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《神经系统》是以器官系统为基础,力求把神经系统相关的基础 医学各学科间的内容有机整合,注重本器官系统的基础医学与临 床医学之间的整合,是一门基础医学、临床医学乃至生命科学多 学科交叉、融合的课程。本课程以人体的器官系统为基础,阐述 人体神经系统的形态结构、生理功能、病理变化、药理作用、神 经系统影像以及神经系统诊断等,是医学科学中的重要内容。
Main Divisions:
Central nervous system (CNS)
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
Division of the Nervous System
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM brain spinal cord
PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM cranial nerves spinal nerves visceral nervous system (autonomic or vegetative nervous system)
foramen magnum
The cord is normally 42 ~ 45 cm long in adults and is continuous with the medulla at its upper end. The conus medullaris 脊髓圆锥 is the conical distal (inferior) end of the spinal cord. In adults, the conus ends at the LI or L2 level of the vertebral column and at birth at level of L3.
External features
A long cylindrical structure and slightly flattened anteroposteriorly, Filum terminale 终丝 extends from the tip of the conus 圆锥 and attaches to the distal dural sac. The filum terminale consists of pia and glial fibers and often contains a vein. Cauda equina 马尾 The lumbosacral roots descend for varying distances within the terminal cisterna before reaching their corresponding intervertebral foramina.
神经系统 Nervous System
学习相关课程内容—神经解剖学、神经生理学、病 理解剖学、药理学、神经病学等,注重各学科间的 交叉、融合、渗透
在神经系统形态结构的基础上,介绍正常功能、病 理改变、发病机制、神经系统药物的作用及机制、 神经系统常见疾病的临床概述及神经系统检查方法 等
把神经系统相关的基础医学各学科间的内容有机整 合,同时也注重本器官系统相关的基础医学与临床 医学之间的整合
Central Nervous System 中枢神经系统
Telencephalon 端脑 Diencephalon 间脑 Cerebellum 小脑 Brain stem 脑干
Spinal Cord
The spinal cord provides a crucial information conduit, connecting the brain with most of the body.
Nervous system
General Description
The human nervous system is a control system that regulates and coordinates all functions of the organ. Besides, it is also the site of all mental activity, including consciousness, memory, and thinking.
Байду номын сангаас
以人体十大器官系统为切入点,将与该系统有关的基础 知识(解剖、组胚、生理、病理和药理等)加以有机整合, 在此基础上结合该系统常见疾病作临床导论介绍,为今后临 床医学课程的学习打好基础。
器官系统相关的基础医学各学科间的整合,基础医学与 临床医学之间的整合,也包括人体各器官系统相互之间的联 系与整合。
The nervous system dynamically integrated contents related to the nervous system from all the basic medical subjects on the basis of organ and system. It also emphasizes the combination of basic and clinical medical science and has become a multidisciplinary course covering basic, clinical and life science. Based on human organs and systems, the nervous system introduces the structure and morphology, physiological functions, pathological alterations, pharmacological reactions, imageology and clinical diagnostics of the nervous system. It is an important part of the medical science.
Nervous system
适应21世纪社会、经济、科技和文化发展的需求,符合 医学模式的转变: 环境-社会-心理-工程-生物-医学;
器官系统为基础的医学整合式教学,将有利于人类对生 命现象、健康的认识,以及对疾病发生、发展、演变过程的 预防和治疗。
Spinal Reflexes.
The spinal cord occupies the upper two-thirds of the adult spinal canal within the vertebral column 脊柱椎管.