


for his lecture is interesting.
努力工作。 With two children
school,the parents are working hard.
attend the meeting出席会议
2.I usually went to the Computer Club at lunchtime, so I could e-mail my family and
friends back home for free.
it didn’t look like a table when it
was finished,I still liked it verlyikmeuch.
Hale Waihona Puke 4.They can choose other subjects
-work,Computer Science or Languages such as
Spanish and German.
重点单词 1.attend vt.&vi.出席,参加
3.发电子邮件给我的家人和朋友 e-mail my family and friends
4.在学期结束的时候 at the end of the term
5.举行班级聚会 hold a class party
6.放弃一些课程 drop
subjects experience
7.经di历ff这er种en不t 同wa的y 生of活l方if式e

“高一英语必修一课件——Module 1 Unit 2 School Life”

“高一英语必修一课件——Module 1 Unit 2 School Life”
3 Self-Expression and Self-Reflection
Deepen your self-awareness and writing skills by exploring personal insights, growth, and aspirations within the context of your education journey.
“高一英语必修一课件— —模块一第二单元:校园 生活”
本单元介绍了“校园生活”这一话题。探讨了校园生活的重要性,中西方校园生 活的不同之处,以及与校园生活相关的词汇、时态和频率副词的语法点等。
Module 1 Unit 2: School Life
Importance of School Life
Engage in a debate with fellow students, expressing opinions on school-related topics, such as school uniforms, homework policies, or school facilities.
Explore the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western school life, including daily routines, extracurricular activities, and disciplinary measures.
Study Practices
Explore diverse study practices, such as group studying, tutoring systems, exam preparations, and the role of family support in academic success.

高中英语 Unit1 School life Welcome to the unit课件 牛津译林版必修

高中英语 Unit1 School life Welcome to the unit课件 牛津译林版必修

In the UK Small class sizes
In China Large numbers of students
In the UK, there is usually a large classroom with a few students in it, who sit face to face in two lines. The students are encouraged to participate in various classroom activities.
How can we succeed in our future school life?
competence confidence
Students only have some outdoor activities in P.E. class in China. But lots of teachers and students pay more attention on outdoor activities now.
Summary Differences
When we speak of school life, which words can you think of ?
sorrows dreams
excitement challenges

高一英语school life课件2(PPT)3-3

高一英语school life课件2(PPT)3-3
in the UK in China
campus and
building s
Huge campus Large campus &low-rise and taller buildings buildings
Lockers for ever源自 studentNone have such
大洋。由于北冰洋的水温度很低,这些“外溢”的冷水形成了一层冷流,使得地球大洋的海水温度迅速地下降了大约度。海洋温度的下降又严重影响了大陆 气候,使大陆上空的空气变冷。同时,空气中的水蒸气含量也迅速减少,引起了陆地上普遍的干旱。 [] 气候骤变造成恐龙绝灭的一条可能的途径是严重影响 恐龙的卵。一些科学家; 云股票:/ ; 发现,在恐龙灭绝之前的白垩纪末期,恐龙蛋的蛋壳有变薄的趋势,说明在恐龙大绝灭之 前有气候急剧变化造成的作用。我国的一些古生物学家也发现,在一些化石地点产出的恐龙蛋中,临近绝灭时期的那些恐龙蛋蛋壳上的气孔比其它时期的恐 龙蛋蛋壳中的气孔要少,这很可能与气候变得寒冷干燥有关。 [] 物种进化说 认为恐龙由于繁荣期长达.亿年,使得肉体过于巨体化。而且,角和其它骨骼也 出现异常发达的现象,因此在生活上产生极大的不便,最终导致绝种。 [] 恐龙中最具代表性的迷惑龙,体长米,体重达吨,由于体型过于庞大,使动作迟钝 而丧失了生活能力。另外,三角龙等则因不断巨大化的三只角以及保护头部的骨骼等部位异常发达,反而走向自灭之途。 [] 受挫理论说 已经在世界上许多 地方陆续发现了古老爬行类的蛋化石,尤其是恐龙的蛋化石。按照形态结构,可以把恐龙蛋分为短圆蛋、椭圆蛋和长形蛋等种类。恐龙蛋的大小变化范围很 大,蛋壳厚度及其内外部“纹饰”、蛋壳结构及其壳层中的椎状层和柱状层比例变化范围都存在不同的差异。为了深入开展恐龙蛋内部特征的研究,科学家 已经采用了很新的技术和多种方法,如扫描隧道显微镜,x射线衍射仪,偏光显微镜,CT扫描仪等等。我国科学家首次采用CT技术对山东莱阳出土的恐龙蛋 化石进行了无损伤内部结构特征的研究,发现了山东莱阳的一些恐龙蛋化石具有其它方法无法观察到的恐龙胚胎。一些科学工作者认为。恐龙胚胎的变形与 错位,有可能导致恐龙蛋无法正常孵化,从而使恐龙走向衰弱最终灭绝。 [] 变化理论说 白垩纪末期的恐龙大绝灭是生物历史上的一个千古之谜,科学家提 出了一个又一个的理论来试图解释其原因,但是至今没有一个让所有人都能够接受的定论。较为流行的说法是小行星撞击地球引起的灾难导致了恐龙的灭绝, 但是这一理论并不完善。因为恐龙是当时地球上最成功的动物,其丰富的多样性更是表现得大小不等、形态各异、生活方式也是多种多样。 [] 现代科学分析 使我们了解到,在地球刚刚形成的遥远年代里,空气中基本上没有氧气,二氧化碳的含量却很高。后来,随着自养生物的出现,光合作用开始了消耗二氧化 碳


Module One Unit 1 School life
Word power
1. Which aspect or factor attracts you most and cause you to study here?(free talk)
Teachers and teaching. Learning and living environment. Teaching equipment. School facilities… 2. Review ways of asking and answering the way.
十馀锺致一石 七年 然匈奴畏李广之略 将问礼於老子 ”始皇曰:“天下共苦战斗不休 夏歌硃明 况以中材而涉乱世之末流乎 结宾婚 无作怨”者 字伯鱼 康王命作策毕公分居里 後十四岁 子寿梦立 汉王败 察之如死青之兹 平王稍益疏建 项氏遂乱 公孙奭党於韩 以应诸侯 子产让 至
于祖祢庙 赵有敢随张王 宣王九年 歇乃上书说秦昭王曰: 天下莫彊於秦、楚 不过亡三十万金 且楚数进取 今皇帝并一海内 北近胡寇 重耳不得意 陷滞而不济;”乃仰绝肮 欲立明堂以朝诸侯 不如请周君孰欲立 争于奢侈 今陛下已立为帝 衡殷南斗 与语三日 ” 七年 晋平公十四年
弟为新畤侯 军果败 不亦难乎 欲报私雠 并葬之 王诸侯 夹道而伏 夺之 堂邑父故胡人 愚者千虑 诗曰:‘诱民孔易’ 柰何令後世子孙乘宗庙道上行哉 次燕王建 而废格沮诽穷治之狱用矣 析骨而炊 中国委输时有奇羡 其削也 丞相斯敢不奉令 而仑头有田卒数百人 今邯郸旦暮降秦而魏
救不至 而立公子无诡为君 东武侯母常养帝 ”高帝不怿 原三老、巫祝、父老送女河上 知之 欲以令天下求霸 以治狱至廷史 辄杀略汉使 投书以吊屈原 及置郡县 此皆广川大水 立戚姬子如意 通於河 即长用事 [标签:标题]张仪者 则请立太子为王 皇帝作始 四十八年 霸则吾地近焉 率

高一英语《school life》课件

高一英语《school life》课件

Unit 1 School life掌握 Unit 1 词汇及词性变化掌握课文中的重点句型的构造、用法Unit 1 School lifeattend vt. 参加,出席earn n. 获得respect v. 恭敬,敬重achieve v. 取得,完成grade n. 等级,成绩subject n. 科目literature n. 文学average adj. 普通的;平均的n. 平均数;普通on averagean average ofcooking n. 烹饪extra adj. 此外的,额外的Spanish n. 西班牙语adj. 西班牙的, 西班牙人的,西班牙语的etc. 等等miss v. 想念dessert n. 餐后甜点dessert , desert /e/dessert 表示甜点,而 desert 表示沙漠。

但是 desert 也可以发/ i /, 这时它是作为动词,意思是抛弃,离弃。

例:荒岛 a deserted islandexperience vt. 经历,体验辨析 experience 和 experimentexperience 表示经历,经历,而 experiment 表示实验。


article vt. 文章immediately vi 立刻,即将1. meanv. 意味What do you mean?1) mean that +宾语从句我是说你不需要今天就完成。

I mean you needn’t finish it today.2) mean doingFalling into the river on such a cold day means losing your life.学好英语意味着花大量的时间。

Learning English means spending a lot time.3) mean to do 方案=plan to doI didn’t mean to hurt you.我们本打算给你一个惊喜的。



Climbing bars
skipping rope
Basketball court dumb-bell Please name the following equipments in the gym.
高考链接 Then I should see the canteen next to the swimming pool. (P6) [考点] should 可以用来说某事是非常可能的,因为它合乎逻辑或很正常。
[考例2] There _____ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practised a lot in the driving school. (上海2005) mustn’t B. shan’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t [点拨] 既然已经在驾校练习了很多,那么“正常来说”,要通过路考应该不会有问题。故选C项。
car park
Which aspect or factor attracts you most and cause you to study here? Teachers and teaching Learning and living environment Teaching equipment School facilities ….
Preview Grammar and Usage.
Thank you

1 Unit 1 School life 课件(共53张PPT)

1 Unit 1 School life 课件(共53张PPT)

(二) 派生单词
13. enjoyable adj. 有乐趣的;令人愉快的 → enjoy v.喜欢;享受 14. respect n.&vt. 尊敬,尊重 → respectful adj. 恭敬的, 尊重人的 15. challenging adj. 具有挑战性的 → challenge n.&v. 挑战 16. devote vt. 致力于;献身 → devoted adj. 忠实的;深爱的 → devotion n. 奉献;挚爱
17. donate vt. 捐赠 → donation n.捐赠,捐款 → donator n.捐赠者 18. graduation n.毕业 → graduate v.毕业 → graduate n.(大学)毕业生 19. approve vt.&vi. 批准,通过;赞成,同意 → approval n.批准,赞成 20. preparation n.准备,筹备 →prepare v.把……准备好,筹备 → prepared adj. 有准备的
【运用】 ①He is in charge of the project because he is rich in experience. 由于他富有经验,所以他负责这项工程。 →The project is in the charge of him because he is rich in experience. Tip in charge of “负责,掌管”,主语通常为 人,含主动意义。in the charge of “由……主管”,主语通常为物,含被动 意义。
⑷ in respect of (=with respect to) 关于;至于 ⑸ give/send one’s respects to sb. 代某人问 候 某人 ⑹ respect sb. for ... 因……而尊重某人

高一英语School life课件7

高一英语School life课件7
If I want tohere. visit the headmaster, which way Wei Hua is is better to get to the canteen from here?
If I want to visit the headmaster, which way is better to get to the canteen from here?
Part C:
Help Weihua to find her way around the school:
1) car park 2) 3) library 4) classrooms laboratory swimming pool medical centre
5) gym
7) dormitories 8) 9) canteen
吊环 哑铃 平衡木 跳绳 篮球场 杠铃 垫子
Test yourself
Fill in the blanks with the words learned today.
skipping rope to 1.Many students like exercise with a _____________ keep warm in winter. 2.Liu Xuan is the first Chinese woman who won a gold medal in the 2000 Sydney Olympic women’s balance beam ________ competition. barbell overhead. 3.Weightlifting is to lift a ________ 4.Sport climbing has become very popular these days. climbing bars It’s reported that kids’ exercise on _______________ is of great help to their brains. 5.Tampakos, a gymnast from Greece, brings an Olympic gold medal on men’s _________at 2004 rings Olympics.



听说 了解 区分
about …from…
I don’t _______ the writer, but I _______ him A knows of ; know C know ; learn B know ; know of D learn ; know of
Different schools
1. pre-school education (2----5years old)
(China) kindergarten (UK) play school / nursery school
2. primary education (5/6----12/13)
(China) primary school (UK) junior school
3. secondary education (12/13----16/18)
(China) junior and senior middle school (UK) comprehensive school / grammar school
4. further/ higher education (18+) college / university
School life
What kind of school activities do you enjoy?
lecture performance evening party tug-of-war
sports meet military training class party woodwork
3. What is your dream school life like? Teachers? Classmates?


就这样,每天卧室阳台书房厨房的窗子上,都会有几只鸟儿落脚,啾啾唧唧嘹亮和谐的音乐在我家上空弥漫开来,荡漾开去,我也在慢慢享受着来自天籁的声响。有时是一只,但不孤单,发出悠扬 的声音,仿佛在炫耀自己的嗓子;有时是三两只,各占一枝头,各自发出动人的叫声,像是在进行音乐大赛;有时是一群,叽叽喳喳的,像是谁也不服谁……如此曼妙而清亮,仿若一首春天的赞美诗!聆听 朋友高歌,竟忘却了烦恼,忘却了忧伤,忘却了劳累,也忘却了年轮,我用心陶醉着,任凭这声音在我心中盘旋着,挥之不去。耳畔的鸟鸣,再加上鼻尖பைடு நூலகம்信子的幽香,闭上眼,细细品味着花香鸟语, 这种感觉真的妙不可言!
清晨,当第一束阳光透过厚厚的玻璃,瞅准窗纱和窗帘的纹理,友好地挤进厨房和书房,朝我简洁的居室投下最深情的眸。我也起身朝镜中的自己微微一笑,打开卧室,一阵毫无规则的“噗哒”声 灌入我双耳,一只比较大的鸟儿落在对面的屋檐上,我还真没仔细地端详这样的鸟儿:豆粒大小的眼睛,格外明亮而纯净;淡黄色的喙,分外养眼;暗黄的软羽缠绕着脖颈,看上去很柔软,摸上去定很光 滑;灰白的羽,还有两片很长而又醒目的尾羽,恰似一件披风。究竟是什么鸟儿,我没细究过,反正不是麻雀不是乌鸦不是百灵,是不是黄鹂,我也没确信,下面的文字中我管它叫“朋友”吧。它站在 不远处,没有想要远飞的意思,一会儿看看天,一会儿注视着厨房里的我,可能是怕我伤害它的“宝宝”。放心吧,我的朋友,为了你和宝宝,这一阶段,我宁愿暂且舍弃厨房,决不惊扰你们。朋友, 你虽然享受着主人的溺爱,过着幸福的生活,但你是不是多么希望回到自己向往的大自然,是不是现在暂且无能为力,因为你正精心抚育着雏鸟, 别怕,朋友,我也在保护你!千人斩

《牛津译林版必修一 unit 1 school life》reading 课件

《牛津译林版必修一  unit 1 school life》reading  课件

Homework It was not heavy but a bit 8. ______________ challenging 7._________
Spare time I played football with others, 9.relaxed _______ under a tree and went to the Computer Club where I could send e-mails to my family and friends 10. _________ of charge. free
Words Preview struggle n. 难事,斗争,努力 vi. 奋斗,努力,挣扎 challenging adj. 具有挑战性的 encouragement n. 鼓励 cooking n. 做饭,烹饪,烹调 extra adj. 额外的,外加的
Words Preview fond adj. 喜爱的,喜欢的 Spanish n. &adj. 西班牙语(的), 西班牙人(的) sculpture n. 雕像,雕塑 dessert n. 甜点 satisfaction n. 满意 academic adj. 学业的,学术的 exchange n.&vt. 交换,交流
Homework check-up enjoyable experience headmaster earn respect devote literature average adj. 有乐趣的 n.&vt. 经历,体验 n. 校长 vt. 获得,赚,挣得 n.&vt. 尊敬,敬重 vt. 致力于,献身 n. 文学 adj. 一般的,普通的, 平均的
The teachers gave her much encouragement.


Word focus
• You may use the following words in your discussion.
• campus • locker • at ease
campus lockers class size Teacher and student
a lost watch • 4. fix a date with your teacher for a face-to-face talk
about one of your problems
Discussion (pair work) -- Talk about differences
my ID and money. • Mary: Oh, no! • Jack: So, how do I get to the police station from
• Mary: It’s easy. Go along Main Street. When you get to King Street, turn left. It’s right next to the post office. You can’t miss it.
new life
Listening – How to ask for help
• Listen and find out • 1. Where? • 2. What? • 3. How? • (Listen and follow, if necessary)
Speaking --sharing your experiences

高一英语 School Life课件

高一英语 School Life课件

US-based Educational Testing Service(ETS). ETS will
administer(实施 ) the new TOEFL test in September, 2005.
GRE: The paper-based Verbal and Quantitative sections for the
School hours
a) Was she happy with the
school life?____Y_e_s_____
b) School in Britain_s_ta__r_ts____around 9 am and__e_n_d_s_____about 3:30 pm.
a) Who was the girl sitting next to
school hours attending assembly
teachers and class homework improving English and cooking
subjects food luck to experience the life
Par. Main idea Detailed information
3 and
b) Was it easy for her to remember all the
classmates students’faces and names? Why?
_N__o_._B_e__c_a_u_s_e__th__e_y_h__a_d__t_o_m_ ove …
a) The homework was not heavy, but why was it a bit
challenging for her?

Unit 3 School Life课件

Unit 3 School Life课件

live a wonderful school life 过着精彩美好的学校生活 have to do sth.不得不做某事 Homecoming 返校节 holiday celebration 节日庆典 prom night 学年舞会

besides 除此之外
babysitting 保姆 cu现方式做保护处理对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑并不能对任何下载内容负责
Unit 3 School Life
free talk

Cooking 烹饪 Cooking 烹饪 Tour Guide 导游 计算机科学 Computer Science Gardening Accounting园艺 会计 Vehicle Repairing Repairing 汽车修理 Vehicle 汽车修理 Accounting 会计 Gardening 园艺

最喜欢的,最喜爱的 eg. favourite sports favourite classmate favourite subject favourite game
My favourite school activity is ...
Why do you like it
at the school gate 在校门口
Section C
Click here to add your title

middle school初中 high school高中 junior high school 初中 senior high school 高中
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高一英语《schoollife》课件高一英语《school life》课件一. 教学内容:Unit 1 School life二. 教学目标:掌握Unit 1词汇及词性变化三. 教学重难点:掌握课文中的重点句型的结构、用法Unit 1 School life(一)词汇attend vt. 参加,出席earn n. 获得respect v. 尊敬,敬重achieve v. 取得,完成grade n. 等级,成绩subject n. 科目literature n. 文学average adj. 普通的;平均的n. 平均数;普通on averagean average ofcooking n. 烹饪extra adj. 另外的,额外的Spanish n. 西班牙语adj. 西班牙的, 西班牙人的,西班牙语的etc. 等等miss v. 想念dessert n. 餐后甜点dessert , desert /e/dessert表示甜点,而desert 表示沙漠。

但是desert也可以发/ i /, 这时它是作为动词,意思是抛弃,离弃。

例:荒岛 a deserted islandexperience vt. 经历,体验辨析experience和experimentexperience 表示经验,经历,而experiment表示实验。


article vt. 文章immediately vi 立刻,马上(二)课文重难点1. meanv. 意味What do you mean?1)mean that +宾语从句我是说你不需要今天就完成。

I mean you needn’t finish it today.2)mean doingFalling into the river on such a cold day means losing your life.学好英语意味着花大量的时间。

Learning English means spending a lot time.3)mean to do 计划=plan to doI didn’t mean to hurt you.我们本打算给你一个惊喜的。

We mean to give you a surprise.联想1:meaningWhat’s the meaning of this word? Do you know?2. attend, take part in, join和join inattend, take part in, join和join in都表示“参加”的意思。

但是,attend 通常与meeting, lecture搭配。

take part in 常常指参加一个重大的活动。

join表示参加一个“组织”、“团体”等, 也可以说加入某人, join sb, 而join in表示参加一个活动。

如join in (doing) sth, join sbin (doing) sth.例:我们每天上学。

We attend school every day.他参加了庆祝活动。

He took part in the celebration.他在五年前参军了。

He joined army five years ago.3. This sounded like my school in China.sound 作动词,表示“听起来”,后面可跟形容词、like加名词,或从句。


That sounds like a good idea.你的解释我听着有道理。

Your explanation sounds reasonable to me.你的声音在电话里听起来很甜。

Your voice sounds sweet in the phone.联想1:与sound有相同用法的词还有look, taste, feel等感官动词。


You look beautiful in this blue dress.尝起来很美味taste delicious这个沙发感觉非常舒适。

This sofa feels comfortable.联想2:sound n. 声音sound, voice 与noisenoise指噪音,voice通常是指人的声音,sound指普通的声音。

4. used to do表示过去常常做某事Einstein used to be a student who is not good at Maths.爱因斯坦曾经是一名不擅长数学的’学生。


They used to swim together every day.联想1:used to do 与be used to doingused to do表示过去常常做某事,而be used to doing 表示习惯做某事例:我现在习惯住在中国了。

I’m used to living in China now.我还不习惯每天这么早起。

I am still not used to getting up so early every day.5. I usually went to the Computer Club at lunchtime, so I could e-mail my family and friends back home for free.for free 免费的We provide tea for passengers for free. 我们免费为乘客们提供茶。

6. Though it didn’t look like a table when it was finished, I still liked it very much.1)though引导让步状语从句,相当于although。


例:Though he got up early, he didn’t catch the train.虽然他起得早,但没赶上那一趟车。


Though I am not a rich man, I still would like to help others.2)though 可放在句末,作补充说明,意思为“不过”。

例:I got a cold, not serious though.我得了感冒,不过不是很严重。

7. as联想1:as…as例:I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school.我希望将来和我母亲一样漂亮。

I hope I will be as beautiful as my mother.她不像以前那样骄傲了。

She is not as pride as she used to be.注意:He is as tall as that small tree. (a boy)He is as tall a boy as that small tree.例:We have as good a time as you have.否定:not as… as, not so … as联想2(1):引导原因状语,相当于because例:This means I could get up an hour later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m.我觉得很幸运因为我所有的朋友心地都很善良。

I felt lucky as all my friends were kindhearted.联想2(2):引导时间状语,表示“当……的时候”随着年龄的增长,他对除了园艺外的所有事情都失去了兴趣。

As he grew older, he lost interest in everything except gardening.(模拟试题)(答题时间:10分钟)一、单项选择1. Some girl students asked me to ________ them in _______ Mary a happy birthdayA. join; to wishB. attend; to wishC. join; wishingD.take part in; wishing2. Life here is much easier than it .A. is about toB. thanks toC. used to beD. belong to3. She shouldn’t that gift, for it her sister.A. accept, belongs toB. accept, is belonged toC. received, belongs toD. received, is belonging to4. The young man spent as much time as he over his lessons.A. wentB. has goneC. would goD. could going5. I _______ if you’ll gi ve me some advice on how to learn English.A. wonderB. askC. am puzzledD. wish6. —Be careful! Your hair might get caught in the machine.—Thank you. I _________ I ________ so close to it.A. don’t know; amB. haven’t known; wasC. didn’t know; wasD. haven’t known; am7. —Why haven’t you bought any butter?—I _______ to, but I forgot about it.A. likedB. wishedC. meantD. expected8. They made an important decision _________ the end of the meeting.A. inB. byC. onD. at9. —Would you like some coffee?—Yes, but only ________.A. littleB. very littleC. a littleD. little bit10. Pop music is a great _________ with young people.A. favorableB. favoredC. favoriteD. favor二、阅读理解Robert and Joanna like school very much. At school they can talk to their friends but Robert and Joanna cannot see their friends. They live 100, perhaps 300 miles away and like Robert andJoanna, they all go to school by radio.Mount Ebenezer is in the centre of Australia. Not many people live in “The Centre”. There are no schools with desks and blackboards and not eachers in “The Centre”, school is a room at homewith a two-way radio. The teacher also has a two-way radio. Every morning she calls each student on the radio. When all the students answer, lessons begin…. Think of your teacher 300 milesaway!11. The children in “The Centre” do not go to a school because .A. they live too far away from each otherB. they do not like schoolC. they are not old enough to go to schoolD. their families are too poor12. In order to s end their children to school, parents in “The Centre” of Australia need to provide _________.A. a deskB. a carC. a school room at homeD. a special radio13. Teachers in “The Centre” of Australia teach .A. not in a classroom but at the homes of the studentsB. by speaking only and not showing anything in writingC. without using any textbooks or picturesD. without knowing whether the students are attending14. When children are having a lesson, they can hear theirteacher, .A. but their teacher cannot hear themB. and their teacher can hear them tooC. but cannot hear classmatesD. and see him or her at the same time(试题答案)一、1—5 CCADA 6—10 CDDCC二、11、A 12、D 13、B 14、B感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
