八年级仁爱英语unit5 topic1 section D课件

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Linking verb +adjective
You look excited.
I feel disappointed.
Grammar focus
It tastes delicious.
The man seems worried. It smells terrible. Did she sound upset? She was very sad and went mad.
( C ( A ( C
( B
Write a passage according to the
pictures in 2, using the words given.
You can begin like this:
One day, Mr. Wang was on his way
The father was lonely and often became angry because of
the noisy children.
Useful expressions
How are you doing? Very well, thank you.
Please say thanks to your mom.
( A ) 1. Jack ___two hours on his homework every day. A. spends B. takes C. costs ( B) 2. ---I missed a goal in the soccer game yesterday. ---__________ A. Good luck. B. What a shame! C. You’re welcome. ( B) 3. When someone does something helpful for us, we should say ____ to him or her. A. thankful B. thanks C. sorry ( C ) 4. My uncle lives __on the farm, but he doesn’t feel _. A. alone, alone B. lonely, alone C. alone, lonely ( A ) 5.---Mary is unhappy today. Because she didn’t pass the math exam. ---It’s doesn’t matter. Let’s______. A. cheer her up B. cheer for her C. cheer up her
Why all the smiling faces? How nice! They are pround of their player. Michael isn’t able to come.
I hope everything goes well.
1. Collect some material about your favorite movie, play or story. 2. Discuss it in groups. The following questions may be useful. What’s your favorite movie /play/story? Are the people in it happy or sad? Why or why not? What happens in the end? What do you think of it? 3. Give a report about your discussion to your class.
(F ) 4.Few people in China like Beijing Opera.
Work alone
Listen and complete the passage. The stories in Beijing Opera are very
interesting Some of them are from __________.
Baidu Nhomakorabea
to ...
One day, Mr. Wang arrived in Beijing for a visit. He traveled to the hotel by taxi. He was very excited to be in Beijing. But when he reached the hotel, he found his ID card lost. He was very upset. He looked for it everywhere, but he couldn’t find it. Mr. Wang was so worried. What should he do? Just then, the taxi driver walked to him and asked,“ Is this your ID card?” He was so surprised because he thought he would never find his card again, he was very happy and grateful.
Written work
Write a passage according to the pictures, using the given words.
You can begin like this: One day, Mr. Wang arrived in Beijing for a visit …
Read 1a again and mark True (T) or False (F).
(F ) 1.Beijing Opera came into being in 1790.
(T ) 2.Wusheng and Huadan are roles in Beijing Opera. (F ) 3.Its stories are from Xipi and Erhuang.
history books, but most are from
famous novels. The people in the stories agree usually can’t __________ with each other.
sad They become angry, unhappy, _____
3. The stories usually end with happiness. 故事通常以喜剧结束。 end (...) with 以„„结束。又如: The English alphabet begins with A and ends with Z. 英文字母表以A开始, 以Z结束. She ended the class with a song. 她用一首歌结束了这堂课。
B ) 6. Love Me Once More, Mom is so ____ that I cry again and
A. moved B. moving C. moves ) 7. ---Jackie Chan is popular with film fans all over the world. ---Yes, we’re very proud ________ him. A. for B. with C. of ) 8. Mr. Lee will be happy because he will have tickets _____ Titanic. A. to B. in C. on ) 9. Jane looks so __________ because she has a wonderful pet dog. A. exciting B. excite C. excited ) 10. ---These roses ________ lovely and beautiful. ---I want to send them to my teacher on Teachers’ Day. A. taste B. look C. smell
Unit 5 Feeling Happy
Topic 1 Why all the smiling faces?
Section D
How many main roles are there in Beijing Opera? Do you know?
Beijing Opera
Key points
1. It came into being after 1790 and has about 200 years of history. 它(京剧)是在公元1790年后形成的, 大约有二百年的历史了。 come into being 固定短语,意为“形 成,诞生”。又如: A new rule will soon come into being. 一个新规则很快就要出台了。
and lonely. Sometimes they are worried Then they frightened and _________. find a way to make peace with each
other. The stories usually end with happy in the happiness. Everyone is _______ end.
2) popular 形容词,意为“流行的”;be popular with意为“受„„欢迎”,with后 跟sb,with也可用among代替。如: Fashion is a very popular magazine in America. 《时尚》是美国很流行的杂志。 He is very interested in popular songs. 他对流行歌曲很感兴趣。 The song is popular with/among young people. 那首歌很受年轻人欢迎。
Beijing Opera has about 200 years of
history. There are four roles in it.
They are Sheng, Dan, Jing, Chou.
Would you like to know them? Let’s read and listen to 1a.
2. Beijing Opera used to be popular with old people. 1) used to意为“过去常常”,言外之 意 现在不这样了。又如: She used to get up early. 她过去常常起床很早。 Jack used to help Mary with her lessons.