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The second industrial re volution signs: electrificatio n which are rapidly used in industrial production, promoting the development of economy.
Third industrial revolution: the de velopment of microelectronics techn ology and widely used. Not only greatly promote the rev olution in the field of human society, economy, politics, culture, and it als o affects the human way of life and ways of thinking.
how to solve?
1.for individual: we shouldn't be addictd to technology production.Inversely,we should make it a tool for studying, living, working,ect. 2.for society: cultivate an atmosphere, in which everyone will be guided to utilize technology correctly. 3.for inventor: Be responsible to society and people,make production perfect and reasonable.
explosions spewed radioactive p articles across many of the surro unding towns, complicating an al ready historic disaster. Though n o deaths have been directly attri buted to the accident, tens of tho usands of people from towns as f ar as 25 miles away have been d isplaced by the disaster.
How to change this condition? More and more countries are tr ying to work out some effective means to bring it under control,but no great s uccess has been made.
What does modern technology bring?
For the first time the i ndustrial revolution marks: the invention of the steam engine, caused a major chan ge in production relat ions.
As the old saying goes: every coin has two sides. Modern hightech not only plays an important role in improving peopl e's living standards and promoting social development, they also become in dispensable criminals.
制作者:彭敬 庞浩帅
• What does technology bring? • A brief review of the three industrial revolution • Summary of technology development • side-effect of technology • Common phenomenon around us • Conclusion and possible solutions to it
Fra Baidu bibliotek
Environmental pollution
In fact,Environmental p ollution is a very seriou s problem the whole w orld is facing. it is mainly caused by t he waste products rele ased from artificial substances, industrial production and increas ed consumption of goo ds.

Modern technology simplifies life in so many ways an d everyone defines technology in their own way.

To some people, it means complicated electronic d evices. To others, it means the source of the radical cha nges that are happening in all phases of life. Others defi ne technology as science applied to practical purposes. Some people fear to use technology while others see it a s the source of longer and more complete lives. However, the drawbacks of technology are obvious:
Look at the sky,you can see tha t dense smoke is being released from the high and big chimneys; those dirty and poisonous substances are flowin g into the rivers that we use for drinkin g water and millions of tons of waste p roducts are surrounding us.

At 8:00 on August 6,1945.The US launched atomic bomb to Japan. The city suddenly rolled up huge M ushroomYanyun, and then they put up Hiroshima City immediately become a hot coke fire. At that time, Hiroshima po pulation of 340,000 people near the ex plosion centre of the majority of people died,wounded and missing the 5.1 milli on people, the city's 76,000 buildings w ere destroyed in a full 48,000, serious d amage By 22,000.
Fukushima Nuclear PowerPlant,The 2011 tsuna mi swamped the plant, locat ed 240 km (150 miles) north of Tokyo, and knocked out p ower to cooling systems for t he three reactors that were o perating at the time. The result was the se condworst nuclear accident i n history, trailing only the 19 86 disaster at Chernobyl. Fukushima:日本福 岛城市。 tsunami:海啸 Chernobyl:乌克兰一 城市
Modern technology is simply an advancement o f old technology, the impact of technology in m odern life is enormous. We use technology in different ways and som etimes the way we implement various technolo gies ends up harming our lives or the society w e live. What we call modern technology is techn ically not so new in most cases. For example, m obile phone technology has evolved these years,nowadays we use smartphones whi ch have been an advancement of an ordinary mobile phone.