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从二十三已经开始进入过年时间段了,一直到正月十五,每天都有不同的过年习俗。December 23 of the Lunar Calendar (Little New Year)腊月二十三——小年

Custom: Worshiping the Kitchen God习俗:祭灶

As the legend goes, there is a kitchen god in each house who is responsible for the kitchen and oversees the conduct of the family. On this day, the kitchen god returns to Heaven to report the conducts of the family to the Emperor of Heaven. Therefore, worshipping the kitchen god aims to "please him." People put out some sweet and sticky foods, such as rice dumplings and malted sugar. In this way, the lips of the kitchen god will stuck together, and he cannot report any wrong doings of the family. Thus the family can lead an auspicious life.

民俗传说中,每家都有一位灶神掌管饮食,也记录一家人的言行。今天,灶神就要返回天庭汇报这一户人一年的大小事,所以祭灶的主题就是“拉拢灶神”。在厨房内摆放些甜而粘牙的如汤圆、麦芽糖等食物,灶神的嘴被粘住,就少汇报些坏事,才能天降吉祥。December 24 of the Lunar Calendar腊月二十四

Custom: Dusting习俗:扫尘

After worshipping the kitchen god, people begin to thoroughly clean their houses to sweep away bad luck and welcome good luck. Dusting shows the good wish of putting away old things and welcoming a new life, making everything look fresh in the new year.


December 25 of the Lunar Calendar腊月二十五

Custom: Pasting Window Paper and Making Tofu习俗:糊窗户、磨豆腐

The times for pasting window paper are gone. Nowadays, the tradition is replaced by cleaning windows. Tofu is homophonic with "Toufu (first fortune of the year)", so it is considered as a good food which brings happiness. In order to prepare it for the Spring Festival, people should begin to grind beans and make tofu today.


December 26 of the Lunar Calendar腊月二十六

Custom: Preparation of Meat and Shopping for the Spring Festival习俗:割年肉、置年货When there was insufficient food in the past, the majority of ordinary people could enjoy a comparatively lavish feast only during the Spring Festival can be started on the day. Besides meat and fish, people also purchase cigarettes, wines, fruits, gifts and festive ornaments.


December 27 of the Lunar Calendar腊月二十七

Custom: Bating and Going to the Market习俗:洗浴、赶集

According to the traditional folk customs of the Han ethnic group, people should take a bath and do their washings to get rid of bad luck from the past year and welcome the new year. Besides the purpose of purchasing goods, people also go shopping to enjoy the exciting atmosphere of the Spring Festival in advance.


December 28 of the Lunar Calendar腊月二十八

Custom: Leaving Dough and Pasting Spring Couplets习俗:发面、贴春联

Besides meat and side dishes, people also prepare cooked wheaten food for the Spring Festival. People in north China mainly eat noodles. They leaven dough, steam buns or cook noodles during the Spring Festival. Today, people also paste spring couplets and pictures. With concise texts and festive patterns, people show their welcome for the Spring Festival. In addition, these activities indicate that the Spring Festival begins.


December 29 of the Lunar Calendar腊月二十九——小除夕

Custom: Paying Tribute to Ancestors习俗:祭祖

Preparation for the Spring Festival should be completed today, the day before New Year's Eve. Worshipping ancestors is also a major event on this day, by which people express their gratitude and yearning for their ancestors during the important festival.


December 30 of the Lunar Calendar大年三十——除夕

December 30 of lunar calendar, also called "Chuxi" (New Year's Eve), is the last day of the year according to lunar calendar. It means saying goodbye to the last year and welcoming the new year. Chuxi is to Chinese people what Christmas Eve is to Westerners. And it's also the climax of the whole Spring Festival. There are many customs in every period of time on this special day and those customs have been well observed for thousands of years.


7:00-11:30 Preparing for the Reunion Dinner 团年饭准备

In the morning, every family begins killing chicken and fishes as well as cutting meat and vegetables to prepare for the Reunion Dinner.

清晨开始,各家各户就忙着宰鸡、剖鱼、剁肉、切菜……为团年大餐做着最后的筹备工作。11:30-11:50 Praying to Ancestors拜敬祖先

Although different regions have different custom, many will pray to their ancestors before the dinner on this day. All the family members hosed by their patriarch offer incense and kowtow to
