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Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.

1. 据报道,那个老人在那场可怕的车祸中幸免于难。(survive)

2. 从他的所作所为来看,他并没有真正明白我的意思。(get one’s point)

3. 如果你已经对目前的工作感到厌倦,那么不妨去寻找新的挑战。(bored)

4. 这两位老师的教学方法几乎没有任何共同点。(common)

5. 成为好邻居的首要条件就是不会打扰到附近的其他人。(disturb)

1. It is reported that the old man has survived the terrible car accident.

2. Judging from what he did, he didn’t really get my point.

3. If you are bored with your job, you may as well look for a new challenge.

4. The teaching methods of these two teachers have little in common.

5. The first requirement of a good neighbour is that he does not disturb others in the neighbourhood.

1. 当时我们正在商场里购物,一个持枪的陌生男子突然出现在我们面前。(when)

2. 玛丽一看见那件外衣就喜欢上了。(fall in love)

3. 数百名士兵和医护人员被派到地震灾区去营救那些受困的人。(rescue)

4. 快脱下你的湿衣服,让我在炉火上为你烘干。(pull off)

5. 我们必须在明天早上五点以前将这条新闻发布出去。(release)

1. We were shopping in the mall when a strange man with a gun came out before us.

2. Mary fell in love with the coat when she saw it.

3. Hundred of soldiers and medical workers were sent to the earthquake-stricken area to rescue the victims.

4. Pull off your wet clothes and let me dry them over the fire.

5. We have to release the news before 5 o’clock tomorrow morning.

1. 我认为自信加努力才会成功。(lead)

2. 他企图闯红灯,结果被罚款了。(attempt)

3. 在会议上他的幽默感给在场的每个人留下了深刻的印象。(sense)

4. 为了不让观众失望,爱因斯坦让汉斯代替他作讲座。(let ... down)

5. 如果谁发明了治艾滋病的药,肯定能获得诺贝尔医学奖。(whoever)

1. I think confidence and / plus diligence lead / leads to success.

2. He attempted to jump the red light, only to be fined. / He had attempted to jump the red light. As a result, he was fined.

3. At the meeting his sense of humor left a deep impression on everyone present.

4. In order not to let his audience down, Einstein had Hans give a lecture instead of him.

5. Whoever has invented the medicine for AIDS is sure to be awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine.

1. 你认为这个小孩有音乐天赋吗?(gift)

2. 这个获奖者以他出众的作品而获得了一等奖。(award)

3. 我国每年举行特别的仪式来表彰那些杰出的科学家。(honour)

4. 没有比奥运会开幕式更值得看的东西了。(worth)

5. 因为双方的分歧越来越大,他们认为这份协议已被毁弃。(regard)

1. Do you think the child has a gift for music?

2. The winner was awarded the first prize for his outstanding work.

3. A special ceremony is held to honour those outstanding scientists in our country every year.

4. Nothing else is more worth seeing than the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

5. Since the difference between both sides is becoming bigger and bigger, they regard the agreement as having been broken.

1. 这本关于文学的书值得一看。(worth)

2. 人们认为信心和耐心是成功的关键。(regard)

3. 回到家乡后,他花光所有的积蓄买下了那座城堡。(spend)

4. 最后一班公共汽车已经开走,所以我只好乘了一辆出租汽车。(force)

5. 长时间的辛勤工作后,和一些密友聚一聚,放松一下自己是很有必要的。(It)

1. The book on literature is worth reading.

2. People regard confidence and patience as the key to success.

3. He spent all his savings buying / on that castle after he returned to his hometown.

4. I was forced to take a taxi because the last bus had left.

5. It is absolutely / really / quite necessary to get together with some close friends and relax after a long period of hard work. (It is absolutely / really / quite necessary to relax by getting together with some close friends after working hard for a long time.)
