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武汉岩土力学所 081401 01.岩体加固理论与技术02.岩土工程中的快速监测、安全性分析、施工优化与控制研究03.岩土工程中的数值分析方法、不确定性分析方法与智能分析方法04.软土地基加固原理与技术 05.岩土工程爆

If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone.” ~Maxwell Maltz

I've always been a rebel—independent, and a bit of a loner. I've prided myself on self-sufficiency. I like to do things my own

way, and I don't care for unrequested input (to put it mildly!).

I've been self-employed since I was 22 in a profession it can be tough to make a living in. In large part, I've been successful

because of my ability to care for and emotionally support myself.

For me, this self-love has served my goal of doing what I want to do with my life, regardless of whether I have any support from

the outside world or not.

Despite all the practice, I don't fully have this self-love thing down. It's an ongoing project, and some days are better than

others. On the not-so-fab days, I've got some techniques I use to up the ante on feeling great about me.

1. Make a list of your accomplishments.

I guarantee there have been many. Nobel prize nominations are not required. The fact that you bake amazing pies or are the person

your friends always call when they want a sympathetic ear are great examples; so are getting a degree or knowing how to change

your car's oil.

Refer to this list when you are feeling not so special. Soak in all the cool stuff you've achieved and remind yourself how awesome

you are. Personally, I love the reminder that I was voted “most unique”

in high school.

2. Learn something new.

You don't have to become an expert on an entire subject (unless that's appealing). Learn how to say “have a nice day” in German

(“Habt einen sch?nen tag!”), check out a Ted talk, or hit up Wikipedia's “random article” link until you find something


Pointing our focus toward something outside of ourselves is stimulating; it also expands our world and our perspective. Additionally,

learning makes your brain happy.

3. Ask your very best friend/partner/favorite family member what they love about you and specifically how you are amazing.

Take note of what they say and refer to it later when you are feeling a bit unloved. While our view of ourselves is of primary

importance (it is about self-love, after all), it's always nice to hear some complimentary words from someone we love whose opinion

we respect.

Let me be super-clear: I am not talking about the “friend” who is actually a frenemy, or the family member who insists on subtly

criticizing your life choices. This question is reserved for one of your very favorite people who happens to feel the very same

way toward you.

4. Put your focus on others with small acts of kindness.

If I'm having a self-critical day, my tendency is to want to turn inward and pay little attention to the outside world (and expend

my energy getting down on myself—not very useful). Instead of allowing that, I will make an effort to chat with people I come

across and offer a kind word; I'll be a more considerate driver; I'll make a point of saying “hi” to people I don't know.

For me, focusing on others serves as a simple reminder that we are all connected, as well as sending the message to my system that

playing the introvert and self-criticizing is not acceptable to me. 5. And sometimes, turn inward.

I trust myself enough to know when I just need an hour or two of nothing. No email, internet, or other diversions—just me and

a cup of something, hanging out, plotting my future, thinking about what I want, where I'm going, and how I'm going to get there.

For me, this is like hitting a re-set button. It clears my brain of some of the clutter, alleviates some of the negative internal

dialogue, and leaves me feeling motivated and renewed. Meditation is great.
