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一、问候 Greeting

初次见面 Meeting for the first time


Hello! How do you do? It’s very nice to meet you. /省略句Nice to meet you. /It’s a great pleasure to meet you./I am pleased to make your acquaintance.

★‘How do you do?’vs.‘ How are you? ’﹡视频

前者用于首次正式问候,用‘How do you do? ’回答;后者用于熟悉后打招呼,用‘I’m fine, thanks./Pretty good./Not bad./Hello./Hi.’回答.

★‘Nice to meet you. ’vs.‘Nice to have met you. ’(能遇到你真高兴。)


I often heard so much/a lot about you. 一直久仰大名。

其他搭讪用语 pick-up lines

I think I know you? Aren’t you Mr.+ surname 姓

Have we met before?

You look so familiar. You like one of my friends.

You have a charming smile.

I like your hairdo. /I really love your hairstyle./You look

pretty cool with the haircut.

Would you like a drink? Coffee, tea or wine? Instant coffee or freshly ground coffee? /A glass of red wine, white wine, rose wine or champagne?

I am brewing coffee. Would you like one?

Can I interest you in a cup of coffee?/Can I buy you a drink?/ I’d like to treat you to a drink.

★beverages饮料分类(alcoholic drinks + non- alcoholic drinks):

alcoholic drinks : 1. spirits/liquor烈酒(中国白酒rice wine) 2.beer 3. wine (西班牙水果酒sangria+ 西班牙雪莉酒sherry)4.cocktail 5. aperitif开胃酒 6. desert winenon- alcoholic drink不含酒精饮品=soft drinks: Coca cola, Fanta, Sprite, black tea with/without sugar or milk), jasmine tea ★coffee:

Can you give me a light, please?借个火,可以吗?

You have a good sense of humor.

自我介绍 (3o seconds preferred not more than 3 minutes) +供职的事务所+职务My name is Sam Yeung. I’mfrom/work for(with)……law/legal Firm. I’m a solicitor(事务律

师)/barrister(诉讼律师). I’m now a practicing lawyer/assistant lawyer, but I will turn into an independent lawyer soon next year. .

表示律师:1. lawyer最常用,除了指律师外,还可指法官﹑检察官和法学教师等。2. attorney 在英国最初是指在普通法院执业的律师,后被solicitor取代,现英国人已鲜用;在美国attorney广泛用于授权为当事人代理案件的律师,比lawyer正式,围窄,多用于法律事务代理律师。Attorney-at-law一词为美国用语,通常用在名片上。3. bar是律师的全称概念,与法官对应。各地律师协会一般用bar association表达。4. barrister 一词源于英格兰法律,多用于英国﹑新加坡等国和地区,又称大律师﹑辩护律师,指有资格出席高等法院法庭的律师,与之相对应的是solicitor。5. counsel指承受指派,专门为个人﹑公司和政府公务部门提供法律服务的人,称为法律顾问。Counselor 在英国已经被废弃,其在爱尔兰和美国等地有时仍在使用,基本等同counsel,但比counsel正式。

籍贯Allow me to introduce myself. I am from/reside in(居住) Canton, China. It is the capital city and of Guangdongprovince and economic hub of southern China,adjacent[ədʒeɪsnt]to Hong Kong. It is southern gateway of China since it has always been the biggest port open to foreign trade.

学历 Qualification

I graduated from GuangdongPoliceCollege with a bachelor/master/doctor degree and ended up working in
