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three parts:
sports in china Olympic sports traditional sports

In the past, China was called “the sick man of East Asia.” Not a single Chinese name could be found among the top world-class athletes or world-record holders in competitive sports before 1949. The founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 brought about fundamental changes to the field of sports and the skills of Chinese athletes improved quickly.

Lee's philosophy

I have not invented a "new style," I hope to free my followers from clinging to styles, patterns, or molds. — Bruce Lee

As a result ,the promotion of the sports activities has increasingly improved the national physique and level of health. The average life expectancy of the people from 35 before 1949, reached 72 in 1999. We have completely got rid of the label "the sick man of East Asia". The dream that we will host the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing has been realized .

Chinese martial arts, also referred to by the Mandarin Chinese term wushu and popularly as kung fu or gung fu , are a number of fighting styles that have developed over the centuries in China. These fighting styles are often classified according to common traits, identified as "families" (家), "sects" (派) or "schools" (門) of martial arts.
slalom 障碍滑雪 ski jump 跳台滑雪
speed skating 速度滑冰
figure skating 花样滑冰
Water Sports
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱbreaststroke
water skiing yacht race butterflystroke
springboard diving
咏春拳(wing chun ;Wing Chun Kung Fu ;Ving Tsun)
Wing chun is a conceptbased Chinese martial art and form of self-defense utilizing both striking and grappling while specializing in closerange combat .
platform diving
boat race
Traditional Sports

Down through the 5,000 years of its civilization, the Chinese nation has created an immense wealth of traditional sports, such as wushu and qigong.

Ball Games
table tennis
beach volleyball
(field) hockey
water polo
Indoor Sports ---- gymnastics

Let’s do some exercises
Fall in! (集合)On two ranks!(分成两列队)

Back in march 1959, at the 25th World Table Tennis Championships held in Germany, the table-tennis player Rong Guotuan won for china its first world title in sporting history. It was followed by many more successes.
floor exercise
horizontal bar
parallel bars
vaulting horse
uneven bars
balance beam
Greece-Roman wrestling
Winter Sports

Sports Category
A. Athletics / Track and Field B. Ball Games
C. Indoor Sports
D. Winter Sports E. Water Sports
Athletics 田径
竞赛项目 running events 跳跃项目 jumping events 投掷项目 throwing events 竞走项目 walking events 全能项目 combined events
整套拳法以意念推动,要竖立用意 不用力的主要概念,才能发挥以意 发力的技巧。最明显的一招是膀手, 能完全不必用之下也能将对方之力 下压和桥手轻易抛起。

木人樁 Muk Yan Jong
港空姐习咏春拳应对“不规矩”乘 客
Yip man

大成拳(Dacheng boxing)

在大成拳桩功练法中,要求 “撑肩横肘”者有之,要求 “沉肩坠肘”者亦有之,这是 因为习求的桩式、训练内容、 求功达效的要领、目的不同所 致. 大成拳养生桩功中多以沉肩坠 肘为要则,以求减少抬臂,利 于松肩,以达上肢在练功时易 于放松或增加桩时的目的,是 不能承受撑肩、横肘、抬臂的 体弱者、病患者和初练功者所 适用,从而求达功效的一种要 求和措施. 而以撑肩横肘的要求练功,多 以技击桩为主(如浮云桩)的 训练要求、要则来求达功效。 在养生桩训练中,那些身体无 病、肩松者,为求功力,或求 练内抱外撑双向争力的功用、 功效,亦可按撑肩横肘的要求 练功.

短跨项目 sprint and hurdle events 中长跑项目 middle and long distance events 障碍跑项目 steeplechase events 公路跑项目 road race events 接力跑项目 relay events 越野跑项目 cross country events
太 极 拳 (
T’ai chi ch’uan

Its creator ?
陈 王 廷
截拳道(Jeet Kune Do)
截拳道的二大核心精神是: 攻击是最好的防御:这就是 “截拳”的观念。李小龙认为, 一个人攻击另一个人,就必然 地得向对方移动,而这就必然 地给了对方截击他的机会。 截 击的观念不只限于物理攻击, 他认为许多非言语的讯息(对 手没发现的微弱动作)都能被 侦测到,并用以“截击”。 “五种攻击”则能让修炼者组 织他们的攻击。 实用、简单、快速:一切动 作以实用,与胜利为目标。