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Language touches every part of our lives; it gives words to用言语表达our thoughts, voice to our ideas, and expression to our feelings. It is a rich and varied human ability—one that we can use without even a thought, that children seem to acquire automatically, and that linguists have found to be complex yet describable.


Linguistics is the study of the nature, structure, and variation of language, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.


Linguistic knowledge as represented in the speaker’s mind is called a grammar. Linguistic theory is concerned with涉及revealing揭示the nature of the mental grammar心理语法which represents speakers’ knowledge of their language.


Grammar as viewed here is different from the usual notion概念of grammar.


Grammar is the ability to use structures accurately精确地, meaningfully, and appropriately.


Phonetics语音学provides the means for describing speech sound语音; phonology音位学studies the ways in which speech sounds form systems and patterns in human language. The phonology of a language is then the system and pattern of the speech sounds. We see that the word phonology is thus used in two ways, either as the study of sound patterns in language or as the sound pattern of a language.

语音学给描述语音提供了方法;音位学是研究人类语言中的语音模块系统和模式的方法。语言的音位学,即语音的系统和模式。我们发现音位学这个词被作为这样的两种方式来使用,一种是作为研究语言的语音模式的方式,一种是作为语言的语言模式的方式。Morphology形态学is the study of word-making and word-marking. On the one hand, morphology examines meaning relationships between words and the ways in which these connections are indicated. On the other, morphology looks at研究how grammatical relationships between words are marked. Different languages focus on different word relationships, and they make use of 使用different patterns of marking.


The study of the internal structure of words, and of the rules by which words are formed, is called morphology.


Syntax句法学is the subfield子域of linguistics that studies the internal structure of sentences and the relationship among their component parts.


More interest is the fact that languages differ in 在…方面存在不同inflectional曲折的systems: case systems格位系统, for example. We find that these are fairly rich in Latin, even more so更是这样in Sanskrit or Finnish, but minimal in English and invisible in Chinese.

更有趣的是语言在曲折系统方面实际上存在不同,例如格位系统。我们发现,拉丁语中这些方面相当的多,梵文或芬兰语中更是这样,然而英语中却发现极其的少,中文中甚至没有。Chinese and English, for example, may have the same case system as Latin, but the phonetic realization is different. Furthermore, it seems that似乎much of很大程度上the variety of language语言变体can be reduced to 简化为properties of inflectional systems.


Normally human beings do not produce utterances for the sake of为了the phonetic语音的, phonological音系的and grammatical features语法特征. Utterances are produced because they convey meaning.

通常人类不会为了语音、音系以及语法特征而产生表达。表达的产生是为了表达意义。Semantics as a subfield of linguistics is the study of meaning in language. Semantics deals with the meanings of words, and how the meanings of sentences are derived源于from them.

语义学作为语言学的子域是研究语言含义的科学。语义学研究文字意义及句子意义的生成。Functional grammar is an approach to linguistic which is concerned with language as an instrument of social interaction rather than as a system that is viewed in isolation. It considers the individual as a social being and investigates the way in which he acquires language and uses it in order to communicate with others in his social environment.


Pragmatics is the branch of linguistics which studies how utterances communicate meaning in context.


Psycholinguistics is the study of the interrelationship of language and the mind which encompasses the acquisition of language.

心理语言学是研究与语言习得有关的大脑和语言之间的相互关系的科学。Neurolinguistics is the study of the brain and how it functions in the production, perception, and acquisition of language.

