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Famous scholar ‘s mottos about reading
• 书籍便是这种改造灵魂的工具。人类所需要的,是富有启发性的养料。 而阅读,则正是这种养料———雨果
• “Love is the garden of the young” • "爱情是花园的青年"
• “Take my hand, and lead me to salvation” • "以我的手,引导我,以救赎"
• “Let us die facing our foes – • make them bleed • "让我们面对死亡,我们的敌人• 使他们流血,而我们就可以"
• 《西游记》Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West
• 《红楼梦》A Dream of Red Mansions
• 《三国演义》 Romance Of The Three Kimdoms
A dreame of red mansions
if someone doesn't know the "stone story",it's no use for him to read all books. of all novels made in Ming & Qing Dynasty, the "stone story" is the most famous one.since it got to known, all kinds of comments,topics,paintings,poems,o pera and films come to people's life.
The importance of reading classics
• Classic books are like a rich mine of human wisdom throughout histroy.In consequence,reading classics can cultivate and elevate people’s mind,empowering us with Confidence,courage,and other virtues. In short, the classics are immensely valuable in the process of people’s growth。
university of Gorky) • 《大卫· (Wind) (The red and the black ) (Anne 卡列尼娜 ) (Kristoffst. John) ( War and peace) ( Notre-dame de paris) (The childhood on my
( David copperfield)
The synopsis of a Les Misérables
• Les Misérables is the full-length novel which was publiced by hugo in 1862. It is the nineteenth century's most famous novel. The novel is one of the war with napoleon after ten years. The story around one in charge of the hero was jean valjean ( jean valjean ) trying to redeem the process.The story compromises the history , architecture, political, moral philosophy, the law, justice and religious beliefs of France.
Good words of Les Miserables
• “And so it has been, and so it is written • On the doorway to paradise • That those who falter and those who fall • Must pay the price” • "等,它一直是,所以这是书面 • 对大门口到天堂 • 那些犹豫和那些属于 • 必须付出代价"
开谈不说《红楼梦》,读尽诗书是枉然。 在明清小说中,最为后人称道的莫过于 《红楼梦》,其书自问世以来,评、题、 图、咏、戏曲、影视作品等,真是大浪 滔滔,汗牛充栋
The relevant pictures of A Dream of Red Mansions movies
Foreign classic books
• 《悲惨世界》(Les Misérables),是法国作家维克多·雨 果于1862年所发表的一部长篇小说。是十九世纪最著名的 小说之一。小说涵盖了拿破仑战争和之后的十几年的时间。 故事的主线围绕主人公获释罪犯冉阿让(Jean Valjean) 试图赎罪的历程,融进了法国的历史,建筑,政治,道德 哲学,法律,正义,宗教信仰。
• Alice’ adventure in wonderland
Uncle Toms cabin
• The tale of aesop
• 《悲惨世界》 • 《飘》 • 《红与黑》 • 《安娜·卡列尼娜》 • 《约翰·克里斯托夫》 • 《战争与和平》 • 《巴黎圣母院》 • 《童年 在人间 我的大学》
• explanatory(注释): • classic经典的; • mine 宝库; • cultivate 培养; • elevate 提高; • immensely 巨大地
Chinese classic books
• 《水浒传》 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins