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1. 直接引语:别人直接说的话,一般直接放在引号内。如:

(1) My mother told me, “You should finish your homework first, then you can play with your friends.”

(2) Our teacher said, “Class is over, we should have a rest.”

2. 间接引语:用自己的话加以转述,被转述的话不放在引号内。上面两个例句变成间接引语应该是:

(1) My mother told me that I should finish my homework first and then I could go out and play with my friends.

(2) Our teacher said class was over and we should have a rest.



1. 现在时间推移到过去时间


She said, “I am hungry.” → She said (that) she was hungry.

Vince said, “I have found what’s wrong with the computer.” → Vince said he had found what was wrong with the computer.

在下列场合,尽管陈述动词为过去时形式,间接引语中的动词时态却不必改变,即:(1) 当引述的是客观事实、科学真理、现在习惯工作以及格言等内容时:

He said, “The word ‘laser’ is an acronym(首字母缩略词).” → He said the word ‘laser’ is an acronym.

(2) 当动词所表示的状态或动作在引述时仍在继续时:

“I’m forty,” he said. → He sai d he is forty.

(3) 当谓语动词包含无过去时形式的情态助动词时:

He said, “It must be pretty late. I really must go.” → He said it must be pretty late, and he really must go.

He said, “You mustn’t smoke in the room.”→ He said I mustn’t smoke in the room.

2. 过去时间推移到过去的过去


(1) 当强调动作或状态先于引述动词时,一般过去时要变成过去完成体。例如:

He said, “I didn’t know you.” → He said he hadn’t known me.


Ann said, “She was born in 1981.” → Ann said she was born in 1981.

(2) 过去进行时可以变成过去完成进行时,也可以不变。例如:

Robert said, “I was joking with Mary.”

→ Robert said he had been joking with Mary.

Robert said he was joking with Mary.

(3) 过去完成时仍为过去完成时,不需改变。例如:

He said, “We hadn’t returned to the store when she came.”

→ He said they hadn’t returned to the store wh en she came.

(4) 时间状语分句中的一般过去式或者过去进行时可以不变。例如:

John said, “When I lived in London I often saw Jane.”

→ John said when he lived in London he had often seen Jane.

3. 将来时间推移到过去将来时间


He said, “We’re spending next weekend at home.”

→ He said they were spending the next weekend at home.

They said, “We’re going to Hawaii this summer vacation.”

→ They said they were going to Hawaii that summer vacation.


He said, “I’ll be waiting for you tomorrow.” → He said he will be waiting for me tomorrow.

4. 人称代词、限定词、时间状语、地点状语的变化

