
注意一: 元+辅音+e 中“re”结构除外。 注意二: have love come 单词为特例。
plane Jane these bike drive time nice kite those close home excuse
r 音节
以元音字母+辅音字母 r 为主体构成的音节
Go to bed
step by step
Ff /f/
fit fat family film
G g /g/
big pig bag leg gas
ab ac ad ag ba ca da fa ga bad bac baf bag bec bed feb geb cac cad caf cag gad gac fad fac
er [ə]
cleaner sister dinner [ə:]
certain her nerve serve term
ir [ə:]
bird girl first dirty shirt skirt a dirty shirt American girl
or [כ:]
forty horn horse short sport
u 在重读闭音节中发/ ʌ /
adult bus but bulk dust must fun just much sun
/ t ʃ / /k/ / ʃ/
much lunch chat each
ache school technical

Phonics自然拼读练习表Part 1:a? e? i? o? u? a_e? e_e? i_e? o_e? u_eAa : mat map bag cat hat fan bat appleEe: egg well red pen net hen bed bellIi: ?lick six bib pig pin kiss ink hillOo: ox on octopus box sock operate ostrichUu: sun umbrella cup bus nut gun uncle undera_e: ?cape name tape lake game make take hatee_e :?these Japanese Chinesei_e: ?bite five nine kite mine nice ride sideo_e: rose nose rope note pose home rode thoseu_e:??tube cube June cute hugePart 2:ai ay ee ea ey ie igh oa ow ui ueai: tail rain paint pain jail rail nail maiday:bay ray way say hay pay May layee:reeds eel bee peel jeep feet see teethea:sea meat peanut eagle peach tea leaf peaey:donkey monkey jockey turkey monkey hockey key trolley ie:tie pie lie dieigh:right sight night tight hight fight high sighoa:road toast toad coal goat boat coat soapow:rainbow pillow yellow window bowl row hollow lowui:suit juice fruitue:Sue blue glue truePart 3:ar er ir ur orar: arm car armchair card cart farm park gardener:sister brother under rooster winter mermaid marker mother ir:birthday circus dirty bird circle dirt girlur:turtle surfing turkey fur hurt purse nurseor:porch pork horse horn fort morning corn forkPart 4:ou ow oi oy? au aw oo oo eaou:house out mouth count fountain mountain shout mouse ow:cow towel clown owl crown brown flower toweroi:coin oil point noise boil soil poison coiloy:oyster boy cowboy soy toyau:august sause sausage naughty autumn applauseaw:paw draw saw straw strawberry lawnoo:moon zoo roof rooster boots food spoon room cool fool boom foolish oo:book cook good foot look hookea:head sweater sweat pear lead bear leather featherPart 5:ch sh wh ph th th kn wr mbch:beach lunch cheese bench church chicken chair cherrysh:sheep shirt ship fish dish push shoes shovelwh:whale white wheel wheat whip whistle wheelchair whisperph:photo elephant telephone trophy pharmacy alphabetth:brother feather leather father motherth:thumb three bathmat thirsty thief bath mouth teethkn:knob knee knife knock knitwr:wrist wrinkle wrap wreath writemb:thumb lamb bomb comb crumb numbPart 6:bl? fl? pl? cl? gl? br? cr? gr? pr? fr? tr? drbl:blue black blouse bloom bleach blanket blonde hairfl: flat flu fly flame flute floor flag flowerpl:plane play plus planet platform plum plate plantcl:clock cloud clean clay climb close clap clowngl:glove globe glass glue glasses gliderbr:bright brook brim bride brown bread brick brothercr:crown crab cream crow crayon crocodile cry croissantgr:gray green grass grapes ground grow grandmapr:prixe price prawn press prince princess prayfr:frog frost Friday French fries fruit front friend frametr:tractor truck train tray tree triangle trunk trolleydr:dream drum dry drop draw drive dress drinkPart 7:sm? sn? sl? sw? sp? st? sc? sk? all? ew? ysm:smile small smell smoke smoothsn:snowman snow snore snake snail sneakers sneakers snacksl:slow slap sleep slide slope sledsw:switch swallow swan swim sweet swing sweater sweatsp:spider spaceship spinach spoon spellst:stockings store star stamp storm stick student standsc:scarf scooter scanner scarecrow scale scorpion scoopsk:skunk skis skirt skatesall:call tall fall ball wallew:dew few view hew new nephew newspaperYy: sky fly dry spy type shy cry my? Yy :Miny sunny puppy dizzy dirty pony happy babyPart 8:自然拼音强化练习:Tongue twister1.A big black bear sat on a big black bug.2.A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!3.Cat, Cat, catch that fat rat.4.A fat cat catches a mad rat.5.Blue glue gun, green glue gun.6.Black background, brown background.7.A noisy noise annoys an oyster.8.A good cook can cook good cookies.9.At noon I took a good book,and sat by the pool in the wood.I soon took off my boot.And put my foot in the pool. Oh!???? How cool, how cool.10.The hunter and his huge horse hide behind in house.11. Betty better butter Brad's bread.12.Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town.13.The first is the first. The third is the third. The third can be the first, The first can be the third.14.Sir, this girl wearing a dirty skirt is not the first, but the third.15.A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us fly!" Said the fly, "Let us flee!" So they flew through a flaw in the flue.16. I wish you were a fish in my dish.17.Jean's three sheep are near the green jeep.18.There are thirty -three thousand three hundred and thirty-three feathers on that bird's throat.19. Neither father nor mother likes this weather.20. It’s a goat, sitting in a boat, wearing a coat and writing a note. It’s a bea r, sitting on a chair, holding a pear and combing its hair. It’s a cock, sitting on a rock, wearing a sock and looking at a clock. It’s a fly, wearing a tie, holding a pie and waving good bye.。

编者 Jonathan2014年1月英语音标发音表英语国际音标共48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。

自然拼音拼读练习表Aa :mat map bag cat hat fan bat appleEe: egg well red pen net hen bed bellIi: lick six bib pig pin kiss ink hillOo: ox on octopus box sock operate ostrich Uu: sun umbrella cup bus nut gun uncle under a-e:cape name tape lake game make take hate e-e:these Japanese Chinesei-e:bite five nine kite mine nice ride sideo-e: rose nose rope note pose home rode thoseu-e:tube cub e June cute hugeai:tail rain paint pain jail rail nail maiday: bay ray way say hay pay May layee:reeds eel bee peel jeep feet see teethea: sea meat peanut eagle peach tea leaf peaey:donkey monkey jockey turkey monkey hockey key trolley ie: tie pie lie dieigh: right sight night tight hight fight high sighoa: road toast toad coal goat boat coat soapow:rainbow pillow yellow window bowl row hollow lowui:suit juice fruitue: Sue blue glue truear: arm car armchair card cart farm park gardener: sister brother under rooster winter mermaid marker mother ir:birthday circus dirty bird circle dirt girlur: turtle surfing turkey fur hurt purse nurseor:porch pork horse horn fort morning corn forkou: house out mouth count fountain mountain shout mouseow: cow towel clown owl crown brown flower toweroi: coin oil point noise boil soil poison coiloy:oyster boy cowboy soy toyau: august sause sausage naughty autumn applauseaw:paw draw saw straw strawberry lawnoo: moon zoo roof rooster boots food spoon room cool fool boom foolishoo: book cook good foot look hookea:head sweater sweat pear lead bear leather featherch: beach lunch cheese bench church chicken chair cherrysh: sheep shirt ship fish dish push shoes shovelwh:whale white wheel wheat whip whistle wheel chair whisperph: photo elephant telephone trophy pharmacy alphabetth: brother feather leather father motherth: thumb three bathmat thirsty thief bath mouth teethkn:knob knee knife knock knitwr:wrist wrinkle wrap wreath writemb: thumb lamb bomb comb crumb numbbl: blue black blouse bloom bleach blanket blonde hairfl:flat flu fly flame flute floor flag flowerpl: plane play plus planet platform plum plate plantcl: clock cloud clean clay climb close clap clowngl:glove globe glass glue glasses gliderbr:bright brook brim bride brown bread brick brothercr: crown crab cream crow crayon crocodile cry croissantgr: gray green grass grapes ground grow grandmapr:prixe price prawn press prince princess prayfr:frog frost Friday French fries fruit front friend frametr:tractor truck train tray tree triangle trunk trolleydr:dream drum dry drop draw drive dress drinksm: smile small smell smoke smoothsn:snowman snow snore snake snail sneakers sneakers snacksl: slow slap sleep slide slope sledsw:switch swallow swan swim sweet swing sweater sweatsp: spider spaceship spinach spoon spellst :stockings store star stamp storm stick student standsc: scarf scooter scanner scarecrow scale scorpion scoopsk: skunk skis skirt skatesall:call tall fall ball wallew:dew few view hew new nephew newspaperYy: sky fly dry spy type shy cry myYy :Miny sunny puppy dizzy dirty pony happy baby自然拼音强化练习:Tongue twister1. A big black bear sat on a big black bug.2. A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!3. Cat, Cat, catch that fat rat.4. A fat cat catches a mad rat.5 Blue glue gun, green glue gun.6. Black background, brown background.7. A noisy noise annoys an oyster.8. A good cook can cook good cookies.9. At noon I took a good book,and sat by the pool in the wood.I soon took off my boot.And put my foot in the pool.Oh! How cool, how cool.10. The hunter and his huge horse hide behind in house.11. Betty better butter Brad's bread.12. Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town.13 . The first is the first.The third is the third.The third can be the first,The first can be the third.14. Sir, this girl wearing a dirty skirt is not the first, but the third.15. A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us fly!" Said the fly, "Let usflee!" So they flew through a flaw in the flue.16. I wish you were a fish in my dish.17. Jean's three sheep are near the green jeep.18. There are thirty -three thousand three hundred and thirty-three feathers on that bird's throat.19. Neither father nor mother likes this weather.20. It’s a goat,sitting in a boat,wearing a coat and writing a note.It’s a bear,sitting on a chair,holding a pear and combing its hair.It’s a cock,sitting on a rock,wearing a sock andlooking at a clock.It’s a fly,wearing a tie,holding a pie and waving good bye.。

自然拼读法(Phonics)教程短元音 a e i o u 的发音规律※如果一个英语单词或音节里只有一个元音, 且元音不在末尾,这个元音一般发短音.1)短元音:a [æ]: bag cat mat map apple bat hat fan hand Stan happy2)短元音:e [e] egg well red pen net hen bed bell best3)短元音:i [i] lick six bib pig pin kiss ink hill4)短元音:o [ɔ] pot ox top dog fox box lost topsun umbrella cup bus nut gun uncle under1)单音节词,没有其他元音,y发[ai] y [ai]: my, why, fly spy sky shy cry my type dry2)多音节词, y发[i]y [ i ] puppy dirty rainy sunny happy baby dizzy pony如:me, she, hi, go, baby, table第三节:一个单词或音节里有两个元音时,一般来说,前边一个元音发长音(其字母音),后边一个元音不发音.长元音1:Magic E (神奇的E)a-e ,e—e,i-e, o-e,u—e 发音规律1)长元音:[ei]: a-e space cake snake lake plane name whale grape cage(c afé) 2)长元音:[i:] e—e these Japanese Chinese3)长元音:[ai] i-e bite five nine kite mine nice ride side4)长元音:[əu] o-e rose nose rope note pose home rode those5ai [ei]: paint pain tail rain nail maid jail railay[ei]:ray say bay way hay lay may payee[i:]: bee peel reeds eel see teeth jeep feetea[i:] : peanut meat eagle sea leaf pea peach teaie[ai]: tie pie lie dieigh[ai]:ight sight night tight light sigh fight highoa [ou] : coat toast road boat coal goat toad soapow [ou] :yellow pillow row rainbow bowl window hollow lowoe [ou]: doe, hoe, toeui [ju:] : suit juice fruit※or[ɔ:]:pork porch horse horn corn fork morning ※or[ə:]:work worm world ar[a:]:arm card arm car cart park garden farmur[ə:]:hurt turkey turtle surfing nurse purse furir[ə:]:birthday circus dirty bird circle dirt girler[ə:]:mermaid term her nerd serveear[ə:]:learn earn earth heardsister brother marker rooster under mother winterau[ɔ:]:august sausage sauce naughty autumn applauseaw[ɔ:]:saw paw draw strawberry straw lawn※oo[u:]:moon zoo roof rooster spoon room boots food ※oo[u]:book cookie woods wool hook look foot cookea[e]:head sweater sweat leather feather leadou [au] mouth out house count shout mouseow [au]:clown cow owl towel flower tower crown brownoi [ɔi]:coin oil point noise poison coil boil soiloy [ɔi]:oyster boy soy toyare [ɛə] : care share scare dareair[ɛə]: hair air repairire [aiə]: fire wireear [iə]: near tear dear clear year hear]: deer beer cheers engineer pioneer volunteerch[ʧ] :beach lunch cheese bench chair cherry church chicken sh[ʃ]:sheep shirt ship fish shoes dish pushwh[w]:wheel white whale wheat wheel whisper whip whistleph [f]:elephant photo telephoneth[ð]:brother feather leather father motherth[θ]:thumb bathmat three thirsty mouth teeth thief bathkn[n]:knit knob knee knife knock:write wrist wrinkle wrap wreathgh [g]: ghostmb [b]: comb lambck [k]:quick black sick duck luck lock check backqu [ku]: quite quick quit quiltge [ʤ]: page orange age]: bridge vegetable judgebl: blue black blouse bloom bleach blanket blondefl: flat flu fly flame flute floor flag flowerpl: plane play plus planet platform plum plate plantcl: clock cloud clean clay climb close clap clownglove globe glass glue glassesbr: bright brook brim bride brown bread brick brothercr: crown crab cream crow crayon crocodile crygr: gray green grass grapes ground grow grandmapr: prixe price prawn press prince princess prayfr: frog frost Friday French fries fruit front friend framest: student stop steel story star style stand steamsc: scare scab scar scold scan scoop scalesk: skate skip ski sky skin skill skeleton skimsp: spider speak spy spring spoon speed spray spinsm: smoke smile smell small smart smash smock smearsn: snow snail snap snake snacksl: slim sleep slap slop slick slow slam slavesw: switch swallow swan swim sweet swing sweater sweat6tr: tree try train truck trust dr; dry drink dream draw dress str: street strait strictng: song long lung young stronging: ring morning evening wing king sing bring spring swing。

精心整理英语自然拼读法1字母与发音一一对应的辅音b -- ballz -- zoo* 注:q与u总是连在一起的2有多个发音的辅音:例词:c字母c后面接a,o,u的时候,c的发音与字母k发音相同,叫做“hard c sound”cat, cap, call, coat, cup 当字母c后面接e,i,或y的时候,通常c的发音与字母s发音相同,叫做“soft c sound”city, ice, rice, face, cell, cent,voice, pencil, juicey在结尾,单词只有一个音节时y发长/i/音,y在结尾,单词有两个或以上音节时y发长/e/音y在单词或音节中间时,发短/i/音小测试:my, cry, fly, sky3辅音字母组合辅音字母组合的发音很简单,就是把每个辅音字母的发音连在一起就可以了。
音节的划分对于一个单词的读音至关重要,我们所学的自然拼音法发音规律,其实都是针对单个音节的,dr --dress,drag, drink, drive, dropfr --frog,fresh, free, from, frontgr --grape,grade, grass, grin, gruntpr --press,pride, price, print, prooftr --truck,track, true, train, tree带有s的字母组合sc --scale,scar, score, scare, scuffsk --skate,skip, skill, skull, skinsm --smoke,smile, smog, smell, smearsn --snake,snap, snore, snow, snugsp --spoon,spin, spot, spell, sportlk --milk,silk, elk, sulk, skulkmp --lamp,damp, champ, hump, dumpnch --inch,ranch, lunch, bench, crunchnd --hand,kind, bend, stand, mindng(这个音比较特别,是舌头抵住上颚后方所发出的鼻音)--ring, long, sing, wing, lung nk --sink,bank, trunk, pink, inknt --tent,ant, hunt, sent, mintsh --fish,rash, brush, wish, trashst --vest,last, test, list, lost4复合字母构成的单音不发音的辅音字母(Silent Consonants)在有些辅音字母组合中,其中一个字母是不发音的,该组合所发的音与发音的那个辅音字母所发音相同。

如:c-a ca a-t at第三阶:能够成功拼读辅音+元音+辅音。
如d-o-g dog第四阶:能够成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。
如sw-ea-t-er sweater第五阶:能够听音辨字,即听到单词读音就能拼出该单词。
1. 自然拼读法的第一步是掌握二十六个字母的读音(Letter Sounds). 其中五个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u)发两种音。
2. 第二步是进行单元音字母的拼读练习,如:Sam, cat, mat, 等等.3. 第三步, 是固定读音的单词: the, a, is, to, have 等.4. 第四步,是一个单词里有两个元音时,前边一个元音发字母音,后边一个元音不发音,如:make, made, sea, five, nine, road等等.5. 第五步, 是双/三辅音在一起时怎么联读, 如: bl(ack), str(eet)等;有一些辅音不发音,如:ghost, comb, lamb等;要掌握一下和"h"联在一起的发音:ch, sh, th, wh。
6. 第六步,是特殊读法:单音节词,以元音结尾,这个元音发字母音.如:me, hi, go 等等Irregular: ar (car), ay (hay, may, say), igh (high, night, might), ew (new), er (sister, brother), ur (burn, hurt), ir (girl, fir, firm), or (horn), eigh (eight), oi (oil, boil), oy (boy), ow等有其特别的发音."c" 和"k" 在一起时,发一个音: quick, black等.经典示例:学过问学堂自然拼读法之后,任何年龄的孩子对即使长达20个字母的诸如:的长单词数秒便可默写朗读。

Part 1:CVC a e i o uAa: mat map bag cat hat fan bat appleEe: egg well red pen net hen bed bellIi: lick six bib pig pin kiss ink hillOo: ox on octopus box sock operateUu: sun umbrella cup bus nut gun uncle underPart 1:CVCe a_e e_e i_e o_e u_ea_e: cape name tape lake game make take hate e_e : these Japanese Chinesei_e: bite five nine kite mine nice ride sideo_e: rose nose rope note pose home rode those u_e: tube cube June cute hugePart 2: ai ay ee ea eyai: tail rain paint pain jail rail nail maiday: bay ray way say hay pay May layee: reed seel bee peel jeep feet see teethea: sea meat peanut eagle peach tea leaf pea ey: donkey monkey jockey turkey monkey hockey key trolleyPart 2: ie igh oa ow ui ueie: tie pie lie dieigh: right sight night tight hight fight high sighoa: road toast toad coal goat boat coat soapow: rainbow pillow yellow window bowl row hollow low ui: suit juice fruitue: Sue blue glue truePart 3:ar er ir ur orar: arm car armchair card cart farm park garden er: sister brother under rooster winter mermaid marker motherir: birthday circus dirty bird circle dirt girlur: turtle surfing turkey fur hurt purse nurseor: porch pork horse horn fort morning corn forkPart 4:ou ow oi oyou: house out mouth count fountain mountain shout mouseow: cow towel clown owl crown brown flower tower oi: coin oil point noise boil soil poison coiloy: oyster boy cowboy soy toyPart 4:au aw oo oo eaau: august sause sausage naughty autumn applauseaw: paw draw saw straw strawberry lawnoo: moon zoo roof rooster boots food spoon room coolfool boom oo:book cook good foot look hook ea: head sweater sweat pear lead bear leather featherPart 5:ch sh wh phch: beach lunch cheese bench church chicken chair cherrysh: sheep shirt ship fish dish push shoes shovel wh: whale white wheel wheat whip whistlewheelchair whisperph: photo elephant telephone trophy pharmacy alphabetPart 5:th th kn wr mbth: brother feather leather father motherth: thumb three bathmat thirsty thiefbath mouth teethkn: knob knee knife knock knitwr: wrist wrinkle wrap wreath writemb: thumb lamb bomb comb crumb numbPart 6:bl fl pl cl glbl: blue black blouse bloom bleachblanket blonde hairfl: flat flu fly flame flute floor flag flowerpl: plane play plus planet platform plum plate plantcl: clock cloud clean clay climb close clap clown gl: glove globe glass glue glasses gliderPart 6:br cr gr pr fr tr drbr: bright brook brim bride brown bread brick brother cr: crown crab cream crow crayon crocodile cry croissantgr: gray green grass grapes ground grow grandmapr: prixe price prawn press prince princess prayPart 6:fr tr drfr: frog frost Friday French fries fruit front friend frametr: tractor truck train tray tree triangle trunk trolleydr: dream drum dry drop draw drive dress drinkPart 7:sm sn sl swsm: smile small smell smoke smooth sn: snowman snow snore snake snail sneakers sneakers snacksl: slow slap sleep slide slope sled sw: switch swallow swan swim sweet swing sweater sweatPart 7:sp st sc sksp: spider spaceship spinach spoon spell st: stockings store star stampstorm stick student standsc: scarf scooter scanner scarecrowscale scorpion scoopsk: skunk skis skirt skatesPart 7:all ew yall: call tall fall ball wallew: dew few view hew new nephew newspaper Yy: sky fly dry spy type shy cry myYy : Miny sunny puppy dizzy dirty ponyhappy babyPart 8:b,c,d,f,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,qu,r,s,v,w,x,y,z作为单词首字母的发音b: bad big bay ban bog bark Ben beg bid beed: dad day dan dug dig darkt: tin tab Tim ten teed tubc: class cap cat cut comep: pan pig pack peg pay pork pinPart 8:b,c,d,f,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,qu,r,s,v,w,x,y,z作为单词首字母的发音g: gap game glass gut get gargam gain gaym: mice mine map met mill mailmay meet mann: nice nine nap net nill nan need nay nail night namel: light lab low led lay letlame lob lagPart 8:b,c,d,f,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,qu,r,s,v,w,x,y,z作为单词首字母的发音r: row red rob rain ray ragv: vat van vast vest vent vide vinef: fat fast fan fill fid fit fop feed fen k: keen kit kind kickqu: queen quit quiet quitePart 8:b,c,d,f,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,qu,r,s,v,w,x,y,z作为单词首字母的发音j: jet jar jam jay job jay joke joke jain w: west went wine wides: sip sit soon soup sandwich sand say z:zoo zip zit zoomPart 9:b,ck,d,f,g,k,l,m,n,s,t,v,x,z等作为单词在末位字母的发音b: cab tab cab pub robed: cad tad bad hard mad sad bed led wed bid made foods: mass boss bus booksx: max box foxf: leaf life gift left safePart 9:b,ck,d,f,g,k,l,m,n,s,t,v,x,z等作为单词在末位字母的发音v: live five give cave saveck: back pick dick brick hockg: bag pig dig brig hogp: cap lap tap rope pupsap pup map cupPart 9:b,ck,d,f,g,k,l,m,n,s,t,v,x,z等作为单词在末位字母的发音b: cab lab robe pubm: seem same ham bam dimn: ban din seen ten hant: bat hat sat bet let wet bit mate bite soent foot not cut gotPart 10: a, e, i, o,u的短音,主要在CVC单词中的发音Part 11: a, e, i, o,u的长音,主要在CVCe单词中的发音a: (长音) cake bake gate snake bate came fate lake rate make late date plane take tape face(短音) cat back gas bat can fat tack tap dad fan plan mad jam lack rate: (长音) me mete(短音) met pen Beni: (长音) bite hike life site wipe wine pine Mike bite bike kite(短音) bit hit lick kick lit sit wit win pin Mick big pigo: (长音) hope Coke nose dote note mope rose(短音) not mop rob cock nock hock dotu: (长音) cute dute use(短音) cut duck us bus underPart 10: a, e, i, o,u的短音,主要在CVC单词中的发音a: (短音) cat back gas bat can fattack tap dad fan plan mad jam lack rat e: (短音) met pen Beni: (短音) bit hit lick kick lit sit witwin pin Mick big pigo: (短音) not mop rob cock nock hock dotu: (短音) cut duck us bus underPart 11: a, e, i, o,u的长音,主要在CVCe单词中的发音a: (长音) cake bake gate snake bate came fate lakerate make late date plane take tape face e: (长音) me metei: (长音) bite hike life site wipe wine pine Mike bite bike kiteo: (长音) hope Coke nose dote note mope rose u: (长音) cute dute use。
最新英语自然拼读法及自然拼读练习表 (1)

自然拼音拼读练习表第一天:a e i o u a_e e_e i_e o_e u_eAa : mat map bag cat hat fan bat appleEe: egg well red pen net hen bed bellIi: lick six bib pig pin kiss ink hillOo: ox on octopus box sock operate ostrichUu: sun umbrella cup bus nut gun uncle undera__e : cape name tape lake game make take hatee__e :these Japanese Chinesei__e :bite five nine kite mine nice ride sideo__e :rose nose rope note pose home rode thoseu__e :tube cube June cute huge第二天: ai ay ee ea ey ie igh oa ow ui ueai: tail rain paint pain jail rail nail maiday: bay ray way say hay pay May layee: reeds eel bee peel jeep feet see teethea: sea meat peanut eagle peach tea leaf peaey: donkey monkey jockey turkey monkey hockey key trolleyie: tie pie lie dieigh: right sight night tight hight fight high sighoa: road toast toad coal goat boat coat soapow: rainbow pillow yellow window bowl row hollow lowui: suit juice fruitue: Sue blue glue true第三天:ar er ir ur orar: arm car armchair card cart farm park gardener: sister brother under rooster winter mermaid marker motherir: birthday circus dirty bird circle dirt girlur: turtle surfing turkey fur hurt purse nurseor: porch pork horse horn fort morning corn fork第四天:ou ow oi oy au aw oo oo eaou: house out mouth count fountain mountain shout mouseow: cow towel clown owl crown brown flower toweroi: coin oil point noise boil soil poison coiloy: oyster boy cowboy soy toyau: August sause sausage naughty autumn applauseaw: paw draw saw straw strawberry lawnoo: moon zoo roof rooster boots food spoon room cool fool boom foolish oo: book cook good foot look hookea: head sweater sweat pear lead bear leather feather第五天:ch sh wh ph th th kn wr mbch:beach lunch cheese bench church chicken chair cherrysh: sheep shirt ship fish dish push shoes shovelwh: whale white wheel wheat whip whistle wheelchair whisperph: photo elephant telephone trophy pharmacy alphabetth: brother feather leather father motherth: thumb three bathmat thirsty thief bath mouth teethkn: knob knee knife knock knitwr: wrist wrinkle wrap wreath writemb: thumb lamb bomb comb crumb numb第六天:bl fl pl cl gl br cr gr pr fr tr drbl: blue black blouse bloom bleach blanket blonde hairfl: flat flu fly flame flute floor flag flowerpl: plane play plus planet platform plum plate plantcl: clock cloud clean clay climb close clap clowngl: glove globe glass glue glasses gliderbr: bright brook brim bride brown bread brick brothercr: crown crab cream crow crayon crocodile cry croissantgr: gray green grass grapes ground grow grandmapr: prixe price prawn press prince princess prayfr: frog frost Friday French fries fruit front friend frametr: tractor truck train tray tree triangle trunk trolleydr: dream drum dry drop draw drive dress drink第七天:sm sn sl sw sp st sc sk all ew ysm: smile small smell smoke smoothsn: snowman snow snore snake snail sneakers sneakers snacksl: slow slap sleep slide slope sledsw: switch swallow swan swim sweet swing sweater sweatsp: spider spaceship spinach spoon spellst: stockings store star stamp storm stick student standsc: scarf scooter scanner scarecrow scale scorpion scoopsk: skunk skis skirt skatesall: call tall fall ball wallew: dew few view hew new nephew newspaperYy: sky fly dry spy type shy cry myYy : Miny sunny puppy dizzy dirty pony happy baby自然拼音强化练习:Tongue twister1. A big black bear sat on a big black bug.2. A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!3. Cat, Cat, catch that fat rat.4. A fat cat catches a mad rat.5. Blue glue gun, green glue gun.6. Black background, brown background.7. A noisy noise annoys an oyster.8. A good cook can cook good cookies.9.At noon I took a good book,and sat by the pool in the wood. I soon took off my boot. And put my foot in the pool. Oh ! How cool, how cool.10. The hunter and his huge horse hide behind in house.11. Betty better butter Brad's bread.12. Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town.13. The first is the first. The third is the third. The third can be the first, The first can be the third.14. Sir, this girl wearing a dirty skirt is not the first, but the third.15. A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us fly!" Said the fly, "Let us flee!"So they flew through a flaw in the flue.16. I wish you were a fish in my dish.17. Jean's three sheep are near the green jeep.18. There are thirty -three thousand three hundred and thirty-three feathers on that bird's throat.19. Neither father nor mother likes this weather.20. It’s a goat, sitting in a boat , wearing a coat and writing a note.It’s a bear, sitting on a chair, holding a pear and combing its hair.It’s a cock, sitting on a rock, wearing a sock and looking at a clock.It’s a fly, wearing a tie , holding a pie and waving good-bye.。

复习A-Z相对应的发音 尝试把下面的碎片拼出来。
baf datb gaf hag quad yad beg hell wet qued zep pep cip diz pitt wid zip quit quick zop top pop got kott quot puz dus buz duz guf fug cuz
pa pe pi po qua que qui ra re ri ro sa se si so ta te ti to bo co do fo go to lo mo no ro so ob oc od og om on op or os ot
Uu /Λ/ up bus Vv/v/ very visit love five Give in go over Ww/w/ Wash wall swim win X x / ks / box fox ox six next
u 在重读闭音节中发/ ʌ /
在双音节与多音节词中,至少有一个音节读的特 别响亮,这个音节叫重读音节,用重读符号/`/表 示,其他读得不是很响亮的音节叫非重读音节。
/bed/ [pə’teɪtəʊ] [tə’mɑ:təʊ] [’ʃɑ:pənə] [’fæməǀɪ] [’sæǀəd] [freʃ] [ǀʌntʃ] [ə’dres ]
a handsome man
B b /b/
big bag bed bad
A big box I bet
Cat cap cup come

美国学者Adams(1990)在PhonicsInstruction for the Nineties 里指出,出现在初级阅读材料中的词汇,其语音和字母间的对应关系相当稳定。
Phonics 更注重英文字母和其发音的对应关系,可以迅速提升英语阅读能力。
而中国孩子虽然没有母语背景、但Phonics 对于帮助认字、拼字、提高阅读能力,及从小教授正确英语发音方面仍然具有巨大的积极意义。

接下来,为您呈现 128 个自然拼读的详细内容。
首先,是 26 个字母的常见发音。

Part 1:CVC a e i o uAa: mat map bag cat hat fan bat appleEe: egg well red pen net hen bed bellIi: lick six bib pig pin kiss ink hillOo: ox on octopus box sock operateUu: sun umbrella cup bus nut gun uncle underPart 1:CVCe a_e e_e i_e o_e u_ea_e: cape name tape lake game make take hate e_e : these Japanese Chinesei_e: bite five nine kite mine nice ride sideo_e: rose nose rope note pose home rode those u_e: tube cube June cute hugePart 2: ai ay ee ea eyai: tail rain paint pain jail rail nail maiday: bay ray way say hay pay May layee: reed seel bee peel jeep feet see teethea: sea meat peanut eagle peach tea leaf peaey: donkey monkey jockey turkey monkey hockey key trolleyPart 2: ie igh oa ow ui ueie: tie pie lie dieigh: right sight night tight hight fight high sighoa: road toast toad coal goat boat coat soapow: rainbow pillow yellow window bowl row hollow low ui: suit juice fruitue: Sue blue glue truePart 3:ar er ir ur orar: arm car armchair card cart farm park gardener: sister brother under rooster winter mermaid marker motherir: birthday circus dirty bird circle dirt girlur: turtle surfing turkey fur hurt purse nurseor: porch pork horse horn fort morning corn forkPart 4:ou ow oi oyou: house out mouth count fountain mountain shout mouseow: cow towel clown owl crown brown flower toweroi: coin oil point noise boil soil poison coiloy: oyster boy cowboy soy toyPart 4:au aw oo oo eaau: august sause sausage naughty autumn applauseaw: paw draw saw straw strawberry lawnoo: moon zoo roof rooster boots food spoon room coolfool boom oo:book cook good foot look hookea: head sweater sweat pear lead bear leather featherPart 5:ch sh wh phch: beach lunch cheese bench church chicken chair cherrysh: sheep shirt ship fish dish push shoes shovelwh: whale white wheel wheat whip whistlewheelchair whisperph: photo elephant telephone trophy pharmacy alphabetPart 5:th th kn wr mbth: brother feather leather father motherth: thumb three bathmat thirsty thiefbath mouth teethkn: knob knee knife knock knitwr: wrist wrinkle wrap wreath writemb: thumb lamb bomb comb crumb numbPart 6:bl fl pl cl glbl: blue black blouse bloom bleachblanket blonde hairfl: flat flu fly flame flute floor flag flowerpl: plane play plus planet platform plum plate plantcl: clock cloud clean clay climb close clap clown gl: glove globe glass glue glasses gliderPart 6:br cr gr pr fr tr drbr: bright brook brim bride brown bread brick brother cr: crown crab cream crow crayon crocodile cry croissant gr: gray green grass grapes ground grow grandmapr: prixe price prawn press prince princess prayPart 6:fr tr drfr: frog frost Friday French fries fruit front friend frametr: tractor truck train tray tree triangle trunk trolleydr: dream drum dry drop draw drive dress drinkPart 7:sm sn sl swsm: smile small smell smoke smoothsn: snowman snow snore snake snail sneakers sneakers snacksl: slow slap sleep slide slope sledsw: switch swallow swan swim sweet swing sweater sweatPart 7:sp st sc sksp: spider spaceship spinach spoon spellst: stockings store star stampstorm stick student standsc: scarf scooter scanner scarecrowscale scorpion scoopsk: skunk skis skirt skatesPart 7:all ew yall: call tall fall ball wallew: dew few view hew new nephew newspaper Yy: sky fly dry spy type shy cry myYy : Miny sunny puppy dizzy dirty ponyhappy babyPart 8:b,c,d,f,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,qu,r,s,v,w,x,y,z作为单词首字母的发音b: bad big bay ban bog bark Ben beg bid beed: dad day dan dug dig darkt: tin tab Tim ten teed tubc: class cap cat cut comep: pan pig pack peg pay pork pinPart 8:b,c,d,f,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,qu,r,s,v,w,x,y,z作为单词首字母的发音g: gap game glass gut get gargam gain gaym: mice mine map met mill mail may meet mann: nice nine nap net nill nan need nay nail night namel: light lab low led lay letlame lob lagPart 8:b,c,d,f,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,qu,r,s,v,w,x,y,z作为单词首字母的发音r: row red rob rain ray ragv: vat van vast vest vent vide vinef: fat fast fan fill fid fit fop feed fenk: keen kit kind kickqu: queen quit quiet quitePart 8:b,c,d,f,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,qu,r,s,v,w,x,y,z作为单词首字母的发音j: jet jar jam jay job jay joke joke jain w: west went wine wides: sip sit soon soup sandwich sand sayz:zoo zip zit zoomPart 9:b,ck,d,f,g,k,l,m,n,s,t,v,x,z等作为单词在末位字母的发音b: cab tab cab pub robed: cad tad bad hard mad sad bed led wed bid made foods: mass boss bus booksx: max box foxf: leaf life gift left safePart 9:b,ck,d,f,g,k,l,m,n,s,t,v,x,z等作为单词在末位字母的发音v: live five give cave saveck: back pick dick brick hockg: bag pig dig brig hogp: cap lap tap rope pupsap pup map cupPart 9:b,ck,d,f,g,k,l,m,n,s,t,v,x,z等作为单词在末位字母的发音b: cab lab robe pubm: seem same ham bam dimn: ban din seen ten hant: bat hat sat bet let wet bit mate bite soent foot not cut gotPart 10: a, e, i, o,u的短音,主要在CVC单词中的发音Part 11: a, e, i, o,u的长音,主要在CVCe单词中的发音a: (长音) cake bake gate snake bate came fate lake rate make late date plane take tape face(短音) cat back gas bat can fat tack tap dad fan plan mad jam lack rate: (长音) me mete(短音) met pen Beni: (长音) bite hike life site wipe wine pine Mike bite bike kite(短音) bit hit lick kick lit sit wit win pin Mick big pigo: (长音) hope Coke nose dote note mope rose(短音) not mop rob cock nock hock dotu: (长音) cute dute use(短音) cut duck us bus underPart 10: a, e, i, o,u的短音,主要在CVC单词中的发音a: (短音) cat back gas bat can fattack tap dad fan plan mad jam lack rat e: (短音) met pen Beni: (短音) bit hit lick kick lit sit witwin pin Mick big pigo: (短音) not mop rob cock nock hock dotu: (短音) cut duck us bus underPart 11: a, e, i, o,u的长音,主要在CVCe单词中的发音a: (长音) cake bake gate snake bate came fate lakerate make late date plane take tape face e: (长音) me metei: (长音) bite hike life site wipe wine pine Mike bite bike kiteo: (长音) hope Coke nose dote note mope rose u: (长音) cute dute use。

Phonics自然拼读练习表( 打印版)

Part 1:CVC a e i o uAa: mat map bag cat hat fan bat appleEe: egg well red pen net hen bed bellIi: lick six bib pig pin kiss ink hillOo: ox on octopus box sock operateUu: sun umbrella cup bus nut gun uncle under1 / 25Part 1:CVCe a_e e_e i_e o_e u_ea_e: cape name tape lake game make take hate e_e : these Japanese Chinesei_e: bite five nine kite mine nice ride sideo_e: rose nose rope note pose home rode those u_e: tube cube June cute huge2 / 25Part 2: ai ay ee ea eyai: tail rain paint pain jail rail nail maiday: bay ray way say hay pay May layee: reed seel bee peel jeep feet see teethea: sea meat peanut eagle peach tea leaf peaey: donkey monkey jockey turkey monkey hockey key trolley3 / 25Part 2: ie igh oa ow ui ueie: tie pie lie dieigh: right sight night tight hight fight high sighoa: road toast toad coal goat boat coat soapow: rainbow pillow yellow window bowl row hollow low ui: suit juice fruitue: Sue blue glue true4 / 25Part 3:ar er ir ur orar: arm car armchair card cart farm park gardener: sister brother under rooster winter mermaid marker motherir: birthday circus dirty bird circle dirt girlur: turtle surfing turkey fur hurt purse nurseor: porch pork horse horn fort morning corn fork5 / 25。
自然拼读法第一阶段 分享版

自然拼读法第一单元AaAa在闭音节中bad pat bat mat fat gat hat rat sat sad dad fad gad had lad mad pad back fact●Drill I1. Please pat me on my back.2. --Where is your bat ?--It is in my backpack.●Drill II1.----Mom, you are too fat.----Don’t use the word “fat”. It is not nice.2.---Dad, you are so bad.--- Oh, I am sad to hear that.3.I have a cat. She is fat. She likes rat.朗读练习1:lam, lamp, cam , camp, tan, tank, fat , flat, back, black pan, pant, ran, rank, ban, bank lad, glad cap, clappan, plan, sam, slam, sap, slap nap, snapAa在开音节中make cake take game came datetape late lame same sake gatesave pave pale name sage fame●Drill I放下plate,赶到gate,已经late. 清晨wake, 来到lake,钓上snake●Drill II1. My name is Jane . I wake up early in the morning. I go to the lake everyday.2.---Eat all the food on your plate. ---But I’m going to be late.朗读练习2late, plate , lane, plane sake, snake hate, haze gaze, glade Aa的组合ar arm farm garden art mark dark cart smart spark●Drill I开着car 向着star 路途far; 想变smart, 必须start, 学习art●Drill II1.---The park is too far away.--- Let’s go there by car.2.---Would you take art lesson ?--- Yes. I will take piano lessons.朗读练习3dark arm apart marge large bark star starch garden单元综合练习朗读以下单词mat, mate fat, fate gat, gate hat, hatefad, fade mad, made plan, plane rat, ratestar start art Mars mark dark afar听写练习,写出老师所念单词_________ _________ __________ _________ __________ _________ _________ __________ _________ __________ _________ _________ __________ _________ __________ 对话练习1.--Mom, you are too fat.2---Dad, you are so bad.3.--Do you have any pet(宠物)?4. --Eat all the food on your plate.5. ---The park is too far away.6. --Will you take art lessons ? a. --Oh, I am sad to hear that.b. --Yes, I do. I have a cat. She is fat. She likes rat.c. -- Don’t use the word “fat”. It is not nice.d. --But I’m going to be late.e. -- Yes. I will take piano lessons.What I have learned in this unit:1.迅速准确拼读Aa在闭音节中的发音:map,sad, mad, cat, rat, fat, dan等2.迅速准确拼读Aa 在开音节中的发音:make, take, same, name, pale等3.迅速准确拼读ar在单词中的发音:far, mark, art, start, park等4.迅速准确拼读all在单词中的发音:mall, small, call, hall, tall等5.词汇积累:dad, bad,sad, cat, fat, rat,plate, gate,late,wake,lake,snake,car, star,far, smart,start, art6.掌握对话练习中的口语表达。
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英语自然拼读法及自然拼读练习表- 英语自然拼读法及自然拼读练习表英语自然拼读法英语自然拼读法[1]是以英语为母语国家的小朋友阅读时普遍使用的一种学习方法。
如:c-a ca a-t at第三阶:能够成功拼读辅音+元音+辅音。
如d-o-g dog第四阶:能够成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。
如sw-ea-t-er sweater第五阶:能够听音辨字,即听到单词读音就能拼出该单词。
1. 自然拼读法的第一步是掌握二十六个字母的读音 (Letter Sounds). 其中五个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u)发两种音。
2. 第二步是进行单元音字母的拼读练习,如: Sam, cat, mat, 等等(3. 第三步, 是固定读音的单词 : the, a, is, to, have 等.4. 第四步,是一个单词里有两个元音时,前边一个元音发字母音,后边一个元音不发音,如: make, made, sea, five,nine, road等等(5. 第五步, 是双/三辅音在一起时怎么联读, 如: bl(ack), str(eet)等;有一些辅音不发音,如: ghost, comb, lamb等;要掌握一下和"h"联在一起的发音: ch, sh, th, wh。
6. 第六步,是特殊读法:4单音节词,以元音结尾,这个元音发字母音( 如: me, hi, go 等等Irregular: ar (car), ay (hay, may, say), igh (high, night,might), ew (new), er (sister, brother), ur (burn, hurt), ir (girl, fir, firm), or (horn), eigh (eight), oi (oil, boil), oy (boy), ow等有其特别的发音("c和 "k在一起时,发一个音: quick, black等.经典示例:学过问学堂自然拼读法之后,任何年龄的孩子对即使长达20个字母的诸如: 的长单词数秒便可默写朗读。
接触过不少外教的教材,英语作为我们的第二语言,用浸入法的学习模式效果甚微,而自然拼读很不错,曾经看到美国学校用的一本语音教材,从500个常用字中提炼出37个词根,如:ap,at,in这样的词根,family word.学生通过学了这些,很快掌握了发音规律,只要会读,拼写根本就不是问题了。
这个在little fox中也有出现过,如,歌曲,What's this? It's a mat, bat, hat ,cat.就是将所列单词编成一个歌曲。
如:在第一模块中,有hello, hi, how这三个生词。
既然我们可以自然拼读出单词,何必还要借助于认读的辅助工具—音标,再增加孩子的负担呢,中文的学习难点是认字, 而英文的难点是阅读和积累词汇。
利用小狐狸拼读法有一个奇妙的地方, 就是孩子在学会拼读规则后, 可以很快的直接就将自己已有的听力词汇(听的懂的)全部转成阅读词汇(读得懂的)。
也就是说, 过去能听得懂的, 现在可以读懂。
基本的阅读词汇量一下子就有少则2000, 多的可达 5000甚至更高。
孩子应该怎么学英语呢? 和孩子学中文一样, 学英语也应是先语后文。
即先听说, 后读写。
小孩子开始学英语一定要多听, 听多了就慢慢可以听懂很多话, 孩子的听力词汇量会随之增加。
到一定程度, 孩子自然想开口说话。
慢慢地, 孩子说出来的话会令家长都感到惊讶。
不管是那种语言, 只要家长能提供良好的语言环境, 让孩子多接触多听。
让孩子将语言和图象建立起关系来, 孩子就能很快掌握这种语言。
只有在能听懂, 能用自己的话表达出来之后, 这种语言才真正成为你的语言。
当能听得懂的词汇, 句子越多, 学英语的自信心就会越强。
而靠背字典, 背课文的方式来学习语言, 不仅费时, 费力, 枯燥无味, 效果8也极差。
所以, 正确的英语拼读学习法就是:第一阶段: 为孩子创造一个良好的英语语言环境, 多接触多听英语, 从生活的各个方面着手, 建立英语语音和实物图象之间的关系。
目标是基本听懂简单的生活用语, 指令。