26个英语 自然拼读发音

以下是26个英文字母的自然拼读发音:A - /æ/ (如 "cat")B - /b/ (如 "bat")C - /k/ (如 "cat"),有时也发 /s/ (如 "city")D - /d/ (如 "dog")E - /e/ (如 "bed"),有时也发 /ɪ/ (如 "many")F - /f/ (如 "fan")G - /g/ (如 "go"),有时也发 /ʤ/ (如 "gem")H - /h/ (如 "hat")I - /aɪ/ (如 "bike"),有时也发 /ɪ/ (如 "pin")J - /ʤ/ (如 "jam")K - /k/ (如 "kit")L - /l/ (如 "lag")M - /m/ (如 "mat")N - /n/ (如 "net")O - /ɒ/ (如 "dog"),有时也发 /əʊ/ (如 "go")P - /p/ (如 "pat")Q - /k/ (通常与 "u" 结合,如 "queue")R - /r/ (如 "rat")S - /s/ (如 "sat"),有时也发 /z/ (如 "rose")T - /t/ (如 "tan")U - /ʌ/ (如 "cut"),有时也发 /juː/ (如 "use")V - /v/ (如 "van")W - /w/ (如 "way")X - /ks/ (如 "box")Y - /waɪ/ (如 "way"),有时也发 /ɪ/ (如 "gym")Z - /z/ (如 "zoo")请注意,这些发音规则有时可能会受到其他字母或字母组合的影响而发生变化。


精品文档自然拼读对照表二、英语音标对应字母表1、元音[i] 对应字母i, y, a, ai, ui - it hill wit sicky - agony balcony manya - beverage garbage passageai - mountain captainu - busy minute[i:]对应字母ea, ee, e, ei, ie, ey, iea - sea tea defeatee - bee feel feete - me he she mediaei - leisure seizeie - brief thief chiefey - keyi - machine[e]对应字母e, ea, ai, ay, ue - wet bendea - bread threatai - saiday - saysu - bury[æ]对应字母aa - rat cap lack[a:]对应字母ar, oc, al, oar - star car alarmoc - lock cockal - calm palmo - not on[ɔ:]对应字母aw, al, ou, oar, our, or, ar, au aw - law hawk yawn lawn dawn al - all walk hall talkou - bought foughtoar - soarour - course courtor - born sort snorear - warn warmth awardau - haunt caught autumn [ɔ]对应字母ouou - cough[u]对应字母oo, u, ouoo - fool took goodu - full pullou - should[u:]对应字母ew, oo, ui, o, ouew - flew crewoo - food boom soonui - fruito - tombou - group[ʌ] 对应字母u, o, ou, oou - bus us but buckleo - onion monk aboveou - enoughoo - blood flood[ə:] 对应字母or, ir, ear, ur, eror - worm workir - dirt firmear - learn search research heard ur - burn surfer - amerce term danger[ə] 对应字母a, ar, ou, o, or, e, u, ura - above ago thousandar - regular particularou - famous jealouso - personor - monitor actore - quiet vesselu - vacuumur - surround[ei] 对应字母a, ea, ai, ay, eya - date cake makeea - greatai - wait vail aiday - bay himalayasey - obey obeyance[ai ə] 对应字母ire, ieire - empire inspire respire ie - society quiet[au] 对应字母ou, owou - house noun thousand ow - bow town[ai ] 对应字母uy, ie, i, ei, yuy - buyie - lie piei - hike hightei - Fahrenheit heighty - asylum [ou] 对应字母o, ow, oao - hose holeow - bowloa - oat boat moat coat [ɔi] 对应字母oi, oyoi - soil oiloy - boy toy[iə] 对应字母eer, ear, ere eer - beerear - dear ear fearere - here[ɛə] 对应字母air, ear, are, eir air - fair airear - bearare - hare dareeir - heir their[uə] 对应字母oor, ure, our oor - poorure - sure lureour - tour2、辅音[p]对应字母pp - pea peach peak pie pig [b]对应字母bb - bee back bear[t]对应字母tt - bet boat neat[d]对应字母dd- need dig doom dad [k] 对应字母ck, k, c, ch, quck - back pickk - kill keenc - cast comech - school schedulequ - conquer unique technique [g] 对应字母gg - green grave gravity[kw]对应字母ququ - quit question quite quiet[tʃ] 对应字母ch, tch, tu, ti ,tch - chain chesttch - watch catchtu - culture agriculture architecture ti - celestial questiont - fortune[dʒ] 对应字母d, j, g, dgd - schedule education soldier j - jane jeepg - gym gibedg - bridge budget edge[dr] 对应字母drdr - drive[tr] 对应字母trtr - tree[dz] 对应字母dsds - minds winds[ts] 对应字母tsts - treats cats hats[f] 对应字母f, ph, ghf - fail fairph - phonegh - enough cough laugh [v] 对应字母vv - leave vary[θ]对应字母thth - thought thank[ð] 对应字母th, theth - though than breaththe - breathe bathe[s] 对应字母c, s, ss, sc, cec - ice faces - sank sickss - address classsc - sciencece - palace place[z] 对应字母s, z, ses - eyes knees thousandz - prize zealse - raise [ʃ] 对应字母sh, s, sci, ss, ch, ci, tish - shake cashs - ensure suresci - conscience consciousss - pressure passionch - machineci - preciousti - racial[ʒ] 对应字母g, sg - garage mirages - leisure usual[h] 对应字母hh - hair hat high[m] 对应字母mm - came dime game[ŋ]对应字母ngng - rung song sing[n] 对应字母n元音字母后或者单词末尾n - cane kin run元音字母前或者单词词首n - nose now night knight[l] 对应字母l元音字母后或者单词末尾l - hall travel 元音字母前或者单词词首l - flee fly [r] 对应字母rr - free rare[j] 对应字母y, iy - year yesi - million billion trillion[ju] 对应字母u, ueu - cute fuel supremeue - due[w] 对应字母ww - wait wet wed [hw] 对应字母wh wh - whack wheat3、不发音的字母bclimb tomb debt combe(o,a)history factory secretaryghlight bought ought nighthhonest Buddhist ghost kknife acknowledge knownautumn column condemntlisten pitch castle nestleubuild / bɪld; bɪld/wwrite wreck。

一、元音字母1.a 在开头时发长元音/ei/,在其他位置时发短元音/æ/;2.e 在开头时发长元音/i:/,在其他位置时发短元音/ε/;3.i 在开头时发长元音/ai/,在其他位置时发短元音/i/;4.o 在开头时发长元音/əu/,在其他位置时发短元音/ɔ/;5.u 在开头时发长元音/ju:/,在其他位置时发短元音/ʌ/。
二、辅音字母1.b 发/b/;2.c 在前面有e、i、y时发/s/,在前面有a、o、u时发/k/;3.d 发/d/;4.f 发/f/;5.g 在前面有e、i、y时发/dʒ/,在前面有a、o、u时发/g/;6.h 发/h/;7.j 发/dʒ/;8.k 发/k/;9.l 发/l/;10.m 发/m/;11.n 发/n/;12.p 发/p/;13.q 发/kw/;14.r 发/r/;15.s 发/s/;16.t 发/t/;17.v 发/v/;18.w 发/w/;19.x 发/ks/;20.y 在开头时发长元音/ai/,在其他位置时发辅音字母的读音;21.z 发/z/。
三、字母组合的读音规律1.ch 发 /tʃ/,如:chair;2.sh 发 /ʃ/,如:she;3.th 在开头时发/θ/,如:third;4.th 在中间和末尾时发/ð/,如:breath;5.wh 发 /w/,如:whale;6.-ck 结尾时发 /k/,如:back;7.-tch 结尾时发 /tʃ/,如:watch;8.-dge 结尾时发 /dʒ/,如:bridge;9.-tch 结尾时发 /tʃ/,如:match;10.-ight 结尾时发 /ait/,如:eight;11.-ng 结尾时发/ŋ/,如:sing。

自然拼读对照表二、英语音标对应字母表1、元音[i]对应字母i, y, a, ai, ui - it hill wit sicky - ago ny bale ony manya - beverage garbage passageai - moun tai n capta inu - busy minute[i:]对应字母ea, ee, e, ei, ie, ey, i ea - sea tea defeatee - bee feel feete - me he she mediaei - leisure seizeie - brief thief chiefey - keyi - mach ine[e] 对应字母e, ea, ai, ay, ue - wet bendea - bread threatai - saiday - saysu - bury[?]对应字母aa - rat cap lack[a:]对应字母ar, oc, al, oar - star car alarmoc - lock cockal - calm palmo - not onal - all walk hall talk our - course courtor - born sort snorear - warn warmth awardau - hau nt caught autu mn [?]对应字母ouou- cough[u] 对应字母oo, u, ouoo - fool took goodu - full pullou - should[u:] 对应字母ew, oo, ui, o, ouew - flew crewoo - food boom soonui - fruito - tombou - group[?]对应字母u, o, ou, oou - bus us but buckleo - onion monk aboveou - enoughoo - blood flood[?:]对应字母or, ir, ear, ur, eror - worm workir - dirt firmear - lear n search research heard ur - burn surfer - amerce term dan ger[?] 对应字母a, ar, ou, o, or, e, u, ur a- above ago thousandar - regular particularou - famous jealouso - pers on[?:]对应字母aw, al, ou, oar, our, or, ar, au aw - law hawk yaw n law n daw nbought foughtou -V soaror - mon itor actore - quiet vesselu - vacuumur - surround[ei] 对应字母a, ea, ai, ay, eya - date cake makeea - greatai - wait vail aiday - bay himalayasey - obey obeya nee[ai ?]对应字母ire, ieire - empire in spire respireie - society quiet[au]对应字母ou, owou - house noun thousandow - bow tow n[ai ]对应字母uy, ie, i,ei, yuy - buyie - lie piei - hike hightei - Fahre nheit height2、辅音[p]对应字母pp - pea peach peak pie pig [b]对应字母bb - bee back bear[t]对应字母tt - bet boat n eat[d]对应字母dd- n eed dig doom dad[k]对应字母ck, k, c, ch, qu[ou] 对应字母o, ow, oao - hose holeow - bowloa - oat boat moat coat[?i]对应字母oi, oyoi - soil oiloy - boy toy[i?] 对应字母eer, ear, ereeer-beerear-dear ear fearere-here[??]对应字母air, ear, are, eirair - fair airear-bearare-hare dareeir - heir their[u ?]对应字母oor, ure, ouroor-poorure--sure lureour-tourc - cast comech - school schedulequ - conq uer unique tech nique [g]对应字母gg - gree n grave gravity[kw]对应字母ququ - quit questi on quite quiet [t?]对应字母ch, tch, tu, ti ,tch - cha in chesttch-watch catchtu - culture agriculture architecture y - asylumck - back pick k - kill kee nti - celestial questi ont - fortune[d?]对应字母d, j, g, dgd - schedule educati on soldier j - jane jeepg - gym gibedg - bridge budget edge[dr]对应字母drdr - drive[tr] 对应字母trtr - tree[dz]对应字母dsds - minds winds[ts] 对应字母tsts - treats cats hats[f]对应字母f, ph, ghf - fail fairph - pho negh - enough cough laugh[v]对应字母vv - leave vary[B]寸应字母thth - thought tha nk[e]对应字母th, thez - prize zealse - raise[?]对应字母sh, s, sci, ss, ch, ci, tish - shake cashs - ensure suresci--con scieneeconsciousss - pressure passi onch - mach ineci - preciousti - racial[?]对应字母g, sg - garage mirages - leisure usual[h]对应字母hh - hair hat high[m] 对应字母mm - came dime game[?]对应字母ngng - rung song sing[n] 对应字母n元音字母后或者单词末尾n - cane kin run元音字母前或者单词词首n - nose now ni ght kni ght[l]对应字母I元音字母后或者单词末尾I - hall travel 元音字母前或者单词词首I - flee fly [r]对应字母rr - free rare[j]对应字母y, iy - year yes[ju]对应字母u, ueth - though tha n breath the--breathe bathe [s]对应字母c, s,,ss, sc, cec - ice faces - sank sickss - address classsc - scie neece - palace place[z] 对应字母s, z, ses - eyes kn ees thousandi - millio n billi on trilli onu - cute fuel supreme w - wait wet wedue - due [w]对应字母w [hw]对应字母wh wh - whack wheat3、不发音的字母bclimb tomb debt combe(o,a)history factory secretaryghlight bought ought nighthhon est Buddhist ghost kknife ack no wledge knownautu mn colu mn condemntliste n pitch castle n estleubuild / b?ld; b ?ld/wwrite wreck。

1.元音a, e, o, u在音节结尾(开音节)一般读做字母音(长音a, e, o, u),有助于学生正确划分并拼读元音字母+辅音字母+元音字母的不熟悉单词(report…rather than report)。
2.自然拼读26个字母发音:a a的长元音发/ei/,比如:make,cake→make a cake。
3.[es] t t [ti:] u u [ju:] v v [vi:] w w [′d∧blju:] x x [eks] y y [wai] z z [zi:][zed] 这是26个英文字母。
4.26个英文字母的自然拼读:A[ei]B[bi:]C[si:]D [di:]E[i:]。
g+e=ge| b|c|d|f|g| h+e=he|zh+e=zhe|l+e=le|
m+e=me|n+e=ne| h|j|l|m|n| p+e=pe|k+uo=kuo..。
6.自然拼读法记英语单词如下:hear 读法:英[hɪə] 美[hɪr]意思:听到,听;听说;审理;听;听见。

(完整版)英语自然拼读对照表.doc兰州博立英语学校剑桥少儿英语一级(下)自然拼读对照表二、英语音标对应字母表1、元音[i] 对应字母 i, y, a, ai, ui - it hill wit sicky - agony balcony manya - beverage garbage passageai - mountain captainu - busy minute[i:] 对应字母 ea, ee, e, ei, ie, ey, iea - sea tea defeatee - bee feel feete - me he she mediaei - leisure seizeie - brief thief chiefey - keyi - machine[e]对应字母 e, ea, ai, ay, ue - wet bendea - bread threatai - saiday - saysu - bury[? ] 对应字母 aa - rat cap lack[a:] 对应字母 ar, oc, al, oar - star car alarmoc - lock cockal - calm palmo - not on[?:] 对应字母 aw, al, ou, oar, our, or, ar, au aw - law hawk yawn lawn dawn al - all walk hall talkou - bought foughtoar -soarour - course courtor - born sort snorear - warn warmth awardau - haunt caught autumn[?]对应字母 ouou - cough[u] 对应字母 oo, u, ouoo - fool took goodu - full pullou - should[u:] 对应字母 ew, oo, ui, o, ouew - flew crewoo - food boom soonui - fruito - tombou - group[?] 对应字母 u, o, ou, oou - bus us but buckleo - onion monk aboveou - enoughoo - blood flood[?:] 对应字母or, ir, ear, ur, eror - worm workir - dirt firmear - learn search research heard ur - burn surfer - amerce term danger[?] 对应字母 a, ar, ou, o, or, e, u, ur a - above ago thousandar - regular particularou - famous jealouso - person1or - monitor actore - quiet vesselu - vacuumur - surround[ei] 对应字母 a, ea, ai, ay, eya - date cake makeea - greatai - wait vail aiday - bay himalayasey - obey obeyance[ai ?] 对应字母 ire, ieire - empire inspire respireie - society quiet[au] 对应字母 ou, owou - house noun thousandow - bow town[ai ] 对应字母 uy, ie, i, ei, yuy - buyie - lie piei - hike hightei - Fahrenheit height2、辅音[p]对应字母 pp - pea peach peak pie pig [b]对应字母 bb - bee back bear[t]对应字母 tt -bet boat neat[d]对应字母 dd- need dig doom dad [k] 对应字母ck, k, c, ch, qu ck - back pickk -kill keeny - asylum[ou] 对应字母 o, ow, oao - hose holeow - bowloa - oat boat moat coat[?i] 对应字母 oi, oyoi - soil oiloy - boy toy[i?] 对应字母 eer, ear, ereeer - beerear - dear ear fearere - here[??]对应字母 air, ear, are, eirair - fair airear - bearare - hare dare eir- heir their[u ?] 对应字母oor, ure, ouroor -poorure - sure lureour - tourc -cast comech - school schedulequ - conquer unique technique [g]对应字母 gg - green grave gravity[kw] 对应字母ququ - quit question quite quiet[t ?] 对应字母ch, tch, tu, ti ,tch - chain chesttch -watch catchtu -culture agriculture architecture 2ti - celestial questiont - fortune[d?] 对应字母 d, j, g, dgd - schedule education soldier j - jane jeepg - gym gibedg - bridge budget edge[dr] 对应字母 drdr - drive[tr] 对应字母 trtr - tree[dz] 对应字母 dsds - minds winds[ts] 对应字母 tsts - treats cats hats[f]对应字母 f, ph, ghf - fail fairph - phonegh - enough cough laugh [v]对应字母 vv - leave vary[ θ]对应字母 thth - thought thank[e] 对应字母 th, theth - though than breaththe - breathe bathe[s] 对应字母 c, s, ss, sc, cec - ice faces - sank sickss- address class sc- sciencece - palace place[z]对应字母 s, z, ses- eyes knees thousandz -prize zealse - raise[?] 对应字母sh, s, sci, ss, ch, ci, tish - shake cashs - ensure suresci - conscience c onscious ss- pressure passion ch- machineci - precious ti- racial[?]对应字母 g, sg - garage mirages - leisure usual[h]对应字母 hh - hair hat high[m]对应字母 mm -came dime game[?]对应字母 ngng - rung song sing[n]对应字母 n元音字母后或者单词末尾n - cane kin run元音字母前或者单词词首n - nose now night knight[l]对应字母 l元音字母后或者单词末尾l -hall travel元音字母前或者单词词首l -flee fly[r]对应字母rr - free rare[j]对应字母y, iy - year yesi - million billion trillion[ju]对应字母u, ue3兰州博立英语学校剑桥少儿英语一级(下)u - cute fuel supreme w - wait wet wedue - due[hw]对应字母wh[w]对应字母w wh - whack wheat3、不发音的字母b kclimb tomb debt comb knife acknowledge knowe(o,a)nhistory factory secretary autumn column condemn gh tlight bought ought night listen pitch castle nestle h uhonest Buddhist ghost build / b?ld; b ?ld /wwrite wreck4。

自然拼读对照表二、英语音标对应字母表1、元音[i] 对应字母i, y, a, ai, ui - it hill wit sicky - agony balcony manya - beverage garbage passageai - mountain captainu - busy minute[i:]对应字母ea, ee, e, ei, ie, ey, iea - sea tea defeatee - bee feel feete - me he she mediaei - leisure seizeie - brief thief chiefey - keyi - machine[e]对应字母e, ea, ai, ay, ue - wet bendea - bread threatai - saiday - saysu - bury[æ]对应字母aa - rat cap lack[a:]对应字母ar, oc, al, oar - star car alarmoc - lock cockal - calm palmo - not on[ɔ:]对应字母aw, al, ou, oar, our, or, ar, au aw - law hawk yawn lawn dawn al - all walk hall talkou - bought foughtoar - soarour - course courtor - born sort snorear - warn warmth awardau - haunt caught autumn [ɔ]对应字母ouou - cough[u]对应字母oo, u, ouoo - fool took goodu - full pullou - should[u:]对应字母ew, oo, ui, o, ouew - flew crewoo - food boom soonui - fruito - tombou - group[ʌ] 对应字母u, o, ou, oou - bus us but buckleo - onion monk aboveou - enoughoo - blood flood[ə:] 对应字母or, ir, ear, ur, eror - worm workir - dirt firmear - learn search research heard ur - burn surfer - amerce term danger[ə] 对应字母a, ar, ou, o, or, e, u, ura - above ago thousandar - regular particularou - famous jealouso - personor - monitor actore - quiet vesselu - vacuumur - surround[ei] 对应字母a, ea, ai, ay, eya - date cake makeea - greatai - wait vail aiday - bay himalayasey - obey obeyance[ai ə] 对应字母ire, ieire - empire inspire respire ie - society quiet[au] 对应字母ou, owou - house noun thousand ow - bow town[ai ] 对应字母uy, ie, i, ei, yuy - buyie - lie piei - hike hightei - Fahrenheit heighty - asylum[ou] 对应字母o, ow, oao - hose holeow - bowloa - oat boat moat coat [ɔi] 对应字母oi, oyoi - soil oiloy - boy toy[iə] 对应字母eer, ear, ere eer - beerear - dear ear fearere - here[ɛə] 对应字母air, ear, are, eir air - fair airear - bearare - hare dareeir - heir their[uə] 对应字母oor, ure, our oor - poorure - sure lureour - tour2、辅音[p]对应字母pp - pea peach peak pie pig [b]对应字母bb - bee back bear[t]对应字母tt - bet boat neat[d]对应字母dd- need dig doom dad [k] 对应字母ck, k, c, ch, quck - back pickk - kill keenc - cast comech - school schedulequ - conquer unique technique [g] 对应字母gg - green grave gravity[kw]对应字母ququ - quit question quite quiet[tʃ] 对应字母ch, tch, tu, ti ,tch - chain chesttch - watch catchtu - culture agriculture architectureti - celestial questiont - fortune[dʒ] 对应字母d, j, g, dgd - schedule education soldier j - jane jeepg - gym gibedg - bridge budget edge[dr] 对应字母drdr - drive[tr] 对应字母trtr - tree[dz] 对应字母dsds - minds winds[ts] 对应字母tsts - treats cats hats[f] 对应字母f, ph, ghf - fail fairph - phonegh - enough cough laugh [v] 对应字母vv - leave vary[θ]对应字母thth - thought thank[ð] 对应字母th, theth - though than breaththe - breathe bathe[s] 对应字母c, s, ss, sc, cec - ice faces - sank sickss - address classsc - sciencece - palace place[z] 对应字母s, z, ses - eyes knees thousandz - prize zealse - raise[ʃ] 对应字母sh, s, sci, ss, ch, ci, tish - shake cashs - ensure suresci - conscience consciousss - pressure passionch - machineci - preciousti - racial[ʒ] 对应字母g, sg - garage mirages - leisure usual[h] 对应字母hh - hair hat high[m] 对应字母mm - came dime game[ŋ]对应字母ngng - rung song sing[n] 对应字母n元音字母后或者单词末尾n - cane kin run元音字母前或者单词词首n - nose now night knight[l] 对应字母l元音字母后或者单词末尾l - hall travel 元音字母前或者单词词首l - flee fly [r] 对应字母rr - free rare[j] 对应字母y, iy - year yesi - million billion trillion[ju] 对应字母u, ueu - cute fuel supreme ue - due[w] 对应字母ww - wait wet wed [hw] 对应字母whwh - whack wheat3、不发音的字母bclimb tomb debt combe(o,a)history factory secretaryghlight bought ought nighthhonest Buddhist ghost kknife acknowledge knownautumn column condemntlisten pitch castle nestleubuild / bɪld; bɪld/wwrite wreck。

26个英文字母自然拼读发音及单词A a.- 发音:[ei]- 单词:apple ['æpl](名词,n. 苹果)B b.- 发音:[b]- 单词:book [bʊk](名词,n. 书;动词,v. 预订)C c.- 发音:[k](在多数情况下)或 [s](在e、i、y前)- 单词:cat [kæt](名词,n. 猫);city ['sɪti](名词,n. 城市)D d.- 发音:[d]- 单词:dog [dɒg](名词,n. 狗)E e.- 发音:[i:]- 单词:egg [eg](名词,n. 蛋)F f.- 发音:[f]- 单词:fish [fɪʃ](名词,n. 鱼;动词,v. 捕鱼)G g.- 发音:[g](在多数情况下)或 [dʒ](在e、i、y前)- 单词:go [gəʊ](动词,v. 去);giraffe [dʒə'rɑ:f](名词,n. 长颈鹿)H h.- 发音:[h]- 单词:hat [hæt](名词,n. 帽子)I i.- 发音:[ai]- 单词:ice - cream [,aɪs'kri:m](名词,n. 冰淇淋)J j.- 发音:[dʒ]- 单词:juice [dʒu:s](名词,n. 果汁)K k.- 发音:[k]- 单词:kite [kaɪt](名词,n. 风筝)L l.- 发音:[l]- 单词:lion ['laɪən](名词,n. 狮子)M m.- 发音:[m]- 单词:monkey ['mʌŋki](名词,n. 猴子)N n.- 发音:[n]- 单词:nose [nəʊz](名词,n. 鼻子)O o.- 发音:[əʊ]- 单词:orange ['ɒrɪndʒ](名词,n. 橙子)P p.- 发音:[p]- 单词:pig [pɪg](名词,n. 猪)Q q.- 发音:[kw]- 单词:queen [kwi:n](名词,n. 女王)R r.- 发音:[r]- 单词:ruler ['ru:lə](名词,n. 尺子)S s.- 发音:[s](在清辅音后或词首)或 [z](在浊辅音后或元音后)- 单词:sun [sʌn](名词,n. 太阳);zoo [zu:](名词,n. 动物园)T t.- 发音:[t]- 单词:tiger ['taɪgə](名词,n. 老虎)U u.- 发音:[ju:]- 单词:umbrella [ʌm'brelə](名词,n. 雨伞)V v.- 发音:[v]- 单词:violin [,vaɪə'lɪn](名词,n. 小提琴)W w.- 发音:[w]- 单词:window ['wɪndəʊ](名词,n. 窗户)X x.- 发音:[ks]- 单词:box [bɒks](名词,n. 盒子)Y y.- 发音:[waɪ](在词首)或 [j](在词中或词尾)- 单词:yellow ['jeləʊ](名词,n. 黄色;形容词,adj. 黄色的)Z z.- 发音:[z]- 单词:zebra ['zi:brə](名词,n. 斑马)。

A [ei]:表示长元音发音,如"cake"中的"a";B [bi]:发音为/b/,如"boy"中的"b";C [si:]:前面加"g"或"e,i,y"发音/s/,其他情况发音/k/。
如"girl"中的"c";D [di:]:发音为/d/,如"dog"中的"d";E [i:]:表示长元音发音,如"see"中的"e";F [ef]:发音为/f/,如"fish"中的"f";G [dʒi:]:发音为/dʒ/,如"girl"中的"g";H [eitʃ]:发音为/h/,如"hat"中的"h";I [本人]:表示长元音发音,如"bike"中的"i";J [dʒei]:发音为/dʒ/,如"jacket"中的"j";K [kei]:发音为/k/,如"kite"中的"k";L [el]:发音为/l/,如"light"中的"l";M [em]:发音为/m/,如"mom"中的"m";N [en]:发音为/n/,如"nose"中的"n";O [əu]:表示长元音发音,如"home"中的"o";P [pi:]:发音为/p/,如"pink"中的"p";Q [kju:]:发音为/k/,后面必须跟"u",如"queen"中的"q";R [ɑ:]:发音为/r/,在美国英语中经常省略,如"car";S [es]:发音为/s/,如"six"中的"s";T [ti:]:发音为/t/,如"top"中的"t";U [ju:]:表示长元音发音,如"blue"中的"u";V [vi:]:发音为/v/,如"vacation"中的"v";W [ˈdʌblju:]:在单词中发音/w/,如"win"中的"w";X [eks]:发音为/ks/或/z/,如"box"中的"x";Y [waɪ]:在单词中发音/本人/或/i/,如"yes"中的"y";Z [zed]:在美国发音为/z/,在英国发音为/z/,如"zipper"中的"z"。

自然拼读对照表二、英语音标对应字母表1、元音[i] 对应字母i, y, a, ai, ui - it hill wit sicky - agony balcony manya - beverage garbage passageai - mountain captainu - busy minute[i:]对应字母ea, ee, e, ei, ie, ey, iea - sea tea defeatee - bee feel feete - me he she mediaei - leisure seizeie - brief thief chiefey - keyi - machine[e]对应字母e, ea, ai, ay, ue - wet bendea - bread threatai - saiday - saysu - bury[æ]对应字母aa - rat cap lack[a:]对应字母ar, oc, al, oar - star car alarmoc - lock cockal - calm palmo - not on[ɔ:]对应字母aw, al, ou, oar, our, or, ar, au aw - law hawk yawn lawn dawn al - all walk hall talkou - bought foughtoar - soarour - course courtor - born sort snorear - warn warmth awardau - haunt caught autumn [ɔ]对应字母ouou - cough[u]对应字母oo, u, ouoo - fool took goodu - full pullou - should[u:]对应字母ew, oo, ui, o, ouew - flew crewoo - food boom soonui - fruito - tombou - group[ʌ] 对应字母u, o, ou, oou - bus us but buckleo - onion monk aboveou - enoughoo - blood flood[ə:] 对应字母or, ir, ear, ur, eror - worm workir - dirt firmear - learn search research heard ur - burn surfer - amerce term danger[ə] 对应字母a, ar, ou, o, or, e, u, ura - above ago thousandar - regular particularou - famous jealouso - personor - monitor actore - quiet vesselu - vacuumur - surround[ei] 对应字母a, ea, ai, ay, eya - date cake makeea - greatai - wait vail aiday - bay himalayasey - obey obeyance[ai ə] 对应字母ire, ieire - empire inspire respire ie - society quiet[au] 对应字母ou, owou - house noun thousand ow - bow town[ai ] 对应字母uy, ie, i, ei, yuy - buyie - lie piei - hike hightei - Fahrenheit heighty - asylum[ou] 对应字母o, ow, oao - hose holeow - bowloa - oat boat moat coat [ɔi] 对应字母oi, oyoi - soil oiloy - boy toy[iə] 对应字母eer, ear, ere eer - beerear - dear ear fearere - here[ɛə] 对应字母air, ear, are, eir air - fair airear - bearare - hare dareeir - heir their[uə] 对应字母oor, ure, our oor - poorure - sure lureour - tour2、辅音[p]对应字母pp - pea peach peak pie pig [b]对应字母bb - bee back bear[t]对应字母tt - bet boat neat[d]对应字母dd- need dig doom dad [k] 对应字母ck, k, c, ch, quck - back pickk - kill keenc - cast comech - school schedulequ - conquer unique technique [g] 对应字母gg - green grave gravity[kw]对应字母ququ - quit question quite quiet[tʃ] 对应字母ch, tch, tu, ti ,tch - chain chesttch - watch catchtu - culture agriculture architectureti - celestial questiont - fortune[dʒ] 对应字母d, j, g, dgd - schedule education soldier j - jane jeepg - gym gibedg - bridge budget edge[dr] 对应字母drdr - drive[tr] 对应字母trtr - tree[dz] 对应字母dsds - minds winds[ts] 对应字母tsts - treats cats hats[f] 对应字母f, ph, ghf - fail fairph - phonegh - enough cough laugh [v] 对应字母vv - leave vary[θ]对应字母thth - thought thank[ð] 对应字母th, theth - though than breaththe - breathe bathe[s] 对应字母c, s, ss, sc, cec - ice faces - sank sickss - address classsc - sciencece - palace place[z] 对应字母s, z, ses - eyes knees thousandz - prize zealse - raise[ʃ] 对应字母sh, s, sci, ss, ch, ci, tish - shake cashs - ensure suresci - conscience consciousss - pressure passionch - machineci - preciousti - racial[ʒ] 对应字母g, sg - garage mirages - leisure usual[h] 对应字母hh - hair hat high[m] 对应字母mm - came dime game[ŋ]对应字母ngng - rung song sing[n] 对应字母n元音字母后或者单词末尾n - cane kin run元音字母前或者单词词首n - nose now night knight[l] 对应字母l元音字母后或者单词末尾l - hall travel 元音字母前或者单词词首l - flee fly [r] 对应字母rr - free rare[j] 对应字母y, iy - year yesi - million billion trillion[ju] 对应字母u, ueu - cute fuel supreme ue - due[w] 对应字母ww - wait wet wed [hw] 对应字母whwh - whack wheat3、不发音的字母bclimb tomb debt combe(o,a)history factory secretaryghlight bought ought nighthhonest Buddhist ghost kknife acknowledge knownautumn column condemntlisten pitch castle nestleubuild / bɪld; bɪld/wwrite wreck。

英语自然拼读对照表---------------------------------------.专业.专注.自然拼读对照表二、英语音标对应字母表1、兀曰[i]对应字母i, y, a, ai, ui - it hill wit sicky - agony bale ony manya - beverage garbage passageai - moun tai n capta inu - busy minute[i:] 对应字母ea, ee, e, ei, ie, ey, iea - sea tea defeatee - bee feel feete - me he she mediaei - leisure seizeie - brief thief chiefey - keyi - mach ine[e] 对应字母e, ea, ai, ay, ue - wet bendea - bread threatai - saiday - saysu - bury[?]对应字母aa - rat cap lack[a:]对应字母ar, oc, al, oar - star car alarmoc - lock cockal - calm palmo - not on or - born sort snorear - warn warmth awardau - hau nt caught autu mn[?]对应字母ouou - cough[u]对应字母oo, u, ouoo - fool took goodu - full pullou - should[u:] 对应字母ew, oo, ui, o, ouew - flew crewoo - food boom soonui - fruito - tombou - group[?] 对应字母u, o, ou, oou - bus us but buckleo - onion monk aboveou - enoughoo - blood flood[?:] 对应字母or, ir, ear, ur, eror-worm workir - dirt firmear- learn search research heard ur-bur n surfer-amerce term danger[?] 对应字母a, ar,ou,o, or, e, u, ura - above ago thousandar - regular particular ou - famous jealouso - pers onor - mon itor actore - quiet vesselaw - law hawk yaw n law n daw n al - all walk hall talk ou - bought foughtoar - soarour - course court[?:]对应字母aw, al, ou, oar, our, or, ar, auu - vacuumur - surround[ei] 对应字母a, ea, ai, ay, eya - date cake makeea - greatai - wait vail aiday - bay himalayasey - obey obeya nee⑻?]对应字母ire, ieire - empire in spire respire ie - society quiet[au] 对应字母ou, owou - house noun thousand ow - bow tow n⑻]对应字母uy, ie, i, ei, yuy - buyie - lie piei - hike hightei - Fahre nheit height y - asylum [ou] 对应字母o, ow, oa o - hose holeow - bowloa - oat boat moat coat [?i]对应字母oi, oyoi - soil oiloy - boy toy[i ?] 对应字母eer, ear, ereeer - beerear - dear ear fearere - here[??]对应字母air, ear, are, eirair - fair airear - bearare - hare dareeir - heir their[u ?]对应字母oor, ure, ouroor- poorure - sure lureour - tour2、辅音[p]对应字母p - pea peach peak pie pig [b]对应字母b - bee back bear[t]对应字母t - bet boat neat[d]对应字母d- need dig doom dad[k]对应字母ck, k, c, ch, quck - back pick k - kill kee n c - cast comech - school schedulequ - conq uer unique tech nique回对应字母gg - gree n grave gravity[kw]对应字母ququ - quit questi on quite quiet[t ?对应字母ch, tch, tu, ti ,tch - cha in chesttch - watch catchtu - culture agriculture architecture ti - celestial questi ont - fortune[d?]对应字母d, j, g, dgd - schedule educati on soldier j - jane jeep g - gym gibedg - bridge budget edge [dr] 对应字母dr dr -drive[tr] 对应字母tr tr -tree[dz]对应字母ds ds - minds winds [ts]对应字母ts ts - treats cats hats [f]对应字母f, ph, gh f - fail fair ph - phonegh - enough cough laugh [v]对应字母v v - leave vary [B]对应字母th th - thought tha nk [e]对应字母th, the th - though tha n breath the - breathe bathe [s] 对应字母c, s, ss, sc, ce[?对应字母sh, s, sci, ss, ch, ci, ti sh - shake cashs - en sure suresci --con scie nee con scious ss - pressure passi onch - mach ineci -preciousti -racial[?]对应字母g, s g - garage mirage s - leisure usual [h]对应字母h h - hair hat high [m] 对应字母m m - came dime game [?]对应字母ng ng - rung song sing [n] 对应字母n元音字母后或者单词末尾n - canekin run元音字母前或者单词词首n - nose now ni ght kni ght[l]对应字母I元音字母后或者单词末尾I - hall travel元音字母前或者单词词首I - flee fly[r] 对应字母r r -freerare[j] 对应字母y, i y - yearyesi - millio n billio n trilli on[z] 对应字母s,乙ses - z - se -c - ice faces - sank sickss - addressclasssc -scie neece -palaceplaceeyes kn ees prize zeal raise thousand [ju] 对应字母u, ue u - cute fuel supremeue - due[w]对应字母ww - wait wet wed3、不发音的字母bclimb tomb debt combe(o,a)history factory secretaryghlight bought ought ni ghthhon est Buddhist ghost [hw] 对应字母whwh - whack wheatkknife ack nowledgenautu mn colu mntliste n pitch castle ubuild / b?d; b ?ld/wwrite wreckknowcondemnnestle感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用!。
自然拼读表 pdf

英语音标对应字母表1、元音[i]对应字母i,y,a,ai,ui-it hill wit sicky-agony balcony manya-beverage garbage passageai-mountain captainu-busy minute[i:]对应字母ea,ee,e,ei,ie,ey,i ea-sea tea defeatee-bee feel feete-me he she mediaei-leisure seizeie-brief thief chiefey-keyi-machine[e]对应字母e,ea,ai,ay,ue-wet bendea-bread threatai-saiday-saysu-bury[æ]对应字母aa-rat cap lack[a:]对应字母ar,oc,al,oar-star car alarmoc-lock cockal-calm palmo-not on[ɔ:]对应字母aw,al,ou,oar,our,or,ar,aw-law hawk yawn lawn dawnal-all walk hall talkou-bought foughtoar-soarour-course courtor-born sort snorear-warn warmth awardau-haunt caught autumn[ɔ]对应字母ouou-cough[u]对应字母oo,u,ouoo-fool took goodu-full pullou-should[u:]对应字母ew,oo,ui,o,ouew-flew crewoo-food boom soonui-fruito-tombou-group[ʌ]对应字母u,o,ou,oou-bus us but buckleo-onion monk aboveou-enoughoo-blood flood[ə:]对应字母or,ir,ear,ur,eror-worm workir-dirt firmear-learn search research heard ur-burn surfer-amerce term danger[ə]对应字母a,ar,ou,o,or,e,u,ur a-above ago thousandar-regular particularou-famous jealouso-personor-monitor actore-quiet vessel自然拼读对照表.u-vacuumur-surround[ei]对应字母a,ea,ai,ay,ey a-date cake makeea-greatai-wait vail aiday-bay himalayasey-obey obeyance[aiə]对应字母ire,ieire-empire inspire respire ie-society quiet[au]对应字母ou,owou-house noun thousandow-bow town[ai]对应字母uy,ie,i,ei,y uy-buyie-lie piei-hike hightei-Fahrenheit heighty-asylum [ou]对应字母o,ow,oao-hose holeow-bowloa-oat boat moat coat [ɔi]对应字母oi,oyoi-soil oiloy-boy toy[iə]对应字母eer,ear,ereeer-beerear-dear ear fearere-here[ɛə]对应字母air,ear,are,eir air-fair airear-bearare-hare dareeir-heir their[uə]对应字母oor,ure,ouroor-poorure-sure lureour-tour2、辅音[p]对应字母pp-pea peach peak pie pig [b]对应字母bb-bee back bear[t]对应字母tt-bet boat neat[d]对应字母dd-need dig doom dad[k]对应字母ck,k,c,ch,quck-back pickk-kill keenc-cast comech-school schedulequ-conquer unique technique[g]对应字母gg-green grave gravity[kw]对应字母ququ-quit question quite quiet[tʃ]对应字母ch,tch,tu,ti,tch-chain chesttch-watch catchtu-culture agriculture architecture ti-celestial questiont-fortune.[dʒ]对应字母d,j,g,dgd-schedule education soldier j-jane jeepg-gym gibedg-bridge budget edge[dr]对应字母drdr-drive[tr]对应字母trtr-tree[dz]对应字母dsds-minds winds[ts]对应字母tsts-treats cats hats[f]对应字母f,ph,ghf-fail fairph-phonegh-enough cough laugh[v]对应字母vv-leave vary[θ]对应字母thth-thought thank[ð]对应字母th,theth-though than breaththe-breathe bathe[s]对应字母c,s,ss,sc,cec-ice faces-sank sickss-address classsc-sciencece-palace place[z]对应字母s,z,ses-eyes knees thousandz-prize zealse-raise [ʃ]对应字母sh,s,sci,ss,ch,ci,ti sh-shake cashs-ensure suresci-conscience consciousss-pressure passionch-machineci-preciousti-racial[ʒ]对应字母g,sg-garage mirages-leisure usual[h]对应字母hh-hair hat high[m]对应字母mm-came dime game[ŋ]对应字母ngng-rung song sing[n]对应字母n元音字母后或者单词末尾n-cane kin run元音字母前或者单词词首n-nose now night knight[l]对应字母l元音字母后或者单词末尾l-hall travel 元音字母前或者单词词首l-flee fly [r]对应字母rr-free rare[j]对应字母y,iy-year yesi-million billion trillion[ju]对应字母u,ueu-cute fuel supremeue-due.[w]对应字母ww-wait wet wed [hw]对应字母whwh-whack wheat3、不发音的字母bclimb tomb debt combe(o,a)history factory secretaryghlight bought ought nighthhonest Buddhist ghost kknife acknowledge knownautumn column condemntlisten pitch castle nestleubuild/bɪld;bɪld/wwrite wreck总结:英语自然拼读是目前国际主流的英语教学法,我国香港和台湾地区2000年就已引进此教学法,并已进入大规模推广和普及阶段。

自然拼读215条规则表自然拼读(Natural Phonics)是指按照字母和字母组合的发音规律拼读单词的方法。
下面是215条自然拼读规则表:1.a:鼻音发音2.a_e:长“a”音3. ai:长“a”音4. ay:长“a”音5. ar:抻长“a”音6. are:抻长“a”音7. air:抻长“a”音8. ear:抻长“e”音9. ere:抻长“e”音10. eer:抻长“e”音11.e:鼻音发音12.e_e:长“e”音13. ee:长“e”音14. ea:短“e”音15.i_e:长“i”音16. igh:长“i”音17.y:长“i”音18. ie:长“i”音19. eigh:长“e”音20.o_e:长“o”音21. ow:长“o”音22. oa:长“o”音23. oe:长“o”音24. er:非鼻音,非“抻长a”或“长e”的“e”音25. ir:非鼻音,非“抻长a”或“长e”的“e”音26. ur:非鼻音,非“抻长a”或“长e”的“e”音27.u_e:长“u”音28. ew:长“u”音29. oo:短“u”音30. ou:短“u”音31. ar:非“抻长a”、“短e”、“鼻音”、“短u”和非“非鼻音,非“抻长a”或“长e”的“e”音”的“a”音32. or:非“抻长a”、“短e”、“鼻音”、“短u”和非“非鼻音,非“抻长a”或“长e”的“e”音”的“o”音33. oor:非“抻长a”、“短e”、“鼻音”、“短u”和非“非鼻音,非“抻长a”或“长e”的“e”音”的“oo”音34. our:非“抻长a”、“短e”、“鼻音”、“短u”和非“非鼻音,非“抻长a”或“长e”的“e”音”的“ou”音35. al:短“o”音36. alk:短“o”音37. all:短“o”音38. au:短“o”音39. aw:短“o”音40.o:短“o”音41. ot:短“o”音42. oi:短“o”音43. oy:短“o”音44.u:短“u”音45.u:未发音46.u:短“i”音47. ue:短“i”音48. ew:短“i”音49. ui:短“i”音50. eu:短“i”音51. er:短“i”音52. sch:短“i”音53. zz:短“i”音54. eur:短“i”音55. ie:非“抻长i”、“短i音”、“鼻音”、“短u”和非“非鼻音,非“抻长i”或“短i音”的“e”音56. oa:抻长“o”音57. oau:抻长“o”音58. ough:抻长“o”音59. ow:抻长“o”音60. oe:短“u”音61. oew:短“u”音62. oo:鼻音发音63. ou:鼻音发音64.a:短“a”音65. ai:短“a”音66. eigh:鼻音发音67. ey:鼻音发音69. ay:鼻音发音70. ar:短“a”音71.a:u音72. ou:非鼻音,非“抻长a”、“短a”、“鼻音”、“短e”、“短u”和非“非鼻音,非“抻长a”或“长e”的“e”音”的“u”音73.o:短“o”音74.a:不发音75.a:短“o”音76. fa:短“o”音77. sa:短“o”音78. wa:短“o”音79.a:短“o”音80. oi:鼻音发音81. oy:鼻音发音82.e:鼻音发音83. ea:短“e”音84. ee:短“e”音85. ie:短“e”音87.a:鼻音发音88. aw:通过“a”音的抻长音发音89. augh:通过“a”音的抻长音发音90. ace:通过“a”音的抻长音发音91. aker:通过“a”音的抻长音发音92. ame:通过“a”音的抻长音发音93. ape:通过“a”音的抻长音发音94. ace:通过“a”音的抻长音发音95. ate:通过“a”音的抻长音发音96. ave:通过“a”音的抻长音发音97. age:通过“a”音的抻长音发音98. ape:通过“a”音的抻长音发音99. bile:通过“a”音的抻长音发音100.a:短“a”音101.a:短“a”音102.i:短“i”音103.y:短“i”音104. ie:短“i”音105. eigh:短“i”音106. ue:短“i”音107. ui:短“i”音108. ew:短“i”音109. oew:短“i”音110. oo:短“i”音111.u:短“i”音112.a:未发音113.a:鼻音发音114. ai:鼻音发音115. ay:鼻音发音116.e:鼻音发音117. ea:鼻音发音118. eer:鼻音发音119. ear:鼻音发音120. ere:鼻音发音121.i:鼻音发音122. igh:鼻音发音123.y:鼻音发音125.o:鼻音发音126. oa:鼻音发音127. ow:鼻音发音128.u:鼻音发音129. oo:鼻音发音130. ou:鼻音发音131. one:鼻音发音132. ome:鼻音发音133. race:鼻音发音134. any:鼻音发音136. ar:鼻音发音137. augh:鼻音发音138. ag:鼻音发音140. ea:鼻音发音141. eer:鼻音发音142. ear:鼻音发音143. ee:鼻音发音144.i:鼻音发音146.y:鼻音发音147. ie:鼻音发音148.o:鼻音发音149. oa:鼻音发音150. ow:鼻音发音151.u:鼻音发音152. oo:鼻音发音153. ou:鼻音发音154. one:鼻音发音155. ome:鼻音发音156. ace:抻长“e”音157. ake:抻长“e”音158. ate:抻长“e”音159. ave:抻长“e”音160. age:抻长“e”音161. ase:抻长“e”音162. ame:抻长“e”音163. ave:抻长“e”音164.e:抻长“e”音165. ee:抻长“e”音166. eigh:抻长“e”音167. ea:抻长“e”音168. ea:非抻长“e”音的“e”音169.y:非抻长“e”音的“e”音170. ie:非抻长“e”音的“e”音171. eau:非抻长“e”音的“o”音172.i:未发音173. igh:未发音174. ie:未发音175.y:未发音176.i:非抻长“i”音的短“i”音177.y:非抻长“i”音的短“i”音178. ie:非抻长“i”音的短“i”音179. eigh:非抻长“i”音的短“i”音180. ough:非抻长“i”音的短“i”音181. ui: 非抻长“i”音的短“i”音182. ay: 非词尾“ay”音的短“i”音183. ey: 非词尾“ey”音的短“i”音184. uy: 非前缀“qu”音的短“i”音185.o-e:长“o”音186. oa: 长“o”音187. ow: 长“o”音188. ea: 长/短“u”音189. ee: 长/短“u”音190. ie: 长/短“u”音191. eigh: 长/短“u”音192. ey: 长/短“u”音193.i-e:长“i”音194.y:长“i”音195. ie: 长“i”音196. ei: 长“i”音197. eigh: 长/短“e”音198.i:长/短“e”音199.i-e:长/短“e”音200. ie: 长/短“e”音201. ei: 长/短“e”音202.y:长/短“e”音203.i:长/短“e”音204.i-e:长/短“e”音205.y:长/短“e”音206. ow: 长“o”音207. oa: 长“o”音208.o:长“o”音209. eau: 长“o”音210. oe: 长“o”音211. oe: 或/oo/音212. bug: 或“uh”音214. flood: 或“uh”音215. wolf: 或“oo”音以上就是215条自然拼读规则表。

自然拼读对照表二、英语音标对应字母表1、兀曰[i]对应字母i, y, a, ai, ui - it hill wit sicky - ago ny bale ony manya - beverage garbage passageai - moun tai n capta inu - busy minute[i:]对应字母ea, ee, e, ei, ie, ey, iea - sea tea defeatee - bee feel feete - me he she mediaei - leisure seizeie - brief thief chiefey - keyi - mach ine[e] 对应字母e, ea, ai, ay, ue - wet bendea - bread threatai - saiday - saysu - bury[?]对应字母aa - rat cap lack[a:]对应字母ar, oc, al, oar - star car alarmoc - lock cockal - calm palmo - not on[?:]对应字母aw, al, ou, oar, our, or, ar, au aw - law hawk yaw n law n daw nal - all walk hall talkou - bought foughtoar- soarour - course courtor - born sort snore ar - warn warmth awardau - hau nt caught autu mn [?]对应字母ouou- cough[u] 对应字母oo, u, ouoo - fool took goodu - full pullou - should[u:] 对应字母ew, oo, ui, o, ouew - flew crewoo - food boom soonui - fruito - tombou - group[?]对应字母u, o, ou, oou - bus us but buckleo - onion monk aboveou - enoughoo - blood flood[?:]对应字母or, ir, ear, ur, eror - worm workir - dirt firmear - lear n search research heard ur - burn surfer - amerce term dan ger[?] 对应字母a, ar, ou, o, or, e, u, ur a- above ago thousandar - regular particularou - famous jealouso - pers onor - mon itor actore - quiet vesselu - vacuumur - surround[ei] 对应字母a, ea, ai, ay, eya - date cake makeea - greatai - wait vail aiday - bay himalayasey - obey obeya nee[ai ?]对应字母ire, ieire - empire in spire respireie - society quiet[au]对应字母ou, owou - house noun thousandow - bow tow n[ai ]对应字母uy, ie, i, ei, yuy - buyie - lie piei - hike hightei - Fahre nheit heighty - asylum2、辅音[p]对应字母pp - pea peach peak pie pig[b]对应字母bb - bee back bear[t]对应字母tt - bet boat n eat[d]对应字母dd- n eed dig doom dad[k]对应字母ck, k, c, ch, quck - back pickk - kill kee nc - cast come[ou] 对应字母o, ow, oao - hose holeow - bowloa - oat boat moat coat[?i]对应字母oi, oyoi - soil oiloy - boy toy[i?] 对应字母eer, ear, ereeer-beerear-dear ear fearere-here[??]对应字母air, ear, are, eirair - fair airear-bearare-hare dareeir - heir their[u ?]对应字母oor, ure, ouroor-poorure--sure lureour-tourch - school schedulequ - conq uer unique tech nique [g]对应字母gg - gree n grave gravity[kw]对应字母ququ - quit questi on quite quiet [t?]对应字母ch, tch, tu, ti ,tch - cha in chesttch-watch catchtu - culture agriculture architecture ti - celestial questi ont - fortune[d?]对应字母d, j, g, dgd - schedule educati on soldierj - jane jeepg - gym gibedg - bridge budget edge[dr]对应字母drdr - drive[tr] 对应字母trtr - tree[dz]对应字母dsds - minds winds[ts] 对应字母tsts - treats cats hats[f]对应字母f, ph, ghf - fail fairph - pho negh - enough cough laugh[v]对应字母vv - leave vary[B]寸应字母thth - thought tha nk[e]对应字母th, theth - though tha n breath the-breathe bathe[s]对应字母c, s.,ss, sc, cec - ice faces - sank sickss - address classsc - scie neece - palace place[z] 对应字母s, z, se[?]对应字母sh, s, sci, ss, ch, ci, ti sh - shake cashs - ensure suresci--con scieneeconsciousss - pressure passi onch - mach ineci - preciousti - racial[?]对应字母g, sg - garage mirages - leisure usual[h]对应字母hh - hair hat high[m] 对应字母mm - came dime game[?]对应字母ngng - rung song sing[n] 对应字母n元音字母后或者单词末尾n - cane kin run元音字母前或者单词词首n - nose now ni ght kni ght[l]对应字母I元音字母后或者单词末尾I - hall travel 元音字母前或者单词词首I - flee fly [r]对应字母rr - free rare[j]对应字母y, iy - year yesi - millio n billi on trilli ons - eyes knees thousand z - prize zealse - raise[ju]对应字母u, ueu - cute fuel supremeue - due[w]对应字母w w - wait wet wed3、不发音的字母bkclimb tomb debt combkn ifeack no wledgeknowe(o,a)nhistoryfactory secretaryautu mncolu mncondem nghtlightbought ought ni ghtliste npitch castlenestlehuhon estBuddhist ghost build / b?ld; b ?ld/write wreck[hw]对应字母wh wh - whack wheat。

一、辅音字母发音规则1. B:在单词开头、重读音节的开头和重读音节的结尾发/b/音,其他位置发/p/音。
2. C:在a、o、u前及所有重读音节中,发/k/音。
3. D:在词尾发/d/音,其他位置发/t/音。
例如:end(/end/)和dine (/daɪn/)。
4. G:在a、o、u前及所有重读音节中,发/g/音。
5. H:发/ha/音。
6. J:发/dʒ/音。
7. K:发/k/音。
8. L:发/l/音。
9. M:发/m/音。
10. N:发/n/音。
11. P:发/p/音。
12. Q:跟着u,发/k/音。
13. R:发/r/音。
14. S:在词头、词中间和词尾时,发/s/音。
15. T:发/t/音。
16. V:发/v/音。
17. W:发/w/音。
18. X:发/ks/音。
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.专业.专注.自然拼读对照表二、英语音标对应字母表1、兀曰[i]对应字母i, y, a, ai, ui - it hill wit sicky - agony bale ony manya - beverage garbage passageai - moun tai n capta inu - busy minute[i:] 对应字母ea, ee, e, ei, ie, ey, iea - sea tea defeatee - bee feel feete - me he she mediaei - leisure seizeie - brief thief chiefey - keyi - mach ine[e] 对应字母e, ea, ai, ay, ue - wet bendea - bread threatai - saiday - saysu - bury[?]对应字母 aa - rat cap lack[a:]对应字母ar, oc, al, oar - star car alarmoc - lock cockal - calm palmo - not on or - born sort snorear - warn warmth awardau - hau nt caught autu mn[?]对应字母ouou - cough[u]对应字母oo, u, ouoo - fool took goodu - full pullou - should[u:] 对应字母ew, oo, ui, o, ouew - flew crewoo - food boom soonui - fruito - tombou - group[?] 对应字母u, o, ou, oou - bus us but buckleo - onion monk aboveou - enoughoo - blood flood[?:] 对应字母or, ir, ear, ur, eror-worm workir - dirt firmear- learn search research heard ur-bur n surfer-amerce term danger[?] 对应字母a, ar,ou,o, or, e, u, ura - above ago thousandar - regular particular ou - famous jealouso - pers onor - mon itor actore - quiet vesselaw - law hawk yaw n law n daw n al - all walk hall talkou - bought foughtoar - soarour - course court[?:]对应字母aw, al, ou, oar, our, or, ar, auu - vacuumur - surround[ei] 对应字母a, ea, ai, ay, eya - date cake makeea - greatai - wait vail aiday - bay himalayasey - obey obeya nee⑻?]对应字母ire, ieire - empire in spire respire ie - society quiet[au] 对应字母ou, owou - house noun thousand ow - bow tow n⑻]对应字母uy, ie, i, ei, yuy - buyie - lie piei - hike hightei - Fahre nheit height y - asylum [ou] 对应字母o, ow, oao - hose holeow - bowloa - oat boat moat coat [?i]对应字母oi, oyoi - soil oiloy - boy toy[i ?] 对应字母eer, ear, ereeer - beerear - dear ear fearere - here[??]对应字母air, ear, are, eirair - fair airear - bearare - hare dareeir - heir their[u ?]对应字母oor, ure, ouroor- poorure - sure lureour - tour2、辅音[p]对应字母p - pea peach peak pie pig [b]对应字母b - bee back bear[t]对应字母t - bet boat neat[d]对应字母d- need dig doom dad[k]对应字母ck, k, c, ch, quck - back pick k - kill kee n c - cast comech - school schedulequ - conq uer unique tech nique回对应字母gg - gree n grave gravity[kw]对应字母ququ - quit questi on quite quiet[t ?对应字母ch, tch, tu, ti ,tch - cha in chesttch - watch catchtu - culture agriculture architecture ti - celestial questi ont - fortune[d?]对应字母d, j, g, dgd - schedule educati on soldier j - jane jeep g - gym gibedg - bridge budget edge [dr] 对应字母dr dr -drive[tr] 对应字母tr tr -tree[dz]对应字母ds ds - minds winds [ts]对应字母ts ts - treats cats hats [f]对应字母f, ph, gh f - fail fair ph - phonegh - enough cough laugh [v]对应字母v v - leave vary [B]对应字母th th - thought tha nk [e]对应字母th, the th - though tha n breath the - breathe bathe [s] 对应字母 c, s, ss, sc, ce[?对应字母 sh, s, sci, ss, ch, ci, ti sh - shake cashs - en sure suresci - -con scie nee con scious ss - pressure passi onch - mach ineci -preciousti -racial[?]对应字母g, s g - garage mirage s - leisure usual [h]对应字母h h - hair hat high [m] 对应字母m m - came dime game [?]对应字母ng ng - rung song sing [n] 对应字母n元音字母后或者单词末尾 n - canekin run元音字母前或者单词词首 n - nose now ni ght kni ght[l]对应字母I元音字母后或者单词末尾 I - hall travel元音字母前或者单词词首 I - flee fly[r] 对应字母 r r -freerare[j] 对应字母 y, i y - yearyesi - millio n billio n trilli on[z] 对应字母 s,乙ses - z - se -c - ice faces - sank sickss - addressclasssc -scie neece -palaceplaceeyes kn ees prize zeal raise thousand [ju] 对应字母u, ueu - cute fuel supremeue - due[w]对应字母ww - wait wet wed3、不发音的字母bclimb tomb debt combe(o,a)history factory secretaryghlight bought ought ni ghthhon est Buddhist ghost [hw] 对应字母whwh - whack wheatkknife ack nowledgenautu mn colu mntliste n pitch castle ubuild / b?d; b ?ld/wwrite wreckknowcondemnnestle。