二、常见故障序号故障现象故障部位(故障原因)查找处理1 1.发动机不能起动2.起动时启动马达不转3.起动时有报警声1.作业主开关开2.挂挡盒在挂挡位1.检查作业主开关位置2.检查挂挡盒的挡位位置2 1.发动机不能起动2.起动时启动马达转动3.起动时无报警声1.紧急停机按钮按下2.停机按钮坏1.使紧急停机复位即可2.用万用表测量Si48端子,如不接地则分别检查各停机按钮3 1.发动机不能起动2.起动时电压表指示低于18V电瓶电压1.电瓶联接电线接触不好2.电瓶亏电严重,更换电瓶4 1.发动机不能起动2.整车无电发动机左侧主熔断器(80A)坏更换主熔断器保险5 1.发动机不能起动2.起动时5e9保险跳B13箱或发动机内部有短路情况1.检查停机电磁阀1S66 1.发动机不起动2.启动马达运转正常油路停机电磁阀或电控油门1.发动机停机电磁阀无冲击声则停机电磁阀坏2.发动机怠速太低,油门电机7 发动机起动后不能熄灭,拨走启动电源钥匙5B9也不能停机B5箱5U5/D继电器坏1.5e6拨出,若5U5/D 8脚电压为0,仍不停机,则说明5U5/D坏2.停机电磁阀坏不能回位8 发动机运行正常时,转速不稳柴油供油回路1.检查柴油滤芯是否脏污2.检查供油回路是否密封完好有无渗气现象3.检查手油泵是否脏堵4.确认柴油的质量,清洁度第二部分捣固系统故障一、捣固装置的控制关系捣固装置的控制是一个由电路、液压部件和传感器组成的闭环控制系统,其框图如下:拔盘电位计2f13↓程序控制→控制电路→液压执行元件→左(右)深度传感器f14(f15)↑反馈信号F14(F15)↓上、中、下位信号:X13(X14)、X15(X16)、X17(X18)二、常见故障分类1.由于无程控信号(Q10/Q11)输出造成的捣固装置不下插。
COBRATT眼镜蛇捣固镐的介绍该机器效率高、质量好的特点显现得尤为明显;从日常维护作业方面来说,一般的大型机具作业在很多地段都不适用,特别是道叉(铁道叉口)等一些地方无法精确的触及,而且不便于日常携带;与其他品牌设备相比,Cobra TT整机质量小,捣固质量高,沉淀量小,减震效果好,冲击力大,快捷、方便、灵活。
Cobra TT眼镜蛇捣固镐的特点1、该机由二冲程汽油发动机驱动,适用于高标准的道岔、轨道的捣固工作。
Cobra TT眼镜蛇捣固机的技术参数型号MK1/TT证书CE CRCC CARB EPA功率(HZ)12~25冲击能(J)45工作转速(r/min)6000电功(KW/R/MIN) 2.0/6500净重(KG)27.5毛重(KG)33包装尺寸(MM)950*450*450引擎90cc单缸两冲程功率(W) 1.5kW 冲击频率(blows/min)720-1600冲击能(joule)40重量(kg)25长度(mm)927油箱容积(l)1柄长(mm)32*160声功率级保证(2000/14/EC)3)(Lw,dB(A))109声压力水平(ISO11203)(Lp,r=1m)96最大破碎深度(mm)300。
部 位 小修范围 1、检查汽油机外观有无损伤,紧固各松 动固定螺栓。2、清洗空气滤清器(暂根 据具体状态确定)。3、检修启动拉盘, 试验回弹性能,作用不良时修复或更换 。4、检查消声器、高压包,作用不良时 进行更换。5、检查化油器和火花塞,作 用不良时进行维修或更换。6、检查油箱 及油管,消除漏油处。 标准 1、汽油机外观正常无缺件,固定螺 栓无松动。2、汽机油油脂符合规定 。 3 、油箱及管路无泄漏。 4 、启机 试验时(汽油机启动三次不能出现 发动不着现象。 5 、 离合 器启 机试 验,其加载正常,分离良好。 中修范围 1 、检查调整汽油机气门间隙。 2 、更换空 气滤清器、清洁燃油管(必要时进行更 换)。 3 、检查调整汽油机怠速。 4 、更换 作用不良的消声器、高压包。5、检查清洗 化油器及沉淀杯,更换火花塞。6、清洗油 箱、燃油过滤器及油管,消除漏油处。7、 检查离合器及甩块状态,更换摩擦带、轴 承及不良部件。 标准 1 、汽油机外观正常无缺件,固定 螺栓无松动。 2 、汽机油油脂符合 规定。3、油箱及管路无泄漏。4、 启机试验时(汽油机启动三次不能 出现发动不着现象。 5 、离合器启 检查操作扶手及减震部分,更换损伤 老化部件;2、检查传动连接轴、偏心铁 操作扶手 及轴承,并加注高速润滑脂。3、检查紧 、减震及 固各部松动紧固件,焊接修复伤损部位 镐体部分 。4、检查镐体部分,磨损较重时进行修 复或更换。 启机试验 检修作业结束后要进行性能试验。
1 、操作扶手及减震部分无裂纹。 2 、传动连接轴、偏心铁作用正常无 伤损,轴承不缺油,转动灵活。 3、 各部紧固件无松动。
18锤捣固机(右型)产品说明书J7734.00SM太重技术中心2006年04月14 日编制:校核:审查:批准:DJ43/DC 捣固机产品说明书一.用途TZDJ43-DG-06I型捣固机是为4.3米捣固焦炉专门设计的配套设备,该型捣固机为18锤微移动捣固机,配好的原煤在装煤车上捣固成煤饼,再由装煤车送入炭化室的一种专用设备。
18锤捣固机分左右型,与转煤车对应布置, 左型捣固机配合左型装煤车,右型捣固机配合右型装煤车。
D08-32捣固车常见故障排除与检查保养方法浅层分析___________工程机械1301 (1)
关键词:捣固车;故障排除;保养分析目录摘要..................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
引言..................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1 绪论 (1)1.1 我国大型养路机械的发展及现状 (1)1.1.1我国大型养路机械的发展历程 (1)1.1.2我国大型养路机械的现状........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。我国捣固车发展历程 (5)1.1.3.我国养路机械的发展前景 (6)2捣固车简介 (7)2.1 捣固车的整体性能参数简介 (7)2.2 捣固车的工作装置........................................................................................................ .92.2.1 捣固装置的组成..................................................................................................... .92.2.2 捣固装置的原理 (9)2.2.3起拨道装置的组成 (9)2.3作业程序及技术要求 (10)3捣固车故障排除的分析 (11)3.1捣固车的主要故障 (11)3.1.1柴油机故障 (11)电气故障 (11)机械故障 (12)油路故障 (13)3.1.2起道系统故障............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
Model 6360 6361 救急车床垫固定器产品说明书
Model 6360/6361Ambulance Cot FastenerINSTALLATION/OPERATION INSTRUCTIONSFor Parts or Technical Assistance1–800–784–4336Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warning / Caution / Note Definition2Warranty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Obtaining Parts and Service3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Supplemental Warranty Coverage3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Return Authorization4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Freight Damage Claims4 Installing Floor Mounted Cot Fastener. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Positioning of the Antler Floor Mounting Plates5, 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Positioning of the Rail Floor Mounting Plates6Fastener Attachment7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installing Wall Mounted Cot Fastener. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Positioning of the Antler Floor Mounting Plates8, 9 Positioning of the Rail Wall Mounting Plate9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fastener Attachment10 Cot Fastener Operation11, 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Assembly Drawings and Parts Lists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wall Mounted Cot Fastener Assembly13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Floor Mounted Cot Fastener Assembly14IntroductionINTRODUCTIONThis manual is designed to provide instructions for the installation, usage and maintenance of the Stryker 6360 Floor Mounted Cot Fastener and the 6361 Wall Mounted Cot Fastener. The Stryker 6360 and 6361 cot fasteners are not designed for any purpose other than to restrict movement of an ambulance cot being transported in the patient compartment of an ambulance under normal conditions. Usage of these products in any other way becomes the complete responsibility of the owner/user. An independant test lab has determined that the 6360 and 6361 will hold an ambu-lance cot secure in the event of an accident as defined in AMD specification 004. Caution must be used at all times during placement of the cot into the ambulance.WARNING / CAUTION / NOTE DEFINITIONThe words WARNING, CAUTION and NOTE carry special meanings and should be carefully reviewed.WARNINGThe personal safety of the patient or user may be involved. Disregarding this information could result in injury to the patient or user.CAUTIONThese instructions point out special procedures or precautions that must be followed to avoid damaging the equipment.NOTEThis provides special information to make maintenance easier or important instructions clearer.Limited Warranty:Stryker Medical Division, a division of Stryker Corporation, warrants to the original purchaser that its products should be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year after date of delivery. Stryker’s obligation under this warranty is expressly limited to supplying replacement parts and labor for, or replacing , at its option , any product which is, in the sole discretion of Stryker, found to be defective. Stryker warrants to the original purchaser that the frame and welds on its products will be free from structural defects for as long as the original purchaser owns the product. If requested by Stryker, products or parts for which a warranty claim is made shall be returned prepaid to Stryker’s factory. Any improper use or any alteration or repair by others in such manner as in Stryker’s judgement affects the product materially and adversely shall void this warranty. No employee or representative of Stryker is authorized to change this warranty in any way. This statement constitutes Stryker’s entire warranty with respect to the aforesaid equipment. STRYKER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT AS SET FORTH HEREIN. THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL STRYKER BE LIABLE HEREUNDER FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM OR IN ANY MANNER RELATED TO SALES OR USE OF ANY SUCH EQUIPMENT.To Obtain Parts and Service:Stryker products are supported by a nationwide network of dedicated Stryker Field Service Representatives. These representatives are factory trained, available locally, and carry a substantial spare parts inventory to minimize repair time. Simply call your local representative, or call Stryker Customer Service at (800) 327–0770.Supplemental Warranty Coverage:Stryker has developed a comprehensive program of extended warranty options designed to keep your equip-ment operating at peak performance at the same time it eliminates unexpected costs. We recommend that these programs be activated before the expiration of the new product warranty to eliminate the potential of additional equipment upgrade charges. Stryker offers the following Supplemental Warranties:Extended (Parts and Labor)S All replacement parts (excluding mattresses and consumable items)S Labor and travel for all scheduled and unscheduled callsS Biannual Preventive Maintenance Inspections and repairsS JCAHO paperwork for preventive maintenanceS Priority Emergency ServiceStandard (Labor Only):S Labor and travel for all scheduled and unscheduled callsS Biannual Preventive Maintenance Inspections and repairsS JCAHO paperwork for preventive maintenanceS Priority Emergency ServiceBasic (Parts Only):S All replacement parts (excluding mattresses and consumable items)S Priority Emergency ServicePlease call your local representative, or call (800) 327–0770 for further informationReturn Authorization:Merchandise cannot be returned without approval from the Stryker Customer Service Department. An autho-rization number will be provided which must be printed on the returned merchandise. Stryker reserves the right to charge shipping and restocking fees on returned items.SPECIAL, MODIFIED, OR DISCONTINUED ITEMS NOT SUBJECT TO RETURN.Damaged Merchandise:ICC Regulations require that claims for damaged merchandise must be made with the carrier within fifteen (15) days of receipt of merchandise. DO NOT ACCEPT DAMAGED SHIPMENTS UNLESS SUCH DAMAGE IS NOTED ON THE DELIVERY RECEIPT AT THE TIME OF RECEIPT. Upon prompt notification, Stryker will file a freight claim with the appropriate carrier for damages incurred. Claim will be limited in amount to the actual replacement cost. In the event that this information is not received by Stryker within the fifteen (15) day period following the delivery of the merchandise, or the damage was not noted on the delivery receipt at the time of receipt, the customer will be responsible for payment of the original invoice in full.Claims for any short shipment must be made within thirty (30) days of invoice.Positioning of the Antler Floor Mounting Plates1.Determine the desired position of the cot inside the vehicle allowing for proper clearance around the cot. NOTEFederal ambulance specifications regarding aisle width and attendant seating may affect positioning of the mounting brackets. If specifications do not apply, the installer should be certain there is adequate clearance for proper patient access, traction splint projection, rear door closure, etc.ing the dimensions shown in View 1 below, locate and drill the two points where the antler floor plateswill attach. Recess two 1” x 2 1/2” x 9/16” deep openings into the floor centered over the plate locating points as shown in View 2 below.VIEW 1VIEW 2Positioning of the Antler Floor Mounting Plates (Continued)ing two 3/8” diameter socket head cap screws (not supplied), anchor each antler floor plate into the recessed openings with the counter –bored holes facing up as shown in View 2 on page 5. Steel backing plates (4” x 6” x 3/8”) are required for added support as shown in View 3 below (not supplied).CAUTIONDo not use screws smaller than the 3/8” diameter specified to anchor any of the floor plates.Positioning of the Rail Floor Mounting Platesing the dimensions shown in View 1 on page 5, locate and drill the four points where the rail support bracket floor plate will attach. Recess one 2 1/2” x 5” x 9/16” deep opening into the floor centered over the locating points as shown in View 4 below.ing four 3/8” diameter socket head cap screws (not supplied), anchor the floor plate into the recessed opening with the counter –bored holes facing up as shown in View 4 below. The keyhole should be towards the front of the vehicle. A steel backing plate (6” x 9” x 3/8”) is required for added support as shown in View 3 below (not supplied).NOTEOne set of additional floor plates is supplied to allow alternate positioning anywhere on the patient compart-ment floor. Cot space requirements are the same as shown in View 1 on page 5. Repeat the above proce-dure to install the alternate position floor plates.VIEW 4VIEW 3Fastener AttachmentVIEW 7VIEW 6VIEW 56.Position the antler over the floor plates and fasten with the red knobs as shown in View 5. The additionalmounting holes in the antler bracket are used to position the antler for the model 6361 wall mounted cot fastener system.7.Position the rail support bracket over the floor mounting plate. Insert the socket head screw into the key-hole and slide the assembly forward until the hole in the bracket lines up with the tapped hole in the floor plate. Fasten securely using one of the red knobs as shown in View 6.8.Position the rail assembly on the support bracket and attach the rail using the rail clamp and four 5/16–18x 2” socket head cap screws provided as shown in View 7.NOTEThe strength of any fastener mounting installation should be confirmed by the installer’s own test procedure before placing in service.Positioning of the Antler Floor Mounting Plates1.Determine the desired position of the cot inside the vehicle allowing for proper clearance around the cot. NOTEFederal ambulance specifications regarding aisle width and attendant seating may affect positioning of the mounting brackets. If specifications do not apply, the installer should be certain there is adequate clearance for proper patient access, traction splint projection, rear door closure, etc.ing the dimensions shown in View 1, locate and drill two holes to attach the antler floor plates. Recesstwo 1” x 2 1/2” x 9/16”deep openings into the floor centered over the locating holes as shown in View 2.VIEW 2VIEW 1Positioning of the Antler Floor Mounting Plates (Continued)ing two 3/8” diameter socket head cap screws (not supplied), anchor the floor plates into the recessed openings with the counter –bored holes facing up as shown in View 2 on page 8. Steel backing plates (4” x 6” x 3/8”) are required for added support as shown in View 3 below (not supplied).CAUTIONDo not use screws smaller than the 3/8” diameter specified to anchor the floor plates.NOTEOne set of additional floor plates is supplied to allow alternate positioning anywhere on the patient compart-ment floor. Cot space requirements are the same as shown in View 1. Repeat the above procedure to install the alternate position floor plates.Positioning of the Rail Wall Mounting Plateing the dimensions shown in View 1 on page 8, locate and drill the four points where the rail wall mount-ing bracket will attach.ing four 5/16” diameter socket head cap screws (not supplied), anchor the wall bracket as shown in Views 4 and 5 below. A steel backing plate (6” x 9” x 3/8”) is required for added support as shown in View 4 (not supplied).CAUTIONDo not use a screw smaller than the 5/16”diameter specified to anchor the wall plate.VIEW 3VIEW 4VIEW 5Installing Wall Mounted Cot FastenerFastener AttachmentVIEW 66.Position the antler over the floor plates and fasten with the red knobs as shown in View 6. The additionalmounting holes in the antler bracket are used to position the antler for the model 6360 floor mounted cot fastener system.VIEW 77.Position the rail assembly on the wall mounting bracket as shown in View 7. Attach the rail using the railclamp and four 5/16–18 x 2” socket head cap screws and nuts provided.NOTEThe strength of any fastener mounting installation should be confirmed by the installer’s own test procedure before placing in service.Adjustment And Operation1.Adjustment of the rail assembly may be required to compensate for slight variation in the position of the cot post.Adjustment is made vertically by removing the rail clamp (A) and rail assembly (B) from the existing mount-ing holes and moving it to the set of holes that will align the clamp jaws (C) with the post on the cot. Position the rail assembly front/back. Adjustment is limited to 1/2” front/back or 1” total movement. Do not overlap the adjustment limit label (D) on the rail assembly. When adjustment is complete, rotate the rail assembly so the jaws are parallel with the floor and tighten the mounting screws until the rail clamp is drawn firmly against the support bracket.WARNINGTo prevent the cot frame from coming out of the rail jaws, the space between the rail clamp and the rail station-ary jaw must NEVER exceed 1”. T o prevent the cot from coming out of the rail jaws and causing possibleinjury to the patient or user, the rail clamp must not overlap the red adjustment limit label on the rail tube.ABDECAdjustment Limit Label2.To operate the fastener, push the rail handle (E) forward until the release button engages and the jaws lock in the open position.WARNINGThe fastener closes with a strong spring action. T o avoid injury, DO NOT use hand or fingers to depress the release button when the rail jaws are open.Adjustment And Operation (Continued)3.Guide the cot into the fastener at a slight angle, as shown above, engaging the loading wheels with theantler. Move the foot end of the cot sideways until the cot post enters the rail jaws and presses the release button. The rail jaws will close, locking the cot securely in position.4.Cot bedding may prevent the attendants from seeing the rail jaws close around the cot post. The properlyinstalled and adjusted fastener closes with a ”positive” sound and feel that serves as a good indicator of proper engagement. Check for positive engagement by grasping the cot frame and pushing/pulling with sufficient force to disengage the cot if the fastener jaws are not completely closed.5.To remove the cot, use one hand to actuate the push handle forward, far enough for the jaws to releasethe cot post. With the other hand, grasp the cot and roll it away from the rail.WARNINGThe fastener closes with a strong spring action. T o avoid injury, DO NOT use hand or fingers to depress the release button when the rail jaws are open.Assembly part number 6361–30–10GHHGC BADEFItemPart No.Part NameQty.A 6361–30–12Wall Mounting Bracket 1B 6360–30–18Rail Clamp1C 4–71Soc. Hd. Cap Screw 4D 16–36Hex Nut4E 6360–20–10Rail Assembly 1*F 6360–30–23Antler Weldment 1G 6360–30–31Knob Assembly 2H6360–30–12Small Floor Plate2* The rail assembly is not designed to be a repairable item. It must be purchased as a complete assembly.Individual components are not available for order.EFHHFB A FGDCJAssembly part number 6360–30–10ItemPart No.Part NameQty.A 6360–30–18Rail Clamp1B 4–250Soc. Hd. Cap Screw 4C 16–36Hex Nut4D 6360–20–10Rail Assembly 1*E 6360–30–23Antler Weldment 1F 6360–30–31Knob Assembly 3G 6360–30–11Large Floor Plate 2H 6360–30–12Small Floor Plate 4J6360–30–24Rail Support Bracket1* The rail assembly is not designed to be a repairable item. It must be purchased as a complete assembly.Individual components are not available for order.DH 6/95 6360–90–10 REV A6300 Sprinkle Road, Kalamazoo, MI 49001–9799 (800) 327–0770。
最大速度(公称) 50mph
59′ 2″
第 45 页
热交换器 ·水冷散热器 ·各种其他部件
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第 55 页
服务 ·培训 ·PTC 支持 ·空压机 ·牵引电机 ·机车服务 ·气动设备 ·电气设备
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ECP 17.SCD 电源 18.VCD 电源 19. 车辆地址模块 20. 列头列尾单元
PTC 21. 截断塞门 22.ETMS 显示 23. 切除柜 mlink 25. 导航传感器 26. 列车管理计算机
各种其他部件 27. 司机室无线电 28. 厕所 29. 冰柜 30. 风化材料 31. 车轮 32. 弹簧 33. 密封圈 34. 轴信号发生器 35. 闸瓦 36. 控制系统 37. 牵引电机 38. 牵引电机碳刷架
3CDTM 压缩机升级
集成的后端冷却器 ·高效的,符合成本效益的,免维护的方法使制动系统压缩空气中的
恒温控制中间冷却器 ·为电机驱动起动和停止的空压机设计 ·通过使中间冷却器维持在一个稳定温度消除冷凝在油中的水
KitchenAid 5Qt. 欧洲版 Artisan Tilt Head 电子搅拌机说明书
c2009 KITCHENAID5 QT. STAND MIXER − EUROPEARTISAN TILT HEADMODELS:5KSM150PSEWH4 (White)5KSM150PSEBU4 (Cobalt Blue)5KSM150PSEGP4 (Grape)5KSM150PSEGR4 (Imperial Grey)5KSM150PSEOB4 (Onyx Black)5KSM150PSEAC4 (Almond Creme)5KSM150PSECR4 (Chrome)5KSM150PSENK4 (Nickel)5KSM150PSEIC4 (Ice)5KSM150PSEER4 (Empire Red)5KSM150PSEMY4 (Majestic Yellow)5KSM150PSEPK4 (Pink)02−09 Litho in U.S.A. (skr) (eeb)Part No. 8212383 Rev. E5KSM150PSEPT4 (Pistachio)5KSM150PSECV4 (Caviar)5KSM150PSETG4 (Tangerine)5KSM150PSEMC4 (Metallic Chrome)5KSM150PSEBW4 (Blue Willow)5KSM150PSEGC4 (Gloss Cinnamon)5KSM150PSEGA4 (Green Apple)5KSM150PSEPM4 (Pearl Metallic)5KSM150PSEBY4 (Boysenberry)5KSM150PSEBR4 (Bronze Pearl)5KSM150PSECH4 (Chocolate)5KSM150PSEPE4 (Pear)COLOR VARIATION PARTS2For Models: 5KSM150PSE__48212383COLOR VARIATIONS PARTS3For Models: 5KSM150PSE__48212383Illus. PartNo. No. DESCRIPTIONIllus. PartNo. No. DESCRIPTIONIllus. PartNo. No. DESCRIPTION1Motor Housing 240291−1White240291−7Cobalt Blue 9707126Grape240291−22Imperial Grey 240291−13Onyx Black 240291−16Almond Creme 240291−19Chrome 9706461Nickel 9707662Ice240291−21Empire Red 240291−20Majestic Yellow 9706473Pink9706836Pistachio 9705243Caviar 9706849Tangerine9704025Metallic Chrome 9709600Blue Willow9709442Gloss Cinnamon 9709688Green Apple W10128417Pearl Metallic W10140801Boysenberry W10189057Bronze Pearl 9708141Chocolate W10193514Pear2Trim Band W10190254Black/Silver 3End Cover 240253−1White240253−8Cobalt Blue 9707131Grape240253−23Imperial Grey 240253−14Onyx Black 240253−16Almond Creme 240253−20Chrome 9706268Nickel 9707667Ice240253−22Empire Red 240253−21Majestic Yellow 9706469Pink9706841Pistachio 9705241Caviar 9706854Tangerine9704029Metallic Chrome 9709595Blue Willow9709437Gloss Cinnamon 9709683Green Apple W10128412Pearl Metallic W10140796Boysenberry W10189052Bronze Pearl 9708146Chocolate W10193509Pear4Planetary 240286−1White240286−10Cobalt Blue 9707129Grape240286−24Imperial Grey 240286−16Onyx Black 240286−18Almond Creme 240286−21Chrome 9706271Nickel 9707665Ice240286−23Empire Red 240286−22Majestic Yellow 9706475Pink9706839Pistachio 9705244Caviar 9706852Tangerine9706670Metallic Chrome 9709597Blue Willow9709439Gloss Cinnamon 9709685Green Apple W10128414Pearl Metallic W10140798Boysenberry W10189054Bronze Pearl 9708144Chocolate W10193511Pear5Lower Gearcase 240350−4White9701420Cobalt Blue 9707123Grape240350−86Imperial Grey 240350−56Onyx Black 240350−62Almond Creme 9701398Chrome 9706459Nickel 9708868Ice240350−91Empire Red 240350−93Majestic Yellow 9707364Pink9706832Pistachio 9706911Caviar 9707936Tangerine9707219Metallic Chrome 9709603Blue Willow9709445Gloss Cinnamon 9709691Green Apple W10128420Pearl Metallic W10140804Boysenberry W10189060Bronze Pearl 9708138Chocolate W10242875Pear6Pedestal w/Feet &Headlock 3184273White3184278Cobalt Blue 9708637Grape9703998Imperial Grey 3184275Onyx Black 9705577Almond Creme 3184277Chrome 9706456Nickel 9708865Ice3184280Empire Red 3184281Majestic Yellow 9707361Pink9709637Pistachio 9709632Caviar 9707933Tangerine9707188Metallic Chrome W10119207Blue WillowW10119202Gloss Cinnamon W10128411Green Apple W10128423Pearl Metallic W10189051Boysenberry W10189063Bronze Pearl W10189045Chocolate W10242882PearColors Subject To Change.Any Color Not Listed is No Longer Available.If Additional Colors Are Added,This Page Will Be Updated.82123834Illus. PartNo. No. DESCRIPTION1Gearcase MotorHousing2242765−2Cap, AttachmentHub3Thumb Screw9709194Black4Band, Trim53180161Washer6W10112253Worm Gear7240308Worm Gear Bracketand Bearing89705444Pin9240210−2Gear, Shaft &Pinion109705130Gear, AttachmentHub Bevel119709627Gear, BevelPinion & Center12240026Shaft, VerticalCenter13240018−1Pin, AgitatorShaft149705443Pin, Groove154162324Gasket,Transmission1667500−55O−Ring173180163Washer18Lower Gear Case19103994Screw203184052Shaft, Agitator219703438Ring, Retaining229704677Pin, Groove234162914Screw24Cover, End25311932Screw263400022Screw27240309−2Worm Gear Bracketand Gear284160474Center Shaft& O−Ring298533914Washer, Lock303400025Screw, Machine313400203Screw, Set329703903Gear, Pinion339706090Washer34Planetary35240285Ring, Planetary3689411Screw, Adjusting379703904Gear, Internal389702311Lead, FilterControl Board399705132RFI Filter403184086ScrewRefer to Pages 2 & 3Color Variation Parts5821238382123836Illus. PartNo. No. DESCRIPTION1110679Screw, Pivot2116241Washer, Spring3Control, SpeedAssembly9709276Black43183680Spring, ControlPlate59704324Washer, BallBearing (Front)69708316Armature & Bearing73180162Washer816998Stud, Governor Dr93180526Bracket, BearingAssembly103184356Seal, End11W10131078Nut, 10−24123180238Washer, Felt13240769Screw, Stator14W10068270Washer153184176Speed Link & Cam16240205Spring, Flat179701670Field Assembly184162634Sleeve, Motor199706416Brush, Carbon209707926Screw214162546Brush Holder223179908Housing, BrushHolder23240680Insert, Brush Hldr24116286Cap, Spring Seat25116287Spring, Cap26Cap, Brush Holder3184212Black27W10068260Screw28W10119326Control Plate Assy2917830Governor Assembly309706596Phase Control Brd31Power Cord9702318White9702319Black323184086Screw7821238388212383ACCESSORY PARTS9For Models: 5KSM150PSE__48212383Illus. PartNo. No. DESCRIPTIONIllus. PartNo. No. DESCRIPTIONIllus. PartNo. No. DESCRIPTION4164839Speed Disc(Service Tool)4160588Grease, Planetary 4164778Mixer AttachmentPak (Includes Food Grinder (FG−A),Food Strainer (FVSP), AndVegetable Slicer,(RVS−A)(FPP−A)4164749Food Grinder(FG−A)8211924Grain Mill(KGMA)4164768Pasta Maker AndFood Grinder (Includes SNP Pasta Maker Plates)(SN/FG−A)4164775Fruit/VegetableStrainer Parts (Use With FG−A Model Only) (FVSP)4164750Rotor Slicer/Shredder(With 4 Standard Cones) Fine Shredder, Coarse Shredder, Thick Slicer,and Thin Slicer (RVS−A)9704568Pouring Shield(KPS2CL)4164824Pasta Maker Plates(SNP−A)4164774Fruit/VegetableStrainer and Food Grinder (FVS−FG−A)3180617Cover, Decorative(Cotton Polyester)4162838Food Tray (FT)4164748Juicer (JE)4164747Can Opener (CO)4164803Sausage StufferKit (SSA)8212632Ice Cream Maker(5KICA)3177924Bowl Cover,Plastic Non−Sealing4163337Bowl, StainlessWith Handle3180262Bowl, 3 Qt.4162160Bowl, SatinStainless。
COBRATT眼镜蛇捣固镐的介绍该机器效率高、质量好的特点显现得尤为明显;从日常维护作业方面来说,一般的大型机具作业在很多地段都不适用,特别是道叉(铁道叉口)等一些地方无法精确的触及,而且不便于日常携带;与其他品牌设备相比,Cobra TT整机质量小,捣固质量高,沉淀量小,减震效果好,冲击力大,快捷、方便、灵活。
Cobra TT眼镜蛇捣固镐的特点1、该机由二冲程汽油发动机驱动,适用于高标准的道岔、轨道的捣固工作。
Cobra TT眼镜蛇捣固机的技术参数型号MK1/TT证书CE CRCC CARB EPA功率(HZ)12~25冲击能(J)45工作转速(r/min)6000电功(KW/R/MIN) 2.0/6500净重(KG)27.5毛重(KG)33包装尺寸(MM)950*450*450引擎90cc单缸两冲程功率(W) 1.5kW 冲击频率(blows/min)720-1600冲击能(joule)40重量(kg)25长度(mm)927油箱容积(l)1柄长(mm)32*160声功率级保证(2000/14/EC)3)(Lw,dB(A))109声压力水平(ISO11203)(Lp,r=1m)96最大破碎深度(mm)300。
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------------------------------------------------------------精品文档-------------------------------------------------------- 中冶焦耐开发的6.25m捣固焦炉于振东戴成武张长青陈海文王明登杨俊锋马小波中冶焦耐工程技术有限公司中冶焦耐开发的6.25m捣固焦炉由中冶焦耐工程技术有限公司在2007年初依据储备和唐山佳华公司的要求,决定为唐山佳华二期工程项目开发建设4座46孔,炭化室高6.25m的大型捣固焦炉及建设与其配套的生产设施、公用设施及辅助设施等。
1.中冶焦耐对大型捣固焦炉进行了科学的总结,其特性如下:1)煤饼从机侧装入炭化室;2)煤饼上的荒煤气流通通道小;3)炭化室锥度小;4)装煤期间煤饼和炭化室墙面有空隙,装煤后很快消失;5)煤饼和炭化室墙砖间有空隙;6)机、焦侧煤饼头部有斜度;7)焦侧煤饼头部倒塌,将被推到焦侧炉门处;8)机侧炉头炭化室墙面温度波动大;9)煤饼密度均匀,水分稳定;10) 结焦时间达到2/3时,煤饼开始收缩;11) 从结焦初期到相当长的结焦时间里,炭化室墙面承受很高的侧压。
Proacti PROTEKT DASH 站立转移椅产品说明书
,i Proacti� PROTEKT® DASHSTANDING TRANSFERmedical productsMODEL 32500OWNER'S MANUALAND INSTRUCTION GUIDEBEFORE USE:Ensure the product has been assembled according to theinstructions in this manual.All operators should have received or read and understoodthe instructions for safe and proper operation of theProtekt® Dash. -"Tl ,,m -a !t 0 CD :;a C mn en-I -,.en enmI: m� --io-I -a ::a m �! -I --z i C, tA -:e ,. -azThank you for choosing Proactive!To better serve you, please recordthe following information:Supplier Name:Telephone:Serial #:Date of Purchase:INSPECT YOUR MERCHANDISEUpon receipt of your Protekt Dash Proactive, verify that all merchandise is complete and free from any shipping damage. Refuse delivery if the packaging appears to be badly damaged. If the merchandise is received damaged or is missing components, contact the shippingFor further assistance, contact your local dealer or®SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSFAILURE to use this device according toinstructions may cause serious injury.NEVER attempt to transfer a patient or residentwhose weight exceeds the indicated maximumcapacity for this device or any accessory.NEVER leave a patient unattended during transferDO NOT use without complete understanding ofsafe and correct operationDO NOT use for the purpose of transportation overlong distances.DO NOT use for the purpose of seating over longextended periods of time.Warning! Failure to heed this warning may result in damage tothe product or serious injury to the operator and/or user.Important instructions follow. Read and understand the instruc-tions in the manual before using the product.Note! Important information concerning the product and/or its cor-rect and proper usage follow.DEFINITIONSIn this manual the user refers to the patient or resident and may be used interchangeably at different times Caregiver refers to the operator or person who is assisting with the transfer.Symbols used in this manual and their meanings:PRODUCT FEATURESDESCRIPTION& APPLICATIONSThe from Proactive represent a class of medical devices collectively referred to a standing transfer aid. The standing transfer aid is positioned between a traditional walker orwheelchair and the common electric stand assist patient lift. The is a transfer assist unit which keeps the user activelyengaged in the process. Transfer functions of all types are quick and require minimal caregiver assistance. Each unit is equipped witha crossbar where users can grasp and pull their self up into a standing position using their own strength. The padded split seats swing out the split seats back into place to form a secure and comfortable seat for the user to sit on for the remainder of the transfer.leg and lower body strength to stand up and remain in thestanding/sitting position. Adequate arm strength is required if the patient must useProtekt® Dash atransfer device. For patients who lack these requirements,a sit-to-stand lift such as the electric powered patient lift is preferred and recommended.The is suitable for the following types of transfers:P R O D U C T F E A T U R E SProtekt® Dash Protekt® Dash Protekt® Dash Protekt® DashProtekt® Dash*Measured to the outside of each base leg with the base legs in the widest open position **Measured from the ground to the bottom of the seatSPECIFICATIONS& OPTIONSPRODUCT FEATURESPrior to assembly, unpack all parts from the shipping carton and check for any missing parts. Contact you r dealer immediately if a part is missing.Factory assembled base with foot plate and castorsT21xAllen keyA S S E MB L YSTEP BY STEP ASSEMBLY23Place the base assembly on the ease of assembly.1Insert the kneepads into the support bar and secure them in place with bolts and washers (A2 + A5 + A4) as indicated below.Cover the two bolt heads with black plastic caps (A7)to complete kneepad assembly.Install the kneepad assembly between the two side support arms as shown. Fasten in place with four carriage bolts, nuts and washers.ASSEMBLY54Line up the small holes on the underside of the tubes with theholes in the support units.Insert the kneepad side support assembly into the base slots and then insert the seat assembly into the kneepad and side support assembly.A S S E MB L Y6Use the remaining 4 carriage bolt assembliesto securely fasten the two sub assemblies to the base unit.All of the square shoulders of the bolts should be on theinside and the washers and lock nuts on the outside.(A1 + A4 +A5 +A6)ASSEMBLYProtekt® Dash as shown Protekt® Dash allowsLock the casters by steppingon the caster clip andpushing down as shownbelow.Have the patient grasp thecross bar closest to them andusing their own strength pullthemselves up into a standingposition firmly on the platformas shown.Lower both of the split seatunits down into position toform a complete seat asshown.11------------Io-I -a::ii,m�; -I --z i c:,-(I) (!) z z2 -...�g wr:ll:: a.l-o(I) z Have the patient lower themselvesdown onto the seat while keeping theirknees/shins in the knee/shin pads andwhile still holding the cross bar with bothhands as shown.Unlock the casters and place both hands on the cross bar furthest from the patient and move the standing transfer aid to the new surface. Make sure the patient is secure and in proper position as described in Step 6 above prior and during transfer as shown below.12MAINTENANCE & INSPECTION The standing transfer is a manual unit andtherefore requires minimal maintenance on an ongoing basis. However to insure safety and proper use the following steps should be taken on a monthly basis.Check all bolt/nut assemblies to make sure they are tight and no wear and tear is evident. Replace and tighten any worn assemblies prior to using the Check the two seat assemblies to make sure they are not worn or damaged and that the bolts are tight. Replace any worn or damaged seat components before using the Check the casters to make sure they are in working order and are prior to using the Protekt® Dash Protekt® Dash.Protekt® Dash.Protekt® Dash.Protekt® DashThe standing ransfer is designed to fullysupport a seated patient for transport. For patients requiring some upper body support or additional security a safety belt may be used. hedesigned to work with the See the pictures below for the use of th:Support Strap Seat LockACCESSORIESProtekt® Dash.Protekt® DashWARRANTY This warranty shall not apply to any product which has been repaired or altered in any way so as, in our judgment, to affect its functionality and durability, nor to any product subject to abuse, misuse, negligence or accident, improper maintenance, improper installation, nor to anyproduct used with other parts, components and/or accessories with quality and/or specifications not compatible with this product. This warranty does not cover products that have beenimpaired by occurrences considered Acts of God over which authorized dealer has no control. This warranty shall also be voided if any required periodic maintenance, if applicable, has not been properly performed on this product.This warranty and the aforementioned remedies presented are exclusive and in lieu of all other express or implied warranties. No other representations or claims shall be binding or obligate authorized dealer in any way. Any warranty applicable to this product is limited to theaforementioned period indicated. In no event shall authorized dealer be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages; loss of revenue; or cost of replacement goods; resulting from the use or malfunction of this product to the associated equipment on which and withwhich it is used. This warranty gives specific legal rights and you may be entitled to other rights that vary from state to state.ProactiveProactiveProactiveProtekt® Dash。
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