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以人才和技巧为基本,发明出最高品德的产品和 服务,为人类社会的发展做出贡献
Recipe for success
The most important thing: product line from soup to

Samsung product almost cover the consumer from the kitchen in the home to every corner of the living room
三星电子在智能手机领域的代表性产品-Galaxy S(i9000)在国际手 机市场始终紧随 iPhone之后,成为与 iPhone抗衡的一匹黑马。
Meanwhile, samsung electronics the
intelligent mobile phone after coming out with flat computer (Tablet PC) - Galaxy Tab, and the products and apple's iPad will open which fierce competition become the focus of the industry.

samsung group Is the fortune magazine as the world 500 strong enterprises list, samsung electronics is its biggest subsidiary, which has now is the world's second largest mobile phone manufacturers, global sales of the largest electronic enterprise .
是美国《财富》杂志评选为世界500强企业之列,三星电子是旗下最大的子 公司,目前已是全球第二大手机生产商、全球营收最大的电子企业
Samsung Electronics

Samsung electronics in intelligent mobile phone field representative products - Galaxy S (i9000) in the international mobile phone market always followed after the iPhone, become and iPhone counter of a dark horse.
The father of samsung-- libingzhe
Value talent

In January 1977, samsung built research courtyard, now developed into a "comprehensive research courtyard invention pavilion" and "advanced skills training" led a total of eight research, teaching staff every day can accommodate up to 2000 people
与此同时,三星电子继智能手机之后即将推出平板计算机 (Tablet PC)- Galaxy Tab,而该产品与苹果公司的 iPad将展开何种激烈的较量成为业界关注的焦点。
Samsung product
Samsung concept
With talent and skill for basic, create the highest moral qualities of products and services, and to contribute to the development of human society
Brand maintenance
Samsung to domain name cover very
valued, and has repeatedly through the dispute arbitration domain ownership 三星公司对域名掩护非常看重,曾多次通过仲 裁获争议域名所有权
company introduction

Samsung group is Korea first big enterprise, at the same time is also a multinational enterprise group