高中英语必修1Unit3Travel Journal

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Points for attention
A travel plan
travel cost
Means of transportation
Things to take
Where Why What How When
My Travel Plan
Where are you staying?
Why are you going there?
Sample dialogue
A: Linda, where are you going on holiday? B: I’m going to Thailand. A: When are you leaving? B: Next Sunday. A: How are you going there? B: I’m taking a plane. A: How long are you staying? B: About one week. A: So what are you going to do? B: I want to visit some famous places like the
1. cheaper than 1. more expensive
the airplane than the train or
2. provides
accommodation and meals
2. not convenient for visiting inland places
1. quick
Grand Palace in Bangkok(曼谷泰国大王宫). A: Great. Good luck on your journey! B: Many thanks.
We are going to travel !
• All of us _a__re__f_o_n_d__o_f(喜欢) traveling and we all have d_r_e_a_m__e__d_a__b_o_u__t ( 梦 想 ) visiting some places.
What’s the characters between Wang Kun and Wang Wei?
1. expensive
2. efficient
2. journey
3. provides meals ends far from
the city
Use these expressions to end your dialogue
Have a nice/good trip! Have a good time! Have fun! Good luck on your journey! Take care! All the best!
Transport Advantages Disadvantages
bus train ship airplane
What are their advantages and disadvantages?
safe/dangerous fast/ slow comfortable/uncomfortable expensive/cheap interesting/boring (view on the road)
Make friends
Be good to health
Have you ever been to these places?
Tian’anmen Square The Heaven Temple
The Forbidden City
The Great Wall
He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.
They are Wang Kun’s cousins who
are at a college in Kunming.
Where are they going to and how to get there?
They have the idea to c_y_c_le _al_o_n_g_the Mekong River. From _w__h_e_re_ it _b_eg_i_n_s_to w__h_e_re_ it _e_n_d_s_.
and things to take.
reading Journey down the Mekong
China (the source)
Laos Myanma r Tha iland Cambodia Vietnam The South Sea (the end)
Q: How many countries does the river pass through?
on foot
by bike
by motor
by bus
by car
by train
by ship/boat/sea by plane/ air by spaceship
Which transport do you prefer?
Think about the advantages and disadvantages of each form of transport and fill in the following chart.
Bird’s nest (the National Stadium )
Байду номын сангаас
Water Cube
the Terracotta Warriors
Mount Qomolongma (Mount Everest)
Potala Palace
Eiffel Tower
巴黎艾菲尔铁塔 (位于塞纳河南岸)
Yes. The journey begins at an
altitude of more than 5,000 metres,
where it is hard to breathe and very
Altitude: more than 5000m
Air: hard to breathe
She didn’t know the best way of getting to places. She hadn’t looked at a map.
She doesn’t care about details.
Is it a difficult journey to cycle along the Mekong? Why?
The countries
Mekong River
flows through
Mekong River
The main idea of each paragraph
Para 1. Wang Kun and Wang Wei planned to cycle along the Mekong River together with their cousins Dao Wei and Yu Hang.
Wang Kun and Wang Wei?
They are brother and sister,
and both are college students.
2. What was their dream?
Their dream was to take a great bike trip.
3.Who are Dao Wei and Yu Hang?
1. cheaper than the airplane 2. journey ends in the center of the town/city
1. takes longer than the airplane 2. does not provide meals
Transport Advantages Disadvantages
Transport Advantages Disadvantages
1. very cheap 2. efficient for short journeys 3. goes to small towns/cities
1. takes longer than the train or airplane 2. does not provide meals
When are they going to the trip?
After graduating from college
Who planned the trip to the Mekong?
Wang Wei panned the trip.
What did Wang Wei prepare for the trip?
Temperature: very cold
How to describe a person
not change one’s mind
She can be really stubborn.
A. 坚决
make up one’s mind
give in
Learning tip: Support your opinion with facts.
Down by the riverside 走在河滩上
I laid my burdens down 我卸下了负担
Now I'm traveling light 现在我轻装前行
My spirit lifted high 我的精神在升腾
I found my freedom now 我终于找到了自由
And I'm traveling light 我轻装前行
This summer vocation, we plan to travel down the
Mekong river. It __f_lo__w_s__t_h_r_o_u_g(流h 经)six countries and has a number of beautiful v_i_e_w_s__ ( 风 景 ). We _p_r_e_f_e_r__to__travel by train, because there are few d_i_s_a_d__v_a_n_t_a_g__e_s (劣势) and the _fa__r_e_(费用) is low.
Do you like traveling?
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 千里之行始于足下
Why do you like traveling?
Increase our knowledge
Why like traveling
What are you going to do? How are you getting there?
When are you leaving/coming back? How long are you going to stay?
What things are you taking?
How many kinds of transportation are there ?
Before traveling, we need a good travel plan. We need
to _c_a_r_e__a_b_o__u_t(关心) a number of things, such as destination, _tr_a_n__s_p_o_r_t (交通工具),_s_c_h_e__d_u_l_e(日程表)
Mount Fuji 日本富士山
Liberty of Statue
the Pyramids
How will you prepare for traveling?
How will you prepare for traveling?
What to do
background information
Para 2. Wang Wei was very stubborn and Wang Kun had to give in.
Para 3. Wang Kun and Wang Wei made the preparation for the trip.
1. What’s the relationship between