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一、含有be动词的一般疑问句,通常把be动词调到句首。例如: 陈述句:They are in the swimming pool.

一般疑问句:Are they in the swimming pool?

注意:一般疑问句句末要用“?”。陈述句:I am a pupil .

一般疑问句:Are yon a pupil?

二、含有情态动词的一般疑问句,把情态动词调到句首。例如: 陈述句:He can drive a car. 一般疑问句: Can he drive a car?

三、含有have的一般疑问句,have译为“有”。一般疑问句式有两种形式: 1.把have/has调到句首。例如: 陈述句:Tommy has a computer. 一般疑问句:Has Tommy/he a computer?

2.加助动词do/does,第三人称单数用does,其他人称用do。其句型为:Do/Does + 主语 + have...?例如上句可变为:

Does Tommy have a computer?

四、一般动词的一般疑问句,也要借助助动词do/does,第三人称单数用does,其余人称用do。其句型为:Do/Does + 主语 + 动词原形+其它? 陈述句:Amy speaks English.

一般疑问句:Does Amy speak English? 好了,知道了如何问话之后,我们来了解一下如何回答一般疑问句。首先要有人称的改变。当主语为名词时,在答语中要改成其相应的代词。另外,答语有两种,肯定的回答和否定的回答,否定式常用缩写形式。一、一般疑问句含be动词时,用be动词回答,句末用句号。例如:

-Is Mary your sister?

-Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

二、一般疑问句含有情态动词时,用情态动词回答。例如: -May I come in?

-Yes, you may. / No, you can’t.

三、一般疑问句含有have时,有两种回答方式。1.直接用have/has回答。例如: -Have they any pictures?

-Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t. .用助动词do/does回答。例如: -Does Millie smoke?

-Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.

四、一般动词的一般疑问句回答时也用助动词。例如: -Do the workers live in London? -Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. 练习:

His father is an English teacher . These cats are crying . . They can swim. . I am a student. . I go to school on foot. . She likes English . . His father goes

work by bus . . He is crying under the tree.

LiLy and Lucy are in a big shop. . The boy under the tree is hungry . . He goes to school every day . .

I want to

have a medal car . .) ) )))

)) )) )

1. Is she your Chinese teacher?

肯_______________________ 否__________________________

2. Is your brother young?

肯_______________________ 否__________________________

3. Is he strict?

肯_______________________ 否__________________________

4. Are they your new friends?

肯_______________________ 否__________________________

5. Is she strict?

Yes, ___________________, but ___________________________.

6. Is he quiet?

No, _____________________. He’s _________________________.

7. Do you watch TV on Sundays?

肯_______________________ 否__________________________

8. Do they play ping-pong on the weekends?

肯_______________________ 否__________________________

9. Do you like grapes?

肯_______________________ 否__________________________

10. Would you like some bread for breakfast?

肯_______________________ 否__________________________

11. Are grapes sour?

肯_______________________ 否__________________________

12. Are they sweet?

肯_______________________ 否__________________________

13. Is Mr Li short?

肯_______________________ 否
