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钢门及门框steel doors & frames 铝合金门及门框aluminum

不锈钢stainless steel 铜门及门框bronze doors and frames

木门panel wood doors

塑料门plastic laminate-faced doors 推拉门和格栅sliding doors & grilles 安全门detention/security doors

卷帘门和格栅coiling doors & grilles 工业厂房和棚厂门industrial & hangar doors

折叠门和格栅folding doors& grilles 防爆门blast-resistant doors


自动入口门automatic entrance doors

自动推拉平板式入口门auto-sliding flat panel entrance doors

入口转门revolving entrance doors 塑料窗vinyl windows

特种窗special windows

室外上卷式百叶窗exterior roll-up windows shutters



门用小五金door hardware

推拉和折叠门五金sliding & folding door hardware

门操作器door operators

密封条,门槛及密封胶weatherstripping,thresholds& seals 窗五金window hardware& specialties

门窗配件door and window accessories

Sash 扇

Transom 框梃

Mullion 扇梃

Hardware 五金件

Coupler 拼接材Reinforcement 钢衬Gasket 胶条,毛条

Screw 螺钉

Wood 木衬

Aluminum 铝衬

Door panel 门板

Fly screen 纱扇

Bead 压条

Inter lock 封盖

Sash connector 盖帽

Floating transom 对开梃

Glass Adjust Board 玻璃垫片

Auxiliary Material 辅助材料

Wide side height 长面长度

Narrow side height 窄面长度

Frame Mullion 框梃

Screen Sash 推拉纱扇

Inter Seal 盖帽

Outward Opening Sash 外开扇

Inward Opening Sash内开扇

Sliding Door Sash 推拉门扇

Screen sash Rail 挡轨

Pseudo Mullion假中梃

Intergrated Frame Mullion一体框梃

Door Sash 外开门扇

Door Frame 平开门框

Floor Spring Door Frame 地弹门框

Floor Spring Door Connecting 地


Jaiousie Window Holder 百叶窗架

glazing Bead玻璃压条


90°Corner 90度转角连接材

Aluminium Rail Frame 铝轨外框

Jaiousie Window Vane百叶窗

Steel Reinforcement日系钢衬套

Fixed Frame固定框

Outer Frame 外框

Triple Glazing Bead 三玻压条

Doudle Glazing Bead 双玻压条

Single Glazing Bead 单玻压条

Doudle Seal Inward Sash双密封内


Triple Seal Outward Sash三密封外


Glass Pad 玻璃垫板

Tube 180度转角连接件

Decoration bar 装饰条

Universal Post 转角圆管

Brush Seal 密封毛条

Yarn net

Right-Angle Minor Frame直边小断


Right - Angle Frame 直边外框

Aluminium Rail Frame 铝轨框

Static Coupling 转角拼接框


cutting centre 锯切中心


corner cleaning machine角缝清理

roller shutter machine 卷帘机

glazing bead saw 玻璃条锯

End milling 先孔

size limits 极限尺寸

optimisation 最优化

output 输出

ffcuts 边料,尾料

machine type 设备型号

pairing mode 设备模式

double mitre saw双角锯,铝材切割

profile feed 型材剖面

single cutting 单切

rear track后轮距

front track 前轮距

V-notch capabilities 切槽孔能力

Module 模块

Machinery control 设备控制

Part 零件

Part matrix 零件矩阵

digit logical code 三位逻辑代码

Store 库存

Face drainage 排水面

Specify 指定

Format code 格式代码

Stock code 库存编码

Set up the system 设置系统

Subsystem page 子系统页面

Rules page 规则页面
