






























我在努力提升速度,争取更新周期越来越短!祝家长和孩子们以及学而思同仁端阳佳节阖家欢乐,笑口常开!新概念第二册小升初考点解析及小升初英语答疑帖——不定期连载,敬请关注!下面晒出的是第4~5课的考点:Lesson 4 An exciting tripLesson 5 No wrong numbers考点1:现在完成时(此考点附有讲解录音)。



两课中用到完成时的句子有:1)I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim.2) He has been there for six months.3) He has already visited a great number of places in Australia.4) He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Springs.5) My brother has never been abroad before.6) He has just bought another garage in Pinhurst.7)…he has just bought twelve pigeons.8) Up to now, Mr.Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts…9)In this way, he has begun his own private telephone service.一、意义: 从现在回顾以前发生的事件,有以下两种情况:1.这个事件一直延续或不断重复到现在,或者还将延续或重复下去。



《朗文英语4 B》复习提要Chapter 2:Rules in Fun Places在游乐场所的规则I. 经过第2章的学习,下面的新单词我们要准确无误地读(read them correctly),知道它们的中文意思(know the Chinese meaning),不看书进行英汉互译( translate),并且还要会拼写( spell)。

turn off your mobile phone关手机turn on your mobile phone开手机eat or drink吃或喝litter乱扔东西spit吐痰,吐口水climb攀爬dive潜水,跳水keep quiet保持安静sign标牌,标识II.句型。

下面的关键句型我们要会读(read), 知道意思(know the Chinese meaning), 会根据不同的语境来运用(use them in different contexts),会写(write them correctly)。

本章我们学习的关键句型和语法主要是:1. must / mustn’t + do. must 是一个情态动词,后面加动词原形,表示一种命令的语气,解释为“必须”。

比如:You mustn’t eat or drink.你禁止吃或喝。

You mustn’t spi t. 你禁止乱扔垃圾。

Yo u mustn’t climb.你禁止攀爬。

You mustn’t run. 你禁止奔跑。

You mustn’t dive.你禁止潜水(跳水)。

2. No + doing,表示“禁止”。


比如:No eating or drinking. =You mustn’t eat or drin k.禁止吃或喝。

No spitting. =Y ou mustn’t spit. 禁止乱扔东西。

spit 要双写词尾‘t’,再加‘ing’.No clim bing. =You mustn’t climb.禁止攀爬。















(没有以歌声为重点) 2、在毕业典礼上,同学们围成一圈,手拉着手,人人发自内心的唱出了一首团结的歌。


) 评一评 议一议3、考试前的晚上,我吃了晚饭,出去走了一会儿,听到一阵歌声。


(语言苍白,没有具体描写“歌声” ) (忽略情境设置 )参考答案:情景一:毕业典礼上同学们歌声 在初三年级举行的毕业典礼上,同学们手拉着手,满怀激情地唱起了校歌,用歌声表达了他们对老师的感激,用歌声传达了他们对母校的热爱,用歌声唱出了他们对未来的憧憬,那歌声至今还萦绕在我的耳边。























《英语阅读》教学大纲English Reading一.基本信息课程代码:b04214091课程学分:2 学分/册x 4 = 8 学分面向专业:英语本科专业课程性质:英语学科基础必修课(考试)开课院系:外语系英语本科专业使用教材:《泛读教程》第1-4册王守仁赵文书高虹姚媛等编上海外语教育出版社(2009年版)辅助教材:《英语专业1-4级水平测试练习题集》上海外语教育出版社(2009年版)先修课程:与《英语精读》1 - 4册相配合学分6并修课程:《英语语法》学分2后续课程:《高级英语》学分4二.课程简介英语阅读课的目的在于培养学生的英语阅读理解能力和提高学生的阅读速度;培养学生细致观察语言的能力以及假设判断、分析归纳、推理检验等逻辑思维能力;提高学生的阅读技能,包括细读、略读、查阅等能力;并通过阅读训练帮助学生扩大词汇量、吸收语言和文化背景知识。



三. 选课建议:《泛读教程》(第1-4册)适合英语专业本科1-2年级学生分四学期学习使用。


四.课程基本要求根据教育部颁发的《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》,和本套《泛读教程》设计要求,通过学习,应达到如下目标:1、了解英语语言的本质及社会功能;2、了解英语阅读的基本方法和基本技巧,并初步掌握对阅读内容的分析归纳能力;3、了解并掌握本套教材中应掌握的语言结构知识,并能按规定完成词汇、短语的转变要求;4、通过一定量的阅读训练能在规定时间内完成长度由800- 2500字左右的通识性文章。

五.课程内容《泛读教程》(第一册)第一单元Unit 1 University Student Life第二单元Unit 2 Culture Shock第三单元Unit 3 Movie第四单元Unit 4 Food第五单元Unit 5 Business第六单元Unit 6 Sports第七单元Unit 7 Shyness第八单元Unit 8 Native People第九单元Unit 9 Bible Stories第十单元Unit 10 Festivals and Holidays第十一单元Unit 11 Advertising第十二单元Unit 12 Agriculture《泛读教程》(第二册)第一单元Unit 1 Reading第二单元Unit 2 Music第三单元Unit 3 Generation第四单元Unit 4 Weather and Climate第五单元Unit 5 Work第六单元Unit 6 The African A merican第七单元Unit 7 Greek Stories第八单元Unit 8 Attitude Towards Life第九单元Unit 9 First Aid第十单元Unit 10 Marriage第十一单元Unit 11 Creativity第十二单元Unit 12 Travel《泛读教程》(第三册)第一单元 Unit 1 Reading Strategies第二单元 Unit 2 Education第三单元 Unit 3 Body language第四单元 Unit 4 Animals第五单元 Unit 5 History第六单元 Unit 6 Language第七单元 Unit 7 Space第八单元 Unit 8 Women第九单元 Unit 9 Cities第十单元 Unit 10 Cross-cultural Communication 第十一单元 Unit 11 Information Retrieval第十二单元 Unit 12 Environment《泛读教程》(第四册)第一单元Unit 1 Language Testing第二单元Unit 2 Exploration第三单元Unit 3 Refugee第四单元Unit 4 Cigarettes第五单元Unit 5 Globalization第六单元Unit 6 Immigrants第七单元Unit 7 Ecology第八单元Unit 8 Holocaust第九单元Unit 9 Diplomatic Practice第十单元Unit 10 Christianity第十一单元Unit 11 Politics第十二单元Unit 12 Art六.课内实验名称及基本要求(略)七.教学进度(第1 - 4册基本进度如下 , 可作适当调整)第一单元 2 课时/周第二单元 2 课时/周第三单元 2 课时/周第四单元 2 课时/周第五单元 2 课时/周第六单元 2 课时/周第七单元 2 课时/周第八单元 2 课时/周第九单元 2 课时/周第十单元 2 课时/周第十一单元 2 课时/周第十二单元 2 课时/周八.作业按照教材每章节作业分为两个部分;1.课前预习课堂必须要求全部完成的部分。



《朗文英语4A》复习提要Chapter 3:When our grandparent s were young当我们爷爷奶奶(外婆外公)小的时候I. 经过第3章的学习,下面的新单词我们要准确无误地读(read them correctly),知道它们的中文意思(know the Chinese meaning),不看书进行英汉互译(translate),并且还要会拼写(spell)。

*注意:an air-con 一台空调II.句型。

下面的关键句型我们要会读(read), 知道意思(know the Chinese meaning), 会根据不同的语境来运用(use them in different contexts),会写(write them correctly)。

-- Was there any cola when you were young,G randpa?-- Yes, there was. (肯定回答)-- Was there any fast food when you were young?-- No, there wasn’t.(否定回答)-- Were there any air-con s when you were young, G randma?-- Yes, there were.(肯定回答)-- Were there any mobile phone s when you were young, G randma? -- No, there weren ’t .(否定回答)总结:当名词是可数名词单数或不可数名词时,be 动词用单数(is ,was)。

当主语是可数名词的复数时, be 动词用复数(are, were )。

总结如下:is/was + 不可数名词/ 可数名词单数are/were + 可数名词复数some 和any 的用法如下:some 用在肯定句中any 用在疑问句或否定句中 *注意:Grandpa 和Grandma 一般用语口语称呼,其结构一般是“…,Grandpa/Grandma ”。



4BChapter5复习提要黄璐《朗⽂英语4 B》复习提要Chapter 5:Food from around the world来⾃全世界的⾷物I.PartA经过第1章的学习,下⾯的新单词我们要准确⽆误地读(read them correctly),知道它们的中⽂意思(know the Chinese meaning),不瞧书进⾏英汉互译( translate),并且还要会拼写( spell)。

1、Italy意⼤利2、France法国3、Japan⽇本4、America美国5、China 中国注意:国家名称⾸字母要⼤写6、from around the world来⾃全世界7、international国际的8、Fr an ce法国9、Fr en ch 法语、法国⼈、法国的eg、He is a French, so he can speak French、她就是⼀个法国⼈,所以她会说法语。

He is from France, but he can’t speak French、她来⾃法国,但就是她不会说法语。

It is French food,and I like it very much、它就是法国的⾷物,我很喜欢它。

10、come from =be from 来⾃eg、I come from China、= I am from China、He comes from Italy、= He is from Italy、We come from Japan、= We are from Japan、Where do you come from= Where are you fromShe doesn’t come from Ch ina、= She isn’t from China、II句型。

下⾯的关键句型我们要会读( read), 知道意思(know the Chinese meaning), 会根据不同的语境来运⽤( use them in different contexts), 会写( write them correctly)。


(2)从现实意义上:大卫·科波菲尔无疑倾注了作者的全部心血。不论是他孤儿时代所遭遇的种种 磨难和辛酸,还是他成年后不屈不挠的奋斗,都表现了一个小人物在资本主义社会中寻求出路 的痛苦历程。经历了大苦大难后尝到人间幸福和温暖的大卫,靠的是他真诚、直率的品性,积 极向上的精神,以及对人的纯洁友爱之心。狄更斯正是从人道主义的思想出发,暴露了金钱的 罪恶,从而掀开“维多利亚盛世”的美丽帷幕,显现出隐藏其后的社会真相。
小说通过大卫·科波菲尔这个孩子的眼睛展现了十九世纪英国底层的社 会生活,写出了周围的人物和环境对他成长的影响,既表达了作者对人世 间善良、宽厚、仁爱等美德的赞美,同时也蕴含着对当时社会的批评。
以一个儿童的视角来讲述故事,好处有: (1)使故事更客观、真实; (2)叙述的语言更平易、亲切; (3)儿童的好奇心能推动故事情节的发展,使人物形象更立体、饱满 (4)用儿童的天真善良的天性对照成人世界的丑陋。审视人性,凸显主题, 直扣人心。
大卫·科波菲尔 狄更斯
1、了解作者查尔斯•狄更斯,了解小说创作背景。 2、梳理并把握小说情节。 3、把握小说人物的形象特征,学习小说通过外貌描写、语 言描写、动作描写等塑人物形象的方法。

以“我”的成长/“我”的所见所闻/“我”的经历为主要线索展开情节的。 通过结识米考伯夫妇,紧扣“成长”这一线索,体现了“我”的善良以及对造 成米考伯夫妇这一切社会根源的深刻批评。






























高二年级生物导学提纲选修3(十五)选修班专题5 生态工程5.1 生态工程的基本原理班级:____________学号:__________姓名:_____________执笔人:侍东升审核人:乔中全校对人:朱春霞【学习目标】1.知识技能目标本节要能够简述生态工程兴起的原因,掌握生态工程的五个基本原理,并能在此基础上分析生态问题及解决对策。





【学习过程】一、课前导学A、自主学习㈠、生态工程1、生态工程的概念:指人类应用_________________等学科的基本原理和方法,通过系统设计、调控和技术组装,对已被坏的生态环境进行_______________,对造成__________ ___________的传统生产方式进行改善,并提高生态系统的生产力,从而促进___________ _____________的和谐发展。







研究生英语读写提高级 课文4B A Pill for Loneliness

研究生英语读写提高级 课文4B  A Pill for Loneliness

课文原文4B Medical ResearchPassage 2 A Pill for LonelinessLoneliness is part of the human condition. A primeval warning sign, like hunger or thirst, to seek out a primary resource: connection. Millions of years of evolution have shaped us into creatures who need social bonds in the same way that we need food and water.And yet we increasingly find ourselves isolated. Loneliness is no longer a powerful enough driver to break us out of the silos created by modern life. 'Like our insatiable love of high-calorie foods, what was once an adaptive tool has become so misaligned with the way we live that it's causing, in the words of former surgeon general Vivek HMurthy , an “epidemic”.It's hard to compare our collective loneliness against that of previous generations, as we simply haven't been measuring it consistently, but recent estimates suggest that anywhere from 22 to 75 percent of American adults are persistently lonely. A number of culture-wide structural changes might be to blame: More Americans live alone than ever before; fewer of us are marrying or having children; our average household size is shrinking. In many cases, these changes represent the availability of options where once the only accepted path was marriage and a nuclear family!But they also mean we are spending more time on our own.Western societies have demoted human gregariousness from a necessity to an incidental,’ writes John Cacioppo, an neuroscientist who studied social pain' and passed away in. March 2018, in his book Loneliness.The trouble is that chronic loneliness doesn't just make you feel terrible--it's also terrible for you. Loneliness elevates our risk of developing a range of disorders. diseases. cognitive decline, and metastatic cancer. It also weakens the immune system, making us more susceptible to infections. Left untended, even situational loneliness can ossify into a fixed state that changes brain structures and processes, says Stephanie Cacioppo, director of the Brain Dynamics Lab at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. She is also Jon Cacioppo's widow and was his research partner up until his death last year.As a scientist, Stephanie Cacioppo has often viewed her life as an experiment. When John died, the practical elements of their joint research took on an urgent personal relevance. “My husband was the love of my life,” she says“I am living proof of my science. I apply it every day.?People sometimes compare social loss to physical pain but Stephanie finds the analogy inaccurate. After John's death, she went on long, punishing runs, pushing herself in near-freezing temperatures until her muscles and lungs screamed.“I could handle the pain because I knew it would have an end,”she says.“The physical pain associated with running was less intense than the deep, heartfelt emotional pain of the loss of the love of my life ,;Stephanie says she's now relying on many of the social fitness exercises that the couple validated together, such as making an effort to express gratitude, doing something nice for someone else without expecting something in return choosing to engage with strangers, and sharing good news with others.She has also found relief in her work and in continuing with others.her husband's legacy: “If you have a sense of worth and life with a purpose, you will feel less lonely,” Stephanie says. Today, that means continuing a body of research that she and her late husband were beginning to explore: a pill for loneliness.It's less science fiction than it sounds. A number of clinical trials--led by Stephanie and others-are already underway, targeting the ways in which chronic loneliness changes the brain, as well as the havoc it unleashes on the nervous system. If there are pharmacological treatments for other social pains like depression and anxiety, why no loneliness?Like depression and anxiety, loneliness is a universal part of the human experience. Unlike depression and anxiety, loneliness has no recognized clinical form; there is no available diagnosis or treatment for feeling chronically isolated.Ellen Hendriksen, a clinical psychologist who specializes in anxiety, envisions a future in which that's no longer the case. Currently, social anxiety is considered a disorder only when it causes enough distress or impairment to interfere with a person's life. She can see the same distinction working for loneliness:“Maybe we'llcall this social isolation syndrome,”Hendriksen suggests, adding that she thinks many of her patients would fit the criteria. Some people tell her that she's the only person they interact with for an extended period of time during the week.“Loneliness,according to Stephanie Cacioppo, is the result of biological signals that push us to reach out to others interacting with a dysfunctional mind that perceives social danger everywhere. She focused on a promising intervention: a neurosteroid called pregnenolone, which has been shown to improve stress-related disorders and ease the hyper vigilance in the brain that arises when a person is exposed to social threats. Cacioppo's goal is not to make people stop feeling lonely altogether, but to interfere with the ways loneliness affects the brain and body.When mice are socially isolated, their levels of pregnenolone decrease, a shift that also occurs in lonely humans. In a 2013 study of 31 healthy people, another research team found that giving people oral doses of a compound called allopregnanolone--derived from pregnanolone--had a calming effect on the participants’ amygdala and insula, which are the regions of the brain responsible for threat detection,emotional recall, and the anticipation of unpleasant reactions.The Cacioppos started focusing on pregnenolone and allopregnanolone after preclinical trials showed that the compound could counteract some of the loneliness.related biological changes in brain and was well-tolerated in humans. Some antidepressants provide a similar effect burcome with undesirable side effects, like drowsiness, nausea and insomnia.“**************************************************************** of lonely individuals, then we could have them reconnect, rather than withdraw from others,” Stephaniesays.That's the basis for her most recent study, where (6researchers administered 400-milligram oral doses of pregnenolone to lonely but otherwise healthy individuals. The trial ran from May 2017 to June 2019; Stephanie and her team are now in the process of analyzing the data. She's cautiously optimistic that the results will show significantly reduced perceived loneliness among the people who received pregnenolone versus those who received a placebo. Just as thirst is a signal that youare dehydrated.loneliness is an indication that you are already suffering from a lack of connection.Another 2016 review of pharmacological treatments co-authored by the Cacioppos explored the possibility of giving people the hormone oxytocin to combat chronic loneliness. Associated with breastfeeding, giving birth, and physical contact, the release of oxytocin in humans has been shown to “promote pro-social behaviors, affiliation, and trust,” the authors wrote.Meanwhile,Steve Cole, a professor of medicine psychiatry, and behavioral sciences at the UCLA School of Medicine who frequently collaborated with the Cacioppos is exploring how to mitigate the way loneliness makes the body susceptible to a host of diseases. Beta blockers, a heart medication developed in the 1960s, inhibit the body’s response to adrenaline and might also “turn out to be great at disconnecting the psychological experience of social threat and uncertainty from its biological consequences in the periphery, Cole says. “Even if we can't stop loneliness with a brain-targeted drug, we might still be able to protect lonely people from the adverse health consequences ,Cole is hoping to validate the drug's ability to reduce the impact of stress on the body. At the moment, he is studying the impact of beta blockers on cancer patients as stress has been shown to exacerbate the spread of the disease. If effective, there's reason to believe beta blockers could alleviate the destructive biological consequences of loneliness.In a dizzying number of ways, modern life is designed to disengage us from one another. And with such obvious barriers to connection, it may not seem worthwhile to pursue a pharmaceutical solution.“We are such a medicated comfortably numb society, Bainbridge says. In her own life, she sees loneliness not as a problem to be fixed, but a complicated, ambivalent state that adds depth to the experience of being a social creature in a fragmented world.At least for now, there remain nonpharmacological strategies to rely on. If you're feeling the pain of social isolation but have a support system, it can pay to tell the people closest to you what you need. Last spring was a particularly lonely time for Bainbridge. She had recently moved from New York City, where she had a solidgroup of friends, to Atlanta, where she knew virtually no one. “And so she requested a favor from her mom. The ask was simple:Text her every day in the morning with an update, question or random thought. The content mattered less than the act itself. “It really helped me she says. To this day, her mom still texts every morning.Actively searching for meaning in your life, whether it's by joining a volunteer organization, movement, or religious group, also helps. It's less about meeting other people, at least at first, and more about finding purpose and taking part in something larger than yourself, Cole says Self-focus promotes negative emotional states,’ while there is robust evidence that the “neurobiology of helping others is one of the most rewarding things a brain can do.”Stephanie Cacioppo has found a larger purpose in advancing the work she started with John. She recently heard a quote that has stuck with her: “Mozart didn't die; he became music," she says. “I believe my husband didn't die; he became theory. I am applying his theory.” (1637 words)。


• 【寻欢作乐】 追求享乐放纵的生活。 • 【肆无忌惮】 任意妄为,无所畏忌。 • 【时来运转】 时机来临,命运开始好转。 • 【死乞白赖】 指纠缠不休。 • 【俏皮】 课文中指说话幽默、风趣。 • 【扯淡(dàn)】 课文中指胡说乱道。此外还指①闲扯。②没意思;
冷落;调零。②疏散;稀疏。③匮乏;简陋。 • 【世故】课文中指世俗人情,处世经验。 • 【凄楚】凄惨痛苦。 • 【愤慨】气愤不平,愤恨感慨。 • 【狞(níng)笑】凶恶地笑。 • 【抽咽】一吸一顿地哭泣,悲哀得说不出话来。[近义] 抽噎 • 【周济】用钱财等物质给别人帮助。 • 【呆若木鸡】痴呆得像木头做的鸡一样。形容因出于意料之外十分惊
• 耍 ( shuǎ ) • 掷 ( zhì ) • 骚动( sāo) • 咳嗽( sòu ) • 滑稽( jī ) • 鹞子( yào ) • 糟蹋(tà ) • 作揖( yī )
• 【凄凉】课文中指悲伤难过。原指①孤寂冷落。②凄惨。[近义] 凄楚 凄然
• 【嗫嚅(nièrú)】口动,形容想说话又吞吞吐吐,欲言又止的样子。 • 【安分守己】安守本分,规矩老实。 • 【萧条】课文中指政治、经济等不景气;衰微;衰退。原指①寂寞,
• 嗫嚅(nièrú) 薪水(xīn) 喃喃(nǎn) 倚着(yí)
瞅见(chǒu) 厌恶(wù) 狞笑(níng)
愤慨(gài) 抽咽(yè)
• 憋不住( biē ) 阉马( yān )
逮捕( dài )
• 龇牙( zī )
跺脚( duò )
爵士( jué ) 谣言( yáo )

; 物联卡加盟

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《朗文英语4 B》复习提要Chapter 3 :Holiday Plans (假期计划) in Hong Kong 本章出现的所有香港地名只需要会读、知道意思,不要求拼写。

I. 经过第3章的学习,下面的新单词我们要准确无误地读 (read them correctly ),知道它们的中文意思(know the Chinese meaning) ,不看书进行英汉互译( translate) ,并且还要会拼写( spell)。

district 地区forget to do 忘记做某事a beautiful city 一个漂亮的城市in Hong Kong 在香港flag raising ceremony 升旗仪式go shopping 购物watch a performance ( watch performances )观看表演eat seafood 吃海鲜visit the open market 参观开放市场see the sea ani mals(see sea ani mal^t 海洋动物have lunch 吃午餐bay 海湾peak 山顶else其他Causeway Bay 铜锣湾Stanley 赤柱Ocean Park 海洋公园the Peak 太平山顶Wan Chai 湾仔Sai Kung 西贡Tsim Sha Tsui 尖沙咀II. 句型。

下面的关键句型我们要会读 (read),知道意思(know the Chinese meaning), 会根据不同的语境来运用 ( use them in different contexts),会写( write them correctly )。

本章我们学习的关键句型和语法主要是:1. will 表示将来时,后面加动词原型:will+do2. 问句答句时态保持一致。


3. at 后面一般跟小地点,比如at school, at hospital, at home, at the restaurant 等等。

4. in 后面一般跟大地点,比如国家和城市:in China, in Jiangsu, inNanjing 。

5. I will= I 'll--Where will you go in Hong Kong? 在香港,你将会去哪里?--I 'll goot Ocean Park. 我将会去海洋公园。

--What will you do there? 在那里(海洋公园) ,你将会做什么?--I ' II see the sea animals ther我将会去看海洋动物。

--Where elsewill you go in Hong Kong? 在香港,你还将去哪里?--I II go to Wan Cha我将会去湾仔。

--What will you do there? 在那里(湾仔),你将会做什么?--I ' II go to the flag aising ceremony.我将会去看升旗仪式。

--Where eIse wiII you go in Hong Kong? 在香港,你还将去哪里?--I II go to Causeway Ba我将会去铜锣湾。

--What wiII you do there? 在那里(铜锣湾),你将会做什么?--I II go shoppi ng there我将会在那里购物。

--Where eIse wiII you go in Hong Kong? 在香港,你还将去哪里?--I II go tcTsim Sha Tsui .我将会去尖沙咀。

--What wiII you do there? 在那里(尖沙咀),你将会做什么?--I ' II watch a performanee there我将会观看一场演出。

--Where eIse wiII you go in Hong Kong? 在香港,你还将去哪里--I II go to Sta nle我将会去赤柱。

--What wiII you do there? 在那里(赤柱),你将会做什么?--I 'II visit the open market there. 我将会游览开放市场。

--Where eIse wiII you go in Hong Kong? 在香港,你还将去哪里--I II go to Sai Kung我将会去西贡。

--What wiII you do there? 在那里(西贡),你将会做什么?--I II eat seafood ther我将会吃海鲜。

--Where eIse wiII you go in Hong Kong? 在香港,你还将去哪里--I ' II go to the Pea我将会去太平山顶。

--What will you do there? 在那里(太平山顶),你将会做什么?--I ' II have lunch there我将会吃午餐。

III. C部分学完后,你们要达到以下的要求哦。



1. from发件人2. sent发送时间3. a.m.凌晨至中午12点的时间(a.m.和in the morning不重叠使用)4. p.m.(中午12点至凌晨)5. to收件人6. subject 主题7. news消息,新闻。

(不可数名词,不是复数)8. for a holiday(表示目的)9. on Sunday 在周日10. show…around带…四处转转11. especially 尤其、特别12. Can' t wait to see you等不及要见你了。

13. pen friend 笔友14. make plans 做计戈U15. this Sunday(前面不加介词,比如this year, this morning…)16. told (tell的过去时)告诉17. for her visit(名词)来访18. show sb sth二show sth to sb 带… 看…19. some of +复数名词:有些…20. float 漂浮21. maybe也许(一般放在句首)22. any othe叶复数名词,放在疑问句中。

23. suggesti on (suggest 的名词形式)建议24. First ・Next ・Then…After that Finally (事情的先后顺序)3)对于下面的一些词组和句型,我们要准确而流利地读出来、能够英汉互译、会拼写、还要会运用和拓展。

1.1 am going to come to Hong Kong for a holiday.be going to + do:将要做…(将来时)What are you going to do tomorrow?I am going to meet my friend at the airport.How are you going to travel?I am going to travel by bus.Who are you going to meet this weeke nd?I am going to meet my En glish teacher.2. Cherry 'pen friend was coming to Hong Kong for a holiday.(过去进行时)She was dancing whe n I saw her.They were doing their homework at 7p.m. last night .I was playing football when my mum came to pick me up.3. Do you have any other suggestions?some other+复数名词,放在肯定句中any other+ 复数名词,放在疑问句或否定句中I know they will invite some other people too.These books are not interesting. Do you have any other books?Sorry, there aren 'tany other books.IV. Part ENew words and phrases for Part E .E 部分新单词和词组。


cousin 堂兄妹,表兄妹November 11 月countryside 乡村,田园old building 老建筑to be visited 将被访问hotel 旅馆a day out 外出一天itinerary 行程in time order 按时间顺序heritage 遗产,遗迹wishing tree 许愿树pick sb up 接某人island 岛屿(‘ s'is silent)fishing village 渔村(fish 有钓鱼的意思)suggest 建议(suggestion 的名词)tour 旅行(名词)tour bus 观光巴士take back to 带回hope 希望too tired 太疲劳best wishes放在信的末尾,通常以复数形式出现,表示对对方的祝福。

Tai Po 大埔Yuen Long 元朗Lam Tsuen Wishing Tree 林村许愿树Lo Wai Walled Village 老围村Central 中环Repulse Bay 浅水湾Aberdeen Fishing Village 香港仔渔村Hong Kong Island 香港岛New sentences for Part E 要求:1. 对于书上出现的句子,要知道中文意思、会读、会拼写、会运用。

2. 能够用First …Next …Then …After that …Finally(At last)来写话。

3. I hope you will not be too tired.will be+ 名词、形容词、介词短语I will be a teacher next year.I think she will be happy tonight. Because I will buy a birthday cakefor her.I think they will be in the playground 2 hours later. Because they aregoing to have a PE lesson.V. Part F. 要求:知道中文意思,会读,能英汉互译brochure 小册子Buddha 佛像(‘h'is silent)Disneyland 迪斯尼(是个地名,首字母要大些)Part GVI .Part G. 要求: 会背。
