专题三 数词 序数词

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His parents have two children, but they want a third one.
(3) 序数词前有物主代词或其他修饰语时不用任何 冠词。
e.g. This is my first job.
Mrs. Black’s second child called Lucy.
Lianyungang again . Is it the
time for him ?
---Yes , and he will come for a third time next spring .
A. first B. second C. third D. fourth
3、There are
days in June and
2. 序数词的用法
e.g. The second lesson is more difficult than the first.
(2) 序数词前面出现不定冠词a/an时,表示“再一, 又一”。
e.g. We’ve tired it three times. Must we try it a fourth time?
第101 第199
one hundred and first one hundred and ninety-ninth
(5)序数词的缩写形式是由阿拉伯数字加上序数 词的最后两个字母构成的。
e.g. first- 1st fourth-4th
second - 2nd twelfth-12th
除第一,第二,第三,第五,第八,第九,第十二为 特殊形式,其他的序数词均由其对应的基数词加后缀th构成。
seven seventh
thirteen thirteenth
fifteen fifteenth
seventeen seventeenth
nineteen nineteenth
twentieth thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth
(3)表示“几十几”时,十位数的基数词不变, 只把个位数变成序数词即可。
e.g. 36 thirty- six 98 ninety-eight
第36 thirty-sixth 第98 ninety-eighth
(3) 基数词表顺序,置于名词之后;序数词表 顺序,置于名词之前,且与the连用 Part Two -----the Second Part Lesson Seven-----the Seventh Lesson
page 48-----the forty-eighth page Room 302, World War II
第 55 第 74 第 88
fifty-fifth seventy-fourth eighty-eighth
e.g. 第一百 第一千 第一百万 第十亿
hundredth thousandth millionth billionth
Children’s Day .
day is
A. thirty ; the second B. thirty ; first C. thirteen ; the first D. thirty ; the first
4、There are _____ people in my family. We live in the _____ floor in a tall building.
1、I got a good present on my and I like it very much .
A. fifteen B. fifteenth C. the fifteen D. the fifteenth
2、---I hear your pen friend is visiting

语 语
数 词

By Rachel
1. 基数词 2. 序数词 3. 数词的用法
基数词 one two three five eight nine Twelve 序数词 first second third fifth eighth ninth twelfth
birthday last Sunday .
A. Nine ; ninth
B. Nine ; nine
C. Ninth ; nine
D. Ninth ; ninth
2、I think that the
(世纪) will bring us more hopes .
A. twenty-one B. twentieth-first C. twenty-first D. twentieth-one
eleven eleventh
fourteenLeabharlann Baidufourteenth
sixteen sixteenth
eighteen eighteenth
(2)整十的数字序数词的构成方法:将对应的基 数词结尾y变i,再加-eth.
e.g. twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety
A. five; six B. fifth; sixth C. fifth; six D. five; sixth
5. We are going to learn _____next week. A.Lesson Twelve B. Lesson Twelfth C. Twelfth Lesson D. the lesson Twelfth
third –3rd
twenty - first forty-fifth one hundred and fifty-third
21 st 45 th
153 rd
1、---How old is your son ?
. We had a special party for his