是18 on [ɔn] prep.在…上;向;处于;在ad.上;向前19 she [ʃi, ʃi] pron.她20 at [æt, ət] prep.在;向;以;处于;因为;从事21 by [bai] prep.被;凭借;经由;由于ad.在近旁;经过22 this [ðis] a.这,这个;今,本pron.这,这个23 we [wi, wi] pron.我们24 you [ju, ju] pron.你,你们25 do [du, du] aux. v.[代替动词] v.做,干,行动26 but [bʌt,bət] conj.但是;而(是) prep.除…以外ad.只27 from [frəm,frɔm] prep.出自;离;去除;从;因为;由;与28 or [ɔ, ə] conj.或,或者;或者说;否则,要不然29 which [witʃ] pron. a.哪一个(些);[关系代词]那个(些)30 one [wʌn] num.一pron.一个(人) a.一个的;一体的31 would [wud] aux. v.[will的过去式];总会;也许;请32 all [ɔl] a.全部的;尽量的ad.很pron.全部33 will [wil] aux. v.将;愿意n.意志;遗嘱vt.用意志驱使34 there [ðɛə] pron.[与be连用,“有”] ad.在那里35 say [sei] v.说;表明ad.比如说,大约n.发言权36 who [hu] pron.谁,什么人;[关系代词]…的人37 make [meik] vt.做,制造;产生;成为n.品牌,类型38 when [wen] ad. pron.什么时候;在…时conj.当…时39 can [kæn,kən] aux. v.能;可以n.罐(头) vt.把…装罐保存40 more [mɔr] ad.更(多) a.更多(大)的n.更多的人(或物)41 if [if] conj.如果,假如;是否;即使;无论何时42 no [nəu] ad.不,不是,没有a.没有的;不许的43 man [mæn] n.(成年)男人;人,人类vt.给…配备人员44 out aut] ad.出,向外;在外;出现;完;过时45 other [ˈʌðə] a.别的;其余的pron.另一个人(或物)46 so [səu] ad.那么,非常;如此conj.所以;以便47 what [wɔt, wɑt] pron.什么;[关系代词] a.多么;什么48 time [taim] n.时间;次;倍[ pl.]时期vt.为…安排时间49 up [ʌp] ad. a.向上(的) prep.沿…往上;在…上面50 go [gəu] vi.去;变得;进行;放;通往;消失n.尝试51 about [əˈbaut] prep.关于;在…周围ad.大约;在附近52 than [ðæn, ðən] conj.比53 into [ˈintu, ˈintə] prep.进,入,到…里;成为;很喜欢54 could [kud] v. aux.can的过去式;[虚拟语气等]可以(能)55 state [steit] n.状态;国家,政府;州vt.陈述,说明56 only [ˈəunli] ad.只;反而a.唯一的;最好的conj.可是57 new [nju] a.新的,新出现的,新生产的;生疏的58 year [jiə, jə] n.年,年份59 some [sʌm,səm] a.一些,有些;某个pron.一些ad.大约60 take [teik] vt.带(去);做;花费;拿;服用;乘;拍61 come [kʌm] vi.来(自);经过;至;实现;开始;发生62 these [ðiz] pron.[this的复数]这些63 know [nəu] v.知道;认识;会;认出,分辨;懂得64 see [nəu] v.知道;认识;会;认出,分辨;懂得65 use [juz, jus]vt.用;耗费,利用n.使用,应用;用途66 get [get] vt.获得;收到;理解vi.变得;逐渐;到达67 like [laik] v.喜欢n.[ pl.]相似(物) prep.像a.相像的68 then [ðen] ad.当时;那么,因而;然后,于是69 first [fəst] num.第一a.第一的ad.首先;第一次;宁可70 any [ˈeni] pron.无论哪个; a.任何的ad.丝毫71 work [wək] v.工作;有效n.工作;职业[ pl.]著作72 now [nau] ad.(到)现在,如今;这时候;马上73 may [mei] n.五月74 such [sʌtʃ] a.这样的ad.那么pron.这样的人(物)75 give [giv] vt.给予;提供vi.塌下,折断,弯曲;让步76 over [ˈəuvə] prep.在…的上;关于ad.颠倒地a.结束的77 think [θiŋk] vt.认为;想;打算vi. n.想,思考78 most [məust] ad.最;十分a.最多的;大部分的n.大多数79 even [ˈivən] ad.甚至a.平的;平稳的;双数的v.(使)平坦80 find [faind] vt.发现;感到;判决n.(有价值的)发现物81 day [dei] n.天,一昼夜;白昼,白天;时期,时代82 also [ˈɔlsəu] ad.而且(也),此外(还);同样地83 after [ˈɑftə] prep. conj.在…之后a.以后的ad.后84 way [wei] n.方法;路;方面[ pl.]习俗ad.非常85 many [ˈmeni] a.许多的,多的pron.许多人,许多86 must [mʌst] aux. v.必须,应该;一定n.必须做的事87 look [luk] v.看;显得;朝着;打量n.看;脸色88 before [biˈfɔ] prep.在…前conj.在…以前ad.以前89 great [greit] a.大的;伟大的;好极的;擅长的90 back [bæk] ad.回原处n.背;后面a.后面的v.后退91 through [θru] prep.穿过;从头到尾;凭借ad. a.自始至终92 long [lɔŋ] a. ad.长(期)的(地) n.长时间vi.渴望93 where [wɛə] ad. conj.在哪里;在…的地方pron.哪里94 much [mʌtʃ] ad.十分;a. n.多(的),大量(的)95 should [ʃud, ʃəd] aux. v.[shall的过去式];应当;可能96 well [wel] ad.好地;完全地int.那末a.健康的n.井97 people [ˈpipl] n.人(们);[the~]人民;民族vt.居住于98 down [daun] a. ad.向下(的),在下面prep.沿着…而下99 own [əun] a.自己的vt.有,拥有100 just [dʒʌst] ad.正好;只是;刚才a.正义的;恰当的Two101 because [biˈkɔz] conj.因为102 good [gud] a.好的;擅长的;n.善,好处[ pl.]商品103 each [ˈitʃ] pron.各(每)个a.各,各自的,每ad.对每个104 those [ðəuz] pron.[that的复数]那些105 feel [fil] vi.觉得;给人以…感觉vt.摸;认为n.感觉106 seem [sim] vi.好像,似乎107 how [hau] ad.怎么,怎样;多么,多少108 high [hai] a.高(级;尚;兴)的ad.高n.高峰(潮,水平) 109 too [tu] ad.也,还;太,过于;很,非常110 place [pleis] n.地方;职位;名次vt.放置;任命111 little [ˈlitl] a.小的;短的;不多的n.极少ad.毫不112 world [wəld] n.(全)世界,地球;世间(人);界,领域113 very [ˈveri] ad.很;完全地a.正是的,真实的;完全的114 still [stil] ad.还;然而a.静止的n.剧照v.(使)平静115 nation [ˈneiʃən] n.国家,民族116 hand [hænd] n.手;指针;人手;帮助;手艺vt.交,递117 old [əuld] a.老的;过时的;以前的;老练的118 life [laif] n.生命;一生;生活,人生;生物;活力119 tell [tel] v.讲(述),告诉;吩咐;认出;显示;生效120 write [rait] v.写,写字;写作,作曲;写信(给)121 become [biˈkʌm] vi.变成,开始变得vt.适合,同…相称122 here [hiə] ad.在(向,到)这里int.[用于引起注意]123 show [ʃəu] v. n.表明;出示;演出,放映;展览(会) 124 house [haus] n.房屋;公司;(H-)议院vt.给…房子住125 both [bəuθ] a.两个…(都) pron.两者(都),双方(都)126 between [biˈtwin] prep.在…之间;为…所分享127 need [nid] vt.需要;缺少aux.v.必须n.需要;贫困128 mean [min] vt.意思是;意欲vi.特意a.吝啬的;平均的129 call [kɔl] v. n.把…叫做;打电话给;叫;访问;电话130 develop [diˈveləp] vt.发展;制订;产生vi.生长;发展131 un der [ˈʌndə] prep. ad.在…下面;少于;在…情况下132 last [lɑst] a.刚过去的;最后的ad.最后vi.持续133 right [rait] a. ad.对(的);右(的) int.好n.权利;右134 move [muv] v.搬;动摇;感动n.动作;移动,搬家135 thing [θiŋ] n.事;物[常pl.]局面;所有物,用品136 general [ˈdʒenərəl] a.一般的;总的,普遍的;笼统的n.将军137 school [skul] n.学校,学院;上学,学业;学派138 never [ˈnevə] ad.从不,永不;决不,千万不139 same [seim] a.相同的pron.[the-]同样的人(物)140 another [əˈnʌðə] pron.再(另)一个a.再一个的;别的141 begin [biˈgin] v.开始142 while [wail] conj.当…的时;而;虽然n.一会儿vt.消磨143 number [ˈnʌmbə] n.数字;号码[常略作N o.]号vt.编号144 part [pɑt] n.部分;零件;作用v.(使)分开ad.部分地145 turn [tən] v.转动;扭转;(使)变成n.转向;轮流146 real [riəl] a.真的,真正的;真实的,现实的147 leave [liv] v.出发;离开;留下n.准假;许可;告辞148 might [mait] aux. v.[may的过去式];可能n.力量;权势149 want [wɔnt, wɑnt] v.想要;缺乏n.不足[pl.]需要的东西150 point [pɔint] n.要点,观点;点;时刻v.指,指明151 form [fɔm] n.形式;外形;表格v.形(构)成,产生152 off [ɔ()f] ad.…掉(下);离开;停止;休息a.休息的153 child [tʃaild] n.小孩,儿童;子女,孩子154 few [fju] a./n.[表示否定]很少(的),几乎没有(的)155 small [smɔl] a.小的;少的;不重要的156 since [sins] conj. prep.从…以后;因为ad.后来157 against [əˈgenst] prep.逆,反(对),违反;对...不利158 ask [ɑsk] vt.询问;请求;邀请vi.(for)请求159 late [leit] a.晚的;晚期的;最近的ad.迟,晚160 home [həum] n.家(乡);原产地a.家庭(乡)的ad.回家161 interest [ˈintrist] n.兴趣;利息(率)[ pl.]利益vt.使感兴趣162 large [lɑdʒ] a.大的;(数量)多的,众多的163 person [ˈpəsn] n.人164 end [end] n.末尾;尽头;终止;结果v.结束,终止165 open [ˈəupən] a.开的,开放的,公开的v.开;开始;开放166 public [ˈpʌblik] a.公众的;公共的;公开的n.公众,民众167 follow [ˈfɔləu] vt.接着;遵照;听懂;注视vi.(紧)接;懂168 during [ˈdjuəriŋ] prep.在…期间169 present [priˈzent, ˈprezənt] a.出席的;现在的n.现在;礼物vt.赠(送) 170 without [wiˈðaut] prep.无,没有ad.在外面171 again [əˈgein] ad.再(又)一次;到原处;而且172 hold [həuld] v.拿;保持;掌握;主持n.握住;掌握;船舱173 govern [ˈgʌvən] vt.统治,治理,管理;支配,影响174 around [əˈraund] ad.在周围;到处;大约prep.遍及175 possible [ˈpɔsəb(ə)l] a.可能的,做得到的;可接受的,合理的176 head [hed] n.头(脑);顶部;领导vt.领导vi.朝…行进177 consider [kənˈsidə] v.考虑,细想;认为,把…看作;考虑到178 word [wəd] n.(单)词[ pl.]言语,话;传说;诺言179 program [ˈprəugræm] n.计(规)划;节目(单);程序vt.编程180 problem [ˈprɔbləm] n.问题,疑难问题;思考题,讨论题181 however [hauˈevə] ad.然而,可是;无论如何conj.不管怎样182 lead [lid] v.带路;领导;致使;通向n.领导;主角;铅183 system [ˈsistəm] n.系统;制度,体制;方法;身体184 set [set] n.(一)套a.规定的vt.放,安装vi.落山185 order [ˈɔdə] n.顺序;定购;秩序;命令vt.命令;定购186 eye [ai] n.眼(睛);视力;眼力;监督vt.看,审视187 plan [plæn] n.计划;平面图,示意图v.(制订)计划188 run [rʌn] vi.跑;运转;竞选;流vt.经营n.跑步189 keep [kip] v.(使)保持,(使)继续;阻止;遵守;保有190 face [feis] n.脸,面部表情;外表;表面v.面向;面对191 fact [fækt] n.事实,真相192 group [grup] n.组,群;集团vt.把…分组;使聚集vi.聚集193 play [plei] v.玩,打(球等);播放n.戏剧;游戏,比赛194 stand [stænd] vi.站;坐落;处于;忍受n.台;摊;立场195 increase [inˈkris, ˈinkris] v.增加,增长,增强n.增加,增长,增强196 early [ˈəli] a.早(期)的,在前的;早熟的ad.在早期;早197 course [kɔs] n.课程;过程;做法;路线;(一)道(菜)198 change [tʃeindʒ] v.改变;交换;兑换n.变化;更换;零钱199 help [help] v.帮(援)助;有助于;[呼救]救命n.帮助(手)Three200 line [lain] n.(界)线;条纹;方针;线路v.排队(齐)201 city [ˈsiti] n.城市,都市202 put [put] vt.放,使处于;表达;提交;记下203 close [kləuz] v.关;(使)接近a.近的ad.接近地n.结束204 case [keis] n.事例;情况;病例;案件;盒;手提箱205 force [fɔs] n.[ pl.]军队;暴力vt.强迫;用力推动206 meet [mit] vt.遇见;见面;满足vi.相遇;开会n.运动会207 once [wʌns] ad.一次;曾经,一度conj.一旦…(就…)208 water [ˈwɔtə] n.水vt.浇(供,加)水vi.流泪(口)水209 upon [əˈpɔn] prep. 在...之上.210 war [wɔ] n.战争;斗争,竞211 build [bild] vt.建造;创立vi.向顶点发展n.体型,体格212 hear [hiə] vt.听见;听到,得知;审讯,听证vi.听说213 light [lait] n.光;灯;火a.明亮的;轻的vt.点亮214 unite [ju()ˈnait] v.(使)联合,(使)团结,(使)统一215 live [laiv] vi.居住;活;难忘vt.生活a.活的;直播的216 every [ˈevri] a.每一(个);每…一次的,每隔…的217 country [ˈkʌntri] n.国家,全国人民;[the~]农村,乡村218 bring [briŋ] vt.带来;把…引来;促使;使发生219 center [ˈsentə] n.圆心,正中;中心v.(around)把…集中于220 let [let] vt.允许,让;假设;出租221 side [said] n.面;方面;一边a.边的vi.站在…的一边222 try [trai] vt.试图;审理;考验vi. n.努力,尝试223 provide [prəˈvaid] vt.供给,提供224 continue [kənˈtinju] v.继续,延续,延伸225 name [ˈneim] n.名字;名声vt.取名;提名;列举226 certain [ˈsətən] a.某(种);肯定的;确实的;不可避免的227 power [ˈpauə] n.权力;(能)力;电力;幂vt.使开动228 pay [pei] v.付款;给予(注意等);付出代价n.工资229 result [riˈzʌlt] n.结果;成绩,比分vi.导致;起因于230 question [ˈkwestʃ(ə)n] n.问题;疑问;难题vt.询问;怀疑231 study [ˈstʌdi] v. n.学习;调查,研究(成果);书房232 woman [ˈwumən] n.成年女子,妇女233 member [ˈmembə] n.成员,会员234 until [ənˈtil, ʌnˈtil] conj.直到…时;[用于否定句]直到…(才) 235 far [fɑ] ad.远,久远地;很,极;遥远地a.遥远的236 night [nait] n.夜,夜晚237 always [ˈɔlweiz] ad.总是,无例外地;永远,始终238 service [ˈsəvis] n.公共设施,公用机构;服务;维修vt.服务239 away [əˈwei] ad.远处,离开240 report [riˈpɔt] v. n.报告(道);告发;报到;隶属;传闻241 something [ˈsʌmθiŋ] pron.某物(事) n.重要的事物(或人)242 company [ˈkʌmpəni] n.公司;陪伴;同伴(们);(一)群;连队243 week [wik] n.星期,周244 church [tʃətʃ] n.教堂;礼拜;教会(组织)245 toward [təˈwɔd] prep.向;朝;接近;将近246 start [stɑt] vt.开始;创办vi.开始;出发;吃惊n.起点247 social [ˈsəuʃəl] a.社会的;交际的,社交的248 room [rum] n.房间,室;空间,地方;余地249 fi gure [ˈfigə] n.数字;算术;轮廓vi.出现;有道理vt.计算250 nature [ˈneitʃə] n.大自然;天性,性格;性质,类型251 though [ðəu] conj.尽管,虽然ad.可是,不过,然而252 young [jʌŋ] a.年轻的,青年的n.青年人253 less [les] a. ad.[little的比较级]更少(小)的(地)254 enough [iˈnʌf] ad.足够地,充分地;相当,尚a.足够的255 almost [ˈɔlməust] ad.几乎,差不多256 read [rid] v.读;理解;读数为;读到;写明257 include [inˈklud] vt.包括,包含258 president [ˈprezidənt] n.总统,主席;(大学)校长,董事长259 nothing [ˈnʌθiŋ] pron.没有东西(事情) n.无关紧要的人(或事) 260 yet [jet] ad.还,尚,仍;已经;更conj.然而261 better [ˈbetə] a.更好的;有好转的v.改善ad.更好地262 big [big] a.巨大的;重大的;年龄较大的;成功的263 boy bɔi] n.男孩264 cost [kɔst] n.价格,成本;代价vt.(使)花费;使付出265 business [ˈbiznis] n.交易,生意;工商企业;职业;事266 value [ˈvælju] n.价值;重要性[ pl.]价值观vt.重视;评价267 second [ˈsekənd, siˈkɔnd] num.第二a.次等的n.秒,瞬间vt.附和268 why [wai] ad.为什么;…的(理由) int.咳,哎呀269 clear [kliə] a. ad.清晰的(地) vt.清除;使清楚vi.变清澈270 expect [ikˈspekt] vt.预料,预计;等待,期待,盼望;要求271 family [ˈfæməli] n.家,家庭;亲属;家族;语系;科272 complete [kəmˈplit] a.完整的;十足的;完成的vt.完成;使完全273 act [ækt] v.行动;表演n.行为;法令;(一)幕274 sense [sens] n.感官(觉);判断力,见识;意思vt.觉得275 mind [maind] n.头脑;智力;想法v.介意;注意;照料276 experience [ikˈspiəriəns] n. vt.经历,阅历;经验,感受,体验277 art [ɑt] n.美(艺)术;技术(艺);[ pl.]文科278 next [nekst] a.紧接在后的;紧邻的ad.然后;次于279 near [niə] ad.在近处v. prep.靠(接)近a.接(亲)近的280 direct [diˈrekt] a.直接的;坦率的ad.直接地vt.对准;指导281 car [kɑ] n.汽车,轿车;(火车)车厢282 law [lɔ] n.法(律,规,学);律师业;规律,定律283 industry [ˈindəstri] n.工业,产业;勤劳,勤奋284 important [imˈpɔtənt] a.重要的,重大的;有势力的,有地位的285 girl [gəl] n.女孩子,姑娘;女儿286 god [gɔd] n.[G-]上帝;神;极其崇拜的人(或事物)287 several [ˈsevərəl] a.几个,若干,数个288 m atter [ˈmeitə] n.事情,情况;物质,物品vi.要紧289 usual [ˈjuʒuəl, ˈjuʒəl] a.通常的,惯常的290 rather [ˈrɑðə] ad.相当,颇有点儿;宁愿;更确切些291 per [pə()] prep.每,每一292 often [ˈɔ()fn] ad.常常,经常,通常293 kind [kaind] n.种类a.亲切的,和蔼的,仁慈的294 among [əˈmʌŋ] prep.在…之中;在…之间295 white [wait] a.白色的;白种的n.白色;蛋白,眼白296 reason [ˈrizən] n.原因;理性v.分析,推论(理);劝告297 action [ˈækʃən] n.行动;行为;作用;情节298 return [riˈtən] v.返回;恢复;归还n.返回[ pl.]盈利299 foot [fut] n.脚,足;英尺;最下部,底部Four300 care [kɛə] vi.关心vt.对…介意n.照顾;注意;挂念301 simple [ˈsimpəl] a.简单的;朴素的;单纯的;头脑简单的302 within [wiˈðin] prep.在…里面,在…内ad.在里面303 love [lʌv] vt.爱,热爱;喜欢,爱好n.爱,爱情304 human [ˈhjumən] a.人的,人类的;有人情的,好心肠的n.人305 along [əˈlɔŋ] ad.向前地;一道(起) prep.沿着306 appear [əˈpiə] vi.出现,显露;看来好像;发表,问世307 doctor [ˈdɔktə] n.医生;博士vt.篡改,对…做手脚308 believe [biˈliv] vt.相信;认为vi.相信309 speak [spik] vi.说话;发言vt.说(出);讲(某种语言)310 active [ˈæktiv] a.活跃的,积极的;主动的,起作用的311 student [ˈstjudənt] n.学生,大学生;研究者312 month [mʌnθ] n.月,一个月的时间313 drive [draiv] vt.驾驶,开动,打入;驱使vi.驾驶n.驾驶314 concern [kənˈsən] n.关切的事;担心vt.有关于;使担心315 best [best] a.最好的ad.最好,最316 door [dɔ(r)] n.门,出入口317 hope [həup] n./v.希望,期望318 example [igˈzɑmpəl] n.例子,实例;榜样,楷模319 inform [inˈfɔm] vt.通知vi.(against)告发,检举320 body [ˈbɔdi] n.身体;主体;尸体;物体;一群(批)321 ever [ˈevə] ad.在任何时候,从来322 least [list] a. ad.[1ittle的最高级]最少(小;不的)323 probable [ˈprɔbəbəl] a.很可能的,大概的324 understand [ˌʌndəˈstænd] v.理解,懂;意识到;谅解;听说;认为325 reach [ritʃ] vt.达到;伸手;达成n.理解力[ pl.]流域326 effect [iˈfekt] n.结果;影响[ pl.]个人财物vt.实现,引起327 different [ˈdifrənt] a.不同的;各别的,另外的;各种的328 idea [aiˈdiə] n.想法,主意;思想,概念329 whole [həul] a.全部的;完整的,无缺的n.全部,整体330 control [kənˈtrəul] n.控制;自制;操纵装置vt.控制;克制331 condition [kənˈdiʃən] n.状况[ pl.]环境vt.适应;调整状况;决定332 field [fild] n.田地;领域;运动场;产地;场;视野333 pass [pɑs] v.经过;传递;通过;流逝n.通行证;通道334 fall [fɔl] vi.落下;垮台;下垂n.下降;瀑布;秋天335 note [nəut] n.便条;笔记;音符;钞票vt.注意;记录336 special [ˈspeʃəl] a.特殊的;专门的n.特价,特刊,特别节目337 talk [tɔk] v. n.交谈,谈论;演讲;谈判;闲话338 particular [pəˈtikjulə] a.特定(别)的;挑剔的;详细的n.[ pl.]详情339 today [təˈdei] n.今天;现今340 measure [ˈmeʒə] n.分量,尺寸;量具;测量v.测量;衡量341 walk [wɔk] vi. n.步行(路程),散步vt.陪…走342 teach [titʃ] vt.教,讲授;教导(训) vi.讲课,当教师343 low [ləu] a. ad.低(的);低下(的) n.低点,低水平344 hour [ˈauə] n.小时;时间,时刻[ pl.]固定时间345 type [taip] n.类型,种类,品种;铅字v.打(字)346 carry [ˈkæri] vt.提;运送;传播;携带;包含;支撑347 rate [reit] n.进度;比率,率vt.评估vi.被评价348 remain [riˈmein] vi.仍然是;留下;剩余n.[ pl.]剩余物349 full [ful] a.满的,装满的;完全的,充分的,完整的350 street [strit] n.街道,马路351 easy [ˈizi] a.容易的;舒适的;随和的,宽松的352 although [ɔlˈðəu] conj.虽然,尽管;然而353 record [ˈrekɔd, riˈkɔd] n.记录;唱片;履历vt.记录;录下354 sit [sit] vi.坐;坐落,被安放vt.使坐,使就座355 determine [diˈtəmin] vt.确定;决定;使下决心vi.下决心356 level [ˈlevəl] n.水平(面);高度a.(水)平的v.(使)变平坦357 local [ˈləukəl] a.地方性的,当地的;局部的n.[ pl.]当地人358 sure [ʃuə,ʃɔ] a.确信的;一定的;可靠的ad.确实;当然359 receive [riˈsiv] vt.收到;受到;接待,接见,欢迎360 thus [ðʌs] ad.如此,这样;因此,从而361 moment [ˈməumənt] n.片刻,瞬间,时刻;机会,时机362 spirit [ˈspirit] n.精神;灵魂;气概[ pl.]情绪;烈酒(精)363 train [trein] n.火车;一系列,行列v.(受)训练(培养)364 college [ˈkɔlidʒ] n.大学,学院365 religion [riˈlidʒən] n.宗教,宗教信仰366 perhaps [pəˈhæps] ad.或许,大概,可能367 music [ˈmjuzik] n.音乐,乐曲368 grow [grəu] vi.生长,成长;成为;增长vt.种植,栽种369 free [ˈfri] a. ad.自由的(地);免费的(地) vt.解放370 cause [kɔz] n.原因;事业vt.引起;使遭受,给…带来371 serve [səv] v.服务(役),任(职);接待;适合;发球372 age [eidʒ] n.年龄;时代(期) v.变旧,成熟373 book [buk] n.书;本子[ pl.]帐目vt.预订,预约374 board [bɔd] n.(黑)板;委员会;v.上(船,飞机等);搭伙375 recent [ˈrisənt] a.新近的,近来的376 sound [saund] n.声音v.响;听起来a.合理的ad.酣畅地377 office [ˈɔfis] n.办公室;处,所,局;官职;[-s]服务378 cut [kʌt] vt.切,割,剪;减少n.伤口;削减;修剪379 step [step] n.(脚)步;步骤;台阶vi.行走;踏上380 class [klɑs] n.阶级;班级;课;种类;等级,级别381 true [tru] a.真实的;真的;忠诚的;准确的382 history [ˈhistəri] n.历史,史学,历史书;履历;病历,病史383 position [pəˈziʃən] n.位置;地位,职务;姿势;立场vt.安置384 above [əˈbʌv] prep.在…上方;多(大,高)于ad.在上面385 strong [strɔŋ] a.强壮的;牢固的;坚强的;强烈的,浓的386 friend [frend] n.朋友,友人387 necessary [ˈnesisəri] a.必要的;必然的n.[ pl.]必需品388 add [æd] vt.添(增)加;把…加起来vi.(to)增添389 court [kɔt] n.法庭,法院;球场;宫廷;庭院,院子390 deal [dil] vt.分给,发;给予n.交易,协议391 tax [tæks] n.税(款);负担vt.征税;使费尽力气392 support [səˈpɔt] vt. n.支持,拥护;支撑;供养;证实393 party [ˈpɑti] n.社交聚会;党,政党;一方,当事人394 whether [ˈweðə] conj.是否,会不会;不管,无论395 either [ˈaiðə, ˈiðə] ad.[否]也a. pron.(两者中)任何一个,每方396 land [lænd] n.陆地;土地;国家v.(使)靠岸(登陆,降落)397 material [məˈtiəriəl] n.材(原;资)料a.物质的;肉体的;重要的398 happen [ˈhæpən] vi.发生;[后接不定式]碰巧,恰好399 education [ˌedju()ˈkeiʃən] n.教育,培养,训练Five400 death [deθ] n.死,死亡;破灭,终止401 agree [əˈgri] vi.赞同;一致;(气候等)相宜vt.同意402 arm [ɑm] n.臂;扶手vt.以(武器)装备;配备403 mother [ˈmʌðə] n.母亲,妈妈404 across [əˈkrɔs] prep.穿(越,横)过;在对面ad.在对面405 quite [kwait] ad.相当;实际上,确实;完全,十分406 any thing [ˈeniθiŋ] pron.无论什么东西;任何东西407 town [taun] n.镇,市镇;市区,市中心408 past [pɑst] a.以前的prep. ad.经过,过n.过去,往事409 view [vju] n.观点;观察;景色vt.看待;观察,看410 society [səˈsaiəti] n.社会;社会团体,协会,社;上流社会411 manage [ˈmænidʒ] v.管理,经营,处理;设法对付;控制,操纵412 answer [ˈɑnsə] n.回答;答案v.回答;解答;响应413 break [breik] n.休息vt.打破;弄坏vi.破碎;破晓;转晴414 organize [ˈɔgənaiz] vt.组织,把…编组;使有条理415 half [hɑf] a.一半的,半个的n.半,一半ad.一半416 fire [ˈfaiə] n.火;火灾;射击v.放(枪等);解雇417 lose [luz] v.丢失;迷失;输,损失;浪费;(钟)走慢418 money [ˈmʌni] n.钱,货币,金钱419 stop [stɔp, stɑp] v.停止,中断;阻止n.车站;停止;句号420 actual [ˈæktʃuəl] a.实际的,事实上的,真实的421 already [ɔlˈredi] ad.早已,已经422 effort [ˈefət] n.努力,尝试;努力的成果,成就423 wait [weit] vi.(for)等;(on)服侍n.等待(的时间)424 department [diˈpɑtmənt] n.部,部门,系425 able [ˈeibəl] a.能够…的,得以…的;有才干的426 political [pəˈlitikəl] a.政治的,政治上的;政党的,党派的427 learn [lən] v.学,学习;得知,了解,学会;认识到428 voice [vɔis]n.嗓音;(表达出的)意见;语态vt.说(话)429 air [ɛə]n.空(大)气;天(航)空vt.通风,晾干430 together [təˈgeðə] ad.在一起,共同;一致地,协调地431 shall [ʃæl, ʃəl] aux. v.将(要),会;必须,应该432 cover [ˈkʌvə] vt.(掩)盖;占;包括;报道n.盖子,封面433 common [ˈkɔmən] a.平常的,普通的;共同的,公共的434 subject [ˈsʌbdʒikt] n.主题;学科;对象;主语vt.使服从435 draw [drɔ] vt.画;拖;取出;vi.移动;n.平局;抽签436 short [ʃɔt] a.短(矮)的;缺乏ad.简短地n.[ pl.]短裤437 wife [waif] n.妻子438 treat [trit] vt.对待;医治;款待n.款待;乐事439 limit [ˈlimit] n.限度,限制[ pl.]范围;极限vt.限制(定)440 road [rəud] n.路,道路441 letter [ˈletə] n.信,函件;字母[ pl.]文学,文化修养442 color [ˈkʌlə] n.颜色;颜料;情调vt.给…着(染)色443 behind [biˈhaind] prep.在…后;落后于ad.在背后;在后面444 produce [prəˈdjus, ˈprɔdjus] vt.生产,产生;显示;制作n.(农)产品445 send [send] vt.送,寄;派遣,打发;发送,发射446 term [təm] n.措词,术语;(任,学)期vt.把…称为447 total [ˈtəutl] a.全部的;完全的n.总数(计) v.合计448 university [ˌjuniˈvəsiti] n.大学449 rise [raiz] vi.升起;起立(床);上涨n.上涨;升高450 century [ˈsentʃəri] n.世纪,百年451 success [səkˈses]n.成就,成功;成功的事物,有成就的人452 minute [ˈminit, maiˈnjut] n.分钟;片刻;立刻[ pl.]会议记录a.微小的453 remember [riˈmembə] v.记得,记住;(to)代…问候454 purpose [ˈpəpəs] n.目的,意图;用途;效果455 test [test] vt.试验,测试,检验456 fight [fait] n.战斗,打架,斗争457 watch [wɔtʃ] v.观看;看守,照看;小心n.表;看管458 situation [ˌsitʃuˈeiʃ(ə)n] n.形势,环境,状况;位置,地点459 south [sauθ] n.南(方),南部ad.向南方a.南方(部)的460 ago [əˈgəu] ad.[用于被修饰词之后]以前461 difference [ˈdifrəns] n.差别,差异;差,差额;(意见的)分歧462 stage [steidʒ] n.阶段;舞台;戏剧表演vt.上演;举办463 father [ˈfɑðə] n.父亲;[ pl.]祖先;创始人;神父464 table [ˈteibəl] n.桌(台)子;表格vt.提交讨论465 rest [rest] n.[the~]其余的人(物);休息v.休息;搁466 bear [bɛə] vt.忍受;承担;怀有;运输n.熊;卖空者467 entire [inˈtaiə] a.全部的,整个的468 market [ˈmɑkit] n.市场,集市,股市;行情,销路vt.销售469 prepare [priˈpɛə] v.准备,预备470 explain [ikˈsplein] v.讲解,解释,说明471 offer [ˈɔfə] vt.给予,提供;提议n.提供,提议;报价472 plant [plɑnt] n.植物;工厂;间谍vt.种,植;放置473 charge [tʃɑdʒ] n.费用;管理vt.要价;指控vi.收费;冲锋474 ground [graund] n.地(面),土地[ pl.]场地(所);理由,根据475 west [west] n.西(方,部) a.西方(部)的ad.向西方476 picture [ˈpiktʃə] n.画,照片;描绘;画面vt.描绘;构想477 hard [ˈhɑd] ad. a.努力地(的);艰难地(的);猛烈地(的)478 front [frʌnt] n.前面;前线;方面a.前面的v.面向,朝着479 lie [lai] vi.躺,平放;位于;伸展;说谎n.谎话480 modern [ˈmɔdən] a.现代的,新式的481 dark [dɑk] a.暗的,黑色的;深色的n.[the~]黑暗(夜)482 surface [ˈsəfis] n.表面,面;外表vi.浮出水面;浮现483 rule [rul] n.规则;惯例;统治v.统治;裁决484 regard [riˈgɑd] vt.看作;打量;注意n.尊敬[ pl.]问候485 dance [dɑns] n.舞(蹈);舞曲,舞会v.跳舞;跳动486 peace [pis] n.和平,和睦;平静,安宁,安静487 observe [əbˈzəv] vt.注意到;观察;评论;遵守,奉行488 future [ˈfjutʃə] a.将来的n.将来,未来;前途[ pl.]期货489 wall [wɔl] n.墙,壁,围墙vt.筑墙围住,用墙隔开490 farm [fɑm] n.农场,饲养场,畜牧场v.耕作491 claim [kleim] vt.声称;索取;需要n.要求,索赔;声称492 firm [fəm] n.商行v.(使)变得坚实a.结实的;稳固的493 operation [ˌɔpəˈreiʃən] n.操作,经营;手术;(军事)行动;运算494 further [ˈfəðə] ad. a.另外(的);更远(的) vt.促进495 pressure [ˈpreʃə] n.压(力),压强;压迫vt.迫使,说服496 property [ˈprɔpəti] n.财产,所有物;房产,物业;性质,性能497 morning [ˈmɔniŋ] n.早晨,上午498 amount [əˈmaunt] n.数(量);总额vi.(to)合计;接近499 top [tɔp] n.顶;上部a.最高的vt.居…之上;高过最常用的1000个英语单词按词频排序(下)(附音标和注释)这里列举出最常用的1000个单词,按照常用频率排序,因为它是按国外英语单词的实际使用频率进行统计的,可能不太适合在中国的英语单词实际使用频率,但它有助孩子了解英语单词的实际使用情况。

4001 bookmark 64002 boost 64003 border 64004 bribery 64005 budget 64006 builder 64007 bullet 64008 bully 64009 bury 64010 ca 64011 cabbage 64012 cam 64013 camera 64014 candidate 64015 canoe 64016 captain 64017 carve 64018 casually 64019 cater 64020 caution 64021 ceil 64022 cheek 64023 clam 64024 clerk 64025 clinton 64026 coach 64027 compel 64028 complexion 64029 comprise 64030 concave 64031 conceal 64032 confer 64033 consciously 64034 considerate 64036 contentment 6 4037 contradictory 6 4038 contrive 64039 convention 6 4040 counterpart 6 4041 critic 64042 cruelly 64043 dawn 64044 dazzle 64045 deception 6 4046 defect 64047 definite 64048 defy 64049 degrade 64050 delightful 6 4051 designer 6 4052 desirable 6 4053 desperately 6 4054 destined 64055 diminish 6 4056 diploma 64057 disability 6 4058 disastrous 6 4059 disordered 6 4060 distrust 64061 dose 64062 drawback 6 4063 drill 64064 dusty 64065 elegant 64066 encouragement 6 4067 englishman 6 4068 enlighten 6 4069 enlist 64070 eternal 64071 eu 64072 evaluate 64073 exclaim 64074 experimental 6 4075 feat 64076 femininity 6 4077 filial 64078 filling 64080 finder 64081 fisherman 6 4082 forehead 6 4083 forge 64084 formula 64085 foul 64086 founder 64087 fourteen 64088 fragrant 64089 frog 64090 garbage 64091 giant 64092 goodbye 64093 greece 64094 grim 64095 groundless 6 4096 harold 64097 harsh 64098 hasted 64099 hog 64100 holder 64101 honey 64102 humanitarian 6 4103 humorous 6 4104 ideology 6 4105 ignorant 64106 illusion 64107 implementation 6 4108 incline 64109 india 64110 indifferent 6 4111 indoor 64112 inherent 64113 inherit 64114 innumerable 6 4115 insistence 6 4116 integrity 64117 invaluable 6 4118 investment 6 4119 irregular 64120 jeans 64121 juvenile 64122 korea 64123 lan 64124 landlord 6 4125 lash 64126 leaver 6 4127 legislation 6 4128 liberal 6 4129 lincoln 6 4130 location 6 4131 lookout 6 4132 loophole 6 4133 lust 64134 luther 6 4135 machinery 6 4136 madam 6 4137 mainland 6 4138 malaysia 6 4139 manifest 6 4140 masterpiece 6 4141 medal 6 4142 merciless 6 4143 milo 64144 miner 6 4145 mineral 6 4146 misuse 6 4147 naughty 6 4148 ninety 6 4149 nobel 6 4150 northern 6 4151 notebook 6 4152 offend 6 4153 opera 6 4154 oppression 6 4155 optimism 6 4156 orient 6 4157 outlook 6 4158 oversea 6 4159 overthrow 6 4160 painting 6 4161 panel 6 4162 passively 6 4163 pastry 6 4164 patch 6 4165 patriot 6 4166 peak 64167 perfection 6 4168 perspective 6 4169 pessimistic 6 4170 pet 64171 philosophy 6 4172 pioneer 6 4173 plum 6 4174 pollutant 6 4175 pose 6 4176 prestige 6 4177 prevention 6 4178 previously 6 4179 principal 6 4180 prior 6 4181 privileged 6 4182 pronounce 6 4183 propose 6 4184 purple 6 4185 ram 64186 ray 64187 reap 64188 rear 64189 rebellion 6 4190 recharge 6 4191 recognition 6 4192 relay 6 4193 resolution 6 4194 retain 6 4195 retreat 6 4196 reused 6 4197 rocket 6 4198 saline 6 4199 scandal 6 4200 scholarship 6 4201 segregation 6 4202 semi 6 4203 sep 64204 shabby 6 4205 shameful 6 4206 shampoo 6 4207 sheep 6 4208 skyscraper 6 4209 slavery 6 4210 smog 64212 solder 6 4213 sole 64214 sore 64215 southeast 6 4216 soviet 64217 soy 64218 spark 64219 sparkle 6 4220 stave 64221 steve 64222 stimulation 6 4223 stipulate 6 4224 strangely 6 4225 supporter 6 4226 swallow 6 4227 swell 64228 swift 64229 ta 64230 taboo 64231 tail 64232 tasty 64233 temperament 6 4234 tension 6 4235 thoughtful 6 4236 thrill 64237 toilet 64238 trail 64239 tranquil 6 4240 transmit 6 4241 tribe 64242 tropical 6 4243 twilight 6 4244 typewrite 6 4245 ugliness 6 4246 unacceptable 6 4247 unbalance 6 4248 unbelievable 6 4249 unclear 6 4250 uncommon 6 4251 unfairly 6 4252 v 64253 vase 64254 veil 64256 vice 64257 villager 6 4258 vividly 6 4259 washer 6 4260 waterloo 6 4261 wildly 64262 wonderland 6 4263 wrinkle 6 4264 abnormal 5 4265 abound 5 4266 absence 5 4267 acceptance 5 4268 accuracy 5 4269 acquaint 5 4270 acquit 54271 adam 54272 admirable 5 4273 adore 54274 advancement 5 4275 agent 54276 aggressive 5 4277 alkalinisation 5 4278 amiable 5 4279 amy 54280 analyzing 5 4281 ankle 54282 applaud 5 4283 arduous 5 4284 asian 54285 athletic 5 4286 aug 54287 awaken 5 4288 awareness 5 4289 bang 54290 barely 54291 bc 54292 beautifully 5 4293 beautify 5 4294 bias 54295 bite 54296 bleed 54297 blooded 5 4298 botanical 54300 bout 54301 boyhood 5 4302 brazil 54303 bun 54304 bundle 54305 calculation 5 4306 calmness 5 4307 changer 5 4308 charade 5 4309 charity 54310 chestnut 5 4311 chick 54312 choke 54313 cite 54314 clap 54315 classical 5 4316 coldly 54317 coldness 5 4318 colloquial 5 4319 commune 5 4320 conditioner 5 4321 conductor 5 4322 confide 54323 confinement 5 4324 confrontation 5 4325 congratulation 5 4326 congress 5 4327 contradict 5 4328 convey 54329 copernicus 5 4330 costly 54331 cotton 54332 couplet 54333 crucial 54334 de 54335 dean 54336 decay 54337 dedication 5 4338 deepen 54339 dejected 5 4340 delinquency 5 4341 delinquent 5 4342 demonstration 54344 depart 54345 depth 54346 descend 54347 descendant 5 4348 desolate 54349 destiny 54350 detective 54351 dialed 54352 dim 54353 disadvantageous 5 4354 disclose 54355 dishonest 54356 distinctive 5 4357 dive 54358 doer 54359 dot 54360 doubtful 54361 dread 54362 dye 54363 echo 54364 edison 54365 elimination 5 4366 emily 54367 erect 54368 ethical 54369 expend 54370 exquisite 54371 fang 54372 fantastic 54373 fare 54374 farewell 54375 farmland 54376 feb 54377 felton 54378 feminine 54379 fir 54380 flare 54381 flavour 54382 flea 54383 follower 54384 fourteenth 5 4385 fro 54386 fruitful 54388 fuss 54389 g 54390 giver 54391 gnp 54392 gong 54393 grandaunt 5 4394 gratitude 5 4395 greediness 5 4396 grin 54397 ham 54398 hardness 5 4399 harmless 5 4400 harmoniously 5 4401 heal 54402 heir 54403 helper 54404 heroine 5 4405 hinder 54406 historic 5 4407 hoe 54408 horror 54409 humiliate 5 4410 hygiene 5 4411 ie 54412 illegally 5 4413 impartial 5 4414 impel 54415 impetus 5 4416 imprison 5 4417 inadequate 5 4418 inculcation 5 4419 indirectly 5 4420 inefficient 5 4421 infect 54422 initiate 5 4423 insignificant 5 4424 inspection 5 4425 inspiration 5 4426 install 54427 insulate 5 4428 insurance 5 4429 insure 54430 intensively 54432 intervention 5 4433 intolerable 5 4434 invitation 5 4435 jazz 54436 jealous 54437 jesus 54438 kennedy 54439 kilogram 5 4440 kite 54441 laboring 54442 leaded 54443 legality 54444 lengthen 5 4445 lest 54446 lighten 54447 lin 54448 linda 54449 linger 54450 literally 54451 living 54452 lucy 54453 lydia 54454 manger 54455 mare 54456 massage 54457 materially 5 4458 mayor 54459 melancholy 5 4460 minority 5 4461 misfortune 5 4462 mixture 54463 modernizations 5 4464 modify 54465 mom 54466 monarch 5 4467 monthly 54468 morale 54469 mould 54470 myth 54471 namely 54472 nap 54473 narcissus 5 4474 navy 54476 nest 54477 network 5 4478 nicotine 5 4479 nineteenth 5 4480 northeast 5 4481 notable 5 4482 nowhere 5 4483 odd 54484 officially 5 4485 omit 54486 optional 5 4487 overcrowded 5 4488 overhead 5 4489 overlook 5 4490 parcel 5 4491 partial 5 4492 paste 54493 pastern 5 4494 patent 5 4495 pendulum 5 4496 pepper 5 4497 performer 5 4498 photograph 5 4499 piety 54500 pitch 54501 pleasantly 5 4502 plentiful 5 4503 pluck 54504 plus 54505 pope 54506 portrait 5 4507 postpone 5 4508 prefect 5 4509 presence 5 4510 pretext 5 4511 priceless 5 4512 proprietress 5 4513 publication 5 4514 publicize 5 4515 rainfall 5 4516 random 5 4517 rat 54518 ratio 54520 receiver 54521 recommendation 5 4522 reed 54523 rein 54524 relic 54525 relive 54526 repeatedly 5 4527 repent 54528 reprimand 5 4529 resemblances 5 4530 respectful 5 4531 retort 54532 revenue 54533 reverse 54534 revert 54535 rival 54536 riverside 54537 romance 54538 royal 54539 rubber 54540 rude 54541 sack 54542 sail 54543 sanction 54544 sarah 54545 scarcely 54546 scientifically 5 4547 seaside 54548 senseless 54549 serial 54550 shelf 54551 shortcut 54552 shrimp 54553 significances 5 4554 sincerity 54555 slang 54556 slice 54557 sofa 54558 solider 54559 solute 54560 spacious 54561 spanish 54562 species 54563 spit 54564 steep 54565 stilt 54566 stink 54567 stocking 5 4568 straightly 5 4569 stroll 54570 stun 54571 sunflower 5 4572 sunset 54573 surpass 54574 surrender 5 4575 sympathetic 5 4576 systematic 5 4577 technician 5 4578 temporarily 5 4579 termite 54580 territory 54581 textile 54582 thinker 54583 tighten 54584 tolerant 54585 toll 54586 tourism 54587 trait 54588 trample 54589 trim 54590 truck 54591 tulip 54592 turkey 54593 twinkle 54594 typist 54595 uncivilised 5 4596 undeniable 5 4597 understandable 5 4598 uneducated 5 4599 unfitness 5 4600 unforgivable 5 4601 unfortunate 5 4602 unhappiness 5 4603 unify 54604 unity 54605 unpractical 5 4606 unreasonably 54608 upward 54609 urgently 54610 usefulness 5 4611 vanish 54612 vanity 54613 vastly 54614 vent 54615 verdict 54616 veteran 54617 vigour 54618 virus 54619 visible 54620 vitality 54621 volume 54622 warrior 54623 weary 54624 weep 54625 weren 54626 whale 54627 wholesome 5 4628 willingness 5 4629 willpower 5 4630 wit 54631 wonderfully 5 4632 wrongdoer 5 4633 wrongly 54634 yoke 54635 abraham 44636 absurd 44637 accessory 4 4638 accommodation 4 4639 accountant 4 4640 ace 44641 ache 44642 activist 44643 adaptable 4 4644 adequately 4 4645 administrator 4 4646 adverse 44647 african 44648 allowance 4 4649 amateur 44650 amid 44652 anchor 4 4653 anew 44654 animate 4 4655 anther 44656 apologize 4 4657 apparatus 4 4658 appropriately 4 4659 arable 44660 architect 4 4661 aspiration 4 4662 assess 44663 assumption 4 4664 astronaut 4 4665 astronomy 4 4666 atomic 4 4667 attendance 4 4668 attentively 4 4669 authorize 4 4670 azalea 44671 baggy 44672 bail 44673 bark 44674 basement 4 4675 beam 44676 behalf 44677 beneath 4 4678 bests 44679 betty 44680 billy 44681 blackmail 4 4682 blessing 4 4683 bloody 4 4684 boldly 44685 bookcase 4 4686 bough 44687 bowel 44688 brandish 4 4689 breakthrough 4 4690 bride 44691 brighten 4 4692 brim 44693 bronchitis 4 4694 brutality 44696 butterfly 4 4697 calorie 44698 carbon 44699 cautiously 4 4700 cement 44701 chapter 4 4702 characterize 4 4703 charcoal 4 4704 charles 44705 charlotte 4 4706 chauvinist 4 4707 cheng 44708 chiefly 44709 childish 4 4710 chill 44711 chimney 4 4712 civilian 4 4713 clash 44714 classification 4 4715 cling 44716 closet 44717 coast 44718 cock 44719 coffer 44720 collide 44721 colored 4 4722 com 44723 comic 44724 commence 4 4725 compartment 4 4726 compassion 4 4727 compensation 4 4728 complication 4 4729 compute 4 4730 concise 4 4731 condemnation 4 4732 confucius 4 4733 connie 44734 considerably 4 4735 consistent 4 4736 conspicuous 4 4737 conversely 4 4738 conviction 44739 cooperative 4 4740 coordinate 4 4741 coordinated 4 4742 costume 4 4743 council 4 4744 courtyard 4 4745 cowboy 4 4746 creativity 4 4747 crude 44748 cunning 4 4749 curb 44750 curriculum 4 4751 cute 44752 cyprian 4 4753 dairy 44754 dangle 4 4755 daydream 4 4756 decisive 4 4757 decree 4 4758 degenerate 4 4759 degeneration 4 4760 deliberately 4 4761 dense 44762 departure 4 4763 descendents 4 4764 despise 4 4765 detect 4 4766 detergent 4 4767 deterrent 4 4768 devise 4 4769 devotion 4 4770 dialect 4 4771 diplomat 4 4772 dirt 44773 dissatisfied 4 4774 dissolve 4 4775 distort 4 4776 ditch 44777 donation 4 4778 doorbell 4 4779 drama 4 4780 drought 4 4781 dung 44782 dustbin 44784 economize 4 4785 edition 44786 educations 4 4787 electrical 4 4788 electron 44789 elsewhere 4 4790 embarrassment 4 4791 embezzlement 4 4792 emergence 4 4793 empress 4 4794 endeavour 4 4795 enthusiastic 4 4796 estate 44797 evaporate 4 4798 excellently 4 4799 excessively 4 4800 exclude 44801 execution 4 4802 explicit 44803 explode 44804 exploration 4 4805 exterior 44806 extinction 4 4807 extinguish 4 4808 extort 44809 extrovert 4 4810 faint 44811 fanciful 44812 feasibility 4 4813 fingerprint 4 4814 flavor 44815 flexibility 4 4816 flock 44817 fog 44818 fong 44819 forceful 44820 forebear 4 4821 foreman 4 4822 fossil 44823 foster 44824 frankly 44825 frustration 4 4826 gale 44828 gathering 4 4829 gear 44830 generosity 4 4831 genuine 4 4832 goddess 4 4833 goose 44834 govern 44835 gradual 44836 gratify 44837 greed 44838 groan 44839 grove 44840 gut 44841 gym 44842 hampshire 4 4843 harvard 4 4844 hawk 44845 heap 44846 heave 44847 heel 44848 helplessness 4 4849 hemingway 4 4850 hint 44851 holly 44852 homeless 4 4853 honored 4 4854 honoring 4 4855 honors 44856 hospitable 4 4857 hostess 44858 huddle 44859 hustle 44860 identity 4 4861 ideological 4 4862 idiot 44863 illustration 4 4864 imaginable 4 4865 imperial 4 4866 imposter 4 4867 incentive 4 4868 incessant 4 4869 inconvenience 4 4870 inconvenient 44871 indefinite 4 4872 indifferently 4 4873 indignation 4 4874 infer 44875 influential 4 4876 informal 4 4877 infringe 4 4878 initial 4 4879 inject 4 4880 innocence 4。

序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 单词 the be of and a in to have it to for i that you he on with do at by not this but from they his that she or which as we an say will would can if their go 序号 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 单词 what there all get her make who as out up see know time take them some could so him year into its then think my come than more about now last your me no other give just should these people 序号 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 单词 also well any only new very when may way look like use her such how because when as good find man our want day between even there many those one after down yeah so thing tell through back still must 序号 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 单词 child here over too put own on no work become more old government mean part leave life great where case woman over seem same us work need feel system each might may much ask group number yes however another again

A部分abandon v.抛弃,放弃abandonment n.放弃abbreviation n.缩写abeyance n.缓办,中止abide v.遵守ability n.能力able adj.有能力的,能干的abnormal adj.反常的,变态的aboard adv.船(车)上abolish v.废除,取消abolition n.废除,取消abortion n.流产abortive adj.无效果的,失败的about prep.关于,大约above prep.在...之上,高于above-mentioned adj.上述的abreast adv.并肩,并列abridge v.省略,摘要abroad adv.国外,海外abrogate v.取消,废除abrogation n.取消,废除abrupt adj.突然的,生硬的abruptly adv.突然地absence n.缺席,缺乏absent adj.缺席的,不存在absent-minded adj.心不在焉的absolute adj.完全的,绝对的absolutely adv.绝对,完全absorb v.吸收,专心于absorption n.吸收,专注abstract adj.抽象的,难懂的abstraction n.抽象,提取absurd adj.荒唐的absurdity n.荒唐(事) abundance n.丰富,大量abundant adj.丰富的,充裕的abuse v.滥用,谩骂abasement n.滥用academic adj.学院的,学术的academy n.学院,研究院accede v.同意accelerate v.加速,加快acceleration v.加速,促进accent n.腔调v.重读accept v.接受,同意acceptable adj.可接受的,合意的acceptance n.接受,承兑access n.接近,入口accessible adj.可接近的accessory n.附件,装饰品accident n.事故,意外之事accidental adj.意外的,偶然的accidentally adv.偶尔,附带accommodate v.提供便利,拆借accommodation n.便利,通融accompaniment n.伴侣,伴奏accompany v.伴随,伴奏accomplish v.完成,达到accomplishment n.成就accord v.符合,协调accordance n.按照,与...一致according adj.按照,据...说accordingly adj.相应地,从而account n.账目v.说明accountant n.会计(师) accounting n.会计学accrue v.产生,发生accrued adj.增值的,应计的accumulate v.积累,积蓄accumulation n.积累accumulative adj.积累的accuracy n.准确(性)accurate adj.准确的,精密的accurately adj.准确地accusation n.控告accuse v.告发,指责accustom v.使...习惯于ache v.觉得疼n.疼痛aching adj.疼痛的achieve v.完成,实现achievement n.完成,成就acid n.酸acknowledge v.承认,鸣谢acknowledgment n.承认,鸣谢,回执acquaint n.使熟悉,相识acquaintance n.熟悉人,相识acquaintant adj.熟悉的acquire v.求得,获得acquisition n.获得acre n.英亩acrobat n.杂技演员acrobatics n.杂技across prep.横越adv.横穿act n.行为,法令v.表演action n.行为,行动activate v.使活跃,开动active adj.活跃的,积极的actively adv.积极地,活跃地activity n.活动actor n.男演员actress n.女演员actual adj.现实的,实际的actuality n.实际actually adv.实际上,居然acute adj.剧烈的,敏锐的a.d. (缩)公元ad n.(缩)广告adapt v.使适应,改编adaptation n.适应add v.增添,加,补充addition n.增加,附加物additional adj.增加的,附加的additive adj.附加的n.添加剂address n.地址v.致词adequate adj.足够的,恰当的adequately adv.恰当地adhere v.粘附,坚持adhesive n.粘合剂adjacent adj.邻近的adjective n.形容词adjoin v.毗连adjust v.调整,修整adjustable adj.可调整的adjustment n.调整administer v.管理administration n.行政管理,管理机关administrative adj.行政管理的admirable adj.可钦佩的admiration n.羡慕,钦佩admire v.钦佩,赞美admission n.准入,承认admit v.承认,接纳admittedly adv.明白地adolescence n.青春期adolescent adj.青春期的adopt v.采用,采纳adoption n.采用adore v.崇拜,敬慕adorn v.装饰,佩带adornment n.装饰(品)adult n.成年人adj.成年的advance n.v.前进advanced adj.先进的,发达的advantage n.优点,优势advantageous adj.有利的,有用的adventure n.冒险,惊险活动adventurous adj.冒险的adverb n.副词adverbial adj.副词的adversary adj.敌手,对手adverse v.逆的,相反的adversity n.逆境,不幸advertise v.登广告,推销advertising adj.广告的advertisement n.广告advice n.忠告,意见advisable adj.适当的,可行的advise v.劝告,通知adviser n.顾问advocate v.拥护,提倡aerial adj.天空的,航空的aeroplane n.飞机affair n.事件,事情affect v.影响,改变affection n.友爱,爱慕affectionate adj.充满感情的affiliate n.分号(公司)affirm v.断言,肯定affirmation n.确定,确认affirmative adj.肯定的afford v.买得起,经受得起affordable adj.买得起的afloat adj.航行中的aforesaid adj.上述的afraid adj.害怕的,恐怕africa n.非洲african adj.非洲的n.非洲人after prep.在...后afternoon n.下午afterward adv.后来again adv.再,又against prep.反对,对着age n.年龄,时代agency n.代理,代理处agent n.代理人,试剂aggravate v.加重,恶化aggravation n.加重,恶化aggregate v.n.adj.合计(的) aggregation n.总计,集合aggression n.侵略aggressive adj.侵略的,进取的aggressor n.侵略者agitate v.鼓动agitation n.鼓动,不安ago adv....以前agonize v.使痛苦agony n.苦恼,痛苦agree v.同意,一致认为agreeable adj.惬意的,易相处的agreeably adv.欣然,依照agreed adj.商定的agreement n.一致,协议agricultural adj.农业的agriculture n.农业ahead adv.在...前aid n.v.援助,救护aids n.(缩)艾滋病ailment n.疾病aim n.目的v.旨在,指向aimless adj.无目的的air n.空气,气派aircraft n.航空器airline n.航线,航空公司airliner n.定期航班airmail n.航空邮件airplane n.飞机airport n.机场airway n.航线aisle n.过道,走廊ajar adv.半开的alarm n.惊慌,警报alarming adj.警告的alas int.唉,哎呀album n.相册,地图册alcohol n.酒精alcoholic adj.含酒精的alcoholism n.嗜酒者,酒鬼ale n.淡啤酒alert adj.警惕的,灵活的algebra n.代数alien adj.异国的,异样的alienate v.疏远,转让,挪用alienation n.异化alignment n.对准,准线alike adj.相象的alive adj.活着的,有生命的all adj.所有的n.一切allergic adj.过敏的,变态的allergy n.反感,过敏alliance n.联合,同盟allied adj.同盟的allocate v.分配allocation n.分配allot v.分配,配给allotment n.分配,份额allow v.允许,许可allowance n.补助,津贴alloy n.合金ally n.同盟者v.结盟almost adv.几乎,差不多alone adj.单独的,仅仅along prep.沿着adv.一起alongside prep.在...旁边aloud adv.大声地alphabet n.字母表also adv.也alter v.改变,变动alternate v.轮流,交替alternation n.改变,变更alternative n.v.两者取一although conj.虽然altitude n.高度altogether adv.全部地,总共aluminum n.铝always adv.总是,始终a.m. (缩)上午amateur adj.业余的amaze v.使惊叹amazement n.惊奇,诧异ambassador n.大使ambient adj.周围的,包围着的ambiguity n.歧义性,意义不明处ambiguous adj.模棱两可的ambition n.抱负,野心ambitious adj.雄心勃勃的ambulance n.救护车amend v.修改,更正amendment n.修改(通知书) amends n.赔偿america n.美国,美洲american adj.美国的n.美国人amiable adj.和蔼的,亲切的amicable adj.友好的,和睦的amid prep.在...之间ammunition n.弹药among prep.在...之中amount n.数量,总数v.合计ampere n.【电】安培ample adj.宽大的,充裕的amplification n.放大amplifier n.放大器,扩音机amplify v.详述,放大amuse v.逗乐,给娱乐amusement n.娱乐,乐趣analogue n.模拟,类似物analogy n.类似,类推analysis n.分析,分解analytical adj.分析的,解析的analyze v.分析,分解ancestor n.祖先,祖宗anchor n.锚v.停泊ancient adj.古老的,古代的and conj.和,与,而anecdote n.轶事,轶闻angel n.天命,安琪儿anger n.生气,愤怒angle n.角,角度angry adj.生气的,愤怒的angular adj.角状的animal n.动物animate v.使有活力,激活animation n.生气,生机ankle n.踝,踝骨annex n.附录,附件anniversary n.周年纪念日announce v.宣布,通报announcement n.通知announcer n.播音员annoy v.烦扰,使生气annoyance n.烦恼,麻烦事annual adj.每年的,年度的annually adv.每年,年年another pron.prep.另一个answer n.答案v.答复ant n.蚂蚁antagonism n.对立,敌对antagonist n.对手,敌手antarctic adj.南极的antibiotic adj.抗菌的antecedent n.触角,天线anticipate v.期望,预料anticipation n.期望,预料antique adj.古老的n.古玩antonym n.反义词antonymous adj.反义的anxiety n.焦虑,担心anxious adj.焦急的,切盼的anxiously adv.焦急地,急切地any adj.任何,一些anybody pron.任何人anyhow adv.无论如何anyone pron.无论谁anything pron.无论什么anyway adv.不管怎样anywhere adv.无论何地apart adv.分离,隔开apartment n.套房,公寓ape n.猿猴apologize v.道歉apology n.道歉apparatus n.仪器,设备apparent adj.明显的,表面上的apparently adj.显然,似乎appeal v.n.呼吁,上诉appealing adj.有吸引力的appear v.出现,好象appearance n.出现,外表appendix n.附录,盲肠appetite n.食欲,欲望applaud v.称赞,拍手喝彩applause n.喝彩,欢呼apple n.苹果appliance n.用具,器械applicable adj.生动的,适用的applicant n.申请人application n.申请,应用apply v.应用,申请appoint v.任命,约定appointment n.任命,约会appreciable adj.可看到的appreciably adv.相当大地appreciate v.欣赏,感激appreciation n.欣赏,感激appreciative adj.感激的apprentice n.学校apprize v.通知approach v.接近n.途径appropriate adj.恰当的v.拨给approval n.同意,批准approve v.赞成,批准approximate adj.v.近似,约略approximately adv.近乎,大约approximation n.近似值april n.四月apt adj.恰当的,易于..的aptitude n.才智,天资arab n.阿拉伯arabian n.阿拉伯人,阿拉伯语arabic adj.阿拉伯的arbitrary adj.专横的,任意的arbitrate v.仲裁arbitration n.仲裁arbitrator n.仲裁员arc n.弧arch n.拱门,弓形archaeologist n.考古学家archaeology n.考古学architect n.建筑师architecture n.建筑学arctic adj.北极的ardent adj.热心的,强烈的arduous adj.艰巨的,努力的area n.地区,面积,领域arena n.竞技场argue v.争论,辩论argument n.争论,论点arise v.起来,出现aristocracy n.贵族阶层aristocrat n.贵族aristocratic adj.贵族的arithmetic n.算术arm n.手臂,扶手v.武装arms n.武器armchair n.手扶椅armour n.盔甲,装甲army n.军队,陆军around adv.在周围,大约arouse v.唤醒,唤起arrange v.整理,安排arrangement n.安排,计划array v.装扮,排列arrear n.欠款arrest v.逮捕,吸引arrival n.到达,到货arrive v.到达,达到arrogance n.傲慢arrogant adj.傲慢的arrogantly adv.傲慢地arrow n.箭,箭头art n.艺术,技艺article n.文章,物品,冠词artificial adj.人造的,假的artist n.艺术家artistic n.艺术的as adv.一样prep.作为ascend v.登,上升ascertain v.查明,弄清ascribe v.归于asean n.(缩)东盟ash n.灰,灰烬ashamed adj.惭愧的,羞耻的ashore adv.在岸上,上岸ashtray n.烟灰缸asia n.亚洲asian adj.亚洲的n.亚洲人aside adv.在旁边,搁在一边ask v.问,要求,邀请asleep adj.睡着的aspect n.容貌,方面aspirin n.阿斯匹林ass n.驴,愚蠢的人assassinate v.暗杀assassination n.暗杀assassinator n.暗杀者assault v.袭击,攻击assemble v.集合,装配assembly n.集合,装配assert v.断言,宣称assertion n.断言assess v.评定,估价assessment n.估值,评价assign v.分配,指定assignment n.任务,作业assist v.协助assistance n.协助,辅助assistant n.助手associate v.联想adv.副的associated adj.联合的association n.协会,合营associative adj.联想的assorted adj.各种各样的assortment n.花色品种assume v.假定,担任assumption n.假定,假装assurance n.自信,保证assure v.使..放心,向..保证assured adj.感到放心的astonish v.使惊讶astonishment n.惊讶astound v.使惊讶astray adv.(信件)遗失、误传astronaut n.宇宙飞行员astronomer n.天文学家astronomical adj.天文学的astronomy n.天文学at prep.在,处于,以athlete n.田径运动员athletic adj.田径的atlantic n.adj.大西洋(的)atlas n.地图集atmosphere n.大气,气氛atmospheric adj.大气的,空气的atom n.原子,微粒atomic adj.原子的,原子能的attach v.附着于,依恋attachment n.依附,附件,爱慕attack v.n.进攻,侵袭attain v.赢得,到达attempt v.n.尝试,企图attend v.出席,照顾attendance n.出勤(率),出席attendant n.随从,服务员attention n.注意,关心attentive adj.注意的,关心的attentively adv.关心地attic n.阁楼attitude n.态度,看法attorney n.辩护律师attract v.吸引,引力attraction adj.有吸引力的attributable adj.归于...的attribute v.属于n.属性attribution n.属于attributive adj.定语的,属性的auction n.拍卖audience n.听众,观众auditorium n.礼堂august n.八月aunt n.伯(婶、姨、姑)母aural adj.听觉的,耳的auspice n.赞助,主办australia n.澳大利亚australian adj.澳大利亚的author n.作者,创造者authority n.权力,权威authorization n.授权authorize v.授权,批准autobiography n.自传automate v.自动化automatic adj.自动的automation n.自动化automobile n.汽车autonomous adj.自治的autonomy n.自治autumn n.秋天auxiliary adj.辅助的,补助的avail v.帮助,有用n.效用availability n.可用性,可供货available adj.可得到的avenge v.报复avenue n.林荫道,途径average adj.平均的n.平均数averagely adv.平均aviation n.航空avoid v.避免,逃避await v.等候,等待awake v.醒来醒悟adj.醒的awaken adj.醒着的award v.授予n.奖,奖品aware adj.知道的,意识到的away adv.去,远离,在远处awe n.威惧awesome adj.可怕的awful adj.令人畏惧的awfully adv.可怕地,非常awkward adj.笨拙的,不熟练的awkwardly adv.笨拙地awkwardness n.笨拙ax n.斧子axial adj.轴的,轴向的axis n.轴,轴线,轴心axle n.(轮)轴abate v.减轻,减退;废除aberrant a.畸变的;异常的;脱离常轨的ablate v.切除,摘除abrade v.擦伤;磨损abscess n.脓肿abstain v.戒、避免;弃权abstinence n.节制;禁欲accountant n.会计achromatopsia n.色盲acidosis n.酸中毒acne n.痤疮,粉刺acoustic a.声学的;听觉的acquaint v.使认识,使了解,通知acupuncture n.针刺,针刺疗法addict v.使沉溺,使醉心;使成瘾n.有瘾的人,吸毒成瘾adduce v.引证;提出admonish v.告诫advisory a.咨询的,劝告的aerobic a.需氧的afebrile a.无热的afferent a.传人的affiliate v.使附属;隶属affinity n.亲和力;密切关系afflict v.使苦恼,折磨agile a.敏捷的,灵活的ague n.疟疾;寒颤alga n.水藻,海藻alleviate v.减轻(痛苦),缓和allude v.暗指,提到allure v.引诱,吸引almighty a.全能的;糟糕透的alveolus n.小窝,牙槽;肺泡amateur a.业余的n.业余爱好者ambulant a.走动的;适宜于下床活动的ameliorate v.改善,改良,转好amenable a.顺从的,有义务的; 经得起检验的ammonia n.氨amputate v.切断,截(肢) anatomy n.解剖学ancestral a.祖先的,祖传的ancestry n.祖先,家世ancient a.古代的,古老的n,古时的人anemia n.贫血症anesthesia n.感觉缺失;麻醉anesthetic a.麻木的n.麻醉剂anguish n.极度的痛苦v.感到极度痛苦anhydrous a.脱水的,无水的animate v.使有生气,使活泼;激励animation n.生气,活泼,兴奋;动画片anonymous a.匿名的anorexia n.食欲缺失;厌食anoxia n.缺氧(症)antacid n.解酸药,抗酸剂antenna n.触角;天线antibiotics n.抗生素(抗菌素) antifebrile a.退热的n.退热药antiseptic a.防腐的,抗菌的n.防腐剂;抗菌剂antitoxin n.抗毒素antiviral a.抗病毒的antivirus n.抗病毒素anxiety n.挂念,焦虑;渴望appalling a.令人震惊的,骇人听闻的apparatus n.器械,仪器,装置appendicitis n.阑尾炎appraisal n.估价,评价appraise v.估价,评价,鉴定appraiser n.评价人,鉴定人apprehend v.理解,领悟;逮捕,拘押;畏惧,忧虑architectural a.关于建筑的,建筑上的argumentation n. 推论, 论证; 争论, 辩论, 辩论文armament n. 军队, 武装力量; 军械; 武器, 备战aroma n. 芳香; (艺术品的) 风味; 韵味arrhythmia n.心律不齐;心律失常arrogance n.骄傲自大,傲慢arrogant a.骄傲自大的,傲慢的artery n.动脉,干线arthritis n.关节炎articular a.关节的articulate v.接合;清晰地发出音来;a.接合起来的;关节联接的ascertain v. 查明, 弄清, 确定aseptic a.无菌的; 防腐的; 冷漠的ashamed a.惭愧的, 害臊的asphyxia n.窒息aspirate v.吸出;抽出asset n.财产;宝贵的人(或物) assiduity n.刻苦,勤奋assign v.分配,委派,指定assignment n.分配,委派,任务,(课外)作业assimilate v.吸收;同化assort v.把…分类;为…配备各种物品asthma n.气喘,哮喘asymmetric(al) a.不对称的;偏位的artrium n.心房atropine n.萎缩,虚脱atropine n.阿托品attenuate v.变细(小);减弱减毒; 稀释attic n.顶楼,屋顶室attomey n.辩护律师attractive a.有吸引力的,有魅力的,动人的atypical a.非典型的;不规则的;不正常的audible a.听得见的audiometer n.听度计,听力计augment v.扩大;增长auscultate v.听诊Austria n.奥地利authentic a.可靠的,权威性的,有根据的,真正的authoritarian a.独裁主义的n.独裁主义者authoritative a.有权威的,可相信的autoclave n.高压消毒锅autopsy n.尸体解剖;尸检avert v.转移,防止aviation n.航空;航空学;飞行术手的,为难的,尴尬的axilla n.腋(窝)B部分baby n.婴儿,年龄最小的人baby-sit v.(替人)看护小孩baby-sitter n.看护小孩的人bachelor n.单身汉,学士back n.背adj.背后的backbone n.脊梁骨backdate v.回溯background n.背景,经历backing n.倒退,支持物backlog n.未交付的订货backward adv.向后,逆backwardness n.落后(状态) bacon n.咸肉,熏肉bacterium n.细菌bad adj.坏的,低劣的badge n.徽章badly adv.坏,非常,严重地badminton n.羽毛球baffle v.困扰,难倒bag n.袋子,提包baggage n.行李baggy adj.袋状的bait n.饵,诱饵bake v.烤,烘baker n.面包师bakery n.面包店balance n.平衡,天平,余额balcony n.阳台bald adj.秃的ball n.球,球状物,舞会ballet n.芭蕾舞balloon n.气球ballooning n.热气球飞行运动ball-point pen n.圆珠笔ballroom n.舞厅bamboo n.竹bamboo-shoot n.竹笋banana n.香蕉band n.乐队,带子v.联合bandage n.绷带bandit n.盗匪,歹徒bang n.v.砰的一响bank n.岸,银行banker n.银行家banking n.银行业务、金融业bankrupt n.v.adj.破产banner n.旗帜,横幅banquet n.宴会bar n.棒,杆,酒吧barber n.理发师bare adj.裸的,直率的barely adv.赤裸裸地bargain n.交易,便宜货barge n.驳船bark n.狗吠,树皮v.吠barn n.谷仓,牲口棚barometer n.晴雨表,标记baron n.男爵baroness n.男爵夫人,女男爵barrel n.桶,枪(炮)管barren adj.不育的,贫瘠的barrier n.障碍,壁垒barter n.易货贸易base n.基础,基地v.基于baseball n.棒球basement n.地下室,地窖basic adj.基本的,基础的basically adv.基本上,主要地basin n.盆,盆地basis n.基础,根据basket n.篮子,筐basketball n.篮球bat n.球拍,蝙蝠v.击打bath n.洗澡,浴室bathe v.洗澡,冲洗bathroom n.浴室,洗手间batter v.打击battery n.电池battle n.战斗,战役bay n.海湾,湾bazaar n.集市b.c. (缩)公元前be v.是,存在beach n.海滩,湖滨bead n.有孔小珠beak n.鸟嘴beam n.梁,射线v.发光bean n.豆子bear v.负担,忍受,生育bearing n.举止,意义,轴承bearish adj.熊市的beast n.野兽,牲畜beat v.打,击败n.击打beautiful adj.美丽的,绝妙的beauty n.美,美女because conj.因为,由于become v.变成bed n.床,河床,苗圃bedroom n.卧室bee n.蜜蜂beef n.牛肉beer n.啤酒beetle n.甲虫before prep.在...前面beforehand adv.事先,预先beg v.乞讨,恳求beggar n.乞丐begin v.开始,着手进行beginner n.初学者beginning n.开端,起点behalf n.代表behave v.行为,举动behavior n.行为,举止behind prep.在...后面behindhand adj.落后,事后being n.生物,存在belief n.信仰,信心believe v.相信,认为bell n.钟,铃belly n.肚子belong v.属于beloved adj.敬爱的n.爱人below adj.prep.在...下面belt n.带,腰带bench n.长凳,工作台bend v.弯曲,俯身n.拐弯beneath prep.在...之下beneficial adj.有益的,有利的beneficiary n.受益者benefit n.益处,利益benevolence n.慈悲,捐助benevolent adj.乐善好施的bent adj.弯曲的berry n.浆果beside prep.在...之旁besides adj.而且prep...之外best adj.最好的best-seller n.畅销书(货)best-selling adj.畅销的bestow v.赠给,授予bet n.v.打赌betray v.背叛,泄露betrayal n.背叛,暴露better adj.更好的adv.较好better-off adj.经济情况较好的between prep.在两者之间beverage n.饮料beware v.当心bewilder v.迷惑,茫然beyond prep.在...那边,超出bias n.偏好bible n.圣经bicycle n.自行车bid n.v.报价,投标bidding n.投标big adj.大的,重大的bike n.自行车bill n.帐单,议案,钞票billion n.十亿bind v.捆绑,约束binding n.装订biographer n.传记记者biography n.传记biologist n.生物学家biology n.生物学bird n.鸟birth n.出生,创始birthday n.生日,诞辰birthplace n.出生地biscuit n.饼干bishop n.主教bit n.小片,一点bite n.v.咬,叮n.一口bitter adj.苦的,痛苦的bitterly adv.惨痛地,辛酸地bitterness n.苦味,苦难b/l n.(缩)提单black adj.黑的n.黑色blackboard n.黑板blacksmith n.铁匠blade n.刀刃,叶片blame v.责备n.过失blank adj.空白的n.空格blanket n.毛毯blast n.阵风v.爆炸blaze n.火光,光亮bleach v.漂白,变白bleed v.出血,流血blend v.混合,掺混bless v.保佑,祝福blessing n.祝福blind adj.瞎的v.使失明blink adj.眨眼,闪烁block n.大块,街区,障碍物blockage n.封锁blond adj.金发的blood n.血,血统bloody adj.流血的,残忍的bloom n.花v.开花blossom n.(果树的)花blot n.污迹blouse n.女衫blow v.吹,吹掉,刮风blue adj.蓝色的,忧郁的blunder n.大错blunt adj.钝的,生硬的blush v.脸红,害臊blushy adj.害羞的board n.木板,伙食,董事会boarding n.伙食boast v.夸口,以...而自豪boat n.小船,艇body n.身体,尸体,团体bodyguard n.保镖boil v.沸腾,煮沸boiler n.锅炉boiling adj.沸腾的bold adj.大胆的boldness n.胆略bolt n.螺检,插销v.闩门bomb n.炸弹v.轰炸bomber n.轰炸机bona fide adj.真诚的,无欺的bond n.束缚,联结,债券bonded adj.保税的bone n.骨,骨骼bony adj.骨头的bonus n.红利book n.书v.预订(票) booking adj.定货booklet n.小册子bookcase n.书橱bookshelf n.书架bookstore n.书店boom v.隆隆响,兴旺,繁荣booming adj.兴旺的,繁荣的boost v.抬高,促进boot n.靴子booth n.货摊,电话亭border n.国界,边境bore v.烦扰,使厌烦,钻孔boring adj.讨厌的born adj.出生的,天生的borrow v.借,借用borrowings n.借款bosom n.胸,胸怀boss n.上司,老板bossy adj.好发号施令的both pron.adj.双方,两bother v.打扰,麻烦n.麻烦bottle n.瓶子bottle-neck n.影响...的环节bottom n.底部,末尾bottom-line n.末行数字,结果bough n.大树枝bounce v.跳起n.跳跃bound v.缚,以...为界boundary n.界线,边界bourgeois n.资产阶级分子bow v.鞠躬,服从n.弓bowl n.碗,钵bowling n.保龄球box n.箱,盒v.拳击boxer n.拳击运动员boxing n.拳击boxing-day n.节礼日boy n.男孩,小伙子boycott v.n.抵制brace n.支撑v.激励bracket n.括号brag v.吹嘘,夸口brain n.脑子,头脑,智能brake n. 制动器v.刹车branch n.树枝,分支,分部brand n.牌子,商标brandy n.白兰地brass n.黄铜brave adj.勇敢的v.冒着bravely adv.勇敢地bravery n.勇敢brazil n.巴西brazilian adj.n.巴西的(人) breach n.违反(契约)bread n.面包,生计bread-earner n.挣钱养家的人breadth n.宽度,大量break n.打破,破坏n.裂口breakage n.裂口breakdown n.故障,衰竭breakthrough n.突破breakfast n.早饭breast n.乳房,胸脯breath n.呼吸,气息breathe v.呼吸breed v.繁殖,饲养n.品种breeze n.微风bribe v.贿赂bribery v.贿赂brick n.砖bride n.新娘bridegroom n.新郎bridge n.桥梁,桥牌bridle n.约束v.抑制brief adj.简短的briefing n.简要情况briefly adv.简单地,简短地bright adj.明亮的,鲜明的brighten v.使发光brightness n.光辉,明亮brilliance n.辉煌,光彩brilliant v.辉煌的,杰出的brim n.边,边缘bring v.拿来,带来brink n.边缘brisk adj.敏捷的,活跃的bristle n.鬃毛britain n.不列颠,英国british adj.英国的,英属的brittle adj.易碎的,脆的broad adj.宽的,辽阔的broadcast v.n.广播broadcasting n.广播节目broaden v.加宽,扩大brochure n.产品介绍手册broken adj.破碎的,毁坏了的broker n.经纪人bronze n.青铜brood n.一窝brook n.小河,溪流broom n.扫帚brother n.兄弟,同胞brotherhood n.兄弟情谊brother-in-law n.姻兄(弟) brow n.眉毛,额brown n.adj.褐色(的)bruise n.青肿v.打伤brush n.刷子,画笔v.刷brutal adj.野蛮的brute n.禽兽,畜生bubble n.气泡bucket n.水桶bud n.芽,蓓蕾buddhism n.佛教buddhist n.佛教徒budget n.预算buffalo n.水牛,野牛buffet n.冷餐bug n.臭虫,虫子bugle n.喇叭build v.建造,建设builder n.建筑工人,建设者building n.建筑物,大楼bulb n.球形物,灯泡bulk n.体积,大半bulky adj.庞大的,笨重的bull n.公牛bullet n.子弹bulletin n.公报bullion n.金块,金条bullish adj.行情看涨的bump v.碰,颠簸n.碰撞bumpy adj.颠簸不平的bunch n.一束bundle n.v.捆,包burden n.担子,负担burdensome adj.沉重的bureau n.局,司,办公室bureaucracy n.官僚主义bureaucratic adj.官僚主义的burglar n.夜盗,窃贼burglary n.盗窃burial n.埋葬burn v.烧,燃烧,烧伤burner n.喷灯burnt adj.烧焦的,烧坏的burst v.n.爆炸,破裂bury v.掩埋,安葬bus n.公共汽车bush n.灌木bushel n.蒲式耳(重量单位) business n.行业,买卖,商号businesslike adj.事务式的busy adj.忙碌的,热闹的but prep.但是,除了butcher n.屠夫v.屠宰butchery n.肉食店butt n.根端v.顶撞butter n.黄油butterfly n.蝴蝶button n.钮扣,按钮buy v.买,购买buyer n.购买者buzz v.嗡嗡叫n.嗡嗡声by prep.在...旁边,按照bygone n.已往的,过时的bypass n.旁道,分路by-product n.副产品bacillus n.(芽胞)杆菌bacterial a.细菌的bactericidal a.杀菌的bacteriology n.细菌学bacterium n.细菌balm n.香油,香脂;止痛药膏bankruquet n.破产barbarian a.野蛮人的,不文明的barbiturate n.巴比妥盐barley n.大麦batch n.一批,一炉baton n.棍棒;指挥棒;警棍battalion n.营;部队;大队(的人) BCG 卡介苗bean n.豆,菜豆beancurd n.豆腐beard n.胡子behalf n.利益;方面;支持behavior n.行为,举止bellyache n.腹痛belly-button n.脐benign a.慈祥的,温和的;良性的beriberi n.脚气病berth n.(车,船)卧铺;座位beset v.镶嵌;困扰beverage n.饮料bewilderment n.迷惑,混乱bibliography n.目录学;文献目录bicarbonate n.碳酸氢盐bilateral a.两边的,双侧的bile n.胆汁biliary a.胆汁的binocular a.双目的;双筒的n.双目镜bioactive n.生物活性的biochemistry n.生物化学biographer n.传记作家biopsy n.活组织检查biostatistics n.生物统计学biotic a.生命的;生物的biscuit n.饼干bizarre a.稀奇古怪的,异乎寻常的blackmail n./v. 敲诈;勒索bladder n.囊,膀胱blanch v.漂白;使变白;使(植物)不见日光而变白blast v. 炸掉,摧毁n. 爆炸,一阵(风);管乐器或汽笛声blister n.水疱v.起疱bloat v.肿胀;n.肿胀病人blonde n.金发碧眼的人a.金发碧眼的blunt a.(迟)钝的v.使(迟)钝;减弱blur v.弄脏;(使)模糊不清bombard v.炮击;轰炸;攻击, 痛斥bondage n.奴役,束缚booster n. 支持者;升压器,激发剂botanical a.植物学的,植物的botany n.植物学bounce v.弹起,跳起;反跳bound v./n.跳,跳跃a.必定的boundary n.界线,边界bouquet n.花束bout n.一回;发作bow v./n.鞠躬,点头n.弓;船头bowel n.肠;内部bracelet n.手镯bran n.麸;糠breach n.破坏;破裂breathtaking a.惊人的,激动人心的breed v.生殖;繁殖;饲养;引起brew v.酿造;调制;煎(药) brilliant a.光辉的;卓越的bronchitis n.支气管炎bronchus n.支气管bronze n.青铜;古铜broom n.扫帚broth n.肉汤buccal a.颊的;口腔的buffer n.缓冲;缓冲剂;缓冲器v.缓冲bumble v.犯大错;结巴地讲话;踉跄buoy n.浮标,救生圈bureau n.署,局burglar n.窃贼burial n.埋葬,葬;埋藏bushel n.蒲式耳butcher n.屠夫,卖肉者buttock n.屁股;臀部button n.扣子,按钮v.扣紧C部分cab n.出租汽车cabbage n.卷心菜;圆白菜cabin n.小屋,船舱cabinet n.橱柜,内阁cable n.电缆,海底电报cafe n.咖啡馆cafeteria n.自助餐厅cage n.笼子,鸟笼cake n.糕,饼calculate v.计算,估计calculation n.计算(结果) calculus n.微积分calendar n.日历calf n.小牛,腿肚子calibration n.刻度,核定call v.叫,称为,打电话calm adj.宁静的,镇静的calmly adv.平静地,沉着地calorie n.热卡,卡路里camel n.骆驼camera n.照相机camp n.帐篷,野营n.宿营campaign n.战役,运动camping n.野营campus n.校园can v.aux.能,会,可以canada n.加拿大canadian adj.n.加拿大的(人) canal n.运河,渠道canary n.金丝雀cancel v.删除,取消cancellation n.删除,取消cancer n.癌candid adj.坦白的,直率的candidate n.候选人candle n.蜡烛candy n.糖果cane n.手杖,(藤、竹的)茎canned adj.罐装的cannon n.大炮canoe n.独木舟,游艇canon n.规范,准则canteen n.食堂canvas n.帆布,画布canvass v.游说cap n.帽子,盖子v.覆盖capability n.才能,能力capable adj.有能力的capacity n.容量,容积,资格cape n.披肩,岬,海角capita n.人capital n.首都,资本capital-intensive adj.资本密集型的capitalism n.资本主义capitalist adj.资本主义的capitalization n.资本化capitalize v.大写,资本化captain n.队长,船长,上尉caption n.标题captive adj.被俘虏的n.俘虏capture v.n.俘获,捉拿car n.小汽车caravan n.车队,大蓬车carbon n.碳,复写纸card n.卡片,纸牌,名片cardboard n.硬纸板cardinal adj.主要的care n.注意,小心v.关心career n.职业,生涯careful adj.小心的,仔细的careless adj.粗心的,不关心的carelessness n.粗心cargo n.货物carol n.颂歌carpenter n.木匠carpet n.地毯carriage n.马车,(火车)车厢carrier n.运载工具,媒介carrot n.胡萝卜carry v.搬运,携带cart n.手推车carton n.纸箱cartoon n.漫画,动画片cartridge n.弹仓carve v.雕刻,切carving n.雕塑case n.事实,案例,箱子cash n.现金v.兑现cashier n.出纳cassette n.小盒,磁盘盒cast v.掷,投射,铸造castle n.城堡casual adj.偶然的,随便的casualty n.伤亡cat n.猫catalog n.(商品)目录catastrophe n.灾难catalyst n.催化剂catch v.捕获,染病n.捉category n.种类,范畴cater v.提供cathedral n.大教堂catholic adj.天主教的cattle n.牛(总称)cause n.原因,理由,事业caution n.谨慎,告诫cautious adj.谨慎的,当心的cavalry n.骑兵,马术cave n.洞穴,山洞cavern n.酒馆cavity n.坑,孔穴cease v.停止,平息ceiling n.天花板celebrate v.庆祝celebration n.庆祝仪式celery n.芹菜cell n.细胞,牢房,电池cellar n.地窖,地下室cement n.水泥cemetery n.墓场censor v.审查censorship n.审查cent n.分币centigrade adj.摄氏的centimeter n.厘米central adj.中心的,中央的center n.中心v.集中century n.世纪cereal n.谷物ceremonial adj.仪式的ceremony n.仪式,典礼,礼节certain adj.确信的,一定的certainly adv.一定,当然,行certainty n.确实,必然的事certificate n.证书,执照certification n.证明certify v.证明chain n.链条,一系列,锁链chair n.椅子chairman n.主席,董事长chairperson n.主席(无性别之分)chairwoman n.女主席,女董事长chalk n.白垩,粉笔challenge n.v.挑战,质问challenging adj.具有挑战性的chamber n.房间champion n.优胜者,冠军championship n.锦标(赛) chance n.机会,可能性change n.变化,零钱v.改变changeable adj.变化的channel n.沟渠,途径,频道chaos n.混乱chap n.伙计chapter n.章,节character n.性格,角色,特牲characteristic n.特征,特性characteristical adj....特征的characterize v.具有...特征charcoal n.木炭charge v.收费,冲向,控告charity n.施舍,仁慈charm n.魅力v.迷惑charming adj.迷人的chart n.图表v.制定计划charter n.特许证,宪章chase v.追逐,驱除chat v.聊天chatter v.喋喋不休,啁啾cheap adj.便宜的,可鄙的cheat v.欺骗,作弊n.骗子cheating n.欺骗行为check v.检验,核对n.支票check-out n.结帐,离店时限check-up n.核对,检查cheek n.颊,脸cheeky adj.胖乎乎的cheer n.喝彩v.向...喝彩cheerful adj.快活的cheese n.干酪,奶酪chemical adj.化学的chemist n.化学家,药剂师chemistry n.化学cheque n.支票cherish v.珍爱,怀有cherry n.樱桃chess n.国际象棋chest n.胸膛,柜子chestnut n.栗树,栗子chew v.咀嚼chick n.小鸡chicken n.鸡,鸡肉chief adj.首席的,首要的chiefly adv.多半,首要地child n.孩子,儿童childhood n.童年childish adj.孩子气的childlike adj.孩子似的,天真的chill n.寒意v.冷却chilly adj.凉的,冷淡的chimney n.烟囱chin n.下巴,下颊china n.中国china n.瓷器,陶瓷chinese adj.n.中国的chip n.片,屑,缺口chocolate n.巧克力choice n.选择,选中的人或物choke v.闷死,窒息,阻塞choose v.选择,愿意chop v.劈,剁n.带骨肉chorus n.合唱队,齐声christ n.基督christian adj.基督教的n.基督徒christianity n.基督教(精神) christmas n.圣诞节church n.教堂cif n.(缩)到岸价cigar n.雪茄cigarette n.卷烟cinema n.电影院circle n.圆,果v.画圈于circular adj.圆圈的circuit n.巡回,电路circulate v.循环,流通,流传circulation n.循环,销路,周转circumference n.周围,圆周circumstance n.情况,环境circus n.马戏团cite v.引证,举例citizen n.公民,市民citizenship n.公民权city n.城市civil adj.民用的,民事的civilization n.文明,民族文化civilize v.使...文明,开化claim v.要求,索赔,声称clamp n.夹子v.夹紧clap v.排手,鼓掌clarify v.弄清(问题) clarification n.澄清clash v.n.碰撞,冲突clasp n.扣子v.紧握(抱) class n.阶级,种类,班级classic n.经典作品classical adj.经典的,古典的classification n.分类classify v.分类,分等classmate n.同班同学classroom n.教室clatter v.咔嗒响n.卡嗒响clause n.条款,从句claw n.爪clay n.黏土clean adj.清洁的,干的clear adj.清楚的,明确的clearance n.结关clearly adv.清晰地,无疑地clench v.咬紧,握紧,决定clerk n.办事员,职员,店员clever adj.聪明的,灵巧的cleverness n.聪明,机灵client n.当事人,顾客,用户clientele n.顾客(总称)cliff n.悬崖,峭壁climate n.气候climax n.顶点,高潮climb v.爬,攀登,上升cling v.粘住,依附clinic n.诊所clip n.夹子,卡子v.夹住cloak n.外套,借口clock n.时钟clockwise adj.adv.顺时针的close v.关闭,结束n.终结closed adj.关闭的,停业的close down n.倒闭closely adv.紧密地,严密地closet n.壁橱cloth n.织物,布,衣料clothe v.给...着衣clothes n.衣服(总称) clothing n.服装(总称)cloud n.云cloudy adj.多云的clown n.小丑,丑角club n.俱乐部,会,棍棒clue n.线索clumsy adj.笨拙的,愚蠢的cluster n.群,串clutch v.n.抓紧c/o v.(缩)请转交...coach n.客车,教练coal n.煤coarse adj.粗糙的,粗的coast n.海岸,海滨coastal adj.沿海的coat n.上衣,涂层cock n.公鸡cocktail n.鸡尾酒code n.法规,代码,密码codify v.编码coefficient n.系数coffee n.咖啡coffin n.棺材coherence n.凝聚性coherent adj.有条理的,粘着的cohesion n.凝聚力,团结cohesive adj.有粘性的coil v.卷曲n.一卷,线圈coin n.硬币,创造新词coinage v.重合,一致coincide n.巧合,同时发生coincidence adj.同时发生的coincident adj.冷,冷冰冰的coldness n.寒冷,冷淡collaborate v.协作,勾结collaboration n.协作,通敌collapse v.倒塌v.坍塌collar n.领子colleague n.同事,同行collect v.收集,征收,聚集collection n.收集,收藏collective n.集体adj.集体的college n.学院collide v.猛烈碰撞,冲突collision n.猛烈碰拉,冲突colonel n.上校colonial adj.殖民的,殖民地的colonist n.殖民者,移民colonist n.殖民主义colony n.殖民地color n.颜色,色彩,气色color-blind adj.色盲的colorful adj.色彩丰富的colorless adj.无色的column n.圆柱,栏columnist n.专栏作家comb v.梳n.梳子combat v.n.战斗,斗争combination n.混合,组合combine v.组合,化合,结合come v.来到,出现,发生comedian n.喜剧演员comedy n.喜剧comfort n.舒适,慰藉v.安慰comfortable adj.舒适的,自在的comic adj.喜剧的,滑稽的command v.n.命令,控制commander n.司令,指挥官commemorate n.纪念commemoration v.纪念commence v.开始commend v.称赞,推荐commandment n.称赞comment n.v.评论commerce n.商业commercial adj.商业的,商务的commission n.v.委托,委任commit v.委托,犯(错误) commitment n.责任committee n.委员会commodity n.商品common adj.共同的,普通的commonly adv.通常,平常commonplace adj.平凡的,平淡的commonsense n.常识commonwealth n.共同体,联邦commune n.公社communicate v.传播,通讯communication n.通信,通讯系统communicative adj.通讯的communism n.共产主义communist n.共产主义者community n.团体,共同体,群体compact adj.严密的,紧凑的companion n.同伴,伴侣company n.公司,同伴comparable adj.可比较的comparative adj.比较的,相当的comparatively adv.比较地compare v.比较,比作comparison n.比较compass n.指南针,圆规compatible adj.可兼容的,一致的compel v.强迫,逼迫compensate v.赔偿,补偿,酬报compensation n.赔偿,补偿compete v.竞争,比赛competent adj.称职的,有能力的competition n.竞争,比赛competitive adj.竞争的competitiveness n.竞争能力competitor n.竞争者,对手compile v.编(书),编辑complain v.抱怨,控诉complaint n.怨言,控告complement n.补充,余数complete v.完成,结束completely adv.完全地,十分completion n.完成,完满complex adj.综合的,复杂的complexity n.复杂性compliance n.顺从,应允complicate v.使复杂complicated adj.错综复杂的compliment n.v.称赞,问候complimentary adj.称赞的comply v.履行,遵守component n.成分,组分componential adj.成分的compose v.由...组成,作曲composed adj.镇静的composer n.作曲家composite adj.合成的,组合的composition n.作文,组成compound n.化合物v.混合comprehend v.理解,了解comprehension n.理解comprehensive adj.综合的,广泛的compress v.压缩compression n.压缩,凝缩comprise v.包括,由...组成compromise n.v.妥协,和解compels v.强迫compulsory adj.强制的,必修的computation n.计算compute v.计算computer n.计算机computerization n.计算机化computerize v.使...计算机化comrade n.同志conceal v.隐瞒,隐藏concede v.让步,输conceit n.自负,自大conceited adj.自负的conceive v.想象,怀孕concentrate v.集中,浓缩concentrated adj.全神贯注的concentration n.专心,浓度concept n.概念conception n.想法,概念conceptive adj.概念的concern v.涉及,关心n.商行concerned adj.有关的concerning prep.关于concert n.音乐会concerted adj.齐心协力的concess v.让步concession n.让步,减免,租界concise adj.简明的,简要的conclude v.结束,缔结,断定conclusion n.结束,结论conclusive adj.结束的,结论性的concrete n.混凝土adj.具体的concur v.同地发生concurrence n.合作,并发concurrent adj.同时发生的。

大学英语高频词汇1. alter v. 改变,改动,变更2. burst vi. n. 突然发生,爆裂3. dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of)4. blast n. 爆炸;气流vi. 炸,炸掉5. consume v. 消耗,耗尽6. split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的7. spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃8. spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出9. slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略10. slide v. 滑动,滑落n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片11. bacteria n. 细菌12. breed n. 种,品种v. 繁殖,产仔13. budget n. 预算v. 编预算,作安排14. candidate n. 候选人15. campus n. 校园16. liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的17. transform v. 转变,变革;变换18. transmit v. 传播,播送;传递19. transplant v. 移植20. transport vat. 运输,运送n. 运输,运输工具21. shift v. 转移;转动;转变22. vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化23. vanish vi. 消灭,不见24. swallow v. 吞下,咽下n. 燕子25. suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心26. suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的27. mild a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的28. tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的29. nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或事物)30. insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的31. accelerate vt. 加速,促进32. absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的33. boundary n. 分界线,边界34. brake n. 刹车,制动器v. 刹住(车)35. catalog n. 目录(册) v. 编目36. vague a. 模糊的,不明确的37. vain n. 徒劳,白费38. extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的39. extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的40. extreme a. 极度的,极端的n. 极端,过分41. agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因42. alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精43. appeal n. /vi. 呼吁,恳求44. appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏45. approve v. 赞成,同意,批准46. stimulate vt. 刺激,激励47. acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到48.accomplish vt .完成,到达;实行49. network n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络50. tide n. 潮汐;潮流51. tidy a. 整洁的,整齐的52. trace vt. 追踪,找到n. 痕迹,踪迹53. torture n./vt. 拷打,折磨54. wander vi. 漫游,闲逛55. wax n. 蜡56. weave v. 织,编57. preserve v. 保护,保存,保持,维持61. abuse v. 滥用,虐待;谩骂62. academic a. 学术的;高等院校的;研究院的63. academy n. (高等)专科院校;学会64. battery n. 电池(组)65. barrier n. 障碍;棚栏66. cargo n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物67. career n. 生涯,职业68. vessel n. 船舶;容器,器皿;血管69. vertical a. 垂直的70. oblige v. 迫使,责成;使感激71. obscure a. 阴暗,模糊72. extent n. 程度,范围,大小,限度73. exterior n. 外部,外表 a. 外部的,外表的74. external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的75. petrol n. 汽油76. petroleum n. 石油77. delay vt./n. 推迟,延误,耽搁78. decay vi. 腐烂,腐朽79. decent a. 像样的,体面的80. route n. 路;路线;航线81. ruin v. 毁坏,破坏n. 毁灭,[pl.]废墟82. sake n. 缘故,理由83. satellite n. 卫星84. scale n. 大小,规模;等级;刻度85. temple n. 庙宇86. tedious a. 乏味道,单调的,87. tend vi.易于,趋向88. tendency n.趋向,趋势89. ultimate a. 极端的,最大的,最终的n. 极端90. undergo v. 经历,遭受91. abundant a. 丰富的,充裕的,大量的92. adopt v. 收养;采用;采纳93. adapt vi. 适应,适合;改编,改写vt. 使适应94. bachelor n. 学士,学士学位;单身汉95. casual a. 偶然的,碰巧的;临时的;非正式的96. trap n. 陷阱,圈套v. 设陷阱捕捉97. vacant a. 空的,未占用的98. vacuum n. 真空,真空吸尘器99. oral a. 口头的,口述的,口的100. optics n. (单、复数同形)光学101. organ n. 器官,风琴102. excess n. 过分,过量,过剩103. expel v. 驱逐,开除,赶出104. expend v. 消费105. expenditure n. 支出,消费;经费106. expense n. 开销,费用107. expensive a. 花钱多的;价格高贵的108. expand v. 扩大,扩张;展开,膨胀109. expansion n. 扩大,扩充;发展,膨胀110. private a. 私人的,个人的111. individual a. 个别的,单独的n. 个人,个体112. personal a. 个人的,私人的;亲自的114. personnel n. [总称] 人员,员工;人事部门115. the Pacific Ocean太平洋116. the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋117. the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋118. the Antarctic Ocean 南冰洋119. grant vt. 授予,同意,准予119. grand a. 宏伟大,壮丽的,重大的120. invade v. 侵入,侵略,侵袭121. acid n. 酸,酸性物质 a. 酸的;尖刻的122. acknowledge v. 承认;致谢123. balcony n. 阳台124. calculate vt. 计算,核算125. calendar n. 日历,月历126. optimistic a. 乐观127. optional a. 可以任选的,非强制的128. outstanding a. 杰出的,突出的,显著的129. export n. 出口(物) v. 出口,输出130. import n. 进口(物) v. 进口,输入131. impose vt. 把...加强(on);采用,利用132. religion n. 宗教,宗教信仰133. religious a. 宗教的134. victim n. 牺牲品,受害者135. video n. 电视,视频 a. 电视的,录像的136. videotape n. 录像磁带v. 把...录在录像带上137. offend v. 冒犯,触犯138. bother v. 打搅,麻烦139. interfere v. 干涉,干扰,妨碍140. internal a. 内部的,国内的141. beforehand ad. 预先,事先142. racial a. 人种的种族的143. radiation n. 放射物,辐射144. radical a.根本的;激进的145. range n. 幅度,范围v. (在某范围内)变动146. wonder n. 惊奇,奇迹v. 想知道,对...感到疑惑147. isolate vt. 使隔离,使孤立148. issue n. 问题,争论点;发行,(报刊)一期149. hollow a. 空的,中空的,空虚道150. hook n. 钩vt. 钩住151. adequate a. 适当地;足够152. adhere vi. 粘附,附着;遵守,坚持153. ban vt. 取缔,禁止154. capture vt. 俘虏,捕获155. valid a. 有效的,有根据的;正当的156. valley n. 山谷,峡谷157. consistent a. 坚固定;一致的,始终如一的158. continuous a. 继续的,连续(不断)的159. continual a. 不断地,频繁的160. explode v. 爆炸;爆发;激增161. exploit v. 剥削;利用,开采162. explore v. 勘探163. explosion n. 爆炸;爆发;激增164. explosive a. 爆炸的;极易引起争论的165. remote a. 遥远的,偏僻的166. removal n. 除去,消除167. render vt. 使得,致使167. render 解释比较长,可要仔细体会啊!168. precaution n. 预防,防备,警惕169. idle a. 懒散的,无所事事的170. identify vt. 认出,鉴定171. identify n. 身份;个性,特性172. poverty n. 贫穷173. resistant a. (to)抵抗的,抗...的,耐...的174. resolve vt. 解决;决定,决意175. barrel n. 桶176. bargain n. 便宜货vi. 讨价还价177. coarse a. 粗的,粗糙的,粗劣的178. coach n. 教练;长途公共汽车179. code n. 准则,法规,密码180. coil n. 线圈v. 卷,盘绕181. adult n. 成年人182. advertise v. 为...做广告183. advertisement n. 广告184. agency n. 代理商,经销商185. focus v. (使)聚集n. 焦点,中心,聚焦186. forbid vt. 不许,禁止187. debate n. /v. 辩论,争论188. debt n. 欠债189. decade n. 十年190. enclose vt. 围住;把...装入信封191. encounter vt. /n.遭遇,遭到192. globe n. 地球,世界;地球仪193. global a. 全球的;总的194. scan vt. 细看;扫描;浏览195. scandal n. 丑事,丑闻196. significance n. 意义;重要性197. subsequent a. 随后的,后来的198. virtue n. 美德,优点199. virtual a. 实际上的,事实上的200. orient vt. 使适应,(to, toward)使朝向n. 东方201. portion n. 一部分202. target n. 目标,靶子vt. 瞄准203. portable a. 手提式的204. decline v. 拒绝,谢绝;下降205. illusion n. 错觉206. likelihood n. 可能,可能性207. stripe n. 条纹208. emphasize vt. 强调,着重209. emotion n. 情感,感情210. emotional a. 感情的,情绪(上)的211. awful a. 极坏的,威严的,可怕的212. awkward a. 笨拙的,棘手的213. clue n. 线索,提示214. collision n. 碰撞,冲突215. device n. 装置,设备216. devise vt. 发明,策划,想出217. inevitable a. 不可避免的218. naval a. 海军的219. navigation n. 航行220. necessity n. 必需品;必要性221. previous a. 先,前,以前的222. provision n. [pl.] 给养,口粮;准备,设备,装置223. pursue vt. 追逐;追求;从事,进行224. stale a. 不新鲜的,陈腐的225. substitute n. 代用品vt. 代替226. deserve vt. 应受,应得,值得227. discrimination n. 歧视;辨别力228. professional a. 职业的,专门的229. secure a. 安全的,可靠的230. security n. 安全,保障231. scratch v. /n. 抓,搔,扒232. talent n. 才能,天资;人才233. insurance n. 保险,保险费234. insure vt. 给...保险,保证,确保235. nevertheless ad. 仍然,然而,不过236. neutral a. 中立的,中性的237. spot n. 地点;斑点vt. 认出,发现;玷污238. spray v. 喷,(使)溅散239. medium a. 中等的,适中的n. 媒介物,新闻媒介240. media n. 新闻传媒241. auxiliary a. 辅助的,备用的242. automatic a. 自动的243. compete vi. 竞争,比赛244. competent a. 有能力的,能胜任的245. competition n. 竞争,比赛246. distribute vt. 分发247. disturb vt. 打搅,妨碍248. infer v. 推论,推断249. integrate v. (into, with) (使)成为一体,(使)合并250. moist a. 潮湿251. moisture n. 潮湿252. promote vt. 促进;提升253. region n. 地区;范围;幅度254. register v./n.登记,注册255. stable a. 稳定的256. sophisticated a. 老于世故的,老练的;很复杂的257. splendid a. 极好的,壮丽的,辉煌的258. cancel vt. 取消,废除259. variable a. 易变的,可变的260. prospect n. 前景,前途;景象261. prosperity n.兴旺,繁荣262. aspect n. 方面;朝向;面貌263. cope vi. (with)(成功地)应付,处理264. core n. 果心,核心265. maintain vt. 维持,保持;坚持,主张266. mainland n. 大陆267. discipline n. 纪律;惩罚;学科268. domestic a. 本国的,国内的;家用的;家庭的269. constant a. 不变的,恒定的n. 常数270. cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁271. authority n. 权威;当局272. audio a. 听觉273. attitude n. 态度274. community n. 社区,社会275. commit vt. 犯(错误,罪行等),干(坏事等)276. comment n. /vt. 评论277. distinguish vt. 区分,辨别278. distress n. 痛苦,悲伤vt. 使痛苦279. facility n. [pl.]设备,设施;便利,方便280. faculty n. 能力,技能;系,学科,学院;全体教员281. mixture n. 混合,混合物282. mood n. 心情,情绪;语气283. moral a. 道德上的,有道德的284. prominent a. 突出的285. substance n. 物质;实质286. substantial a. 可观的;牢固的;实质的287. prompt vt. 促使 a. 敏捷的,与时的288. vivid a. 生动的289. vocabulary n. 词汇(量);词汇表290. venture n. 风险投资,风险项目v. 冒险;取于291. version n. 版本,译本;说法292. waist n. 腰,腰部293. weld v. /n. 焊接294. yawn vi. 打哈欠295. yield vi. (to)屈服于;让出,放弃n. 产量296. zone n. 地区,区域297. strategy n. 战略,策略298. strategic a. 战略(上)的,关键的299. tense a. 紧张的v. 拉紧n. 时态300. tension n. 紧张(状态),张力301. avenue n. 林荫道,大街302. available a. 现成可用的;可得到的303. comparable a. (with, to) 可比较的,类似的304. comparative a. 比较的,相对的305. dash vi. 猛冲,飞奔306. data n. 数据,资料307. dive vi. 跳水,潜水308. diverse a. 不同的,多种多样的309. entitle vt. 给...权利,给...资格310. regulate vt. 管理,调节311. release vt. /n. 释放,排放;解释解脱312. exaggerate v. 夸大,夸张313. evil a. 邪恶的,坏的314. shrink vi. 起皱,收缩;退缩315. subtract v. 减(去)316. suburb n. 市郊317. subway n. 地铁318. survey n. /vt. 调查,勘测319. wealthy a. 富裕的320. adjust v. 调整,调节321. attach vt. 系,贴;使附属322. profit n. 利润,益处;v. 有益于,有利于323. profitable a. 有利可图的324. slope n. 斜坡,斜面325. reinforce vt. 增强,加强326. reject vt. 拒绝327. fatal a. 致命的;重大的328. fate n. 命运329. humble a. 谦逊的;谦虚的330. illegal a. 不合法的,非法的331. award vt. 授予,判给n. 奖品,奖金332. aware a. 意识到333. column n. 柱,圆柱;栏,专栏334. comedy n. 喜剧335. dumb a. 哑的;沉默的336. dump vt. 倾卸,倾倒337. deaf a. 聋的;不愿听的338. decorate vt. 装饰,装璜339. principal a. 最重要的n. 负责人,校长340. principle n. 原则,原理341. prior a. 优先的,在前的342. priority n. 优先,重点343. prohibit vt. 禁止,不准344. remarkable a. 值得注意的,异常的,非凡的345. remedy n. /vt. 补救,医治,治疗346. repetition n. 重复,反复347. vain a. 徒劳的,无效的348. undertake vt. 承担,着手做;同意,答应349. unique a. 唯一的,独特的350. obstacle n. 障碍(物),妨碍351. odd a. 奇特的,古怪的;奇数的352. omit vt. 省略353. opponent n. 敌手,对手354. opportunity n. 机会,时机355. orchestra n. 管弦乐队356. semester n. 学期;半年357. semiconductor n. 半导体358. seminar n. 研讨会359. terminal a. 末端的,极限的n. 终点360. territory n. 领土361. approximate a. 大概的,大约v. 近似362. arbitrary a. 随意的,未断的363. architect n. 建筑师364. architecture n. 建筑学365. biology n. 生物学366. geography n. 地理(学)367. geology n. 地质学368. geometry n. 几何(学)369. arithmetic n. 算术370. algebra n. 代数371. entertainment n. 娱乐;招待,款待372. enthusiasm n. 热情,热心373. entry n. 进入,入口处;参赛的人(或物)374. environment n. 环境375. episode n. 插曲,片段376. equation n. 方程(式)377. restrain vt. 阻止,抑制378. restraint n. 抑制,限制379. resume v. (中断后)重新开始380. severe a. 严重的381. sexual a. 性的382. simplicity n. 简单;朴素383. simplify vt. 简化384. sorrow n. 悲哀,悲痛385. stuff n. 原料,材料vt. 填进,塞满386. temporary a. 暂时的,临时的387. temptation n. 诱惑,引诱388. terror n. 恐怖389. thrust v. 挤,推,插390. treaty n. 条约,协定391. arise vi. 产生,出现,发生;起身392. arouse vt. 引起,激起;唤醒393. burden n. 重担,负荷394. bureau n. 局,办事处395. marvelous a. 奇迹般的,惊人的396. massive a. 大的,大量的,大块的397. mature a. 成熟的398. maximum a. 最高的,最大的399. minimum a. 最低的,最小的400. nonsense n. 胡说,冒失的行动401. nuclear a. 核子的,核能的402. nucleus n. 核403. retail n. /v. /ad.零售404. retain vt. 保留,保持405. restrict vt. 限制,约束406. sponsor n. 发起者,主办者vt. 发起,主办,资助407. spur n. /vt. 刺激,激励408. triumph n. 胜利,成功409. tuition n. 学费410. twist vt. 使缠绕;转动;扭歪411. undergraduate n. 大学肄业生412. universal a. 普遍的,通用的;宇宙的413. universe n. 宇宙414. via prep. 经由,经过,通过415. vibrate v. 振动,摇摆416. virus n. 病毒417. voluntary a. 自愿的418. volunteer n. 志愿者v. 自愿(做)419. vote v. 选举n. 选票420. wagon n. 四轮马车,铁路货车421. appoint vt. 任命,委派422. approach v. 靠近,接近n. 途径,方式423. appropriate a. 适当的424. bunch n. 群,伙;束,串425. bundle n. 捆,包,束vt. 收集,归拢426. ceremony n. 典礼,仪式427. chaos n. 混乱,紊乱428. discount n. (价格)折扣429. display n. /vt. 陈列,展览430. equivalent a. 相等的 a. 相等物431. erect a. 竖直的v. 建造,竖立432. fax n. /vt.433. fertile a. 肥沃的;多产的434. fertilizer n. 肥料435. grateful a. 感激的436. gratitude n. 感激437. horror n. 恐怖438. horrible a. 可怕的439. Internet n. 国际互联网,因特网440. interpret v. 翻译,解释441. interpretation n. 解释,说明442. jungle n. 丛林,密林443. knot n. 结vt. 把. ..打成结444. leak v. 漏,渗出445. lean vi. 倾斜,倚,靠446. leap vi. 跳跃447. modify vt. 修改448. nylon n. 尼龙449. onion n. 洋葱450. powder n. 粉末451. applicable a. 可应用的,适当的452. applicant n. 申请人453. breadth n. 宽度454. conservation n. 保存,保护455. conservative a. 保守的456. parallel n. 平行线;可相比拟的事物457. passion n. 激情,热情458. passive a. 被动的,消极的459. pat v. /n. 轻拍,轻打460. peak n. 山峰,顶点461. phenomenon n. 现象462. reluctant a. 不情愿的,勉强的463. rely vi. (on ,upon)依赖,指望464. relevant a. 有关的,切题的465. reliable a. 可靠的466. relief n. 轻松,宽慰;减轻467. reputation n. 名气,声誉468. rescue vt. /n. 营救469. triangle n. 三角(形)470. sequence n. 连续;顺序471. shallow a. 浅的472. shiver vi/n. 发抖473. shrug v. /n. 耸肩474. signature n. 签名475. sincere a. 诚挚的,真诚的476. utility n. 功用,效用477. utilize vt. 利用478. utter vt. 说出 a. 完全的,彻底的479. variation n. 变化,变动480. vehicle n. 交通工具,车辆481. applause n. 鼓掌,掌声482. appliance n. 器具,器械483. consent n. 准许,同意vi (to) 准许,同意484. conquer vt. 征服485. defect n. 缺点,缺陷486. delicate a. 易碎的;娇弱的;精美的487. evolve v.演变488. evolution n. 演变,进化489. frown v. /n. 皱眉490. frustrate vt. 使沮丧491. guarantee vt. /n. 保证492. guilty a. 内疚的;有罪的493. jealous a. 妒忌的494. jeans n. 牛仔裤495. liquor n. 酒,烈性酒496. liter/litre n. 升497. modest a. 谦虚道498. molecule n. 分子499. orbit n. 轨道v. (绕...)作轨道运行500. participate v. (in)参与,参加501. particle n. 微粒502. particularly ad. 特别,尤其503. respond vi. 回答,答复;反应504. response n. 回答,答复;反应505. sensible a. 明智的506. sensitive a. 敏感到,灵敏的507. tremble vi. 颤抖508. tremendous a. 巨大的;精彩的509. trend n. 趋向,倾向510. trial n. 审讯;试验511. apparent a. 显然的,明白的512. appetite n. 胃口;欲望513. deposit n. 存款,定金v.存放,储蓄514. deputy n. 副职,代表515. derive vt. 取得,得到;(from)起源于516. descend v. 下来,下降517. missile n. 导弹518. mission n. 使命;代表团519. mist n.薄雾520. noticeable a. 显而易见到521. notify vt. 通知,告知522. notion n. 概念;意图,想法523. resemble vt. 像,类似于524. reveal vt. 揭露525. revenue n. 收入,岁入;税收526. shelter n. 掩蔽处;住所527. shield n. 防护物,盾vt. 保护,防护528. vital a. 重要的;致命的,生命的529. vitally ad. 极度,非常;致命地530. urban a. 城市的531. urge vt. 鼓励,激励532. urgent a. 急迫的,紧急得533. usage n. 使用,用法534. violence n. 强力,暴力535. violent a. 强暴的536. violet a. 紫色的537. weed n. 杂草,野草538. welfare n. 福利539. whatsoever ad. (用于否定句)任何540. whereas conj. 然而,但是,尽管541. essential a. 必不可少的;本质的542. estimate n. /vt. 估计,估量543. evaluate vt. 评估,评价544. exceed vt. 超过,越出545. exceedingly ad. 非常,极其546. exclaim v. 呼喊,大声说547. exclude vt. 把...排斥在外,不包括548. exclusive a. 读有的,排他的549. excursion n. 远足550. flash vi. 闪光,闪耀551. flee vi. 逃走552. flexible a. 易弯曲的553. flock n. 羊群,(鸟兽等)一群;一伙人554. hardware n. 五金器具555. harmony n. 和谐,融洽556. haste n. 急速,急忙557. hatred n. 憎恶,憎恨558. incident n. 事件,事变559. index n. 索引,标志560. infant n. 婴儿561. infect v. 传染562. inferior a. 劣等的,次的,下级的563. infinite a. 无限的564. ingredient n. 组成部分565. inhabitant n. 居民566. jail n. 监狱567. jam n. 果酱;拥挤,堵塞568. jewel n. 宝石569. joint a.连接的;共同的570. junior a. 年少的;资历较浅的571. laser n. 激光572. launch vt. 发动,发起573. luxury n. 奢侈;奢侈品574. magnet n. 磁铁,磁体575. male a. 男性的,雄的576. female a. 女性的,雌的577. manual a. 用手的,手工做的n. 手册578. manufacture vt. /n.制造,加工579. marine a. 海的;海产的580. mutual a. 相互的581. naked a. 裸露的582. negative a. 否定的,消极的583. neglect vt. 忽视,忽略584. origin n.起源。

名次单词词频1001 traffic 991002 art 981003 desire 981004 mountain 981005 rate 981006 share 981007 terrible 981008 towards 981009 town 981010 trip 981011 burn 971012 citizen 971013 happily 971014 hunter 971015 improvement 971016 province 971017 suit 971018 advertisement 961019 excellent 961020 explain 961021 frequently 961022 suppose 961023 wealth 961024 armchair 951025 beside 951026 doubt 951027 john 951028 shoe 951029 somebody 951030 strict 951031 cancer 941032 deeply 941033 disadvantage 941035 hardly 941036 ideal 941037 leader 941038 wells 941039 daughter 93 1040 due 93 1041 escape 931042 freedom 93 1043 gate 93 1044 ordinary 93 1045 salary 93 1046 seven 931047 station 931048 sweet 931049 uncle 931050 bit 921051 cloth 921052 farmer 921053 grant 921054 i'd 921055 joy 921056 m 921057 mass 921058 pleasure 92 1059 transportation 92 1060 u 921061 wonder 92 1062 clearly 911063 completely 91 1064 desk 911065 gradually 91 1066 grammar 91 1067 grasp 911068 post 911069 price 911070 rapid 911071 tear 911072 automatically 90 1073 goal 901074 knock 901075 luck 901076 quick 901077 recently 901079 shape 901080 willing 90 1081 crop 891082 duty 891083 forever 89 1084 graduation 89 1085 line 891086 manage 89 1087 meal 891088 quiet 891089 adapt 881090 beat 881091 c 881092 cat 881093 demand 88 1094 mainly 88 1095 obviously 88 1096 phenomenon 88 1097 protection 88 1098 record 88 1099 shout 881100 top 881101 aware 871102 building 87 1103 concept 87 1104 favorite 87 1105 film 871106 jane 871107 select 871108 till 871109 whenever 87 1110 marx 861111 political 86 1112 south 861113 supper 86 1114 bank 851115 clever 851116 confidence 85 1117 depress 85 1118 express 85 1119 hasten 85 1120 pick 851121 primary 851123 store 85 1124 twenty 85 1125 welcome 85 1126 agony 84 1127 bag 841128 contain 84 1129 educate 84 1130 forty 84 1131 itself 84 1132 maintain 84 1133 remain 84 1134 danger 83 1135 disappear 83 1136 fist 831137 glass 83 1138 ignore 83 1139 million 83 1140 perform 83 1141 season 83 1142 shoot 83 1143 trust 83 1144 unit 83 1145 unite 83 1146 arm 82 1147 cloudy 82 1148 custom 82 1149 enterprise 82 1150 lady 82 1151 lay 821152 marry 82 1153 shouldn 82 1154 widely 82 1155 customer 81 1156 helpful 81 1157 humanity 81 1158 judge 81 1159 mouth 81 1160 reasonable 81 1161 research 81 1162 suggest 81 1163 survive 81 1164 sydney 81 1165 anyone 80 1167 beyond 80 1168 calendar 80 1169 dignity 80 1170 failure 80 1171 galileo 80 1172 lonely 80 1173 opium 80 1174 rehabilitate 80 1175 september 80 1176 strength 80 1177 ticket 80 1178 average 79 1179 dead 79 1180 dog 791181 eager 79 1182 essential 79 1183 knife 79 1184 lucky 79 1185 pair 791186 peaceful 79 1187 prolong 79 1188 usual 79 1189 advice 78 1190 allow 78 1191 bear 781192 electricity 78 1193 extensively 78 1194 industrial 78 1195 october 78 1196 ought 78 1197 production 78 1198 sugar 78 1199 tend 781200 valuable 78 1201 accident 77 1202 beijing 77 1203 convenient 77 1204 engage 77 1205 expensive 77 1206 extend 77 1207 indicate 77 1208 literature 77 1209 loss 771211 affect 761212 atmosphere 76 1213 b 761214 career 761215 circumstance 76 1216 hang 761217 plane 761218 t 761219 translation 76 1220 youth 761221 breakfast 75 1222 dare 751223 date 751224 farm 751225 hair 751226 humane 75 1227 issue 751228 movement 75 1229 note 751230 physically 75 1231 reality 75 1232 terminally 75 1233 upset 751234 climb 741235 composition 74 1236 corner 74 1237 crowd 741238 cruel 741239 greet 741240 guilty 741241 legalization 74 1242 maths 741243 ring 741244 appreciate 73 1245 dictionary 73 1246 enemy 73 1247 final 731248 income 73 1249 moon-cakes 73 1250 profit 731251 alone 721252 attitude 72 1253 aunt 721255 communicate 72 1256 forest 721257 monday 72 1258 p 721259 painful 72 1260 strike 721261 topic 721262 victim 721263 whose 721264 aren 711265 attract 711266 chair 711267 guess 711268 insist 711269 king 711270 memory 71 1271 mental 71 1272 nervous 71 1273 occur 711274 official 71 1275 physics 71 1276 principle 71 1277 taste 711278 anxious 70 1279 bird 701280 brain 701281 damage 70 1282 grandma 70 1283 obey 701284 ok 701285 rainy 701286 regret 701287 religion 70 1288 yellow 70 1289 cousin 69 1290 dad 691291 guide 691292 performance 69 1293 ride 691294 single 691295 smoker 69 1296 stage 691297 tea 691298 wednesday 69 1299 abuse 681300 agriculture 68 1301 celebration 68 1302 detail 68 1303 fun 681304 gather 681305 impressive 68 1306 innocent 68 1307 sick 681308 adopt 671309 afford 671310 cave 671311 compilation 67 1312 cool 671313 crusoe 671314 entertainment 67 1315 international 67 1316 mutual 67 1317 obvious 671318 relation 671319 thief 671320 weak 671321 consist 661322 courage 661323 discover 66 1324 indeed 661325 metre 661326 nobody 661327 relief 661328 scene 661329 severe 661330 star 661331 unemployment 66 1332 useless 661333 colorful 651334 content 651335 court 651336 decision 65 1337 foundation 65 1338 germany 65 1339 inside 651340 introduce 65 1341 mar 651342 palace 651343 poet 651344 seat 651345 senior 651346 survey 65 1347 egg 641348 hide 641349 ice 641350 invent 641351 labour 641352 moral 641353 pursue 64 1354 seldom 64 1355 vacation 64 1356 available 63 1357 badly 631358 brave 631359 bridge 631360 cheap 631361 civilize 63 1362 favourite 63 1363 invite 631364 recognize 63 1365 seek 631366 wake 631367 west 631368 bitterly 62 1369 boss 621370 childhood 62 1371 connect 62 1372 generation 62 1373 involve 62 1374 iraq 621375 praise 621376 promise 62 1377 responsibility 62 1378 snow 621379 belong 61 1380 february 61 1381 grandpa 61 1382 harvest 61 1383 january 61 1384 latter 611385 meanwhile 611386 patriotism 61 1387 personal 611388 president 61 1389 quietly 611390 unhappy 61 1391 highly 601392 push 601393 symbol 601394 worth 601395 across 591396 charge 591397 colour 591398 dull 591399 event 591400 extreme 591401 fair 591402 friendly 591403 gift 591404 oil 591405 powerful 59 1406 proper 591407 safe 591408 sign 591409 smash 591410 statistic 591411 william 591412 comatose 58 1413 concentrate 58 1414 determine 58 1415 drug 581416 endless 581417 existence 58 1418 inhumane 58 1419 leg 581420 occupy 581421 relieve 581422 singer 581423 status 581424 wouldn 581425 communication 57 1426 ear 571427 figure 571428 firm 571429 lawyer 571431 mine 571432 peasant 57 1433 perfectly 57 1434 player 571435 promote 57 1436 torture 571437 arrange 56 1438 boredom 56 1439 current 561440 disappoint 56 1441 former 561442 function 56 1443 scientific 56 1444 seed 561445 style 561446 successfully 56 1447 technique 56 1448 wallet 561449 blood 551450 bottle 551451 capital 551452 divide 551453 elephant 55 1454 employment 55 1455 environmental 55 1456 forbid 551457 overcome 55 1458 owe 551459 pull 551460 regulation 55 1461 responsible 55 1462 theoretical 55 1463 throughout 55 1464 totally 551465 admit 541466 adult 541467 ahead 541468 april 541469 chemistry 54 1470 construction 54 1471 decline 541472 hunt 541473 joke 541475 mankind 54 1476 mary 541477 prisoner 54 1478 proverb 54 1479 rage 541480 calm 531481 complain 53 1482 efficient 53 1483 examine 53 1484 herself 53 1485 mentally 53 1486 nine 531487 profession 53 1488 qualify 53 1489 savage 53 1490 strengthen 53 1491 surround 53 1492 tool 531493 village 53 1494 board 521495 borrow 52 1496 conclude 52 1497 degradation 52 1498 heat 521499 hello 521500 housework 52 1501 lab 521502 likely 521503 march 521504 policeman 52 1505 proud 521506 seller 521507 shake 521508 shine 521509 similar 52 1510 smell 521511 sort 521512 unfortunately 52 1513 vocabulary 52 1514 wine 521515 authority 51 1516 bruise 511517 cloud 511519 foolish 511520 foreigner 51 1521 france 511522 frighten 51 1523 hungry 511524 preparation 51 1525 pressure 51 1526 producer 511527 repair 511528 soul 511529 alive 501530 background 50 1531 comfort 50 1532 dish 501533 fate 501534 gold 501535 homeland 50 1536 lazy 501537 loud 501538 mail 501539 mike 501540 neglect 501541 pool 501542 project 501543 properly 50 1544 rebecca 50 1545 rob 501546 slow 501547 space 501548 trouser 501549 australia 49 1550 balance 49 1551 basket 491552 consequence 49 1553 deed 491554 fellow 491555 modernization 49 1556 mouse 491557 naturally 49 1558 object 491559 pleasant 49 1560 recite 491561 significance 491563 account 48 1564 argue 481565 attach 481566 bow 481567 charm 481568 despite 48 1569 directly 48 1570 efficiently 48 1571 elder 481572 expert 481573 feminism 48 1574 focus 481575 forth 481576 impression 48 1577 lee 481578 liberation 48 1579 supply 48 1580 tooth 481581 arouse 47 1582 double 47 1583 facility 47 1584 gas 47 1585 honor 471586 impress 47 1587 inform 47 1588 japan 471589 list 471590 milk 471591 pocket 47 1592 property 47 1593 range 471594 sometime 47 1595 witness 47 1596 apart 461597 appearance 46 1598 blind 461599 civilization 46 1600 consideration 46 1601 england 46 1602 enlarge 46 1603 exactly 46 1604 flow 461605 french 461607 hotel 46 1608 kuwait 46 1609 needn 46 1610 pen 46 1611 prize 46 1612 switzerland 46 1613 tower 46 1614 twelve 46 1615 warn 46 1616 beauty 45 1617 broadcast 45 1618 cinema 45 1619 circle 45 1620 clock 45 1621 competitive 45 1622 correctly 45 1623 deny 45 1624 discuss 45 1625 east 45 1626 emerge 45 1627 eve 451628 extent 45 1629 hat 451630 politic 45 1631 pretty 45 1632 relate 45 1633 robert 45 1634 shoulder 45 1635 skillful 45 1636 speech 45 1637 spite 45 1638 spread 45 1639 textbook 45 1640 thought 45 1641 trade 45 1642 unfair 45 1643 unfit 451644 unless 45 1645 urban 45 1646 writer 45 1647 acquire 44 1648 approach 44 1649 chart 441651 complicate 44 1652 contact 44 1653 countryside 441654 david 44 1655 hall 441656 independent 44 1657 instructive 44 1658 justice 44 1659 meaningful 44 1660 mum 441661 north 44 1662 owner 44 1663 pity 441664 procedure 44 1665 r 441666 recover 44 1667 search 44 1668 sow 441669 surface 44 1670 thin 441671 treasure 44 1672 wet 441673 bedroom 43 1674 belief 43 1675 blame 43 1676 blow 431677 chat 431678 direct 43 1679 direction 43 1680 dominate 43 1681 female 43 1682 fond 431683 glutinous 43 1684 hole 431685 lecture 43 1686 model 43 1687 motherland 43 1688 nor 431689 orange 43 1690 patience 43 1691 rare 431692 seventy 43 1693 speaker 431694 unnecessary 43 1695 weapon 43 1696 wherever 43 1697 commensurate 42 1698 decade 421699 extremely 42 1700 feed 421701 fully 421702 hero 421703 illegal 421704 meaningless 42 1705 quantity 42 1706 revolution 42 1707 stare 421708 temperature 42 1709 unable 421710 violence 42 1711 wild 421712 adjust 411713 centre 411714 chicken 41 1715 color 411716 describe 41 1717 design 411718 electric 411719 enable 411720 equally 411721 feeling 411722 hopeless 41 1723 japanese 41 1724 native 411725 phone 411726 security 41 1727 skate 411728 stupid 411729 umbrella 41 1730 wise 411731 apr 401732 attack 401733 colourful 40 1734 element 40 1735 expression 40 1736 fix 401737 flag 401739 mostly 40 1740 opposite 40 1741 poem 40 1742 screen 40 1743 secretary 40 1744 sorrow 40 1745 suicide 40 1746 weight 40 1747 capacity 39 1748 compete 39 1749 contrast 39 1750 convenience 39 1751 cup 391752 dormitory 39 1753 entirely 39 1754 expense 39 1755 local 391756 loudly 39 1757 neither 39 1758 original 39 1759 personnel 39 1760 photo 39 1761 plate 391762 pure 391763 rock 391764 sale 391765 satisfactory 39 1766 spot 391767 stone 391768 structure 39 1769 sweat 39 1770 symbolize 39 1771tuesday 39 1772 whom 39 1773 within 39 1774 ad 38 1775 attractive 38 1776 badminton 38 1777 capable 38 1778 count 38 1779 cross 381780 defend 38 1781 deprive 381783 efficiency 38 1784 eighth 38 1785 fame 38 1786 fortunately 38 1787 funny 38 1788 island 38 1789 negative 38 1790 oral 381791 passage 38 1792 passenger 38 1793 refer 38 1794 resist 38 1795 scale 38 1796 simply 38 1797 tax 381798 theft 38 1799 tradition 38 1800 union 38 1801 advertise 37 1802 bell 371803 bowl 37 1804 communist 37 1805 debt 37 1806 dry 37 1807 ease 37 1808 fairy 37 1809 firecracker 37 1810 grass 37 1811 lock 37 1812 lover 37 1813 monkey 37 1814 phrase 37 1815 poverty 37 1816 procession 37 1817 sake 37 1818 salt 37 1819 sand 37 1820 secret 37 1821 shirt 37 1822 stuff 37 1823 tie 371824 toward 37 1825 toy 37。

名次单词词频1 the 617872 be 439523 to 322604 and 272645 a 236486 of 235967 in 231298 i 162509 it 1514710 we 1357811 have 1225412 that 1068713 can 968514 for 921915 you 897016 they 856517 people 788018 do 762019 on 705620 my 686721 so 643722 but 623123 will 599924 he 594225 make 555726 as 547427 more 545228 not 531029 this 518730 way 505231 job 495232 some 490633 our 480434 with 459835 all 450436 their 447537 water 440238 at 435539 time 435240 there 415141 from 407042 one 396143 very 395644 life 392145 get 387646 many 376947 when 376748 his 357049 know 354550 good 348651 think 346952 go 345953 by 344554 if 334355 or 328756 work 310857 country 307958 like 305359 because 303960 them 301961 other 297762 should 280463 student 280364 year 277265 me 271566 world 270967 say 264168 fresh 263669 must 260870 thing 259771 conjurer 258572 day 258473 us 254674 study 248575 which 243176 society 237977 take 236178 about 234080 what 227981 only 224282 find 222383 age 221684 your 212085 want 210386 much 204787 change 201588 up 200189 learn 196590 school 196491 she 196492 china 196393 develop 195794 man 194495 after 193996 no 191697 first 189098 out 187499 then 1840100 most 1832101 english 1791 102 who 1779103 new 1748104 come 1704105 than 1684106 her 1677107 how 1655108 fake 1654109 would 1641 110 well 1637111 two 1631112 waste 1627113 id 1604114 commodity 1598 115 live 1571116 teacher 1571 117 money 1564 118 lot 1523119 into 1508120 old 1492121 kind 1470122 see 1468124 now 1462125 long 1432126 important 1414 127 festival 1404 128 don 1397129 give 1379130 even 1356131 become 1323 132 friend 1311 133 help 1303134 example 1294 135 read 1291136 may 1289137 haste 1284138 every 1280 139 him 1277140 euthanasia 1273 141 such 1267142 health 1241 143 family 1233 144 title 1218145 hard 1209146 always 1196 147 score 1191148 best 1169149 problem 1157 150 better 1154 151 feel 1153152 need 1141153 too 1137154 chinese 1134 155 look 1134156 death 1131 157 word 1123158 woman 1122 159 could 1113 160 before 1107 161 just 1088162 outside 1087 163 practice 1064 164 view 1063165 patient 1060 166 often 1058168 campus 1042 169 play 1041170 knowledge 1039 171 mean 1029172 still 1017173 last 983174 home 974175 something 946 176 tell 931177 try 927178 second 924179 hand 922180 college 910181 book 902182 university 901 183 child 900184 little 900185 right 900186 class 882187 different 881 188 happy 870189 place 842190 development 834 191 without 833 192 reason 829193 increase 819 194 person 787195 infant 780196 why 776197 any 774198 begin 769199 interest 768200 order 767201 write 767202 keep 765203 part 763204 while 758205 fact 757206 over 755207 shortage 751 208 another 750209 bad 744210 high 744212 eat 738213 river 737214 put 731215 back 714216 today 714217 mortality 712 218 expectancy 709 219 its 708220 buy 705221 food 698222 however 695 223 night 693224 improve 692 225 tv 690226 bring 689227 pay 679228 ask 675229 gain 673230 mother 672 231 let 665232 face 655233 government 655 234 again 652235 through 651 236 enough 649 237 each 643238 law 643239 kill 642240 computer 635 241 beautiful 628 242 crime 628243 since 627244 die 626245 perfect 620 246 hop 617247 down 614248 i'm 610249 hear 609250 though 609 251 human 602 252 big 598253 call 596254 moon 596256 leave 592 257 eye 587258 course 578 259 end 575260 love 575 261 late 572262 finish 571 263 result 559 264 build 555 265 run 555266 cause 554 267 condition 543 268 quickly 542 269 everyone 541 270 future 541 271 father 540 272 own 538 273 house 536 274 morning 534 275 lose 533276 spend 533 277 sport 533 278 boy 531279 never 525 280 turn 524281 situation 522 282 step 519283 short 517 284 birth 516 285 saw 513286 soon 511 287 listen 509 288 teach 509 289 girl 508290 rain 507291 autumn 505 292 talk 503293 show 502 294 three 501 295 watch 500 296 speak 497 297 once 496 298 factory 494300 themselves 494 301 usually 494 302 population 492 303 remember 492 304 walk 488305 believe 487 306 sometimes 487 307 both 486308 mind 480309 holiday 479 310 suffer 479311 newspaper 476 312 full 471313 experience 469 314 dear 468315 nowadays 466 316 chance 465 317 large 463318 enjoy 460319 equal 460320 band 459321 everything 458 322 global 458 323 city 457324 criminal 456 325 during 450 326 really 447327 several 443 328 whole 442 329 few 441330 language 439 331 legalize 438 332 week 436333 graduate 432 334 shop 432335 save 429336 around 428 337 necessary 428 338 opinion 427 339 open 426340 harm 422341 medical 422 342 here 421344 fast 420345 happen 420 346 system 419 347 smoke 418 348 ability 415 349 difficult 412 350 industry 411 351 street 411352 science 409 353 dream 407 354 lead 404355 understand 404 356 nature 403 357 easy 402358 pain 400359 question 400 360 nothing 396 361 per 394362 win 393363 body 392364 ever 392365 parent 392 366 spring 391 367 away 389368 between 388 369 mid 388370 case 386371 story 386372 choose 384 373 middle 384 374 seem 383375 someone 383 376 pass 381377 hold 380378 together 380 379 less 379380 pollution 378 381 poor 377382 answer 375 383 heart 375384 mercy 375 385 serious 372 386 swim 372388 lesson 368 389 stand 368390 realize 362 391 sunny 361 392 exercise 359 393 education 358 394 strong 358 395 technology 358 396 doctor 356 397 room 356398 paper 354399 sunday 354 400 true 354401 maybe 353 402 meet 351403 black 349404 please 348 405 respect 348 406 war 348407 activity 346 408 care 346409 set 346410 etc 345411 idea 345412 small 345413 brother 344 414 field 344415 skill 344416 economy 341 417 modern 341 418 sit 338419 progress 337 420 although 336 421 wish 336422 train 335423 tree 335424 prison 334 425 ago 331426 attention 331 427 especially 331 428 traditional 331 429 yours 329430 stay 328432 peter 327 433 company 326 434 send 326 435 point 325 436 above 324 437 consider 323 438 past 323 439 protect 322 440 therefore 322 441 ill 321442 secondly 321 443 thank 321 444 follow 320 445 quite 320 446 abroad 316 447 boat 316 448 decide 316 449 rich 316 450 where 316 451 next 314 452 finally 313 453 fire 313454 matter 313 455 accord 312 456 earth 312 457 name 311 458 almost 310 459 grow 310 460 practise 310 461 stop 309 462 fit 305463 pollute 304 464 month 303 465 under 303 466 benefit 302 467 game 302 468 present 302 469 didn 301 470 forget 297 471 wait 297 472 flower 296 473 couldn 294 474 healthy 294476 classmate 292 477 fall 291478 match 291479 deal 290480 term 290481 foreign 289482 four 289483 afternoon 288 484 clean 288485 control 288486 real 288487 limit 287488 receive 287489 useful 287490 worry 287491 evil 286492 fight 286493 myself 285494 side 285495 letter 284496 medicine 283 497 prepare 283 498 cry 282499 himself 282 500 market 282501 catch 280502 policy 280503 prevent 280 504 thus 280505 soldier 279506 test 279507 saturday 277 508 third 277509 d 276510 accept 275511 football 275 512 number 275 513 army 272514 plant 272515 visit 269516 economic 268 517 environment 267 518 low 265519 whether 264 520 instead 263 521 solve 263522 ten 263523 history 261 524 half 260525 famous 259 526 anything 258 527 provide 258 528 bed 257529 produce 257 530 against 255 531 lantern 255 532 i'll 254533 punish 254 534 reform 253 535 plan 252536 door 251537 master 251 538 move 251539 hospital 250 540 period 250541 radio 250542 reach 249543 service 249 544 wrong 249545 table 248546 break 247547 serve 247548 bus 246549 carefully 246 550 level 246551 off 245552 possible 245 553 decrease 242 554 yuan 240555 early 239556 firstly 239557 information 239 558 suddenly 239 559 professor 238 560 son 238561 fruit 236562 afraid 235563 air 235564 emperor 235 565 sing 235566 television 235 567 ourselves 233 568 member 232 569 sure 232570 daily 231571 grind 231572 relative 230 573 base 228574 song 228575 trouble 228 576 relationship 226 577 state 226578 wonderful 226 579 drink 225580 hour 225581 common 224 582 degree 224 583 free 224584 rise 224585 succeed 224 586 tom 224587 disease 222 588 light 221589 worker 221 590 join 220591 road 220592 rather 219593 tire 219594 sleep 217595 enter 216596 head 216597 homework 216 598 offer 216599 energy 215 600 guangzhou 215 601 until 215602 dragon 214 603 greatly 214 604 importance 214 605 power 213606 quality 213608 celebrate 212 609 exam 212610 perhaps 212 611 speed 212612 wear 212613 news 211614 advance 210 615 car 210616 lunar 210617 punishment 210 618 smile 210619 department 209 620 busy 208621 summer 208 622 various 208 623 besides 206 624 commit 206 625 effort 206626 special 206 627 clear 205628 effect 205629 position 205 630 dec 204631 minute 204 632 fail 203633 hurry 203634 regard 203 635 burden 202 636 certain 202 637 form 202638 include 202 639 lie 202640 near 202641 winter 202 642 excite 200643 hundred 200 644 six 200645 choice 198 646 wall 198647 public 197648 reduce 197 649 basketball 196 650 challenge 196652 round 196653 area 195654 carry 194655 close 194656 cost 194657 fish 194658 june 194659 prove 194660 invention 193 661 five 191662 laugh 191663 london 191664 subject 191 665 text 191666 party 190667 white 190668 act 189669 continue 189 670 sea 189671 surprise 189 672 everyday 188 673 rest 188674 advantage 187 675 along 187676 difficulty 187 677 jack 187678 heavy 186679 value 186680 opportunity 185 681 require 185 682 able 183683 cake 183684 examination 183 685 rule 183686 already 182 687 happiness 182 688 resource 182 689 window 182 690 cold 181691 main 181692 mark 181693 music 181694 addition 180696 concern 180 697 group 180698 card 179699 front 179700 sell 179701 appear 178 702 dance 178703 major 178704 race 177705 leavers 176 706 popular 176 707 red 176708 doesn 175709 easily 174710 haven 174711 shall 174712 bright 173713 foot 173714 everybody 172 715 reward 171 716 aspect 170717 everywhere 170 718 glad 170719 jump 170720 oh 170721 park 170722 born 169723 isn 169724 role 169725 actually 168 726 draw 168727 start 168728 team 168729 weather 168 730 bicycle 167 731 sky 167732 thousand 167 733 business 165 734 force 165735 hit 165736 legal 165737 murder 165 738 support 165740 rid 164741 contrary 163 742 notice 163743 sorry 163744 sound 163745 spare 163746 aim 162747 cheat 162748 green 162749 hometown 162 750 classroom 161 751 exist 161752 method 161 753 might 161754 n 161755 achievement 160 756 lake 160757 measure 159 758 product 159 759 sense 159760 tall 159761 action 158762 depend 158763 cannot 157764 normal 157765 imagination 156 766 satisfy 156767 consumer 155 768 mistake 155 769 office 155770 character 154 771 raise 154772 floor 153773 institute 153 774 picture 153775 american 152 776 harmful 152 777 treatment 152 778 warm 152779 cover 151780 dinner 151781 hill 151782 o'clock 151784 active 150785 professional 150 786 animal 149787 cigarette 148 788 peace 148789 either 147790 return 147791 article 146792 spirit 146793 achieve 145 794 deep 145795 factor 145796 nation 145797 sun 145798 agree 144799 century 144 800 drop 144801 further 144802 material 144 803 meeting 144 804 moment 143 805 otherwise 143 806 practical 143 807 yourself 143 808 avoid 142809 friendship 142 810 moreover 142 811 feminist 141 812 baby 140813 lack 140814 truth 140815 wash 140816 competition 139 817 fly 139818 grade 139819 imagine 139 820 land 139821 standard 139 822 apply 138823 contribution 138 824 devote 138825 expect 138826 struggle 138828 travel 138829 hot 136830 impossible 136 831 machine 136 832 yet 136833 compare 135 834 cook 135835 drive 135836 encourage 135 837 equality 135 838 rush 135839 recent 134840 weekend 134 841 forward 133 842 furthermore 133 843 treat 133844 allocate 132 845 e 132846 fear 132847 piece 132848 report 132849 instance 131 850 national 131 851 percent 131 852 plenty 130853 prefer 130854 sight 130855 thirty 130856 attend 129857 being 129858 fat 128859 nearly 128860 physical 128 861 rapidly 128 862 scientist 128 863 sister 128864 theory 128865 throw 128866 earn 127867 playground 127 868 reunion 127 869 root 127870 habit 126872 telephone 126 873 voice 126874 wife 126875 amount 125876 conclusion 125 877 husband 125878 july 125879 successful 125 880 understanding 125 881 appointment 124 882 yes 124883 bike 123884 certainly 123885 difference 123 886 fill 122887 purpose 122888 touch 122889 ball 121890 cure 121891 dumpling 121 892 eight 121893 individual 121 894 key 121895 program 121896 upon 121897 yesterday 121 898 restaurant 120 899 birthday 119900 cut 119901 else 119902 god 119903 least 118904 simple 118905 thirdly 118906 add 117907 correct 117908 establish 117909 request 117910 source 117911 box 116912 illness 116913 britain 115914 contribute 115916 noise 115917 o 115918 angry 114919 financial 114 920 comfortable 113 921 complete 113 922 create 113923 defeat 113924 destroy 113 925 experiment 113 926 magazine 113 927 novel 113928 tennis 113929 diet 112930 hurt 112931 influence 112 932 leaf 112933 programme 112 934 rice 112935 sir 112936 western 112 937 dark 111938 i've 111939 ancient 110 940 constantly 110 941 slowly 110942 arrive 109943 mention 109 944 stable 109945 steal 109946 america 108 947 culture 108 948 except 108949 fifth 108950 friday 108951 general 108 952 generally 108 953 release 108 954 sincerely 107 955 task 107956 wind 107957 blue 106958 dangerous 106960 relax 106961 whatever 106 962 admire 105 963 delicious 105 964 nice 105965 refuse 105 966 freely 104967 garden 104 968 obtain 104 969 basic 103970 christmas 103 971 incurable 103 972 library 103 973 observe 103 974 stick 103975 type 103976 wide 103977 behind 102 978 fine 102979 neighbour 102 980 strange 102 981 surely 102 982 tomorrow 102 983 address 101 984 police 101 985 august 100 986 dirty 100987 dress 100988 exchange 100 989 hate 100990 medium 100 991 self 100992 vegetable 100 993 careful 99994 familiar 99 995 immediately 99 996 lovely 99997 mr. 99998 probably 99 999 ready 99 1000 soil 99。

名次单词词频1001 traffic 991002 art 981003 desire 981004 mountain 981005 rate 981006 share 981007 terrible 981008 towards 981009 town 981010 trip 981011 burn 971012 citizen 971013 happily 971014 hunter 971015 improvement 971016 province 971017 suit 971018 advertisement 961019 excellent 961020 explain 961021 frequently 961022 suppose 961023 wealth 961024 armchair 951025 beside 951026 doubt 951027 john 951028 shoe 951029 somebody 951030 strict 951031 cancer 941032 deeply 941033 disadvantage 941035 hardly 941036 ideal 941037 leader 941038 wells 941039 daughter 93 1040 due 931041 escape 931042 freedom 93 1043 gate 931044 ordinary 93 1045 salary 931046 seven 931047 station 931048 sweet 931049 uncle 931050 bit 921051 cloth 921052 farmer 921053 grant 921054 i'd 921055 joy 921056 m 921057 mass 921058 pleasure 92 1059 transportation 92 1060 u 921061 wonder 92 1062 clearly 911063 completely 91 1064 desk 911065 gradually 91 1066 grammar 91 1067 grasp 911068 post 911069 price 911070 rapid 911071 tear 911072 automatically 90 1073 goal 901074 knock 901075 luck 901076 quick 901077 recently 901079 shape 901080 willing 90 1081 crop 891082 duty 891083 forever 89 1084 graduation 89 1085 line 891086 manage 89 1087 meal 891088 quiet 891089 adapt 881090 beat 881091 c 881092 cat 881093 demand 88 1094 mainly 88 1095 obviously 88 1096 phenomenon 88 1097 protection 88 1098 record 88 1099 shout 881100 top 881101 aware 871102 building 87 1103 concept 87 1104 favorite 87 1105 film 871106 jane 871107 select 871108 till 871109 whenever 87 1110 marx 861111 political 86 1112 south 861113 supper 86 1114 bank 851115 clever 851116 confidence 85 1117 depress 85 1118 express 85 1119 hasten 85 1120 pick 851121 primary 851123 store 85 1124 twenty 85 1125 welcome 85 1126 agony 84 1127 bag 841128 contain 84 1129 educate 84 1130 forty 84 1131 itself 84 1132 maintain 84 1133 remain 84 1134 danger 83 1135 disappear 83 1136 fist 831137 glass 83 1138 ignore 83 1139 million 83 1140 perform 83 1141 season 83 1142 shoot 83 1143 trust 83 1144 unit 83 1145 unite 83 1146 arm 82 1147 cloudy 82 1148 custom 82 1149 enterprise 82 1150 lady 82 1151 lay 821152 marry 82 1153 shouldn 82 1154 widely 82 1155 customer 81 1156 helpful 81 1157 humanity 81 1158 judge 81 1159 mouth 81 1160 reasonable 81 1161 research 81 1162 suggest 81 1163 survive 81 1164 sydney 81 1165 anyone 801167 beyond 80 1168 calendar 80 1169 dignity 80 1170 failure 80 1171 galileo 80 1172 lonely 80 1173 opium 80 1174 rehabilitate 80 1175 september 80 1176 strength 80 1177 ticket 80 1178 average 79 1179 dead 79 1180 dog 791181 eager 79 1182 essential 79 1183 knife 79 1184 lucky 79 1185 pair 791186 peaceful 79 1187 prolong 79 1188 usual 79 1189 advice 78 1190 allow 78 1191 bear 781192 electricity 78 1193 extensively 78 1194 industrial 78 1195 october 78 1196 ought 78 1197 production 78 1198 sugar 78 1199 tend 781200 valuable 78 1201 accident 77 1202 beijing 77 1203 convenient 77 1204 engage 77 1205 expensive 77 1206 extend 77 1207 indicate 77 1208 literature 77 1209 loss 771211 affect 761212 atmosphere 76 1213 b 761214 career 761215 circumstance 76 1216 hang 761217 plane 761218 t 761219 translation 76 1220 youth 761221 breakfast 75 1222 dare 751223 date 751224 farm 751225 hair 751226 humane 75 1227 issue 751228 movement 75 1229 note 751230 physically 75 1231 reality 75 1232 terminally 75 1233 upset 751234 climb 741235 composition 74 1236 corner 74 1237 crowd 741238 cruel 741239 greet 741240 guilty 741241 legalization 74 1242 maths 741243 ring 741244 appreciate 73 1245 dictionary 73 1246 enemy 73 1247 final 731248 income 73 1249 moon-cakes 73 1250 profit 731251 alone 721252 attitude 72 1253 aunt 721255 communicate 72 1256 forest 721257 monday 72 1258 p 721259 painful 72 1260 strike 721261 topic 721262 victim 721263 whose 721264 aren 711265 attract 711266 chair 711267 guess 711268 insist 711269 king 711270 memory 71 1271 mental 71 1272 nervous 71 1273 occur 711274 official 71 1275 physics 71 1276 principle 71 1277 taste 711278 anxious 70 1279 bird 701280 brain 701281 damage 70 1282 grandma 70 1283 obey 701284 ok 701285 rainy 701286 regret 701287 religion 70 1288 yellow 70 1289 cousin 69 1290 dad 691291 guide 691292 performance 69 1293 ride 691294 single 691295 smoker 69 1296 stage 691297 tea 691298 wednesday 69 1299 abuse 681300 agriculture 68 1301 celebration 68 1302 detail 681303 fun 681304 gather 681305 impressive 68 1306 innocent 68 1307 sick 681308 adopt 671309 afford 671310 cave 671311 compilation 67 1312 cool 671313 crusoe 671314 entertainment 67 1315 international 67 1316 mutual 671317 obvious 671318 relation 671319 thief 671320 weak 671321 consist 661322 courage 661323 discover 66 1324 indeed 661325 metre 661326 nobody 661327 relief 661328 scene 661329 severe 661330 star 661331 unemployment 66 1332 useless 661333 colorful 651334 content 651335 court 651336 decision 65 1337 foundation 65 1338 germany 65 1339 inside 651340 introduce 65 1341 mar 651342 palace 651343 poet 651344 seat 651345 senior 651346 survey 65 1347 egg 641348 hide 641349 ice 641350 invent 641351 labour 641352 moral 641353 pursue 64 1354 seldom 64 1355 vacation 64 1356 available 63 1357 badly 631358 brave 631359 bridge 631360 cheap 631361 civilize 63 1362 favourite 63 1363 invite 631364 recognize 63 1365 seek 631366 wake 631367 west 631368 bitterly 62 1369 boss 621370 childhood 62 1371 connect 62 1372 generation 62 1373 involve 62 1374 iraq 621375 praise 621376 promise 62 1377 responsibility 62 1378 snow 621379 belong 61 1380 february 61 1381 grandpa 61 1382 harvest 61 1383 january 61 1384 latter 611385 meanwhile 611386 patriotism 61 1387 personal 611388 president 61 1389 quietly 611390 unhappy 61 1391 highly 601392 push 601393 symbol 601394 worth 601395 across 591396 charge 591397 colour 591398 dull 591399 event 591400 extreme 591401 fair 591402 friendly 591403 gift 591404 oil 591405 powerful 59 1406 proper 591407 safe 591408 sign 591409 smash 591410 statistic 591411 william 591412 comatose 58 1413 concentrate 58 1414 determine 58 1415 drug 581416 endless 581417 existence 58 1418 inhumane 58 1419 leg 581420 occupy 581421 relieve 581422 singer 581423 status 581424 wouldn 581425 communication 57 1426 ear 571427 figure 571428 firm 571429 lawyer 571431 mine 571432 peasant 57 1433 perfectly 57 1434 player 571435 promote 57 1436 torture 571437 arrange 56 1438 boredom 56 1439 current 561440 disappoint 56 1441 former 561442 function 56 1443 scientific 56 1444 seed 561445 style 561446 successfully 56 1447 technique 56 1448 wallet 561449 blood 551450 bottle 551451 capital 551452 divide 551453 elephant 55 1454 employment 55 1455 environmental 55 1456 forbid 551457 overcome 55 1458 owe 551459 pull 551460 regulation 55 1461 responsible 55 1462 theoretical 55 1463 throughout 55 1464 totally 551465 admit 541466 adult 541467 ahead 541468 april 541469 chemistry 54 1470 construction 54 1471 decline 541472 hunt 541473 joke 541475 mankind 54 1476 mary 541477 prisoner 54 1478 proverb 54 1479 rage 541480 calm 531481 complain 53 1482 efficient 53 1483 examine 53 1484 herself 53 1485 mentally 53 1486 nine 531487 profession 53 1488 qualify 53 1489 savage 53 1490 strengthen 53 1491 surround 53 1492 tool 531493 village 53 1494 board 521495 borrow 52 1496 conclude 52 1497 degradation 52 1498 heat 521499 hello 521500 housework 52 1501 lab 521502 likely 521503 march 521504 policeman 52 1505 proud 521506 seller 521507 shake 521508 shine 521509 similar 52 1510 smell 521511 sort 521512 unfortunately 52 1513 vocabulary 52 1514 wine 521515 authority 51 1516 bruise 511517 cloud 511519 foolish 511520 foreigner 51 1521 france 511522 frighten 51 1523 hungry 511524 preparation 51 1525 pressure 51 1526 producer 51 1527 repair 511528 soul 511529 alive 501530 background 50 1531 comfort 50 1532 dish 501533 fate 501534 gold 501535 homeland 50 1536 lazy 501537 loud 501538 mail 501539 mike 501540 neglect 501541 pool 501542 project 501543 properly 50 1544 rebecca 50 1545 rob 501546 slow 501547 space 501548 trouser 501549 australia 49 1550 balance 49 1551 basket 491552 consequence 49 1553 deed 491554 fellow 491555 modernization 49 1556 mouse 491557 naturally 49 1558 object 491559 pleasant 49 1560 recite 491561 significance 491563 account 48 1564 argue 481565 attach 481566 bow 481567 charm 481568 despite 48 1569 directly 48 1570 efficiently 48 1571 elder 481572 expert 481573 feminism 48 1574 focus 481575 forth 481576 impression 48 1577 lee 481578 liberation 48 1579 supply 48 1580 tooth 481581 arouse 47 1582 double 47 1583 facility 47 1584 gas 471585 honor 471586 impress 47 1587 inform 47 1588 japan 471589 list 471590 milk 471591 pocket 47 1592 property 47 1593 range 471594 sometime 47 1595 witness 47 1596 apart 461597 appearance 46 1598 blind 461599 civilization 46 1600 consideration 46 1601 england 46 1602 enlarge 46 1603 exactly 46 1604 flow 461605 french 461607 hotel 46 1608 kuwait 46 1609 needn 46 1610 pen 461611 prize 46 1612 switzerland 46 1613 tower 46 1614 twelve 46 1615 warn 46 1616 beauty 45 1617 broadcast 45 1618 cinema 45 1619 circle 45 1620 clock 45 1621 competitive 45 1622 correctly 45 1623 deny 45 1624 discuss 45 1625 east 451626 emerge 45 1627 eve 451628 extent 45 1629 hat 451630 politic 45 1631 pretty 45 1632 relate 45 1633 robert 45 1634 shoulder 45 1635 skillful 45 1636 speech 45 1637 spite 451638 spread 45 1639 textbook 45 1640 thought 45 1641 trade 45 1642 unfair 45 1643 unfit 451644 unless 45 1645 urban 45 1646 writer 45 1647 acquire 44 1648 approach 44 1649 chart 441651 complicate 44 1652 contact 44 1653 countryside 44 1654 david 44 1655 hall 441656 independent 44 1657 instructive 44 1658 justice 44 1659 meaningful 44 1660 mum 441661 north 44 1662 owner 44 1663 pity 441664 procedure 44 1665 r 441666 recover 44 1667 search 44 1668 sow 441669 surface 44 1670 thin 441671 treasure 44 1672 wet 441673 bedroom 43 1674 belief 43 1675 blame 43 1676 blow 431677 chat 431678 direct 43 1679 direction 43 1680 dominate 43 1681 female 43 1682 fond 431683 glutinous 43 1684 hole 431685 lecture 43 1686 model 43 1687 motherland 43 1688 nor 431689 orange 43 1690 patience 43 1691 rare 431692 seventy 43 1693 speaker 431694 unnecessary 43 1695 weapon 43 1696 wherever 43 1697 commensurate 42 1698 decade 421699 extremely 42 1700 feed 421701 fully 421702 hero 421703 illegal 421704 meaningless 42 1705 quantity 42 1706 revolution 42 1707 stare 421708 temperature 42 1709 unable 421710 violence 42 1711 wild 421712 adjust 411713 centre 411714 chicken 41 1715 color 411716 describe 41 1717 design 411718 electric 411719 enable 411720 equally 411721 feeling 411722 hopeless 41 1723 japanese 41 1724 native 411725 phone 411726 security 41 1727 skate 411728 stupid 411729 umbrella 41 1730 wise 411731 apr 401732 attack 401733 colourful 40 1734 element 40 1735 expression 40 1736 fix 401737 flag 401739 mostly 40 1740 opposite 40 1741 poem 40 1742 screen 40 1743 secretary 40 1744 sorrow 40 1745 suicide 40 1746 weight 40 1747 capacity 39 1748 compete 39 1749 contrast 39 1750 convenience 39 1751 cup 391752 dormitory 39 1753 entirely 39 1754 expense 39 1755 local 391756 loudly 39 1757 neither 39 1758 original 39 1759 personnel 39 1760 photo 39 1761 plate 391762 pure 391763 rock 391764 sale 391765 satisfactory 39 1766 spot 391767 stone 391768 structure 39 1769 sweat 39 1770 symbolize 39 1771 tuesday 39 1772 whom 39 1773 within 39 1774 ad 381775 attractive 38 1776 badminton 38 1777 capable 38 1778 count 38 1779 cross 381780 defend 38 1781 deprive 381783 efficiency 38 1784 eighth 38 1785 fame 38 1786 fortunately 38 1787 funny 38 1788 island 38 1789 negative 38 1790 oral 381791 passage 38 1792 passenger 38 1793 refer 38 1794 resist 38 1795 scale 38 1796 simply 38 1797 tax 381798 theft 38 1799 tradition 38 1800 union 38 1801 advertise 37 1802 bell 371803 bowl 37 1804 communist 37 1805 debt 37 1806 dry 371807 ease 37 1808 fairy 37 1809 firecracker 37 1810 grass 37 1811 lock 37 1812 lover 37 1813 monkey 37 1814 phrase 37 1815 poverty 37 1816 procession 37 1817 sake 37 1818 salt 371819 sand 37 1820 secret 37 1821 shirt 37 1822 stuff 37 1823 tie 371824 toward 37 1825 toy 371827 affair 361828 anguish 361829 artificially 36 1830 assign 361831 check 361832 civilised 361833 compulsory 36 1834 conscience 36 1835 county 361836 criticize 361837 disaster 361838 elect 361839 eleven 361840 fifty 361841 heavily 361842 industrialization 36 1843 instruction 36 1844 intelligence 36 1845 interpretation 36 1846 interview 36 1847 lively 361848 pace 361849 possess 361850 press 361851 private 361852 tutor 361853 associate 351854 behavior 351855 chemical 351856 decorate 351857 distance 351858 gulf 351859 honest 351860 junior 351861 numerous 35 1862 painless 351863 positive 351864 remind 351865 requirement 35 1866 review 351867 square 351868 threaten 351869 thursday 351871 wasn 351872 anyway 34 1873 anywhere 34 1874 aside 341875 basis 341876 coat 341877 colleague 34 1878 collect 341879 conduct 34 1880 confront 34 1881 consciousness 34 1882 economically 34 1883 f 341884 flood 341885 found 341886 hadn 341887 huge 341888 iron 341889 kid 341890 learner 341891 manager 34 1892 none 341893 outdated 34 1894 painlessly 34 1895 poisonous 34 1896 prosperous 34 1897 repeat 341898 risk 341899 separate 34 1900 settle 341901 stadium 34 1902 sustain 341903 talent 341904 trend 341905 truly 341906 blackboard 33 1907 bookshop 33 1908 broad 331909 discussion 33 1910 display 331911 distribution 33 1912 enrich 331913 fifteen 331915 gun 331916 hearted 33 1917 heaven 33 1918 jim 331919 lean 33 1920 lung 33 1921 movie 33 1922 necessarily 33 1923 necessity 33 1924 paint 33 1925 ping 33 1926 pop 331927 possibility 33 1928 pretend 33 1929 pride 33 1930 publish 33 1931 reflect 33 1932 replace 33 1933 reply 33 1934 revenge 33 1935 singapore 33 1936 skin 33 1937 soft 331938 solution 33 1939 steady 33 1940 stimulate 33 1941 tape 33 1942 tourist 33 1943 anybody 32 1944 appeal 32 1945 careless 32 1946 civil 32 1947 constant 32 1948 debate 32 1949 dr 321950 employ 32 1951 fashion 32 1952 george 32 1953 guard 32 1954 heed 32 1955 hobby 32 1956 inequality 32 1957 instrument 321959 lily 321960 orwell 321961 pole 321962 pupil 321963 recovery 32 1964 sharp 321965 strongly 32 1966 tightly 321967 absolutely 31 1968 bar 311969 beneficial 31 1970 commemorate 31 1971 consent 31 1972 crisis 311973 data 311974 emphasis 31 1975 employee 31 1976 essay 311977 feature 311978 guy 311979 hopelessly 31 1980 idiom 311981 incurably 31 1982 laughter 31 1983 lift 311984 manner 31 1985 memorable 31 1986 memorize 31 1987 miserable 31 1988 monitor 31 1989 narrow 311990 operate 31 1991 pig 311992 poison 311993 reputation 31 1994 scold 311995 scream 311996 signature 31 1997 stab 311998 superior 31 1999 sweep 312000 unbearable 31。

10000英语单词表Alright, here's a sample of an excerpt with approximately 1000 words that meets your requirements. Please note that the text is designed to be non-sequential and diverse in style to reflect spoken English in various contexts.It's been a crazy day, I tell you. The sun was shining bright, and I thought, "Hey, why not go for a run?" So I laced up my shoes and hit the pavement. The wind felt so good against my face, it was like nature's own air conditioner.After my run, I stopped by the cafe for a quick bite. The smell of fresh coffee and baked goods was irresistible.I ordered a latte and a croissant, and the waiter smiled as he placed my order on the table. It was the perfect way to unwind after a good workout.Back home, I decided to tackle that pile of laundrythat had been sitting there for days. Sorting colors, whites, and darks, I realized how much time I waste procrastinating. But you know what? It was actually kind of satisfying to see that pile shrink.My phone rang, and it was my friend Jen. She wanted to know if I wanted to join her for a movie night. I was tempted, but I had to admit, I was feeling a bit tired. Still, I said yes because friends are important, and sometimes you need to make time for them.We watched a comedy, and it was hilarious!。

qualifications skirt underlying zero customs officially inherited fathers beloved lamp formulas pole electron sherman flame orientation claiming tract historians likewise stride expecting di heated salesmen shaped decisive useless southwest explanations alongside devised mailed proposition consumption grab revised foolish staying proceeds celebration heroes earth’s tightly reveals locate talks slowed motive whiskey editors pipe references
secondary e.g. upward examination prefer tight hunting gallery agricultural sand breaking films coal probable matching wars furnish controversy cow context unhappy occupation jim dimensions municipal constitute mines stained registered eighth naval suits adult artery mayor bombs freely atoms bath academy anniversary conferences consisted loaded gulf faint cat physics melting concepts magnitude crossing habit 2

3001 estimate 133002 evaluation 133003 excitedly 133004 exit 133005 expenditure 133006 fashionable 133007 footmark 133008 freshman 133009 fry 133010 grab 133011 grandparent 133012 guilt 133013 helen 133014 hers 133015 hesitation 133016 imprisonment 133017 inevitably 133018 inner 133019 inquisition 133020 instruct 133021 kate 133022 keeper 133023 linguistic 133024 luxurious 133025 luxury 133026 mercifully 133027 misunderstanding 133028 moonlight 133029 mount 133030 nd 133031 neighbors 133032 nutrition 133033 orderly 133034 origin 133035 persist 133036 personally 133037 piano 133038 plain 133039 proposal 13 3040 rank 133041 reaction 13 3042 realization 13 3043 recruit 133044 rochester 13 3045 rough 133046 russia 133047 sacred 133048 sacrifice 13 3049 safely 133050 santa 133051 shortly 133052 slight 133053 slim 133054 socialism 13 3055 solid 133056 theirs 133057 tragic 133058 tremble 133059 un 133060 workshop 13 3061 worship 13 3062 wound 133063 xmas 133064 absent 123065 actual 123066 addicted 12 3067 agricultural 12 3068 allocation 12 3069 amnesty 12 3070 amusement 12 3071 aristotle 12 3072 attribute 12 3073 berlin 123074 bomb 123075 brutal 123076 camp 123077 canteen 123078 cease 123079 characteristic+ 12 3080 column 123081 combination 12 3082 conception 12 3083 conference 12 3084 congratulate 12 3085 cripple 12 3086 criterion 12 3087 deaf 123088 deceive 12 3089 deform 12 3090 deliver 12 3091 din 123092 dismiss 12 3093 division 12 3094 drip 123095 electronic 12 3096 erosion 12 3097 explanation 12 3098 export 12 3099 fancy 123100 fell 123101 formal 12 3102 frenchman 12 3103 hare 123104 host 123105 increasingly 12 3106 ingredient 12 3107 invasion 12 3108 kiss 123109 locate 123110 lower 123111 manpower 12 3112 manufacturer 12 3113 map 123114 meantime 12 3115 mile 123116 ming 123117 monument 12 3118 morally 12 3119 nightmare 12 3120 ninth 123121 notion 12 3122 obstacle 12 3123 offender 12 3124 olympic 123126 parliament 12 3127 passive 123128 plead 123129 proceed 123130 quarter 123131 recreation 12 3132 resident 123133 reuse 123134 routine 123135 semester 123136 sensible 123137 seventeen 12 3138 similarly 123139 solar 123140 spell 123141 strictly 123142 teenager 123143 thunder 123144 transfer 123145 undergraduate 12 3146 universal 123147 unsuitable 12 3148 usage 123149 valid 123150 vigorous 123151 vocation 123152 voluntarily 12 3153 weigh 123154 westerner 12 3155 windy 123156 awake 113157 balloon 113158 bankrupt 113159 bible 113160 boating 113161 calmly 113162 carelessness 11 3163 cast 113164 classify 113165 collage 113166 commemoration 11 3167 confirm 113168 conform 113170 convict 113171 convince 11 3172 criticism 11 3173 decent 113174 declaration 11 3175 derive 113176 dialogue 11 3177 director 113178 disappointment 11 3179 disorder 113180 document 11 3181 dong 113182 drag 113183 drain 113184 endow 113185 expectation 11 3186 explore 113187 faith 113188 fascinate 11 3189 festive 113190 fetch 113191 flourish 113192 highway 11 3193 impulse 113194 invader 113195 kindergarten 11 3196 laura 113197 laziness 113198 length 113199 lethal 113200 lever 113201 loom 113202 los 113203 mathematics 11 3204 noodle 113205 observation 11 3206 oppress 113207 organ 113208 originally 11 3209 outline 113210 overall 113211 parade 113212 peking 113214 persistence 11 3215 pm 113216 politician 11 3217 powder 113218 practically 11 3219 preview 113220 proudly 113221 refrigerator 11 3222 religious 11 3223 remark 113224 renew 113225 respectable 11 3226 restrict 113227 ripe 113228 rosa 113229 scenic 113230 schedule 11 3231 selection 11 3232 selfish 113233 seventh 113234 sex 113235 simultaneously 11 3236 spiritually 11 3237 storm 113238 stroke 113239 suspect 113240 sword 113241 taiwan 113242 tender 113243 tidy 113244 tight 113245 toss 113246 undergo 113247 vocational 11 3248 voluntary 11 3249 volunteer 11 3250 waken 113251 wang 113252 widow 113253 willingly 11 3254 wolf 113255 youngster 11 3256 access 103257 accusation 10 3258 ambitious 10 3259 apt 103260 arrival 103261 attraction 10 3262 automobile 10 3263 bachelor 103264 baggage 103265 bend 103266 bid 103267 bonn 103268 bound 103269 brick 103270 butter 103271 cancel 103272 cantonese 10 3273 casual 103274 cautious 103275 chip 103276 chopstick 10 3277 chrysanthemum 10 3278 claus 103279 coastal 103280 coincide 103281 collapse 103282 commerce 10 3283 connection 10 3284 conscientious 10 3285 consult 103286 delicate 103287 depression 10 3288 description 10 3289 desperate 10 3290 deteriorate 10 3291 distant 103292 divorce 103293 dominant 10 3294 dorm 103295 earphone 10 3296 eastern 103297 entitle 103298 european 10 3299 exceed 103300 feasible 103302 fore 103303 freeze 103304 fuel 103305 gently 103306 girlfriend 10 3307 glance 103308 glorious 10 3309 grain 103310 hardworking 10 3311 honorable 10 3312 humor 103313 humour 103314 ignorance 10 3315 immediate 10 3316 industrious 10 3317 injustice 10 3318 intellectual 10 3319 interfere 10 3320 investigate 10 3321 jean 103322 joe 103323 keyboard 10 3324 kilometers 10 3325 kilometre 10 3326 l 103327 lester 103328 liberty 103329 lifetime 103330 lip 103331 logical 103332 longevity 10 3333 magnificent 10 3334 medication 10 3335 michael 103336 milady 103337 mince 103338 mislead 103339 monk 103340 motivate 10 3341 museum 10 3342 musketeers 10 3343 neighbourhood 10 3344 outdoor 103346 paradise 10 3347 persecution 10 3348 pin 103349 pollutions 10 3350 pond 103351 pork 103352 premier 10 3353 prince 10 3354 proportion 10 3355 psychology 10 3356 queue 10 3357 raw 103358 reflection 10 3359 reluctant 10 3360 route 103361 sequence 10 3362 shin 103363 shopkeeper 10 3364 sigh 103365 silver 10 3366 sincere 10 3367 site 103368 skillfully 10 3369 slip 103370 southern 10 3371 split 103372 starvation 10 3373 stranger 10 3374 strategy 10 3375 stretch 10 3376 supervise 10 3377 swing 10 3378 temper 10 3379 tiny 103380 tome 103381 tone 103382 transform 10 3383 undertake 10 3384 unimportant 10 3385 viewpoint 10 3386 vision 10 3387 ware 103388 watermelon 103389 wheat 103390 wicked 103391 widespread 10 3392 yolk 103393 zero 103394 accomplishment 9 3395 accurately 9 3396 accustom 9 3397 acid 93398 agreement 9 3399 angeles 93400 ann 93401 anticipate 9 3402 apology 93403 appetite 93404 ash 93405 assist 93406 aswan 93407 basically 93408 basin 93409 battery 93410 beer 93411 biscuit 93412 blank 93413 boast 93414 bookshelf 9 3415 boxer 93416 brightly 93417 bull 93418 canada 93419 capture 93420 carelessly 9 3421 category 93422 chalk 93423 changeable 9 3424 chilly 93425 cicada 93426 climate 93427 co 93428 continent 93429 copy 93430 corporation 9 3431 cough 93432 crawl 93434 daylight 9 3435 deforestation 9 3436 den 93437 deng 93438 dependent 9 3439 dig 93440 dilemma 9 3441 disk 93442 distinction 9 3443 downtown 9 3444 draft 93445 dramatically 9 3446 dreadful 9 3447 eighty 9 3448 elizabeth 9 3449 eloquence 9 3450 endanger 9 3451 endlessly 9 3452 especial 9 3453 evident 9 3454 excel 93455 fade 93456 fasten 93457 flexible 9 3458 frequent 9 3459 frustrate 9 3460 fulfil 93461 gary 93462 genius 9 3463 goldfish 9 3464 grief 93465 guidance 9 3466 ha 93467 heartily 9 3468 helplessly 9 3469 herman 9 3470 hopefully 9 3471 idle 93472 immense 9 3473 importantly 9 3474 industrialize 9 3475 internal 9 3476 jacket 93478 jog 93479 judgment 9 3480 jury 93481 lag 93482 lifestyle 93483 loose 93484 masculinity 9 3485 melody 93486 melt 93487 merciful 9 3488 mere 93489 misunderstand 9 3490 moderate 9 3491 motion 93492 mr 93493 muscle 93494 mushroom 9 3495 musician 9 3496 nationality 9 3497 neat 93498 negro 93499 nonsense 9 3500 normally 9 3501 nut 93502 nutritious 9 3503 online 93504 ore 93505 outcome 9 3506 overpopulation 9 3507 peach 93508 persistent 9 3509 pistol 93510 possession 9 3511 profitable 9 3512 prompt 93513 prosecutor 9 3514 purchase 9 3515 purse 93516 quarreled 9 3517 quilt 93518 radical 93519 rarely 93520 react 93522 runner 93523 section 93524 servant 93525 sew 93526 shi 93527 sickness 9 3528 splash 93529 startle 93530 sticky 93531 substantial 9 3532 superiority 9 3533 suppress 9 3534 tang 93535 taxies 93536 thailand 9 3537 thirsty 93538 tip 93539 tour 93540 tow 93541 trumpet 9 3542 twist 93543 ultimate 9 3544 unchanged 9 3545 unconsciously 9 3546 unfairness 9 3547 unwilling 9 3548 utilize 93549 vague 93550 verge 93551 voa 93552 w 93553 waster 93554 weaver 93555 wedge 93556 wheelchair 9 3557 whoever 9 3558 wills 93559 willy 93560 wilson 93561 wither 93562 worsen 93563 worthwhile 9 3564 x 93566 additional 8 3567 admiration 8 3568 adoption 8 3569 adv 83570 aggression 8 3571 alike 8 3572 amaze 8 3573 angel 8 3574 ant 83575 architecture 8 3576 association 8 3577 bare 83578 barren 8 3579 barrier 8 3580 battlefield 8 3581 beef 83582 behaviors 8 3583 betray 8 3584 biological 8 3585 bitterness 8 3586 blur 83587 boot 83588 boyfriend 8 3589 bribe 8 3590 buddhism 8 3591 carefulness 8 3592 cartoon 8 3593 cash 83594 cell 83595 chase 8 3596 chop 8 3597 comb 8 3598 confusion 8 3599 continuous 8 3600 cooper 8 3601 cop 83602 corn 83603 cpu 83604 crawley 8 3605 crease 8 3606 cruelty 8 3607 curse 8 3608 curtain 83610 differ 8 3611 diligently 8 3612 ding 83613 disfigure 8 3614 disguise 8 3615 disobey 8 3616 distinct 8 3617 domestic 8 3618 eagerness 8 3619 earthquake 8 3620 egypt 8 3621 embody 8 3622 embrace 8 3623 emotionally 8 3624 engels 8 3625 entire 8 3626 esp 83627 evade 8 3628 exaggerate 8 3629 execute 8 3630 exploit 8 3631 faraway 8 3632 favorable 8 3633 feast 83634 fertile 8 3635 file 83636 flash 83637 flutter 8 3638 forefather 8 3639 fortunate 8 3640 fourthly 8 3641 frank 8 3642 glue 83643 graceful 8 3644 gracefully 8 3645 grape 8 3646 grassland 8 3647 handicap 8 3648 harassment 8 3649 hasting 8 3650 hateful 8 3651 haunt 8 3652 healthily 83654 holmes 8 3655 hook 83656 hug 83657 humanism 8 3658 humble 8 3659 iceberg 8 3660 imaginative 8 3661 incense 8 3662 inmate 8 3663 inspector 8 3664 instructor 8 3665 interrupt 8 3666 jan 83667 joseph 8 3668 junk 83669 knee 83670 kuwaiti 8 3671 landscape 8 3672 leisurely 8 3673 lightly 8 3674 liquid 83675 load 83676 lure 83677 massive 8 3678 mate 83679 measurement 8 3680 merit 83681 metal 83682 mild 83683 moan 83684 mode 83685 motivation 8 3686 musical 8 3687 mystery 8 3688 nobleman 8 3689 nr 83690 obligation 8 3691 observant 8 3692 offense 8 3693 packet 8 3694 palm 83695 pan 83696 permanent 83698 pony 8 3699 port 83700 preach 8 3701 prevail 8 3702 priority 8 3703 quicken 8 3704 rainwater 8 3705 realistic 8 3706 regularity 8 3707 regulate 8 3708 reliable 8 3709 remedy 8 3710 repay 8 3711 resistance 8 3712 respond 8 3713 resume 8 3714 rigid 8 3715 rope 8 3716 roughly 8 3717 scatter 8 3718 sergeant 8 3719 shade 8 3720 sightseeing 8 3721 silently 8 3722 sixth 8 3723 sketch 8 3724 sleeve 8 3725 slide 8 3726 slum 8 3727 spy 83728 stationary 8 3729 storehouse 8 3730 strain 8 3731 stump 8 3732 submit 8 3733 substitute 8 3734 subway 8 3735 summary 8 3736 sway 8 3737 tedious 8 3738 tempt 8 3739 tenth 8 3740 thread 83742 tibet 83743 timetable 8 3744 tiredness 8 3745 ton 83746 torch 83747 torturous 8 3748 towel 83749 trap 83750 truant 83751 unexpectedly 8 3752 unfamiliar 8 3753 unhealthy 8 3754 unjust 83755 user 83756 variation 8 3757 video 83758 vietnam 8 3759 wheel 83760 whip 83761 whiteboard 8 3762 yell 83763 zone 83764 abut 73765 actress 73766 adventurous 7 3767 analysis 7 3768 anna 73769 announcement 7 3770 annual 73771 antarctic 7 3772 anti 73773 anyhow 7 3774 artistic 73775 backwards 7 3776 belly 73777 bold 73778 boundless 7 3779 bunch 73780 bustle 73781 cafe 73782 cage 73783 cap 73784 capitalism 73786 carriage 7 3787 catherine 7 3788 channel 7 3789 chaos 73790 collection 7 3791 comply 7 3792 component 7 3793 comprehend 7 3794 concert 7 3795 confess 7 3796 contempt 7 3797 contend 7 3798 context 7 3799 conventional 7 3800 cookie 73801 corridor 7 3802 cradle 73803 credit 73804 crisp 73805 culprit 73806 damn 73807 damp 73808 dash 73809 dearly 73810 devour 7 3811 digest 73812 discard 7 3813 discriminate 7 3814 disposition 7 3815 distribute 7 3816 donate 73817 dramatic 7 3818 dumbfounded 7 3819 dump 73820 effectiveness 7 3821 elevate 7 3822 enclose 7 3823 endurance 7 3824 enforcement 7 3825 enrol 73826 er 73827 establishment 7 3828 evergreen 73829 expansion 7 3830 extraordinary 7 3831 eyebrow 7 3832 faculty 73833 fairness 7 3834 famine 73835 favourable 7 3836 fertilizer 7 3837 fold 73838 forgive 73839 fox 73840 fright 73841 frock 73842 gaze 73843 generous 7 3844 grace 73845 grandchild 7 3846 gray 73847 harry 73848 hibernate 7 3849 hitler 73850 holy 73851 hopeful 7 3852 household 7 3853 howl 73854 huang 73855 illiterate 7 3856 imitation 7 3857 improper 7 3858 independently 7 3859 indifference 7 3860 indulge 7 3861 inexperienced 7 3862 injury 73863 inquire 73864 instinct 7 3865 interpret 7 3866 interpreter 7 3867 intimate 7 3868 italy 73869 jackson 7 3870 jake 73871 joyous 73872 juice 73873 kenya 73874 largely 73875 layer 73876 leadership 7 3877 leak 73878 likewise 7 3879 limitation 7 3880 literary 7 3881 loyal 73882 lump 73883 majesty 7 3884 mama 73885 manipulate 7 3886 manufacture 7 3887 martin 73888 martyr 73889 mater 73890 medically 7 3891 mercilessly 7 3892 mi 73893 mini 73894 motor 73895 motto 73896 ms 73897 mud 73898 mush 73899 nan 73900 neighborhood 7 3901 nerve 73902 niece 73903 objection 7 3904 oct 73905 opposition 7 3906 orphan 7 3907 oxford 73908 package 7 3909 pale 73910 panic 73911 paula 73912 pause 73913 penny 73914 pie 73915 plunge 73916 populous 73917 precaution 7 3918 precise 73919 preliminary 7 3920 probe 73921 reformation 7 3922 refugee 73923 reliance 73924 representative+ 7 3925 reproduce 7 3926 researcher 7 3927 reserve 73928 revise 73929 richness 73930 roast 73931 rug 73932 saying 73933 scratch 73934 secretly 73935 sensation 7 3936 server 73937 sever 73938 shiver 73939 signal 73940 similarity 7 3941 skim 73942 skip 73943 sneer 73944 soak 73945 sob 73946 socially 73947 sophomore 7 3948 spade 73949 spur 73950 squeeze 73951 staff 73952 statue 73953 strawberry 7 3954 supervisor 7 3955 surprisingly 7 3956 suspicious 7 3957 tailor 73958 tangible 73959 terminate 7 3960 terror 73961 thanos 7 3962 theater 7 3963 tiresome 7 3964 tortoise 7 3965 trivial 73966 tube 73967 twentieth 7 3968 unavoidably 7 3969 uneasy 7 3970 universe 7 3971 unreasonable 7 3972 vigor 73973 violin 73974 waistcoat 7 3975 warmly 7 3976 warmth 7 3977 weekly 7 3978 whisper 7 3979 wholly 7 3980 wing 73981 worldwide 7 3982 abyss 63983 acquaintance 6 3984 airplane 6 3985 alternate 6 3986 apparent 6 3987 applause 6 3988 appliance 6 3989 appreciation 6 3990 arrangement 6 3991 authoritative 6 3992 auto 63993 await 63994 badge 63995 barbecue 6 3996 batter 63997 bay 63998 beak 63999 blindly 6 4000 bobby 6。

刘毅词汇10000abdomen n.腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部分)belly n.肚子,腹部;(像肚子一样)鼓起的部分,膛bereave v.使痛失(亲人等);剥夺;使丧失deprive v.剥夺,使丧失;免去…的职务consecrate v.使圣化,奉…为神圣;尊崇;奉献devote v.将…奉献(给),把...专用于,致力于evoke vt.唤起(回忆、感情等);引起invoke v.求助于(神、法律);恳求,乞求groove n.槽;纹(道);n.沟,槽;凹线,(刻出的)线条;习惯furrow n.沟;垄沟;轨迹;车辙;皱纹jolt v.(使)摇动,(使)震动,(使)颠簸joggle v./n.轻轻颠摇;轻摇obsolete a.out of date 作废的,过时的;a.已废弃的,过时的antiquated a.陈旧的,过时的prowl v.暗中寻觅n.觅食;v.徘徊于;搜寻;潜行以寻觅或偷窃rove v./n.漫游;流浪(于)scoop n.勺子v.用勺子(或铲)取出,舀;挖;掘shovel n.铁锨;一铲之量v.铲,铲出status n.地位,身份;情形,状况,状态situation n.形势,局面,处境,状况;位置;职位Sue v.控告,对…提出诉讼,起诉indict v.起诉,控告,指控bandit n.土匪,盗匪,歹徒;n.土匪,强盗,歹徒brigand n.土匪,强盗commemorate v.纪念,庆祝celebrate v.庆贺,庆祝;表扬,赞美defile v.弄污,弄脏n.(山间)小道infect v.传染,感染;影响…的心情,给…示影响deviation n.背离,偏离;偏差,偏向;离题delegate n.代表,会议代表vt.委派…为代表;授权;n.委员,代表vt.派…为代表;委任fortitude n.坚韧;刚毅;n.坚毅,坚忍不拔endurance n.持久(力);n.耐久力;忍耐力;耐久的时期;持续的时间inconsolable a.无所慰藉的,极度沮丧的,伤心的depressed a.沮丧的,抑郁的;不景气的,萧条的nibble v.一点点地咬,慢慢啃;v.啃,一点一点咬bite v.咬,叮;刺骨n.叮,咬;吃一口pageant n.壮观的游行;露天历史剧exhibition n.展览,陈列;展览会scourge n.灾难,祸害v.蹂躏disaster n.灾难,祸患;n.灾难,大祸;彻底的失败tumble v.摔跤,跌倒;打滚,翻腾n.摔跤,跌倒fall v.落下;跌倒,陷落n.(美)秋天,秋季;瀑布;变为afflict vt.使苦恼,折磨;vt.使痛苦;折磨distress n.(精神上的)苦恼,痛苦v.使苦恼,使紧张censure n./v.责难,非难;v.责备;非难blame n.(事故等的)责任;责怪v.责备,应受责备dissimulation n.假装;掩饰deception n.欺骗,欺诈;骗局,诡计flog v.重打,鞭打spank v. 打,拍打(在屁股上)inscription n.铭文,碑文,题字;n.(尤指石块上的)刻印文字,铭文,碑文caption n.图片说明文字(报刊文章的标题)meddle v.干预,干涉,插手intervene v.插入,介入,干涉,(时间)介于posture n.姿势,姿态;心态,态度v.装模作样attitude n.态度;看法;n.态度,看法;姿势rummage vi./n.翻找,搜寻;v./n.翻寻,仔细检查ransack v.彻底搜索,洗劫spout v.喷出,涌出;滔滔不绝地讲n.喷管;水柱pour vt.倒;vt.灌;蜂拥vi.倾泻;(雨)倾盆而下n.倾泻traverse v.横过,穿过,越过intersect v.惯穿,(和…)相交,交叉wistful a.渴望的;不满足的yearning a.渴望的;向往的;怀念的amicable a.友善的;和平的;a.友好的,和睦的amiable a.和蔼可亲的,友善的,亲切的blizzard n.暴风雪snowstorm n.暴风雨;n.暴风雪;雪暴cruise v.巡航;游弋n.乘船巡游voyage n.航海;航行eradicate v.根除,消灭,杜绝extirpate v.除尽;灭绝glimmer v.发出闪烁的微光n.微光,微弱的闪光gleam n./v.微光,闪光,短暂而微弱的闪现lump n.块;堆;团;大量;肿块v.归并在一起block n.大块;一排房屋;街区(四条街中间的区域)slash v.猛砍;贬斥… n.猛砍;(衣服的)开叉gash n.砍得很深的伤口, 很深的裂缝;v.深切,划开n.(深长的)切(伤)口;裂缝slump v.陷;沉重地坐下或倒下n.商业萧条期depress v.使沮丧,使低沉;降低,压低;使萧条vogue n.时髦,时尚,流行a.流行的fashion n.(服饰等的)流行式样;(行为等的)风尚ascribe vt.(to)把…归因于;把…归属于;vt.把…归于,认为…是其人所做attribute v.(to)把…归于,认为是…的结果n.属性bulwark n.堡垒;屏障;n.堡垒,保障safeguard v.维护n.安全装置,安全措施dubious a.有问题的,靠不住的;犹豫不决的doubtful a.怀疑,犹豫,不相信的;可疑的,难料的facet n.(问题等的)侧面,一面;(多面体的)面aspect n.样子, 外表, 面貌, (问题等的)方面heed v.注意,留意n.注意,留心attention n.注意,留心;注意力;n.注意,注意力;立正;特别照顾;照料huddle v.挤作一团,乱堆n.一堆,一团gather v.集合,聚集;采集,收集;逐渐增加;推测mumble v.含糊地说,咕哝n.含糊的话,咕哝murmur v.低声说话,咕哝n.低沉连续的声音,咕哝relic n.遗物;遗俗;n.遗迹,古物;圣徒的遗骸(或遗物),圣物remainder n.剩下的人、东西或时间;n.剩余物,剩下的;余数,余项smog n.烟雾(由smoke+fog合成的词)fume n.(浓烈或难闻的)烟,气,汽wayfarer n.旅人;徒步旅行者traveller n.旅馆;旅游者wont a.习惯于vt./n.习惯habit n.习惯;习性,脾性exonerate v.使免罪;免除;v.免除责任,确定无罪bias n.偏见v.[常用被动语态]有偏见prejudice n.偏见,成见;歧视;n.偏见,成见;损害,侵害v.损害contend v.竞争;搏斗;声称,坚持主张;辩论compete v.比赛;竞争;对抗deplore v.哀叹,悲叹,对…深感遗憾lament v.为…悲痛,哀悼,痛惜n.挽歌,哀歌fracture n.裂缝(痕);骨折v.(使)断裂,(使)折断shatter n.碎片;粉碎v.粉碎;使疲惫;使震骇magnitude n.巨大(程度);重要性;量,大小bulk n.容积,体积;大块,大批;大部分,大多数pith n.要旨;n.精髓,要点essence n.本质,要素;n.本质,实质;精华,精粹relish n.喜好,乐趣;美味;胃口v.爱好,喜欢zest n.风味,强烈的风味;热情,热心sneak v.鬼鬼祟祟而行,偷窃lurk v.埋伏;潜伏;隐藏;鬼鬼祟祟地行动tidings n.[pl.]消息, 音信information n.通知,报告,消息,情报;n.信息;情报;资料aghast a.恐怖的;惊骇的;吓呆的astonished a.惊讶的cumber v.拖累,妨碍hinder vt.阻止;妨碍(from);v.阻碍,妨碍decree n.法令,政令v.颁布(法令、政令);决定determine v.决定;决心;测定,确定frolic n./v.嬉戏a.嬉戏的frisk v.欢蹦乱跳;n./v.蹦跳,娱乐intercourse n.往来,交往,交际;n.交际,往来,交流relations n.交往,事务;关系menace n.威胁;讨厌的人(或物) v.威胁,恐吓intimidation 胁迫;n.恐吓,威胁precipice n.悬崖;危急的处境;n.悬崖,峭壁cliff n.悬崖,峭壁sanctuary n.圣所,圣堂,神殿,寺庙;禁猎区,保护区shrine n.神殿,圣地;n.神殿,神龛,圣祠sprout v.发芽,抽条,长出n.新芽,嫩苗grow v.生长,发育;种植,渐渐变得;增长,发展tread v.踏,踩n.踩,步法,脚步声;(车胎)胎面trample v.踩,践踏;蔑视,粗暴对待ammunition 军火, 弹药bullets n.弹药;军火doting a.溺爱的,宠爱的fond adj.喜爱的;爱好的;充满柔情的,深情的engross v.全神贯注于;吸引;占用absorb vt.吸收;接受;vt.吸引…的注意;vt.吸收(水、光、蒸汽等);vt.并入,同化gush v.喷,涌出;使喷出,使涌出n.喷,涌流flow v.流动;淹没n.流,水流;流量insuperable a.不能超越的;难以克服的;a.无法克服的unconquerable a.不可征服的;克服不了的;压抑不住的ordeal n.苦难经历,(尤指对品格、耐力的)严峻考验;n.严峻考验;折磨trial n.讯问,审讯;试验;试用;尝试,努力pouch n.育儿袋,肚囊;n.小皮袋;(动物的)颊袋sack n.袋;解雇;床v.解雇;掠夺screech n./v.尖叫;(发出)刺耳的声音shriek vi.make a loud, shrill cry 尖声喊叫;v.尖叫n.尖叫声stature n.身高;身材;(精神、道德等的)高度height n.高;高度;身高;顶点;高位;高处undermine v.在…下挖;暗中伤害(破坏);逐渐损害erode v.(受)腐蚀,(受)侵蚀dig v.挖,探究n.捅;发掘的地点或遗迹assess vt.估计,估价;评估;vt.估价,评价appraise v.评定,鉴定,评价chamber n.房间,寝室;会议厅;议院;会所;n.房间,室;会议室;议院;(动物体内)腔室room n.房间,卧室;n.空间;地方;余地disdain n.鄙视,轻视v.轻视,鄙视,不屑despise v.看不起,轻视,鄙视espy vt.窥见;v.(从远处等)突然看到perceive vt.察觉,发觉;理解;v.认识到,觉察出;理解,领悟glossy a.光滑的,有光泽的sleek vt.使光滑;v.(使)光滑a.光滑的,整洁的janitor n.照管房屋或办公室的工人,清洁工;n.看门人,管门人doorman n.门卫;n.看门人packet n.小包,小盒;包裹v.打包,装行李;包装parcel n.包裹,小包,邮包v.打包,捆扎pulpit n.[宗]讲坛;n.(教堂的)讲坛lectern n.(演讲者放讲稿的)讲台(或立架)scorch v.烘烤(皮肤);v.烧焦,烤焦;高速疾驶n.烧焦处,焦痕singe v. 微烧,烫焦;v.(轻微地)烧焦,烫焦surge v.(如浪潮般)汹涌;奔腾n.(感情等的)洋溢rise v.上升;升起;起床;起立utensil n.工具,(厨房)用具implement n.(pl.)工具,器具v.实行,实施,执行bayonet n.刺刀vt.用刺刀刺dagger n.匕首,短剑compassion n.同情;怜悯(for)sympathy n.同情,同情心;赞同,同感;慰问detain v.阻止,留住;扣留,拘留retard n.阻止,延迟v.妨碍,延迟,使减速faction n.宗派,小集团;派别;派系斗争clique n.朋党派系,小集团hue n.色度;色调;样子colour n.颜色,彩色;颜料;肤色v.给…着色,染luster n.光辉;光泽,光亮;荣誉shimmer v.闪烁,发微光;vi./n.发微光,发闪光;微光honor n.荣誉;敬意;(H-)阁下v.使增光;尊敬persevere v.坚持不懈;不屈不挠persist v.(in)坚持不懈,执意;持续,存留rave v.胡言乱语;语无伦次地说n.过分赞扬effervesce v.冒泡;沸腾;兴奋slay v.杀死;谋杀kill v.杀死,消灭;破坏,毁灭;消磨(时间)tablet n.药片;n.药片;碑,牌匾;小块肥皂pill n.药丸;药片voluptuous a.撩人的,沉溺酒色的;a.肉欲的sensuous 感觉的;a.激发美感的;感官的,感觉上的approach v.靠(接)近n.接近;途径,入门;方法beckon vt.向…招手或点头示意;v.(以点头或打手势)向...示意,召唤signal n.信号v.发信号通知;示意concur v.同意,意见一致;互助;同时发生agree vi.同意,赞同;适合,一致;商定,约定denounce v.当众指责accuse vt.控告,指责vi.指控;归咎于fray v.争吵;打斗;磨损,磨破n.吵架;打斗combat v.战斗;搏斗;斗争shred n.碎片,细条,破布;少量v.撕碎,切碎;v.撕碎,切碎n.碎片,碎条;最少量hamper v.阻碍,防碍[同]hinder;牵制,危害malady n.病,疾病(通常做比喻);n.疾病;不正之风ailment n.疾病,小病;n.(不严重的)疾病plod v.沉重缓慢地走;孜孜地工作trudge v.缓慢或吃力地走;v.跋涉,步履艰难地走n.长途跋涉remnant n.残留物;n.残余,剩余;残余物,残存部分residue n.剩余物;残余snore v.打鼾,打呼噜wheeze n.喘息声,气喘声;v.喘息;呼哧呼哧地响tinge vt.(轻淡地)给......着色;n.淡淡色彩;些微的气息v.(较淡)着色于tincture v.着色于n.色泽;染料;气息bicker v.争吵;争论wrangle v.争论,口角,争吵;v.争论,激辩,吵架contrive v.发明;设计;设法;造成hatch v.孵出;策划n.(船的)舱口(盖)dazzle v.使惊奇;使眩目n.令人赞叹的东西glare vi.瞪着眼看;n.强光;瞪眼;愤怒的目光v.闪耀;怒视fumble v.笨拙地用手摸、弄、接等,摸索grope v.(暗中)摸索,探索impair v.损害,损伤;削弱,减少damage n.损坏,毁坏;(pl.)赔偿金v.损坏,毁坏mortify v.克制;禁欲;使受辱humiliate vt.(某人)蒙耻;羞辱;使丢脸;vt.使羞辱,使丢脸predominant adj.主要的,显著的;a.占优势的;主要的,突出的outstanding a.突出的;出众的;a.杰出的,优秀的;显要的;重要的;未偿清的,未兑现的sanitary a.卫生的,清洁的;保健的;a.卫生方面的,卫生的;清洁的,卫生的hygienic a.卫生的,清洁的;a.卫生学的,促进健康的wallet n.(男人用的放钱币、证件等的)皮夹子purse n.钱包,小钱袋,手袋warrant vt.使有(正当)理由;授权(给);担保;n.正当理由;许可证,委任状v.保证,担保assurance n.信念;自信;保证allocate v.分配,分派;把…拨给;把…划归apportion v.分配;分摊;v.(按比例或计划)分配brawl n.大声争吵,喧嚷v.吵架,对骂fight n.战斗;斗争;战斗力v.打仗;斗争;争论cynical a.讽刺的;(对人性等)怀疑的sarcastic a.讽刺的,嘲笑的,挖苦的;a.讥讽的,讽刺的,嘲弄的embellish vt.装饰,布置;给…添加细节,润饰adorn v.使美化,装饰gallant a.(对女子)献殷勤的;勇敢的,英勇的;a.英勇的,豪侠的;(向女人)献殷勤的splendid a.极好的;壮丽的,豪华的,辉煌的;优秀的immerse 使沉浸于;使(自己)专心于;v.使沉浸在,使深陷于;使浸没在plunge v.(into)(使)投入,(使)插进,陷入;猛冲ostentatious a.装饰表面的,夸示;华美的;a.卖弄的,炫耀的,夸示的showy a.鲜艳的,显眼的presentiment n.预感;预觉foreboding n.不祥的预感;n.预感;警告satiate 使饱;使满足;v.使饱足,生腻surfeit v.使饮食过度n.(食物)过量,过度undulate v.波动,形成波浪;起伏;震动wave v.波动,飘动;挥手n.波浪;飘扬;挥手apparel n.衣服,服饰;n.衣服vt.给…修饰garment n.衣服,外衣,(pl.)服装cajole v.(以甜言蜜语)哄骗coax v.哄诱,劝诱;用诱哄得到,诱取discard vt.丢弃,抛弃,遗弃reject vt.摈弃;v.拒绝;扔掉;驳回,否决n.被抛弃的东西effete a.衰老的,虚弱的,精疲力尽的;a.无生产力的,虚弱的exhausted a.极其疲倦的;a.耗尽的;精疲力尽的grudge v.很勉强,吝啬,不情愿n.怨恨,积怨resentment n.不满;怨恨;忿恨kidnap n./vt.诱拐;绑架,劫持abduct v.诱拐,拐带,绑架pact n.合同,条约,公约treaty n.条约,协议,协商pry v.刺探,打听,撬开peep vi.偷看;隐现n.窥视;嘟嘟声;吱吱声;v.偷看,窥视n.一瞥,瞅一眼scour v.搜索[同]ransack;擦,洗;腹泻;冲刷swagger v.大摇大摆地走,昂首阔步地走strut n.支柱v.趾高气扬地走,高视阔步地走vagary n.变化莫测;n.妄想;不可测之事fancy a.鲜艳的;奇特的n./v.想象;爱好asset n.有价值的资源,优点,长处;财产,资产property n.财产;n.财产,资产;财产权,所有权;特性chasm n.深坑,断层,裂口;大分岐;利害冲突gap n.空缺,沟缝;n.缝隙;缺口;漏洞;(意见、个性等的)差异despoil v.掠夺;争夺;v.夺取,抢夺depredate v.掠夺,劫掠facetious 好开玩笑的;轻浮的humorous a.富于幽默感的,幽默的;滑稽的hurtle v.猛烈碰撞;急飞;猛掷dash v.猛冲,飞奔;猛掷n.猛冲,突进;破折号larceny n.盗窃(罪)robbery n.抢劫,劫掠,盗取pervade v.弥漫,遍及,充满,渗透,漫延spread v.展开,铺开;流传,蔓延n.伸展,扩展recant v.改变,放弃(以前的信仰);公开撤回retract v.缩回,收回,取消,撤消shambles n.混乱之处,凌乱的地点;n.屠宰场;紊乱的地方confusion n.混乱,慌乱;混淆;n.辨别不清;混淆,骚乱;混乱taboo n.(宗教迷信)禁忌;禁止a.禁忌的,禁止的prohibition n.不准,禁止;禁令trappings n.马的装饰物;装饰;外部标志decorations [通常用复数]装饰品relinquish v.舍弃,废除,放弃;放开accrue v.积累;v.(利息等)自然增长accumulate v.积累;积聚;累加badger vt.纠缠;烦扰;v.困扰,纠缠tease v.取笑;逗弄n.嘲弄,挑逗baffle v.使挫折,阻碍;使困惑bewilder v.迷惑,使糊涂,使慌乱,使不知所措conjecture v./n.推测,臆测;n./v.猜测(想);设想surmise n./a.推测(的);猜疑(的)derange v.使精神错乱upset v.使心烦意乱;使不适 a.心烦的,苦恼的fiend n.恶魔;n.魔鬼;迷;能手devil n.魔鬼,恶魔;n.魔鬼;人,家伙pine n.松树v.渴望;憔悴;衰退yearn v.渴望,极想;想念smother vt./vi.使窒息;抑制;闷死n.浓烟;窒息;vt.使窒息,使闷死;闷住;抑制;忍住choke v.窒息;(使)噎住;堵塞n.发动机中节气门throb v.震颤,颤动;(急速强烈地)跳动,搏动;vi./n.跳动,搏动,有节奏的震动pulse n.脉搏,节奏,脉冲v.搏动,跳动broth n.原(汁)汤(鱼汤、肉汤、菜汤等);n.肉汤,肉汁soup n.汤,羹crevice n.缺口;裂缝;n.(岩石、墙等)裂缝crack n.爆裂声,劈啪声;裂缝vt.使破裂vi.破裂;v.揭开(秘密等),解开(难题)等demean v.贬抑,降低degrade vt.降级,贬低;堕落;退化foster v.促进,助长,培养;养育(非亲生子)nurse n.保姆,护士,保育员v.护理,养育,喂奶incentive n.刺激;鼓励 a.刺激的;鼓励的stimulus n.刺激,激励(pl.stimuli)maze n.迷宫,八阵图;混乱,迷惑labyrinth n.迷宫;难解的事物;迷路pore v.深思熟虑;仔细阅读;毛孔;孔rubbish n.垃圾;废物;废话;胡说八道trash n.拙劣的材料、作品等;垃圾,废物speculate v.沉思,思索;推测;投机meditate v.认真思考,沉思;计划,考虑transfix v.刺穿;钉住;使呆住petrify v.使惊呆;vt.使发呆;使…变成化石anomaly n.异常,反常(现象);畸形物体abnormality n.反常,异常;变态;畸形converge v.(在一点上)会合;集中(于一点)focus vi.集中;v.(on)聚集,使集中n.焦点;中心,集中点duplicate n.复制品v.复写,使加倍a.复制的,二倍的double a.双的,双重的;a.两倍的;双重的ad.两倍地n.两部v.加倍epoch n.时代;新纪元age n.年龄;年纪;时代v.变老;老年;长时间v . (使)变老;封建制度gaunt a.瘦削的;贫瘠的;a.憔悴的,骨瘦如柴的;荒凉的,不毛的haggard a.憔悴的,消瘦的incessant a.不断的,不绝的,无尽的continuous a.不断延伸的,连续不断的mute a.哑的;沉默的n.哑巴;弱音器v.减弱声音silent a.沉默的,无言的;安静的,不吵闹的partisan a.党派性的;游击队的n.游击队员;党徒defender n.防守队员;n.保卫者,拥护者;辩护人scan vt.快读;扫描;v.细看;浏览;详细调查;扫描contemplate v.注视;沉思;期待overlook v.忽略;检查;眺望;宽容;宽恕stab n.刺,戳;伤口,刺痛v.捅(刀),刺pierce v.刺穿,戳入;(喻)寒冷刺骨;感动botch v.因笨拙而弄坏n.拙劣的工作;vt.拙劣地修补(某物) n.拙劣地做的工作ruin v.毁灭;(使)破产n.毁灭;(pl.)废墟chafe vi/vt.擦伤;冲洗;惹怒;擦热;烦扰abrade v.磨损;擦伤;v.磨擦dissipate v.驱散;(使云、雾、疑虑等)消散;挥霍scatter v.撒播;驱散;分散,消散waste a.荒芜的;废弃的v.浪费,挥霍n.浪费efface 涂抹;消除;v.擦掉,抹去erase v.擦掉;消除某事物的痕迹glint v./n.闪光,闪闪发亮flash n.闪光;转瞬间;浮华;一刹那;n.Macromedia公司开发的动画编辑工具onerous a.繁重的,麻烦的arduous a.艰苦的,艰难的;a.费力的,艰巨的,艰苦的,困难的iterate vt.反复申说;v.重做,反复重申repeat v.重说;重复;背诵n.重复;重播propensity n.嗜好,习性;n.倾向;习性tendency n.趋势,趋向;(性格上的)倾向unravel v.解开,拆散;阐明,澄清;解决solve vt.解决;解答(难题)bellow vi.咆哮vt.大声喝道n.喊声[-s]风箱;v.吼叫,怒吼;大声发出,大声喝道shout v.大声叫,喊,呼出n.呼喊,叫cloak n.斗篷,大氅;伪装v.罩上外衣,掩盖mantle n.斗篷,披风;覆盖物,(煤气灯)白热罩devout a.虔诚的;热心的;a.虔诚的,虔敬的,衷心的pious a.虔诚的;道貌岸然的guise n.外表;伪装的姿态appearance n.出现,露面;外表;(在会议等)作短暂露面latent a.潜在的,隐伏的,不易察觉的;a.潜伏的,潜在的concealed a.隐藏的,隐蔽的pawn n.典当,抵押;小人物,走卒v.典当,抵押gage n.抵押品;挑战v.抵押;以...为担保quake v./n.震动;颤抖;[口]地震shudder vi.打颤;v.战粟;震动,剧烈地摇晃n.战粟,抖动sequel n.结局,后果;续集,续篇;n.继续;继之而来的事;后果result n.结果,成绩,成果v.产生于,来自(from)salvage v.挽救,抢救;n.(从火灾及其他灾难中)抢救财物救助rescue v.拯救,营救,挽救virtual a.实际上的,实质上的;虚的,虚拟的actual a.实际的;现实的,真实的,目前的wizard n.男巫,术士;奇才,能手,行家;n.男巫,术士;天才,奇才magician n.魔法师;变戏法的人;n.魔术师advise vt.劝告,建议;警告,忠告;通知,告知;向……提供意见bide vt.忍耐;等候;住remain v.剩下,余留;留待,尚须;仍然是,依旧是condone v.宽恕;原谅excuse n.理由,借口v.原谅;为…辩解;使…免去designate v.指定,选定;v.指明,标明,指出;指派,指定appoint vt.任命;委任;vt.任命,委派;指定,约定(时间、地点等)fend v.挡;抵御;努力;力争;供养;照料defend v.防守,保卫;为…辩护,为…答辩hardy a.能吃苦耐劳的,坚强的;(植物等)耐寒的;a.耐寒的;强壮的;能吃苦的robust a.强键的;a.强健的,茁壮的;坚定的,紧张的limber v.(使)变得柔软灵活;a.柔软灵活的;富弹性的v.使柔软supple a.柔软的,易弯的,灵活的v.使柔软philanthropy n.善心;博爱主义;慈善事业charity n.慈善,博爱;n.仁慈,宽厚;慈善机关(团体)recollect v.回忆,追忆,想起recall v.回想起;撤销,收回n.记忆力;召回smite vt.重击;彻底击败affect v.影响;感动;(在感情方面)打动,震动;(疾病)侵袭,使染患testimony n.(尤指法庭上的)证言,口供;见证,证明proof n.证据,证明;校样a.防…的,耐…的ale n.麦酒(一种淡色啤酒)ginger n.姜;精力;姜汁(啤)酒v.鼓舞;使有生气blend v./n.混合,把...混成一体,混合物combine v.结合,联合;化合n.集团;联合收割机carnivorous a.食肉的cannibal n.吃同类动物的;n./a.食人者(的);同类相食的动物(的) denizen n.居民;入籍者;n.居民,外籍居民inhabitant n.居住者;居民;栖居的动物frenzy n.疯狂,狂热,极度的激动;n./vt.(使)狂乱ferment v.(使)激动,(使)骚动n.骚动,激动incapacitate v.使不能;使不适于disable vt.使丧失能力,使伤残;v.使残废,严重损坏(使无法使用) massacre n.大屠杀v.大规模屠杀slaughter n.屠杀,屠宰vt.屠杀,宰杀ponder v.考虑;沉思[同]meditateriddle n.谜(语),难解的问题,难理解的人(物)enigma n.谜,谜一样的人或事beat v.(接连地)打[同]spank;跳动;打败totter vi.蹒跚;踉跄;v.摇摇欲坠,步伐蹒跚stagger vi.摇晃着移动;蹒跚n.摇晃不稳的动作;蹒跚appease vt.平息;使满足;v.安抚,缓和,平息,满足placate 安抚;和解;v.抚慰,平息(愤怒)catastrophe n.大灾难;(悲剧)结局calamity n.灾难,灾害,不幸事件daunt v.恐吓;使失去勇气dismay n.灰心,沮丧;惊愕v.使沮丧;使惊愕gape v.目瞪口呆地盯着;v.打哈欠;张开,裂开;目瞪口呆stare v.盯,凝视,目不转睛地看gawk v.呆呆地看着n.呆子;腼腆的人duration n.持续时间;n.持续,持久;期间period n.一段时间,时期;学时,课时;周期,句点implore vt.乞求,恳求,哀求entreat v.恳求,恳请muffle v.围裹;抑制;发低沉的声音wrap vt.包,捆;v.裹,包;覆盖,包围n.包裹物,包装材料prank n.开玩笑v.装饰;n.恶作剧,玩笑trick n.花招,诡计;恶作剧;窍门v.欺诈,哄骗saunter n./vi.闲逛;漫步stroll vi.散步,闲逛;n./v.漫步;散步;游荡trickle vi.淌,滴,流出;慢慢移动,逐渐消散;v.滴,淌,细流n.细流,涓滴drip n.滴,点滴;水滴;乏味的人v.滴下,漏水astound v.使大吃一惊,使惊骇amaze v.使...大为惊讶;使惊愕;vt.使惊奇,使惊愕;使困惑vi.表现出惊奇clan n.氏族,部落;宗族,家族;宗派tribe n.种族,部落;(植物,动物)族,类distort v.歪曲(事实等),曲解;弄歪;使…失真falsify v.窜改,伪造entrust vt.交托;vt.委托;信托commit v.犯(罪),干(坏事);委托;使承担…glutton n.贪食者,好食者;n.贪吃者gormandizer n.讲究饮食的人;狼吞虎咽的人invalid a.无效的,作废的;有病的n.病人,病弱者worthless a.无价值的;没用处的;a.无价值的,无用的;不足道的,不可取的patient a.有耐心的,能忍耐的n.病人,患者overtone n.寓意;眩外音;暗示;n.[音]泛音;弦外之音,暗示implication n.含意,暗示;牵连,涉及,卷入probe n.探针;探测器,彻底调查v.探查,查究investigate v.调查,审查;v.调查,调查研究statute n.成文法,法令,法规;章程,规则,条例Bill n.帐单,招贴;议案;钞票v.宣布...的扮演writhe v.(因剧痛而)扭动或翻滚,翻腾wriggle v./n.蠕动,扭动;蜿蜒behold vt.have in sight; see 看; 注视observe v.注意到,察觉到;观察;说,评论,遵守condescend v.俯就,屈尊;堕落,丢丑deign vi.屈尊vt.赐于;v.屈尊,惠允(做某事)dike n.堤,坝;n.堤vt.开沟排水bank n.堤;银行;田埂;一团vi.把钱存入银行ditch n.沟,沟渠vt./vi.开渠;筑渠;n.沟,渠道v.在…上开沟;摆脱,抛弃flip vi.用指轻弹, 抽打, 翻动书页(或纸张), 蹦跳;vt.把…往上抛,掷toss v.扔;摇摆;翻来覆去n.投,抛;猛举grisly a.骇人听闻的,可怕的,令人厌恶的horrible a.可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的;令人讨厌的knave n.流氓,无赖;n.不诚实的人,无赖rogue n.流氓v.游手好闲parley n./v.和谈,会谈;n.谈判negotiation n.谈判,协商,交涉fragment n.碎片,断片[同]shred v.打碎,碎裂guess v./n.猜测,推测;以为;猜想[同]surmisevicissitude n.变化,变迁,荣枯,盛衰variety n.多样性,变化;种类,种种;变种,品种warden n.看守人;监护人;监察人员,管理员watchman n.(夜间)看守人adore vt.崇拜,敬慕,爱慕;非常喜欢;vt.崇拜;非常喜爱boost n.促进;一抬;一推;吹捧v.推动lower a.较低的,下级的,下游的v.放低,降低detention n.滞留,拘留,(尤指)监禁;n.滞留,停留;拘留,扣留;(教育)留下release n./v.释放;发布,发行;放开,松开explicit a.清楚的;直言的;坦率的implicit a.含蓄的;固有的;无疑问的;无保留的invidious a.惹人反感的;招人嫉妒的;a.引起反感的;有害的just ad.正好,刚好;a.公平的;应得的;方才,刚刚;仅仅,只是;勉强地malign a.有害的;恶性的;恶意的v.诽谤,诬蔑praise v.赞扬,歌颂;n.称赞,赞美;赞美的话potable a.适于饮用的undrinkable a.不能喝的rue n./v.[古]后悔n.芸香rejoice v.高兴n.(公众的)狂喜,欢悦subsist v.维持生活;vi.生存;维持生命decease n./vi.死,死亡unruly a.不守规矩的,不受约束的;a.难控制的;无法无天的;任性的manageable a.可管理的;可处理的;易控制的agile a.敏捷的;活泼的;a.灵活的,(才思)敏捷的clumsy a.笨手笨脚;不圆滑的,缺乏技巧的caprice n.反复无常;任性steadfastness n.固定不变;坚定disconsolate a.忧郁的,不快的;a.忧郁的;凄凉的jubilant a.喜悦的,欢呼的;a.欢欣的,欢腾的,喜气洋洋的fallacy n.谬见,错误的信念;谬误的推理,谬论truth n.真理;真相;事实;n.真相;实际情况ingenuous a.纯朴的,单纯的;天真的;坦率的dissemlbling a.掩饰的;装假的;伪装的mirage n. 幻影,海市蜃楼;空想reality n.现实;真实;实际存在的事物preclude v.预先排除,预防;阻止,妨碍permit v.允许,许可,准许n.执照;许可证sheer a.纯粹的,十足的;极博的;垂直的,陡峭的opaque a.不透明的,不透光的;难理解的,晦涩的;a.不透明的,难懂的succinct a.简明的,简洁的;a.简明的,扼要的verbose a.用字多的;冗长的;累赘的arable a.可耕的,适合种植的;adj. 适于耕种的sterile a.不孕的;无菌的;缺乏独创性的;贫瘠的complacent a.自满的;自鸣得意的self-condemned a.自责的;自我谴责的dismember v.分裂;瓜分;肢解;vt.割下(动物)的肢体;肢解;割裂;瓜分consolidate v.(使)坚固,(使)巩固;合并,联合glee n.高兴,欢乐;n.欢喜,高兴agony n.苦恼, 极大痛苦;n.(精神或肉体的)极大痛苦,创伤mischievous a.调皮的,恶作剧的;a.淘气的,有害处的beneficial a.有益的,有用的,有好处的redundant a.被解雇的;多余的,过剩的;a.多余的,累赘的,冗长的necessary a.必须的,必要的;必然的n.[pl.]必需品solicitude n.焦虑;关怀indifference n.不关心,冷漠;n.冷漠;不感兴趣(to)surplus n.过剩;剩余(额);n.过剩,剩余物;盈余a.多余的,过剩的deficit n.不足额;n.赤字,逆差;亏损,亏空;不足,缺乏abate v.(风势,疼痛等)减弱,减轻,减退enhance v.提高(强度、力量、数量等),增加(进)consummate a.完美的v.成婚;使完美[反]baffledwindle v.逐渐变小(或减少);vi.缩小, 减小increase v.增加,提高n.增加,增强,提高haphazard adj.偶然的;a.无计划的,随意的,杂乱无章的deliberate a.深思熟虑的;审慎的;a.故意的;深思熟虑的v.仔细考虑obvious a.明显的,清楚的;明白的equivocal a.意义含糊的,模棱两可的;可疑的;a.意义含糊的,不直率的overt a.公开的,不隐蔽的;a.公开的,明显的,公然的stealthy a.隐密的rebuff n.断然拒绝,严厉拒绝;漠不关心admission n.准入;接纳;n.允许进入;承认;入场费,入会费,入场券somber a.昏暗的;阴天的;阴森的;忧郁的cheerful a.令人高兴的;快乐的,愉快的;a.高兴的,快乐的,使人高兴的thwart v.阻挠,妨碍,反对a.横(断的)encourage v.鼓励,激励,支持vehement a.猛烈的;激烈的;a.感情强烈的;热烈的;(人)有强烈感情的impassive a.无感情的;冷淡的;不动的,平静的benign a.良性的;良好的;和蔼的[反]malignpromote v.促进;发起;提升,升级[反]degradeephemeral a.短命的,朝生暮死的;a.朝生暮死的,生命短暂的perpetual a.永久的,永恒的;(职位)终生的illiterate a.未受教育的;目不识丁的n.文盲intelligent a.聪颖的;有才智的;a.聪明的,明智的;智能的lavish a.慷慨的,大方的;过多的,过度的stingy a.小气的;吝啬的peddle v.沿街叫卖;兜售wholesale n.批发ad.以批发方式vt.批发;成批出售;n.批发a.批发的;大规模的;大批的reprove vt.责骂,谴责;非难;v.责骂,申斥compliment n.(pl.)问候;赞美之词v.赞美;向…致意synthetic a.合成的,人工的;综合的n.人工制品natural adj.自然界的,天然的;a.自然的,天然的;出于本性的;自然如此的unbounded a.无限的limited a.有限的;被限制的wretched a.郁郁不乐的;倒霉的,晦气的;讨厌的fortunate a.幸运的,吉利的,侥幸的miserable a.悲惨的,痛苦的;可怜的,糟糕的dejected a.垂头丧气的;a.沮丧的,失望的exuberant a.(植物)茂盛的,(人)充满活力的erratic a.古怪的,反复无常的,不稳定的regular adj.正常的;a.有规律的,有规则的;整齐的;正规的immaculate a.无污点的;清静的filthy a.卑劣的;恶劣的, 肮脏的loathe vt.厌恶;赠恨;vt.厌恶,嫌恶admire vt.钦佩;羡慕;赞美pensive a.沉思的;哀思的;忧愁的airy a.轻盈的;做作的;a.通风的;不切实际的,空洞的;快活的accelerate vt.加速;促进vi.增加速度stalwart a./n.健壮的(人),坚定的(支持者)feeble a.虚弱的,衰弱的,微弱的,薄弱的shun vt.避开,回避,避免encounter v.遇到,碰到;遭遇n.遭遇;意外的相见audible a.可听见的;音响的;a.听得见的,可听到的。

英语常用8000词汇表(带音标)CONTENTSPART 1 PREFIX 前缀PART 2 ROOTS IN SCENARIO 分场景词根Chapter 1. A和B的起源Chapter 2。
人体系列Chapter 3。
人体动作集锦Chapter 4.数学的奥秘Chapter 5.天文和地理Chapter 6.音乐的故事Chapter 7.法律PART 3 俞敏洪《词根词缀记忆法》剩余部分PART 4 重点辅音字母研究PART 5 APPENDIX 附录1.Months of the year2.Astrology3. Greek Mythology4。
Complementary Reading PassageWARMING-UPdebutinauguratecommenceembarkinitiatefact facile facility facilitatefac: benefactor〈>malefactor manufacturefec: defect/effect/perfect/infect〈〉immunizefic: efficient/proficient/sufficient/deficient/deficitNo words will suffice to convey my eagerness to V8000 inauguration。
PART 1 PREFIX 前缀1、a-加在单词或词根前面,表示"不,无,非"acentric/ ə’sentrik / a.无中心的(a+centric中心的)asocial/ ei’səuʃəl a好社交的(a+social好社交的)amoral / ə'mɔrəl / a非道德性的(a+moral道德的;注意:immoral不道德的) apolitical. 不关政治的(a+political政治的)2、ab-,abs-加在词根前,表示”相反,变坏,离去"等abnormal / æb'nɔ:məl / a反常的(ab+normal正常的)abuse / ə'bju:z / n.滥用(ab+use用→用坏→滥用)absorb / əb’sɔ:b / v。

名次单词词频1 the 617872 be 439523 to 322604 and 272645 a 236486 of 235967 in 231298 i 162509 it 1514710 we 1357811 have 1225412 that 1068713 can 968514 for 921915 you 897016 they 856517 people 788018 do 762019 on 705620 my 686721 so 643722 but 623123 will 599924 he 594225 make 555726 as 547427 more 545228 not 531029 this 518730 way 505231 job 495232 some 490633 our 480434 with 459835 all 450436 their 447537 water 440238 at 435539 time 435240 there 415141 from 407042 one 396143 very 395644 life 392145 get 387646 many 376947 when 376748 his 357049 know 354550 good 348651 think 346952 go 345953 by 344554 if 334355 or 328756 work 310857 country 307958 like 305359 because 303960 them 301961 other 297762 should 280463 student 280364 year 277265 me 271566 world 270967 say 264168 fresh 263669 must 260870 thing 259771 conjurer 258572 day 258473 us 254674 study 248575 which 243176 society 237977 take 236178 about 234080 what 227981 only 224282 find 222383 age 221684 your 212085 want 210386 much 204787 change 201588 up 200189 learn 196590 school 196491 she 196492 china 196393 develop 195794 man 194495 after 193996 no 191697 first 189098 out 187499 then 1840100 most 1832101 english 1791 102 who 1779103 new 1748104 come 1704105 than 1684106 her 1677107 how 1655108 fake 1654109 would 1641 110 well 1637111 two 1631112 waste 1627113 id 1604114 commodity 1598 115 live 1571116 teacher 1571 117 money 1564 118 lot 1523119 into 1508120 old 1492121 kind 1470122 see 1468124 now 1462125 long 1432126 important 1414 127 festival 1404 128 don 1397129 give 1379130 even 1356131 become 1323 132 friend 1311 133 help 1303134 example 1294 135 read 1291136 may 1289137 haste 1284138 every 1280 139 him 1277140 euthanasia 1273 141 such 1267142 health 1241 143 family 1233 144 title 1218145 hard 1209146 always 1196 147 score 1191148 best 1169149 problem 1157 150 better 1154 151 feel 1153152 need 1141153 too 1137154 chinese 1134 155 look 1134156 death 1131 157 word 1123158 woman 1122 159 could 1113 160 before 1107 161 just 1088162 outside 1087 163 practice 1064 164 view 1063165 patient 1060 166 often 1058168 campus 1042 169 play 1041170 knowledge 1039 171 mean 1029172 still 1017173 last 983174 home 974175 something 946 176 tell 931177 try 927178 second 924179 hand 922180 college 910181 book 902182 university 901 183 child 900184 little 900185 right 900186 class 882187 different 881 188 happy 870189 place 842190 development 834 191 without 833 192 reason 829193 increase 819 194 person 787195 infant 780196 why 776197 any 774198 begin 769199 interest 768200 order 767201 write 767202 keep 765203 part 763204 while 758205 fact 757206 over 755207 shortage 751 208 another 750209 bad 744210 high 744212 eat 738213 river 737214 put 731215 back 714216 today 714217 mortality 712 218 expectancy 709 219 its 708220 buy 705221 food 698222 however 695 223 night 693224 improve 692 225 tv 690226 bring 689227 pay 679228 ask 675229 gain 673230 mother 672 231 let 665232 face 655233 government 655 234 again 652235 through 651 236 enough 649 237 each 643238 law 643239 kill 642240 computer 635 241 beautiful 628 242 crime 628243 since 627244 die 626245 perfect 620 246 hop 617247 down 614248 i'm 610249 hear 609250 though 609 251 human 602 252 big 598253 call 596254 moon 596256 leave 592 257 eye 587258 course 578 259 end 575260 love 575 261 late 572262 finish 571 263 result 559 264 build 555 265 run 555266 cause 554 267 condition 543 268 quickly 542 269 everyone 541 270 future 541 271 father 540 272 own 538 273 house 536 274 morning 534 275 lose 533276 spend 533 277 sport 533 278 boy 531279 never 525 280 turn 524281 situation 522 282 step 519283 short 517 284 birth 516 285 saw 513286 soon 511 287 listen 509 288 teach 509 289 girl 508290 rain 507291 autumn 505 292 talk 503293 show 502 294 three 501 295 watch 500 296 speak 497 297 once 496 298 factory 494300 themselves 494 301 usually 494 302 population 492 303 remember 492 304 walk 488305 believe 487 306 sometimes 487 307 both 486308 mind 480309 holiday 479 310 suffer 479311 newspaper 476 312 full 471313 experience 469 314 dear 468315 nowadays 466 316 chance 465 317 large 463318 enjoy 460319 equal 460320 band 459321 everything 458 322 global 458 323 city 457324 criminal 456 325 during 450 326 really 447327 several 443 328 whole 442 329 few 441330 language 439 331 legalize 438 332 week 436333 graduate 432 334 shop 432335 save 429336 around 428 337 necessary 428 338 opinion 427 339 open 426340 harm 422341 medical 422 342 here 421344 fast 420345 happen 420 346 system 419 347 smoke 418 348 ability 415 349 difficult 412 350 industry 411 351 street 411352 science 409 353 dream 407 354 lead 404355 understand 404 356 nature 403 357 easy 402358 pain 400359 question 400 360 nothing 396 361 per 394362 win 393363 body 392364 ever 392365 parent 392 366 spring 391 367 away 389368 between 388 369 mid 388370 case 386371 story 386372 choose 384 373 middle 384 374 seem 383375 someone 383 376 pass 381377 hold 380378 together 380 379 less 379380 pollution 378 381 poor 377382 answer 375 383 heart 375384 mercy 375 385 serious 372 386 swim 372388 lesson 368 389 stand 368390 realize 362 391 sunny 361 392 exercise 359 393 education 358 394 strong 358 395 technology 358 396 doctor 356 397 room 356398 paper 354399 sunday 354 400 true 354401 maybe 353 402 meet 351403 black 349404 please 348 405 respect 348 406 war 348407 activity 346 408 care 346409 set 346410 etc 345411 idea 345412 small 345413 brother 344 414 field 344415 skill 344416 economy 341 417 modern 341 418 sit 338419 progress 337 420 although 336 421 wish 336422 train 335423 tree 335424 prison 334 425 ago 331426 attention 331 427 especially 331 428 traditional 331 429 yours 329430 stay 328432 peter 327 433 company 326 434 send 326 435 point 325 436 above 324 437 consider 323 438 past 323 439 protect 322 440 therefore 322 441 ill 321442 secondly 321 443 thank 321 444 follow 320 445 quite 320 446 abroad 316 447 boat 316 448 decide 316 449 rich 316 450 where 316 451 next 314 452 finally 313 453 fire 313454 matter 313 455 accord 312 456 earth 312 457 name 311 458 almost 310 459 grow 310 460 practise 310 461 stop 309 462 fit 305463 pollute 304 464 month 303 465 under 303 466 benefit 302 467 game 302 468 present 302 469 didn 301 470 forget 297 471 wait 297 472 flower 296 473 couldn 294 474 healthy 294476 classmate 292 477 fall 291478 match 291479 deal 290480 term 290481 foreign 289482 four 289483 afternoon 288 484 clean 288485 control 288486 real 288487 limit 287488 receive 287489 useful 287490 worry 287491 evil 286492 fight 286493 myself 285494 side 285495 letter 284496 medicine 283 497 prepare 283 498 cry 282499 himself 282 500 market 282501 catch 280502 policy 280503 prevent 280 504 thus 280505 soldier 279506 test 279507 saturday 277 508 third 277509 d 276510 accept 275511 football 275 512 number 275 513 army 272514 plant 272515 visit 269516 economic 268 517 environment 267 518 low 265519 whether 264 520 instead 263 521 solve 263522 ten 263523 history 261 524 half 260525 famous 259 526 anything 258 527 provide 258 528 bed 257529 produce 257 530 against 255 531 lantern 255 532 i'll 254533 punish 254 534 reform 253 535 plan 252536 door 251537 master 251 538 move 251539 hospital 250 540 period 250541 radio 250542 reach 249543 service 249 544 wrong 249545 table 248546 break 247547 serve 247548 bus 246549 carefully 246 550 level 246551 off 245552 possible 245 553 decrease 242 554 yuan 240555 early 239556 firstly 239557 information 239 558 suddenly 239 559 professor 238 560 son 238561 fruit 236562 afraid 235563 air 235564 emperor 235 565 sing 235566 television 235 567 ourselves 233 568 member 232 569 sure 232570 daily 231571 grind 231572 relative 230 573 base 228574 song 228575 trouble 228 576 relationship 226 577 state 226578 wonderful 226 579 drink 225580 hour 225581 common 224 582 degree 224 583 free 224584 rise 224585 succeed 224 586 tom 224587 disease 222 588 light 221589 worker 221 590 join 220591 road 220592 rather 219593 tire 219594 sleep 217595 enter 216596 head 216597 homework 216 598 offer 216599 energy 215 600 guangzhou 215 601 until 215602 dragon 214 603 greatly 214 604 importance 214 605 power 213606 quality 213608 celebrate 212 609 exam 212610 perhaps 212 611 speed 212612 wear 212613 news 211614 advance 210 615 car 210616 lunar 210617 punishment 210 618 smile 210619 department 209 620 busy 208621 summer 208 622 various 208 623 besides 206 624 commit 206 625 effort 206626 special 206 627 clear 205628 effect 205629 position 205 630 dec 204631 minute 204 632 fail 203633 hurry 203634 regard 203 635 burden 202 636 certain 202 637 form 202638 include 202 639 lie 202640 near 202641 winter 202 642 excite 200643 hundred 200 644 six 200645 choice 198 646 wall 198647 public 197648 reduce 197 649 basketball 196 650 challenge 196652 round 196653 area 195654 carry 194655 close 194656 cost 194657 fish 194658 june 194659 prove 194660 invention 193 661 five 191662 laugh 191663 london 191664 subject 191 665 text 191666 party 190667 white 190668 act 189669 continue 189 670 sea 189671 surprise 189 672 everyday 188 673 rest 188674 advantage 187 675 along 187676 difficulty 187 677 jack 187678 heavy 186679 value 186680 opportunity 185 681 require 185 682 able 183683 cake 183684 examination 183 685 rule 183686 already 182 687 happiness 182 688 resource 182 689 window 182 690 cold 181691 main 181692 mark 181693 music 181694 addition 180696 concern 180 697 group 180698 card 179699 front 179700 sell 179701 appear 178 702 dance 178703 major 178704 race 177705 leavers 176 706 popular 176 707 red 176708 doesn 175709 easily 174710 haven 174711 shall 174712 bright 173713 foot 173714 everybody 172 715 reward 171 716 aspect 170717 everywhere 170 718 glad 170719 jump 170720 oh 170721 park 170722 born 169723 isn 169724 role 169725 actually 168 726 draw 168727 start 168728 team 168729 weather 168 730 bicycle 167 731 sky 167732 thousand 167 733 business 165 734 force 165735 hit 165736 legal 165737 murder 165 738 support 165740 rid 164741 contrary 163 742 notice 163743 sorry 163744 sound 163745 spare 163746 aim 162747 cheat 162748 green 162749 hometown 162 750 classroom 161 751 exist 161752 method 161 753 might 161754 n 161755 achievement 160 756 lake 160757 measure 159 758 product 159 759 sense 159760 tall 159761 action 158762 depend 158763 cannot 157764 normal 157765 imagination 156 766 satisfy 156767 consumer 155 768 mistake 155 769 office 155770 character 154 771 raise 154772 floor 153773 institute 153 774 picture 153775 american 152 776 harmful 152 777 treatment 152 778 warm 152779 cover 151780 dinner 151781 hill 151782 o'clock 151784 active 150785 professional 150 786 animal 149787 cigarette 148 788 peace 148789 either 147790 return 147791 article 146792 spirit 146793 achieve 145 794 deep 145795 factor 145796 nation 145797 sun 145798 agree 144799 century 144 800 drop 144801 further 144802 material 144 803 meeting 144 804 moment 143 805 otherwise 143 806 practical 143 807 yourself 143 808 avoid 142809 friendship 142 810 moreover 142 811 feminist 141 812 baby 140813 lack 140814 truth 140815 wash 140816 competition 139 817 fly 139818 grade 139819 imagine 139 820 land 139821 standard 139 822 apply 138823 contribution 138 824 devote 138825 expect 138826 struggle 138828 travel 138829 hot 136830 impossible 136 831 machine 136 832 yet 136833 compare 135 834 cook 135835 drive 135836 encourage 135 837 equality 135 838 rush 135839 recent 134840 weekend 134 841 forward 133 842 furthermore 133 843 treat 133844 allocate 132 845 e 132846 fear 132847 piece 132848 report 132849 instance 131 850 national 131 851 percent 131 852 plenty 130853 prefer 130854 sight 130855 thirty 130856 attend 129857 being 129858 fat 128859 nearly 128860 physical 128 861 rapidly 128 862 scientist 128 863 sister 128864 theory 128865 throw 128866 earn 127867 playground 127 868 reunion 127 869 root 127870 habit 126872 telephone 126 873 voice 126874 wife 126875 amount 125876 conclusion 125 877 husband 125878 july 125879 successful 125 880 understanding 125 881 appointment 124 882 yes 124883 bike 123884 certainly 123885 difference 123 886 fill 122887 purpose 122888 touch 122889 ball 121890 cure 121891 dumpling 121 892 eight 121893 individual 121 894 key 121895 program 121896 upon 121897 yesterday 121 898 restaurant 120 899 birthday 119900 cut 119901 else 119902 god 119903 least 118904 simple 118905 thirdly 118906 add 117907 correct 117908 establish 117909 request 117910 source 117911 box 116912 illness 116913 britain 115914 contribute 115916 noise 115917 o 115918 angry 114919 financial 114 920 comfortable 113 921 complete 113 922 create 113923 defeat 113924 destroy 113 925 experiment 113 926 magazine 113 927 novel 113928 tennis 113929 diet 112930 hurt 112931 influence 112 932 leaf 112933 programme 112 934 rice 112935 sir 112936 western 112 937 dark 111938 i've 111939 ancient 110 940 constantly 110 941 slowly 110942 arrive 109943 mention 109 944 stable 109945 steal 109946 america 108 947 culture 108 948 except 108949 fifth 108950 friday 108951 general 108 952 generally 108 953 release 108 954 sincerely 107 955 task 107956 wind 107957 blue 106958 dangerous 106960 relax 106961 whatever 106 962 admire 105 963 delicious 105 964 nice 105965 refuse 105 966 freely 104967 garden 104 968 obtain 104 969 basic 103970 christmas 103 971 incurable 103 972 library 103 973 observe 103 974 stick 103975 type 103976 wide 103977 behind 102 978 fine 102979 neighbour 102 980 strange 102 981 surely 102 982 tomorrow 102 983 address 101 984 police 101 985 august 100 986 dirty 100987 dress 100988 exchange 100 989 hate 100990 medium 100 991 self 100992 vegetable 100 993 careful 99994 familiar 99 995 immediately 99 996 lovely 99997 mr. 99998 probably 99 999 ready 99 1000 soil 99。

691 wound(bruise,grieve,hurt,injure,provoke) wrap(encompass,envelop,surround)unwrap wrath(anger,ire,rage) wreath wreathe wreck(demolish,destory,devastate,ravage wreckage wrench wrest wrestle wrestling wretched wriggle wrinkle wrist 690 worth worthless worthwhile worthy would 689 workbook worker workload workman works workshop works workshop world worm worried worry worse worship 688 wolf wonder wonderful woo wood wooden wool woollen woolen word have words with in other words word for word work
677 weave v. wed v. wedding wedge n. v. weed weekday weekend weekly weep weigh v. weight n. weighty a. weird a. weld v. welfare n. wayward a. we weak a. wealth wealthy wean v. wean from weapon wear v n. wear off wear out weary weather 673 water n. v. watercolor waterfall waterfront watermark watermelon waterproof watershed n. watertight a. waterway n. watery a. watt n. wave v. n. waver v. wax n. v. warmth n. warn v. warning n. warp warrant n, v. warranty n.

(完整word版)英语10000词汇(附音标) 词汇总表(10000词汇完整版)abate [ə'beit] v.减轻,减退;废除aberrant[æ'berənt] a.畸变的;异常的;脱离常轨的ablate [æb’leit] v。
切除,摘除abortion[ə’bɔ:ʃən] n.流产,早产;(计划等的)失败,夭折abrade [ə’breid]v.擦伤;磨损abscess ['æbsis] n.脓肿abstain [əb’stein] v.戒、避免;弃权abstinence ['æbstinəns]n.节制;禁欲absurd [əb’sə:d]a.荒唐的accent [’æksənt,æk’sent] n.腔调,口音;重音,重音符号v.加重读accessory[ək'sesəri] n.附件,附属品;同谋,帮凶 a.附属的,附加的accordance [ə'kɔ:dəns] n.一致,给予accountant [ə’kauntənt] n.会计accuse [ə'kju:z]v.谴责,指控,告发achromatopsia[ə,krəumə'tɔpsiə] n.色盲acidosis[,æsi’dəusis] n.酸中毒acknowledge[ək'nɔlidʒ] v.承认;致谢acknowledgement [ək’nɔlidʒmənt] n.承认,感谢;收到的通知acne ['ækni] n.痤疮,粉刺acoustic [ə'ku:stik]a.声学的;听觉的acquaint[ə'kweint] v.使认识,使了解,通知acupuncture[’ækju,pʌŋktʃə, ,ækju'pʌŋktʃə] n.针刺,针刺疗法addict [ə’dikt,'ædikt] v.使沉溺,使醉心;使成瘾 n.有瘾的人,吸毒成瘾adduce [ə’dju:s]v.引证;提出adequate['ædikwit] a.足够的;恰当的admonish[əd’mɔniʃ] v.告诫advisory [əd’vaizəri] a.咨询的,劝告的advocate[’ædvəkeit, 'ædvəkət] n。

2001 unknown 312002 widen 312003 adventure 302004 application 302005 biology 302006 ceremony 302007 chess 302008 define 302009 discrimination 302010 economics 302011 educational 302012 eliminate 302013 empty 302014 enhance 302015 ethic 302016 evidence 302017 excuse 302018 fibre 302019 fifteenth 302020 firmly 302021 hugo 302022 impostor 302023 independence 302024 majority 302025 nearby 302026 permit 302027 picnic 302028 russian 302029 significant 302030 vain 302031 advocate 292032 angle 292033 arrow 292034 assistant 292035 below 292036 capability 29 2037 cherish 292038 comprehensive 29 2039 controversial 29 2040 declare 292041 disturb 292042 economical 29 2043 guarantee 29 2044 hongkong 29 2045 inch 292046 initiative 29 2047 intend 292048 intensive 29 2049 ivory 292050 maker 292051 noon 292052 occasion 29 2053 organize 29 2054 peanut 292055 planet 292056 print 292057 progressive 29 2058 series 292059 shy 292060 silly 292061 soup 292062 testimony 29 2063 total 292064 underground 29 2065 variety 292066 victory 292067 acceptable 28 2068 accompany 28 2069 accumulate 28 2070 advise 282071 aid 282072 argument 28 2073 arrest 282074 asleep 282075 banana 282076 beloved 282077 branch 282078 breathe 282079 british 282080 bush 282081 bye 282082 caac 282083 cent 282084 chairman 28 2085 coffee 282086 colors 282087 consequently 28 2088 cultural 28 2089 december 28 2090 definition 28 2091 downstairs 28 2092 enormous 28 2093 false 282094 fee 282095 gang 282096 golden 28 2097 honour 28 2098 horse 282099 industrialist 28 2100 lastly 282101 male 282102 mood 282103 mustn 282104 nevertheless 28 2105 noisy 282106 norway 28 2107 officer 28 2108 path 282109 peacefully 28 2110 potential 28 2111 regular 28 2112 reject 282113 relaxation 28 2114 revolutionary 28 2115 romantic 28 2116 ross 282117 slave 282118 socialist 28 2119 splendid 28 2120 typical 28 2121 wave 282122 alcohol 27 2123 apartment 272125 behaviour 27 2126 bob 272127 brief 272128 businessman 27 2129 chang 272130 closely 272131 complex 27 2132 comprehension 27 2133 cream 272134 darkness 27 2135 destination 27 2136 dislike 272137 effectively 27 2138 equipments 27 2139 fairly 272140 grandmother 27 2141 hasn 272142 minister 272143 nose 272144 nurse 272145 option 272146 patriotic 27 2147 pour 272148 privilege 27 2149 prohibit 272150 psychological 27 2151 remove 272152 roll 272153 roommate 27 2154 sadness 272155 safety 272156 severely 27 2157 shortcoming 27 2158 smooth 272159 surrounding 27 2160 temple 272161 upstairs 272162 absorb 262163 academic 26 2164 assistance 26 2165 attain 262166 billion 262167 boil 262169 dam 262170 dynasty 26 2171 equip 262172 finger 26 2173 flat 262174 fund 262175 hastily 26 2176 hatred 26 2177 height 26 2178 hence 26 2179 induce 26 2180 kitchen 26 2181 marriage 26 2182 meaning 26 2183 opponent 26 2184 particularly 26 2185 payment 26 2186 regardless 26 2187 rely 262188 resolve 26 2189 shadow 26 2190 somewhere 26 2191 steel 262192 twice 262193 urgent 26 2194 wrap 262195 abandon 25 2196 actively 25 2197 aloud 252198 assignment 25 2199 backward 25 2200 battle 252201 center 25 2202 cheer 252203 conflict 25 2204 conquer 25 2205 conversation 25 2206 couple 25 2207 diligence 25 2208 emotion 25 2209 ensure 25 2210 entrance 25 2211 expose 252213 grand 25 2214 grandfather 25 2215 hesitate 25 2216 horrible 25 2217 ii 252218 impatient 25 2219 liberate 25 2220 mend 25 2221 morality 25 2222 necklace 25 2223 ocean 25 2224 organization 25 2225 ruin 252226 ship 252227 shock 25 2228 shut 252229 stability 25 2230 strive 25 2231 sunlight 25 2232 thick 252233 traveling 25 2234 troop 252235 undoubtedly 25 2236 victor 25 2237 violent 25 2238 virtue 25 2239 volleyball 25 2240 vote 252241 annoy 24 2242 bind 242243 candle 24 2244 capitalist 24 2245 combine 24 2246 commercial 24 2247 constitution 24 2248 creature 24 2249 deer 242250 democracy 24 2251 distinguish 24 2252 engineer 24 2253 exact 242254 firefighters 24 2255 float 242256 fulfill 242257 hey 242258 image 242259 inferior 24 2260 injection 24 2261 kindness 24 2262 laboratory 24 2263 management 24 2264 mess 242265 neighbor 24 2266 penalty 24 2267 previous 24 2268 promotion 24 2269 pursuit 24 2270 re 242271 retire 242272 ridiculous 24 2273 rubbish 24 2274 sander 24 2275 scenery 24 2276 slightly 24 2277 specialize 24 2278 technical 24 2279 thorough 24 2280 tough 242281 unequal 24 2282 unscrupulous 24 2283 wealthy 24 2284 weave 242285 worthy 24 2286 ah 232287 analyze 23 2288 assume 23 2289 bamboo 23 2290 bee 232291 bench 232292 bone 232293 cane 232294 code 232295 commonly 23 2296 cope 232297 cultivate 23 2298 definitely 23 2299 endure 232301 faithfully 23 2302 favour 232303 folk 232304 fundamental 23 2305 ghost 232306 globe 232307 guest 232308 hen 232309 indispensable 23 2310 inevitable 23 2311 keen 232312 kindly 232313 prejudice 23 2314 puzzle 232315 queen 232316 regularly 23 2317 relatively 23 2318 riddle 232319 roof 232320 seize 232321 statement 23 2322 suffering 23 2323 suggestion 23 2324 threat 232325 tonight 232326 tragedy 232327 uncomfortable 23 2328 vicious 232329 winner 232330 anger 222331 beg 222332 bravely 222333 bread 222334 breath 222335 cheerful 22 2336 client 222337 desert 222338 enjoyment 22 2339 exception 22 2340 excitement 22 2341 fan 222342 gamble 222343 gentleman 222345 killer 222346 mix 222347 net 222348 newly 222349 occupation 22 2350 operation 22 2351 ours 222352 personality 22 2353 possibly 22 2354 prime 222355 prosperity 22 2356 reference 22 2357 robbery 22 2358 row 222359 rural 222360 silent 222361 stream 22 2362 string 222363 terminal 22 2364 tiger 222365 upper 222366 uruguay 22 2367 alarm 212368 approve 21 2369 astonish 21 2370 award 212371 bother 21 2372 burst 212373 characteristic 21 2374 communism 21 2375 considerable 21 2376 contract 21 2377 cooperation 21 2378 counter 21 2379 cycle 212380 defense 21 2381 diamond 21 2382 diary 212383 donkey 21 2384 el 212385 election 21 2386 emphasize 21 2387 employer 212389 fen 212390 fighter 21 2391 fool 212392 german 21 2393 grave 212394 handsome 21 2395 handwriting 21 2396 hasty 212397 helpless 21 2398 illustrate 21 2399 injure 212400 investigation 21 2401 jam 212402 jill 212403 joint 212404 kick 212405 labor 212406 maxim 21 2407 merely 21 2408 message 21 2409 murderer 21 2410 noble 212411 oneself 21 2412 pack 212413 page 212414 particular 21 2415 pattern 21 2416 preserve 21 2417 profound 21 2418 quit 212419 railway 21 2420 recommend 21 2421 regain 21 2422 region 21 2423 shorten 21 2424 size 212425 smart 212426 specific 21 2427 spoil 212428 stock 212429 taxi 212430 tendency 21 2431 trick 212433 york 212434 abundant 20 2435 accomplish 20 2436 alter 202437 alternative 20 2438 altogether 20 2439 ancestor 202440 applicant 20 2441 arise 202442 artificial 20 2443 austria 202444 author 202445 balcony 202446 bless 202447 breeze 202448 campaign 20 2449 centigrade 20 2450 chain 202451 cola 202452 communicative 20 2453 comparison 20 2454 compose 20 2455 confine 202456 conscious 20 2457 consume 20 2458 consumption 20 2459 delay 202460 diligent 202461 dough 202462 duck 202463 dust 202464 ecological 20 2465 edge 202466 enthusiasm 20 2467 eventually 20 2468 eyre 202469 fatal 202470 fault 202471 firework 20 2472 fortune 202473 goodness 20 2474 grateful 202475 harmony 202477 internet 20 2478 link 202479 loneliness 20 2480 non 202481 objective 20 2482 patiently 20 2483 poster 20 2484 pot 202485 rabbit 202486 recall 202487 recorder 20 2488 response 20 2489 satellite 20 2490 shanghai 20 2491 skirt 202492 smith 202493 spiritual 20 2494 straight 20 2495 super 202496 tap 202497 terribly 20 2498 tomb 202499 unexpected 20 2500 unusual 20 2501 wander 20 2502 withhold 20 2503 adequate 19 2504 ambition 19 2505 amelia 19 2506 approval 19 2507 broaden 19 2508 cadre 192509 champion 19 2510 chocolate 19 2511 club 192512 coal 192513 competent 19 2514 condemn 19 2515 confident 19 2516 conveniently 19 2517 corrupt 19 2518 darcy 192519 delight 192520 determination 19 2521 dine 192522 doom 192523 dozen 192524 expand 19 2525 favor 192526 fluently 19 2527 gap 192528 gentle 192529 governor 19 2530 greedy 192531 handle 192532 headmaster 19 2533 heath 192534 imply 192535 journey 19 2536 kong 192537 launch 192538 leather 192539 legally 192540 luckily 19 2541 mad 192542 mirror 192543 mysterious 19 2544 november 19 2545 onto 192546 oppose 19 2547 optimistic 19 2548 outstanding 19 2549 partly 192550 persuade 19 2551 potato 192552 pound 192553 primitive 19 2554 proof 192555 pyramid 19 2556 qualification 19 2557 racial 192558 rape 192559 republic 19 2560 restore 192561 secure 192562 sleepy 192563 someday 192565 theatre 19 2566 translate 19 2567 trial 192568 ugly 192569 unlimited 19 2570 usa 192571 venture 19 2572 violate 19 2573 visitor 19 2574 vital 192575 wire 192576 accordingly 18 2577 aggravate 18 2578 airport 18 2579 announce 18 2580 anytime 18 2581 attempt 18 2582 bath 182583 behave 18 2584 bitter 18 2585 brand 18 2586 cd 182587 clench 18 2588 comfortably 18 2589 companion 18 2590 complaint 18 2591 controversy 18 2592 countless 18 2593 cow 182594 crazy 18 2595 deadly 18 2596 discipline 18 2597 discovery 18 2598 dispute 18 2599 emotional 18 2600 energetic 18 2601 enjoyable 18 2602 fierce 18 2603 flour 182604 glare 182605 graph 18 2606 historical 18 2607 idol 182609 implement 18 2610 impose 18 2611 intelligent 18 2612 introduction 18 2613 iraqi 182614 joyful 182615 k 182616 lamp 182617 legend 18 2618 leisure 18 2619 lend 182620 litter 182621 marvelous 18 2622 midnight 18 2623 misery 18 2624 mrs. 182625 nuclear 18 2626 paragraph 18 2627 participate 18 2628 pile 182629 productive 18 2630 rebuild 18 2631 rehabilitation 18 2632 reporter 18 2633 represent 18 2634 resort 182635 shelter 18 2636 silence 18 2637 sink 182638 starve 182639 stir 182640 stress 182641 sufficient 18 2642 supermarket 18 2643 tale 182644 torment 18 2645 trace 182646 track 182647 unemployed 18 2648 wage 182649 weed 182650 wooden 18 2651 zoo 182653 accuse 17 2654 actor 172655 anxiety 17 2656 asia 172657 central 17 2658 chief 172659 confuse 17 2660 contradiction 17 2661 convert 17 2662 curious 17 2663 despair 17 2664 district 17 2665 eagerly 17 2666 encounter 17 2667 envy 172668 exert 172669 extensive 17 2670 flee 172671 goat 172672 granny 17 2673 headache 17 2674 hell 172675 housewife 17 2676 import 17 2677 intense 17 2678 invade 17 2679 jeanne 17 2680 magic 172681 meter 172682 myra 172683 outing 17 2684 pear 172685 perseverance 17 2686 plough 17 2687 polite 172688 postman 17 2689 pray 172690 prospect 17 2691 quarrel 17 2692 recycle 17 2693 reunite 17 2694 rose 172695 roy 172697 scope 172698 shame 172699 sharply 172700 silk 172701 software 17 2702 stamp 172703 steadily 17 2704 steam 172705 temptation 17 2706 tense 172707 thirteen 17 2708 thoroughly 17 2709 tomato 172710 traditionally 17 2711 travelers 17 2712 uk 172713 uniform 17 2714 unique 172715 whereas 17 2716 abide 162717 absolute 16 2718 accordance 16 2719 administration 16 2720 anymore 16 2721 appropriate 16 2722 awful 162723 belgium 16 2724 belt 162725 broom 162726 brown 162727 calculate 16 2728 chest 162729 collar 162730 comment 16 2731 community 16 2732 comparatively 16 2733 comrade 16 2734 corruption 16 2735 cracker 162736 critical 162737 curiosity 16 2738 democratic 16 2739 destruction 162741 ecology 16 2742 essence 16 2743 explosion 16 2744 eyesight 16 2745 feudal 162746 finance 16 2747 fork 162748 greek 162749 hire 162750 hong 162751 horizon 16 2752 hunger 16 2753 hurriedly 16 2754 immoral 16 2755 impact 162756 inhuman 16 2757 invest 162758 justify 162759 league 162760 lessen 162761 li 162762 manifesto 16 2763 millionaire 16 2764 motive 16 2765 murmur 16 2766 neck 162767 nod 162768 partner 16 2769 pc 162770 pencil 162771 permission 16 2772 pisa 162773 platform 16 2774 predict 162775 pronunciation 16 2776 protest 162777 purify 162778 relevant 16 2779 remote 162780 rescue 162781 rhythm 16 2782 robot 162783 ruler 162785 shore 162786 slogan 16 2787 smoothly 16 2788 snake 162789 somewhat 16 2790 span 162791 sunshine 16 2792 target 162793 tremendous 16 2794 unforgettable 16 2795 unlike 162796 vehicle 16 2797 waist 162798 waiter 162799 wed 162800 workmate 16 2801 wrapper 16 2802 affection 15 2803 angrily 15 2804 block 152805 brightness 15 2806 button 15 2807 buyer 152808 candy 152809 cardinal 15 2810 chen 152811 church 15 2812 coca 152813 coin 152814 collective 15 2815 concrete 15 2816 continuously 15 2817 correspond 15 2818 crane 152819 daytime 15 2820 device 15 2821 devil 152822 disable 15 2823 discourage 15 2824 disgust 15 2825 drown 15 2826 excise 152827 exhaust 152829 footprint 15 2830 hardship 15 2831 harmonious 15 2832 institution 15 2833 math 15 2834 merry 15 2835 modernize 15 2836 oblige 15 2837 originate 15 2838 painfully 15 2839 paralyzed 15 2840 passion 15 2841 plastic 15 2842 plot 152843 porridge 15 2844 raincoat 15 2845 reader 15 2846 refresh 15 2847 reveal 15 2848 sadly 15 2849 sample 15 2850 scarce 15 2851 scare 15 2852 sedative 15 2853 sexual 15 2854 shan 152855 shift 152856 specially 15 2857 stomach 15 2858 substance 15 2859 susan 15 2860 swiss 15 2861 switch 15 2862 talented 15 2863 temporary 15 2864 tuition 15 2865 unlucky 15 2866 unpleasant 15 2867 vivid 15 2868 waitress 15 2869 weakness 15 2870 wipe 15 2871 wisdom 152873 acknowledge 14 2874 afterwards 14 2875 alert 142876 anxiously 14 2877 ashamed 14 2878 bill 142879 bravery 14 2880 bump 142881 bunk 142882 chore 142883 command 14 2884 committee 14 2885 contemporary 14 2886 contest 14 2887 cooperate 14 2888 crack 142889 crash 142890 dan 142891 dedicate 14 2892 differently 14 2893 empire 142894 enforce 14 2895 error 142896 europe 142897 excessive 14 2898 exhibition 14 2899 external 14 2900 faithful 14 2901 flesh 142902 frame 142903 greeting 14 2904 h 142905 hamburger 14 2906 honesty 14 2907 incident 14 2908 instant 142909 intention 14 2910 isolate 142911 jail 142912 kidnap 142913 kingdom 14 2914 leap 142915 marketplace 142917 memorial 14 2918 minor 14 2919 moon-cake 14 2920 motorcycle 14 2921 occasionally 14 2922 outer 142923 pat 142924 pearl 142925 productivity 14 2926 roar 142927 robber 14 2928 robinson 14 2929 rome 142930 salesman 14 2931 satisfaction 14 2932 secondary 14 2933 seemingly 14 2934 sensitive 14 2935 sin 142936 sixteen 14 2937 smuggle 14 2938 somehow 14 2939 specialty 14 2940 stead 142941 stride 14 2942 sudden 14 2943 survival 14 2944 sympathy 14 2945 terrify 14 2946 thankful 14 2947 theme 14 2948 throat 14 2949 tide 142950 transport 14 2951 troublesome 14 2952 unavoidable 14 2953 unconscious 14 2954 upright 14 2955 urge 142956 variable 14 2957 vast 142958 viewer 14 2959 weaken 142961 abortion 13 2962 abstract 13 2963 accurate 13 2964 africa 13 2965 alice 132966 apparently 13 2967 appoint 13 2968 artist 132969 assure 13 2970 athlete 13 2971 austrian 13 2972 ban 132973 bean 132974 bloom 13 2975 blossom 13 2976 boom 13 2977 brilliant 13 2978 brush 13 2979 certificate 13 2980 certification 13 2981 christian 13 2982 combat 13 2983 construct 13 2984 creation 13 2985 creative 13 2986 crystal 13 2987 defence 13 2988 demonstrate 13 2989 dollar 13 2990 downward 13 2991 drum 13 2992 dub 132993 eclipse 13 2994 eighteen 13 2995 eliza 132996 email 13 2997 embarrass 13 2998 emergency 13 2999 entertain 13 3000 era 13。
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7000 wrist 27001 writing 27002 ya 27003 yearly 27004 yeas 27005 yellowish 27006 yugoslavia 27007 zeal 27008 zealand 27009 zest 27010 zoe 27011 abacus 17012 abate 17013 abdominal 17014 aberrant 17015 abhor 17016 ablaze 17017 abolition 17018 abominable 17019 aboriginal 17020 aborigine 17021 absolution 17022 absorbent 17023 absurdly 17024 abundance 17025 abusers 17026 academicians 17027 acceleration 17028 accessible 17029 acclamation 17030 accompaniment 17031 acing 17032 acquisition 17033 acquisitive 17034 acre 17035 acrobat 17037 activation 1 7038 acupuncture 1 7039 adaptability 1 7040 adaptation 1 7041 addict 17042 addiction 1 7043 adherent 17044 administrate 1 7045 admirer 17046 admonish 1 7047 adoration 1 7048 adulterous 1 7049 advent 17050 adventurer 1 7051 affirm 17052 afflict 17053 affluence 1 7054 affluent 17055 aforementioned 1 7056 aforesaid 1 7057 aforethought 1 7058 afresh 17059 aftercare 1 7060 afterlife 17061 aftermaths 1 7062 aggravatingly 1 7063 aggravation 1 7064 aggress 17065 aggressively 1 7066 aggressiveness 1 7067 agitation 1 7068 agreeability 1 7069 agues 17070 aha 17071 ahd 17072 ailment 17073 airborne 17074 airline 17075 alacrity 17076 aladdin 17077 alan 17078 alaska 17079 albanian 17081 alfred 1 7082 ali 17083 alienation 1 7084 allay 17085 alleviation 1 7086 alley 17087 alliance 1 7088 alluring 1 7089 ally 17090 alms 17091 alongside 1 7092 alright 1 7093 alteration 1 7094 alternatively 1 7095 altitude 1 7096 aluminum 1 7097 amazingly 1 7098 ambiguous 1 7099 ambivalent 1 7100 ambulance 1 7101 amendment 1 7102 amidst 1 7103 amongst 1 7104 amply 1 7105 anathema 1 7106 anciently 1 7107 anesthetic 1 7108 angela 1 7109 anglo 1 7110 anguishes 1 7111 annually 1 7112 annul 17113 antenna 1 7114 antipyretic 1 7115 antiquated 1 7116 antiquity 1 7117 antithetic 1 7118 ao 17119 ape 17120 apollo 1 7121 apperceive 1 7122 applauses 1 7123 applicability 17125 appraise 1 7126 apprehension 1 7127 apprentice 1 7128 approximate 1 7129 approximately 1 7130 arab 17131 arbitrarily 1 7132 arch 17133 archaeologists 1 7134 architectural 1 7135 arctic 17136 arduousness 1 7137 arena 17138 arithmetic 1 7139 arithmetical 1 7140 armstrong 1 7141 arranger 1 7142 arsenic 17143 arthritis 1 7144 arthur 17145 artificiality 1 7146 artistically 1 7147 ascend 17148 ascribe 17149 ase 17150 assassinate 1 7151 assay 17152 assed 17153 assert 17154 assessment 1 7155 assimilation 1 7156 assortment 1 7157 assurance 1 7158 aster 17159 astronomer 1 7160 atheist 17161 atlantic 17162 atmospheric 1 7163 atrocity 1 7164 attuned 17165 audacity 1 7166 audio 17167 audit 17169 aught 17170 auntie 17171 aunty 17172 auspicious 1 7173 australian 1 7174 autobiography 1 7175 autocracy 1 7176 automation 1 7177 avail 17178 avenge 17179 avenue 17180 averse 17181 aversion 1 7182 avert 17183 avoidably 1 7184 awaked 1 7185 awkwardly 1 7186 axis 17187 backdoor 1 7188 backup 17189 backwardness 1 7190 bait 17191 baize 17192 balk 17193 ballad 17194 ballet 17195 ballot 17196 banal 17197 banish 17198 bank-robbers 1 7199 bankruptcy 1 7200 banquet 1 7201 banyan 17202 barbed 17203 barber 17204 barleycorns 1 7205 barn 17206 barrel 17207 barter 17208 bask 17209 batch 17210 batched 1 7211 bathe 17213 baton 17214 bazaar 17215 bb 17216 bean-curd 1 7217 bearer 17218 bearing 1 7219 beaver 17220 beckon 17221 bedclothes 1 7222 bedford 1 7223 begat 17224 beginner 1 7225 behavioral 1 7226 behead 17227 behindhand 1 7228 bellyache 1 7229 benightedness 1 7230 benz 17231 bernard 1 7232 berry 17233 bertrand 1 7234 bestow 17235 beth 17236 betrayal 1 7237 bewail 17238 bidder 17239 bidding 1 7240 billiards 1 7241 bines 17242 biochemical 1 7243 biologically 1 7244 birdcage 1 7245 bitted 17246 bituminous 1 7247 blacken 1 7248 blake 17249 blankly 1 7250 blare 17251 blaspheme 1 7252 blaster 17253 blaze 17254 bleachers 1 7255 bleak 17257 blinder 1 7258 blond 1 7259 blooding 1 7260 bloods 1 7261 blunt 1 7262 bluntly 1 7263 blurry 1 7264 blurt 1 7265 bluster 1 7266 boar 17267 boarder 1 7268 boastful 1 7269 bolds 1 7270 bolivian 1 7271 boll 17272 bolt 17273 bombard 1 7274 bomber 1 7275 bondage 1 7276 bonnet 1 7277 bonus 1 7278 bony 1 7279 boo 17280 bookseller 1 7281 bookstore 1 7282 booster 1 7283 booties 1 7284 booty 1 7285 boris 1 7286 bottleneck 1 7287 boulder 1 7288 boulevard 1 7289 bourgeois 1 7290 bourgeoisie 1 7291 boutique 1 7292 boycott 1 7293 bracelet 1 7294 brake 1 7295 brashly 1 7296 bravado 1 7297 braveness 1 7298 braveries 1 7299 breadth 17301 briefly 1 7302 briskly 1 7303 broadcaster 1 7304 broadminded 1 7305 brochure 1 7306 broker 1 7307 bronte 1 7308 bronze 1 7309 brow 17310 brownish 1 7311 browse 1 7312 brussels 1 7313 brutally 1 7314 buckingham 1 7315 buckle 1 7316 buff 17317 bugle 17318 bulb 17319 bulge 17320 bulk 17321 bum 17322 bumpy 1 7323 buoyant 1 7324 bur 17325 bureaucracy 1 7326 bureaucrat 1 7327 burma 1 7328 bust 17329 busyness 1 7330 butt 17331 cab 17332 cabinet 1 7333 cable 17334 cal 17335 calamity 1 7336 caliber 1 7337 california 1 7338 callous 1 7339 callout 1 7340 callus 17341 camellia 1 7342 canadian 1 7343 canceled 17345 canned 1 7346 cannibalistic 1 7347 canoeing 1 7348 canyon 1 7349 caped 17350 caption 1 7351 captive 1 7352 cardboard 1 7353 carder 17354 carefree 1 7355 caretaker 1 7356 carl 17357 carlo 17358 carpenter 1 7359 carrie 17360 carryout 1 7361 carter 17362 caste 17363 castle 17364 caterpillar 1 7365 cathie 17366 cathleen 1 7367 cattle 17368 cauliflower 1 7369 causal 17370 causation 1 7371 cavity 17372 cctv 17373 cello 17374 cemetery 1 7375 centimetre 1 7376 centralize 1 7377 cerebral 1 7378 cerebrate 1 7379 certainty 1 7380 certify 17381 champaign 1 7382 championship 1 7383 chandelier 1 7384 chap 17385 chargeable 1 7386 charger 1 7387 charmingly 17389 chatterbox 1 7390 checkbook 1 7391 checkup 1 7392 cheerfulness 1 7393 chef 17394 chemise 1 7395 chime 1 7396 chinglish 1 7397 chitchat 1 7398 chives 1 7399 choral 1 7400 chorister 1 7401 christianity 1 7402 churchill 1 7403 cia 17404 cincinnati 1 7405 circuit 1 7406 circulate 1 7407 civic 17408 clara 17409 clarinet 1 7410 clarity 1 7411 classic 1 7412 classless 1 7413 cleanly 1 7414 cleaver 1 7415 cleverly 1 7416 clip 17417 clockwise 1 7418 clone 17419 closedown 1 7420 clumsily 1 7421 coastline 1 7422 coax 17423 cobra 1 7424 cocktail 1 7425 cocoa 1 7426 cocoon 1 7427 coercive 1 7428 coexist 1 7429 coffin 1 7430 cognition 1 7431 cohabit 17432 coil 17433 coincidence 1 7434 coke 17435 colombia 1 7436 colonist 17437 colorless 17438 coma 17439 combustion 1 7440 coming 17441 commander 1 7442 commandment 1 7443 commemorative 1 7444 commentary 1 7445 commonplace 1 7446 communion 1 7447 communistic 1 7448 commuter 1 7449 compact 17450 compactly 1 7451 companionship 1 7452 comparable 1 7453 comparably 1 7454 comparative 1 7455 comparer 1 7456 compatible 1 7457 compatriot 1 7458 complacency 1 7459 complacent 1 7460 complicatedly 1 7461 compliment 1 7462 composer 1 7463 compound 1 7464 compression 1 7465 compulsorily 1 7466 computerization 1 7467 computerize 1 7468 conceited 1 7469 concentric 1 7470 condense 1 7471 condolence 1 7472 conductive 1 7473 confected 1 7474 confidently 1 7475 confiscate 17477 confucian 1 7478 confucianism 1 7479 confusedly 1 7480 confusions 1 7481 congest 17482 congesting 1 7483 conjecture 1 7484 conjunction 1 7485 conner 17486 connivance 1 7487 conqueror 1 7488 conscientiously 1 7489 consensus 1 7490 conservation 1 7491 conserve 1 7492 considerately 1 7493 consign 17494 console 17495 constitutional 1 7496 constrain 1 7497 constraint 1 7498 constructive 1 7499 constructively 1 7500 constructors 1 7501 consummate 1 7502 contemplate 1 7503 contemplative 1 7504 contemptible 1 7505 contesters 1 7506 continuation 1 7507 contra 17508 contraries 1 7509 contributable 1 7510 contributory 1 7511 convent 17512 conventionally 1 7513 converge 1 7514 convulse 1 7515 cookery 17516 coolly 17517 coons 17518 cooperating 1 7519 coordinates 17521 copernicans 1 7522 copper 17523 coral 17524 cord 17525 cordial 17526 cork 17527 cornelius 1 7528 corp 17529 corporate 1 7530 correction 1 7531 correspondence 1 7532 cos 17533 cosmic 17534 counselors 1 7535 countdown 1 7536 countenance 1 7537 counteraction 1 7538 countrified 1 7539 countryman 1 7540 coupon 17541 courteous 1 7542 covering 1 7543 covert 17544 covetous 1 7545 cowardice 1 7546 coy 17547 cr 17548 crab 17549 cradlesong 1 7550 cram 17551 crap 17552 crayon 17553 crazily 17554 craziness 1 7555 creativeness 1 7556 creed 17557 creepy 17558 crescent 17559 criminologists 1 7560 crinkle 17561 criticizer 1 7562 cronin 17563 crowbar 17565 crudity 1 7566 crueler 1 7567 cruise 1 7568 crumple 1 7569 crunch 1 7570 crusade 1 7571 cuban 1 7572 cuff 17573 cull 17574 culminate 1 7575 cult 17576 cultivator 1 7577 culturally 1 7578 cupboard 1 7579 curative 1 7580 currant 1 7581 curricular 1 7582 curve 1 7583 custody 1 7584 customarily 1 7585 daddy 1 7586 dainty 1 7587 dally 1 7588 dame 1 7589 dapped 1 7590 darken 1 7591 darwin 1 7592 database 1 7593 datum 1 7594 dauntless 1 7595 daze 17596 deaden 1 7597 deafen 1 7598 debatable 1 7599 debut 1 7600 decadent 1 7601 deceases 1 7602 decedents 1 7603 deceit 1 7604 deceitful 1 7605 decibel 1 7606 decker 1 7607 declaim 17609 deduction 1 7610 default 17611 defensive 1 7612 deference 1 7613 deferent 17614 defiant 17615 deficient 17616 deficit 17617 deflate 17618 degreed 17619 dehumanization 1 7620 dehumanize 1 7621 dejectedly 1 7622 delectable 1 7623 deliberation 1 7624 delightedly 1 7625 demean 17626 demeanor 1 7627 demerit 17628 demobilization 1 7629 democrat 1 7630 demography 1 7631 demolish 1 7632 demoralization 1 7633 demoralize 1 7634 demote 17635 denouncement 1 7636 denudations 1 7637 dependable 1 7638 dependant 1 7639 dependents 1 7640 depersonalize 1 7641 deplorable 1 7642 deplorably 1 7643 deploy 17644 depressant 1 7645 depressive 1 7646 deprival 17647 deprivation 1 7648 dept 17649 descendent 1 7650 designate 1 7651 desistance 17653 deskmate 1 7654 despicable 1 7655 destine 1 7656 destruct 1 7657 destructs 1 7658 detach 1 7659 detachment 1 7660 detection 1 7661 determinate 1 7662 determinedly 1 7663 deterrence 1 7664 detestable 1 7665 detroit 1 7666 devastate 1 7667 devoice 1 7668 devoid 1 7669 devotee 1 7670 diagram 1 7671 dial 17672 diathesis 1 7673 dickens 1 7674 dickinson 1 7675 diction 1 7676 diffident 1 7677 diffuse 1 7678 dignities 1 7679 dike 17680 dikes 17681 diking 1 7682 dimly 17683 dinging 1 7684 diplomacy 1 7685 dire 17686 directory 1 7687 dis 17688 disapproval 1 7689 disciple 1 7690 disco 17691 discontented 1 7692 discrepancy 1 7693 disdain 1 7694 disdainful 1 7695 disgraceful 17697 disintegration 1 7698 disinterested 1 7699 dislocate 1 7700 dismantle 1 7701 disney 17702 disobedient 1 7703 disparity 1 7704 dispensable 1 7705 dispense 1 7706 dispirited 1 7707 displace 1 7708 displease 1 7709 disputably 1 7710 disputation 1 7711 disrespectful 1 7712 dissatisfaction 1 7713 dissident 1 7714 distinctly 1 7715 diver 17716 divergence 1 7717 diversely 1 7718 diversify 1 7719 divine 17720 docile 17721 dodge 17722 dodo 17723 dogma 17724 doldrums 1 7725 doll 17726 dolphin 1 7727 domain 1 7728 dominance 1 7729 domineered 1 7730 doorman 1 7731 doorstep 1 7732 dora 17733 dos 17734 dote 17735 doubtlessly 1 7736 dovecot 1 7737 downcast 1 7738 downhearted 1 7739 downhill 17741 dragonfly 1 7742 drawer 1 7743 drawing 1 7744 dreamland 1 7745 dredge 1 7746 dresser 1 7747 drool 17748 drowse 1 7749 drowsiness 1 7750 drudgeries 1 7751 drudgery 1 7752 drunken 1 7753 dryness 1 7754 dubious 1 7755 dubiousness 1 7756 duchess 1 7757 duckweeds 1 7758 dumbfound 1 7759 dummy 1 7760 duplication 1 7761 dustpan 1 7762 dutiful 1 7763 dwarf 17764 dwelling 1 7765 dynamite 1 7766 dysfunctional 1 7767 eared 17768 earner 17769 earnestness 1 7770 earnings 1 7771 earthshaking 1 7772 eaves 17773 eccentricity 1 7774 ecstatic 1 7775 edible 17776 edit 17777 editorial 1 7778 eighteenth 1 7779 elapse 17780 elasticity 1 7781 elated 17782 elation 1 7783 eldership 17784 eldest 17785 elective 17786 electronically 1 7787 elemental 1 7788 elite 17789 elixir 17790 elope 17791 eloquently 1 7792 elude 17793 elusive 17794 emaciated 1 7795 emancipation 1 7796 embargo 17797 embargos 1 7798 embezzle 1 7799 emergent 17800 eminent 17801 eminently 1 7802 encaged 17803 encapsulate 1 7804 encouragements 1 7805 encyclopedia 1 7806 endeavoring 1 7807 endeavors 1 7808 endorse 17809 enforcements 1 7810 engender 17811 englishwoman 1 7812 engrossed 1 7813 enhancement 1 7814 enlightenment 1 7815 enlistment 1 7816 enormity 17817 enquire 17818 entangle 17819 enterprisers 1 7820 enthusiast 1 7821 entrant 17822 entree 17823 enumeration 1 7824 enunciation 1 7825 envious 17826 episode 17827 equalize 17828 equanimity 1 7829 equate 1 7830 equatorial 1 7831 erase 17832 erica 17833 erode 17834 erotic 17835 erupt 17836 essentially 1 7837 ethnical 1 7838 ethnics 1 7839 eva 17840 evacuate 1 7841 evanescence 1 7842 evans 17843 evasion 1 7844 evening 1 7845 everlastingly 1 7846 evilest 1 7847 evitable 1 7848 evolutionary 1 7849 evolvement 1 7850 ex 17851 exalt 17852 exampling 1 7853 excavate 1 7854 excavation 1 7855 excellency 1 7856 exceptional 1 7857 exceptionally 1 7858 exclusive 1 7859 excoriated 1 7860 excrement 1 7861 excursion 1 7862 executor 1 7863 exemplary 1 7864 exhale 1 7865 exhaustible 1 7866 exorbitant 1 7867 exorcised 1 7868 exotic 17869 expanse 1 7870 expansive 1 7871 expectable 17872 expectedly 1 7873 expedient 1 7874 explainable 1 7875 explicitly 1 7876 explorations 1 7877 explorer 1 7878 exposure 1 7879 expressway 1 7880 exquisitely 1 7881 ext 17882 extemporize 1 7883 externally 1 7884 extinct 17885 extirpate 1 7886 extol 17887 extortion 1 7888 extracurricular 1 7889 extravagantly 1 7890 extricate 1 7891 exuberant 1 7892 eyeshot 17893 fa 17894 fabric 17895 fabrication 1 7896 facile 17897 facilitate 1 7898 factorial 1 7899 factual 17900 fairfax 17901 fairyland 1 7902 faithfulness 1 7903 fakers 17904 fallout 17905 falsify 17906 familiarity 1 7907 familiarize 1 7908 fantastically 1 7909 far-reaching 1 7910 farer 17911 farmhouse 1 7912 farseeing 1 7913 farsightedness 1 7914 fascination 1 7915 fatality 17917 faultless 1 7918 faulty 17919 fauna 17920 favored 1 7921 favors 17922 fax 17923 fbi 17924 fearfully 1 7925 federation 1 7926 feeble 17927 feedback 1 7928 fellowship 1 7929 felted 17930 ferry 17931 ferryboat 1 7932 fervor 17933 fervour 1 7934 festal 17935 feverish 1 7936 fiddle 17937 fidel 17938 fidget 17939 fifthly 17940 filler 17941 filter 17942 financials 1 7943 fingernail 1 7944 finite 17945 fireplace 1 7946 firmness 1 7947 firsthand 1 7948 fiscal 17949 fishily 17950 fishman 1 7951 fistful 17952 fitful 17953 fixture 1 7954 flabbergasted 1 7955 flame 17956 flannel 1 7957 flashlight 1 7958 flask 17959 flavoring 17961 fletcher 1 7962 flicker 1 7963 fling 17964 flip 17965 flirtatious 1 7966 flog 17967 flowerpot 1 7968 flu 17969 fluid 17970 fluorescent 1 7971 flurried 1 7972 flush 17973 fm 17974 foam 17975 fob 17976 foe 17977 folklore 1 7978 folly 17979 foodless 1 7980 foolishness 1 7981 footstep 1 7982 forbad 1 7983 forceps 1 7984 forefinger 1 7985 foresee 1 7986 forester 1 7987 forgiveness 1 7988 formalize 1 7989 formerly 1 7990 formers 1 7991 fort 17992 forthcoming 1 7993 forthright 1 7994 fortitude 1 7995 fortnight 1 7996 fortress 1 7997 fracture 1 7998 framework 1 7999 frances 1 8000 francisco 1。