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Unit 1 练习

Ⅰ. 请根据句意及首字母提示补全所缺单词,使句意完整通顺。

1. We will have a new subject of physics (物理) this new t________.

2. The teacher is going to give us some a __________on how to learn English.

3. I don’t know the answer. You have to ask someone e ________.

4. You should w______ down your name here.

5. Try to t______ this word into Chinese.

Ⅱ. 请用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. Can you ______ (help) me with my maths?

2. Wang Lei is ________ (do) his homework now.

3. How about ________ (read) a newspaper in English every day?

4. You should practise ________ (speak) English as often as you can.

5. I_______ (repeat) many times that I was busy, but he didn’t hear me.

Ⅲ. 请根据句意及汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。

1. Students should always speak English ________________________ (在课堂上).

2. It’s a_____________________________ (好主意) to check your homework first.

3. Tom and I write emails to_____________________ (互相) twice a week.

4. Don’t forget to write down your ______________________________(语法错误) in your notebook.

5. Sally plays the violin in the _________________________ (学校管弦乐队).

Ⅳ. 请选择适当的句子补全对话。

A: Hello, Mr Green. (1)__________________

B: Sure, Daming. What is it?

A: My English is very poor. (2) _________________

B: Why don’t you find a pen friend? You can send emails.

A: (3)__________________

B: You should speak English as often as possible. How about watching English films? A: (4) __________________

B: And you should write down your mistakes in your notebook.

A: (5)________________

B: You are welcome.

A. Thank you for your help.

B. And what else?

C. What should I do?

D. Can you give me some advice?

E. That’s a good idea.


Ⅰ. 1. term 2. advice 3. else 4. write 5. translate Ⅱ. 1. help 2. doing 3. reading 4. speaking

5. repeated

Ⅲ. 1. in class 2. good idea 3. each other

4. grammar mistakes

5. school orchestra

Ⅳ. 1—5 DCBEA
