gamit-globk中文使用说明书(CG) P30
第 6 页(共 30 页)
GAMIT/GLOBK 软件使用教程(中文版)
hd*.*),*为相应的硬盘标号即可) title Install FedoraCora70 kernel (hd0,0)/isolinuxFordora7/vmlinuz initrd(hd0,0)/isolinuxFedora/initrd.img ¾ 在C盘根目录下修改windows启动初始化文件boot.ini,并增加以下语句: C:\GRLDR=”Start GRUB” ¾ 用虚拟光驱打开iso文件,并拷贝vminuz和initrd.img文件到C盘根目录下。
5、 安 装 GAMIT/GLOBK 需 要 的 编 译 器 最 好 不 能 用 最 新 版 本 , 目 前 GCC(GNU Complier Collection)的最新版本是4.2.2(2007年11月),用该编译器本人没有安装上。目前安
装 的 是 gcc3.4.3 。 记 得 修 改 MXUNIT 为 10000 。 ( 位 置 : ~
GAMIT/GLOBK 软件使用教程(中文版)
第 1 页(共 30 页)
GAMIT/GLOBK 软件使用教程(中文版)
第一次整理2008-09-07, 第二次整理2009-10-16,增加unbuntu系统安装及GAMIT软件安装的 准备工作 第三次整理 2009-11-28,完成基于unbuntu系统安装GAMIT/GBLOK 软件安装的方法,以及更新自动提取lfile.apr文件的方法
libX11.so文件(动态共享文件),所以在搜索系统路径的时候,在X11LIBPATH的后面 会是空,解决的办法:更改 install_software 文件相关搜索文件名为, 或者 是直接在Makefile.configure文件中直接设置路径为: X11LIBPATH:/usr/lib X11NCPATH:/usr/include/X11 并把原来的路径用#注释掉即可。 后面的MAXSIT(最大测站数目),MAXSAT(最大卫星数目),MAXATM(对流层天顶延迟 参数估计最大数目),MAXEPC(最大历元数目)自己根据需要设定即可。 到此,gamit的安装工作完成。 ¾ 在~ / 下的 .bash_profile,.bashrc 或者 .cshrc 中增加相应的环境变量(也可以在 etc/profile中增加,计算机对不同的登陆都加载该$PATH环境变量): PATH=~/gg/gamit/bin:~/gg/com:~/gg/kf/bin: Setenv HELP_DIR=~/gg/help/ Setenv INSTITUTE=SGG EXPORT PATH HELP_DIR INSTITUTE 到此,彻底完成,下面就可以使用啦。
GLORG: GLOBK coordinate frame realization programGLORG:GLOBK坐标框架实现程序GLORG Ver 5.13: Origin resolution program for the GLOBK.GLORG Ver5.13:GLOBK的原始解决程序。
Runstring:% glorg <output> <options> <command_file> <com_file> <OPTION>where <output> is the name of the output file (may be 6 for outputto current window.<output>输出文件的名字(输出到当前窗口为6位)<options> is the bit mapped option selection or it can bespecified by codes separated by : or = (no spaces)(Code feature added at Ver. 4.0)<options>是二进制选项,可以用代码表示,用:或=(不是空格)分开(4.0版本增加代码功能)The options are:CODE BIT Decimal MeaningCORR 0 1 Output correlation matrix输出相关矩阵BLEN 1 2 Output baseline lengths and components输出基线长度和元件BRAT 2 4 Output baseline lengths and components ratesof change.输出基线长度和元件的变化率CMDS 3 8 Write a summary of the markov file to theoutput file.将马尔科夫文件的总结写入输出文件VSUM 4 16 Write the short version of the velocity fieldinformation (one line per site)写出速度场信息的短版本(每个站点一行)5-9 32-512 NO LONGER USED (see POS_ORG and RATE_ORGbelow).不再使用(参见下面POS_ORG 和RATE_ORG)RAFX 10 1024 Fix the Right ascension origin of the system.固定系统的赤经起点MOUT 11 2048 Only output baselines if both sites are Markov.(Used to limit output in large back solutions)如果站点都是马尔科夫,只输出基线(用来限制大型的返回解决方案)COVA 12 4096 Output full precision covariance matrix.输出所有精确协方差矩阵PSUM 13 8192 Output position adjustments in summary form以摘要形式输出位置调整GDLF 14 16384 Output the GDL file used in the solution输出解决方案中的GDL文件DBUG 15 Output matrix details when there are negativevariances and negative chi**2 increments如果有负方差和负chi**2增量,输出矩阵细节ERAS 16 Erase the output file before writing solution写解决方案前改正输出文件NOPR 17 Do not output the file (either crt, prt or orgdendending on opt set).不输出文件(根据选项设置,决定crt,prt或org)SDET 18 Output details of the stabilization calculationsin glorg输出稳定计算的细节在glorgRNRP 19 Report the statistics of the differences in thepositions and velocities of renamed sites. Alsogenerates equate lines than can be filtered withshell script sh_exeqs. The equates lines arewritten to file <org root>.eqs报告重命名站点的位置和速度差异统计。
G A M I T 在工程测量方面的使用技巧3孙 建1,王 勇2,3(11中国水电十五局三公司,陕西咸阳 712000;21河南理工大学测量工程系,河南焦作 454000;31中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所,湖北武汉 430077)摘要:G AM I T 软件是美国麻省理工学院(M I T )和斯克里普斯海洋研究所(SI O )共同开发的GPS 数据处理软件。
由于其处理长基线效果好,G AM I T 在大地测量、工程测量应用广泛。
文中介绍G AM I T 安装及其使用,以及使用过程中的一些技巧。
关键词:G AM I T;GPS;工程测量;大地测量中图分类号:P22814 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1001-358X (2006)01-0056-03 3中国科学院百人计划项目基金资助课题。
1 G AM I T 简介G AM I T 软件是美国麻省理工学院(M I T )和斯克里普斯海洋研究所(SI O )共同开发的GPS 数据处理软件。
解算精度高,免费获取,开放源代码,使用者可根据需要进行源程序修改,相对BERNESE 和GI P 2SY 来说,在国内应用更为广泛。
应用G AM I T 软件处理GPS 数据可解算出卫星轨道、测站坐标、钟差、大气延迟、整周模糊度。
它主要由六个模块组成,即:ARC 、MODEL 、SI N CLN 、DBLCLN 、CV I E W 、S OLVE 。
目前G AM I T 推出1012版本,须在UN I X 或L I N UX 操作系统下安装、运行。
G AMT 安装过程较复杂,因此本文在介绍使用前,以G AM I T1012版本为例先介绍其安装过程。
2 G AM I T 软件安装G AM I T 需要在UN I X 或L I N UX 操作系统内运行,另外还要得到编译器GCC 的支持。
G AM I T 安装分为两部分,GCC 安装和G AM I T 软件安装。
211 GCC 安装编译器G CC 的版本有很多种,现以G CC -31410为例介绍其安装过程。
RECEIVER Type: ZZ-XII3 Nav: CC00 Channel: 1D02 Options: C01 ***************************************************************
二、GAMIT相关数据、文件的准备 GAMIT相关数据、 相关数据
0.000000000 21084432.4875
在本文件开头的 #/TYPES #/TYPES OF OBSERV中已经标明 中已经标明, OBSERV中已经标明, 该文件中所包含的观 测值类型: 测值类型: L1,L2:L1、L2上 L1,L2:L1、L2上 的相位观测值; 的相位观测值; C1:采用L1 C/A码 C1:采用L1上C/A码 L1上 所测定的伪距; 所测定的伪距; P1、P2:采用L1 P1、P2:采用L1、 L1、 L2上的 上的P L2上的P码所测定的 伪距; 伪距; D1、D2:L1、L2上 D1、D2:L1、L2上 的多普勒频率。 的多普勒频率。
当前历元所观测到的卫星 接收机时钟的偏差
06 11 22 9 54 30.0000000 0 8G28G24G23G17G20G04G02G13 57315.145 9 0.000 -49430.34419 0.000 -32799.273 9 0.000 -28303.84319 0.000 54611.090 9 0.000 -19019.73219 0.000 -68872.79219 0.000 -59805.181 9 0.000 37113.59859 21084423.744 0.000 -29753.23249 21144926.954 0.000 -15156.88849 22711541.939 0.000 -18558.54949 19452467.244 0.000 27576.63949 22922294.241 0.000 -11091.22349 19812803.073 0.000 -40043.62849 21840064.974 0.000 -31529.21149 22202424.894 0.000 ┆ ┆ 22202429.5984 21840064.1585 19812803.2225 22922290.1094 19452467.4375 22711543.0264 21144926.1225 21084431.1524
GAMIT/GLOBK软件使用手册一软解介绍GAMIT软件最初由美国麻省理工学院研制, 后与美国SCRIPPS海洋研究所共同开发改进。
该软件是世界上最优秀的GSP定位和定轨软件之一, 采用精密星历和高精度起算点时, 其解算长基线的相对精度能达到10-9量级, 解算短基线的精度能优于1mm, 特点是运算速度快、版木更新周期短以及在精度许可范围内自动化处理程度高等, 因此应用相当广泛。
GAMIT软件由许多不同功能的模块组成, 这些模块可以独立地运行。
按其功能可分成两个部分: 数据准备和数据处理。
此外, 该软件还带有功能强大的shell程序。
GLOBK软件核心思想是卡尔曼滤波(卡尔曼滤波理论是一种对动态系统进行数据处理的有效方法, 它利用观测向量来估计随时间不断变化的状态向量),其主要目的是综合处理多元测量数据。
GLOBK的主要输人是经GAMIT处理后的h-file和近似坐标, 当然,它亦己成功地应用于综合处理其它的GPS软件(如Bernese和GIPSY)产生的数据以及其它大地测量和SLR 观测数据。
GLOBK的主要输出有测站坐标的时间序列、测站平均坐标、测站速度和多时段轨道参数,GLOBK可以有效地检验不同约束条件下的影响, 因为单时段分析使用了非常宽松的约束条件,所以在GLOBK中就可以对任一参数强化约束。
该软件是世界上最优秀的GSP定位和定轨软件之一,采用精密星历和高精度起算点时,其解算长基线的相对精度能达到10—9量级, 解算短基线的精度能优于1mm,特点是运算速度快、版木更新周期短以及在精度许可范围内自动化处理程度高等, 因此应用相当广泛.GAMIT软件由许多不同功能的模块组成, 这些模块可以独立地运行.按其功能可分成两个部分: 数据准备和数据处理。
此外, 该软件还带有功能强大的shell程序。
GLOBK的主要输人是经GAMIT处理后的h-file和近似坐标, 当然,它亦己成功地应用于综合处理其它的GPS软件(如Bernese和GIPSY)产生的数据以及其它大地测量和SLR 观测数据。
GAMIT软件操作手册目录一GPS误差分析 (3)1.1 与GPS卫星有关的误差 (3)1.2 与信号传播有关的误差 (3)1.3 与接收设备有关的误差 (4)1.4 其他误差来源 (4)二GPS基线处理的几个关键问题 (5)2.1 星历 (5)2.2 对流层折射影响 (5)2.3 周跳是否修复是影响基线解算精度的因素之一 (6)2.4 基准点坐标的确定 (6)2.5 基线解算是否在地固系中进行 (6)2.6 整周未知数的确定 (7)三GPS应用软件介绍 (8)3.1 一般的商用软件 (8)3.2 高精度GPS软件 (8)四GAMIT软件简介 (9)4.1 概述 (9)4.2 主要模块介绍 (9)五GAMIT软件的安装 (11)六GAMIT软件的运行 (12)附录一、LINUX操作系统的安装: (15)附录二、GCC的安装: (18)附录三精密星历及相关表文件的获取 (20)附录四RINEX格式说明 (21)一GPS误差分析GPS是美国为了满足军事部门和民用对连续实时和三维导航的迫切要求于1973年开始研制的,至1994年整个系统全面建成。
这个系统的全称是“授时与测距导航系统/全球定位系统”(Navigation System Timing and Ranging/Global Positioning System—NAVSTAR/ GPS),通常称为“全球定位系统”(GPS)。
影响GPS定位的误差按其主要来源可以分为如下几个部分:1.1 与GPS卫星有关的误差●星历误差与模型误差●卫星钟差与稳定性●卫星摄动●相位的不稳定性●卫星的相位中心1.2 与信号传播有关的误差●电离层折射●对流层折射●多路径效应1.3 与接收设备有关的误差●接收机钟差●天线的相位中心●观测误差(天线的整平与对中、量取天线高的误差)●接收机噪声1.4 其他误差来源●地球自转的影响(极移、UT1)●相对论效应的影响(信号传播与卫星钟)●地球潮汐(固体潮、海潮、大气负载潮)二 GPS 基线处理的几个关键问题在高精度GPS 测量中,影响定位精度的主要因素有:卫星的轨道精度、对流层折射的修正精度、多路径效应、相位中心的改正、接收机震荡器的稳定度、数据的后处理技术和起始点坐标的精度。
gamit 操作步骤
gamit 操作步骤摘要:一、引言二、GAMIT 软件介绍三、GAMIT 操作步骤1.准备工作2.数据导入3.参数设置4.模型计算5.结果输出与分析四、GAMIT 软件在实际应用中的优势五、结论正文:【引言】GAMIT(Geodetic Analysis and Modeling Integrated Tool)是一款综合性的地球物理建模分析工具,广泛应用于大地测量、地震学、地壳形变等领域。
本文将详细介绍GAMIT 软件的操作步骤,以帮助用户更好地使用该软件进行科研工作。
【GAMIT 软件介绍】GAMIT 软件由美国麻省理工学院(MIT)地球、大气与行星科学系的研究人员开发,是一款功能强大的地球物理建模分析软件。
GAMIT 软件主要应用于GPS 数据分析、地球物理建模、地壳形变分析等领域,支持多种数据格式,具有丰富的功能和灵活的参数设置。
【GAMIT 操作步骤】1.准备工作在使用GAMIT 软件前,需要确保电脑上安装了GAMIT 软件,并正确配置环境变量。
2.数据导入将所需数据文件导入GAMIT 软件中,包括观测数据(如GPS 观测数据)、测站信息文件(如站点坐标、高程等)和基线文件(如基线向量等)。
3.参数设置GAMIT 软件具有丰富的参数设置,包括地球模型、大气模型、噪声模型等。
4.模型计算在完成参数设置后,启动GAMIT 软件进行模型计算。
5.结果输出与分析计算完成后,GAMIT 软件会生成一系列结果文件,包括地球物理模型、残差图、相关系数等。
【GAMIT 软件在实际应用中的优势】GAMIT 软件在实际应用中具有以下优势:(1)功能强大,支持多种数据格式和多种地球物理模型;(2)参数设置灵活,可根据用户需求进行调整;(3)计算速度快,适用于大规模数据处理;(4)结果准确,能够提供可靠的地球物理模型。
安装完成后的几个重要文件:gg/gamit(基线平差)和gg/kf(Kalman Filter)两个目录下到模块是用fortran编写的。
年更新LUNTAB、SOLTAB 、NUTABL、LEAP.SEC周更新UT1、POLEsh_gamit批处理要求工程目录下至少有rinex brdc gfiles三个目录。
模型说明:1.otl 潮汐改正2.vmfl GMF 投影函数3.atml大气荷载模型,对高程影响较大,可消除周跳波动,可靠性需要进一步证实4.atl大气抄袭荷载模型和met气象模型星历文件:e/n, sp3, g,te/n为广播星历,主要用来你和卫星和接收机的种差g文件是根据sp3文件拟合的某天的圆形轨道参数t文件是根据观测文件和g文件求出的卫星位置,是gamit专用格式gcc编译器作用:将常见的编程语言转化为c语言。
运用GAMIT进行简单的解算运用GAMIT进行简单的解算钟仁健 2007-3-29(1).gamit的使用步骤A. 更新如下参数表:pole(极移参数)、ut1(国际时间系统表)、luntab(月亮表)、soltab(太阳表)、leap.second(从1982年以来TAI-TUC的跳秒)、gdetic.dat(大地水准面参数表)、antmod.dat(天线高以及相位中心便宜模式参数表)、svnav.dat(卫星数目、编号等信息)、rcvant.dat(接收机和天线信息表)、nutabl(摄动历表)。
B. 从IGS站下载用于联测的IGS站的观测数据和IGS精密星历。
C. 在根目录下建立工作目录,将各种参数表、IGS站的观测文件、要解算的观测数据拷贝到里面。
D. 建立初始坐标文件(l-文件),初始坐标文件中坐标的精度对解算精度影响较大。
E. 用makexp命令准备好解算所需的文件。
该命令会提示用户输入year、doy、session number、l-file、nav-file。
其中:year表示年,如98、2005;doy表示day of year即年积日,如001、200;session number 表示任务数目,可以输入1;l-file表示概略坐标文件,一个标准的l文件名为lXXXXy;nav-file表示导航文件,XXXXDDDN.yynF. sh_sp3_fit 有精密星历生成轨道文件(g-)G. sh_check_sess 检查g文件H. makej 生成钟文件I. sh_check_sess 检查j文件J. makex 生成K-文件和想、X-文件K. fixdrv 生成批处理程序L. csh 执行所生产的批处理程序(2).解算实例,有需要解算的o文件:DAMP0260.05o、JSHA0260.05o、SHRF0260.05Oo,这些观测文件是2005年第26个年积日观测的(GAMIT10.3的发布日期是2006.12.5)。
GAMIT软件Track模块使用帮助TrackRT : Realtime GPS kinematic processing programTrackRTB : Realtime GPS kinematic processing program for use with Pre2.5 BNC TrackRTr : Rinex file emulator of trackRT for post-processing evaluationRunstring:% trackRT <options>% trackRTB <options>where options are-m <machine> Host name of system with real-time data port(Normally BNC would be running on this system)(Default local host)-p <port> Port number on host supplying the data stream(Mandatory input).-f <command file> trackRT command file (similar to track command file) -r <ref code> 4-char code for reference site.-d <list of 4-character codes> list of sites to be processed. If notspecified all sites in data stream will be processed(there is a limit on maximum number of sites that can beprocessed depending on max_site in track. The referencecode should NOT be given here.)-n <root name> Specifies a root name to which output will be directed(.out is appended for stdout output). Use ? in thepos_root, sum_file and csv_file names the ? will bereplaced by this string.Command file name must be given.% trackRTr <options> Same list of option although -m, -p have no effect -d <list of rinex files> list of rinex files (site names are generated fromthe first 4-characters of rinex file names)VERSIONS:---------1.13 -- Fixed time-equate iin SaveObsA so that a differnce of morethan 0.1 seconds in needed for a new epoch (trackRT only)Added reference relative humidity for GPT. (120103)1.12 -- Handle bad PRN from BNC where G23 == 203.1.11 -- Version to handle missing satellites in SP3 files (110505)1.10 -- Version to handler BNC2.5 and greater that is now outputingascii rather than binary data (trackRTB handles BNC2.0) (110501) 1.00 -- Initial version 100301 (2010 March 1)INTRODUCTION:-------------TrackRT/TrackRTB and trackRTr have many commands that allow it be controlled both when started and during runs. Below the detailed commands are given and here we give the minimum commands needed.SP3_DIR : (unless sp3 files are in the current directory)SITE_POS: Site positions must be given for every site to be processed.SITE_STATS: To set the apriori sigma and process noise for the sites.NOTE: The reference site position should be set to zerofor the apriori sigma and process noise. Typical site_statswould be where cit1 here is the reference site.site_statsall 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.025 0.025 0.025cit1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0ATM_STATS: By default atmospheric delays are not estimated, and normally these should be. Normally the reference site is set to zerowhen site separations are less the 500-1000km. Typical atm_statscommand would beatm_statsall 0.20 0.00010 0.000 ! Unit m/sqrt(sec) -> 0.0001 = 0.03 m/sqrt(day) cit1 0.00 0.00000 0.000If mixed antenna and receiver types are usedANTE_OFF: To specify the antenna heights and types and receiver types ANTMOD_FILE: Must be given to get the antenna phase center modelsRCV_TYPE: Needed for mixed receiver types (entry can be specified inANTE_OFF also and this command would not be needed).DCB_FILE: Up to date, data code bias (DCB) file (part of GAMIT ftp area).IncludingUPDATE_FILE is useful so that trackRT can be controlled on the fly.TrackRTB should be used for older versions of BNC. If no files are createdby trackRT or trackRTB (list of files should be listed shortly after theprogram is started) then try using the other version. The program are identical except trackRTB is expecting a binary data stream.COMMANDS--------Input/Output commands---------------------SP3_DIR <Directory> <center><Directory> -- Directory where sp3 files are stored<center> -- Center for orbits (default igs, igr and igu also tested)POS_ROOT <root> <duration>Set the root part of the name for the output files.<root> Root part of name. When ? included in the <root>, the ? is replaced with the -n string.<duration> Duration of data in each file. The designations of d, h, or m may be used to specify the units of days, hours, minutes.Default is d.The position file names take the form: (see commands below)<root>.<outtype>.<site>.<start time>.<datatype>The resolution of the <start time> which is modulo the output interval depends on the output duration. For output durations greater than or equal to 1-day, the time is given as YYYYMMDD. For intervals shorter than 1-day, it is YYYYMMDD:HHMN. Minium output interval is 1 minute.SUM_FILE <root>Sets the root part of the summary file name. Using ? in the namewith be replaced by the -n string. (Default if command is not givenis trackRT or the -n string when -n used). File names are time taggedaccording to the pos_root output interval.CSV_ROOT <root>Set the root part of the name for comma separated values (CSV) outputfile. These files are used for AmCharts web plots.DCB_FILE <file name>Set the name of the data-code-bias (DCB) file. This file is part of theGAMIT tables directory and should be updated regularly. It is used to remove biases in the Melbourne-Wubbena widelanes. The receiver type can be specified with the RCV_TYPE or ANTE_OFF commands.ANTMOD_FILE <file name>Sets the name of a standard IGS antex file with phase center models forthe GPS ground antennas. Antenna types at specific sites are given withthe ANTE_OFF command. This command my be used multiple times for site specific model with new models replacing previously read ones.UPDATE_FILE <file name>Allows new trackRT commands to be issued during a run. Once the file is read it needs to be deleted before the trackRT will re-read it. File isonly read if it exists. NOTE: File should be removed before trackRT isrun or else it will be read when the command file is read (ie., it will overwrite the commands in the command file.OUT_TYPE <NEU+GEOD+XYZ+DHU>Specifies types of output coordinates. All types can specified in a single string with no spaces. The types areNEU -- North, East, Up differences from the reference site or from the coordinates given in the REF_NEU command.GEOD -- Geodetic latitude, longitude and height (in the GEOD format, the total atmosheric delay is given, while in the other formats theadjustment to the apriori delay is given).XYZ -- Cartersian XYZ coordinatesDHU -- Delta horizontal and Up coordinates from the apriori coordinates of each site (default output type)OUT_SIG_LIMIT <sigma (m)>Sets the maximum sigma of a position estimate for it to be output.If pseudorange data types are used, the default value of 1 m needsto increased to 10-100 meters.Analysis commands-----------------DATA_NOISE <L1 (m)> <L2 (m)> <P1 (m)> <P2 (m)> <Elev Weight> [PRN] Allows specificiation of the noise in the L1 phase, L2 phase,P1 range and P2 range, and the weight given to elevation angledepepence (at ver 1.20); variance is scale by (1+(W/sin(el))^2)where W is the <Elev Weight>. These values affect the sigmas printed for the position determinationsOptional: PRN may be added and noise assigned to that PRN (ifnon-PRN form is used, this will replace all PRN specific valuesso use the non-PRN first followed by specific PRN valuesDATA_TYPE <type>Specifies type of data to process. Types supported are L1 L2 LC P1 P1 PC which can be combined in a contiguous string. Files names include thisstring at the end.Vers 1.0: Only LC, LCPC and PC have been tested. Specifically L1 only data have not been fully implemented yet.USE_GPTGMF <Relative humidity (0-1)>Set the used of the GPT temperature pressure model and the GPT dry and wetmapping functions. Optional relative humity added vers 1.27; default 0.00. Default is the older MTT atmospheric model.Site and Antenna informationSite information is entered by first giving the command and then the information by site on the subsequent linesSITE_POSSite <X (m)> <Y (m)> <Z (m)> <Vx (m)> <Vy (m)> <Vz (m)><Epoch (yrs)>Site is the four character name of the site (more characters can be includedbut only the first 4 are checked). Site names that do not appeat in the listof sites to be processed are ignored). The remainder of the line contains positon and velocity and the epoch in deciminal years to which the position refers.ANTE_OFFSite <ARP dN (m)> <ARP dE (m)> <ARP dU (m)> <Antenna Name><Receiver Code>Specifies the type of antenna and its position of antena reference point (ARP) at each site. The antenna name including radome should be specified with theofficial IGS name for a standard ANTEX file or with a unique name that appearsin the ANTEX file for site specific calibrations. (Note: There is oneadditional character in the long antenna and this extra character before the radome name must be removed. The antenna name and radome can becopied directly from the rinex file if present. One more ANTEX files must be specified with the ANTMOD_FILE command for the antenna names to be useful. The receiver type DCB code can be optionally specified here as well (SeeRCV_TYPEcommand).RCV_TYPESite <Receiver code N/P/C>Specifies the type of data-code-bias (DCB) correction needed for the receiver. Code specifies the type of L1 and L2 ranges being measures. The choices are P -- Pcode, C -- C/A and N C/A with cross corelation for L2 range. The codes can be found in gamit/tables/rcvant.dat. These codes can also be given in the ante_off command. An up-to-date DCB_FILE command must be used to specify theDCB biases. The files are available from the MIT ftp site and update once per month.SITE_STATSSite <Apriori Sigmas in XYZ (m)> <RW noises in XYZ (m/sqrt(sec))> Gives statistics to assign to the kinematic station positions. The<Apriori Sigma in XYZ> are the three sigmas in XYZ for the initial postion and<RW noise in XYZ> are the three sigmas for the random walk in position. Units of the ransom walk are m/ssqrt(s).ALL can be used for the station name and the same statistics will be appliedto all kinematic sites (NOTE: the fixed site do not change position).e.g.site_statsall 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.010 0.010 0.010base 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.000(1 meters apriori sigmas and changes 10 mm/sqrt(s)=600 mm/sqrt(hr)).NOTE: One station should always set to zero sigmas and random walk otherwise allstation positions will be estimated and noramlly drift by large amounts.The fixed station does NOT need to be the reference site.ATM_STATSSite <Apriori Zenith delay sigma> <RW noise in Zenith delay> <RW dH/dt noise>Gives the statistics for the atmospheric delays by site. A random walk process's moise increases as sqrt(time) where time is time in seconds. The valuesare the initial sigma in meters, RW changes in meters per sqrt(second) and (addedverion 1.2) a dH/dt variance term so that during rapid height changes more process noise can be added to zenith delay estimate. The process noise variance is(<RW dH/dt noise)*abs(dh/dt)>^2 per sqrt(sec) where dh/dt is m/s. The default valeis 0.00023 m^2/sqrt(s). (Term only needed for aircraft processing).e.g.,atm_statsall 0.10 0.0001 0.00000t39a 0.10 0.0001 0.00023base 0.00 0.0000 0.00000Sets the apriori sigma as 10cm and allows the delay to change 6 mm/sqrt(hr) and 2.3 mm/sqrt(s) when height is changing at 10 m/s (fast ascent or desent) for the site t39a (aircraft). In the case, here "base" is a reference station at whichthe atmospheric delay is not estimated (other stations absorbe the atmospheric delays at the base station). With kinematic positioning over few hundred kmsiteseparations, the atmospheric delay at one site is normally fixed.Ambiguity resolution/data control commands.-------------------------------------------trackRT uses a combination of the Melbourne-Wubbena widelane (MW-WL), the extrawidelane (EX-WL) and the floating point estimates of the ionospheric free ambiguity (LC)to resolve integer ambiguities. If we denote the number of integer cycle ambiguitiesat L1 and L2 by N1 and N2, The MW-WL is an estimate of N1-N2 based on phase and rangedata; EX-WL = N1 - f1/f2 N2 and is an integer for L1 cycles, but 1.283 N2 for L2 cycles;LC = 2.546 N1 - 1.984 N2. The EX-WL is unaffected by geometric ranges changes, but doesdepend on the ionospheric delay. For short baselines, the EX-WL should be near zero forcorrect choices of N1 and N2. The LC residual should also be near zero when N1 and N2are correct. The problem in ambiguity resolution is that difference choices ofN1 andN2 can make different linear combinations small. For example, errors in N1 and N2 of3 and4 cycles will change LC by 0.298 cycles (56.6 mm), MW-WL by 1 cycle and EX-WL by2.132 cycles (405 mm). On long baselines, at low elevation angles, ionospheric delaysof 400 mm are common. The most common error is a N1=N2=1 cycle error.For thiscombination, the MW-WL is unaffected and LC changes by 0.562 cyc (107 mm) and EX-WL by0.283 cyc (54 mm). Even on relative short baselines, 54 mm ionospheric delays are commonThe follow commands are use to control the ambiguity resolution.AMB_SET <RelRank> <FloatSigma (2)> <MWWL Fact> <EXWL Fact> <Min AmbSig> <MaxChi>Sets parameters for ambiguity resolution. The input parameters are:<RelRank><WL min> Minumum of values need to allow bias fixing<WL avN> Maximum number to be used in computing sigma ofmean MW-WL<FloatSigma (2)> Minimum sigma for LC and MW-WL for ambiguity fixinf<MWWL Fact> Weighting factor for MW-WL in chi**2<EXWL Fact> Weighting factor for extra-wide lange<Min AmbSig> Minimum sigma to assigned to float estimates of ambiguities.<MaxChi> Max chi**2 value allowed for ambiguity to be resolved.EXWL_SET <Jump> <Min Sigma> <Scale> <Elev Fact><Jump> -- magnitude of jump in EX-WL to have cycle slip added (default 0.10)<Min Sigma> -- minimum sigma for mean ex-wl (cycles, default 0.02 cycles)<Scale> -- Scaling factor for length. Scale 0.1 results in 0.1 cyclesover 100 km (default)<Elev Factor> -- Elevation angle factor that increases sigma as (1 +factor/sin(elev))MWWL_SET <Jump> <Min Sigma> <Max Averaging number> <Min number><Jump> -- magnitude of jump in MW-WL to have cycle slip added (default 5.0)<Min Sigma> -- minimum sigma for mean MW-WL (cycles, default 0.10 cycles) <Max Averaging number> -- Maximum number of values to use to compute mean sigma<Min number> -- Minimum number needed to resolve ambiguityDD_SET <Jump (cycle)> <Min Number>Sets parameters for double difference processing.<Jump (cycle)> -- Magnitude of jump in double differences on bias fixed data thatwill introduce a cycle slip<Min Number> -- Minumum number of double differences for epoch to be processed.(If too few than errors in the data can be detected than this cancause large position errors, default of 4 double differences allowsredunancy).RMS_EDIT_TOL <n-sigma Tolerance> <min sigma> <Reset number><n-sigma tolerance> is an n-sigma condition where sigma is based on data noise model.<min sigma> Minimum phase sigma to use to that no phase residual less than <<min sigma>*<n-sigma tolerance> are deleted<Reset number> number of sequential delete data, before ambigity and cycle slipsare reset (assumed missed cycle slip).Testing and evaluting commandsSTATUS <type> <# epoch>Writes status information to the current summary file at <# epoch> intervals The types of reports are given by "type"P -- Parameter estimatesA -- Ambiguity resolution report (shows resolved and unresolved)W -- Widelanes (Melbourne-Wubbena and Extra-widelanes)R -- Postfit residuals are current epochC -- Report current A and W entries onlytype PAWR will output all reports.NUM_EPOCHS <number><number> is the number of epochs of data to be processed before stopping. When shortduraton files are output (POS_ROOT command) the number of epochs may not be reachedbecuase the epoch counter is reset with each new file.START_TIME <yy mm dd hh min sec.>Used to set the start time. Useful with trackRTr to have the processing start at thesame time as the realtime stream.DEBUG <Up to 10 epoch numbers in pairs>Sets which epochs will report detailed debug and status information (see STATUS commandas well). The pairs are used as:1,2 -- Mostly model information. Useful if data are generating large residuals3,4 -- Parameter estimates, widelanes, residuals5,6 -- One-way OMC and single differences7,8 -- Not Used9,10 -- When 9 is non-zero, antenna model and SP3 information.RESET <ALL/list of sites>Reset command. Resets the filter state vector and resolved ambiquities for a list of sites or ALL sites (generally used in the update_file to fix problems)EXCLUDE_SVS <list of PRN numbers to be excluded>Excludes satellites from being processed. Useful when a satellite is notin an SP3 file or not available during the times there are data.Example: exclude_svs 26 22 13Output types------------The output position files have two header lines that explain the columns in the file. The output in the summary and output files contain the following basic blocks are written to the summary file. The time in these files is given byan epoch number which is a count of the number of epochs of data (at the referencesite) since the start of the current data files. The output position files givethis counter and the corresponding GPS times and deciminal days.CSLIP line are cycle slip detectionsCSLIP Ep 540 Site THMG G 29 DMW-WL/Tol 4.31 4.00DEX-WL/Tol 1.78 0.20 cyc, Elev 10.00 degIndicates the jump in the MW-WL and EW-WL (and the tolerance for the detection)that caused the slip to be detected.CSLIP Ep 961 Site THMG G 12 DD RESID 2.18 Tol 0.50 cyc, Elev 63.85 degIndicates a slip added due to repeated double difference residuals.When ambiguities are resolved, three lines are output giving the statisticsAMBFIX WMAP PRN29 EP 599 RelRank 101.76 FC ------ dL12 4 3 Dchi 6.54 691.02 AMB 36AMBWLS WMAP PRN29 EP 599 RG 133 599 FX 3 iL12 0 0 Means -0.16 -0.05 RMS 0.74 0.06 # 467 eN12 -0.54 -0.38 AzEl 274.32 12.35AMBCON WMAP PRN29 EP 599 NCont 3 MW Res -0.159 0.185 Chi20.74 EX Res -0.051 0.068 Chi2 0.55 LC Res -0.046 0.020 Chi2 5.25 AMBFIX gives the epoch number, relative rank, the Fix Code (always ------ when fixed), thechanges to the number of L1 and L2 cycles from the intially asigned values, the changes in chi**2 for the best and second best choices of ambiguities and the number of the ambiguity resolved. When the status feature is used, ambiguities not resolved yet are listed as AMBFREE entries.AMBWLS gives the mean values and RMS scatters of the MW-WL and EX-WL (cycles).The iL12 estimate here is the changes in L1 and L2 cycles implied by justthe widelanes with no contribution from the LC estimates. On short baselines, these values are expected to be zero.AMBCON gives the contributiond to chi**2 from each of the input type. Ncont is the number of contributions (3 for LC data type). Values given arethe residal (Res) with its sigmas and Chi**2 (Chi2) contribution,When STATUS output is requested the following output types are possible. STATUS REPORT Epoch 1800 Date 2010 05 06 08 36 47.000 Type PAWR PARAMETER ESTIMATES Epoch 1800 for NP 16 Type P STATUS REPORT ...PARAMETER Ep 1800 NP 1 MSCG dATM -0.0466 +- 0.0001 m Var 0.681E-08PARAMETER Ep 1800 NP 2 PSDM dATM -0.0001 +- 0.0001 m Var 0.436E-08...PARAMETER Ep 1800 NP 7 LJRN G 27 1 0.1281 +- 0.0253 cyc Var 0.639E-03PARAMETER Ep 1800 NP 8 LJRN G 05 1 6.1172 +- 0.0011 cyc Var 0.112E-05Parameter values for position adjustments (XYZ), atmospheric delay adjustementsand float ambiguities are given.Ambiguity report for both both fixed and free ambiguities. ResEpoch is the epoch whenthe ambiquity was fixed (if fixed in previous data file block, may be greater than current count).AMBIGUITY Report Ep 1800 Number of ambiquities 59AMBFIXD # 11 MSCG PRN10 RelRank 616.27 FCode ------ dL12-1 -1 Dchi 1.01 776.94 Elev 72.02 deg; ResEpoch 156 AMBFIXD # 12 MSCG PRN27 RelRank 135.91 FCode ------ dL12-1 -1 Dchi 5.39 766.54 Elev 29.86 deg; ResEpoch 156..AMBFREE # 41 LJRN PRN27 RelRank 11.37 FCode RW---- dL120 0 Dchi 25.69 294.89 Elev 30.60 deg; ResEpoch 0 AMBFREE # 42 LJRN PRN05 RelRank 11.76 FCode R----C dL12 7 6 Dchi 106.15 1251.17 Elev 36.16 deg; ResEpoch 0The FCode gives the reason for not being fixed the entries are: RWSSSCR - Relative rankW - Widelane sigma too large or not enough data yet (see MWWWL_set command)S - LC sigma too largeS - L1 sigma too large when L1+L2 data type used (not tested)S - L2 sigma too large when L1+L2 data type used (not tested)C - Chi**2 increment too large.Widelane report shows status of average values of widelanes and current LC estimate. X means fixed, R ambiguity is still free.WIDELANE Report Ep 1800 Number of ambiquities 59WIDELANE 11 MSCG PRN10 EP 1800 Range 2 1800 # 1799 NC 3 X MW Res 0.06 0.10 Chi2 0.30 EX Res -0.18 0.19 Chi2 0.82 LC Res -0.01 0.02 Chi2 0.10...WIDELANE 19 MSCG PRN29 EP 1800 Range 421 1800 # 1380 NC 3 R MW Res -0.09 0.15 Chi2 0.35 EX Res 0.07 0.26 Chi2 0.07 LC Res 0.17 0.02 Chi2 74.30Postfit residuals for data types being used.POSTFIT RESIDUAL Report Ep 1800 Number of DD 76POST 1 Ep 1800 MSCG PRN10 - CIT1 PRN02 Res -0.0945 +- 0.0381 LC AMB 11 Elev 37.31 degPOST 2 Ep 1800 MSCG PRN27 - CIT1 PRN02 Res -0.1040 +- 0.0441 LC AMB 12 Elev 22.17 deg...POST 41 Ep 1800 MSCG PRN04 - CIT1 PRN02 Res 2.9712 +-1.8988 PC AMB 13 Elev 30.60 degPOST 42 Ep 1800 MSCG PRN30 - CIT1 PRN02 Res -0.2485 +-1.8116 PC AMB 14 Elev 36.16 deg..++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++EXAMPLE COMMAND FILE:--------------------* FILE trackRT_pbo.cmd* Example TrackRT command file to process some PBO sites.* Run BNC with as the TCP/IP port (login information* can be obtained from .) and select sites P496, P497,* P498, P505 to be cast on specific port (port 3765 for example).* Run trackRT as* trackRT -p 3765 -r p497 -d p496 p498 p505 -f trackRT_pbo.cmd -n P497 & * (if BNC is run on another machine used -m <machine name> as well.* A relative directory ../sp3_files is assumed to contain up to date* sp3 file.sp3_dir ../sp3_files* These positions are post April 4, Baja earthquake (extracted from* globk output with sh_exglk -f <globk org file> -apr <apr file>* entries from apr_file* Nore: Additional sites can be given heresite_posP498_GGU -2313650.15153 -4835550.43945 3444474.55150 -0.00658 0.02008 0.01478 2010.259 0.0033 0.0059 0.0042 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000P497_GGU -2315937.74208 -4838712.09671 3438545.10828 -0.00945 0.01927 0.01884 2010.259 0.0035 0.0063 0.0044 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000P496_GGU -2319722.10265 -4842511.39340 3430709.79068 -0.01697 0.02370 0.02587 2010.259 0.0050 0.0089 0.0062 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000P503_GGU -2325056.31018 -4826758.67413 3449209.09091 -0.01167 0.01951 0.01660 2010.259 0.0033 0.0059 0.0042 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000P505_AGU -2309739.55681 -4802072.50955 3493258.58085 -0.00377 0.00608 0.00160 2010.404 0.0033 0.0057 0.0040* PBO sites antenna and receiver information (all are NetRS and thus C type) * Again more sites can given). (Note: If antenna information extracted from* gamit , one space must be removed before radome string).* Antenna/Radom combination must be in antmod_file for model to be used).ante_offp475 0.00 0.00 0.0083 TRM29659.00 SCIT Cp066 0.00 0.00 0.0083 TRM29659.00 SCIT C p472 0.00 0.00 0.0083 TRM29659.00 SCIT C p478 0.00 0.00 0.0083 TRM29659.00 SCIT C p494 0.00 0.00 0.0083 TRM41249.00 SCIT C p496 0.00 0.00 0.0083 TRM29659.00 SCIT C p497 0.00 0.00 0.0083 TRM29659.00 SCIT C p498 0.00 0.00 0.0083 TRM41249.00 SCIT C p500 0.00 0.00 0.0083 TRM29659.00 SCIT C p503 0.00 0.00 0.0083 TRM29659.00 SCIT C p505 0.00 0.00 0.0083 TRM29659.00 SCIT C p510 0.00 0.00 0.0083 TRM29659.00 SCIT C* Change path as needed.antmod_file /home/tah/gg/tables/antmod.datdcb_file /home/tah/gg/tables/dcb.datdata_type LCPCsite_statsall 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.025 0.025 0.025p497 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0atm_statsall 0.20 0.00010 0.000 ! Unit m/sqrt(sec) -> 0.0001 = 0.03 m/sqrt(day) p497 0.00 0.00000 0.000pos_root ? 1h# Used at MIT for web output. Results can be viewed at# /kmeduna/# csv_root /net/chandler/var//kmeduna/trackrt_view/data/P497# Useful to have this option. Note file should be removed before trackRT# is run and created when needed.update_file upd_app.cmd++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++INSTALLATION------------trackRT requires the BKG NTRIP Client (BNC) and QT libraries and include files. Ntrip is the Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol and the client program BNC provides access to the realtime data streams and casts the date via an internet port GNSS raw data in a structure that is decoded by trackRT. Currently trackRT only uses the GPS data streams. TheNTRIP system is discussedat The BNC program can be downloaded The BNC documentation constains the instructions for obtaining the QT libraries and includes needed for itsinstallation from source files. trackRT only needs the executable version of BNC. The QT software can be obtained directly from Noia at the trackRT, the libraries and include files are needed and these are containedin Frameworks libraries 4.6.2 for your platform (linux or Mac). Earlier version should also work. For Linux and Max OSX, QT can be downloaded directly from takes several hours to install.On linux systems, other tools that can be needed are:sudo app-get install gfortransudo app-get install g++sudo app-get build-dep qt4-qmake(The last app-get may be need if the qt install can not find X11 libraries and includes.)For MacOSXThe basic qt install steps aresudo port install qt4-macIf you don't have MacPorts, it's a very easy way to get lots of *nix toolsfor the Mac. You can download MacPorts from .Once QT is installed, the makefile in the trackRT directory should be modifiedto include the directories for the libraries and includes. Example entries are given in the makefile. The actual entries are for the MIT QT installation (which is not quite standard).NOTE: There is a file makefile (not Makefile) for making trackRT series of programs.To run trackRT, bnc is run first and the desired stations added the mountpoints. Once bnc streaming is started, trackRT is started with the machine name (if different from the bnc machine) and port (given in the bnc FEED tab) given. From。
GLOBK: Global Kalman filter analysis programGLOBK Ver 5.18: Global Kalman filter analysis program.5.18版本:Runstring:运行字符串:% GLOBK <std out> <print file> <log file> <exper. list> <command file> <OPTION>where <std out> is a numerical value (if 6 is typed then output will besent to current window, any other numerical value willsend output to a file fort.nn)<std out>是一个数值(如果是6,则结果将会发送至当前窗口,如果是其它数字,结果将会输出到fort.nn文件)<print file> is the name for the output print file with thesolution in it. If the print file already exists, thenthe new solution will be appended to it.<print file>是输出文件的名称,解决方案保存在输出文件中。
<log file> is a log file which contains the running time for theprogram and the pre-fit chi**2 value for each inputcovariance matrix file. If the log file already exists,then the new solution will be appended to it.<log file>是一个日志文件,记录了程序运行时间和每个输入的协方差矩阵文件的pre-fit chi**2值。
GAMIT相关阅读:/GAMIT/GAMIT10.4下载在Linux公社5号FTP服务器,具体下载见/thread-1186-1-1.html一.数据准备1.更新相关的tables文件antmod.dat:天线高以及相位中心便宜模式参数表gdetic.dat:大地水准面参数表leap.second:从1982年以来TAI-TUC的跳秒luntab:月亮表nutabl:摄动历表Pole:极移参数rcvant.dat:接收机和天线信息表soltab:太阳表svnav.dat:卫星数目、编号等信息ut1:国际时间系统表, sestbl, sittbl, otl.grdsvs_(dat), ITRFyy.apr,将/gamit/tables下的文件拷贝到工程目录中,再将刚才下载好的参数表放到其中,当提示是否覆盖同名文件时,选择是,“Overwrite All”。
再更新测站信息文件,利用命令:# sh_upd_stnfo –exptpgga –orbt IGSF –files *.05o,该命令执行需要的时间稍微长些。
2.精密星历下载;//精密星历不同阶段产品开头为:igu ,igr,igs超快速星历(IGU星历,每天4次[3-9-15-21])快速星历(IGR星历,17小时)精密星历(IGS星历,13~20天)精密星历sp3文件:sh_get_orbits(服务器好使)[1]ftp:///pub/products/wwww/[2]ftp:///pub/gps/products/WWWW/[3]广播星历下载;//下载融合后的星历;一般是以brdc开头的sh_get_nav(服务器好使)[1] ftp:///pub/rinex/YYYY/DOY/ (以auto开头的文件,下载后改为brdc开头)[2] ftp:///pub/gps/data/daily/YYYY/brdc/ (以brdc开头)[3] (以brdc开头)4.IGS观测站数据下载;//有些站在某些服务器上没有,需要从多个服务器下载数据;若下载得到的是压缩格式的d文件,需用gamit软件提供的crx2rnx命令进行格式转换;sh_get_rinex(都不好使。
GAMIT/GLOBK 的安装和使用1、引言随着gps技术的发展,在大地测量、工程测量、地球动力学、gps气象学等多种学科中得到广泛的应用,精密解算gps观测数据的软件也得到了重视与发展。
目前,gamit 软件支持在unix和linux操作系统上运行,本文以gamit 10.2和linux redhat 9.0为例来讲解其安装与使用过程。
3、软件的安装3.1 linux系统的安装首先确保电脑上有足够的空间来安装linux,在这推荐至少有10g的空闲空间。
3.2 linux编译器的更新linux系统的c和fortran编译器系统默认的文件选项中maxunit为100,而gamit软件源代码中则要求maxunit为10000。
/bin /etc /home /lib /mnt /root … … jbshi … gamit
Unix Command cd pathname cp from to clear rm object ls -flags mkdir directory mv from to rmdir directory cat file... more file Copy a file Clear the screen Delete (remove) a file List the contents of current directory Make a new directory Rename a file (or move it in Unix) Remove a directory Concatenate files Display file a screenful at a time Meaning Change directory to pathname
� 一共4个文件:、lfile.apr、sestbl.、sittbl.。
� :记录各测站的观测时间和天线高信息:
格式主要注意几点:Ant Ht、HtCod和Antenna Type(用来做 天线高改正),Receiver Type(用来做周跳恢复),Session Start、Session Stop(用来控制测段跨度,处理不好后面会提 示错误)。
在安装LINUX系统时,一定要安装cc开发工 具包.这是编译gcc的必须!
% tar xvfz gcc-2.95.2.tar.gz Modify the libI77/fio.h fortran include file to allow access to 10000 unit numbers : % vi gcc-2.95.2/libf2c/libI77/fio.h Replace line: #define MXUNIT 100 With line: #define MXUNIT 10000 Make the build directory and run configure: % mkdir gcc-2.95.2_obj % cd gcc-2.95.2_obj % ../gcc-2.95.2/configure --prefix / usr (后面这个选项很重要!) /usr Build GCC/G77 % make bootstrap Install GCC/G77 % make install
GAMIT/GLOBK和BERNESE软件采用相位双差数据作为基本解算数据,GIPSY 软件采用非差相位数据作为基本解算数据,在精度方面,三个软件没有明显的差异,都可得到厘米级的点位坐标精度。
GLOBK 的主要输人是经GAMIT处理后的h-file和近似坐标,当然,它亦己成功地应用于综合处理其它的GPS 软件(如Bernese和GIPSY)产生的数据以及其它大地测量和SLR观测数据。
GAMIT使用手册 (1)
此外,该软件还带有功能强大的shell 程序。
目前,比较着名的GPS数据处理软件主要有美国麻省理工学院(MIT)和海洋研究所(SIO)联合研制的GAMIT/GLOBK软件、瑞士伯尔尼大学研制的BERNESE 软件、美国喷气推进实验室(JPL)研制的GIPSY软件等。
GAMIT/GLOBK和BERNESE 软件采用相位双差数据作为基本解算数据,GIPSY软件采用非差相位数据作为基本解算数据,在精度方面,三个软件没有明显的差异,都可得到厘米级的点位坐标精度。
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